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The Northern no.



The newsletter for Liberal Democrats in the North of England

Nick launches green jobs

pledge on Tyneside
Liberal Democrat Leader Nick
Clegg has used a visit to the
North East to set out a pledge
to create thousands of new
jobs by investing in disused
shipyards. The plan is to use
them to produce turbines for
Britain’s off-shore wind
energy industry.
The plan will see £400 million
invested and 57,000 jobs
Nick launched this latest
plank of the Liberal Democrats’
economic stimulus and job
creation package whilst visiting
a Shepherd’s Offshore shipyard
in Newcastle. The proposals
would enable firms to
manufacture off-shore wind
turbines in the UK, instead of
seeing them built abroad due to
out-of-date facilities.
Current plans to expand wind
farms in the North and Irish
seas could see every one of the
6,400 turbines needed made
abroad, as there are currently
no turbine
lThemanufacturers in the
Sage, Gateshead, lFreddie Shepherd
is to host meets
the Lib Dem Newcastle
nationalNorth candidate in
conference Ron Beadle,
March Newcastle
UK. City Council Leader John Shipley and Nick Clegg MP on the site of
Analysis by the North East Shepherd’s Offshore shipyard in Newcastle. Nick launched Lib Dem plans for
Regional Development Agency green jobs during the visit.
shows attracting wind turbine manufacturing to the region could bring economic benefits worth as much as £1.9
British ports and especially those in the North East are ideally located to host turbine manufacturers due to their
proximity to the off-shore wind farms; however, they are currently unable to invest due to the lack of appropriate docks
with suitable space.
The Liberal Democrat proposals to invest in physical infrastructure to support a greener economy also include a
pledge to invest £100million in training and testing facilities, including at universities in the North East with specialist
engineering research facilities such as Durham and Newcastle.
See Page 2 for Nick Clegg’s comments at the launch of the policies for green jobs in Newcastle
Produced, printed and promoted by Jonathan Wallace, 7 Laburnum Grove, Sunniside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE16 5LY
Manifesto News
Party Leader Nick Clegg MP has been in the region twice in February to launch important Liberal
Democrat policies - on policing and on green jobs. The visits highlight the growing importance of
the North East, Cumbria and Yorkshire to the party. Strategists in the party, and political pundits
outside, are looking ahead to Lib Dem gains in the general election in the North.

Liberal Democrat Leader launches General

Election plans on policing in Durham
During a visit to the Durham Constabulary, Liberal Democrat Leader
Nick Clegg and Liberal Democrat Shadow Home Secretary, Chris
Huhne, set out the party’s General Election plans to put 3,000 more
police out on the beat to cut crime.
Liberal Democrat parliamentary spokesperson for Durham, Carol
Woods, who has been campaigning for more police officers in Durham,
introduce Nick and Chris to the Durham Constabulary which is successfully
running several projects, such as the Eddy Project, to engage with young
people and to prevent youth crime.
Carol said, “Durham Constabulary has led the way with its Eddy Project
in engaging with young people across County Durham. Many young people
at risk of being drawn into crime have benefitted from these projects. The
Liberal Democrats believe that these types of preventative projects help
keep our communities safe and this is why we would expand them.
“Under the Labour Government, last year Durham has suffered the
biggest cuts in police numbers in the country. Yet, our Labour MP has never
spoken out against these cuts or raised the issue in Parliament.
“I have campaigned for years to get more police on our streets. I am
delighted that Nick and Chris chose to launch this policing promise in
lA Durham Constabulary officer
Durham. It is clear that the Lib Dems are the party for effective action on
talks to Chris Huhne and Nick Clegg
about the Eddy Project during their
Nick Clegg said, “The Liberal Democrats are the only party that wants to visit to the North East
cut crime by putting more police on the street.
“When only one in a hundred crimes ends up with a conviction in court, it is time for things to change. Labour and
the Conservatives may talk tough but they are unwilling to make the crucial decisions to cut crime.”
Chris Huhne added, “With so many forces seeing cuts in numbers, this is the right time to be promising a longer
arm for the law.
“The Liberal Democrats would rather have more police officers and catch more criminals than continue with
unnecessary and expensive ID cards. Getting more police on the beat and reforming the way they work is the only
way to create safer streets.”

Nick announces green jobs for North

Speaking about the party’s plans for green engineering jobs, launched in Newcastle (see p1), Nick Clegg
said, “We need to make sure we come out of this recession with a rebalanced and green economy.
“Our plans would act as a huge boost for Britain’s budding wind industry and create nearly 60,000 jobs in many
shipyard cities where unemployment is a huge problem.
“New off-shore turbines, with blades the size of the London Eye, need to be built and launched from modern
docks, so we need to upgrade our shipyards to take advantage of this massive opportunity.
“Just imagine the docks and shipyards in the North East coming to life and leading the world in this new
“Expanding off-shore wind will create jobs but unless we act now, these jobs won’t be British jobs. It’s a scandal
that 90% of the £1.75bn contract for a wind farm off the coast of Kent is going to foreign contractors, with the
turbines being manufactured in Germany.
“Investing in infrastructure for a new green economy not only helps create jobs now but will allow the North East to
take its place at the cutting edge of this growing industrial sector for the future.
“Britain clearly has the manufacturing and engineering expertise to lead the world in this green technology but
government must play its part in supporting this.”
Northern news
Hexham campaign steps up a gear
Andrew Duffield, the Liberal Democrat
candidate for Hexham, has opened a
new campaign office on Watling Street
in Corbridge in readiness for the
General Election.
Cutting the ribbon at the opening
ceremony, Lib Dem MEP for the North
East, Fiona Hall, said: “Andrew is making
great strides in ensuring voters can access
our message of fairness and change.
Hexham is clearly a winnable prospect for
the Liberal Democrats.”
Andrew said: “I am delighted with our
new HQ. Constituents are welcome to visit,
learn more about our policies over a coffee
and perhaps even help us campaign for
the real change we need - locally as well
as nationally.” lCutting the ribbon: Fiona Hall MEP opens the new Hexham
Constituency HQ in Corbridge
The Lib Dem Election Office is now
open on Monday, Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10am to 1pm. Andrew can be contacted at any time through the
office number, 01434 632309, or via the local party website at

Beith demands clarity on train proposals

Berwick MP Sir Alan Beith has claimed that the Transport
Minister is creating total confusion on future north east train
services, with the Government-owned Network Rail and East
Coast companies proposing cuts in the services from Berwick,
Alnmouth and Morpeth while the minister himself is consulting
on increased services.
“On the one hand we have Lord Adonis claiming that there will be
extra services for Alnmouth, Berwick and Morpeth,” said Alan.
“Yet at the same time the proposed timetable for December 2010
shows fewer services calling at our stations and a reduction in the
number of through trains to and from Glasgow.
“The proposed new timetable doesn’t properly meet the needs of
Berwick and Alnmouth because some of the attempts to speed up
trains are taking away stops at our stations and creating gaps in the
“Yet Lord Adonis has said that the franchise from 2011 will require
there to be more services as well as a non-stop service from
Newcastle to London. We need clarity on what is being actually
being proposed.
“I am putting pressure on Ministers and the train operating
companies to ensure that any changes to the timetable, and to the
requirements of the franchise for the East Coast Main Line, retain or
improve the services we currently have.
“It is very important that people in Northumberland do not lose a
good train service in order to save a few minutes on the journey from
Edinburgh to London. I am pressing ministers and the train lseeking answers on train timetables -
companies to get this right.” Alan Beith MP
Sir Alan has also added his backing to a Parliamentary motion calling on the Government to ensure that that there
will continue to be regular direct services from London King’s Cross and north east stations to Glasgow.
Northern news
Lib Dems back Journal’s Case for the North campaign
Liberal Democrats in the North East region have welcomed the Journal’s Case for the North East campaign
launched in the newspaper on 25th January to achieve greater recognition of the identity and importance of
the North East.
Liberal Democrats recognise that as well as local
government dealing with local issues and national
government dealing with national issues, there is a need
for accountable regional bodies to deal with issues that
are most effectively considered across whole and
coherent regions such as the North East.
“There is no point in having a regional agency dealing
with issues that are best addressed at either a smaller or
larger scale,” said Suzanne Fletcher, President of the
North East party.
“But The Journal is right to point out that it would be
equally pointless to have local authorities in the North
East competing against each other over economic
development, or to have these issues championed by a lLib Dem Shadow Chancellor Vince Cable, left, and
single agency responsible for everywhere from Liverpool North East regional chairman Frank Hindle have
to Berwick. backed The Journal’s campaign Case for the North.
The North East has had a clear and coherent identity for hundreds of years. As a region we are large enough to
have economic, social, scientific and cultural clout, but small enough to be able to work together.”
Chairman of the North East region, Frank Hindle, said, “It is for the other parties to decide what they think about
the region, and to decide if they want to make regional identity a political issue. Liberal Democrats in the region are
clear that this region is a region in its own right.
“We have our own identity, character and capabilities, and the region deserves structures that enable it to develop,
express itself, and maximise its contribution to the whole country’s well being.
“Our position with regard to One North East has sometimes been misunderstood. We believe Regional
Development Agencies lack public accountability and Liberal Democrats would reform them to devolve power to local
authorities in strategic planning, housing and transport.
“But we would continue to focus support regionally on regeneration and innovation to deliver focused investment to
generate long-term jobs in new industries.
Our economic spokesperson Vince Cable MP has confirmed that whilst it may not be necessary to have RDAs in
all regions, there is no ‘one size fits all approach’.
“In regions such as the North East where there is a clear purpose for the RDA and its role is supported by the
business community and local authorities, the RDA should be retained but with greater regional accountability, and
with a remit to work in partnership with all stakeholders in the regional economy.”

Tom chosen for Jarrow

Liberal Democrats in Jarrow Constituency, which
covers the eastern part of Gateshead, have chosen
Tom Appleby as their candidate for the general
At 25 years old, Tom will be one the youngest
Parliamentary candidates in the North East. He currently
works as a supervisor for a major retail chain but is also
studying for a law degree at Northumbria University.
“I am looking forward to the campaign, even though it
will be a big challenge!” said Tom.
“My aim is to help our candidates in the local election do lNew candidate - Tom Appleby, right, chatting to
well and to dent Labour’s complacency in a constituency a member at a recent meeting. Tom is the new
they have taken for granted for too long.” candidate for Jarrow.
Northern news
Alan Beith MP commits to safeguard the legacy
of Holocaust Survivors
Sir Alan Beith MP pledged his commitment to Holocaust
Memorial Day by signing a Book of Commitment in the
House of Commons to honour those who perished in the
With 27th January marking the 65th anniversary of the
liberation of the Nazi concentration and extermination camp,
Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Holocaust Educational Trust placed a
Book of Commitment in the House of Commons to give MPs
the opportunity to remember those who were persecuted and
murdered during the Holocaust - and to support a ‘Legacy of
Hope’, learning from Survivors’ experiences to help create a
future free from hatred and prejudice.
In doing so, Alan paid tribute to those remarkable individuals
who survived the appalling events of the Holocaust and have
since dedicated their lives to educating younger generations
about the dangers of allowing persecution and intolerance to
take hold in society.
Alan said, “We have a duty to those who survived the
Holocaust, and those who lost their lives, to pass on the lSir Alan signs the Book of Commitment to
lessons of the Holocaust to future generations. Holocaust remember all who died in the Holocaust
Memorial Day gives us an opportunity to reflect on the legacy of Holocaust Survivors, to commemorate the millions
who died under Hitler’s regime and to commit to a future free from racism and discrimination.
“I recently visited Auschwitz with young people from the Berwick upon Tweed constituency and I am sure that visits
like this, which are organized by the Holocaust Educational Trust, also play a crucial role in strengthening
commitment to remembering the Holocaust. ”
Karen Pollock, Chief Executive of the Holocaust Educational Trust said, “We are delighted that Sir Alan Beith MP is
supporting Holocaust Memorial Day. Remembering and learning about the Holocaust is more important now than
ever before. This year’s theme, ‘The Legacy of Hope’ highlights the important role young people have to play in taking
the Survivors’ mantle forward and educating their peers about the Holocaust.”


A training day to prepare members for the role of ELECTORAL AGENT is being offered.
All AGENTS for the forthcoming General Election are advised to attend as the course will deal with issues
such as the duties of the Agent, the Legal responsibilities, financial matters and advice regarding the dos
and don’ts of the role. The course is also open to those who are not Agents this year but would like to
brush up their knowledge
There will be opportunities to ask questions and raise issues
A Party Certificate for Approved Agents may be available on completion of the training

VENUE Swan Parsons Room, Newcastle Civic Centre

FROM 10 am to 4pm, Saturday 20th February

Tea and Coffee will be provided, but members are advised to bring a packed lunch, or there are plenty of
sandwich shops and take away premises within 5 mins walk of the building
Nearest Metro station is Haymarket, many buses also stop at the Haymarket Bus Stn and parking is
available in the Civic Centre basement car park
To register for the day email Doreen Huddart on or call 0191 240 1084 and leave
your details.
Northern news
Build them in Sunderland! - Euro
MP Fiona calls on Nissan to make
electric cars in North
North East MEP Fiona Hall is calling on Nissan to build its electrically-
powered LEAF hatchback model, due for sale in Europe from 2011, at its
UK plant in Sunderland.
Fiona, who attended a presentation of the Nissan LEAF in Brussels, said,
“The batteries for Nissan’s innovative LEAF model are already set to be
produced in Sunderland and with Newcastle leading the way in installing a
charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in the region, there is an excellent
case for the actual car to be built in Sunderland as well.
“Today will be a great opportunity to show Nissan how well placed
Sunderland, and indeed the North East, is for the production of electric and fuel
efficient cars.”
Electric vehicles and fuel efficient cars are expected to get a big boost from lFiona Hall MEP - wants Nissan
new EU requirements to reduce CO2 emissions from vehicles and from the to build electric cars at
target of 10% of energy used in transport to come from renewable sources by Sunderland
Latest figures for the 12 million cars sold in Europe in 2008 reveal that average emissions were down by 3.3%, the
largest fall since records began to be kept a decade ago.

Conservatives and Labour ‘posturing’

as Northumberland budget rejected
Liberal Democrat leaders of Northumberland County Council have accused
Conservative and Labour Councillors of “political posturing” after they
teamed up to reject the authority’s budget.
The Liberal Democrats are the largest party on Northumberland but do not have
a majority.
Labour and Conservative Councillors arrived at the budget meeting on
Wednesday 10th February without an alternative to the one proposed by the
Liberal Democrats. Despite this, they insisted on kicking out the spending plans.
It means the Council still has no budget for the coming financial year.
Reacting to the vote, Council Leader Jeff Reid said, “The people of
Northumberland want all the parties to work together for the benefit of all.
“Today, instead, we have seen Labour and Conservatives team up to do the
“This is grandstanding of the worst kind by both the other parties. It is political
posturing that tramples all over the needs of residents. lJeff Reid - Labour and
Tories joined together to
“There is no more money in the pot. All that will happen is that the Council will
grandstand and posture but
have to meet again in two weeks time, with all the expense and hassle that
have no alternative budget
involves, to vote through the same budget that has been rejected.
“What Labour and the Conservatives have done is extend uncertainty and play party politics with services and
“Hopefully in the next two weeks they will realize the people of Northumberland come before their pathetic political
Northumberland Council will have to hold another meeting on 24th February at which the budget will be brought
back to be voted on again.
Northern news
Concerns raised over future
Search and Rescue cover
Sir Alan Beith, Liberal Democrat MP for Berwick upon Tweed,
and Mike Moore, Liberal Democrat MP for Berwickshire,
Roxburgh and Selkirk, have voiced their concerns over
proposals to reduce search and rescue cover provided by RAF
Boulmer to day time only, once the Government’s SAR
harmonisation plan comes into effect in 2012.
The Department of Transport announced in February that the
preferred bidder for the contract is the Soteria Consortium which will
provide new Sikorsky S92 helicopters for Search and Rescue
throughout the UK, with a phased introduction beginning in 2010.
Under the proposals cover provided by RAF Boulmer would be cut
from 24 hours to 12 hour day time cover, on the basis that night time
cover will be provided from elsewhere in the UK.
Although the new helicopters will be faster than the Sea Kings, this
could still increase the amount of time taken to reach casualties. And
if the base providing night cover for the North East and Borders is
already working elsewhere there could be a gap in cover. lMichael Moore MP
Speaking after the announcement, Sir Alan said, “The Search and Rescue service has a very real need for new
helicopters to replace the 40 year old Sea Kings, and I welcome this investment in the service.
“But I am not convinced by the Minister’s response that an adequate 24 hour service can be provided with
Boulmer’s Search and Rescue on a daytime only basis and I will keep pushing for an amendment to the contract to
give round the clock cover for the north east and Cumbria from our local base.”
Mike Moore MP added, “As with all emergency service reform, the price of these changes will be measured in lives,
not pounds. As such, the fact that the total number of dedicated rescue helicopters in the UK may be cut by over 1/3
under the new arrangements is a significant concern.
‘It is essential that the planned shift does not compromise the quality of search and rescue services available to
people in the Borders.’
Northumberland County Council has also been looking at thee impact changes would have on the county. Leader
of the Council Jeff Reid said, “I am very glad that Sir Alan Beith is continuing to campaign to make sure our area
does not end up with a less effective Search and Rescue service.
“The difference in flying time from bases further away could be the difference between life and death if someone is
in the sea at night.”

Novo Print
NOVO Print - the Lib Dem print society in Newcastle has aquired a Folder- insertion Machine -
which will fold and stuff 2000 A3 or A5 envelopes per hour. It will take A 4 paper plus a couple of
inserts, and is ideal for bulk amounts of target letters.

Like all stuffing machines it takes a special size of DL envelope which cost a little more than the
ordinary ones people get from stationery supliers.

At present we are charging £20 per thousand which includes the cost of the envelopes and is
less than half the price of some commercial firms.
If you’d like to talk to us about stuffing a large amount of letters for your constituency please
contact Karen Robinson 0191 265 7813 or or Doreen Huddart
0191 240 1084 or

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