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V.P.GAUTHAM onto semper Cliwatabagy Poly) Oriain of Eaart > Earth vas initially a nobula (com i-soled hoa), The ontie cath woe made of lowe - > hava rainy gna C0, Li,9 Lvapaa) volcanic Crypt ane ~ ‘ The abmosplue row combina A f C.- which & a qrombove gas and. hance it qhsorbs 9 bot f kook? Thus, oath’, temp: inoensea to Aroneards of logan, >The encaped wats vapom — gues 4 high , / | 2TH wabis vapeur. molecule combined “ty frm cloud, >The cod. at pet height . undergo condensate, to fam vam. : Te thew ade bua onli a lt f bout whi got daposthed the. earth , = The ram, on by Poy th when The cath syslom , ac evnpeatel Lie. to high Hemp.) Hebe tacking adh, surbee The nan tied — to brook Phrergh Hoa bmp. bain — for handhads years. > Grlly, i bole He barrin eee saachad Ho adh turfce- Tere was corbin ran Br peeeeeeeaee 3 ayaa veut on...cardthis wre. ota =a wal povedade 7 inside «, ts trong ard sellbed thow AS SRA. &, all. thee basalt go cial arden. canams - > This washing of basabh exposed. Yo eh - underneath , ealled GRANITE. So, mask of the land is made of granibic roche, 9 The. claude, ematning’ “webet vaipan, om, collision crash —thandenctrems, lhich crsalat Whe mide. of nibregen . TIL vow, — Nitregen, ig Te, basic —comporond of IFe. Coy own L Rw), The dove the mes qhurdect emonl wos Coy rort- it waa nitrogen. The eonly Ife form wae absorbed bet of ta, This Asvwosed tha Lo, -/. & nitrogen romared conatant - Mow, aiboxtn és the most ar burdan?—"70~ > The later living’ organisma absorbed o,f pe. ob cm. Thin maa on apeed pack by reitine fo Joop the gasems eapsilibrinn « ; —> Buk’, ‘Bin eqpilibrion — hao bean dishubed by * humans , tasaling ta global rong! Nebula 3 Nova —» Saorncva , Red Graal v White duof Bleich Hele . 1 dont) Chardrosela © init 3144 Wass of the wn) = Expand rg ial. coneagi ' : The jiu Bebuaan, J plang — kagps on: inchonsing conv walonial Hoon aura « Hrunce , angen planets hove from“ Yroors , whoa rovcuny hy to roar —> Bit, Vion & Vong roils tle. opposite, denahe Big Bovg thay - WD lange halbon collide > cean , swrbrlnd... > A brief hicday of doo “Sepa polo wy. le ; Arctic. ciecle Tempoale= oO Capon. 2ake 3 Putarete corde pls Pom Umbed Shar fe Aron [so a] 1 Califrnia 2 -Oragaon eneshin creat” 3. Washing ton 4: Nevada S- Moumbana 6 -[daho 7- Utah 1 ahvid lads s- Arizona a Wyoming 10-Colovado IT New Mazico 12. Texs (13+ Oklahoma ly Ronsies is: Nebraska 16-South Pahoa 17° North Daleta 1g Miniss etka Topic of canon Topi ef opin, ow > fret multipurpose ivan prijed- am the world 27. Missicsipgt > Hos the loge viva of Us, 2P- Alabama “et 29: Gaorgia 30° Florida 3) South Groling 32> Neth Grol 23+ Magqland 3p Parinyslvania 35° Virginia 24) New Jersey 31. Conrachioat 38° Massachussolts 2% Wisconsin 40° Michigan mnths @ BSED 757 by 90% 5 remipapor > sdibviels 5 take a neitch clad. Inbanicesi He summa shack is vg important. Bebo anes asm Modern, Archery. CSA Hae Ari honk tichry-> Spacham , Donde 90 for mule lls Lr x spectfee sabjectr, aA whe you bash ayeitin fick . Sports ews ine H. > heey back Fall ssakrpouens wannng Me Qemas + Chetan, olympic. Stan , te): Lene! cinbitia 0 Ol scrng Phat e2 Qemail an Ewwironmert atooice (ete on oh) Newspaper Geepophy > Daur diagrane Gr abnsol all api tw) > Maps wan Ine nop (20/) “Heep speck of imp plese in India, sich Figure it paw. slo Eaeni's _Ivreeion ee Te 5 bupy fF cath hme hoon idanbtiecd ly shady ike siemic, aches, t ‘ + Seismic wAves Ga “Yimary = (Bd oe 2) errdony waves Gs) 3 Lowe) Surbce waves (i). 4 Fou: pb. whaa — gathgyahe.. originakas Price: — ob show te adhgnale ic feb vecenel "Te stimic saoves —evigctes (frau) nahin’ thd ual Fn Hs) 5 it laksa mall dhs tacks Ne soot's out \ Powe + Travela thaengh sled L laud + Simin 4. sound. ive'g TAnsverst + Shdow are. ~Dicad les? Swomes Lxsowes ( gurda co. wave) Travel only along the circumberance. sok | 7 ‘Longst woul 4 cing thay tovel the athe surface of the santh. = No chedew zona” = Come, resem re Asthenosphow. 1 a semi-solid layer cs upper mantle - Between crust Lanta. nr) 2A wn go inhvion ib! He ‘eai ys ° temporabare increases, sche 3 Buby why is only the ube cone a’ liquil 2 + Thigh bh, the outer A inrer SiAL > Slicam , Aluminium, 1s Mantle SiMe 2Glicon , Magraiium . —>= Gre Xs Nife = Nick, Iron - Aelhenofyhere > Bohm oth “jWhen wa pass PGS waves[ ako Ge zonkts ouak , thaw spead deaps. at a dante 30 Ba EE actancspher. woo comply es liayrid, vould bat detpel § za, Ki t wt i got reduced became of = 30) a cheng ay cht Coll te att) dab “8 Density cheng > Speed donassss _Scwaves SaRiaiad aa ra ovens (ee oly rod Nes l. G= waves don't poss thorongh liquid baer This’ maans "Goin can’ wach RgaBoee because ¢ o presence f~ © lipid layer wrveomeolt, + Using these anglg , He deh £ oko coe Cliyid) ee ; Pe wstuas con't pou trong 102° let”, Pwvores —> con tramh tragngh bah ld lg Du to repeated refractions (aa tha wave 4revaly Fram aoury b baie med (morte te outa “J, light te benny (actin te come. men hear & so fon), He —Pewavr will rover Le, able fo an angla bor LO cit. we The ange 8" ix pecsuned «with raspeck be He fem of te aanthquahe - > Sina. raithrn P nr S$ wavs aan rach placa om the agin oO L1G?’ with veoped fp four, it is called — chadour region — Only “1? raves ill agpam ot shedew ame. ws Te shade cone. pre te puma f a tad od oa: "o AL progy layer junction (-00 crmsk-— buer-conity lower crmsk dy pp rrille, so---) 5 How Roa sudden cha in the locity f Py § wowa- nye in velocity This is 9& ~ Cdscons 6 ebtan Col “Tans (ibnam) To Fapase <> Bik, Aetenoslove junchiony ana mst eed” these dis conbiructi oa « Vorcamo > Gore of wlano —3 Actlenosphore lt tragmabic wealova — comos ont — From oro ww, eat would — have chunk Lik speed At rkabon — incroased - ® j. Diccuss, er > staph > oir viat Gevinions, crtiely onan, - iP mits C nga + Ca platn, daith~>chaight She 60 ingot 2 bay sda chai alaborste nea = 3 Citeally eet 4 Ciba toot s Eick y th 6 Elacidader _, explain wih ala eaampls. o:Commait > extale a slender ay ome F 6 chien bt ewxgive 107% at the unptad sbavd. F, Bri nda on > towhtte majo pants of Be surradly vast opie compra ana bride nak + Describe to» Tasty —» Goa Ricky reso cupertey ta * SubsPonkake shibmerb given Wo Differediale = cu ely He dffenncay nob 6 iJaribiza 12- Cmporchie oralysis > oe hone |e is PART A ya oO 3 . ® 6 PART-B « o © @ ® sigaey Vek 2ooe => ho sp a (© werk Wee) te @D Apes TAP © Comnshdosiy Bledsa phyial. ling ® Clore O havadlot, (Bthet nd G)Grhamerny ior Attar 200 ® ——_. Bom- 30m — gplit up: >The tee split ups will be from dififencat chaptrs . = quarkions , ra. than tuchnical Csince- only SO mabe ). —> Map in paper Zs nb—ture . Moy cme. Moy nok come. Wits He oram hauad on xamiar' eychdeey, not gy your piycholagy. = Mite yor OR er avechen" Frage t ree Wandin “8 Jen” Uagma ALB researcher, (sen. pron se how nek Gas oyou that pic ra andeuband “the orb answer). >No word Limits bet bap a, tne lini {> yourselt. Time Auccato 1 40 ming Fr nach 30 m qusbion y allocate” 2.40. mins 1S minutan. é 3433s 4235 5730 Dace ams. Bite, wh Sm 32 b 4 5 30m>3 & 65 COND Hw?E. Diagrams absolutely nasa) in Gaegraphy - DiAceams 3 Piechats araphs Fleweat » pickoe . map = Yow can rite cithar m — paragraphs br) poinb - | paragraph > not more - than 6 lias Uso dort & compote sentences. > Diagam should Jee eompite. in ese hing Re: > Poe He diagrams in Be right portion of bat. sien we them nagahve bral aint sontlling 5 doit in ax diplomaic sy odin oak me {eth in mains & interview Prel:ions Gombe) Op baa jatueen 108" 143" is cold shel cone Rese No woven i dcbacrad Satan 103"G gt. de ndk~ pss rnugh lige + Prswen eva: ©s5 © © Suhre wave is dobectad. Q, > Aaa leben 103" Gigs 2g called cholow ove RM wom cc diteded often [oi oPhawek cxeoph — L unwee - . ©? © is wong? ob her aes atin wh, BH IS jee Su 8 Aid Lk’ woves, Fravd ante. civcunfevance. @ ESE oe err Chet ECE 1 es RTH is the longest voave amory Ye 2 sore. Os wth A&R one right - But A is He’ vem fy Re | Mins. Y How fr coismic — woveS ove. helphud in andorstardig conth’s ohwespoe 2 (eo m). 2) Earth's inborior is »). 3) Seismic. waves Gs m). x4) Seismic wae is the only 7 oucthorbic boddel Hl understand the earth's interior, Disuus - (30 m), StHEDOLE., rl anata Tomorroul!s teAic i: > sock & cath movnmorly . a oot Olde tocdori'cs -> contnanke & ccran ba Sun > Earthapale. Eawlanicity’s +4 fou Ly ismic wees are fot, M4 m shy Mo Larth's wie he 2arth is axsentilly mode at 3 byers 7) ) Guck 2) Mantle ark Dee. Furthn classification — brings bo fght- esr crush Lower crush Actlenocploe Upper mantle Lewar mantle Ouber cova Inner comm layers of _2arth Vopr cra st Lower arusk’ Acthenecphare bepey nowtHe_ lower ern t Dube corp Tyner cord OF tase lagers 5 He asthencsphae is Semi —colid : The outer core is Lay wied Coe lan oda). Al To bya one. mM adhd she. Gmpormin be Laary —>Delna Seismic waves — Av introovenon Te shdy of te inborn of the searth has keon greatly Facilibabed by the Seismic Waves , whos cimalation Gc tdy how provides eciontic bs with a lot- of su bslanbicing fuck : : Tha seismic’ waves aorigrt: abiedhe fee Cm te out) or 1A the ntile ab He apicondra (on tre sarths surfoce) - Types Be Seismic WoNas » 1. P waves 2. © wovey aL & Wovea Z _ Reerded seismic wave ky af sorcmagraph. —_—oe EF ba + Punves can tarel thogh bith liquid chtos + : “Beir propria are snl’ ty Hof soul sant + S-wows caw. thavel ‘onl toogh* solid. Leva , +The ee surface waves. = Dey oe tHe logest viaven sha tay travel ang be sobre. creumfoone of 297th, Samer Recoory of astlencaphae When He seismic wavay wna passed h Hea aavth, They expenamad. « Se dem sed ab a ely HED be This indicted a change. 1 dbncihy 5 hente « cherge i madum aft 30 km, whit bed. to te lis cowry of asthenephune- lhe Gaph Sui by mnseacd H actlencsphore uns Nigpid) thn s ® coavis © woWld’ haw Leen ‘chopped. Bad the prckntion of Somos gored to cam coid nator. Shadow fees 7 5 vakachin of oP -uaves 7 BS waves originabng at a Peay cama each te sorth’s HL Lend 13° of The, fou *pomt, Grim vw) PThiS proved proence! A liad layer . 84 calendehng angler i an proven, Prat outer core war 4 linguid state. bebroction of P-onves SP ovaven aig race at ofens oth wet reach “He conde em cuvfice bebo Joa" 142° (Cisco tes a9 Pshodow vaglon) , 7 ne sr ite Som chor we 3 cams pel nnfacke im 2 ant progtassod — fram fram cokd tp hapid te eeeees oR Tig, ‘Plo vadr’\ ot mantle, Li oat sone Sd Mr tova \ The. vegion babagan. 1D; eu" is called Shadi zor el a . Discosbiuttaps*” os eos Tom Moh eephite Custtaabeny “Transition (Lahwam ) Farther, The P veer Showed. dayge in cpead, at 5. Sel pom, 7 ard drag WH callaol Ais anbrouia, Hen » & Coupens wero gabiblicdesl> NR Webhed. of porch: TH & go with The guaahion tov? How ore seismic waves hell in underclandig arth, caitberiae: ae ane poly, they. zaghh's mbps. 2 Tomo Sea.» 3iSgraphicth on gor! s Solace ane deeply iélelek oft Heeler ok hele > bebve seismic vaaves? Po Bion PE prangy won: sented § surface of te ath m ©. widleuing From van” “orig ‘fak pee 2s prleortes PISS Li > How wth a nc aii. Sma Seismic vine Sr tie Hd 2 layout... les Beth PKS awe 2 vas vithiilel Brel aang a def Rlvilcttey DPAsthenesphon ? Both, e& 5 poas with haga. m velo). > How oto cora_(2g00 bn) 5 lps? Shadow- zone, =e ‘ Rand lass, tanh mew . D Lismic wows on He only io dy axis idem, Dicuas | ihe Diack Indie 1¥¢ spurcas 7 mom) Drilling VTemmp, pressne, dancity 9 festa mines 2) Gronitetionl. free. a4) Netoah 3) Volcanic meters al 3) Mis Sarid 4) Gieypie woes Alarm word » > prenine -y debhng, vo leant as Toth all be pms a ay dneat afr more ) fhe ele” oye, ae de srasial chem be mith indeshdng of the-apds =, Nen ~enoclional: 7 of Se iit Diswa i¢ te, fice Sha we shoud aloo mann ba dead f eel @ > Seismic simves. Drseas Cis m), + Dabniton , Tyme = Prins of each Ayre « ‘ 7 Vemmaf Eohwipn m Ha. mborion oft sande. + Vou of eeismic wanes - # Se NEAT fo toe dagans Sa ects om te oc. : o "PS bok dag fe 16S. shed wom = direct £ mdirait romney ‘ Sow indoa, hte of Me cath —sclnictone. « ia feel Teh _ leostac y, . prodrevinl ability). -«': Coal leet Cnlttiun thd, exit belies uptlerdicg block Loibow— lujng wen {on be chegradahion Sanindrs, Soh A Prd thoy 3 Somes Bigger The lan 5 Lastr tee dey [osser Yoo Ghumn » bigger the dansily. Unifen — adept, Varying Dinsity : (bole ire AL hae vosgne” domsity, bit Sawa.’ depth t— Line of compensation * FraH's cmeabe wy dail fom ‘Law of Gmpersehion? 3 @( fag M, bee of cmp, Aity's concept @ dowd. fom Slase of Hla,” RY AY 1 PRATT ws Extensn f Plt’ thay Pratt <3 Lre of compensation , LB > Plane of compontabin Cat = ih 10 km Vdeb jad se St domain prc oe ve Ly whe i plana of companedion >. 20ne. AF companahiy v (6 km tock). Sly says, 6 Vatform clonaihy above zme_ of: campensabion , bib oe daniey below ave. coy’. Helancs +> Accoda ae fst tang bak net m 19 et > Lager cAumng submory vt ‘atab lecomta. lighter, vatoun) ie available under larger umes bea: grabev dapth - —> Grell caumns ove bghle referial below tom upho a lesson dayth 5 < they oa submarged, Goss. {so scr Suppose, 0 mounbnin(. Himalayas) is denuded. Tha woted — mabe is dapocttid — in: thas acaane FOH. . The ccoan flow, now hoving become hominy erase Quits O Ts Make = comparative. alysis of thany of Py £ batt’: Can) Bring wh He bared views on xostagy (s). > leoshagy Cmts oQ, > open taded - ohel ; Covrmene Crean Bass. ae > Sne ath is a sphing. en challog’« tee, wll, ono caged te oie te. TE igo a bie BLS out) — oe aluays — pon up the Ceaareg axxcaph al only io places. on od into New Zealand , va amerge ot Cpait- On cadtreg into South Chana, we marge me the Pabreorian dost - ke mos ccaons ano. in trangml shape + => N- pole iz surrounded by ocean, while ie suvrourded ky land mots - Spl > Mask of He land moss ® Dronbital Nehemisphone , whike mot Gf Ha, ocean boun 8 heewsen (lage ean const: (haul) aug on ronal oust (grant) Sy bed ic alurage ower ‘hon Tha. bo mets Ocean Gobinoidad Dif a spn 2 imate gee eer hr eon F tnd, —a C6 i gg) driveue [12-6 billion yrs «) Hicheical pidance dt back be 700 million quo 20» [before > rakala fom) 2 > Gmbrian peried 3 fret lank maa \ O = Ordovician» huge volcanic’ ieatign | Ss Ghrian > ramball m 2ade D > Povorran =a Age of fichs Bed povenian! full formak- cm Corben 2 haa. f cook A “ae a war buried. Col); w aie £ oul (ome So tl wale la fo etn atom boil) gunboy il (MES Anceaun 5 Hovents T riasete. T arassic Cre la cons. Techiny gortod Pao ena E One “Oo ‘i 1 gota : Mio cond, jie +P lierstoaone +! ote po Hes Qrastanany roicl ald Lm yaihe) > 3 Byler prowesad “Hs L “rhs hee thors shen made saphcant cobb Aimedic. change Lf any Conbront de shabioneeys cl) mal” mrawck have eng . ce Give ray haan sthorany conta ray be changing) 7 veer » Od Eee & frpolachan rls howe bog Aopos' bs of coal . ; He24 pibale Cook Sernabion mut be duc be huge foraat cover binied m the garth. but, Boop oetn'b on a Chrala> cutabh fy Tak foresh- dhl. iy. Hen & rainfall) . Co, he proposed a hy pothesis : £ Buck » he vajacted ype, eae * fe cds df atm alk phy ont F fave's ok. fer EU tne some ok » bydka's doceom ep ho coals | Eapaane Assumpbin ! D owhonifercus poriedd., anata 3 A gk ae Pantraras >A single oraan Assumphion 2. SiAl ic Srely Phaking on Gila. Keepy Those assumption Mh rear - he. cho electing evidances Ie “Tigeaur Abby Ff ombodts, 2 Mla, on the at fhe {Hoy continonk, had, saw shih, og a Boceil fi & 3- Feil widong, Simon ee vA ine o) Jaditude f- Several aorta ee Fo Lemmye = Ht anne don't baer suranity. ae populckion Paorene » Thay mrigiale Lamm Lamings’ fossil founh in W 7 deer S18 ane ‘Arnanivea Gee Bow the cookie silt? Ere (g stoveme wes 7 Equatorial washand ay 7 dah Lor dd Pre Baoyaney Dil Feo gyanitsy £ fre cum moon food Ha cor Tal Lai (hr) Cte + Gk ge gtk oft ath kas mn He cork LF ganth . + APta te split of the partie panger, He comb gravity ple tle nathan seodbonn Land maaics — Lewrce iit | Beat land — maasay collided nearcatape frm, Ebb maunbahi” [lm Atps 2 Iranian ke, Pimdaye) Since tk xg nethsadn collision, Thee. vile on in The cack pit slvecbion , Earth —rolebiu’ fom wade fo cake & te sand mam move tor past to waik , the tal Fran of sun& moon Avith{ the landmass — from ee a a + SiBL movemauks on: SIMa..wos testvanad daring movie — From soak te wait The cake Fong) om waiken pink oF Mh W byt, Prericn [Rey (at enc birdy (604) nah vey Mitel Sk oon oh fee) © Copper epi m — Piibary” Tee Lengat cattn taekle preducing cunbry Houston : rebrariea Dallas : cotton » ia ehba, de, Pecan co Pees volonic pile (5 “yet) Code ptatiru> ; | i | Praieies sbimpeabe gresslnds (haat redaction) Wha dade Ee well lngitnde of [ansr 5 Nabrasha SLM Dada, Gos heath isuron «, (Ful mechinisah . culhviin) Thowonds of aoas of grattland. All. over ta weld, “choir thee i a onpoute grusland, toa is Whaik , cabledien . Whyrerr toe i whab callin, He. is rine, bin ral. The. mataa , afin Aachrg em, 2 Fel ce fodder be ced. carte inowTeY 14 “Ns Maat aie ¥ vaste. hypo ens hoy Pole om ; fed Pow FAG IN pwsTRY —5 Even in N:India Paget & Hegana). . Fompanste gyasclardl ox thon - Punjab — known for vhost cul Waser, ' Moig is also cubhvated cot eras hd - Ba So, DAIRY. — wousTR¥ 1 daloped- Ai, | mach nig Me dowload tt om RELIGION vet) Certo J axe, O > Bring ok the ditfinont vigws om Ieatiry + SDoawmey :. ayn Lorde ic te mechanical, stbabibchy letwacn Ha weclerday ovens and Hel loully ng basins on a wohating cavlt,. There have been Varlow, views on isesbacy Ainy's eonagt Sind Cernsh of 4 Mer retard) is Ply on Sima Csubsbabom if denser, mmberil), Field He Sto “t Clakiod gy He vate of, Beals draught we hq. He sid alt Aun, on cove, Clary pbs rants) “had the same densi 5 inrespeddg. fF ther thickness Chaight). ; a wacker in ( z Mater i efferent att, Middrahon o Abmerg ing, Cithcicms ome bow, fom aperimanded Prolings, thet, He dorcthy ot eels ack ie mak chor pveryshoa. > Tle Alockdhon theory , i appliad. 4p amanda 70 ban hich “ rele yz elas SRE Pile cone act ~ > Pelt: adegh, Me Lew of Gonpinsobtcn a Gb He. height o£ the. chun 5 lessor. is ils bncity . He expasced Yat all cdumns hove Uniform bert Bu VARYING peer > There is aq Line o Pe leew tek ta na al cclnng # tame: cin of tal Ieorlaay CRmesm, > Thagh Ratt doacn't believe in lau oF Hababin, iL indicates root formation indivedby. Concpt rf Haylck fv” This concapk |e eins. b Ma Pydll'c concagt, Thee 8 4a plone: oe Sapatacon, ear thon a tre oF compentalie” athe zoe balow this plro haa wviform dns in the lateral — direct . — Plane & componscbion is localed apa. wih of, 100 bem. mc) ccna thawed with 4th . Gomis) “Covagt of Bobnu AEE > te said “Higho jolunn, ane; enbiaged teas ogth —Hn lo’ coume’ be ko Th retin og > Higher coluins ave submonge qrtly, home How = lidhter matoiial below Hem far quan coph © Gorell cama Aaya lighter abaxial, eau thom, only uplo a lessor depth odjvehmonh For agi" a wah. ie —dawadal Ts comers lowering, oft - “The. dada mgkerialh ear shigetbad at the cubed © Tig makes Mle “ounan heavien & mb- lighter. This comsey g vice ™ the mt We subsidence of — sun floor. To. written Besta. balane, cima wk flaw ote ed to mi undor the lovah compiniahon * The vaview vive! oe jeocn 1 heya led b a — qrasber undorstardacg of tHe earth’ 5 gquilébium - Though the. variow andogenchc Lrcay L dechmic twonts . casise--“cbechonbancy bo isestney, na dure Aliays fords » ' isochebee, adjusbras. ! zak Corrinewmne _deier Theory Or / Se ee a ce et &N\ Miss Seenas Cibiismis 6 vegan ag the veh 2) Etting Bim might hae shaped the combina. Dil: rmublnare sidahion ™ the erecta mall te combuents 4) ° Pin ang Nop lors phe. = Te tne (Bm Nickel) ode a 8 map Sar Phas cre ig showy bE cask se robaing yd fe change rogrote. Phar aye oe preducey a magnitic Bld. The core fame th Krwwd) ic gS, bak the cake moving due be cambrnental Mitt. Say He pritin of mop. pees mm sas crak wets. wagadr tv pee, 3 Grady (6llomee elo) ropthic phe => tolr Eten Zadond » Prlardhicn — : fun ~ fee oe cmelut , hespay! = and Le sot’ pe" are He conclu, the eruchl — surke over tha magnthic Wi bac | cmbooialy deiPlog- Fat ie os he apparent — movement — of pole. Tig is called —poln wandering * Te Magrckic. pcos» now m Geode. b Adbuchn moe petthon fle fhruands oh yaty dia b ww. a : ; Lal dif. 1 Crim) 5) Dou He meth ck an oreynee qyeily dey He lard pase 2 HF iF wnt 0, ten the guiletioal true right ha sented ha oe anth ibe? Gente maarost lla lh bd man spd Ops, thn the — enusoncd cegion will bulge. ard at one port ctup te rolation of eat 2) Tha fnition of frog (Rocky 4, Andy) woe, due 4 the Si Moe -vesistanie. bo useabuen movimok of Cpls Why—welct Hig onhiny 4 assamphn@®) + cel ede conbray dems. SE Me cath, No ca ln a) tow did’ the split occur) ) Pure. Tecnuies Treoey! smiiieeieebs eee fim? Tp enpbin all gedeg ial ack, — moun tain building,” earth qpa lo, volcano, de Mid Alberdy @ oeaan, 14d > north -easton drerfion. seas = fictive Grong > dormank- Gpe Verde extinct En vences Oleaton & voleon dower 7 Nm N\ eal re (wid acorn “te & lave spel on dope oe spe sen nem ts * Be Ocean deposit incase ax we ove omy fom Ha mid-abonbc ridge, Depart OL Time S “Older te phic, more is te exposure arch mee is tte capes. Hone, the Hibs F vxaan dapes noesser finish x ve-man fan veel dp, beds Fhe cook tear Foor stm ant oa thik meet oe @ Age £ oman tor: - Study of rocks shows that te ge ak the pidealnke ridge isa win yo Ad od coxtmmnld ow is Boom gre Ada Tie ches sion Hor 7 aay & antrd ic th Ad - "Be Dabe Ala Wedbras O Paleo nopiatin. * = The yoda suscaphie. materials in the cha, with respect fo te hovieibet, Panes doing then Lvmation . 7 iar pe Fe Fe es +22 minor plabes. QO MAror OL Arenon B bavesta’ @ Afnca 6) trdo— Pun © Prodenchic @ Pacihe - PLATE _BOvNDARIES “oo ‘it Tromehri Conver get Y eagent onsen ie) apt aaa bent att sted BEE ue a Tirtien a Sl ‘tae (68 wi) Yh te snl crf at emcbathy he doy “ne Be oust abe thd gd. Over a prod & tm tia ere fas ak Hany lg Gole) Te cepthisr iron HES Imm celgiyit Pome 9 eck tow ./ te. emigehn arnt, choc He eoatkiny ugh & Heo EH 7 Divert. Ocean —ocaam phe ay Mia d-allotic a ¥ Gn. ™~ Pee eb ed Laney tale lt oteae plate" hay ‘control —F a oan plide~ _ subducts ard. Gortwontl eld Ta example. dy les niin else. Condranbl pit can't rely mov over Ha ccaan plate dua to its pbstnnetion. This vesuhe im Gactiea Teste eS pole — moltt mn the cathanosphorwr ard ts nxcaane magna seartlay Pr ‘Eime Spite Le mone ob. This magma, coma ait Ooorgh the Fracties —m canbovedlale .. duck 3 wlem Te ecbdudad ocean: Eee brake and dron mmol Whan if beale, if ee nergy) > Labayshe « ‘anal col clei, cconnic omit Landa on wourlens. =! 6m moses ot : Lg "a pos’ om am opel 8 Daa os Phase. ve trae ag vom. Themes tidak boa Cord atgaction F garth's enc) will allw- free» mowemeit - of to aalh'S oyak a 7 4 conioget volearoes '~ The mast” paplosive .° Ginee the magna — comes od ooh small vord, dhe Crargy tow hagh => explora. D volcanoes. i Smee i ha a long Not explosia. vent (the onda midcalodic. elgg). Hetlm Lesg drengy » domaitey’-- (Ledlond 2 fgvaba ysl) Oczan -orbopark conwergenas Sig get f = Ao” ple will sm Erosion plz, since Indle-Aw pig Me: Owen —oc2an Comongete tI “Tapan oy Paes Ca Scene : 4s Bock Meith valley © “to MERE” fede i, the mid ABican pla Great ditt Yalag ite - hea a gale i oe) _ 6. te sua Fl At bbc ocean will sxpard (yi) Pacific toon will shrmk . W Price Jose th Indin tn f tabs) Pelhi urd Varley coaunaaas toe) ; fat AG; : Abi —* AFRICAN cen teh TS het Afric alr . Divergence <> only im Adame -oxias te ar 7 COnpeavAn mn mene my ces a a ielanty mechan bn ow Bae) parser aaa A outs vo. ‘elm Te Anegonce Imivswence LAnenenee bowie, the size f£ the aah Yelle. ratisied pak Gs gba Mrmneg aro ipa. vy wy 16 seconds , har way, comes a Lava . Magma Loge When magma comes oul mw asthenos phere _ rong a wl cane « Gnecce-3 Arion —-Emosia plac: y haw Fe ee cat lanes, a, Se, They Jone - undo i lat of Qdcticing fey Gch hee soroel, gale 3 fre, wali, lord Awa te ddn Foon theses weet comune ot tre hich hoo leuor band combed — ernst vill subaalr. eat. > las qraiy 5 ptlo-smoe.,groitatink fac bine phe tte & test tery, ~ dosha, —> Poke edocs on df hej vdcows, chilly I orth Frmerico, 8 Columbia plain, Grady plete > Inter mombooric. v plea, Vleanic (ae Deccan tap m Inds) Vv bolton Roky £ Castel Range. Oven}. phlei > bebrtin Mircissippi —Micsonie_pla,, “sb thre Lok done. shaped ple ane. soe & Redken Beso, Appalacha rrourdaing —s fred dang Depenca, L Pangaen | & Panga 2~ nan. Nosliongen 96° Chesapeake Thee Avthres al poonl cu ltr ‘ Ise bay ] lot ook Phaladlphn weigh 5 lod sh Cook bun oil) avi bmn A Nout foreland Aropolis 5 Arovieah Apple - Hag the loyest drzeley Ahrount lo year. we cman ke ck cura mact . So, Scher Drive . Fishing port - we THe sot podiah land = ba'ba’-* brid m oil Vena ~ Weak craw (Ly Sclowon gh, 2 demon kh (nea sem vata, dogs apes, fie Ora of the costa ‘ "SB - Covbucin & dan ch fay Le of te ends of vvigmal Argo - st, Web eayatoval chon & Tee eee > WN bh 1S. ws High temp: due b dud Sun rag igh Hemp: cusses ai th moe up. Thio adem Bomebion of clone » Thin cavag looney rambll. - (canvectiroh’ raft) 23pm bs 7) air pros has 7p . Temp. igh throvghnit” the year fo, raiwhall i heory — Hrouyhots te pear. Se, high haamrdiby —> No seasora - ago Fovase bergen Fog 2 Capobor passer thryh Abin, Amarin 1 Indorasig. > 12 ‘hs doy 5 2 ha rights» Sun Crosses Lauskg tata > Eeyore ls twa Summer cole 5 Waiber coldhe v AY fell dos) I Sum dacetly above axpet Vhaat: rainfall m Dowble rainfall pooh. > Vow hanes sweadtey Goa 4 hia, hamidrl) *, So, Urey de rit wean rruch cMdblay. BAC, Bem, dua bo aay ou mos 5 thaw 5 be ded — frmabion. This vblmck smrayse It i afte 3 em. The cellsion of leod,.camean, & Wexlrhning - 2 » Heawy ram Eyl bumps vibes“ grr wal. Re bees mr voy high b rack Ha sunk gt Smee alk the bit i absor ded : hy He trees, to = The bral pl (Negrer) have. ig “yee dell shuckine Lhe pluck fate fom Wh bees } donk, skn (ph expsue sankgbt) sew te dob copy ~> Gadh's cnt —— cerns ition (s > AL? fe). Be hawy am woken away alt te silica. SUF dP dee a & rv - Boustte re —> Curirana 5 / from, is very. much the cal 27 “Tad rakes dio sel reddish’ > Lbvite soil (one (bahde) Not fark enough. Super Grew Burning tha sil wales 1 strey—> waed b wake they (36) = Hoole Hey ra come ‘due > traupation No agredline porarbh ion wl) Hanley, Zahourg, feboy Ls Spry fed > fo pmeta He Bel - day's For tha kA bmit— dame - Ocean 2 Everareon fresh. HE + Leowee aa broad (ot # tanspic at + Mixed Sects. Lach — spocins shad laswes diary Abert Seasms: So, overall tra fret lod — * * Hard QV a, ae among Swedes Zz very high Vn ae ot Bttet —2 Thad" shy any dd bes Wt Cail Cd) atl nd a High temp, henry creel 3 bee ro of rmosqpilcs teh ea (nig pe onemehe) Pesolrpmet. nbomtibsnnd ae lg eb dom Play poodli, => When bees. anes sca a Me gags sade enti & tact iow rap! ‘dy tomy covering the road obi dov ' — biksh «lomictn cat dowry The, trea £' post aie, ydbor. & gtk ach ty ee e Bee — Lose ot * iy Lt beet lest or pres eee ot 24 Joe : y “plake ted. Gobrankel vif Aum. To shdy climbs To s 1 7 nejor charge, 7 i) actu og Pariod :- Garboniferrur Pre -cambytion period = Loakion oF volcom, > mili_divedor vb eye wy Pangan 1, angen "2° a 3 & 1 typlarnsd | Pangan ie de 1 major comienihy & | main Affe aap single Ime ras ohott ant Pie faabrig , Te am! > Parish :- 4 ombori Bs Sampo = ads we sorry > Sridentae Stak bit dom te ohtbaa L edi ovens ), nly te quarhion ye lily on onbincs Tale | ordoue of rignoy. & ong. ba - cally” sabi Wopner 2» bile ely abod-eodrvoat, ae Taeboniea deal > with axan &erbreel Aol Forces , SS tel FT Bs hein Lquatrumd Lerthiuben Clas ccc Ly ihn weatwaord => alt canted bn ese + No ln of ye. -a/boritanen Hae pmgeiad he He? lon ken Pangea | hinge 2. fecha Ulan doy, pe Waitom Calg =>Eserymert, yo. : & Te. decaan pit is ted tory Ne sods (m Chanroi), Te raised side f te daccan. plate, bribe Falk to Yo cca Thig B why re oho meine alan tle + uc. wrors Rangers ovary => Appabalaae, al, Proval De cope fuco 2 fol GC Areas, | nm fils 2 2 compression . stall oan : TX oo Hs ea re waee— me plana Fou ee wind, ope S7MIRO Foc Peet Pamir lla Fenembet Pho Fahl, v le As io ee Mae Aagiedaiel bg ee eran eal fia clay Vsoclrie le Pees eageia ne tle a (0g age ore a7. nad vubiel ee rel “ EN dues Cd bea. Hird Caiele ches cides F rele seat (op etm GX GomPtegrns) — salle ‘Renda iwol eras, Ga Hore oF bade (pla bed) Beth, limbs of Folol parallel 5 De | Tin bs, re hevizeh to Fil pan (ob sede) eee ™& orb oe hee sada , antidin, L ahaa withn. onde al saeradtedtenre = Boren gro tarot Goh a ee In case. of overthnusl fda ua + unbearable campressive —-fovean one limb of 2 fe td mo ke od ff Nis ns alhd Nappe: felt Tension Rete, <——frndune ~ a alles Sede, Cust vit SE LTT css yn yea et gemens chee |drmeed cb le geht ys ‘teol py | PY ie block mombary yi YO rene aqiaben (1) valley : . rite valley y “ i eho cenomsivd Urb wb «penal bok ab we eam tomar rth => D6 6 (fe autzanye \, SAME. oo W a ream) 5 at outs ~ wi can't he vdlg) 2 a S Caan babe eR DIP vertical moana. pt: favnell Gul ‘enon - Soomod of ott VON or se ful upward = 7 oa Tai: DIPs in otaans, will Camsg. cv am Nan =? fee pee Rhine ae valley due +0 emit Lerweue dip: : ‘ Ss he 7 ee tel “iyuoemat £ eee art — onal (fbb OTA, 1 MAL DIP PAVET 2 EE alas ae Cat vt aby ie 7, Tsk. Gal A frchare om. the. cna oe Poul oo foes Brel Fr? npg nt - Pees tome > irda Gtpwra 3 Block mountain? 5 Cdue to compression) rift valley i Narmada l Taptt 2 tated, valley ae a rfl vale. bt nt exo, Bom “Pts” tredria thay Palasorvegnshisim ; old rengnchic. properly , Parallelism >» — magratic® proerly of sanibn - syd rocks ark tha romvsal, o£ ringnpl. fu of Aklecint aged vole. ( magnetic. rowsal. ,. biliea- succaceve repr .comby at). a “Sonny eee thet Doda tribes. my + by > Poston oe A Loree © “A Pasholisn > conshrt homeo; but wanda for calble, prey. nomadim—> Wardour, ebhowa 4 cattle - loyined, hk dem memory less. Ne ee a logon. avolyss fi te an —2 lomamre. tHe andy & Ercan £ te Gants 2 bw is plot” techernco Anpreed vey ai dhory 7 1S m_ Sea-fon spradirg:, a | — ‘Doles magni & Caorrogr isan 7 MAINS Quesnon Bring ok a comparobva aialysis of “Wajnar's exrbinerll, vibe thamy ard glitz tnchmies thao. The proposition of both te conbrontal, drift theory and plte tedbnies thary put an ond + te dogma the earth's erust wos a stable enbitys cpaning Bupa wide tonge of pasibiltiag - b acwud for tha continuo charges on the aarth's surface and its robot. BAS ts quite avident tht thaw Yaris hack a lot of differoma and conbradichions jy, starbkvy from the very objechive , tay amverged in Hew. canchaaion making a pomt that earth's crush is oa dynamic. onbihy Wegrar’s contranlal drift thang, shits tat Hae carth's eonbrondal inh mass which wma singe atity bl cnboniferow has spt ard moved apart unde te affect of capatorial oma tidal forws+ On the other hand, plibe tactonic s provides sciantife ke geographical wirdoncas right from the pre -cambrian poriod to prow. the tain of aarth'c ornstal: plates dus to the convaabive cwwart — dag raga - ve tis Am £ the thonriaa, wo Wagner. -chouted has ‘sacks haw... be the dimalo chorga in the earth's entwoat and orded. up in tHe continental deft thoy b subshndiade. this chyrate chorgs. ce objec. waa unsdabk and. wavering . Plate tachonics tary, initiated to accowmle fr ahh lh. geological. chamggs om ti cart (inher, carthguale , monrin bills was vary chble right from ike objechve: +> omclution. Wegrar says tha” there wos only ore bd wane called — Pagan ill the carbiferon paved. He doosn’t — aceambe why Pangea 98 united Sill thon avd ght otter, Plier techonin Hory says Porypea in the cavborifermm poried pongo 2 or take ie bam veg EK here the carboniferna pariod- Ths + plik: technics gan a propy uti cycle thory for Pargaon 5 while Wogran's is laab t Evidences ee antler : The ovidonce of Peccll veards dloat oyeldion af spi acnss to worl (pst cout oP Home “sapions) . Dthor widows tontmendah vif themy 7 D Tigsaw Altay oF content 2) Lomngs vemaru on different ember FZ) Srilon robhe om otter side f ocemm . ese wore empirical & logical evidences Pls technica provided mona steric - wadonces . San Hoorn ‘spreading ic axpleinel, by te prsthio of achive, devmant and’ extnal- wwleanses m the md-atlantic ridge . Other pvidences JAge of ecasmm flo. Plt technice vider engine Co eat a “pain “hotles Gatelre Ben bea “Wegrer said cant mover waa board or quale. ward and fe apd the. -buoyareh fray aopaleial Gree ond, tidak fre of—cun ard moon response f tos. mowmte. If tha sun and mon woe powichl enough to move. the. combos, ‘ten ‘hoy would have. easily Mraceed sovth' out Mar geri, But, plate. techonies says tel te convactva. cyte vida te zovth's cw % responsible for Tho rnovament ard Hat the platag can mova in ane random direction . Conbrentl ditt 4 fovea a hae OE ey etches. Sol libs fk (oo ree The. assumphions t a ciryle laral moss | C Pangaea) veces by Wegnr “was also adapted | by Dicto. todmics- “This gore a ‘very trong | frundation. $ the — tectoia heey. Anal , te diving fie for many scents be Bd ot tra. achnal ream Iohmd ‘ty “which wow prom pty broght abaik by Phat bettmics . PANGEAE 2 C carhonfoa) These. ‘theory howe. pond are : eva feral dyrognics and subchebitd “Sveaymne gut change Cranges’. Tha wll help dn Findlng tha. volcams and apnko prime. zones ond ausict thes ana with the halp. of bechnalegy « He will abe Je wed & prdice the dined. changes ard whet charge nthe Adbra and —balp ua orelop adaphhiny dp thas” * charges” edeert ae gma > Dabs « @ Pee The vigid —Lithoepleric slabs or rigid, dnd solid cmuche, bye are He Prae Tectonics THEORY urdonslardirg of “the movenail of the. onrth's crust 5 thu landing 4 the comprobonsye urdonshindty “Evens gehgiel phonarina. [like aonklapahes, wleiroe), The crust of tha sarth is net 4 cing dnbihy Ie de “ported inbo several, yor anol minor pliti anh tow ic conslet awh slow veletve metim bebeeon thee pls Both the ocean. beh and cmbonal erust ove mado of Major & Manor latex The are wajor and, 22 rminar plas » Conorelly, ta O@an olitz are haauier ton, $2 cobiorbel plolas , Moyer. plas N+ Ament ca 2- S: fron 3° Abrica 4° Ide -Auct Ss * Enrasi« C6 Pasifte 5+ Arberchic ow miller y it is comvergonbsy, Lender . Ve hoowior pla cubdact dnd thay lb ole Contra) The Frock of te cubductod plat: produces seismic waves —saarhayale. Tle silducted hl wollen that vasHionosehor mde scleseatsae magia bia tows. ob Through a weak crustal gotten ailen> The lighter ple, unable te slide. Hacky ow ta. subducted ca, fondly avd reoubl maf —smembn Iuldog: . eq Indotas de Barasiq pm Whan tee plats move. _auray from 2nch offer, Agi Mid-allantic vide”, grok ft rllay A 6Mica, He emabh O lase explis ve. releanees or fim lobes? Tenth _ When tuo » tly shdo acess gach offor. ag! San Ardrean fault» Forty stuponihe.” to elds nonaral Tho cnvedve oma of rragtya asthenospha is respond. Lr phim iravenei Wok crack Sa cmtel p liz, mevea Aston esphae Com Significane gf ple bmnslonbs Plits bowdencs aa {he fagion hore rock—Aramah'c — goAgicl drarget tele phce - 24:- env taney vikcome y ate - Fa idendPcdin, tha. plik anh Thin bourdaiae oma tha. moverort lolps ms to iderkiy ones ach may be obtfackad by te awkrguales — ard by asalling — aenuitor » response. fortes » tesa : Proportion th meg ba conbwonlel > Oceanic Ge are. hoovn thon ta ee a Mas ff Tha plat ara comer coilinontil pls = Otoanic. platy are made of bell wuss, conkmoral < are gravichic . ve Earth's amas 0iKE, > Discs Yh lara seta Bos —> Nepaes (is) —> Rid (is +) > bulk (is Wd Don! ane de fos. ky vi tha Lard forms Pe id (8 mtn’, Lied valley 4 plateau voleaiz’ Condon ES bane. v fot aie He for gadre~ : ave ne kn ‘hea “snminor oc. nme. dar > Map Ff the wold (shewins tardovres — ~~ Gihieance 7 @ ontchtwm — Nagee Ns aptic dn OEE has. rape ane foods (toe = mt). ites tb camptaaive foriad, rock ope iLsladine possililty af dilly. aes faves Myre OH Voreavoes ada cat AMevcawoas | A snl oponing om Ha. saith crak oooh thc megne mii Ricly orphak lo silica om te magma ven cob: 4 Tas Paidly J Skin obo" ovat * Etec yak ane oon ot age Peat i dua be Aldea, as ia pore: = Bae ia Sa i axesie rind Lo alee, Y Foran Ca magma freind: <4 pecans meg: fy Plar ot: doe The piegsane “accumoll 2hmig a crate ae ie Acancagi. sinto, the magma rua! fond. out thasngh a cma Fraction ‘ te —> Velcro om divergant —bowdenian - are att ag: Mid-ebbie ridge - sna. , wa he Be lng Frackivn =A coma oat IHS met wee, mT Biverget: yplearocn don't fom shop cons,” becoma ‘fia silicn enti 3 law, ard lava is lar chicky od ib flows... Neopet the gnboa—aneay so it is talker Pet. Exaeption- Gy ref alll year & leaker. Hinalayas! SAU nck ss kik rab, leans hy 2D ° No @aan oust , for wder's hydrdlete - oA It of nappa ae how. pe be nilipie pene, Toe are a lb of bays: of wt. The Lael dy A Aifhadlk «o> pictee trinough dh Mack lagers . bnbonse folding & tre Wick emt mm Trinlayss —jaraverb” mega fam comity od Tyco of Vol conven (based m suphion) 1) Contral, awuption Cor) axeplesive : 2) Howe tian «Moura Las; Mou ben (in Hawaii) Pewee god of Cane = Pelo's hair 3 Molten lowe Aacalidsfag ir, fread (like hair), . cya 8).Sdyambskon + cortinuows der hadbmic owghon + Lighten. f ta Medlabortancan. HF, 2) Vuleanian ro cauliPlner shops dovd. Pe b)Palesn fone along the Hla car! high oth Oe att dun Sigh magma vstosthy Chile ot.) ~ 2) Voswwivy magma thrown 1000 s of m mb the 5 bey ron the ashe Lust form a caukifower shaped ced (dae fo Wigh scaimubdel pounce faved de 1S Sonal don vy Fire madrwneal . : + Volcanic eel 3 Basabhic - ridh a robriont . LLY v 1 7 mi fe 4 g od 4 agriculloe Hyh Q, tg wie eres Tied alt etecliand Big yelaanie matwiel\-a velamic bomb be dasa’ ut ci >See LF yoleances in fat radar porplesiva. singe rok the veliaree ans located in" can eb nach nb gra. Drege ed ei dye (Die 3 rap laid 2- Horizordal racvemnrh Jicglaameat * Badech . Padnclion oe yopearcimbed lord Roduckion in Pease . Sree” ij Lava Reswas oni. nessda¥t b Spreads veug wb widely Parmah a lg chain & (nid-acons Wi Lowe forme ovialed by vol@hic cto | ® | Ea husgive(n te ext) Ieprasive OLEH cnuak | | | fesomtyee ci fae pe be Wey Cmne he pltoan Cap deen) 3 avlen bd moved a plik vag: comic om LM bo ate vara ot of ml moti vy ded vi earn defn psi > ails Ahk gh duped oe he of | earth's crush - Cory =» syne. J Pacajdta. > Packed Borah m antisbin, La cuctthe ae se The sth ascends ght, A ty be opm cut of oust , bul de ’ & ic Stine flow the a ereebect > laccolihe rey, somalings: ode te. orwst- anh protrude. ouk—as rock snechwe drial vol bel S| > mowmont ff the rele magn ply |e oes ~ Chev: onbok sinks, Di las movment of pragma across byens('-) Crorbial. movsnsiti) When mogma, solidithes under. tre oust, It becomes GRANITIC - of magma sobdisn —gphile tle. oval, Remy BASALTIC - Ht sovings > Mag ma. fos ray Mogae te tom perature, . f wel : table, + (wites) iy srg ost oI ach > ho F ful ne Senn ok pie nF lets SOUP ls @- ke. 7 ; Fe te aie rectus bilan a volcansas wah te hale of pli edb. ae rhe But, dhe lard bores, 5 ve ler recy tan be paplan A om (endfor, Seog _, explain the rake, mockanisn ( chisbihdin af vol canon, with die bebo plate teckmicg. Volegne abate, mon thoma ed Yooms_ “Defra. vol ano , 2 [ulene dogren] spel be fednieg -» mechanism of guobction awel nada baartin fe (05 ard rexllad renctiong + Conreckion bbw volcansk plata techies Lockion of vdemm on the ple mar girs > + Plates 2 4 Coomehic bramshic epg ft T mae ZEmmel lornagent- regen conned VE + Madvowmim - Conte git vplcances = mechanism & diagrarn - Bistribakion EXPLOCIVE "ann ton Ak ProxiaPocihic te a Rorkay » Ardea ee ee Withay,dcanengen) Legar, Rebrmarey Mop Oceay ocean _ Japan = pace Qo we es ety Jag Divav gence > mechanism eee. Cents SAE 7 istyi bution aid atorhic’ yj, © ridge. OCEAWeDceAN’ © volcanic sbi 2 WIET VoLeacag 5 cared — cordimorh — nrgons— Abican AE vllg fon yeleanic — aedvitian corsaquonce fF eruption Jobat warming ; satteds an tabfe volechic okter, awh dowd? adler) | Spelenin [ablthin P llgala any SH tc | arie mechan L dicbibition f movntoins samy ploke fell, Rap lace, voleans with Zarthopahe.” 20 Spun bao? Convergent <3 high mognitce earthquake 5 Divorgenteynrill zerthrel, Gomgark eB raurbow 7 Deyo > bch rents ; I : Sop Viol shaking of the 2orth's surf. dua. to te erergy Waves originating frm a pint of orgn Geus) and reaching fe comet (at the. ested in widening cles. bagriude = Ri hte scale. lege'thnc sala. Te A manual quanbiy Cet! wo >) Verse lomites NO Moasunes a 2h0rGy: OF Mer sibiic unite Inbal ay Golo scab. —> very, lint 3 i2- os flonames ee dosbruckion cuaah ky the endlapale . Riddle scl ras kastheg & ws Meg 2 is _ 10 tru "aaa ie | ny: | bub 22S time higher Orange “Yen 4: Incroae of “J” mn Ridtor eae wb 10 +hmes Tovease mr Sapony i oc. Ww 32+ time mousse Th oes e- Woweh ~ 7 Goses Feeble 1) Pls moumert; 3) Voleano 3) Detect. rebewnd toch 4) Aoi ocho NS “convergence. oF pli i ah + cubduchs rt daop nae nat hgh ott 7 shes on eontrontal Plaka rcomprasinsFlolng : » factiie oF-tonbyenbel tif > axicanke pels pubes > avi : «break & SE 2 lena erent , 3am cuaneh - hee - Epitonbe: a] — : ed eee has: bil ve dlagth of focnn Pm vmergy 13 maple dog ene fous cake, meh mai mt See 1a aay 5 RM 2 (ety ans canbe) , Cote freua 7018) Conver gente = high rag nibede sarthapehe - Sine, He subducted ple my malt &e brash o gras dogs,» tha foun) may be dase — Mloibe - raphe pee » fradone horizonbl lip lacomat woleaua of onogy = Only shallow Poems - (fade em the urbe) + Foon dee shellow- DSP, be mmagribede. Lr hovizarlel Uisplaace pees Grom ak tase hime « Const 2) 09m Arn Soh Colbboi) 7 Highaat— ragnitede aotthapalee - + No frou © apiceie srach + Pld dide across 2 Ghaoh, stras 3 jth fone epic ™ sarfece. chore | dam Ardhvepo genic. Ory: (ra pbc) Sagk Se & aie Channa, odes Haman achvihig > daap hil omg beth urdown Made ogee torte Blastic vobowd trdacadh Sesmcty cece aeseneee fromar do, The elastiiby of ‘The rocks ™ the cartes ck is high- a Whon a trans is applied om 4a. racks, they dy b inmadedel como. back => thar original posikion~ This abishe — rebomd ceuacn vibrating — ond col gules, In raowas, fhe vetw porches Does dhe rocks B case The nda oP rebawths. i "RS lrewweY Need amity) ; Raya Warne horas rm Colerada “Ba & ales ee ; ee » male Smug fob m owas) om Aer Seat He hylast maith (2-2eebtey) ra ple Goallayele ea) ° ee hte dn tha stley (a ty god? Iedo-Ana pl? aly the Sarma. cook foe “Hee dowsk ly nd Labible dasa > @ Dis bribatimn cy © South mane io Sonoran ,Moyave Pafogerin, HMacara, Tong Walt lh i bina eae Tak (AG) 5 thy babi 7 Bastralion - + All desde ave in the Walon, park & the. confronts + “AIL dawis have, old camels flowy ales thai + Largest dese —s Arbarelicn - Langa ob deol 2 Schara- Clansh >No coud . —> Sun's rays order, duadl, » ta. day (het). Frag ove rordicled aanly Whe der CAd) , Higletdianeh ramp FF tompoit 5 (high m ae (tad vallag Jono More dash w) <> No or lam vamfalh. —> Srral. annual, range é temporthine (hat hago N puurslvengt GN Pigh vanation ™ annwal rary. a— ioral range cee ance ae cee > People 5 highly nomadic , asrophyh> adaplation—s cular cpumhi, shines ere \ ewes ard sdblemonti malin Oasae region 5 dake palms fete - qles > falahani 5 Gohmon > Aashalis _, Aborignay (01) Brdtbe ~> Arabia > Becomes Chg ek pcs spay she 34 hy «Ton they ask gob fhe quest wher toy’ love. Aberiginas : i + Troy discord —Bearrorangs -a bo Lt omimedly Pave digs = eld din. Oil boom sh Arabiay cil omg reulted ria lb f artibaal caltlmott i = Arabs are geod horseman - By dey, © hep elect India's dh roo Fred nt grakion vcted — Arabs go oak af thea hatonol Audit avd mwvade — Coyeral counbizo Ihe Alden, be Thay were pits quod & Arango land . afer] f TS Discus Ho vnechirim, type ond _—datcbor ° ; saodtanlas wt. libs eDiate ! > Inbreduelson —3 defn, wh © shel j —edelme ple dackenies . Ms Magnibue oc dapth f freus Divergence. machowisr _ Corveurgyme Convorgen ca subduchn ws bress accumdglion frat Less cupavinciom Veoek > leas presse lag mP- dabens magnitude. - Selene Eee Ocasn Fone wale Crean —ecesn one OO ; Eukandring (2081) exakmard ~tmbwonby . Bhag Col)., Merlfodd (At) oe Inboplda, 2 sda te mans wale Lon rpg] eee Laplan Reservor Induced Lertrne 4, athe Oi 1 ~adacg ling , a axplsion , rapid urbenidathign virwdion 2 on pasth's. surbeo mag mde oy. icbar exchadic. sopilibrin Gobonced sapaineambat Loe} Sarton” nee een Paneer = Thewgh th te nok Settle” fe pastime! -- cxrhgualar altonden , by afladve use. Ff technalgy, Vsader moregemanb ond rayid Yeap onee. Hyp. can yo% > ef fe chiva govt baw on the sacar, > fleclive gevity is highak in He poles. > Sica ebeape gravity is lee tha: aapalr, mats sills launch pods oe ak he is Caper, CycHarikety sina to affechve excate veel lane. wah domo fights more in bensphna. | meolh oll file noe m os Sathana > Te odmophow Call the + lagos)” vite bry wi Hoo cath (cae hs gol): => Longitvds — comvone ak the pes Se, He olis tance batten, — hor (ongitaden ig: the-mation ot the ayushr and tp leat at Ha plas Takis thy Hs she tr ge alg ta pe. Theb is hy though Inox s north south dlidinco grein thaw adiwast olitance , the latshidirall almak — sayeh f tha “(ngiolrl rage is romge OS ale MOUNTAINS = Mountains > 400m Hill < 400m 5 1) ld ‘moun aie 2) Bleck —-rmownbain 3) Voleanic mowdnay (mountains vf accuiuatin) 4) Badal melts [ill ner] fold mt ° wee Alt £U hrountiing of- the wo lh ane moron % width, by hae gre tegh « Why > Pramnce of wowna. doposite on high rovnberra. A long rane hallow! wate Jed Chowdlicsd by cmos sindnentatin. ov cisexwent — subsidloner 15 called GEOSHVOLINE eS Meson eli dens eS © Sandan Soophy SS : Dort road satgy Cm rusk all the aries) Tak road olasst freakin. Ve leamey 3. > Tah mod, machovivem, ichrbubion . Ne neh vdeanic mubaries , pus of eslearoes—3 ust Crust, Qos Caney china, creep * ee tll Va Hal kien oenpt— subsided, Moor fae lighter phaurfotce veennoee Sbode beyond 4 ati oxtenty due b Spades of harwiin particle om the two cds oof the aaa anbvelay Brn dthe, side dug Se, ae ie mabe. tho shallow subsided Spenco tn tel He mowbror wih Moor come folding, weed te > mn i fo id Ton. ‘ Bat, har con a shallow SHS 9 on resulting m Hhatt woundrae ¢ OM Mibuion * Pong comcage tb Ls eee e Tho. amdwen was fren “by SHUG | fom ts omot 4a shollow- Mly be a deep sub sided Poor » The only on Irvin cam Cree” igh mowing Cermetcm sig tmpasdle 4 unbiiin, cL, deeply hedied floor _ aut * Af subsidence (een haa eile wall re wet the subsidamca fom . \- i rae Se) Ving ay vqedlad ° tpell & Danas. Thess wet wan vealed 2 with —enletion of ‘pet hockey, Half b Dana's Theory waa, rejected, Diete _tockmies ® Convergenc” | of plates ard te pasullicg in comprossne fre res «om folol movwhouny. In atom — onhnant- convergence. 4 whan ocaan pli subsiden the marr. dopey scuké? * lof back on the conbrentel msl Hae ce meine. RGIS CBs me. fod oh igh menhrin) Stages of Gaosgncline (pall Lim) i) Vi Phegenas 5 arate 7 geosyncline 5 secbimonfecm 11) dvogewesis 5 sopacrry [fling sf qeseynclina indy al Gd romans "4 ieheponaus’s > qroduol riz ob whe, dahadaton & tomseapork — Wweriy b- bephty 3 Inbeducton > Delo» of mowmbains LY rmpelbance . echoed ; gesmebics —> Dut tecbnier sf dof =" => fold mounlamg = on convovget amas wae Block momtnn 3 diverged “area. 5 Machaesison_» Conve gen2_, ocean plide cubsibye acevulabio of Shien on nls glide, bud Ble sy, mura ard tt fo land + uplft ¢ Octan-> cont iNENT — Conprtvents— aut EMT OMTInEN 1 CN ET : Cactmact —enttnoct= cathy Himalayan Msg Ocean —Ocwan Topomes provmdosry. Map | Baye Blech poking —s Ivogeit eres conthade— conkmadl diveyoss—_ ir Be Dip movement Dp Sent pl —s Afton rift valley =D Abtcon sourhinas ~ —> Phat v 2y Vosgsy. 7 ce hb - vey * Black eed 2 Whew abi ‘ a ob —? ocean-ecaan divergent Gape Vode Gray. Ierbra =p late Proved, fppalaclen > Veal . yk bel _, Those ore nob, on the pl magms. These ae weria. originated dining Pangace | de Ne ache. TET bldg row. doe dhe dey bei aol nm camtrgend zorQ’ “oh ron é ( Abnudatim) 1 dari. So, toy become RESIWWAL = Mc NTALNVS Semel caleme BY _— Ganmerphic —_ Gelos y Davis 2) Penck: — Ay mountain may Ye Aadecod # plan, ete lond Undag ood dagaclahi on - over a period of tog. Pols ¢ » welds e Hale height gi Ref > moan sea bol - Relive Kt = pale cone othe oe sg) > Wotin alucciys bia wode nly (wks oy cinta rade the Intlog Wine. ram ’ jor level, Te wt, Lab ale fais dnimnod (se gray) PEELE oe mo ee cae vishoe The woded rill is coosiad 4, ft, 1a a wid ah Spal, whe parr oo far particlos One aarrigh O& silt se ta DELTA. . in rrewdeany 2 sep whoo ip seih er ao Cormyons \)peaks >) Valleys 2) Come 4 Toma Halton —> comad ~seyc lic value of ganth bishry —a no vestge £ a begjnney ~ SS no gospo- of an ad —> prewit is hey to tha past Uniformiwionign The same physical procss & laws , which Operate todays operated. Drageut the qeolag ic trey althowp nek recauarily with te. cama mberahy ax Wr 2g '- wind enosion hich ic predomianamk in Pajnsthan nor was Vy ee werk m tha pad Chodpen coma) rwalze eveeton (SREY pect koyes) is. VR ma a ANS THe’ Dais Cavgrphra . 7 aplif hed “Tard mast urdog as tronsforrabn troy Land ceallpleg” — process arl evdy om Foskeoles plan called —Pora_plan. Pe Te prvida o gonoral thong Rr sysbemabic dleseriphin E genic ~ clantibesion of (ond mass. Yee mgitid Ta denim denne Psssvhon ae Aor are dankion of struchoe, procsy and Hee . Tries Af Mavis a Stu chine , proaaghre .. 2) Sudcon & rapt aptttmant af lava mass. 3) Erocim rlouke only often the amplten of up ittnosd - 4) All aresions the plaa om tochrnically hbk ard ross. 5) Land fora, urdogs sespsonkal evelopment , ©) Each stage bas ite cum dlstnct londne 1) Filly i erdy ah o uthertanclns. eon pln. Caogephicl yee of Davis te e You Do MAL SS OBR DIA ap >= <3 —— tahrity [4me) = Be Vc supper cane =) fill bps or crack af one” arts LC lower coue 2 valloy Pome Loanat laf fre AC inital absolate cold BC Diba lL ovorage -feliek Crokwhie wi) cr > ie of > singe F gerpaphich eyelet Vas : 1) Proparetory stage =) Poth She 3) Ma two shye- a) shee / robe 5 rolieks bud m pam maa ndonra, _s ascilldim of tA ich leew, 9 river bank ett cyte pla, amt Se 1 Preparalry Shy ~srapid apltdnsd— son hy uplifmenk—y so bath abevlibe kvebedve. rohaef — = Ne gresion hone > Vertiak aracion only, co doy of te ort nak ablated abe rob cemchnt —> only the bette Ff valley ered Ht olepin maa valshva whit aa btelite whic geyme oe —> reo rohof moeasern Mtivn Shp) - > Verte gecion voy les; SHerienpl eosim ie promack » > be ef te wt. ig ahs ay sso beth absolite Lrabtye vali’ dareares Od chage- See pork horironkh ovsion - — > aberarid eresioh — sabe drab eile dosaee arith, Slieres four veo ded: Kh Jere a4 anh thore =e MONADINOCLS —ag- Pee il Worm Tamporate Water, regen ee Dish bub on: Dihibaben: > Westom cad of exh —> Glifrnia > San hap (ci le) , baa tom (solth Abra), (Morsces , Tanicia , $ pais, tly Erte.) 9 pees es Vielnas Adckatle , Par th Lmao fog uniqne fata <5 Madtberranan codbats recive. rainfall only — vigg WINTER» Cen nai ahr foe thie leew Festina => AN Madib esranton regions eva Sain by rod (Rockin » Prdes , Alpe yen rina, 2° ea ed Du te these Prombuys Tha wooly move Com igh aMbttude- b> ow althde fo, al ose raging hove 4 lt of loak WINDS Sep Dy summer Romy wl * The pop tale, Hey calle the worwduber pookinis 5 bik” he n te plamg . > TRAN HOMANCE. v epithe, ye be . i aetenal womAbsm A ricoh event —S CORK teo- oF porte. > Chon, Gran SSanted tea 2 boreal » Wmre'- > Grapes > wrayards = Vir tcvemee. 3 Mo atl, formar 7 only Shaap + ? Ui 7 “0 Leg wool product an ho doi y : Bocme, , Ha calle can't witha te -— dey “cummens ! a Rvckyftns bans’, hidlagital deatage. > drains wdograwd ale. wedewn'L allow any plod or bra. to gro nea it (atleorathe) 1 Mediterranesin clare —y mild & plasaat climate - > Fu ay um mes (nt too het) ~sphasabt Mi winter > pole om very Lr. Gitictem af Dowts theory ) Seddon upliftmant — of Loved agg? 2) Erosion absoct — dunry upl Pred? 3) Trjushcr te shruchne Gprocass... only tre Qaagct 4) aceemt of vegelation 9 erosion 5) bly» cmallly hla onan? 6) Deposition procena — lef-aah - 7) Supoidioh development 2 Cy de ?) anct peste C4 et Coy o rqvandel erally : 2) Panaplain 73 lonly io Thue os) ta a) Deductive ap prac (vig grok dovarall ow)) Ve) Does nde aceowmb for alk climatic vagina , Pency “Teor¥ > Lardfre am evolved we i and veke Le ghose. prue of up Plmask peer et are npn co aie andogonskic & exagenahic. forwr: iM rence seks A Morphologi cal arelyia of bardfre Assumpbin ® 7 Pry sleee (wen cowed) 1 mide vod dealt sla sepmank | AN lop endonge falld raat, eas We a BACKWASTING Sia NI? + Slope rebetnne x ah £ grat babe OL brediont fe (fe tra come urdogor poe, rat . 5. qb remesds hina ahobat 3 He AMT | \ «Shope. d-sle tn (andegrahic , ccogends: Prov) <= Epesion apis onulbrany + ypifinenk 16 gambit yg mo. neh. cette owrin dali , 9 tedwiclly mmstabl os | a shore i Grvax _— Shrighelley ( mile, VIS Coca => Lawnen aa fe (beckon. roms, sms) le re \ort C—No fuithor uel frost Uplifbmedk, Stoge_ Combines freparshory dy Yoke stage. af Bows = fbsolae ralrel Ancrecsea, (dua 4 ud) Verbal — grosion is faa palipwe val abo Moms ie rock ( Actolis) YOonura tock). wy Lad ggg = fre changes cAown from day to yf hc . : o wd” Mag ->-nwth Avett 2m * Att Thesun opty Davi ss Jodie £ Glaciation —s Pacaue can egal we he austile ecean . ; | (rile toe THe eth chp moves Bhan cra geht.) Positive chory seq (wel. ries. (20,4 ros.) Sere aaa) + increase m ser lued- Delta mores fi/lhn plait Mahe tohae Pity . FR RL red inne hae) RESUVEWATED o PoLYCrtLic Leworopns [Dag lactation ®D Vpliftal —penepain > SEE sr (tts $=) Py Dobschn a lol qza ft = Go, a va —poraplamn ic fend Pa comm, ded + Soe —exithy poraplany Seems UELIFYED | red eo tre, really Grad para. plasn Ths Comp. 76 VPLIETED — Penarbn () In ci'sed a Prcisad — Meardoy'- =) Weondors — insenbed oF rebiagy 2 beg lactation sen Ao gers down nm tee plam chee wa now rot >The meshdors at— sea (ovel Cupliteed prep ein) Sv, the charges fom. wiatira. chang sy to youth chap. So, Toa Tre phn Loner hes} terheal—oneston (Gncisech manrdo) ts concenbraled in Te Gaby, thagh wide , the rr Ava ty The mae rend g eee ev old ta et bectenic. afl Mtrant— Type of Nally i» V pe woformd due mie lod voriation va x ic obeys oe. to ona, om - Bg van Oy 1 aa lel 1 Paired -orrace. (arallehism 3 these terraces = = = sen beyel 2X Pers fo come prrd ~~ = sen level 3 Terres on if hen! sided ab come olarstion © Knick Pomty Peorense in cen With reales the month long itudoal, pofile a a rier A cn a kwick — por “AE these. bmek pointe, vosetlhs watrtalle fom . ag Hogereyppal - meee eroday Wis sft rock LZ frm a woleapl. ps Garodn > Gosk~ bh BSA fen Wornmnag = =) formed chia to daglhuiahion . Stor eres te Polyegelic (2d Rajuvonttid .:Landfoms QD She Leva VaRlaTION @Tectye ypuer Gcumeric CHANGES - a Poly adie’ lardfoms ana due Guaciamon) X deglaciation, cardhawahes and Molcanoes. ‘vadey WeeRT Physteak Cer. KARST TOPOGRAPHY (1 hg l eget, “Cima Uregls int rhe pes): Labuan plang Bi- Formen Sgetaian ingivia» (maith land var) ontB Vaidunodort temple. CR) procans -s soluhen 1¢ ta predomirnct silk ates unto: Rabiner hot (callow) Ayah > Gowl wir ond surhes woh . pols ss Selshm ad hecitatin dapaskin- Conditions for auc — dopo dup - Gs) awe SS Oe 1) The limestore — mut he. MASSIVE, “TWCKLY BEDORD 5 HARD , TENACIOUS , Wei cemeney we 3, Be de Imeztime will ba, dissolved) 2) Limestone shold NOT be Porous , but pormanbllihy controlled by Tots - He te witer Glow — limestone creryubere (m PORTS), de will crete a ote and collapse :):- s) Limestive . owl be ABOVE GRounn WATER TRALE . > Widly - dicbibided <5 both mance & depth « @ Limostoma. “show BE, CLOSE TD THE Soe FACE ® Limestore hold te foroep, FRACTURED or FAVLTED (th & %s pam, tha witir — will rum awe, i La — re ded - on lnravtwa. ). : (D Tre shold be. ENOUGH RAINFALL | Kanak Top ography hold cdn ovate 7 ') Ensiowl landforms 2) fepocitional lardforms. Fros tonal Landforms ae. pInsacteS surf of tebe 1S talon clefts are iveeguloly , velo eigen Otho esivwol — land Amy : 5 civedlan funnel shopec uaa sink —7 mi swale hole 7 loling —>eerk-el ore. cn Le le increasing area oF optessions Go avala Sddnokeenk be shk vlog) Poliy ¢. AS TX wae The accumuitid wel ude a Inet. hf crass ag CAVE: (a vy loge: ove. ck Hat] rag aren home + city). -TWANEL= Gye, op @ bath onda « be Cabvatim, posctle (Aue ty lepestion oF coll over Umeitone over period F Lyme’), Only gies # tuk, consbructin of bubloy hp such fran CAREFUL EXAMINATION or tha but larg mre resis co Vag Cortarb-rl0, +-Lead Feawees Derosmona Lawo Cre > alfonding yer of tacks cele Least. Tete, pack hrinsthlly Prngh, Imastse de R csscha ib at ben of Poh rk on sith Karst landforms: 2 Seqpadich —dovdepeit of Karst and fom = Teal faatinn a ropon — of-Lmaita> roche Co vewrions benMfirrng» Seapirtd, Inich « £2 VorctTandfoms > Geomorthie ey de. dey => Youth > rebnuler, sa, ob Ra like = tA iw deposition > all bedlane apse fume (/monadnahs (weed iat mr poneplatn Ui he. chuctang Ss Ficomea Fron cenbificte Dhysieal ger -omaks oad. cashrahin hannel er es 4 nla (tad, on) = Dis cuss | the. paternal, condlidyru &y bashes Oho Kanak —sicbeddon 3 Poot write moe fade, = Discus erchbevey conditions analyse Ho o Siphon > Kovct torent Coton deh) Corte. all depice lutte ebbondre) except tte CrcLes ) 5 What is Kant 2 > Dicbibution 3 Hortons Virgina), 5 Escordial condibiors [comes into Ona peegeph ) . Rrastoral: (| tavem > Larformy Fen) 3 tepesibaral -[ ] dines) Cero ss Signibene . = Yisows the significance of Iovestora top>: = hak Loman tye (Kanal) daha bn denon? Ly ] paw - sslordtons 4 lath lent tM para - > SlamiFlcance 3 lob s paraginghs © No wagahation , Only” grass’ 1) § hap Tearing - page. dhe sui bones (_Z So popalation 5 OC lean eceuns n-veinn oh |tmeztona wD C2 Construction oF bus ldings inthe veyim rab posse @ B Cement Imoustex dovelrps « Limastoné 38 ywacdA as BUILDING MATERIAL ~ —> Cmparabive Aralysse f Dowi-s O Penck - > Goomorphic yde —sddn 1- pence Aim gueke feed tink: ‘ergy tem, Assumption, 1) phage 2 gon, otng, non nen 2) coven Legh, somal 3) Hedonic sbble sets oe soslble we we trac hat, pro a bl cache Foo mach shes on fm ete our Down wasting (heey des) baclaostony ae > S TRAE Lhing Law| merges em ME, endfor + manadvcls penlbbn a (Gonene vere Quy meibes “Polgcgelie (14 eee — Prop: she > exist No. Youth : i + As, veh: Abs std wee velit veld. Ss Giamecnvces- — apliable, ample nee-appliad nowy - bucid crag lngurse- Caxman incompd j Taf Kakt termadege - camer nabbed beds oon | Abin streams, romow Flore bons; porshas -submps Youth Shye i Veshyad alloys , PUA» canyons nie rosin MAPBMY “vapid: EROSION) - integra Fed baie wide Hoolblans ne rransh ~ Mabos stage vier bel, ghine men ot Prdind —sheacer (oleiad Orsi EROS Goeresi non ; cubes Thea nabarel loves. od cage. Dolla DEPOS JTIOW eee No homis phone asummr [tilted towards sun’) S: homis phere = wii - Porigee => noe tp the sun. N-hemrsphereo(f5lhed away tron sun) a @ WINTER CS. homisphoa > (sited towers Sun) <2 cummép . ce han a seven summar. (beer, i i tlhe tardy con hale m per g2e Clee. bo sul) But y te huge can rae in S'homesphen Comaned to lard Componaatis Fy this sued £210 seipmner “AE oyolution of anth ancl the accompanying valahve changer indhhilim of fhe earth te wort sun is Trespass bb, Ly seaserol changers de Mawhere mm the wold, Yel attache m che. WEST const - Creme Bika’ only EAST wast (Tn, fre Cooney am te sea Timed oh thet, Earths 4 had -ondusta Le hasks of Tomb rey oy + When air moss riser it gives vant . SMa aloigcls--- i irda tare Lreperahion Lo Endothomic, reaction. (@ it takes away Lokede Heck ampration, veolhog > ceotivé) Frey cn either bo craath tor dlakogel Miter hasting — oad beyord 100°C, HE amperes. Ba enecens —aok supplied after Hrs r stored (liddan) by Wwarer VAPOUR maeces . THs i called LatenT hedz~ Due to thie mrome lated ask , Ye temp doa nat prorena. bagend 100°C, lung boil - 3 Mabhera > get velensod ™ mrish erin vikor 4 conus who corkth with the aresphoe » i bona arn an 1 50m) is cool rather’ than [Alor _5Whg hill alee Mo midend rather Phan’ peak) aWhy rz cheeks (Wood vessel) wee 2 4 > Heb BE pies airmoas: forms clwda & gives rain. Than thy de daserts dot get ram (Like eater)? HF toe is ne walinvapom mm damit, how doa MIST form heow'ly? 7 => Why do we nok ‘oy te reduce Hi0 Cwalsx vapows) —Greonhowe ga PF Why 3 ozma helm poles great Pon mr Capster) > Ha do poten Gamat poled with te seima. speed ) mid mt- thew ig Fer of tte ab. hao oy gress > Ags ill S18) Laney « Hn? neiaee im vegetation . while > Why bleed Presa avin with abhi bace 2 Why M1 Peralalhe over, tha. wi) atleck. ody ‘BAST. wast? ~> Why A breere | earae only mi tle oven ing? Whe. is, The fy sia, state at a dowd (04 lig or ge)? > om tha. atmos phone (like COs omiecin ready | | seh Daserdic. landborm or Ard larbfirns © wo Types of caso tenders J Hewned or Rocky 5 Sahang’ > 2) Fry or sandy. —> Shune=ibemy Iguidi > Qfodan, s) Ray or chon. Gr Sarin) Shank Story wd a valabily viank Gaomonphte egonk: Lod cmot erode the pagers allichod & te qed Cue -b Foch), © Wink conmt> pando. objec grectha thon Im Pom ba grows « “Wid odes beak afr ax din atin Ff re ate) Maschertten—of frst, arses pes fwd aide Soma is lifted & bbwn awse- , ()ePlation > lowering of a Perce fem apres, Whin Fric dapreacion readhen valor oA —2 OHSIS aa, Corattara clepretstmn jroo 2) Abrbion., Weck > eaten comceh 4 dened bie ant tem. ~ tte vote od 3) A brit. Ly partir comiuad Hy od wlide th o8 ~ Londfrm of wird orem ie dence & 1) Mushoom tek on Rack Padeatilt- han e 2g Sp ob “Af che | 9) Mn on (4 paige ) They develo mh rocks vm | xi) a Hand Eset rocks arranged ranged hoingrhl, satel chek Alkurate hand f sit — ore, above thn , -_ wi) Yardage - Pak bat robs ota. arayed g4 vartical shale, crdyacent fo” anch otter, iv) Mesa OU Bure :~ , a Ha ven -seorelt-smessd Li \atgebarati | with Lave! a he ep steep slope) horizontel dor lager - y) Inselbrerge <” Inselbong hos shop Tem bath sibs JN. eae ag Ayes rock Ausbralin 9) Domarseller - vy) Shee lobttice, cava. 5 Funnel DerositowAL Laworoans Al do and ae dapesiting sy 5 cand —damay~ ‘ Osman Cresco shaped cand. dunes - = whey = Tha cvwe the. dunes In wncowe . ae ys wd { Some_ inuaneaioes wid : Splits . If Q bongihdink dunes 2 Gog Te “Taute Coote) SE dominant wad. devechion oe ih Pe , A iy > qi Se roule Cibtin. to wadt~ Asia) only path mn deaeits’ oxay &r dronspor b bare rocks (anid) ® Lots Deposits of fine qwality sand, Hat #8 onal vor ly wird tb — looge distances «, 4 24 — Swarr, Sea Aux — provina £ lle. Derner > OF Ee Gamer, Coype est YW isolhd molbeg aye ple eee —> Landforms creatal~< ly : pes ot) Masert wt & ii) loath “5 it) Kani > swhrce b urdepromd welt GLAGAL iv) Water flle > yurming acter: | Flowah dase lalla ~ (ine ® Poi aden) iy) Playa (Benn ) cvcaled atid > hyde ot i) Arjake a degstion fon Bail doped. pan W)) ped imeate” ood fetal 5 srocvrel. ¢oon 9 ype Trend hag bans (lage) bj le 6 pacman Ti Plats (atternct- been) Summ f nik educed ag ie Oy ema depuis demachio, Plays 7 7 * aig or sar") I Pedeplriny Unsolborg.. Pyar disapparn . thus Odie geomorphic aye Casement ‘bien 7 Wind = Atrio wah 8 oninh arse} —s biti (oind Were vale 1) Reels Arid eye forsion a Mahn 25 summit.euaitn O80. — rulbog sides sell, Coastat Laningorms ogkiey doonlie __ Oilman ot pling (eb ee eras neon Wie feaee (cetin i Faves (fh whey wind C surce webty. Marine weit st lott 2 aide c | | Ele > wave | collarses a Siang Logvasuhty m1 nestor Cente of octet The wala doen mak mula brani FE it escllta - “Re qllerndry enat hough salah any. bedy Araby on the ocean towonda — coma an Nepe CoS : wat) ma Feast Beonces (ak Fash bethew) ) Spilling ae eels Lfoamng canta) t fant of othan wou “th mel i) Surging > suqe tnords ; he cont 3 Mow bias, a) Pung woven fall varticallay oe es . sir at) 22H creak ak, é: Us owey atten aa Ne hele atten as geadincde ud ahr Erosion, bovdfrns i) ce Sloey sige almost verbizlly bom son, Ord wate, 7 ditt Apt Ee itn i) Gue ard wekclh ds oO a vpmre ofr nm dey shite alin f oredad Ailfacted, ; ah glacks © - eredad stack —~schwme - bump: , Lem: cove { u agin (2 egestas Cfratola), eee - Zt citer va of : _ wl ).- Tt lay Derceinan. Yen 9 abr ae Ped oe abe: enol, TIS “bern Tiras Bik Ba 5 ben fl Cen hooked cand bars (TOMBOLD) 4: Verboorad . ageon, Daher bbe. as T Omen, oses the : wut, Than. it fring 4 lobe > Kowerd Lake. @ Booey (atten Mose dunes Gromerthic eye sb Caner anon / Inidbcmsta—- le : Yodr Sage => 50a ChE alae’ canes, arch» shacks y chumps: 7 > Stachas s 2 od Madar. step <> Height of iff redwe . dnp, tonbolad epesitin as ees ot Soy AN adj vivarg anes and. brow down “ty ger lel 4 EROS ro1v- berchs Sardccunsio’~ © Maina landscape. development Ponudatbion, chronolegy > Enesimal, landforma <3 only fe ansiowh —londforms £ ARID, coasTnc, KARST, GLACIAL. —> All lard Girma dhe. 4 OR (6A back ea, t-vlly) vy Soh, Mebtcie old. shy. eee sod ordegerdic. Volcanic lank Cone, odeda, veabs : vale doma_ |) Pb peak Aid a Coast : Abaal . Indlin's oscar statins in pales ) Mtcdic as bimedri of Arbeedhe. > Dakshin. Gangsi, Myray's Bhar fi. Arnos rteee @& 7 _ Neh ogen 27t7. ‘bay yon 21/7. Carbon ‘disvxide 0-037. samy h ow i Msnion wei g ls itregen wath, o co, = Lt 2X16 = 4E bn alone <<, ~ an = N, > 2x14 228 Decreaning wh « Oxegen oO : : De crams growity asthe reat OQ 1Xhwe Mb 8 a Chdd) 5 « So, inihaly Ox wos ta weet: predaminact gar - But, due to absorption of Co, bey all. lait to, reduced — ducshizallyy 9% grportipy . Mitrege usm. ‘te rest alundand gee Why we feol cron bon we mere. fo a hagher albhudle Cobin b sun| 72 Earth is nok hosted by direct stlan radiation , Heats f ath is due Corb He ~in tha. atmasphoa- v Crore domiomk in bower rin f bepphsa) , tod 4.0 ‘allow cxly radatien ea—tiee oti, the anth (chart wow; high eno) bat tap rbeded “BOA raddion (my wave, less 04) tron te ground « Cora 4.0 (hams hoary) anc alurdanh tm Fo. bwan Yegiow SL baprtphse Wi a Shale Tropepauua.. Pam oe ge \ fir rHecked Yerrahial bry wave) Tn Gning oben short wave ) 2 When we go te igh life, or mass decomen light C due, bo the tedachion,® pombe € 0o,UH,0 ik high -bepespho ) and not fot ereobih rotating ane bappad (dua te lg okHD) So, tp bomparshie!ehicos Ab Wa go b highow alhibedas - fay iter arena ovauns often 3-9M Noon —smax ihamity olan radiation . Buk, fir Pas rar» vadheabion is torrenbrially rflected anh «© agbeorbed by (0, LO. ankn cbtens fe thw, 9 be pod of 202 ba. Tae ts why wo hs oS. pie ste a high alld ne tropesphue in te tapes s shedephine, 5 tnOeaner « ? Why? Pra sone. dé Ozona in tra tocphara— ENDOTHERMIC. REACTION , Ozmre 2S 2 + [0] = 0, arena y (ve Fram dcomacy don) - 6 Forman of Ozare raspines anergy . Ths energy is absorbed potion UV raya of moms solec radian - This absorbed oneryy is shred ao teat wit AE Ses he may donb drone (Kgha hn ‘wh-) | cannk ene inte bre pestle, “Plough t* dao” higher vib- 2 Why? Dua & the prasen to ‘fa tropopause. (which is a sepanabing layer). > Thowyh topahie® x praaits CPL: relened tom tanth Chrepasphow) rach shatosphoe, bo eluttey come. yon) ~ How 7, SAM By thik pracess. of voy slow diothasien . —> Ozm is Btn at the poles alco duviy, right Why? Ozoralox) Lvmokin reqyinaa w says From incomay ston redaction Daa to absence of sun light for bag Poveda am dea, 10 ozema. temation fa tay pace. So, Os ts thnna ab peta - “stew Sozine — ceplitin Liles ple?» thos \ SORES (Chine tue ‘Gna hee tha Strabosphow aclovky - Chlovre. m CPC ardergee rapid reachims wth roscont oxygen. cL +(0) => C16 This daglbim — f rasconk oxygen by CL row in ahson C2 of [e} ty fam OTe. Sey net much zee. is formed - hy. ozone mn the stale sph, itt pte. thant tha sa (by som dichbab, for thin te Yeoh anos) 7 Shahsphow —achabic abmapne- No circulatim of ait (like in bopsphee). This e why aoiaip linaa heel” eg abst, sina Ne dinbulent- wr is precit/ 7 = Why is zene £6 portant & ott coche! . Sma oon absols, wW Pose durin, ib Bendion 5 vv rays “do: ne "pil Ha carly. - Those WV rays ane corcinegené + 2 Why Cl combinea with, oxygen te shabrsphae , nots — bapeaphne 2 Chlorine com bins only with NASCENT Ox¥oe. Buk- pascont oxygen is pratt Om Aburdana. in STRATOSPHERE, not-m dropesbhow - > Messsphenn iS, te coolest. byn® ..why 2 As we go higher, tamp- decreases / dua b ceenenm =m cok, 6) + Se, ay we. move te , higher regions of topaphure., tang: daneaaaa- Bub, ay mua. move. high. A stratosphere, bemp: moreanen Cua fo ovowe'). As we Cross the strate mb MESD, temp-dicresucn (no 0206. 50 COKH20) = 50 Corie: T- => COL, 440 ae greonhowe W Cokt.D absork the long wave bervaotvial radiaking and traps tte heal. This jncrenag te bemperatine af eanth » producing = greenhouse dfadh - > Ale AS we re higha Than mesosphoe, tamp. ™m Crooses » Why? : Meserophaie. is tha coolest lagen of abmaphacs tt cannot — absovh berrestviah long wave vadlation Cane ty absnce of Cour te0 OF Crea) - But; after vnonosphere. 9 (Frer thormosphere ond ini ereep ne, fem chats creasing with higher Mocany height duo $0 absorptin «of INCOMING s0L-AR (short wove) Q ADIATION by piel and Hydrogen - a 3 Only * “THER MOSPHERE ahs ba prec RAoIaTON , * due presence. (Nom [Na SOLAR WAVE of Heliuin \ Hy drogen - No otha lowsr Leas cam dh absorb — incomng salin radiahimn - © WER Normale Lapte rag ene > Ih tropeghew, as .alhihde rncraaace, tomt- docraara,. (m the vale: of 6:5 °C /in). ohh Shabvsphore > @ alhhde rorooes, tmp rioveet® C8 Lee) ; We tye > Beyond thormas phere 5 bump - increases’ with, inCreme. 1H height - “vite de te edellibe Cat 10006 rab ba - begord tue) HoT bund : Hed & not sensible due. b ravifieh air partidesr fy, ATMosPHERE » ty absorb the heat. (ne aaltsion afar partie cans transfor of hank —» ). Air is tarified , becoma of very bw prensa , (Peiget % 3 bane) iv tem pe eobuctor hake He demos hat vk hen bem pavtides ane voy dow ect othe. - => Thergh haomy veg Preset” om — mounletinn , @ why deat (0, ent merenues) |” The CO, RH20 rela by tromep reapitalion and. danspitation gos down +t the valleys, du & gram) & kyla wt - Corvalli $v ; Pole. ~achaller circle . (('ov argulan velocity’) bab aac 5 bien ev akties ect oa: ion (wi ont.) “"Chigh aryulen volacly) Pole. i, a smalln Veiled pyar Vs 4 bigger etre Buti, bh we Be. naove cow the come. argu distance =m tha. Sama. tome , (260° in 24 hw)- Se, equa. (larger eda) mwas» with «a highat™velociby then the polas 7 So, any objack travelling m the NoRTHERW Hemsrtteee is deflected fp ta kIGHT of Ye Source. —to - tenget path « Thic verLecnov (dua. fe trae varying ateiter velocthy of eoranien) is oMod CORIALLES FORCE - "Tham nds” > Air bavellng in hom Paste be right of ib cnechon of popaytn O clrcbaieg ddlection ) 9 Whereas tm Sshemisphra airmass 6 lected be tha. Lat anti-clockwise erect Risiig airman reduces — tom ‘8 Lown manne to asts" pepe (Bowe) ee Bayer: agate § 4 cme Creat Grn) | 7 Trot, Hepa. Se, im ta popicas , despite the high bem pobre, Pu mass canmol tise cue & subsiden ca. air mass (fom apalor Lpda ). cue subsided airman in the topits branch toward the. poleg Lorpata,. Irie wom wird dom the opin —aolliday with the ool wink rom the yelen- Tha vem edd aires dv ask” min and Ve warm armors, @ pusheol up: Wenn —airmasa rises, om spite of He ew tempotva. in fhe. 46s" latitudes Cremscenre) , ard hence these. region get empl rank The cdl har gras hulid up bbe risen up - 7 Poles seat NS Subsidnce of armen 3 NCreesen 4emp (tom iit =e hamid’, )- 10% im gioma) > J bobs ek “> Air mas absorbs all the -moizlioa fam arate [tw be decrene. Lamidlsly). =D DRY CoLp- > T5o escape: fram “is boss ob moichin __Vagdlation drisy te sow cbse i! lames [rine Leaves } and alae wo wary crabs (te prevent bramapratn) © Duapike hin» Be maithoa 1% , aborbed. Co, the baight of vegebakion — Aecreanea ‘in “these: megs = 3 colo’ ObgeRT 8 amily UY beige —siedependont Blonomenn. * cginactoe 3 high temp 5 high humidity are Tropia 3D bigh tome ; low humid — = cubsidom Temp = Inadwn temp — high mid. =p Pry f 4 Fle Lae temp jf lew hom eq nbsi dat © AL ond Aivachime vepr Gein POINT OF ORIGIN: 7 cod he Tatlech wend 40 1 right * Me hembilire, os Cardllen Pre ks Leer Sette Easton songs FAST Wosberlas —sorignwle = est NE bode > prigoctn NET Lo NB Wado > me bob wines 2 | ert + Grtiex “moistine fom East egait <8 Be So, vain — dieraisas fem Fark be Wart. + Westim — coask «bux the weminum raméll m tha 2s*-35° Gropiea b) region. So, daseit oma. foamacl mt Wat Gost of a Gade 4 Aricone (oon ter) Eon, Than 5 Cols. O° —5 Mid-bthd onwedoe §— = Dadra 235» Tropic + cere 6645" —> Sub-polen. = qo° —> Polen: 26-38" 2 Tepe —> Morse ile « - Subsidence fav may —nvemes Ya. air prose. “This “will gmk a chip. So, pebchis camyrs jhorses (fr hase fade) were fered fo thru te hrorss ive the. “seq. Sma ahsbucted forte trade, TROPIC Called Horse = LANE - jin Lys fom hoe. ~The ontre or mass “AML tha subse ar rove codes ae iueenenays Te is collisim & habe of rele + Se, hobelaice =) mpRums Labpat hast Wad bile 8 ated by 7 prt I+ ts nok sencible (can wor he débec-ad vy Vormordb.). Evapeation ¥Ubasen orogy “ay Bo THERME > Pe att mass risedy dhe. -bomp- EB cle craany (ue te incense 1m lle). This rmnas re ov tron to cowTRACT- Pe 1 canbrack , Te reldwe moistwe cmbed mde ain res Troroasey —>fks ie go te a wry Angh Ub lo Pra OD) Contradior NS seexhighy tit The rolehve reisherg 100-7 = SATURATION PPINT <>CipUD Forman. fe Camnd- abserb more maubwo-- > Attar - ‘earvennion; condunsathon is ec + As a parkvsf tha conpenswrioN release crersez Coorenaa 9) ond produces rainfall - Now, the clvd roves att ch ght, vp Hee, agam, ancthor pat of clad compenses. — finally all the cloud Co NDENSES £ only Be diy aw mag movan toward oth labhde . Se subsiding air das rst brig en : is PS absidicg — sirmos contay very Ite moishua- As + cubsides . i expands doe to incnesoa im temp. (with decranse in allitude). As ib * esparda,, it trieo to absorb the morshire from — surrowrdinge. Soy iE INCREASES HUMIDITY Cire te nck in the wat vapour) - Humivity —ytoishne conker airmean. Eavaror —y>more Clade. Hlettce =» No cow Chasest) © Air is diblens > Ar partic. is oitfoaad As abbthde, inenecses, air mass gocpardy at —_—_—_————?.20wO le ANR PARTICLES conteacT = oOovrvmr|—t ? reaseva. ) 2 ar wane txparaly AlGinde. ' => * Space bh air parfieles , davraoaas Aiitude | => Tamporatinn Vy 3 air particles artudt. Alter coud formition » dae pb wm bubulone, the — contvatted 17 porbetay (at a get distance) tollide fo fem a dowd» Claud fommelem is alr due Chege— ugk + Air mass ic a bed corduche of olebrelty Air mess does inst ix hs hook ot he gurrovindargs + Ie loses this hast (erogy ) oily on ds own work Leg rising). Ont ahte | 4 ueTION +” peak _ con OUC7 conpycmow 3 ex tranctor of had. from ora partie bo andra lua fo conTAeT . Sor’. by conduction . ; &) Sands hanted Gat & (oy hak Fat Crason't- allow hask-do aa Hoc 4o- swface = Ohly the vpn suemfinl, 13 hast « Sen > hertel by eneclonse ta t he hated’ sly 2 bee Clog, He, f ds slowly , - Ae neon, band hes fraker thom san- So, Land og ak higher temp. thin Sem. stem p of land Temp ofsan Pro of bad < Pao oF * pe wan vie,” Bel > oni Sate is Gacted . This amply space is filed by iv roa fiom 500 - SEA Beeeze- Shy tme) Lord breeze. (unr right) via 6 od fut. than 22. stomp tlh Temp sea: Ar mass subsides move at land » This av mans maes powends ‘son ~slanid braome Mountoons Valley brcse (Bay +e) vwlleg bree20~ Dagebre= 25H ' Meuntan is hosted ftin fan die bods fut, ton plana (bor of ass Zo, which 15 responcible. — for ch vebamiy ast’), deere (var) ; Tin heated Seats “tron pavally, Timp. of xt > Tamp- of valley. sem air pass im ribs rises fast» This ompbray is Filled fy wind from valley + bom wind) Cine frum ner Mra) + Moulin breeze NIT =SMomlan cod Gohan fn ely ing fowh- Timp: of valley - «Air amass enbsldes ara eps Thi: aobeted air ray movey towards — alley local medi fuction > SW + tode, —> (tocol smal) - N+ E+ mondegn > VE baole Diver ane maton). = Toh sap. recoiuy dire de solar tags. Ht veende> lowar tomer. Ahan esti (rriblatbnce + Duo be Brick clad cover. reads soon veiys Dae trailed. , 5 tanh. downs, - Due fe haary vegelahion 5 povertts divect raga atolls. colin oor rises So, the 5 In summer, more airmons winds boll ig Shhh a We nerthinarls, > Mad -tornanean 2 arda te Whence. of Westerly Ward During summer , the waaterhias Bib or Hod (Ip Bikigh) Par Tre, trade. Seen summer, — pedi. arden Tho ruonce trade wrda. cma Hh on. the aed WET Cont, ihe gee No ran dua t Trade. wind>- weal Madtbenraroan => em rairtell duving- ‘neato NO van Mm cavilpae fee Bitish dnmeke ss unda fo —influone of wastohen both om. ween L sammar » So, ranted duutry Fie, yee Two play mr the world xporivniny ONLY wNTeg. Rab + Mediborranean clas ~ { Charat cask ieee Bit iF eben nak 7 ( oe cal dery domme. Patagrion dani und the Wluence of Wastolaas.. wt, no RAV be cauag_ f cubsidona of airmarss dua bo ANDES | MOUNTAIN: | \ longed sp? ; wedwed +) Pane slecwrand Sawannalr [fawico, Fecha 2D NB drade. aston = Moderate moire srolade “| Modowde moi tan <) modonte + a Wan Femp- a Col temp . ma eit. a¥ mask visas . Reletnel “Biv muss yis@A Lyabkicly more. gpt> Lorladnaly las pot - » Grassy same brea Only qrass - d On shee. vino as fan sea be Land saa "“S offshore words —s f Law hSsen — France, keymeury “Steppes Nt America —> Prairiag 3 C-Amayia 3” Pampas Bunce + Sepre, Gr raslondy Whek mare = ranching walt chap raaing I Y Wilk bate, wel eactancive calkieder vneat, Ly Aastha. V y machaniced Fannin rmonk packing vey . i (bratit) con rre. borweyten (Cricago, Buon os om) Nomadic. herders 5 ASIAN SrEPPES —> dough ns summer NO Jv baahet, keghia Ui | Prpixiza > Bren Bashel of tha. world \ Ly *athod babe EVs Fas drought, the wheel Leon price i te wold will Roease - igh tem porate 8 & ra, high 3 esate SE SF Pi rf reid Ma 18 ttle 5 The. olanfertima au fron in Brarils Sind, Corte cowlin,. Cabay Bra aan pop sli si BIRD WEST T: Cet, nclewcs > fwano —s Grane forblizen Prvazon_ Get ceva > nth och diy-2 Cosne din Tribubria 3 Madeira 5 Tor Porus, Xorg uy Nay ve. Leryeak lovey A lot ef tribadmctoy lea - pras'l «Mouth sf Amazm 2 Marajo ished jrgok crore b- dete 7 Mag deloona 2 iememnel 3 Cofhe bel 3g 8 oc UnOR World's fasback often. ALM ib : Ln Ee Cone pal Yost Ponta, rons Cou) aly . BeAzitian thaeanos comet TB TO tgs alll 7 Haigh temp ' 4 of Brvils “ Cao Panto > wrid's bngat-yffee grows =D 0% OP: 00 Cees tee Ts ~~ > Santos = Coffee pot of tho wuld - Diera, Pavoguay 5 Amazon form ESTUARIES y not DELTAS - ARGENTINA Mad Piaryla —o Resarias Gonee Fret Bahia Blan > Oy.

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