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[Institute of affiliate]
Gender Studies
Gender entails the characteristics that bring out the difference between femininity and
masculinity. According to the arguments in the book, Meekosha (2007) affirms that gender is
characterized by one biological sex, gender identity and sex-based social structures. In this essay,
gender dimensions to disability will be mention and then be discussed critically.
Considerably, it should be noted that gender affects to a greater degree the effectiveness
of somebody in a society. At most, this factor is controlled by culture. Some cultures do offer
women and men differing roles to women and men respectively. This has gone far to affecting
even men and women who has the same occupation. In other word, people of a varied gender
will never enjoy the same opportunities even if they are employed at the same place. That is why,
in each community, it is not offending to note that men and women usually hold different
responsibilities and roles (Germon 26). This is assumed so, so that the activities, organizations
and programs delivered in that phenomena should be effective. The truth is that, even though
gender usually intervenes to a greater degree with regards to who should be assigned what, the
fact remains that women and men get exposed to issues differently. Because of that, the above
norms will automatically leave women and men exposed differently in the realm of disability.
Basing arguments on cultural norms, it is worth noting that the moment a women marries,
she literally incorporates into the family of her husband. In this case, her own kin is compensated

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with a reward of dowry. In this case, the womens family will enjoy the dowry and on the other
hand, the gender based power will primarily be skewed in the favor of the man. Consequently, a
man has a higher social status, which makes him control a lot of issues including finances in a
family. It follows that in this case, a women has been disadvantaged due to the dowry her kin
got, and with that, she is disabled to a certain degree when it comes to money and most of the
sensitive things in the family. With that, it will require the women to leave with the above
disability for the rest of her life, and yet she did not get it naturally, but through a natural
phenomenon of marriage (Cordelia 85). Although her disability will not be known physically, the
truth is that she will be disabled.
Now, another question for students to ask themselves is that does gender make any
difference between individuals who are disabled. Many will affirm that women and men with
disability are equally marginalized by the society. Therefore, it is through this that redundancy of
gender dimensions is considered. The fact is that, both the men and women share the same
disadvantages with regards to starting point and experiences. For instance, they share the same
experience of being excluded or hidden by their families, they further share the experience of
begin excluded from accessing education, and further they are categorized as people with no
value in the society. With this in mind, it is of no offense to note that gender at times can be seen
as a distraction, this is because the main aspect of disability to should reinforce the position of
the disabled people in the society as a whole.
It is worth to understand that the relationship between women and men are at the heart of
disability issues. This is so because, disability is taken in as a factor that affects family dynamics,
economy, traditional gender roles and material access to psychological resources perspectives.
However, in as much as both men and women becomes disabled, the truth is that their disability

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will be impacted differently in the above mentioned areas, this is so because men and women,
those with disability included still experience a varied treatment in the society. Therefore,
whether disabled or not women and men in the society are viewed differently when it comes to
issues related to the same society (Martin 25). According to statistics, women are the most
disadvantaged in such scenarios, and therefore they live in a disabled environment the rest of
their life, with the ability to access their rights with a minimal effort ever.
In brief, women and men who are disabled experiences certain losses. In this regard, it is
worth understanding that although they pass in a certain un-appreciative experiences the
similarities of their experience can easily be seen. Here, it is notable that both men and women
usually become independent despite of their disadvantages. Due to their lesser ability to perform
certain roles, their esteem has been undermined in the eyes of the society as a whole regarding
their gender. With that, it is worth noting that gender plays a major role in the society, with
regards to disability (Germon 36). Generally, for a long period of time now, it can be noted that
in many marriages, women and men are predefined. In this case, men are known to be the household decision makers and further, they get an upper hand in controlling the productive resources
in the house. While on the other hand, women are subjected to issues like tilling the land, with
the aim of generating income, after which they are further expected to take care of the home and
finally they are supposed to have children, so that the can be honored in the family and the tribal
society as a whole. With this, disabilities will always affect women and men in different ways.
Gender disability affects both men and women in several practical ways, for instance the ability
to access food, shelter and water. Further, they are affected in terms of strategic interest for
instance understanding the society and psychological wellbeing. With that in mind, it is wise to
agree that to some extent, gender brings forth certain disabilities to both men and women despite

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the society they come from (Germon 111). Therefore, there are several dimensions, which lead to
gender disability in the world, and that women are the main people who are disadvantaged when
it comes to such issues.
It should also be noted that also men are disadvantaged to a certain degree. First, a man
who is disabled will face a serious challenge when it comes to providing to his family as the
norms dictate. With that, their disabilities usually decrease their manhood not only in the yeas of
their wives but also in the eyes of the society. This is because at most the disabled man will tire
off, trying to tend for his illness. With that, the power relations in the house could tilt following
the fact that the wife might loss respect for him. At most, even though this does not portray a
serious outcome, the truth is that the man will live trying to cope up with psychological distress,
which hurts him as a man, hence pinning down the pride of a man in hi. With that, a man will
leave being under certain stress, and that this can cause a big and huge problem to the family.
Similarly, the women should be complete and very beautiful. At most, this is what makes
a man proud and willing to take care of the wife and his family whole-heartedly. However, it is
unfortunate to note that disability can earn her a label of being a useless woman. With this, a
woman who is disabled directs the man to take on additional responsibilities with the aim of
upholding his honor in the community. If that is not enough, men usually complain that women
who are disabled will not in any way satisfy them sexually. Literally, this usually creates a kind
of psychological affliction that tends to be stronger between women than to males effectiveness.
The above are some of examples that illustrate the gender dimensions to disability (Curthoys 68).
Having put the above across, it is of importance to understand if there is any type of
disability dimensions. According research it is noted that for a given disability, its rehabilitation
cost tends to be higher in females than in males in the contemporary society. This is per the

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rehabilitation and preventive measures that are required when a person is disabled. Therefore,
due to gender, women are the most fragile since they are the people who face a larger pain when
it comes to gender dimensions in the society than men. This should be put into consideration.
On the other hand, it is worth to mention the individualistic framework dimension. Here,
disability is regarded as condition that affects an individual. Here, an individual falls in a
disadvantaged position when it comes to economy, civic and personal flourishing. In bioethics,
this is regarded as the dominance view of disability. Here, the above as well affects people
differently as per their gender. Women who are disabled will be the most affected when it comes
to economy and civic as opposed to men (Curthoys 128). A women who is disabled as said
earlier, is regarded as useless in the most of the societies in the world. With that, no one wish tom
associate with him or her, in giving them an upper hand when it comes to responsibilities.
Therefore, they remain under-pinned with no money. This situation forces them to be powerless
and poor, and hence they will leave depending on their men counterparts for survival. Now on
the social dimension, disability is regarded as oppressive material arrangement, which takes
place in the existing societies. Alternatively, it is considered as a consequence of the existing
cultural values, attitudes, ideas and language use that literally shapes and produce human reality.
Here, the disability is how the society should be constructed I order to treat its members equally.
Even though this kind of dimension dwells a lot to the society, the truth is that the society itself
views both men and women who are disabled in a different way. As earlier on stated, women are
the most affected since they will be denied to participate in most of the societal duties (Curthoys

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Work cited
Germon, Jennifer. Feminist Encounters with Gender in Gender. A genealogy of an idea. New
York: Palgrave, 2009. Pp. 85-108
Curthoys, Anne. Gender Studies in Australia: A history, Australian: Feminist Studies. 15 (31),
2000. Pp. 19-38
Astrid, Henry. Finding Ourselves in the Past: Feminist generations and the development of
second-wave feminism in Not My Mothers Sister.
Generational conflict and third wave feminism. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2004.
Pp. 52-87
Meekosha, Helen,. What the Hell are You? An intercategorical analysis of race, ethnicity,
ender and disability in the Australian body politic. Scandinavian Journal of Disability, 8
(2-3), 2007. Pp. 161-178
Fine, Cordelia. Sex and Premature Speculation in Delusions of Gender: The real science
behind sex differences. London: Icon Books, 2010. Pp. 131-140.
Martin, Emily. "The Egg and the Sperm: How Science Has Constructed a Romance
Based on Stereotypical Male-Female Roles". Signs. Vol. 16 (3), Spring, 1991.
Pp. 485501.

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