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S a l a r y /C om p e n s a ti o n

C o st of E d u c a ti o n *

Application Developers in the country usually

receive a salary of Php12,000-Php18,000
depending on the company they are employed

The cost of pursuing a Bachelors Degree (4-year

course) in Computer Science may cost from
P110,000 to as high as P300,000 depending on the
educational institution or in the computer colleges
that thrive in the country.

Prospects for Career Advancement

Application Developers usually advance in
their career to become Project Managers,
System Engineers, or Lead Developers. These
are usually management level positions that
require strong communication and soft skills
as well as technical expertise. Other
Application Developers may move on to
careers in systems design or technical

Career Information Pamphlet

Series of 2012


E m p l o ym e n t O p p o rt u ni ti e s
Applications Developers work in a wide range
of business sectors, including the public
sector, usually as part of a team with other IT
professionals and often working closely with
software engineers and systems analysts,
writing programs according to their
specifications. They may also work on generic
products that can be purchased or for
individual clients and BPO companies
providing bespoke solutions.

Note: Image of the occupation was downloaded from

* Based on 2011 rates

Department of Labor and Employment

Bureau of Local Employment
Manila, Philippines

The job of an Application Developer involves
writing specifications required in the
applications and using programming
computer languages and development tools
to design, build, test, implement, and support
applications. Most will specialise in a
specific field of application development e.g.
mobile, Java, web, Oracle, database.

output from the program works as intended;

preparation for this career.

Reacts to problems and corrects the program

as necessary;

S k i l l s a nd C o m p e t en c i es

Installs the program and conducts final testing;

Evaluates the program's effectiveness;

Increases program operating efficiency and

adapts to new requirements, as necessary;

Conducts user acceptance testing to ensure the

program can be used easily, quickly and

Establishes a detailed program

specification through discussion with

Writes detailed documentation for the

operation of the program by users and
computer operators;

clarifies precisely what actions the

program is intended to perform;

Consults manuals, periodicals and technical

reports to learn new ways to develop programs
and maintain existing skills and knowledge;


Breaks down program specification into

its simplest elements and translates this
logic into a programming language;

Devises possible solutions to predicted

problems, evaluates other options;

Works as part of a team, which may be

established purely for a particular project,
to write a specific section of the program;

Combines all elements of the program

design and tests it;

Tests sample data-sets to check that

Conducts research on emerging application

development software products, languages and
standards in support of procurement and
development efforts; and
Updates, repairs, modifies and expands
existing software and generic applications.

E d u c a ti o na l R e q u i re m e n t
One must have a bachelors degree in the field of
Computer Science, Information Systems,
Computer Engineering or other relevant courses to
become an Application Developer. However, hands
on training would probably be the best

A mid to high-level of experience in two

or more of the following development
languages: MSVisual Basic, .NET,
ASP.NET, MS-Visual FoxPro, MS-SQL
Server, MS-Access;
A strong understanding of object oriented
languages and development methods.;
A strong understanding of structured
programming methods and data
normalization concepts;
Strong strategic and critical thinking
Must have thorough and accurate
research skills; and
Good written communication skills.

Attributes and Characteristics

Ability to prioritize requests effectively

and efficiently and work with a sense of
Ability to work with a significant
attention to detail and thoroughness;
Passion for exploring and learning.

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