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The Fabled Sunken Hindu Caribbean Island of Trikuta.

Was It the Real Atlantis?

By Gene D. Matlock


One of the greatest mistakes a human being can make is to read the Hindu holy boo
and the Bible as fiction. Of course, those books, especially the Vedas, contain
apparently implausible information. Also, just as Christians deceive themselves into
thinking that most biblical history took place in Israel and not in Central Asia where i
really took place, so do Hindus tend to forget that many of their most important
deities and religious stories are imports from Siberia. In reality, Kubera or Heber was
Bulgarian Turk.

The Vedas tell us about Patala or "The Underworld" which the ancient Hindus called
Meso-America. They mention the flight of Garuda (the eagle) taking the Nagas
(snakes) there in its beak. The Ramayana tells us why Kubera dumped incorrigible
tribes there. It tells us some implausible stories as well, such as the story about
Kubera keeping his head under water for ten thousand years. In reality it is telling us
that the Kuberas were not a single person but a Phoenician (Middle Eastern Puni and
Indian Pani), a mariner caste who plied the seas for that amount of time. When a sh
sailing out to sea disappears into the horizon, it looks as if it is sinking under water.

The legends and myths of the Meso-Americans support the Vedas in this respect. As
have previously stated, the image on the Mexican flag of an eagle with a snake in its
beak commemorates the arrival of the Nagas in Meso-America. But yet, we are alwa
somewhat skeptical of such myths. How can we convince ourselves? We can be total
confident that India and the Kurus or Turks discovered America if we'll quit thinking
that Mt. Meru is a "mystical mountain" but just mankind's first world map.
Both Merus.

Notice that Ketumala on the left petal is spelled as Cetumala or Chetumala. The one
on the right is spelled as Katumala. Kashyapa Sea appears as a black spot on the lef

The Sanskrit Dictionary lists Ketumala or Chetumala as one of the nine divisions of th
western portion of the known world.

India's claim as the discoverer and settler of the Western Hemisphere is as

solid as the rock of Gibraltar.
Map showing Ketu Mala

One day, I decided to examine the map of Meso-America in order to find out whethe
a Chetumala or Ketumala existed there. It did not take me long to find out that
Chetumal is even now a safe port in what is now Belize, Central America. At first, I
was satisfied that I had found the Chetumala depicted in the picture of Mt. Meru. But
the skeptics let me know that this Chetumala might be just a coincidence. After
looking at all the pictures of Mt. Meru I could find, I discovered that next to Chetuma
was a body of water called Kashyapa Sea. One of the meanings of Kashyapa is "sea
turtle; tortoise." I then investigated to find out whether there are significant turtle
populations in the Caribbean area and off the coast of South America. I found out tha
more sea turtles of different species inhabit Meso-America and Eastern South Americ
than any other place in the world.
Colored map showing turtle distribution.

One species of turtle in the region, the Hawksbill, has always been hunted because o
its prized shell. It is the most tropical of all sea turtles. (See the following illustration
For many centuries the shell was and still is used to make hair ornaments, jewelry,
and other decorative items. Did the Hindus sail to Meso-America to harvest it? In
those days, there were probably uncountable millions of Hawksbills in Patala. Right
now, they are in danger of extinction. The population estimates are presently just
22,000 nesting females.

The myths of the Carib Indians state that their forefathers were Kuru-Rumani. (See
Father Gregorio Pérez' El Orígen de los Indios). Just the name Carib appears to deriv
from that of the Kaurava clan of Kuruksetra. I hope my knowledgeable readers have
not failed to notice that Belize is a composite Sanskrit word: Bala = "facing the east;
rising sun." Belize does face the east. The second syllable appears to derive from "Is
or Isa" (God Shiva). Therefore, Belize = "The Rising Sun of Shiva."

The Sanskrit word Patal means "one of the seven regions under the earth and the
abode of serpents." That word still exists in most, but not all, of the Mayan-derived
dialects along Mexico's northern east coast down to and including the Central
American nations. It means "abandoned or deserted land; without people."

The Mayan lowlands are called Nacaste. Nacaste appears to be a compound word
originally derived from Sanskrit: Naga-asta (Land of the Western Nagas).

In my research, I have discovered an infinity of other valid claims in India's favor. Bu

the reality of Nacaste, Patal, Chetumal and the Kashyapa Sea are proofs that no one
can deny. And they all exist together.

The ancient Hindus called all of North America Keeveria (Quivira), always keeping its
location secret and keeping strangers out. Kubera (Heber) and his Yakshas (Joktans)
occupied Trikuta, which they also called Antara, meaning "lying adjacent to; near."
Many hundreds of years later, the Portuguese named it Antillia (Antilles), meaning
"next to a large body of land." Trikuta appeared to lie just off the coast of today's
Veracruz, Yucatan, or Belize.

After the great flood in what is now the Altai region of Siberia, hundreds of Siberian
tribes were driven southward. Most of them took refuge around the base of the
mythical Mt. Meru, which was supposed to be in Northern India or Western Tibet.
Many of these refugee tribes had turned into incorrigible savages. The Kubera (Hebe
hordes decided to take them southward to Lanka, a large tropical country, perhaps
larger than India. At that time, Lanka was an immense, predominantly flat country,
composed mostly of atolls. It stretched all the way to what is now Madagascar. In
those days, Madagascar was called Lemuria because of its many varieties of Lemur.
Even in the 19th century, Arab seafarers and traders were still calling it Lemuria. Litt
by little, Lanka was washed away until nothing was left except the island continent o
Madasgar or Lemuria.

At first, the Kuberas (Hebers) and Yakshas (Joktans) thought that by taking these
incorrigible Rakshasas to tropical, fertile Lanka, the latter would mend their ways. At
that time, the Kuberas (Hebers) had built another principality called Trikuta in Lanka
named after one of the three peaks of Meru. The Rakshasas failed to civilize
themselves in Lanka. Then, according to the myth, the Kuberas (Hebers) took them
Patala. They dumped them on the mainland of Mexico and built a new island kingdom
just off the coast of Eastern Mexico, also calling it Trikuta.

The country of Lanka sank under the sea in approximately 2500 B.C.

There is abundant evidence that the Ramas and the Lankans colonized Patala,
(Mexico) just as the Ramayana states, for many Ceylonese or Lankan names, referri
to deities, places, and people, are found there.

Southern Mexico Bristles With Hindu and Ceylonese (Lankan) Names.

Like many of North and South America's major tribes, the Mayans pinpointed their O
World origins accurately. They claimed that their forefathers came from a western la
lying 150 days' sailing time from Meso-America. They gave several names for this

Shilanka (Xilanca) -- an ancient name of Ceylon (Zeilan-Ka).

Shikalanka (Xicalanca) -- Ceylon. In Tamil, Shikalam.

Itzamna was one of their culture heroes. He claimed to have come from an western
country. Isham, meaning "Tiger," "Land of Gold," was a Dravidian name of Ceylon.
The Na in Isham-na is an honorific.

Ishbalanka (Xbalanca), another culture hero. In Tamil, it means "Shiva of Lanka."

India's God Shiva was supposed to have made the footprint on top of Adam's Peak in
today's Sri Lanka.

Shibalba The Mayan underworld. This word stems From the Sanskrit Shivulba,
meaning "from the fountainhead of God Shiva-Mt. Meru, in India."

Palenke (Palenque). This name derives from the Tamil Pa-Lanka, meaning
"Protectorate of Lanka." The remains of a great ruler of Palenque were found in buria
vault there. His name was Pacal. As I have said, Pa is the Sanskrit name for "ruler;
protector." Kaul is a Northern Indian name for the Brahman ruling class.

Ceren, a name of Ceylon. Some Mayan ruins in El Salvador are called Ceren.

Lacandon, a tribe of Yucatan. India's god Kubera banished the Laks, a Tartarian Hun
or Rakshasha tribe from Northern India to Ceylon, giving the country one of its many
names and becoming the Lakan or Lakam people. The Don in Lacan-don derives from

Ancient Ceylon was divided into three provinces: Maya, the central division of the
island; Ruhuna, and Pihitee, the northernmost of the three. The Ceylonese Maya wer
known for their impressive architectural marvels, temples, and irrigation ponds.

One of the names of Ceylon's cult religions was Mayon. It still exists among a few
aboriginals living on the island.

The Rakshasa savages were in reality the Tartarian Hunas, They came from Huna-Bh
meaning "Hunas (Tartars) from the Sacred Land around Mt. Meru." Many of these
tribes were cannibalistic, given to intertribal fighting, practitioners of human sacrifice
in their religious rites, flattened the foreheads of their babies, took scalps in battle,
and observed other customs attributed to many Amerindian tribes. The Mayans
remember them as the culture hero, Hunapu (Huna-Bhu?).

Besides the Ceylonese and Tamil tribal names Yakkha, Maya, and Lak in Maya countr
there are also the Lenca and Rama tribes. Kubera even gave his name to North
America. The Meso-Americans told the Spaniards that North America was Quivira
(Land of the Khyber (Heber) People).

These Lenca and Rama tribes really intrigue me. Why were they not affiliated with th
Mayans? I have a theory, which I'll soon discuss, about Kubera's mountain kingdom
Trikuta. The colony might have failed. The Lankas and the Ramas could have gone to
the Mexican mainland, becoming forest people.

The Chilam Balam, a Mayan Bible, has a Ceylonese name!

Most of us have heard of the Mayan holy book, Chilam Balam. Chilan or Chilam is a
title of Mayan priests. Balam is the Mayan name for Jaguar. In Sanskrit, Cheilan =
Ceylonese and Vyalam = Tiger. Lion, hunting leopard. "Jaguar" probably stems from
the Sanskrit Higkara, meaning Tiger-like or "sounding like a tiger."

The Lankans, Olmecs and Mayans even had similar mythologies!

Jaguar mating with Olmec woman.

This clay figurine of a jaguar copulating with an Olmec woman further proves the
Lankan origin of the Mayans and Olmecs.

The Mahavamsa, Lanka's first "history" book, tells how a Gujarati woman mated with
lion, producing half human, half lion offspring. The lion and his bride later became th
rulers of a land called Vanga, probably today's Bengal. One of their princely sons was
an incorrigible young man named Vijaya. In desperation, his father banished him fro
Vanga. He put him and 700 of his followers on a rudderless boat. Finally, after many
days, it landed on the shores of Ceylon. There, Vijaya and his followers mated with t
native Veddah women, becoming the forefathers of the Sinhalas, considered to be th
seed population of Ceylon. Even today, the Sinhalas call themselves lion men. This
mythical mating is still depicted in Ceylonese pageants, paintings, and the like.
The Olmecs regarded themselves as were-jaguars, being the offspring of a mating
between a jaguar and an Olmec woman. This figurine, and many like it found in Olm
country, along with all the Lankan and Ceylonese names there, make the connection
between the Olmecs, Mayans, and Ceylonese virtually undebatable.

We know for sure that the Olmecs were an ethnically and physically diverse people
because the figurines and statues found in Olmec country indicate this. The words
Olmec and Olman derive from the Turkic Ulmak and Ulman, meaning "Adam; the firs

In his book Llave del Nahuatl (Key to Nahuatl), by Angel Mar’a Garibay K. we read th
following: Tamoanchan, Tamoanichan-- toponym. About a mythical region supposed
be the origin of children as well as nations. "The home for which we are searching"
(temoa); "The home from which we originated." Temoa or Tamoa is the real name o
the Maoris of New Zealand. I have a New Zealand friend, Mr. Martin Doutre, an
authority on the Maoris. He tells me that many of the Temoan foods originated in the
New World, such as yams, potatoes, etc. He wrote me, "The evidence extends beyon
language, cultural symbolism and religion to the many plant varieties that have
definitely come from South America. These include many varieties of potato and swe
potato to other edible or useful plants like yams, gourds, taro, cabbage tree/yuccaÊo
birds like the Pukeko (Spanish swamp hen... also found all over South America) etc."
As he says, there are even surprisingly similar religious, cultural, linguistic, and othe

Not long ago, when I was eating lunch in a local restaurant, about one hundred Maor
tourists, got off their tour bus to have lunch. Nearly all of them looked like Olmecs!
The word Samoa is also linguistically similar to Temoa. Both the Samoans and the
Temoans resemble each other physically.

Olmec head.

What Happened to Trikuta? Was It The Fabled Atlantis?

During my research, I discovered that Trikuta or Antillia, as the early Portuguese
called it, still existed as late as 800 AD. The Piri Reis map shows a number of large
Caribbean islands near the coast of what is now Southeastern Mexico. However,
Trikuta could have been any of the Caribbean islands in the Antilles. Piri Reis,
Columbus, and the other mariners of that time, certainly knew of it.

According to the legends of the Portuguese, in 800 AD, a group of Portuguese priests
and other colonists fled to Antillia in order to escape from the Moslem invasion of
Portugual and the resultant holocaust of the Portuguese people. During the early yea
of the Spanish conquest, mariners searched in vain for Antillia, but without success.
Because the Antilles islands are liberally peppered with active volcanoes, I believe th
Antillia later sank under the sea, one or two hundred years after the arrival of the
Portuguese refugees from Islam. After a few centuries, the inhabitants of southeaste
Mexico came to forget the name of Trikuta, also known as Antillia, calling it Atlantesh
or Atlantech. This word derives from the Nahuatl Atlan (by through, in, under, or
alongside water) plus Tesh or Tech (Place). For that reason, no one will ever find a
certain place called Atlantis. However, they will find the underwater ruins of Trikuta o
Antillia. They will either be found as a sunken part of one of the existing islands, or
they will be found at the bottom of the sea itself. Take my word for it. Those ruins ar
there. They WILL be found someday.
Map of island having volcanoes in the Lesser Antilles.

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