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356, Kolathia Road, Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar-30

Time 1 hr


Assessment Test
Full Marks- 40X1

1. ergonomics is the study of principle of interaction between human & equipment
2. ergonomics studies human attributes
3. Ergonomics solves the problem of adapting technology & work condition to human 4. all are
Q2. The control of human error requires
1. minimize the occurrence of errors approach
2. minimize the impact or consequence of errors approach
3. Both 1 & 2 are correct
4. only 1 is correct
Q3. The internal factors related to visual performance
1. visual acuity 2. Light intensity
3. Size
4. all of the above
Q4. The eyes adjust rapidly
1. from light to dark condition 2. form day to night condition 3. from dark to light condition
1. Pupil size is always constant 2. pupil size increases in light 3. pupil size increases in dark
Q6 . In cone vision
1. form acuity is good 2. colour perception is poor
3. is related to peripheral light preceptor 4. all are correct
Q7. To detect dim light,
1. one must look top-center
2. one must look at center
3. one most look off center
4. one must look below -center
Q8. In terms of visual acuity 20/40 means
1. The normal person can read at 20 feet.
2. The defect person can read at 40 feet.
3. The normal person can read at 40 feet
4. both 1 & 2 are correct
Q9. Spatial orientation involves
1. visual function
2. vestibular apparatus of middle ear
3. as in 1 balance organ of inner ear
4. both 1 & 2
Q10. In visual perception, motion feedback is given to
1, eye
2. ear 3. limb 4. heart
Q11. Fascination occurs under condition of
1. higher workload
2. low workload
3. both 1 & 2 4. only 2 is correct
Q12. Intensity of sound in speech is measured in (unit)
1. tB 2. pB
3. dB 4. Hz
Q13. Frequency of sound in speech produces sensation of
1. loudners
2. pitch 3. quality
Q14. Which is more important when determining intelligibility
1. noise to signal ratio 2. signal to noise ratio
3. discrete noise
4. discrete signal
Q15. The interpretative activity involving high level brain function is
1.interpretation 2. perception 3. adaptation
Q16. The capacity of short term memory is
1. 5 + 2 2. 6 + 2 3. 7 + 2
4. 8 + 2

Q17. Anthropometry is related to

1. human weight
2. human stature
3. limb size
4. all are correct
Q18. Dynamic type of visual display is
1. altimeter
2. altitude indicator
3. placard
4. both 1 & 2
Q19. Qualitative information is
1. altitude
2. heading
3. landing gear status
Q20. In ACW system, Amber colour indicates
1. warning
2. advisory
3. caution
Q21. In CAW system, white colour is indicates
1. warning
2. advisory
3. caution
Q22. In ACW system, white colour indicates
1. . warning
2. advisory
3. caution
Q23. In ACW system, Green colour indicates
1. . warning
2. advisory
3. caution
Q24. In ACW system, blue colour indicates,
1. . warning
2. advisory
3. caution
Q25.For larger a/c . viewing distance of main panel for pilots eye is
1. 2m
2. 20cm-30cm
3. 71-78cm
Q26. Viewing distance of lateral panel is
1. 5m
2. 2m
3. 1m
4. 0.5m
Q27. In Basic T layout, which one is given more priority
1. speed
2. altitude
3. attitude
4. heading
Q28. The toggle switch in modern a/c is
1. forward off 2. sweep off 3. both 1 & 2 4. sweep on
Q29. The stress because of mental demands of task itself is
1. life stress
2. environmental stress 3. cognitive stress
4. none
Q30. The factors of environmental stress are use
1. divorce
2. death
3. vibration
4. none
Q31. In a simple situation with few cues, stress causes
1. decrease performance
2. improve performance
3. performance is not affected
Q32. Noise causes
1. increase workload
2. fatigue
3. as in (2) & impaired hearing 4. all
Q33. The normal human body temperature is
1. 350C
2. 360C 3. 370C 4. 960C
Q34. The cardiac irregularities of human body is seen at ------------body temperature
1. 350C-380C
2. 360C-370C
3. 380C-300C
Q35. Manual dexterity beings to deteriorate when hand skin temperature falls below
1. 370C
2. 280C 3. 500C 4. 180C
Q36. Glare causes
1. discomfort 2. annoyance 3. interfer visual performance 4. all
Q37. The effect of vibration is
1. Impair visual acuity 2.fatigue
3. neuromuscular control effect 4. all
Q38. Consciousness be come clouded is
1. 500C
2. 380C 3. 340C 4. 760C
Q39. Human body produces comparatively more heat when ?
1. writing
2. eating
3. resting
4. running
Q40. When a person is , sweating is
1. to increase body temperature
2. to reduce body temperature in 1 & 2 reduce physiological error .


356, Kolathia Road, Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar-30
Time 45 mins


Assessment Test
Full Marks- 25X1

Q1. Human error in maintenance is because of

1.action of AMT
2.non-Action of AMT
3.both 1&2 are correct
Q2.Damaging air duct used as foothold while gaining access to perform a task is
1.L-S mismatch
2.L-L mismatch
3.L-H mismatch
Q3.latent failure include
1. Deficient training
2. poor allocation of resource
3. Poor allocations of maintenance tool
Q4. A technician could not understand the technical literature it is
1. latent failure
2.. L-H mismatch
3. L-S mismatch
4. all
Q5. According to UK CAA, leading maintenance problem in order of occurrence are
a) fitting of wrong parts
b) incorrect installation of components
c) electric wiring discrepancies
d) loose object left in a/c
1. a b c d
2. a d b c
3. b a c d
4. a b d c
1. if an accident occur , the pilot is always off the scene
2. maintenance error is often identified at the time the error is made
3. ATC is nearly always on the scene of accident / incident
4. none
Q7. The most important human factor issued in a/c maintenance is possibly
1.light 2. communication
3. training
4. all
Q8. The OJT should be
1. scheduled 2. graduated
3. as in 1 & 2 should be reliant on unpredictable a/c malfunctions
4. as in 1 & 2 and should no be reliant on unpredictable a/c malfunctions
Q9. CBI stands for
1. commuter based institution
2. civil body inspector
3. computer based instruction
Q10. ITS stands for
1. internet tutoring system
2. India teaching system
3. intelligent teaching system
4. intelligent tutoring system
Q11. The main advantages of ITS over CBI is
1. just in time training
2. it is under students control
3. it can be scheduled, paced or repeated
4. all
Q12. The work which contributed to incident / accident is usually performed during
1. morning shift
2. afternoon shift
3. night-shift 4.
Q13. The main advantages of hand-held torches are
1. portability 2. more set-up time 3. encumber one hand
Q14. Area lighting in hanger should be at-least
1. 100 foot candles 2. 100-200 foot candles
3. 100-150 foot candles
Q15. Special task lighting should be
1. 100-150 foot candles
2. 100-200 foot candles 3. 200-500 foot candles

Q16. Exposure to notice levels above 110db should not exceed

1. 12 mins in 5 hrs period
2. 10 mins in 8hrs period
3. 10 min in 5 hrs period
4. 12 min in 8 hrs period
Q17. Hearing protection to the maintenance technician is required during continuous
1. above 65 db
2. above 75 db
3. above 85 db
4. above 95 db
Q18. CRM stands for
1. cockpit report management
2. crew report management
3. cockpit resource management
Q19. Based on team concept, the important aspect of job design is
1. self management 2. participator 3. task significance 4. all are correct
Q20. The area most benefited from automation is
1. resource management
2. man-power management
3. information management
Q21. The important feature of IMIS is
1.LCD display
2. enlarged view and part list
3. technician specialties required for repair
4. all
Q22. The error prevention strategies which intend to intervene directly at the source of the
error it self is
1. error reduction
2. error capturing
3. error tolerance
Q23.The strategies that assumes error is made is
1. error tolerance
2. error capturing
3. error reduction
Q24. The prevention strategies that addresses the error directly is
1. error reduction
2. error capturing
3. error tolerance
Q25. The ability of a system to accept error without serious consequences is -----------strategies
1. error reduction
2. error capturing
3. error tolerance


356, Kolathia Road, Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar-30


Time 30 MINS

Assessment Test
Full Marks-


Q1.i) Error will not occur if the work is planned

ii) Error is a result of some chance Agency
Regarding the 2 statement
a. both are true b. both are false c. only ii is true d. only i is true
Q2 i) In the past, a/c components and systems were relatively most reliable
ii) Modern a/c by comparison to past are designed and manufactured to be relatively less reliable
Regarding these 2 statements
a. both are false b. both are true c. only i is true d. only ii is true
Q3 Mark the correct statement(s) about a/c design and reliability
a. modern a/c compared to older are designed and manufactured to greater reliability
b. modern a/c are designed to fly safely for unlimited time, provided defects are detected and
repaired failure occurs
c. a/c maintenance is preventive rather than physical defects, failure and repair
Q4 ERRORS may be
a. design versus operator induced errors or variable versus constant ERRORS
b. reversible versus irreversible errors
c. slips, lapses and mistakes, skill, rule and knowledge based behaviors and associated errors
d. all of the above
Q5 Slips type error is
a. missed actions and commissions
b. action not carried out as intended or planned
c. faulty type of plan or intention
d. faulty plan or action
a. missed actions and omissions
b. actions not carried out a intended or planned
c. faulty type of plan or intention
d. faulty plan or action
Q7 Mistake are Errors
a. Faulty plan or intentions
b. Faulty plan or action
c. actions not carried out as intended or planned
d. missed actions and omissions
Q8 Slips occur at
a. the task execution stage
c. planning stage
b. storage (memory) stage
d. both b and c
Q9 LAPSES occurs at ____________ stage
a. execution
b. planning c. memory
d. both a and b

Q10 MISTAKE occur at ______ stage

a. execution
c. planning
b. memory
d. both a and b
Q11 i) Violations sometimes appear to be human Errors, that they differ from slips, lapses and
ii) Violations though human errors are actually illegal actions and done deliberately and with
knowledge and is considered as CUTTING CORNERS
Regarding the 2 statement
a. both are false b. both are true c. only ii is true d. only i is true
Q12 Mark the INCORRECT statement(s)
a. violations are human errors but done deliberately with full knowledge
b. violations is actually cutting corners, doing something wrong knowingly
c. slips, lapses and mistakes are same as violations
Q13 A well designed a/c system or procedure should mean that ERRORS made by AME should be
a. constant
b. variable
c. reversible
d. irreversible
Q14 The ERRORS causing behaviors of AMEs can be ____ based
a. rule based
b. skill based c. knowledge based
Q15 DEFENCES against Human Errors to prevent or capture error is / are
a. duplicate inspection
c. functional checks
b. preflight walk around check by pilot
Q16 Most effective means of preventing ERRORS is / are
a. ensure AMEs follow correct procedures and procedures are correct and usable (user friendly)
b. Ensure procedures are appropriate to the TASK and context as in a and b
c. ensure that AMEs cut corners
d. as in a and b and AMEs do not cut corners
Q17 HUMAN ERRORS can be constant or variable Mark the Incorrect answer about Human Factors
a. constant errors cannot be predicted and controlled
b. constant errors can be predicted and therefore controlled
c. variable errors are RANDOM in Nature
d. both b and c
Q18. A wrongly set torque wrench would most likely produce a
a. variable error
b. constant error
c type 1 error
Q19. An inspector who fails to detect a fault and passes an item as serviceable when it is not has
made a:
a. latent error b. active error c. type II error
Q20. Violation are errors that are:
a. always unintentional
b. always intentional
c. intentional or unintentional

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