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Nombre: Garca Salinas Vctor

Nombre de la materia: Ingles ll

Fecha de entrega: 03/ junio/ 2015
Nombre del tutor: Irene Elas
Nombre de la actividad: MIII-U1 Actividad 2. Forming the Past
Continuous/Formacin del pasado continuo.
Instrucciones: Copia en un documento Word los siguientes ejercicios para enviar
a tu tutor.
Exercise 1. Past continuous practice

Completa los verbos faltantes utilizando was o were.

I was typing my homework at the computer lab when the lights went off.
My sister was traveling on a business trip when she met her husband.
Peter was skiing in Colorado when he had an accident.
Students got higher grades when they were studying in small groups.
Adam was watching a movie when he remembered he had to pick up his
parents from the airport.
Sam was playing the piano while his family listened and enjoyed his concert.
Last week, the plumber was fixing Toms kitchen.
I remember last summer, when we were riding our bikes to find a good place
to have a picnic.
One of the children was giving an oral report in front of the class, while we
took notes.
The waiter was bringing us our coffee when his cell phone rang.

En el cuadro que se muestra, clasifica las actividades (de los enunciados)

en diversin (entertainment), trabajo (work) y escuela (school).



Peter was skiing in Colorado

when he had an accident.

I was typing my homework at

Adam was watching a movie
My sister was traveling on a
the computer lab when the lights
when he remembered he had to
business trip when she met her went off.
pick up his parents from the
Students got higher grades
Sam was playing the piano
Last week, the plumber was
when they were studying in
while his family listened and
fixing Toms kitchen.
small groups.
enjoyed his concert.
The waiter was bringing us our One of the children was giving
I remember last summer, when
coffee when his cell phone rang. an oral report in front of the
we were riding our bikes to find
class, while we took notes.
a good place to have a picnic.

Exercise 2 Composition
Write a short composition about what you did last weekend. Try to use verbs of
entertainment, or work if necessary. Remember to use verbs in present continuous.
Write at least 100 words.
Last weekend I got back from vacation with my family, and I had a lot of fun. I had
to get back to doing homework because i had too much on these days. I had to run
to get back in shape and return to soccer training, which was fun. I ran around 100
km in the week. It was really tiring and I decided to rest every afternoon. I invited
my friends to play xbox in the evenings and we also watched some movies. Every
night I went to buy dinner and I finished my homework.

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