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Pickover's primary interest is in finding new ways to expand creativity by meldi

ng art, science, mathematics, and other seemingly disparate areas of human endea
vor.[9] In The Math Book and his companion book The Physics Book, Pickover expla
ins that both mathematics and physics "cultivate a perpetual state of wonder abo
ut the limits of thoughts, the workings of the universe, and our place in the va
st space-time landscape that we call home." [10] Pickover is an inventor with ov
er 200patents, the author of puzzle calendars, and puzzle contributor to magazin
es geared to children and adults. His Neoreality and Heaven Virus science-fictio
n series explores the fabric of reality and religion.[5]
Pickover is author of hundreds of technical papers in diverse fields, ranging fr
om the creative visualizations of fossil seashells,[11] genetic sequences,[12][1
3] cardiac[14] and speech sounds, and virtual caverns[15] and lava lamps,[16] to
fractal and mathematically based studies.[17][18][19][20] He also has published
articles in the areas of skepticism (e.g. ESP and Nostradamus), psychology (e.g
. temporal lobe epilepsy and genius), and technical speculation (e.g. What if sci
entists had found a computer in 1900? and An informal survey on the scientific and
social impact of a soda can-sized super-super computer ).[21] Additional visualiz
ation work includes topics that involve breathing motions of proteins,[22] snowflake like patterns for speech sounds,[23] cartoon-face representations of data,
[24] and biomorphs.[25]
Pickover has also written extensively on the reported experiences of people on t
he psychotropic compound DMT.[26][26][27] Such apparent entities as Machine Elve
s are described as well as "Insects From A Parallel Universe".[27]
On November 4, 2006, he began, a popular blog featuring articles
being considered for deletion by Wikipedia.
Pickover stalks
Pickover stalks are certain kinds of details that are empirically found in the M
andelbrot set in the study of fractal geometry. In the 1980s, Pickover proposed
that experimental mathematicians and computer artists examine the behavior of or
bit trajectories for the Mandelbrot in order to study how closely the orbits of
interior points come to the x and y axes in the complex plane. In some rendition
s of this behavior, the closer that the point approaches, the higher up the colo
r scale, with red denoting the closest approach. The logarithm of the distance i
s taken to accentuate the details. This work grew from his earlier work with Jul
ia sets and "Pickover biomorphs," the latter of which often resembled microbes.[
Frontiers of Scientific Visualization
In "Frontiers of Scientific Visualization" (1994) Pickover explored "the art and
science of making the unseen workings of nature visible". The books contains co
ntributions on "Fluid flow, fractals, plant growth, genetic sequencing, the conf
iguration of distant galaxies, virtual reality to artistic inspiration", and foc
uses on use of computers as tools for simulation, art and discovery.[30]
Visualizing Biological Information
In "Visualizing Biological Information" (1995) Pickover considered "biological d
ata of all kinds, which is proliferating at an incredible rate". According to Pi
ckover, "if humans attempt to read such data in the form of numbers and letters,
they will take in the information at a snail's pace. If the information is rend
ered graphically, however, human analysts can assimilate it and gain insight muc
h faster. The emphasis of this work is on the novel graphical and musical repres
entation of information containing sequences, such as DNA and amino acid sequenc
es, to help us find hidden pattern and meaning".[31]
Vampire numbers and other mathematical highlights
In mathematics, a vampire number or true vampire number is a composite natural n

umber v, with an even number of digits n, that can be factored into two integers
x and y each with n/2 digits and not both with trailing zeroes, where v contain
s all the digits from x and from y, in any order. x and y are called the fangs.
As an example, 1260 is a vampire number because it can be expressed as 21 60 = 1
260. Note that the digits of the factors 21 and 60 can be found, in some scrambl
ed order, in 1260. Similarly, 136,948 is a vampire because 136,948 = 146 938.
Vampire numbers first appeared in a 1994 post by Clifford A. Pickover to the Use
net group sci.math, and the article he later wrote was published in chapter 30 o
f his book Keys to Infinity.[32]
In addition to Vampire numbers ,[33] a term Pickover actually coined, he has coined
the following terms in the area of mathematics: Leviathan number,[34] factorion
,[35] Carotid Kundalini function and fractal,[36] batrachion,[37] Juggler sequence
,[38] and Legion s number,[39] among others. For characterizing noisy data, he has
used Truchet tiles and Noise spheres,[40] the later of which is a term he coine
d for a particular mapping, and visualization, of noisy data to spherical coordi
In 1990, he asked Is There a Double Smoothly Undulating Integer? ,[41] and he compu
ted All Known Replicating Fibonacci Digits Less than One Billion".[42] With his c
olleague John R. Hendricks, he was the first to compute the smallest perfect (na
sik) magic tesseract.[43] The Pickover sequence dealing with e and pi was named af
ter him,[44] as was the Cliff random number generator [45] and the Pickover attract
or, sometimes also referred to as the Clifford Attractor.[46][47]
Culture, religion, belief
Starting in about 2001, Pickover s books sometimes began to include topics beyond
his traditional focus on science and mathematics. For example, Dreaming the Futu
re discusses various methods of divination that humans have used since stone-age
times. The Paradox of God deals with topics in religion. Perhaps the most obvio
us departure from his earlier works includes Sex, Drugs, Einstein, and Elves: Su
shi, Psychedelics, Parallel Universes, and the Quest for Transcendence, which ex
plores the borderlands of science and is part memoir and part surrealist perspectiv
e on culture. .[48] Pickover follows-up his quest for transcendence and examination
of popular culture with A Beginner s Guide to Immortality: Extraordinary People, A
lien Brains, and Quantum Resurrection.
History of science and mathematics
Starting in 2008, Pickover's books began to focus on the history of science and
mathematics, with such titles as Archimedes to Hawking, as well as The Math Book
, The Physics Book, and The Medical Book a trilogy of more than 1,500 pages that p
resents various historical milestones, breakthroughs, and curiosities.
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