4 Cycle Rapid Fat Loss Solution

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Disclaimer and/or Legal Notices

This information provided in this book is for educational purposes only. I am not a
doctor and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. The information
provided in this book is based upon my experiences as well as my interpretations
of the current research available.
The advice and tips given in this course are meant for healthy adults only. You
should consult your physician to insure tips given in this course are appropriate
for your individual circumstances.
If you have any health issues or pre-existing conditions, please consult with your
physician before implementing any of the information provided in this course.
This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept
any responsibilities for any liabilities or damages, real or perceived, resulting
from the use of this information.

Food Timing Tricks for

RAPID Fat Loss
One of the biggest fitness mistakes Ive seen people make over the years is food
and nutrient timing.
Understanding how to time your macro-nutrients (carbs, proteins, and fats) the
proper way for fat loss or other specific fitness goals is CRITICAL in order to
achieve your desired results.
As with most fitness topics, the contradicting information and research is
everywhere when it comes to the subject of nutrient timing, combinations, and
serving sizes.
This happens mostly because people dont differentiate between various types of
For example, somebody who is an ectomorph (skinny and has a naturally fast
metabolism) is going take a totally different approach than someone who is an
endomorph (naturally thick framed with a slow and sluggish metabolism).

I know its not your fault and its really not fair but its reality for most of us. I
wish we could just rob somebody (ethically of course) and steal their metabolism.
But we cant.

It doesnt seem fair, but many of the skinny guys / gals out there can pretty much
eat whatever they want and not gain a single pound.
If this describes you, consider yourself lucky.
For the REST of us, life is different.
The skinny guy or gal is most likely trying to improve muscle definition, size and
strength; therefore theyre going to use totally different nutrient timing, portion
sizes, and combinations than someone trying to achieve rapid fat loss.
Just remember that success leaves clues and so does the science.
In other words, we can look to other peoples real world fat loss results, match it
up with the science and copy or mimic whats proven to work.
This Free Bonus Report achieves this goal and is primarily focused on rapid fat
I still provide pre and post workout food timing guidelines if your goal is to build
muscle, but most of the research and tips are geared towards burning fat.
For those of you seeking a more muscular physique this should apply to you as
After all - the secret to looking more muscular is to get leaner.
So no matter what your goal is, youll still get a ton of benefits and great info from
this report.
But without realistic expectations youre doomed for failure.

How to Achieve Rapid

Fat Loss for the Long Haul
Do You Have Realistic Expectations?
When it comes to Rapid Fat Loss, many folks set themselves up for unrealistic
expectations and never follow through.
Before we get to your food timing strategies, here are a few quick tips and
insights that will set you up for both immediate and long-term, sustained weight
Although these strategies work no matter what your age, gender, or current
condition is in order to achieve success you must have the following two things
working in your favor.
Component #1:

See the Big Picture

Although you can get a VERY fast start with Cycle #1, you still have to see the
big picture.
Youll no doubt get great results applying these techniques, but you must be
patient enough to stay the course down the road a few weeks when your old
habits want to sneak back into your life.
We all have different genetics.
A young man between 20 and 40 is going to get fat burning results a heck
of lot faster than an aging female who has dieted for years, damaged her
metabolism and has hormones that are all out of whack.
If youre a female and this somewhat describes you, just be patient enough to
understand your metabolism is going to be a little more stubborn because you
have other factors working against you.
Keep going even if you feel stuck. Youll get your breakthrough within if you apply
this stuff and stick it out.

Component #2:

Just like anything in life, the longest way is a short cut. Youre never going be
perfect following a plan, but do your best to be a little more anal if you want
RAPID fat loss. It will pay off.
Obviously, the ultimate goal is to be in great shape year round, but most people
set their expectations too high because they compare themselves to a swimsuit
or fitness model, Hollywood celebrities, or even professional athletes.
I know from my own personal experience of being involved in the talent and
fitness modeling industry that you can usually only hold those peak
moments shown in photographs for a few hours at a time, a day or two at
Unfortunately, after photographers capture these moments, they hand them off
to big companies, advertisers and marketers who trick us into making us feel like
we should be able to look this way all the time.
Not true, OR realistic.
Think about how many times youve seen a famous model or actor on the cover
of a magazine or on a commercial looking out of this world.
Then a day or two later while youre buying groceries you see them
caught on hidden camera with all their physical flaws exposed by some
gossip magazine or publication.

Whether its a peak moment caught on camera or airbrushing, remember to

compare yourself with yourself and your past results so that your expectations
are realistic and progressive all at the same time.
This is the only way, in my opinion, to make this type of approach a rewarding
experience. Rapid fat loss is an opportunity for life changing breakthroughs along
with physical and personal growth.
This is an important anchor in your life that needs to be a priority.
If youre like most of the world, youre busy. You spend most of your time and
energy committing to other people and responsibilities beside yourself.
Make sure you block off time to plan ahead and make time for YOU.
Schedule your nutrition and exercise firstso you can give everybody else
your very best.
This is not a selfish thing to do. Youll find the reward will carry over into other
areas of your life in a very positive way.
Additionally, your confidence will soar because youll end up looking great too.

How to Get Maximum

Results with Proper
Food Timing
The Great Controversy:
Fasted vs. Fed Exercise Sessions
I figure well dive in and take on the most controversial topic first.
Its the great debate of the health and fitness industry that will probably go
on for years to come and theres solid science that supports BOTH sides.
Sooooo which is better?
Fasted or fed exercise sessions?

Nothing is more telling, to me, than real world results. After working with literally
thousands of people from all walks of life, my experience shows that fasted high
intensity cardio based intervals and/or bursting gets superior fat loss results.
But this should definitely be approached on a case-by-case basis, and this
section will help you determine which way is best for you.
So first, lets talk about certain guidelines that will make fasted exercise more
effective if your schedule allows it and your body tolerates it well.
Whenever you exercise in a fasted state, you must make sure that

1. Intensity is high enough

2. The duration is short enough
Even as little as 12 minutes can get the job done to produce the desired effect,
but I would never exceed more than 45 minutes of exercise if youre in a fasted
And the higher the intensity, the shorter in duration your sessions should be if
youre exercising in a fasted state. There are a few exceptions to this rule, like
my Ultimate Cardio Sequence, so these are just general guidelines.
Heres why the intensity has to be high enough in order for this strategy to work
Higher intensity levels are what forces the release of hormones that preserve
muscle and help break apart and burn off stubborn fat.
And if your goal is rapid fat loss, I recommend you perform all cardio and/or
interval based exercise first thing in the morning upon waking up after an
overnight (or sleeping) fast.
If your schedule only allows you to workout later in the evening, make sure to
wait 3 or 4 hours AFTER a meal before training for max fat-burning.
This will boost fat burning hormones like HGH (human growth hormone) and
adrenaline levels. It will also give your body no choice but to use fat for fuel
(since you have very little "food energy" in your system).
Remember, you might not have as much energy as if you were training in a
fed state, but youll achieve the goal of burning fat at a much faster rate.
And because youll be limiting carbs, youll be creating the perfect storm for fat
loss inside your body by exercising in a fasted state.
You dont have to use this approach forever, but I always use it on my clients
(and myself) when trying to achieve the fastest fat loss possible.
For all you science geeks out there, lets analyze the research and science
supporting fasted vs. fed exercise.

This study shows that fasting prior to exercise increases nutrient

uptake and absorption in post workout meals:


This study demonstrates that fasting, all by itself, increases the

release of catecholamines (precursors to adrenalin, which help break
up and release fatty acids into the blood stream) and therefore
naturally increases resting metabolic rate.

If you combine that with high intensity exercise, you get a powerful 1-2 punch:

This study (for the first time ever) shows that fasted training is more
potent than fed training to facilitate adaptations in muscle and to
improve whole-body glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity during
a hyper-caloric fat-rich diet.

This is another reason why we raise fat intake when manipulating carbs on
certain macro-patterning days.
With ALL that being said, if you personally cant tolerate exercising in a fasted
state its completely ok to have an easy digestible nutrition shake or a protein
and carb rich meal an hour or two before exercise.
Next up, post workout food timing metabolic trickery

The Hidden Post-Exercise

Hormonal Rapid Fat Loss Trick
One thing that you probably hear all the time is that you should try to eat or have
a protein shake as fast as possible after exercise to feed your muscles.
And if your goal is to gain muscle this is probably the best choice.
However, if your goal is to burn fat and the intensity is high enough during
exercise (which 90% of the time it should be), using this approach can actually
block fat-burning.
Let me quickly explain so you can maximize the hormonal effect and increase
fat-burning after your workouts.

The Post Workout Hormonal Trick that Double Fat-Loss

This is a trick that definitely goes against the grain and would probably get the
traditional text book trainers panties all in a bunch.

But I recommend you keep your body in a fasted state after high intensity
exercise for at least 30 to 60 minutes.
This is a great trick that Ive personally used for years to get (and stay) lean
despite what every other fitness expert or guru may tell you. And I never lose
muscle using the trick.
Heres the simple science.
Hopefully you know by now that high intensity exercise will force your body to
release all kinds of fat burning hormones by ramping up your sympathetic
nervous system.
This is what helps create a fat burning hormonal environment inside your body.
However, the minute you consume calories, youll spike your bodys primary
storage hormone insulin.
And although insulin helps shuttle nutrients to muscles quickly, it could
potentially blunt or block your growth hormone and other hormones from
working their magic after workouts.
Simply put, insulin is the antagonist of growth hormone and possibly other
hormones. And every time you eat or consume calories, you raise insulin.
In theory, the absence of insulin along with the presence of these fight or flight
hormones will also spare muscle and help you burn a lot more stubborn fat.

Thats why I recommend you ride the fat burning wave during this 30 to 60
minute post workout window.
Ultimately, when it comes to aggressive fat loss, the solution is to get the best of
both worlds.
You can do this by fasting for about 30 to 45 minutes after your workout and then
consuming a post workout shake or meal.
This way your body can still take advantage of the post workout metabolic
hormonal window to burn fat, while still getting nutrients soon enough to absorb
nutrients at a much faster rate.
A word of caution: Do NOT try this approach if youre not healthy or have sugar
issues. Get cleared by your doctor and build a foundation of basic conditioning
But if youre experienced and your belly flab wont budge, this hormonal
metabolic trick might just do the trick.
And if your goal is to gain muscle, having a protein or nutrition shake immediately
after exercise is the logical choice.
Youll help facilitate faster recovery and burn up and store nutrients at a much
faster rate because of insulin sensitivity.
But if your goal is to burn fat, the minute you put calories in your system youve
just instructed your body to stop burning fat and start burning calories

Carb Timing
Now lets briefly discuss carb timing.
Youll see that the carb timing content below is a common theme throughout the
entire 4CS system. But its crucial to understand if you want avoid carbs being
stored on the body as fat.
Youll also see I go into greater detail about why our bodies need carbs (and
fuels like glucose) inside the Cycle #2 Macro-Pattering guide.
Lets get to it.

Good, Better, and BEST Carb Timing Tricks

This is a biggie.
If you screw this up consistently, youll be scratching your head wondering why
your belly isnt shrinking.

First up Good:
A good time to consume these types of starches or fruits is first thing in the
morning or upon waking up for a few reasons.
1. Youve fasted all night while you sleep so glycogen levels have been
depleted and this leaves extra room for carbs to replenish lower glycogen
2. Youre metabolic rate runs highest during the a.m. hours (or after you
wake up from sleeping) than it does later in the day (post workout being
the one exception to this rule) so youll more likely use these carbs as
3. Insulin sensitivity is also higher when you wake up than other times of the
day, which allows your body to utilize carbs and limit fat spillover.

Next up Better:
An even better time to consume starches and fruits is three to four hours
before high intensity resistance training (MRT, bodyweight circuits, or
metabolic circuits) or a heavier weight training session.
This will ensure that these carbs are used as energy during and after the workout
to avoid fat-spillover and provide sustained energy throughout the workout.
More details on how to handle the post-workout window below.

Last up BEST:
The best time to consume pure glucose polymers from starches and sugars from
fruits is in your post workout anabolic window of opportunity.
This is typically a window that lasts anywhere from 30 minutes all the way to 3
hours after high intensity training.
Make sure you consume your largest impact carb serving of the day within 30 to
60 minutes afterwards.
In fact, if you work out late at night you could actually consume your LARGEST
carb serving of the day right BEFORE bed and not worry about fat spillover.
Remember, when you work out intensely enough youll set off several
powerful metabolic triggers no matter what time of day it is:

Accelerated depletion of muscle glycogen

Stressing of creatine phosphate stores
Release of catecholamines (fat burning hormones)

The end result ends up being increased fat loss and something called supercompensation through stimulation of Glut 4 (a glucose transporter).

This effect simply means storage capacity inside your muscles and liver thats
well above normal levels, and this is greatly enhanced during the post
workout window.
Other benefits include increased insulin sensitivity, glucose uptake, and glycogen
Again, under these conditions your body will store carbs (and other macronutrients) at a much faster and higher rate than normal.
This is why I recommend consuming the majority of your carbs in your post
workout meals on resistance training days.
Regardless if your goal is fat loss, strength, performance, energy, improved
health or anything else, its still critical for you to understand the process of
nutrient timing.
And even though I always like to focus on rapid fat loss, you can benefit from
comprehending how nutrient timing works for disease prevention and your overall
health as well because it helps improve insulin sensitivity.

Carb Preparation
This one is short, sweet, and should be very obvious.
Steam your rice and bake your potatoes. Dont fry them or douse them in tons of
oil. In fact, the FEWER ingredients you use with these starches, the better.
They can work there magic best when eaten in their most natural form.
Of course, fruits should be eaten as whole fruits with the skin (not skins that you
peel of course..haha). It should go without saying you shouldnt eat fruit from a
can (nasty.) and you should always try to go organic or buy directly from a local
farm when possible.
Todays farming has dramatically increased pesticides inside and on the outside
of fruitsand the depleted soil from the years of abuse has dramatically lowered
the nutrient quality as well.
Unfortunately chicken fried rice, a loaded baked potato, and fruit cobbler
(yummy) arent part of this strategy. lol.

Save them for your cheat day.

Carb Combining
Food combinations are another HUGE aspect of sustained fat-loss.
Consistently combining your foods the right way is what will help KEEP your
body in a fat burning environment.
Theres a lot of debate about how to combine foods, but Ive always
focused solely on keeping blood sugar and insulin stable throughout the
This not only enhances your bodys ability to consistently use fat as fuel, but also
promotes overall health and general well being. If you learn how to keep blood
sugar stable, youll potentially avoid cardiovascular disease and even epidemics
like diabetes.
Additionally, your energy will increase in a big way.
There are, however, a few exceptions to this rule.
Here are all the details on food combining for FASTER fat loss:

1. NEVER eat carbs by themselves

Remember, almost all impact carbs tend to spike blood sugar (raise insulin) more
than other foods which creates a fat storing environment inside our body. In fact,
its nearly impossible to burn fat in the presence of high insulin.
So always combine your impact carbs with some type of lean protein.

2. ALWAYS have some type of high quality complete

protein in every meal when possible
Consuming protein in every meal will keep your body in a consistent anabolic
(muscle preserving) state. Protein also provides muscles with a steady stream of
amino acids to help assist in repair and growth of lean muscle tissue.
This will also help keep blood sugar more stable throughout the day to keep you
in a high energy fat burning environment.
Also, the thermic effect of protein will help prevent metabolic slow down
and burn more calories (in other words, your body will burn more calories
digesting and breaking down protein than it will digesting and breaking down fat
and carbohydrates).

So by consuming protein frequently throughout the day youll naturally burn more
calories. I also find protein helps fight off the cravings.
Another bonus side effect of being a carnivore. No offense to all my vegetarian
and vegan followers out there. ;-)

4. Be conscious of fat intake before and after workouts

Fats tend to slow digestion and keep insulin stable. This is a great benefit during
other times of the days, but post workout is the one time of the day where we
want to speed up absorption and intentionally spike insulin.
This is the ONE exception to the rule of keeping blood sugar and insulin
Heres why.
Spiking insulin after workouts (by limiting fats and just eating carbs and protein
together) will help force more nutrients into muscle tissue because insulin is a
storage hormone.
White rice, potatoes and other all natural starches combined with fruit and protein
will automatically help you achieve this desired effect.
Insulin is also very anabolic, which means it helps creates a muscle building
environment inside your body during exercise and it prevents the breakdown
or loss of precious muscle tissue.
So if you recall what I mentioned above about Glut 4 activation and nutrient
partitioning, it only makes sense to have our largest carb serving of the day in our
post workout window (usually within an hour afterwards is best but it can last up
to three hours).
Take home message: Always combine your post workout starches and whole
fruits with a hefty serving of lean protein and limit fat intake when possible.
Theres been a lot of debate about fat in post workout meals recentlyand
the research points in a couple different directions.
Regardless, I still recommend keeping fats on the lower side for post workout
meals because its the only time were intentionally wanting to spike insulin
more and fats can tend to negate that process.
But ultimately I dont think its THAT big of a deal if you have over 10 grams of fat
post workout. Just be conscious of it.

I will end this subject by saying this thoughfats are definitely the LEAST
important post workout nutrient.
So if youre consistently performing high intensity exercise (intervals, bursting,
weight training, bodyweight circuits, etc.), go ahead and tear up those starches
and fruits.
They do the body good.
Just make sure you follow these guidelines and youll maintain the perfect
balance of burning fat and fighting adaptation by keeping your hormones and
metabolic rate in check.
Fat loss (and effective fitness) is not just about exercising more and cutting
calories. Its getting your exercise and nutrition working together synergistically at
the right times based on your goals.
For example, performing bursting or HIIT workouts on days when carbs and
calories are lower and using strength training on days where carbs and calories
are higher is going to give you more bang for your buck.
This is an approach that will help you achieve rapid fat loss and gain strength
all while preserving muscle tissue.
All this knowledge is specifically designed to help you prevent and block
fat spillover as you live everyday life.

How to Time Your Food if Your Goal

is to Gain Muscle Using 4CS
Use 4CS with the following changes
1. Feel free to use amino acids along with carb based drinks before, during and
after your weight training workouts.
2. Instead of using cheat food, overfeed on clean starches and fruits on your
cheat day and allow yourself one big cheat meal on this day.
3. Always make your post workout meals your largest carb containing meal of the
day. A great combo is 2 starches, 1-2 pieces of fruit and a clean protein...or a
nutrition shake with similar ratios.
4. Unless you have a significant amount belly fat to lose limit, skip the cardio and
bursting altogether or limit it to once or twice a week max until you're ready to
move into a full blown fat burning phase.

How to Eat Before Bed

One of the most frequently asked questions I hear is, When and what should I
eat before bed if I want to lose weight?
There are a variety of factors that come into play here.
For example, if youre exercising a few hours before going to bed, you can get
away with eating a lot more clean carbs without worrying about fat-spillover while
you sleep.
This is sometimes referred to as carb back-loading, but this is an advanced
method thats usually the exception, not the rule.
Most of us dont exercise before bed.
So before bed your primary focus should be keeping your body in an anabolic

Vitally important processes take place while you sleep, so getting the right
nutrition an hour or two before bed will help with recovery, prevent muscle
damage, and maximize the hormonal response.
In my opinion the two best proteins for achieving these goals are cottage cheese
or a high quality low carb nutrition shake.
Cottage cheese works great for a few reasons.
1. It has high amounts of both whey and casein protein, which is a slow and
a fast releasing protein. Think about the old nursery rhyme, Curds and
Whey. So because cottage cheese is curded, it will release amino acids
from the protein both immediately and well into the night.
2. Its very high in the amino acid glutamine, which is the most abundant
amino acid inside muscle tissue. Glutamine has been shown to be very
anti-catabolic so it can help with recovery and prevent muscle loss.
But over the years, Ive found there are MANY folks out there who dont like
cottage cheese.
Its usually a, I love it. or I hate it. -- type of food.
Plus, you should really only be having a few servings of dairy per day max. So
your next best option to achieve all the same benefits as cottage cheese is a
nutrition shake.
But you have to make sure youre using a shake that has a blend of slow
and fast release proteins. Also make sure it has adequate fiber to help slow
digestion before bed.
BioTRUST Low Carb is perfect choice.
You can also feel free to eat other food choices a few hours before bed, just
make sure always get a complete protein source.

Food Timing Summary

So now you should have a solid idea about how to time your food and carb intake
for faster fat-loss.
Just make sure you listen to your body first and foremost. A few of these
methods are geared towards aggressive and rapid fat-loss so get cleared by your
doctor for high intensity exercise and do not attempt anything inside this manual
if youre diabetic or have sugar problems.

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4 Cycle Rapid Fat Loss Solution

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