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A frightful experience

I had to walk through an area filled with undergrowth to get to the shop. It was not too
unpleasant except that I had to keep to the narrow footpath and not blunder into the bushes.
Buying some flour from the shop seemed harmless enough. The shop was the nearest one and
my mother reckoned I was old enough to run a simple errand for her.
Suddenly I heard a growl from within some bushes. A ferocious dog appeared in front of me
with its fangs bared. I froze. If it were to attack me I knew I could not fight it. I had heard that if
you keep still, a dog would not attack.
It worked. The dog came up to me and sniffed me all over, but it did not bite me. I trembled with
fear but dared not move.
After a while it lay down beside me. I thought it was safe to go, but the moment I moved a leg it
stood up and growled fiercely again. I was trapped! The dog would not let me move. What could
I do?
I waited in fear. As long as I remained still, I was all right, but how long could I stand there like
that? My feet were already feeling numb.
Then I had an idea. The shop was just a short distance away. I shouted "Help! Help!" with all my
might. The dog looked confused but did not attack me.
The shopkeeper heard my shouts and came to investigate. The dog, which was obviously his,
wagged its tail and folded back its ears. He quickly brought a chain and tied it to a post. I was so
relieved. The shopkeeper apologized and gave me a free packet of flour.
What a frightful experience it was. Anyway I never had anymore trouble with the dog. The
shopkeeper kept it tied up at all times.

run errand


Low-growing plants, saplings, and shrubs beneath trees in a

a short journey either to take a message or to deliver or collect
fierce and violent

Preparing for an examination

The Final Examination are just a couple of months away. It is important that I do well. So I shall
have to prepare for it. In other words I need to revise and study what I have learned through the
First of all I have to prepare a time-table of study so that I can divide my time properly to the
various subjects. I shall have to devote more time to the subjects I am not so good at.
I shall have two study periods a day, one from three to four in the afternoon and the other from
seven to nine in the evening. I cannot study all the time for my mind will not be able to cope with
it. So I must have some time to indulge in games and other forms of recreation. Then I can
return to my studies with renewed vigor.
I am not very good in Geography and History. So I have to spend more time with them. These
two subjects require memorizing of many facts. In order that I remember the facts I need to do a
lot of reading. Only then the facts will remain in my head. Also I need to read attentively or the
facts will tend to be forgotten quickly.
Other subjects require less memorizing. So I am all right with them. I only have to keep in touch
with them and I should pass without any problem.
One last thing is necessary. I shall have to cut out time-consuming activities like socialising with
friends, window shopping, watching videos and listening to pop-songs. I can do these things
again once the examinations are over. Meanwhile it is 'action stations'! There is a battle to be


to give all of something, especially your time

to allow yourself to have something enjoyable, especially
more than is good for you
strength, energy or enthusiasm

(40 marks)
(Time suggested : 45 minutes)

Question 6
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.
The picture below shows you and your schoolmates doing a gotong-royong.
Based on the picture given, write a recount of the gotong-royong.

When writing about the recount, you should:

describe what happened
express how you and your schoolmates felt
suggest other ways to clean up the school
write between 120 to 150 words.


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