Curriculum Vitae: 1. Professional Summary

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Paulo Eduardo Dias Garcia



Direction and Management or Consultancy, Advisement and Support.

+55(11) 8284.9887 or +55(11) 3257.0666
Rua Piauí 490 Apto 84 Higienópolis
CEP 01241-000 São Paulo SP Brazil BR


Civil Engineering (1969) by the Engineering School of Mackenzie University and Executive
Education (1983, 1993 and 1996) by the Business Administration School of the Getulio
Vargas Foundation.


Portuguese (fluent), Spanish (intermediate), English and French (basic).


Born in 1946 professional with generalist profile and multidisciplinary qualification.

Experience in development of businesses and in implementation of designs, works and

projects in the areas of engineering and civil, industrial and heavy construction.

Performance in positions of works coordinator (1969 through 1975), projects

implementation manager (1975 through 1982 and 2001 through 2004), studies and designs
coordinator (1982 through 1985), commercial manager and contracts administrator (1986
through 2001) and independent consultant (since 2004) in projects, contracts and
businesses management.

Activities together the companies of consultative engineering (design and project

management), engineering special services (foundations and geotechnical), constructors
and contractors.

Services rendered in Brazil (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais) and Abroad
(Argentina and Portugal), in several infrastructure segments such like supply, buildings
and popular habitations (housing), power, sports and leisure, base and transformation
industries, basic and environmental sanitation and transports in the subway, air,
railroad and road modes.



• Editor Head (1969) of Mackenzie Engineering Magazine of the Academic Center Horácio


• Geipot - Integration Executive Group of the Transports Politics (1967) of Transports

Ministry, Brazil BR.
• Enbasa Engineering and Commerce S.A. (1968) former Constructor Nogueira Baptista Ltda.


• Planning with PERT-CPM and Development Analysis (1968) at the São Paulo Engineering
• Special of Business Administration (1973) at the Mackenzie University.
• Earth and Rock Fill Dam (1980) at the Minas Gerais Engineers Society.
• Industrialized Construction Technology (1980) at the Minas Gerais Engineers Society.
• Advanced Projects Management (1985) at the Brazil Management Center.
• Projects Implementation Management (1983), Informatics Management (1993) and Business
Strategic Management (1996) at the Business Administration School of the Getulio Vargas
Foundation in São Paulo.
• Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access applications of the Windows XP (Basic and Advanced);
MS-Project 2000 and AutoCAD 2002 (Basic and Intermediate) at the Education Center in
Informatics (2003) of the Senac São Paulo.


3.1. Works Coordinator

• Enbasa Engineering and Commerce S.A., current Serveng Civilsan S.A. Associated
Engineering Companies, from January 1969 through July 1972.
• Constructor Beter S.A., together with the Raymond International (foundation), from
August 1972 through July 1974.
• Ecicel Works Assistant Company Ltd, Enterprise Consortium between Ecisa Engineering
Commerce and Industry S.A. and Ecel Construction and Engineering Office S.A., together
with the Franki S.A. (foundation), from August 1974 through August 1975.

3.2. Projects Implementation Manager

• Etel Roads Technical Enterprises S.A., together with the contracts of Constructor
Mendes Junior S.A. and Cetenco Engineering S.A., from September 1975 through December
• Constructor Adolpho Lindemberg S.A., together with the Promon Engineering S.A.
(design), from December 1976 through August 1978.
• Hidrogeo - Enterprise Consortium between Hidroservice Designs Engineering Ltd with
Geotécnica S.A., together with the Booz Allen Hamilton (advisement and support), from
September 1.978 through January 1982.
• Etep Technical Studies and Designs Ltd, when part of Group Suez, from March 2001
through March 2004.

3.3. Studies and Designs Coordinator

• Hidroservice Designs Engineering Ltd, from January 1982 through December 1985.

3.4. Businesses Development Manager

• Sondotécnica S.A., from January 1986 through November 1988 and from May 1997 through
December 1998.
• Griffin Drenasa Soils Mechanic Ltd, part of Griffin Dewatering Corporation, from
December 1988 through November 1990.
• Jaú S.A. Constructor and Incorporator, from October 1991 through November 1993.
• Constructor and Paver São Luiz S.A., from January 1994 through December 1994 and from
September 1994 through April 1997.
• Jaakko Poyry Engineering Ltd, from January 1999 through January 2001.

3.5. Programming, Budget and Control Superintendent

• CDHU - São Paulo State Housing and Urban Development Company, from January 1995 through
August 1995.

3.6. Independent Consultant

• Consultancy in Projects, Contracts and Businesses Management, since March 2004.



4.1.1. Works Coordination

Coordination and studies of designs, quantities and prices; physical and financial
cronograms; PERT-CPM webs; monitoring of the BDI; planning and constructive methods of
works; programming and physical, financial and conformity controls; materials, labor and
equipment cronograms; supply of materials, labor and equipment; management of resources and
quality conformity, term and cost; management of the contracts; coordination of the works
and technical and administrative supervision:

• Morumbi Stadium - Cicero Pompeu de Toledo (1969 and 1970), in the São Paulo City, for
the SPFC - São Paulo Football Club.
• Prestressed Concrete Bridge over the River Atibaia and Reinforced Concrete Bridge over
the River Jaguari (1969 and 1971), at Highway SP 065 between Campinas SP and Jacarei
SP, for the DER/SP - São Paulo Roads and Highways Department.
• District Market for Food Supply of São Paulo City (1970 and 1971), at the Pirituba
Quarter, for the PMSP - São Paulo Municipality.
• Reservoirs for Water Supply of São Paulo Metropolitan Region (1970 and 1971), at
Brasilândia Village and Cangaiba Quarter, for the SABESP - São Paulo State Basic
Sanitation Company.
• Industrial Equipment Factory for Earthwork, Paving and Concrete (1970 and 1971), in
Taboão da Serra SP, for the Dynapac S.A. part of Group Atlas Copco.
• Oceanic Interceptor of Sewers of the Rio de Janeiro City (1971 and 1972) in the
Botafogo Quarter, for the CEDAE – Rio de Janeiro State Water and Sewer Company.
• Oxygen Factory, Cooling Towers, Coal Yard, Pit Furnace and Plates Reheating of the José
Bonifácio de Andrade e Silva Steel Pant (1972 and 1973), in Cubatão SP, for COSIPA –
Paulista Steel Plant S. A. part of System Usiminas.
• Debugging of the Aricanduva Stream (1973 and 1974), tributary of the Tiête River, for
EMURB - São Paulo Municipality Urbanization Company.
• Tunnel and Boarding and Disembarkation Station of Passengers of the Metropolitan (1974
and 1975), at Uruguaiana Street (Central Region), for the Metrô/RJ - Rio de Janeiro
State Subway Company.

4.1.2. Projects Implementation Management

Supervision and coordination of the planning, programming and physical, financial and
conformity controls; supervision of the works, designs and supplies; coordination of the
designs interfaces with works, supplies with works and designs with supplies; supervision
and technical follow-up of works, designs and supplies; follow-up of the quality guarantee;
inspection and proceedings of products and material; diaries and reports of events and
evolution of the projects:

• Steel Railway (1975 and 1976), between Belo Horizonte MG and Barra Mansa RJ (kms 66.03
to 100.74), for the ENGEFER - Railroad Engineering Company S. A. current MRS Logistic
• Factory of Load Wagons for Railroad and Passengers Cars for Subway (1977 and 1978), in
Sumaré SP, for the Cobrasma S.A. – Brazilian Machines Company.
• Ouro Branco Steel Plant, (1978 to 1981), in Ouro Branco MG, for the AÇOMINAS - Minas
Gerais Steel S.A. part of Group Gerdau.
• Environmental Sanitation Program in Hydrographic Basin Springs of the High Tiete (2001
to 2004), for the SEHAB - Housing and Urban Development Secretariat of São Paulo
• Programs and Projects of the HABI - Popular Housing Superintendence (2002 to 2004), for
the SEHAB - Housing and Urban Development Secretariat of São Paulo Municipality.

4.1.3. Studies and Design Coordination

• Final Pump Station and Treatment and Recovery Station of the Water Quality of the
A.B.C. and Barueri (1982 to 1984), of the Sanegran System in the São Paulo Metropolitan
Region, for the SABESP - São Paulo State Basic Sanitation Company.

4.1.4. Projects Implementation Planning

• Funchal Airport (1985), in the Madeira Island, for the Santa Catarina Airport Cabinet,
of the Portugal Finances and Plan Ministry.
• Garabi Dams and Hydroelectric (1985), in the Uruguay River, for the Executive Committee
of ELETROBRÁS – Brazil Energy Central Offices S.A. with the AEEA - Argentina Water and
Electric Power.
• Hotel Costa Verde (1985), in Cuiabá MT, for Santa Laura Enterprises S.A.


4.2.1. Commercial Management

Market studies and strategies; development of work plans, businesses and public relations;
register of customers; analysis of calls for bids and quantities and prices spreadsheets;
coordination of technical and commercial proposals; negotiation of interests; analysis of
prices and term and mediation conditions and payment; evaluation of obligations and
responsibilities and guarantees and penalties; supervision and administration of the bid;
representation in associations and unions:

• Foundations, Retaining Walls Structures, Earth Retention and Slopes Stabilization Works
(1986 to 1990), in Civil Construction and Consultancy Engineering Companies, State
Companies and the State and Municipal Secretaries of São Paulo Government.
• Earth, Bridges and Current Works, Paving, Edifications, Granting of Collective
Transport and Sanitation Concessions (1994 to 1997), in the States of São Paulo,
Paraná, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro.
• Studies, Designs and Projects Management (1997 to 1998), together the DERSA - Road
Development S.A., in the Monitoring Commission of the Concessions and Permits of
Collective Services of the Transports Secretary, current ARTESP - Agency of Transports
of the São Paulo State and the CPTM - Paulista Metropolitan Railroad Company.
• Services and Products of Consultancy Engineering (1999 to 2001) for the infrastructure
areas, in the São Paulo State.

4.2.2. Contracts Administration

Development of the monitoring instrument and tools and evaluation of the contracts;
activation and follow-up of processes; technical, commercial and administrative feasibility
studies; planning and physical and financial controls; analyses of opportunities and
management of conflicts; economic and financial claim; grants advance and diligence;
diagnosis of performances and results and negotiation of interest, definition of strategies
and e loyalty of customers:

• Foundations, Support Structures and Earth Works (1988 to 1990), with Public and Private
Companies, Institutes, Institutions and Associations, in São Paulo State.
• Environmental Sanitation, Popular Housing, Edifications and Real Estate Incorporations
(1991 to 1993), together the SABESP - São Paulo State Basic Sanitation Company, CDHU -
São Paulo State Housing and Urban Development Company, CPOS – Paulista Works and
Services Company, ELETROPAULO - Electric Power S.A. CESP - São Paulo State Electric
Power Company S.A., PROSASCO - Osasco Progress S.A., EMURB - São Paulo Municipality
Urbanization Company, HABI - São Paulo Municipality Housing and Urban Development
Secretariat and DTE - Constructions Technician Department of the São Paulo State Health
• PDL - Project of Legislative Decree (1999 to 2001), of the executive project agreement,
technological and geometric control of the duplication of the SP 294, Highway between
Bauru SP and Marília SP, between the Kms 360 to 375, 451 to458 and 470 to 472, for the
DER/SP - São Paulo Roads and Highways Department, elaborated with the São Paulo State
Legislature, from the opinion describing the irregularities of the São Paulo State
Audit Court.


4.3.1. Contracts Management

Consultancy, advisement and technical, commercial and administrative support as well as

audits and evaluations; audits and inspections with issue of decisions, opinions and
reports in processes of studies, designs, works, services and projects; tenders, supplies,
actions and inspections; coordination, inspections and controls; planning, programming and
follow-ups regarding contracts in the private and public sectors, in the scope of events,
consulting engineering, construction, assembly and too much sectors:

• Event of XI UNCTAD - Conference about Trade and Development World, held in São Paulo SP
(2004) with the participation of 196 countries, promoted for the UN - United Nations
Organization in partnership with Tourism and Events Anhembi S.A., Municipal Secretary
of International Relations, Foreign Affairs Ministry and the Itamaraty.

4.3.2. Projects Management

Preparation of analysis, studies and diagnosis of designs and technical specifications;

budgets, planning and controls; supplies and processes of bids, as well as of suppliers,
manufacturers, rendering of services and including respective structures, equipment, tools
and too much management resources, aiming to relate, recommend and to program actions for
costs reduction, optimization of terms and improvement of the services, works and products
quality that compose the project or the proper company:

• Penha Classes Importer and Distributor Ltda in 2005.

• MPE - Assemblies and Projects Special S.A., from October 2007 through March 2008, for
the contract in regimen of Turn Key involving Design, Suppliment, Construction and
Assembly of the Expansion of the Plant of Infra Structure and Utilities of the Mining
Casa de Pedra, part of CSN - National Steel Company S.A., in Congonhas MG.

4.3.3. Businesses Management

Representation technical, commercial and administrative, elaboration and implementation of

businesses and marketing plans; planning, organization and supervision of human resources,
material and financial; management, control and direction of the work crews; coordination
of the agents intervening in the market; disclosure, promotion and sales of products,
services, material, machines and equipment for constructors and contractors, designers,
construction and project managers, suppliers and rendering of services as well as
industries of the branch:

• Interactions since 2006 between companies and the market of the engineering services
and of the construction industry.

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