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The List of Lists

...for having success with women

CR James | November 11, 2014 | Version 1.0


Copyright CR James & Super Power Media

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73 Ways To Make Her Laugh

After looking at the original CHECKLIST of checklist (Volume 1), I realized (and a
few people helped me come to this conclusion) that I didn't have 2 VERY
IMPORTANT lists on there:
A checklist of ways to increase confidence
And ways to make a woman laugh
If you didn't get Volume 1, you can download it on the blog. It's a checklist report
designed to give you a big picture on the different pieces of having success with
For the time being, I thought it would be best to create a VOLUME 2 report that
contains 2 recent checklists that are revealed in this report.
I'm putting these 2 key checklists in a separate report because it's worth
explaining each piece in detail - unlike Volume 1 that only contains the item and
that's it.
So let's dive in!

8 (Fast) Ways to Increase Confidence

Way #1. Become Super Unstoppably Confident.
Create at a list of identity-based affirmations and look at them as often as
possible throughout the day.
For example:
I never give up.
I'm amazing.
I'm unstoppable.
I'm organized.
The idea is to create a list - so that when you read through them, it gives you the
feeling of "being unstoppable". You can start with those items above and add to
them. Don't rush through this process.
It's kind of like designing an unstoppable super robot. Except, you're the
robot/machine. And it's (you're) fueled by feeling powerfully unstoppable.
You'll know when you've created a great list, because all you have to do is read
through it a few times and it fire you up.
If you're having trouble getting that 'fired up' feeling even after coming up with a
pretty good list OR you are getting that 'fired up' feeling... want to take it
to a new level...
It's simple. Just attach it to a strong memory and then repeat it 3x.
For example.
I remember that time when blah blah blah happened. It
didn't seem like I would pull it off. But I kept going
any way blah blah blah
I never give up! I never give up! I never give up!
I remember that time when blah blah blah blah blah blah

That's proof that I'm stoppable! That's proof that I'm

stoppable! That's proof that I'm stoppable!
You get the point.
And don't worry about whether this seems normal or weird. Don't think like that.
Just focus on doing it (or anything like it) where the end result is you end up
feeling unstoppable.
Each moment in time - right now - this very second - is a new fresh start.
Your future success (with anything)
will be based on your current decisions.
Just like past results (good or bad)
were based on past decisions.
So it never matters whether you screwed up with something or whether you've
never succeeded before or whether no one believes in you...
It doesn't matter!
Each moment in time - right now - this very second - is a new fresh start.
It's just like creating fire. It doesn't matter if you NEVER created fire before.
It doesn't matter if no one believes you can create fire.
If you combine a FUEL SOURCE + OXYGEN + A SPARK ==> You will get FIRE
(whether you want it or not).
If any time you want better results with anything, (don't focus on the past and
what others think), focus on feeling unstoppable and being FIRED UP.
The way I see it, when you're FIRED UP + You are operating with a better game
plan (i.e. Better Decisions) you're going to be unstoppably confident (whether you
want to be or not).
Way #2. Read self-improvement books
On the surface the idea of reading self-improvement books as a way of being
more confident may seem like an obvious suggestion.

That's because it is.

However, it's deeper than that.
Correction: It's deeper than that to me - from my perspective - for what that's
worth - based on how I see it - based on recent more intelligently explained
information (that I've read) about self-priming and how the brain works - in how it
affects us (our feelings, our thoughts and our decisions).
Note: In the near future (for those that care about this sort of thing) I will provide a list of
books, journals, scientific papers and observations that dives deeper into the insight. For
now, we're being purposely and strategically 'brief' so that the point isn't lost/buried.

Getting back on track....

It doesn't matter the self-improvement subject - just as long as it can help you
grow and expand your mind in some way by: challenging your assumptions,
offering a new perspective, providing new information or providing a clear game
Although I prefer to take notes (when I read certain books) and then re-read
notes afterwards, it's not necessary for a person to do that.
It's just what I like to do.
The main thing you want to do is reading something that has a self-improvement
element. Most people don't realize this but it's a powerful form of 'self-priming' or
When most people think of affirmations, they think of saying a phrase or quote
over and over again. For example:
"I'm amazingly irresistible."
"I'm amazingly irresistible."
"I'm amazingly irresistible."
"I succeed in whatever I do."
"I succeed in whatever I do."
"I succeed in whatever I do."
That's great.
Repetition is one effective way of reaching/communicating with the unconscious

However, reading self-improvement books works the same way (ideally, if it's
good information) - just on a contextual/theme/message level.
So if you read a biography of someone who achieved success in an area that
you're trying to succeed/improve/fix, then the "theme" (paragraph after paragraph
after paragraph, etc.) sends your brain (unconscious mind) a particular message.
For example:
[It's possible to succeed at any age.]
[It's possible to succeed at any age.]
[It's possible to succeed at any age.]
Although those repetitive sentences in brackets are replaced with stories, quotes,
new strategies, new facts and new ways of looking at things.
Way #3. Exercise
A lot of people exercise to stay/become physically fit and to maintain or improve
their health.
One of the biggest benefits is its effect on the brain. Exercising regularly will help
maintain healthy "brain parts" - specifically, the Prefrontal Cortex (PFC) - the
area of the brain that helps with:
Mental clarity
Impulse control
Staying focused longer
Much of having unstoppable confidence is perspective-based (i.e. what you're
thinking about, how you are putting things in perspective, how you are framing
things, the meanings that you attach to things/events/people).
However, the "heroes in the background" are the series of brain processes.
You can think of the brain as being a committee of miniature super robots.
Imagine 10 super robots (anime-style with swords and cool logos) sitting together
at a large table in a conference room. One robot is responsible for helping you
quickly look at the bright side of a situation. Another robot is designed to remind
you of the amazing things you've done. Each robot has a specific task.
You can think of exercising as a way of making them move faster. It's kind of like
you're oiling up their parts so they can move efficiently.

Way #4. Have a balanced diet

A balanced/healthy diet also helps with many complex brain processes.
Most people wouldn't expect to maintain focus and clarity while being stumbling
And along the same lines, a poor diet has a direct impact on many complex brain
processes. It's the reason way some people experience unexplained sadness,
low motivation, unjustified mental fatigue and irritability after long stretches of
eating too much junk and low quality foods.
Eating healthy is kind of like providing the miniature robots with Super Fuel.
Way #5. Look at motivational videos
Just 5 - 10 minutes a day will have a huge impact on your overall confidence.
The end-result feeling is the key.
If watching the same video works best for you, then pick a good video and watch
that same video 1-3x per day or 5 - 10 minutes of that video each day.
If you need/prefer variety, pick a new/fresh video every day.
Here are some examples. And of course, you can find/discover these by
searching Google: Motivation videos, best inspiration video ever, top 10
motivational videos.
The Ultimate Motivational Clip - Rise & Shine!
Chase your Dream - A Motivational Video
The Definition of a Champion Motivational Montage
VISION - Motivational Video

Be Fearless (greatest motivational ever!)
Way #6. Get in the habit of doing new things (and/or doing things
When we say 'new' this also includes things that you haven't done in a while.
It doesn't have to be anything major. For example, it could be:
Initiating contact with strangers.
Watch a documentary.
Making it a point to call/email several people each week.
Make it a point to make your kids smile and feel as though you believe in them.
Change your daily routine in some way.
Way #7. Figure out a way to make things 'visually easy'
This is a very powerful concept. It's an amazing habit to have. And it's worth
conditioning yourself to operate like this. Whatever you do or whatever goal
you're after, FIRST create a step by step plan (a lot of people do this.)
Now we're going to take it a step further.
Go through the steps and rewrite/edit them until it appears "visually easy".
Meaning... you can clearly visualize yourself doing it.
We'll pick a simple example just to show how the process works.
Let's say your goal is to buy a new refrigerator. And keep in mind, in real life you
wouldn't have to go through this process just to buy a new refrigerator. We're just
using this as an example.
So, your initial game plan may look like this:

] Step 1: Pick out a refrigerator online.

] Step 2: Call to see if they have it in stock.
] Step 3: Buy it and have it delivered.

It's simple, right?

Now compare it to the list below. See if you can spot the difference.

] Step 1A: Go online and make a list of the closest

stores that sell refrigerators.

[ ] Step 1B: Establish a price range and color. Decide on
'must have' features.
[ ] Step 1C: Put a checkmark next to those refrigerators.
[ ] Step 2: Call to see if they have it in stock.
[ ] Step 3: Buy it and have it delivered.
Although at first glance, the second list looks like a more complicated process,
it's actually much easier.
Why? Because when you read each step, you can clearly visualize exactly what
you need to do.
That makes a huge difference in you're likely to take action.
Imagine a nervous and inexperience single guy who is looking to have 'causal
sex' with a new woman (or meet a girlfriend).
He's not comfortable talking to women and it's been years since he had a
girlfriend or been on a date.
Imagine someone giving him the following instructions.
[ ] Step 1: Meet a new woman
[ ] Step 2: Get her to like you
[ ] Step 3: Start having causal sex with her.
You would probably agree that it would benefit him to break those steps up into
"more steps" (steps that are VISUALIZE EASY) - where each step paints a clear
picture in his mind on what he needs to do.
If a guy is interested in meeting more women, the first thing he has to do is
realize that it's EASY to just say hello to a person (and that's because he's done
it a million times in his lifetime).
You see it would be tough for the guy to imagine 'feeling good about himself' if
he's visualizing 'Step 1: Meet a new woman' - and that's because it's too vague.
It would be to his benefit to break it up into micro steps. When you break it up
into micro steps, you can visualize each piece while adding a 'strong perspective'
to each step.
Instead of Step 1 being 'Meet a new woman', it should be:
Step 1: Say hi (or something) to a new woman. And before you say hi, remind
yourself that you're ONLY looking for a woman who is down to earth. You're NOT
looking to meet a woman who would reject a guy instantly just because he said

'hi'. Remind yourself that 'down to earth' women - who fairly judge others - are
the types to be excited and curious about a new guy. They're the types that will
judge/evaluate the guy based on experiencing him and talking to him. They're the
types that will wonder what you're all about. Instead of guessing.
While on the other hand, close-minded women are more likely to 'make snap
assumptions' based on a little bit of data. So it never matters how the woman
responds, the only thing that matters is that it's easy to just say hi to a new
woman. And you get to decide that success is based on what you decide to do and not the stuff you can't control.
Re-read that again and then compare that to Step 1 'Meet a new woman'.
Even though "Step 1 Meet a new woman" seems simple because it's expressed
in a few words, the other longer version, is actually more VISUALLY EASY because it's a bit clear what the first step is - and it's expressed from a
perspective of being easy to do.
This is an easy to do process that I refer to as 'making things visually easy'.
Way #8. Repeatedly read your 'visually easy' step by step game plan
This is like part 2 of Way #7.
The point is - sticking with our last example - a single guy who is inexperienced is
much more likely to get FIRED UP and confident (even if he doesn't take action
right away) by reading the 'visually easy' (but often longer) version over and over

6 Ways To Make Her Laugh

Way #1. Telling a joke
Jokes are fictional short stories with an unexpected twist (the punch line). In fact,
Prof. Richard Wiseman did a global experiment to find the world's funniest joke.
The winner came from Gurpal Gosall:
Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn't seem
to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his phone and
calls the emergency services. He gasps, "My friend is dead! What can I do?".
The operator says "Calm down. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead."
There is a silence, then a shot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says "OK,
now what?"
Jokes create laughter because our brains love to be caught off guard. It's the
reason why we enjoy unpredictable movies and plot twists. Jokes work the same
way. When you tell a joke, the brain is caught off guard. How do you use jokes in
your arsenal with women? The first thing I'll say is it depends on your style.
A good way to launch a joke is to base it on a particular topic that's currently
being discussed. For example, if you two recently went shopping for a computer,
you could find a way to reference something that happened ("Do you remember
yesterday when we were at the computer store? ==> [Launch the computer joke.]
Way #2. Pranks
These are funny because you're seeing (or hearing about) people behaving
awkwardly in an arranged scenario. To get her to laugh, you could:
Do a prank on her. (This would vary in effectiveness based on the target
woman.) Have her help you with a prank on someone else.
Tell stories of pranks. Have her tell stories of when she pranked someone. Show
her videos of someone pranking someone else.
With any of these, you can be effective if you use it the right way. So your target
woman might not want to prank someone, however she might start giggling and
laughing as she tells you of a prank that her and some friends did on someone
when she was 14.

Tip: With these 6 'ways to make a woman laugh', challenge yourself to how you
could use them.
Here are 7 key methods.


#1. Do it directly.
#2. Have/Encourage her do it.
#3. Talk about a time when you did it.
#4. Talk about a time when someone else did it.
#5. Talk about a time when you did it as a kid.
#6. Have/Encourage her to talk about a time when
it as kid.
#7. Show her a movie/video/image based on it.

However, when you combine these 6 ways to make her laugh with the 7 key
methods (above) you'll see that you can use each one is a variety of ways.
For example, you could:
(Key Way #1) Tell a joke [way #1] directly. You could prank [way #2] her in some
way directly.
(Key Way #2) You can encourage her to tell you a joke [way #1]. You could get
her to participate in pranking someone with you [way #2].
(Key Way #3) You can talk about a time when you told a funny joke [way #1] that
had everyone laughing. You could talk about a time when you pranked some one
[way #2].
You get the point.
These 7 key methods, make it easier for us to (1) search our memories, (2) ask
her if she knows any stories on the topic and/or (3) search online.
You can apply them to all 6 ways!
Way #3. A story where someone reacts in an extreme way to bad luck
Example: A guy is driving down the street and swerves to avoid hitting a squirrel
and ends up crashing his new car into a tree. He gets out and screams, "I
$%#ing hate squirrels!" And then starts screaming at the top of his lungs as he
starts throwing rocks at every squirrel he spots.
Way #4. Doing something the wrong way
My wife told me a story about a former co-worker (at a job she use to work at)
who pulled up to a gas station and unknowingly tried to 'gas up' his rent-a-car

with diesel fuel. Apparently, gas stations are pretty smart. The diesel nozzle is
sized differently making it impossible to be inserted into a car that takes unleaded
gas. (I never realized this until she told me this story.)
So once you experience that it doesn't fit, you look up and read that you're at a
diesel pump ==> You go 'Oh. Crap. Ok.' ==> And then you pull up to a regular
gas pump and start pumping. In the co-worker's case, the connection wasn't
made. He actually spent 510 minutes trying to jam it in - over and over again. And then eventually he
decided to create a homemade paper funnel which then allowed him to pour all
of that diesel fuel directly into the unleaded gas tank. And since this was a rent-acar, we never found out what the actual damage was. However, to this day he
has the secret nickname of: Vin Diesel. :)
So 'doing something the wrong way' is generally going to be funny. This example
is extra funny because of the persistence and creativity.
But with this one, it also includes:
People doing things the wrong a way that required more effort than
People doing things the wrong way...after they've been warned several times.
People saying things the wrong way.
Way #5. People in awkward situations
This tends to be slightly funnier when we (or the person listening to the story)
have been in that situation before. But that's not required. It's just in those
situations, the extra pleasure results from the idea that 'we're not alone'.
I seen a good example of this when a comedian was talking about how every guy
has the same facial expression when he's inside of Victoria's Secret: "Boring!!!
This place is boring because I'm not a pervert."
I started cracking laughing when he said that because I remember going to a
Victoria Secret for the first time to get my wife (girlfriend at the time) something
sexy and I didn't expect it to be awkward.
Way #6. Coming to an obviously incorrect conclusion
This is another device that kids do naturally. You end up laughing hysterically.
And you end up wondering if they're comedic geniuses.
There was a site that listed a bunch of funny things that kids have said.

Here's one that a woman submitted:

"I think my son was about 4 and we're all sitting eating dinner when he says
"Sometimes my weenis has bones in it". I had a very hard time keeping
myself from ROFL. We wondered at the time where he thinks those bones go.
Note: These 6 ways to make her laugh, taken from the report.
Note: Keep in mind, you can apply many of these
73 Ways To Make Her Laugh, to the 7 key methods.


#1. Do it directly.
#2. Have/Encourage her do it.
#3. Talk about a time when you did it.
#4. Talk about a time when someone else did it.
#5. Talk about a time when you did it as a kid.
#6. Have/Encourage her to talk about a time when
it as kid.
#7. Show her a movie/video/image based on it.

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