Simple Research in Reading

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Background of the Study
Reading is a fundamental ability for higher learning. The best opportunity to
teach children the skills of reading is in the early grades or earlier if possible. If this
window is missed, then children who have not begun to read and understand what
they read will continue to fall behind unless swift action is taken.
According to Wolf (2007) the point of reading is comprehension; and the point
of comprehension is learning. Children who fail to learn to read in the first few grades
of school are handicapped in later grades as they must absorb increasing amounts of
instructional content in print form. Poor readers cannot develop proper writing skills
and become self-guided learners in other subject areas. The basic reading skills
necessary to become literate do not develop naturally; we have to learn to adapt the
part of our brain that recognizes images to be able to recognize written letters and
Children must read fluently to comprehend what they are reading. As students
weave together the many strands of reading, including background knowledge,
vocabulary, language structures (syntax, semantics), and literary knowledge (print
concepts and genres) with knowledge of print-sound relationships and decoding, they
get closer to skilled reading and comprehension (Scarborough, 2002). A critical strand
in this process is oral reading fluency, as measured by the number of words read
correctly per minute (Fuchs et al., 2001).
In the contemporary classroom, literacy instruction is one of the most
important disciplines used to prepare students for higher education and adult life.
Through teaching children how to read, educators equip their students with the tools

necessary not only to succeed throughout their education and careers, but also in
everyday activities such as reading a menu or checking the weather forecast. While
there are multiple aspects to literacy education, one of the most important components
is reading comprehension. All reading instruction, including phonics, fluency, and
vocabulary development, leads to the ultimate goal of comprehension.
As Opitz and Eldridge, Jr. (2004) noted in their article Remembering
Comprehension: Delving into the Mysteries of Teaching Reading Comprehension
that Reading comprehension skills are frequently left untaught. How important it is to
remember that comprehension is the essence of reading and that it has to be taught
and cannot be left to chance. While many students receive adequate instruction in
phonics and vocabulary at an early age, many do not begin the process of
understanding how to comprehend text until later.
Understanding the nature of education production and identifying viable
strategies for increasing educational quality in resource-constrained settings are
therefore crucial.
Furthermore, effective improvements in reading instruction may be
particularly important because existing research suggests reading at an early age lays
a necessary foundation for subsequent skill development (Scarborough, 2001).
A large number of programs in the United States have focused on providing
children with one-on-one or small group tutoring in reading, specifically those
children identified as requiring remedial attention. Overall, there is some evidence
from randomized evaluations that such programs can be effective in improving
students reading skills. Scarborough (2001) randomly assigned poor readers to early
one-on-one tutoring. The intervention proved effective, and while one-on-one tutoring

of all children may prove too costly, the results demonstrate that reading interventions
can be effective.
Philippine program has then sought to improve childrens reading skills by
encouraging reading amongst elementary pupils. Using a randomized controlled trial
set in Tarlac province of the Philippines, research analyzed the impact of an
educational intervention that provides schools with age-appropriate reading material
and then incentivizes reading through a 31-day reading marathon. The reading
marathon encourages students to read as many books as possible through daily, inschool reading activities such as storytelling sessions, reading games, and posters that
display each classs progress.
Educators continually look for strategies to enhance and improve the reading
practices of pupils. The Department of Education is doing its best to address the
reading problems among elementary pupils in the Philippine public schools. The
department adopted and implemented the ECARP of Every Child A Reader Program.
It also implemented different reading intervention activities among such as, Drop
Everything and Read (DEAR), Three Words A Day, Read A Thon and the Directed
Reading-Thinking Activities as strategy to the reading intervention programs.
As it was published in Manila Bulletin of March 9, 2011, Department of
Education says that more students will benefit from a new early reading intervention
program that will help young readers improve their literacy skills from Primary to
Grade 3. The program will be rolled out in September and will replace Reading
Recovery, a program designed to serve a small percentage of struggling Grade 1
readers needing intensive support. The programs can helping students learn and excel
in reading and writing is critical to their lifelong success. This will be an example of
what is meant when one says putting children and learning first.

The new program will also make closer links between board literacy
specialists and classroom teachers, meaning fewer students will be taken out of the
classroom. Like Reading Recovery, there will some one-on-one support, but the focus
will be on small groups within the classroom
In support of the program, the Bureau of Elementary Education (BEE)
developed the Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (Phil IRI). The Phil IRI will
be administered to all public elementary schools to assess the progress and levels of
reading ability and comprehension of the pupils after the intervention programs.
However, in spite of the reading interventions, the reading comprehensions of
the many of pupils even those who are in the higher grades and in high school are still
poor. Many of them cannot understand what they have read
Thus, educators continually look for strategies to enhance and improve the
reading practices of their student. The Department of Education is doing its best to
address the reading problems among elementary pupils in the Philippine public
schools. The department adopted and implemented the ECARP of Every Child A
Reader Program. In support of the program, the Bureau of Elementary Education
(BEE) developed the Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (Phil IRI). The Phil
IRI will be administered to all public elementary schools.
In line with the objectives of the Phil IRI, the DepEd gave and implemented
specific remedial intervention for the program one of these is the Drop Everything
and Read, which is guided by the DRTA strategy or Directed Reading-Thinking
A daily DEAR program (Drop Everything and Read) provides students with
much more than a just-sit-there-and-read experience. It gives the teacher a structured
time to touch base with each student over a period of time, assess progress, and target

instruction. Even more important, it gives students time to read what they want to
read, share what they've read, and receive the support they need for further reading
explorations and reflections. Daily reading sessions last between twenty and thirty
minutes and are followed by fifteen minutes in which students can write in their
reading response logs. When a student completes a book, he or she conferences with
the teacher to discuss the book and share his or her reading log.
This research was then undertaken to determine the effect of Drop Everything
and Read (DEAR) as an intervention program to enhance the reading skill and
comprehension of the grade seven students at Poctoy National High School.

Statement of the Problem

This research was conducted to determine the effects of Drop Everything and
Read (DEAR) reading program on the reading skill and comprehension of the grade 7
students in learning the English subject.
Specifically, it sought answer to the following questions:
1. What is the oral reading assessment and reading comprehension of the
Grade 7 students at the beginning of the school year 2014-2015?
2. What is the oral reading assessment and reading comprehension of the
Grade 7 students at the end of the school year 2014-2015 after DEAR reading
program was implemented?
3. Is there a significant difference between the oral reading assessment and
reading comprehension at the beginning and at the end of the school year after DEAR
reading program was implemented?

Scope and Delimitation
This research studied the effects of Drop Everything and Read Reading
Program (DEAR) on the reading skill and comprehension of the Grade 7 students in
Poctoy National High School for the School Year 2014-2015.
The research will not touch other aspects or learning areas of English such as
listening, speaking, and writing and limited only on assessing the oral reading skill
and comprehension of the Grade 7 students.

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will give significant to the following groups of
Specifically, results of this study will also be beneficial to the following:
For the educational policy makers, results of this study may be used by them
to redesign and updates modules and program for the improvement of reading
comprehension of the students in all levels to attain a higher reading comprehension
and proficiency level. This may also serve as basis for revitalizing and identifying a
more effective and efficient learning materials and reading programs within an
acceptable cost to enhance the reading skill and comprehension skill of the students.
For the school administrators, results of this may serve as an eye opener for
them initiate changes in the development of various reading instructional
supplementary materials that will enrich and enhance the quality of education
provided to learners.
For the teachers, data gathered may help enhance and improve the
instructional competencies of teachers in the teaching learning process and remedial
work may be given to students to better hone their comprehension skill in reading.

Results may give teachers lots of insights in redesigning reading intervention such as
DEAR that they can make use as daily reading intervention.
For the students, the reading intervention program DEAR may help them
improve their ability to read and to comprehend at their own pace. Results of this
study may help them to progress smoothly from one level to another and provide
opportunities to practice reading skills and perform better under different conditions.
They may become more motivated to learn and that learning may be more interesting
and meaningful to conduct independent reading and study.
For the future researchers, results of this study may be used as bases for
comparison, thereby enriching materials to be used for reading intervention such as
DEAR in order to provide overall assessment of the intervention or the reading


This presents selected literature and related studies pertinent to the study to
give additional insights and information for better understanding of the problem
presented for investigation.
The Nature of Reading
Reading has been defined in different disciplines by many authors and reading
experts in many ways. Leipzig (2001) defined reading as a multifaceted process involving
word recognition, comprehension, fluency, and motivation. Reading also means making
meaning from print. It requires that a reader identifies the words in print-a process called
word recognition, constructs an understanding for them- a process called comprehension,
and then coordinates identifying words and making meaning so that reading is automatic
and accurate an achievement called fluency.

The Reading Process
According to Fisher (1981) A variety of cognitive skills are required for
reading involves sequencing of eye movements, decoding, encoding, and utilizing
linguistic awareness. It demands knowledge of orthographic regularity and
irregularity. It integrates letters, words, sentences, and passages with past experience.
Surely reading is one of our most complex daily activities". Consideration will now be
given to some of these cognitive processes.
From Wikipedia, reading is defined as a complex cognitive process of
decoding symbols in order to construct or derive meaning. It is a means of language
acquisition, of communication, and of sharing information and ideas.

Like all

languages, it is a complex interaction between the text and the leader which is shaped
by the readers prior knowledge, experiences, attitude, and language community
which is culturally and socially situated. The reading process requires continuous
practice, development, and refinement.
In her book, Villamin (2001) cited several meanings of reading from different
authors published in the International Reading Association publications by Harris and
Hedges as follows:
Reading is viewed by Spoche as a developmental task. It is a thinking process
that concerns with the readers skill in making interpretation and generalization, in
drawing outcomes and conclusions. It contributes to personality changes for it
provides students with reading materials that meet their needs or some have
application to their lives.
According to Gray, reading is an interaction between the reader and the writer.
The reader attempts to reconstruct a message from the writer, sampling, selecting,

predicting, comparing and confirming activity in which the reader selects as a sample
of useful and graphic cues based on what he sees and what he expects to see.
It is also believed that reading involves the recognition of printed or written
words which serve as stimuli for the recall of meaning, built up through experience
and the construction of new meanings through manipulation of concepts already
possessed by the reader. The resulting meanings are organized. It is a two-way
process involving the perception and comprehension of written messages cited by
Tinker, Cullough, and Thorndike.
Reading is a tool for learning and in mastering all other subjects in the
curriculum, a part of communication arts and a means to an end. People read for
pleasure, for specific information, to locate materials dealing special problems or to
share information with others. Learning performance in almost all the childs school
words depend to a great measure on his proficiency in reading. It is in this sense that
several reading skills are needed to comprehend and react to the selection. Such skills
are getting the main idea, noting details or proof sentences, finding cause and effect
relationships, determining sequence, predicting outcomes, making judgment, drawing
conclusions, and following directions. All are needed to fully grasp the message.

Reading Comprehension
Reading is the gateway to comprehension. The goal of reading is to extract
meaning. This is referred to as reading comprehension and can be viewed as product f
two necessary components: decoding and linguistic comprehension,
Relative to this, Mercado et al., (2009) mentioned that reading is one of the four
macro skills taught in the English subject. The act of reading is a process which involves
steps to achieve and reinforce understanding namely: word perception, comprehension,

reaction, and integration. Of all these steps, research on the field has focused on the
comprehension and the issues that revolve around it.
Reading comprehension is defined as the level of understanding of a
text/message. This understanding comes from the interaction between the words that are
written and how they trigger knowledge outside the text/message.
Comprehension is the act of grasping the meaning, significance or nature of an
idea with intellect and specifies understanding as its closes synonym. It is an integrated
skill, a process of constructing meaning from written texts, a complex skill requiring
coordination of several kinds of interrelated sources of information. Comprehension is a
means of integrating information when individuals read. A structure is formed, which
includes all the events of circumstances and concepts that must be put together.
The National Reading Panel (2000) states that, reading comprehension is
critically important to the development of childrens reading skill and therefore the ability
to obtain an education. This statement is supported by Villamin (1994) when she
pointed out that reading implies comprehension. According to her, an individual must
understand what he reads if he is to accomplish any process expect to waste time. She
added that developing comprehension which is a constellation of skills or abilities is
Teachers must acknowledge the importance of reading skills and must plan an
effective program of reading instruction with focus on promoting reading culture among

Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (PHIL-IRI)

In reading, the reader is an active participant in the construction of
meaning. In accordance with this theory, there is a need to assess the students
ability to obtain meaning from the text in a variety of context (Swearinger, Allen

& Carp, 2000). As a result, the development of reading tool is necessary. This
tool could provide for reading inventory by providing a common reference point.
The tool support the DepEd thrust Every Child a Reader Program (ECARP).
Under this program, every child is a reader by the end of grade II. The
call for a unified assessment toll is the onset of the development of the Philippine
Informal Reading Inventory. The Department of Education is conducting every
year the Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (PHIL-IRI) for both silent and
oral reading. The Phil-IRI is an authentic reading assessment that attempts to
evaluate reading in a way that is more closely aligned to the actual classroom
instruction. It determines students thinking processes as well as their reading
comprehension, vocabulary, and word identification strategies within context.
The PHIL IRI gives both quantitative and qualitative information about the
students reading capabilities. Quantitative information shows the reading levels
namely: frustration, instructional, and independent levels, while qualitative
information reveals word recognition, patterns of word errors, comprehension
strengths and difficulties, reading behaviors and attitudes and the measurement of
reading growth over time.
Each reading level of the student can be identified by specific indicators.
The independent level, it is the highest level of which a student can read
independently and with east without the help of guide of the teacher. The student
gets 9 to 10 correct answers for comprehension. The student is free from tension,
finger pointing or lip movement.

The student reads with rhythm and with

conversational tone and interprets punctuations correctly.

The instructional level is the level at which the student can profit from
instruction. The student answers correctly 7 out of 10 questions. The students
oral reading is rhythmical with conversational tone and correct interpretation.

The frustration level is the lowest reading level. The student gets a score
of 5 and below in the reading comprehension check. The student shows evidence
of finger pointing or lip movement. The student shows withdrawal from reading
situations by crying or refusing to read. The student commits errors in reading
such as reversal, repetition, substitution, insertion, mispronunciation, and inability
to interpret punctuation.
Every year, English teachers are conducting PHIL IRI for silent and oral
reading. Results reveal that most the Grade 7 or formerly first year students fall
under either frustration or instructional levels. Certain measures and interventions
need to be given to them.

Drop Every and Read

Drop Everything And Read time, better known as D. E. A. R. time, is a
time regularly set aside in the classroom schedule for both students and their
teachers to "drop everything and read.." D. E. A. R. time conveniently
accommodates a variety of student interests and ability levels, since each
student selects for himself or herself the book or books he or she wishes to
read. D. E. A. R. is not intended to be .
It is a substitute for other language arts instruction -- D. E. A. R.
supplements the regular reading program by encouraging independent reading,
but it does not replace guided reading. It is an extra activity that gets plugged
into the schedule when another lesson finishes early or dropped from the
schedule when a lesson runs longer than expected or a fire drill interrupts
class. D. E. A. R. time is "dear." It is an important part of the daily or weekly
classroom schedule. It is scheduled for the same time each day or week so
students recognize that D. E. A. R. time is a priority and so that they can look

forward to this special period. When D. E. A. R. becomes a regular part of the
classroom schedule, each student should bring a book from home or select a
book from the classroom library before D. E. A. R. time begins. When D. E.
A. R. time arrives, every student should be prepared to pull out immediately a
pre-selected book and begin to read.

Research Hypothesis
There is no significant difference on the reading skill and comprehension of
the students when DEAR is implemented in the English class.

This presents the research design, research locale, the sample, the research
instrument, data collection procedure and the data analysis procedure.
Research Design
This research study utilized the descriptive type of research. As cited by
Calmorin (2004), the descriptive type of research aims to gather information about the
past and present conditions and describes the nature of the variables. This type of
research is suited in this type of research, since it attempted to describe the
improvement of the pupils reading ability and comprehension after the DEAR
program as reading intervention program. In a big concept, it describes the effects of
the intervention program on pupils reading profile as it presented the existing
relationship between the two variables.

Research Locale
The study was conducted in Poctoy National High School, a non-fiscal school
in Torrijos Cluster, Division of Marinduque.
The choice of the research locale is due to the researchers deep concern
enhancing the quality of English reading instruction in the said school.

The Sample
The subjects of this study were the 14 Grade 7 students.
Research Instruments
This research adopted the Phil IRI form 1, the test materials. For oral reading
test, the test materials are consist of 2 reading passages of 252 words for pre test and
post test respectively followed by seven prompt questions. For silent reading test, it is
consist of one reading passage of 252 words for pre test followed by eight item
questions and another reading passage of 252 words for post test, followed by ten
item questions.

Data Collection Procedure

Pre tests were administered at the beginning of the school year to the grade
seven students to assess the oral and silent reading abilities. Test materials for pre test
for (oral reading ability) consist of one reading passage of 252 words which was
immediately followed by a prompt consist of ten questions. The prompt activates the
students motivation to reading. For silent or reading comprehension test, students
were given one passage consist of 252 words and immediately followed by ten item
questions. During the administration of the pre test, students oral reading miscues

were recorded as well the result of the prompt questions. Results were then interpreted
as frustration, instructional and independent. After the pre test, students were given
the Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) program to enhance the reading ability and
comprehension. This program made use of DRTA strategy.
Post tests were administered at the end of the school year, to determine the
improvement difference of the grade seven students in their oral and silent reading
abilities. Students were given one reading passage of 252 words and seven item
questions for post oral test; one reading passage of 252 words and eight item
questions for post silent test. Miscues and answers were recorded and interpreted as
frustration, instructional and independent.

Data Analysis
Results of pre and post tests in both oral and silent readings were compared
and computed to get the improvement difference using descriptive statistics like
To get the effects of reading intervention on students reading ability and
comprehension, Chi square was employed.

The Chi square tested the research null hypothesis.

Table 1. Results of the Phil-IRI SY 2014-2015
Grade VI English Oral Test (Number and Percentage of Students per Reading
Sample Size






Independent Level



















Post Test





























ment of
Pre test










Table 1 shows the result of the English Oral reading test. The findings
revealed a decrease of 57.15% on students belonging to frustration level, further, an
increase of 42.86 % of instructional readers and 14.29 of independent readers.
Findings implied that the decrease of frustration and increase of instructional and
independent readers are attributed to the integration of DEAR program in between
teaching of English for the entire school year. Findings also implied that students oral
and silent (comprehension) abilities have improved after the DEAR program.

Table 2. English Silent Reading Test (Number and Percentage per Reading )



Sample Size


























































ment of
Pre test
and Post

Table 2 presents, the results of English Silent Reading test, the findings
revealed a total decrease of frustration readers and an increase of 7.14 percent of
instructional readers and 35.71 percent of independent readers. The findings implied
that the smaller the number of frustration and instructional readers, the bigger the
numbers of the independent readers. The increase number of the independent readers
is attributed to DEAR program. Thus the DEAR intervention program has significant
effect to pupils reading ability and comprehension.
Table 3. Effects of DEAR Intervention Program
on Students Oral Reading Ability
Sample Frustration Instructional Independent















df = 6 at 0.05
= 12.592
X2 = 70.30



Tables 4 reveals the significant effect of 70.30 set at 6 at 0.05 levels of

significance of DEAR reading intervention on students reading ability.

Table 4. Effects of DEAR Intervention Program

on Students Silent Reading Ability (Comprehension)


e Size














df = 6 at 0.05 not significant
= 12.592
X2= 5.155


Table 4 reveals that DEAR reading intervention has no significant effect on students
reading comprehension skill. The level of measurement was set at 0.05 with df of 6,
the significant level is below the set degree of frequency. Data suggest for another
intervention program to enhance the reading comprehension of the students.


IV. Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

Findings of study showed the following results
1. The oral reading ability of the grade seven students in Poctoy National High
School is described to be instructional. Majority of the students belong to instructional
level in spite of the DEAR reading intervention program.
2. The silent reading ability (comprehension) of the grade seven pupils in
Poctoy National High School is described to be instructional. Majority of the students
tested still lack the needed comprehension skills. They can read but some could not
understand what they have read.
3. The result of the chi-square showed that there is a significant effect of
DEAR on students oral reading skill while there is no significant effect on students
comprehension skill (silent).

Based on the findings, this study concludes that:
1. There is a significant effect of DEAR on students oral reading ability.
Likewise, there is an existing relationship between these variables. Therefore, the null
hypothesis is hereby affirmed.
2. There is no significant effect of DEAR on students reading comprehension
(silent) skill. Therefore, there is no existing relationship between these variables, thus,
the null hypothesis is rejected.

In the light of the findings, the following recommendations are offered:
1. Continuous implementation and monitoring of DEAR program on
students belonging to Instructional levels to make them independent readers;
2. DepEd other reading intervention programs are also offered:
National English Proficiency Program
a. Peer teaching
b. Mentoring
c. Buddy-buddy /teach one-each-one
3. One on one small group tutoring
4. Use of ABRC materials to develop comprehension of students belong to
instruction levels.
5. Provide individualize education plan with regards to reading to enhance
students reading ability and comprehension.

VI. Literature Cited

A. Books
Gardner, K. 1986. Reading in today's schools. Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd. pp. 212225.
Kokong, M.M. 1991. The relationship between reading ability and achievement in
English as a second language and other subjects at matric level.
Potchefstroom: University of Potchefstroom for Christian Higher Education.
pp. 123-130.
Villamin, A.M.(2001). Developmental reading. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing
House. Inc.
B. Periodicals/Journals/Unpublished Materials
Beckett, G. 2005. Perspectives on reading and listening comprehension. SAALED
News 25: 2-2
Fisher, D.F. 1981. In the beginning was the word. Basic processes in reading. Journal
of Experimental Psychology : Human Perception and Performance. (7): 489494.

Foorman, R and R. Torgesen. 2001. Critical elements of classroom and small-group

instruction promote reading success in all children. Learning Disabilities
Research and Practice 16 (4):203-212.
Opitz, M.F. and R. G. Eldridge. 2004. Remembering comprehension: Delving into the
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Pretorius, E.J. 2002. Reading ability and academic performance in South Africa : are we
fiddling while Rome is burning? Language matJers, Issue 33: 169-196.

Scarborough, H.S. 2001. Connecting Early Language and Literacy to Later Reading
(Dis)Abilities: Evidence, Theory, and Practice, In S.B. Neuman and D.K.
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Guilford Press. 1:97-110.
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C. Online References
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