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By Texas Tornado
Nations most successful Sports Better Billy Walters did not succeed until later in his career when Late Pro Poker Player Chip Reese educated
Billy on Money Management. Establishing your annual Bankroll Amount & Money Management System should be your first priority
preparing for any upcoming seasonal sport as it will increase your chances of winning & decrease or even eliminate your chance of losing.

Sports Betting is 50% Money Management Discipline & 50% Handicapping. Nobody wins long term without BOTH!
Establishing Your Bankroll Guidelines must include :
*Original Bankroll Amount ( No amount is too small) I prefer 'Small Ball' to start each season to beat Vegas 'With their own money.'
(View your Play amount in terms of 'turnaround in your bankroll' $110.= $210. $330. = $630. $ 550. = $1050.)
* Star Rating System 1 % - 5 % of total Bankroll
*Total Single Session % (not to exceed 12-15%)
*After each session adjust according to amount W/L $ amount to determine new Bankroll amount before next day's session.
Above described Money Management System takes less than 5 minutes to build & Last a lifetime. Make it your 1st Tab in your
Sports Investing spreadsheet.
It takes TD (Tremendous Discipline) & Respecting Your Bankroll at all times that allow you to 'stay in the game.'
Tom Landry once was quoted saying , ' Achieving your goal is not the main thing. It is how you go about achieving your plan & staying with
it.' This applies to Bankroll Discipline.
Game Management
Game Management is vital to your continued success & 2nd only to Money Management. Game Management means 'Total # of bets during a
single betting session.' For NFL my preference is the '2 game format.' This increases my chance of increasing bankroll while decreasing my
exposure to losses. I discovered this was successful in local Football Pool , then adopted it for my 'Game Management.'
Example: December 2014 Results won 7 / Lost 1 = + 6 units.


# 1 mistake novice bettors make disrespecting their bankroll is betting Parlays or Teasers better known as 'exotics.' These have 'highest
amount of hidden juice' & are sucker bets that 'Squares' play. Vegas loves these type bets as they build huge Exotic Hotels & Casinos.
Example: If you make 3 wagers $110 each & win 2 your plus $90. Bet 3 Teamer for $100. win 2 your minus $100. That is a $190. MISTAKE.
Do that 50 x per year & you just gave Vegas $9,500.00 disrespecting your bankroll that may end your Sports Betting for the year or career.
When approaching Vegas betting window the first 3 words should be 'STRAIGHT PLAY ONLY.' RESPECT YOUR BANKROLL!
'Without self discipline achieving you goal is impossible period' ...Lou Holtz This strongly applies to Sports Bettors.
Selecting Your Handicapper
Even Self Cappers should employ a full time Professional Capper to leave 'no stone unturned.' Do your homework & select your Capper the
same way you would select your Surgeon. Start with minimum 25 years experience. Longevity speaks volumes for ' Honesty .Work ethic, &
Star Rating integrity.
Novice bettors may not understand Handicappers spend 16 hours a day in databases, networking , mining below the surface & are some of
the hardest working people in any business. Cappers love the 'Handicapping Process' as much as producing winners. It is in our DNA.
After selecting your Capper , don't jump around. I have been with my current Capper 29 years & pay annually.
Not having a Capper is 'Penny Wise & Pound Foolish.' Look at it this way , if your Capper turned a single $300. Loser into a Winner the
turnaround is $630. Do that twice per year and you have more than recouped your Capper cost.
Sports Betting utilizing Today's Technology
In the old days we always said , ' If we could look inside the Bookies 'Black Box' & go the opposite way we could make a handsome profit.
With today's technology we can now do just that! Off Shore Bookmakers now sell 'POS Info' (Point of Sale) in 'Real Time' to companies that
resell that info to sophisticated Sports bettors. The value of 'Public Bet %' is not to identify teams to bet on , but to eliminate teams 'not
to bet on.' This works best with NFL & we call these teams 'SNAKES.' Be a "Snake Spotter' & don't go near the snakes. Use a benchmark of
70% > to stay away from or 'Fade Public.' If NFL Team is 80% > Public strongly consider making a 'Handicapping case' for the other team.
Same for NFL Totals. I like to locate # 1 Public Over Play & make a case to play the 'Under' simple because Public loves ' Overs.' Same for
Favorites of 7 points or more , love the barking dogs with < 20% - < 30% Public Betting percentage..
In conclusion the smartest SOB in Vegas was the one that came up with 10% Juice to place a wager, the only way to defeat '10% Juice' is with


Twitter: Steve Crabb @6TexasTornado & Morris Stevens @ 4sharpside

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