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Avaliao: CEL0552_A V2_201304088316 PR TICA ORA L EM LNGUA INGLESA I

Tipo de Avaliao: A V2
Aluno: 201304088316 - RENA TA DE PA IVA LUQUEZ
Nota da Prova: 7,5 de 8,0

Nota do Trabalho: 0

Turm a: 9001/A A
Nota de Participao: 2

1a Questo (C d.: 12089)

Data: 27/08/2013 21:04:05

Pontos: 0,5 / 0,5

How can you thank someone for helping you with some heavy packs?
Very good.
A lot of thanks.
Beat it!
Very nice.
Thank you.

2a Questo (C d.: 12087)

Pontos: 0,0 / 0,5

What can you say to greet someone at night?

Good night.
Good day.
Good evening.
Good afternoon.
Good morning.

3a Questo (C d.: 21197)

Pontos: 0,5 / 0,5

If you love listening to music on the weekends and you love Mozart, your favorite type of music is
C lassical music
Pop music

4a Questo (C d.: 21191)

If you have a terrible headache, you have to

read a long and boring report
dance and scream
take a medicine and go to bed
jump up and down
clean the house

Pontos: 0,5 / 0,5

5a Questo (C d.: 21233)

Pontos: 0,5 / 0,5

Which of these expressions is not used to greet people?

How do you do?
How are you doing?
How are you?
Whats up?
Where are you going?

6a Questo (C d.: 24043)

Pontos: 0,5 / 0,5

Voc est assistindo TV e a frase que se segue aparece na tela:"It's raining cats and dogs today.". A que tipo de
notcia a frase se refere:
a. animal abuse
b. weather forecast
d. politics
c. Tourism

7a Questo (C d.: 24491)

Pontos: 1,0 / 1,0

O que a pergunta dada significa? "C ome on, Bob! You love Susan, dont you? Spit it off! We are all friends
b.Susan loves Bob.
d.Bob is proposing to Susan
a.Bob and Susan are engaged.
c.Bob has a crush on Susan.

8a Questo (C d.: 24167)

Pontos: 1,0 / 1,0

Leia as frases abaixo e escolha a alternativa que preenche as lacunas apropriadamente. 1.All my immediate
family live in England but I have a lot of ________________ (parents/relatives) in C anada. 2. My
________________ (journey/working day) is from 8 am to 5 pm but it only take me twenty minutes to get to
the office. 3. The Red C ross are ________________ (controlling/monitoring) the situation in the north very
closely. 4. The rebels are ________________ (controlling/monitoring) the entire north of the country. 5.
________________ (Eventually/Temporarily), we decided to go on holiday rather than buy a home cinema kit.
relatives - journey - monitoring - controlling - eventually
relatives - working day - monitoring - controlling - eventually
parents - journey - monitoring - monitoring - temporarily
parents - journey - controlling - controlling - temporarily

monitoring - controlling

9a Questo (C d.: 8534)


- eventually

Pontos: 1,5 / 1,5

Whats your ideal job? Whats your idea of a terrible job? - Para responder a essa questo, voc deve decidir
qual profisso o agrada e por qu. Deve tambm pensar numa ocupao que lhe desagrada e pensar nos

motivos. Sugesto de vocabulrio: SALARY, LOW, HIGH, LONG, SHORT, PERIOD, WORKING HOURS, BOSS, TO

Resposta: My ideal job is that one which make me happy. I don't mind if i have to work with a boss, part time
job or for long period if I am happy. I worked at a Bank before, but I was not happy. My salary was great, I was
working with a amazing boss, my salary was high, I was recognize by my co-workers but I didn't like it because
I had to work for long period and my life was passing by my eyes, outside... I didn't have a life! I don't wanna
high salary if I can not expend it. That's why I wanna be a Teacher because your students will be grateful for
the rest of their lives, you can change people, make good professionals and be happy... and in the end of the
night you can think: I really did something important today. The bank doenst have a heart, a mind you can
change. They can give you good money, salary, payment but can not buy your happiness. Today I didn't forget
to "caps lock" the letter I. Thank you teacher!! You Rock!!!

Gabarito: Descrio do trabalho ideal e de um trabalho terrvel. O aluno dever fazer comparaes

10a Questo (C d.: 8535)

Pontos: 1,5 / 1,5

In your opinion, which of these problems will cause the worst damage to the world. Number the three worst of
them. Explain your choices. More and more people are living in cities Rivers and lakes are becoming more
polluted Some plants and animals are becoming extinct The air in our cities are becoming more polluted The
population of the world is growing Holes are developing in the ozone layer

Resposta: 1. THE WORST: Rivers and Lakes are becoming more polluted. How we'll live without water? We need
water for everything. 2. Some plants and animals are becoming extinct. Because our rivers and lakes are
polluted. My child maybe never will see some species of animals. 3. The air in our cities are becoming more
polluted. You cannot see the sky, you cannot enjoy one sunny day nowadays in some cities. in So Paulo, for
exemple, everything is grey: street, walls even the sky and sun. Sometimes there you cannot feel the sun in
your skin.

Gabarito: Escolher alternativas e dar razes para as escolhas

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