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Wilmington Education

Advisory Committee
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Today was a good day.
While you have all seen the Wilmington Education Advisory Committee's 2015 Legislative Priorities, there were
two items that we believed had to get done by the end of this legislative session.

HB 148: A proposed bill to establish the Wilmington Education Improvement Commission in Delaware
code with specific function to implement the short- and longer-term recommendations outlined in the
Advisory Committee's final report, "Strengthening Wilmington Education: An Action Agenda".

SB 122: Enabling legislation affording provisional authority to the State Board of Education to redraw
district lines in accordance with a resource, transition and implementation plan developed by the
Wilmington Education Improvement Commission under a specific and limited timetable and subject to
confirmation by the General Assembly and the Governor.

This afternoon final action was taken on both pieces of legislation. After having been approved in the House last
week, the Senate voted 20 Yays, 1 Non-Voting in favor HB 148. Senator Blevins attached an amendment to the
bill that improved on it and ensured that there was adequate representation from both the City of Wilmington
and suburban New Castle County. HB 148 will go back to House to affirm the amendment, but all are expecting
quick passage. On SB 122, the House voted 36 Yays, 3 Non-Voting and 2 Absent. Having already been approved
by Senate, this piece of legislation now awaits the Governor's signature.
Both actions by the General Assembly represent historic movement and support our fundamental thesis: After
sixty years of inertia, THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW. And the General Assembly has led the way. There are many in
Legislative Hall to be applauded, but I want to call out several who led the way including Senators Henry,
Blevins, Sokola, McDowell, Townsend, Poore and Lopez; Representatives Jaques, Keeley, Potter, Williams,
Bolden, Miro, Longhurst; Speaker Schwartzkopf and the entire Wilmington Delegation.
Now is where the real work begins. As we have said many times, simply redrawing district lines without
consideration of a comprehensive package for school reform is of no value in ensuring quality education for all
kids. To be clear, that includes funding, parent and community engagement, wraparound services and
statewide, and strategic resource allocation for low-income students and their families.
Thanks to all of you for your incredible support. The momentum continues. Don't let up.

Tony Allen, Ph.D., Chairman, Wilmington Education Advisory Committee


Phone: 302.290.1445

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