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2015 Extended Essay Guide

The EE promotes:

High level research and writing skills

Intellectual discovery

The EE is:

An opportunity to engage in personal research in a topic of your


A formal piece of scholarship

o No more than 4,000 words in length
o A result of approximately 40 hours of work by the student
EE Assessment Objectives are to:

Plan and pursue a research project with intellectual initiative and


Formulate a precise research question

Gather and interpret material from sources appropriate to the

research question

Structure a reasoned argument

Present the EE in an appropriate format

Use appropriate terminology and language with skill and


Apply analytical and evaluative skills with an understanding of the

implications and context of research
With your Supervisor:

Spend 3-5 hours throughout process

Obtain subject specific details

Receive support, advice and guidance

Receive examples of essays

Receive help in formulating a well-focused research question

Discuss and track progress

Receive advice on:

o Access to appropriate resources
o Information/evidence/data gathering techniques and
o Writing an abstract

Documenting sources

Research Process:
1. Choose Subject (from provided list)

- See the subject teacher or Mrs. Blanchard to view the specific

assessment criteria and subject guidance
2. Choose Topic

- Use Google search , Encyclopedia Britannica, JStor and


- This is the ONLY time when it is acceptable to use Wikipedia

to obtain background information and quick reference for

a subject (DO NOT cite wiki in your EE)
3. Formulate a well-focused Research Question

Examples of Research Questions:

SUBJECT: Literature (Group 1 Category 1)

TOPIC: Dance in Jane Austen's novels

QUESTION: What are the role and significance of dance in

Pride and Prejudice and Emma?

SUBJECT: French (Group 2 Category 2)

TOPIC: Language and Feminism
QUESTION: Should feminine forms of more job titles be

created in French to reflect shifting

gender roles?

SUBJECT: Biology
TOPIC: Altitude and Physical Fitness
QUESTION: Can a training program at high altitude have

an impact on the fitness of an athlete?

SUBJECT: Mathematics
TOPIC: The Geometry of Navigation
QUESTION: What was the role of mathematics, geometry

in particular, in navigation when we relied

on the stars? Does it still play a part now

that we have man-made satellites?

4. Plan investigation and research process

- How and where you will gather materials

- Choose citation style (MLA, APA, etc.) and remain consistent!
5. Create annotated bibliography
- Refer to:
6. Carry out investigation
**Note: Be prepared for obstacles. Be flexible and willing to change or
adjust your topic and/or research question
7. Outline

- Based on the subject and what your supervisor needs to see
THEN...write the paper!

EE Formal Presentation

Clear, correct and formal academic style

Upper limit = 4,000 words

o **Essays more than 4,000 words are subject to penalty and
examiners are not required to read more than 4,000 words**
o Includes: Introduction, body and conclusion

Required Elements:
o Title Page
o Abstract
o Contents Page
o Introduction
o Body (development/method/results)
o Conclusion
o References and Bibliography*
o Appendices*
*Examiner is not required to read notes or appendices, so anything
important to the argument should not be included in these sections

Important Clarifications on Specific Elements:

o Gives a clear indication of the focus of the essay
o Should be precise, not necessarily in the form of a

o Should not exceed 300 words
o NOT an introduction, but an overview
o Encourages the student to examine the development of
their argument
o Should state clearly:

The research question

The scope of investigation (how the research was

conducted and what you did to form conclusions)

The conclusion

Assessment Criteria

o Research Question 0-2 points
o Introduction 0-2 points
o Investigation 0-4 points
o Knowledge and Understanding of the Topic 0-4 points
o Reasoned Argument 0-4 points
o Application of Analytical and Evaluative Skills 0-4 points
o Use of Language 0-4points
o Conclusion 0-2 points
o Formal Presentation 0-4 points
o Abstract 0-2 points
o Holistic Judgment 0-4 points


Where all communication regarding the EE will take place

Acts as the repository for all segments of the EE

Provides a platform for both student and supervisor to manage

and track progress

Post every element of your EE!



Email address and self created password

DP Manager

Class of 2015 (Grade 11)


Adapted from International Baccalaureates Extended essay guide:

First examinations 2013

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