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Text and Performance Quarterly

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Heidi Rose
Published online: 14 Sep 2011.

To cite this article: Heidi Rose (2011) Introduction, Text and Performance Quarterly, 31:4, 321-321,
DOI: 10.1080/10462937.2011.604940
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Text and Performance Quarterly

Vol. 31, No. 4, October 2011, p. 321


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Heidi Rose

During the interview that ends this issue of Text and Performance Quarterly, Anna
Deavere Smith says, Im looking for the people who want to stand on that building
and scream their story (p. 446). To scream ones story means to possess both the
desire and ability to story the self and to have a voice that is heard. The first person
continues to reinforce and advance its place in scholarly discourse across disciplines,
as do methodologies based in artistic practice (cf. Knowles and Cole; Leavy). In The
Performative I Della Pollock reminds us that if we are going to commit completely
to our scholarly engagement with the first person, we are compelled both to
interrogate and grant possibilities for practicing new subjectivities (242). This issue
of Text and Performance Quarterly contributes to the evolution of the performative
I with a collection of essays and scripts that engage subjectivities in complementary
and varied ways. On each of these pages, the writer is present to the reader/audience,
and the audiences presence is central to the writers consciousness, whether the text is
a script or piece of performative writing. The writers included here bring to
themselves and to the reader/audience a deep consciousness of changing and
emerging subjectivity, as well as awareness of how narrative, poetry, and performance
create, shape, name, and critique experience. In form, structure, and content,
performance as a way of knowing infuses inquiry into self and other. And in these
pages, as the stories reach out to the reader/audience*as we immerse ourselves in the
subjectivity of each writer/performer*they show us that writing does not represent
or reproduce the self but rather moves writer and reader/audience to new points of
identification and alliance (Pollock 252).
Knowles, J. Gary, and Ardra L. Cole, Eds. Handbook of the Arts in Qualitative Research: Perspectives,
Methodologies, Examples, and Issues. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2007.
Leavy, Patricia. Method Meets Art: Arts-Based Research Practice. New York: Guilford P, 2009.
Pollock, Della. The Performative I. Cultural Studies B *  Critical Methodologies 7.3 (2007):

ISSN 1046-2937 (print)/ISSN 1479-5760 (online) # 2011 National Communication Association

DOI: 10.1080/10462937.2011.604940

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