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Ideology as a Factor

Pakistans foreign policy is influenced by its Islamic ideology because of the 85% Muslim population, because the state religion is Islam, because the
nation was primarily created to meet the needs of a Muslim population and hence Pakistan aims to associate itself with Muslim and Democratic countries.

Geographical Factor

Pacts may be broken, treaties unilaterally denounced, but geography holds its victims fast.- Dr. Eayrs.

The political significance of an area bears a well defined relation to its geographical location, its climate and landforms and natural resources. Pakistan is
no different, being an important gateway to historical trade routes and the government moulds it foreign policy accordingly, bearing in mind its strategic
location to benefit its people.

Economic Factor

Pakistan received little assistance economically at the time of its creation. It may be this very reason that motivated the first Premier Liaquat Ali Khan to
look towards strong relations with the United States of America, which resulted in membership to CENTO, SEATO and consequently military and economic
benefits. Put simply: the nations strategic location as a trade route is of no use if there is no trade.

Also, the numerous refugees from the two Afghan wars seeking asylum within the countrys borders are a further drain on resources. The economic factor
that contributes to the countrys foreign policy is therefore an important contributor and cannot be overlooked.

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