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Curtis Kephart Sections Mon & Fri 11am Office E2 403F 12:30 Fri

Mid-Term & Final Exam Study Checklist income, be able to explain which way the demand curve will
I have no way of knowing for sure exactly what the professor will ask shift (pg 68)
of you on the exam, but based on previous exams, lectures & the Supply Curve – similar to the demand curve to-do list above,
book, I think that focusing on the following subjects will help you do
be prepared to be given a supply schedule and asked to
draw a supply curve from scratch. That will require you to
label the axes and curve correctly. Understand why the
Drawing Charts – the difference between a  & an  grade is
supply curve is upward slopping. (figure on pg 72)
often the correct labeling of your graphs. Be sure that you
Know the difference between a shift in the supply curve and
label the axes (price, quantity etc), you label your curves
movement along the supply curve (pg 73 – questions may try
(,   ଴ ଵ & ଴ ଵ   . Also, if you shift
to trick you on this)
demand & supply curves you may need to show shifts in
Shifts in the Supply Curve – know the examples on pgs 75-
Price and Quantity (଴ ଵ , &/ ଴ ଵ ). Page 85 has
77. Be ready for questions that ask you to explain intuition
good examples to emulate.
behind the factors that cause the shift, and be ready to draw
what happens to the curve, price & quantity (pg 74)
Chap 2
Combining Supply & Demand - Market Equilibrium – get
Definition of Opportunity Costs ready to explain the forces that drive prices and quantity
Importance of Ceteris Paribus (pg 24) back to equilibrium – pg 81 - be ready to be given an
Production Possibilities Frontier (graphs & tables pgs 25 - 30) example and asked to draw one of those two graphs
be able to draw one with correct axis labeled. Example, be Demand & Supply Shifts – given an example from any one of
ready to explain its ‘bowed-out’ shape the shifts listed on pgs 75-77 or pgs 66-69, be ready to draw
Opportunity Costs - be able to calc OC given PPF data (table & correctly label the shifts in demand and/or supply curves, &
on pg 31) to explain the dynamics on price and quantity.
Comparative Advantage – given PPF data or opportunity Definitely understand what is happening on pg 84 & 85
costs data, be able to state who has CA in what (pg 31 – 33)
Gains of Trade – given opportunity costs & comparative
Chap 4
advantage, be able to calculate the number amount for gains
Consumer Surplus – given data, be able to calculate the
of trade (table on pg 31)
consumer surplus. And given a change in prices, be ready to
The Circular Flow Diagram of Economy – be ready to answer explain if that increases or decrease the CS (figures on pgs
questions about this (text on pg 35 & table) 96 & 97)
Producer Surplus – similar to Consumer Surplus, given data
Chap 3 be able to calc the PS. And given a change in prices be
Demand Curve – given demand schedule, be able to draw ready to explain how the affects PS. (see figures and tables
demand curve. Be sure to label curve and axes correctly. Be on pgs 100-104)
ready to explain why the demand curve is downward sloping. CS & PS Together – understand what’s going on in figures 4-
(table on pg 63, text on page 63 & 64) 10 thru 4-13
Shifts in the Demand Curve – be prepared to be given a real- Equity & Efficiency – in a very general and basic way, know
world example & asked to explain whether or not the demand why markets can be good (pg 111) & why markets might be
curve shifts. If a shift does occur, be prepared to explain bad (pg 112).
which way the curve shifts, & what will happen to equilibrium
price & quantity. (pg 66 & 67, figure 3-3 & 3-4)
Chap 5
Know difference between shift in demand curve and
Given a demand and supply schedule, be prepared to draw
movement along demand curve (sometimes the question will
and correctly label curves and axes of a market equilibrium
try to trick you – pg 64   ….)
(figure on pg 119) – based on that, make a statement about
Examples of Shifts – get to know how each will shift the
the equilibrium price and quantity.
demand curve pg 66 - 69
Price Ceiling – be able to draw this. Given data, be able to
Compliments VS Substitutes be able to pick one from the calculate the shortage created by such a price ceiling.
other, and explain how changes in the price of one good will Generally be sure you understand what is going on with
shift the demand curve it’s compliment/substitute (pg 67) figure 5-2 on pg 120. Be aware of examples of price ceilings,
Normal vs Inferior goods/services – given a real world rent control to name one.
example, be able to differentiate & then given a change in
Curtis Kephart Sections Mon & Fri 11am Office E2 403F 12:30 Fri

… chap 5 continued
Deadweight Loss – understand the concept, and be able to
draw the graph (pg 121) Note on Chap 7 & 8 – Note that Chap 7 & 8 have not really
If you have trouble with the concept, the example on page been on Professor Fung’s first-exam the previous two times
122 is good and very exam like. This was a question on Mid- he taught the class – he seems to save the material for mid-
Term 1 several years ago. term-two. Thus if you suspect he intends to cover that
Consequences of Price Ceiling – advantages and material, I’d go over the following guide focusing on the
disadvantages of price ceilings (skim pg 123-125) ability to replicate the graphs and the analysis discussed in
Price Floor – given demand and supply schedule, be ready to lecture. If you don’t think he’ll cover the material, I’d cover the
draw a price floor (figures on pg 127 & 128). Be able to study material last, or for the next exam.
calculate the surplus & generally understand the intuition of
what’s going on. Deadweight Loss (pg 130) & consequences Chap 7
& reasons for price floor (pg 130-132). Be ready with Incidence of a Tax (pg 171, read full text, and compare
examples of a price floor, several soft-commodities come to figures 7-2 through 7-5)
mind. Does a tax on suppliers or consumers affect the market price
Quota – given demand and supply schedules, plus info on or quantity? (pg 170-171)
the quota, be able to draw the Deadweight loss “wedge” (pg How does elasticity of demand affect the incidence of a tax?
134-135) Calc Shortage. Know a few examples, taxis in NYC pg 171
for one. Know that quotas assume the quota level is less than Elasticity of supply and the tax incidence pg 172
equilibrium quantity (otherwise….) Deadweight Loss and elasticities pg 181 – expect a
∎ I suspect you’ll have to draw at least two of the above three paragraph describing how inelastic or elastic a good or
types of market interventions. Beware service is, and to be asked if the supply or demand side
would be expected to pay a higher part of the incidence.
Chap 6 Costs & Benefits of Different Taxes (pg 175-176, figure 7-7)
Mid-Point Method – you need to have this method for finding Fairness vs Efficiency – know about this generally pg 183-
elasticity based on two prices & two points memorized (pg 184
Elasticity of Demand – given a demand schedule, or Chap 8
alternatively, given points on a demand curve, be ready to Comparative Advantage is Gains from Trade. Expect a
calculate the elasticity of demand. (146-147) question like the opportunity costs questions in chapter 2, but
Elasticity of Supply - same as for demand, be prepared to with countries and international trade. pg 196-200 closely
calculate this given the four numbers required. Understand what’s going on in Figure 8-6 thru 8-9. This may
Inelastic vs Elastic – (148 & 149) Understand what is meant require reading closely 205-209
when it is said, ‘a good has inelastic demand’. If given Figures 8-7 & 8-9, given a scenario, be prepared to recreate
examples of goods or services (say, gasoline vs diamonds), these graph analyzes, and explain which polygons are
be ready to explain which is inelastic, which is elastic, and producer and consumer surpluses.
why. pg 209-211 cover where the professor might source exam
See page 152-154 for characteristics that determine question scenarios
elasticity. Trade Protection – Figure 213. Be prepared to replicate this
Cross Price Elasticity – have the equation memorized (top of graph given a specific exam example. Note the values for
pg 156). If given two goods, be ready to explain if the cross consumer, producer and government surplus, and change in
price elasticity is positive or negative, and what that means. surplus. Learning this may require closely reading pg 211-
(substitutes vs compliments) 214
Income Elasticity of Demand – have the equation
memorized. (pg 156 & 157). This measures how ‘normal’ or
how ‘inferior’ a good/service is. Given a good or service, be
ready to explain if the Income Elasticity of Demand is positive
or negative & what that means.
Elasticity of Supply – know what that is (pg 159 - …) & know
factors that affect the degree of elasticity of supply (pg 160 &

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