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Veera Episode 386 Screenplay

Sc 1/ int/ day/ baldevs house/ baldev, bansuri, taiji

Bansuri and taiji are chatting when baldev and veera enter, smiling
and looking happy. Bansuri and taiji are shocked. without a word to
them, baldev and veera go to their room. Just when they are about
to enter the room, baldev tells veera, listen, let me go and tell beeji
about our partyunko buran a lagey since they wont be included.
because I want it to be just us young people veera nods and
baldev goes.
cut to
bansuris shocked and angry face. She says, party? Dimaag kharab
ho gaya hai tera? You want to have good times with her? Have you
forgotten what this girl did during the campaign? Taiji says in a calm
way, baldev, while I understand that you just want to make things
right and its a commendable thing. But there is a difference in
being humble and being a doormat. Did veera say sorry for
everything she did? Did she even give you an explanation? Nahi na?
she doesnt even thinks she did anything wrong. Bansuri says with
irritation, exactly! How much she hurt you! jab usse nahi apdi hai
toh tu kyun pagal ho raha hai? Why are you the one to always go to
her she is too proud to ever come to you. baldev is listening to
this and says a bit hurriedly, listen, I dont have any time to explain.
i just wanted to inform you that veera and me will not be at home
tonight. Bansuri says, what do you mean veera and you? We are
also coming to the party then. baldev says, actually, its just a party
for youngsters. So you all cant come. Bansuri is shocked. Baldev
says, I have to go he leaves. As soon as he is out of earshot,
bansuri says to taiji, did you see? Such a useless son I have. Khud
chala gaya us veera ke paas! I am sure now that she is doing some
black magic on my son. No matter what she does, he always goes
running after her. Taiji says, youre right bansuri this veera always
gets her way. And baldev I dont know what is wrong with him
any other man would have thrown veera out of the house by now
but he bansuri says dejectedly, I dont know if my dream of
getting rid of veera will ever come true.

Sc 2/ int/ day/ ranvera house hall/ ranvi, ratan, gunjan,


Gunjan says, I need to look my best tonight. After such a long time
we are planning something fun along with veera and veerji. Gunjan,
chaiji and ranvi are at the living room, all looking happy. Chaiji says
jokingly, main bhi chai hi leti hoon. After all, even I am young. Ranvi
and gunjan suppress a laugh. Ranvi notices ratan is sitting at the
couch, looking lost. Chaiji says to gunjan, lets go to your room and
choose a dress for you. They leave as ranvi goes to ratan and asks,
what happened, beeji? Something wrong? Ratan says, I dont
know my gut is telling me something is wrong I love baldev but
how come baldev changed his mind like this? Till yesterday him and
veera werent even talking to each other and today, they are
having a party? Ranvi says, but isnt that what you wanted? That
veera and baldev would keep their personal and professional life
aside? Ratan says, yes but why so suddenly? And that too so close
to the voting day? Ranvi says, I understand what you are saying, but
I saw baldev yesterday. He really looked genuine. Dont worry about
it beeji. Ratan still looks disturbed and says, ranvi, baldev mere
samne paida huya hai....I know hes a very good guy.but just that
woh itna bhi mature nahi hai to keep all the competitiveness behind
and get on with life so soon.its too sudden.and that is what is
bothering me. Ranvi says, look, even me and gunjan had problems
I wasnt talking to her. But then I realized my mistake and things got
better between us na Im sure thats what baldev went through.
Maybe he has genuinely understood the issue and decided to
change himself. And you only said nahe has become more mature
than before. Ratan though not convinced but nods with half smile
ranvi assures her, trust me beeji all is fine now. I can feel it.
Transition to night

Sc 3 + 3a/ int/ nt/ bansuris room/ baldev, bansuri

Baldev enters bansuris room and closes the doorbansuri who was
mending a button on balwants shirt looks at baldev and makes a
face and says, why have you come to me.go to your wife na?
Tujhe apni beeji ki fikr thodi na hai..Baldev says in a low voice,
haiissliye didnt want you pull a long face throughout the day. Now
listen to meand what Im telling you dont tell anyone else.
Bansuri looks curious. Baldev says, his expression grim now, do you
really think I am such a big fool who will forget what veera did to
me? I know everything you said to me in the morning. And I agree
she has tried to pull me down throughout the elections. Whatever is

happening now. is all an act and its my time to give her a taste
of her own medicine. Bansuri is shocked to hear this. she says, what
are you saying? Subah toh tu baldev says, I had to act like that to
you in the morning in case veera heard it. Then papaji was home
too. But the truth is, I have a plan jisse mera jeetna pakka hai.. a
smile appears on bansuris face and she says, what plan? Baldev
tells her that she will know when it happens. He cannot say anything
right now but she should trust him he has neither forgotten what
veera did, nor forgotten her. Bansuri nods, looking victorious.

Sc 4 + 4a/ int/ nt/ ranvis room + manager (phone cut)/ ranvi

Ranvi is in his room, getting ready for the party. He is putting some
perfume for the party when his phone rings. He sees its the
manager calling. He picks up.

IC the manager says, hello sir, I have a good news. The producer
called just now. He seemed happy. He said the way you handled the
whole controversy is commendable. And now that youve regained
your popularity, its the perfect time to record another song. so,
when should I say you will record the song?

IC ranvi says, never.

IC the manager is stunned and says, what? But sir

IC ranvi says firmly, I dont want to work with him. The way he
wanted to handle it it was unethical. And I do not want to bow
down to such corporate thugs. I am more than happy here in my
pind and would prefer working in smaller projects than work with
people like him. He notices gunjan entering the room and says,
anyways, Ill talk to you later. Bye. gunjan asks him, shall we leave?
Ranvi says ok.

Sc 5/ int/nt/ taijis room/ bansuri, taiji

Bansuri happily enters taijis room. Taiji looks at her and says, why
are you so happy? Or have you gone mad because of veera winning
every time? Bansuri says, pagal toh ab veera hogi! baldev has
proven that he is my son after all! Taiji says, what are you talking
about? Bansuri says I just spoke to baldev. And he told me
everything. he hasnt forgiven veera it is all his plan. Taiji is
confused and asks what plan? Bansuri says, woh toh mujhe nahi
pata, but he told me that he is tired to veera playing unfair in the
elections. Now its his turn. He is going to do something which will
ensure his win. And we both know, that when he does that, their
relation will forever be ruined. Manjeet takes it in and says, now this
is a great news! She smiles at bansuri and thinks, so baldev isnt
useless after all! Good. It makes things easier for me to get what I

Sc 7/ int/ nt/ baldevs room/ baldev veera

Baldev enters the room saying, are you ready veera? He sees veera
standing in front of the mirror, putting on some jewellery. He stops.
She looks at him and smiles. He smiles back. Both keep looking at
each other for a moment. He winks at her. She looks away, blushing
and hurriedly, tries to put on the earring. But through the corner of
her eyes, she is still looking at baldev. The pin of the earring pricks
her ear and she winces. Baldev immediately says, what happened?
He comes to her and checks her ear. He takes the earring and starts
putting it on her ears. Veera looks surprised at how helpful he is
being. He puts the earring and looks at her. He says, have I ever told
you how lucky I am? She asks why? He says, because I have you.
She asks him how come he being so loving todayhe stresses on
the point that he has decided to leave the past behind herand no
matter who wins the election lets not get our relationship affected
by it she smiles and thinks, I am right he has changed. He only
should be the sarpanch. He breaks her thoughts saying, now lets
go. Or well get late to our own party. As he goes away, veera thinks,
I know you have planned this party to have a good time with me
but I will give you the real surprise at the party. She looks happy.

Sharp cut

Sc 8 + 8a + 8b/ int + ext/ nt/ party venue int + ext +

builders man (phone cut)/ baldev, veera
Baldev and veera reaches the venue the place has been
decorated in a vibrant youthful waythough in rustic manner. Some
people are doing last minute touches by putting flowers in the
tables, paper lamps being put up. veera says, youve really done a
great job! Im so happy and listen, I have a surprise for you too
but before she can, a man comes and says, sir, I have delivered all
the things you asked for I need you to sign the challan. Baldev
takes the paper and says to veera see what all I got for the
party veera looks at the list, which has foodice cream, and
sweets and soft drinks and says, wow! Im impressed! He is about to
sign when someone calls his name. he looks and says to veera
listen, I need to take care of something we show veera is looking
at him when he slyly changes the delivery challan. He says, can you
please sign the challan? Veera says sure he leaves and veera
signs. She has already read it with baldev so doesnt read it again.
As the man is going away with the challan we see alcohol etc. is
there in the new list of things. The man goes, baldev comes back to
her and says, listen, there seems to be some problem with the
caterer I have to go backside and check it. So youll have to
welcome the guests. Veera says, thats fine Ill do it. Baldev
Time cut
We show the party, has started now. Some people are gathered in
the crowd, talking among themselves, some are sitting at table.
There is some light music playing. The party is just starting. Veera is
at the entrance, welcoming the guests. Ranvi and gunjan enter.
Veera is very happy to see them. Gunjan says, wow! Its a great
party. Veera says, its all because of baldev. Ranvi asks, where is he?
Veera says, with the caterers they had some problem and he is
sorting it out. Ranvi looks impressed. They go inside as veera
welcomes some other guests.
Dissolve to shots of people coming in, veera happily welcoming
them. Dissolve to the party starts people are dancing in one
area, in another area, they are having drinks (whick look like
mocktails), in one area, some are eating. Gunjan and ranvi are
dancing together, lost in each others eyes. Veera is talking to some

people happily, but she keeps looking at the gate to see if baldev is
IC Outside the party, baldev takes his phone and calls the builders
IC the builders man picks up and says, everything all right there?
Should we proceed?
IC baldev says, yes I have done my part. Now its time for you to
do your. He sees veera, who is looking around, and smiles darkly,
and moves back into the background so that she cant see him. We
have a split screen as baldev smiles on one side and veera is
looking around for him on the other side.


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