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Mann Deshi Foundation

Proposal for 1000 Deshi Entrepreneurs Program


Name of the organization

Mann Deshi Foundation

Year of Registration and type of

registration (whether society, trust,
Sec.25 company or other).

Mann Deshi Foundation, a not for profit

organization is registered as Public Charity
Trust under the Bombay Public Trust Act
1950 (29 Act of Bombay 1950) in Charity
Commissionar Office, Satara Division,
No.4494), incorporated under section 21
of the Society Registration Act 1860,
Chetna Gala Sinha

Name of the Chief Functionary of

the Organization
Address of the Registered Office of
the Organization
Address of the Administrative Office
of the Organization (if different from
registered address)
Contact details of the organization
(including phone/fax number with
STD Code and email id)

Registered office at Post-Mhaswad, Tal.

Mann, Dist. Satara 415 509
As above

Geographical area of operation

FCRA No. with year of FCRA
registration (if applicable)

Area of operation : All over India

Currently operating in Maharashtra and
FCRA No. 083970038, Year of Reg. 2004

Tax Exemption details

PAN (Permanent Account No.) of the


Mann Deshi Foundation, Tel No.+91 2373

270141, 270660, Fax No. +91 2373

Number of staff (full-time

35 Full
equivalent) and active volunteers
(give numbers for the last 2 years)
28 Full
Audited Reports /Accounts statement
Total Income

A.2. Experience
Existing Funders?

Time Staff : 2011

Time Staff : 2010



Deshi Foundations mission is to promote

the Mann
Name of the
the development of poor and vulnerable
women and their families. Our programs are
designed to empower our women and improve
their quality of life by promoting business skills
and training, property rights, leadership and
Bonita Trust
Mann Deshi has been able to create successful
British Asia Trust
rural entrepreneurs.
Vanita Pise one of
SinceEntrepreneur says,
successful Mann Deshi
award, I feel2008
that if you do anything
Godfrey Phillips

Mann Deshi Foundation

Proposal for 1000 Deshi Entrepreneurs Program

and work hard seriously, nothing goes in waste,

you do get a reward and it can come in money
or appreciation. I was always very much ready
to do everything but after the award it was the
first experience in my life that I could see the
returns. I feel even now this is a dream that I
got the award. I never could have imagined
this would be the result of my struggle.
Mann Deshi aim to improve the lives of women
holistically, by providing a unique and
innovative combination of financial and nonfinancial services with its sister organization
Mann Deshi Bank.
In the past, foundation has worked on
property rights for women and conducted
camps to assist women in becoming more
informed and proactive in their own healthcare.
Foundation offers garden umbrellas as loans
to protect vendor health and bicycles to
families so that girls can travel to school. MDF
recently launched a community radio station
which provides a platform for Foundations
largest project, however, is Mann Deshi
Udyogini, a business school that provides
poor rural women with business skill with
mentorship program and financial training.
Providing courses such as computer literacy,
fashion designing, agriculture workshops, and
financial literacy has attracted nearly 27,000
students to business and mobile business
schools. With these vocational skills, over 80%
women have taken out new loans from Mann
Deshi. Of these, over 60% have established
new businesses and many others have
expanded on already profitable enterprises.
Encouraging women to assume responsibility of
household finances has proven beneficial for
the families of many Mann Deshi clients. With
women in control of household expenditures,
more money is spent on the family. This means
that families are eating more nutritious meals,
more children are going to school for longer
periods of time, more money is spent on
healthcare, and houses are better maintained.
On a less measurable level, women and
community attitudes and feelings are changing.
Many clients report feeling a greater sense of
self-worth. They feel more empowered and
confident in asserting their opinions and in
making decisions. These changes also extend
beyond the individual. In a small impact
assessment conducted in 2009, women
reported feeling that their positions in both the
family and in the community have improved.
In addition to improving the situations of
women and families, Mann Deshi has a broader
interest in impacting local communities.
Because Mann Deshi supports many businesses
through providing financial and nonfinancial
services to businesswomen, Mann Deshi is also
economies. Furthermore, Mann Deshi recruits

Mann Deshi Foundation

Proposal for 1000 Deshi Entrepreneurs Program

staff locally, which both supports local

employment and serves as a networking tool
for branching out to new clients.
After considerable experience in microfinance,
the team at Mann Deshi has launched E-card
system with the support of HSBC and SIDBI, a
more efficient, and accessible and secure
means for Mann Deshis clients to deposit and
withdraw money and view their transaction
The financial literacy course, offered by Mann
Deshi Udyogini, is a key component to Mann
Deshis successful operations. Completing the
financial literacy course is a requirement for
each of Mann Deshis loan clients. The course
covers topics such as the importance of
savings, timely loan repayment, and consulting
the bank whenever financial hardships become
an issue.
Since making financial literacy
compulsory for loan clients, loan default has
decreased from 4% to less than 1%.


Title of the proposed project

Focus areas



1000 Deshi Entrepreneurs Program

proposed The Deshi Entrepreneurs initiative works

to create business role models of
promising rural women entrepreneurs
by providing them with the guidance
and training needed to aim and achieve
significant business growth.
Education and Livelihoods

Details of the proposed project (in following points)

Location of the proposed project
Maharashtra and Karnataka
Satara, Hubli and Dharwad
Mhaswad and Hubli, Dharwad
Proposed coverage (whichever is applicable) annually
No. of villages/
196 villages
No. of households
More than 1000
No. of individuals/students
Proposed Duration of the Project
(in years)
Proposed communities
Any specific religious group
Urban Poor
Other (please specify)
Proposed budget
Please find attached budget
Cost per Beneficiary per year Please find attached budget
(in INR)

Mann Deshi Foundation

Proposal for 1000 Deshi Entrepreneurs Program


C.1 Purpose of the proposed project (200 words)
The Deshi Entrepreneurs initiative purpose is:
Identify 1,000 rural women entrepreneurs who have developed an
innovative business with growth potential
Substantially scale up 1,000 chosen microenterprises through a formalized
Build 1,000 business role models to inspire and motivate other
entrepreneurs to grow their microenterprises by utilizing the financial
services and business management training provided by the Bank and
Business School.
The goals and objectives of the
proposed project
Provide promising entrepreneurs with business management training and
support to grow their existing businesses
Establish and foster a positive mentoring relationship between business
mentors and Deshi entrepreneurs
Through the Business School, develop an innovative business basics
training curriculum (MBA) that speaks to the unique needs of rural
Intermediate goals (first 2 years):
Establish collaborative partnerships with prominent members of the Indian
business development community, including business schools, companies,
women-managed businesses, institutions and other development related
organizations with the aim to make the business curriculum (MBA) a
perfect fit to the needs of rural entrepreneurs
Rapidly expand the program to reach the number of participants detailed
in the three-year Projection sited under Growth Strategy
Increase the quality and scale of microenterprises in the areas where the
Bank serves
Improve the economic status and of Deshi Entrepreneurs and empower
them to continue to grow their businesses and contribute to the overall
economic development of their local communities
Foster 1,000 role models who will inspire future clients of Mann Deshi to
improve and grow their microenterprises by utilizing the services provided
by the Bank and Business School
Diversify sources of income in largely agrarian areas and foster business
expansion in more positively growing sectors of the economy
Build an extensive network with prominent members of the business
community and rural entrepreneurs
Description of the target communities,
highlighting the problems and challenges that they face
To better understand the specific challenges and obstacles rural women
entrepreneurs in Maharashtra and Karnataka face in running and expanding their
businesses, Mann Deshi has
Conducted a Business Needs Assessment Survey to determine how best their
problems can be served by business management training and mentoring. This
was the first survey conducted by Mann Deshi Mahila Group to assess business
needs. The survey was qualitative in nature in order to capture as much relevant
information as possible in an open format. In total, 130 interviews were
conducted of Mann Deshi clients managing small businesses in manufacturing,
trading, and service and agriculture sectors. In the analysis of the data,
entrepreneurs most frequently sited six major problem areas as obstacles to

Mann Deshi Foundation

Proposal for 1000 Deshi Entrepreneurs Program

their business success and potential growth.

1. Lack of capital needing more capital to invest in the maintenance and
growth of their businesses
2. Market constraints limited demand due to the nature of business,
competition, population size, or market economy
3. Supply chain inability to manage the supply of raw materials; lack of
access to or knowledge of cheaper, better wholesalers for raw material
4. Labor & Production difficulty retaining, training, or finding employees;
inability to manage or increase production
5. Cash Flow Management difficulty managing working capital
6. Marketing need for marketing strategy training
The results of this survey indicate that there is a need to educate rural
entrepreneurs on general business management topics, similar to an MBA
course, to enable them to better manage these key areas of their businesses.
This has led to the development of a specific Deshi MBA program, which offers
business management courses to target working capital, supply chain and
marketing management through the Business School. This customized MBA
course curriculum forms the training part of the Deshi Entrepreneurs program.
In addition, Deshi Entrepreneurs linked up with a local business mentor, to
harness the local knowledge of the market economy to address problems
relating to market constraints, connection to bigger markets and suppliers, and
managing labor and production through the scaling-up process. These training
and consulting services combined with financial capital supplied by Mann Deshi
Bank aims to provide entrepreneurs the resources they need to achieve
significant business growth.
In this way, Deshi Entrepreneur participants are serving as a flagship program
for the Deshi MBA, demonstrating the value of these business management
strategies to other businesswomen in the community and thus encouraging
them to enroll in this training.
A background about the geography and/ social and/economic
and/political situation of the area.
Given the strong presence of the Business School in Maharashtra and Karnataka
state through office locations in the towns of Vaduj, Dahiwadi, Mhaswad, Satara,
Gondavale, Lonand and in Karnataka state through the Hubli office location, both
these sites served as ideal testing grounds for the pilot year of Deshi
Entrepreneurs. By selecting participants in Maharashtra and Karnataka, the
Business School enabled to compare the success of the programs to understand
how to adapt the structure of the program for future expansion to new
geographic locations.
Key strategies proposed to address
the problems?
Through Mann Deshis 13 years of experience in the villages of Maharashtra they
have observed hundreds of female clients who possess the capacity and desire
to expand their businesses. However, due to their remote location, they often
lack the guidance and networking opportunities needed to take their businesses
to the next level. For this reason, Mann Deshi has launched the Deshi
Entrepreneurs initiative that aims specifically to support an underserved sector
within India rural women entrepreneurs. The goal of the program is to educate
1,000 select rural women entrepreneurs on business management and give
them access to local insight knowledge through a dedicated mentor relationship.
As such, the project enables these women to grow their business to their own
benefit and the benefit of the entire community.
D.1. Description of the project (800 words)
A brief description of key activities
under the proposed themes to challenge the issues as stated
For the pilot year of the program, participants for the Deshi Entrepreneurs
program were identified through the Business Needs Assessment Survey. Out of

Mann Deshi Foundation

Proposal for 1000 Deshi Entrepreneurs Program

the 130 intensive interviews conducted by the Program Coordinator, 40 women

entrepreneurs were chosen who possessed the right combination of managing
small businesses with growth potential and possessing the personal drive to
want to expand their business. After the initial screening through the survey
interviews, second interviews were conducted by the Program Coordinator with
select participants. After this screening process the Program Committee selected
the first batch of 25 participants in western Maharashtra. In Hubli, Karnataka, the
Karnataka Program Coordinator has undergone a similar process of indentifying
and interviewing women entrepreneurs for selection of Batch 2.
For this year, Mann Deshi Foundation introduced an application process for
interested participants, as well as continues to seek out entrepreneurs through
their extensive network. Now Mann Deshi has also announced branch wise
motivational award from Rs.7000 to 25000 for the women participant so that
more women will take part in the workshop. The aggressive Marketing Strategy
for Deshi Entrepreneurs will help with this process by promoting program
applications. Once entrepreneurs have been indentified the Program Coordinator
conducts the initial screening interviews to see if they possess the right criteria,
after which second interviews is conducted on an as needed basis. The Program
Committee selects the final participants. Once the batch has been formed, the
Program Coordinator selects and matches appropriate Mentors.
At the start of the program participants is introduced to their Mentors, who stays
in contact with them for 12 months. In addition to being linked to a Mentor in the
first month, participants begin their Deshi MBA training through the Business
School. The Deshi MBA is designed into 3-Modules (Working Capital, Cash
Management and Marketing Management); each Module covers conceptual
understanding and practical application of an essential business management
After 12 months a graduation ceremony is conducted. Deshi Entrepreneur
Certificates, noting their completion of the Deshi MBA and Mentorship Program,
is given too all participants. Mentors additionally receive Certificates of
Community Service. In order to honor the successful achievements of those
Deshi Entrepreneurs who have overcome the most given their individual
challenges, three Achievement Awards is given.
D.1.2. The outcomes of the proposed intervention and what would be
the clear indicators for measuring them?
In order to monitor the impact of the services provided through the Deshi
Entrepreneurs program, two main indicators will be used to measure business
growth for program participants:
Business Revenue is there an increase in revenue overtime
Loan activity is there a increase in the size of loans taken overtime
This information, along with additional socio-economic data, will be collected
through a Baseline Survey, conducted with all Deshi Entrepreneurs before the
programs launch, and one Follow-Up Survey, conducted at the completion of the
program after 12 months. The surveys will incorporate data from participants
personal financial diaries to monitor monthly business growth; training on how to
create and use a financial diary is given through Working Capital Management
Module in the first month of the program. At this time, the top 5 batch
participants, who have achieved significant business growth by utilizing the
services provided, will be chosen to be monitored by two additional Follow-Up
Surveys, administered at the 24th and 36th month mark.
D.2. Impact and sustainability (200 words)
The expected long-term impact of the
Mann Deshi already has a presence in Maharashtra and Karnataka states and will
soon be expanding to Gujarat and Jharkhand. This will allow the Deshi
Entrepreneurs initiative to fulfill the Three-year Projection. While the ultimate
goal of the program is to reach 1,000 rural entrepreneurs Deshi Mahila Group
believes that through achieving this 3-year plan they will learn how to perfect
the structure and implementation of the training and mentoring, as they
increase batches and expand to new geographical sites. In 2013 the Mann Deshi

Mann Deshi Foundation

Proposal for 1000 Deshi Entrepreneurs Program

will reevaluate how best to scale-up the program and achieve the remaining
The plan for sustainability of the
proposed project?
The Deshi Entrepreneurs initiative will contribute to its own growth and
sustainability, as well as the Mann Deshi Mahila Groups broader mission,
through the following channels:
A growing network of business activity and information sharing will
continue to improve the economic opportunities available to Deshi
Entrepreneurs and Bank clients and increase exposure to potential
Mentors and business partners
The business training curriculum will be taught to business school trainers
and incorporated into Mann Deshi Udyogini course offerings
D.3. About this funding
D.3.1. Use of Funding?

D.3.2. How this grant help

us to achieve (a) in terms of
strengthening the
organization (b) in terms of
helping beneficiaries?
(c)How many people will
benefit because of the

The initial investment plan for Deshi Entrepreneurs

initiative is made possible through grants and inkind donations over 3 years. The Mann Deshi
Group is contributing the staff, infrastructure and
marketing to fulfill its part of the roles and
responsibilities detailed below. An esteemed
business school partner will donate the time,
knowledge and skills to create the Deshi MBA
curriculum and to train Business School teachers in
how to deliver the material. Other valued partners
and investors will contribute funding to cover the
operational costs and functional areas listed below.
The strength of the Deshi Entrepreneurs initiative
is in its unique vision and reach. The majority of
rural women entrepreneurs come from farming
families, whose main source of income derives
from the agricultural sector. By investing in
individual women, funding partners will be able to
nourish rural entrepreneurs and financial leaders,
which are vital to the overall growth of their rural
economies. They will help rural and agricultural
families diversify their sources of income and
pursue opportunities in growing economic sectors.
Furthermore, partners will help to tackle systemic
inequality by focusing on educating and training
women who have been proved to deliver the
greatest social return by reinvesting in their
families and communities. In Indian villages
women are often encouraged to start their own
businesses to help increase their family income,
however limited access to business knowledge and
resources combined with lack of confidence in
their ability to manage business growth, they often
fall into a trap of business stagnancy. By building
role models we are helping entrepreneurs break
free from socio-economic barriers, allowing them
to set an example for other women in the same
position that thinking big and scaling-up is within
their reach.
The strength of the Deshi Entrepreneurs initiative
is also in its strong link with the local community,
which we will see the immediate impact of in this
initiative. We will be able to measure that effect
Baseline and Follow-Up Surveys .

Mann Deshi Foundation

Proposal for 1000 Deshi Entrepreneurs Program

D.3.3. The success for this

Measurement of the

In order to increase the impact of the Deshi

Entrepreneurs program and build participants into
role models within their communities an
aggressive promotion and marketing strategy is
needed. Mann Deshi has allocated financial
resources in the 3-year budget to help facilitate
the implementation of our marketing campaign
through the following channels:
Mann Deshi Mahila Group
Bank Branch Coordinators and Mangers will
market program and services through loan
officers, field agents and Self Help Group
Advertising through Business School
Trainers and other Business School
Visual advertisements, such as billboard
pictures of the selected Deshi Entrepreneurs
placed in all Bank branches
Broadcasts through Mann Deshi Tarang
community radio station
Distribution of informational pamphlets
during weekly markets
Creation and distribution of booklet on the
stories on Deshi Entrepreneurs and the
individual business obstacles that they have
overcome and success they have achieved
Formal Advertising
Promotion through leading Indian radio,
newspaper and television networks
By utilizing these marketing tools, the Deshi
Entrepreneurs initiative will successfully motivate
other entrepreneurs to utilize the services of the
Bank and Business School as well as apply to
become future Deshi Entrepreneur participants.
Pre-Trainin g Activities
Participant Selection Group Meeting will occur
three months prior to launch of program at which
time Deshi Entrepreneurs will be introduced to the
program structure, what it means to be an
entrepreneur and role model. They will sign a basic
document stating that they are committed to
participating in the program, attending all
trainings and working with a mentor.
Mentor Selection Meeting will be conducted to
introduce Local Mentors to the program, discuss
their role and how they will be impacting their
Baseline Survey will be conducted of all
participants prior to start of Module 1
Post-Training Activities:
Build network among the first round of
entrepreneurs through formal and information
networking with alumni groups
Have former participants become mentors and/or
attend workshops to speak about their
experiences with new participants
Select specific entrepreneurs to be marketed as a
role models for further roll out of the program as
described in the Growth Strategy

Mann Deshi Foundation

Proposal for 1000 Deshi Entrepreneurs Program

E. Capacity Building
In Which areas we need external support
Anticipated functional areas of support include:
B USINESS SCHOOL PARTNER to design and implement business training
curriculum for Training Workshop
I NDIAN BUSINESSES AND NGO PARTNERS to provide or recommend business
professionals for mentorship
F UNDING TO COVER OPERATIONAL COSTS (see comprehensive budget in Financial
Plan section)
M EDIA PARTNER to promote the initiative and attract dedicated Mentors and
potential business partners to further the expansion of the program
H ONORARY COMMITTEE to select Achievement Award winners
f. Other Information we would like to share:
Details of Awards/Prizes/Recognition received earlier:
World Fellow 2002: Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA.
Bridge Builder 2003: Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
Ashoka Fellow: Ashoka Innovators for Social Entrepreneurship, Washington, DC,
Chetna Sinha has also recently been honored with the Jankidevi Bajaj Puraskar
Award for Rural Entrepreneurship. This national award honors a woman who
has made an outstanding contribution to the upliftment and welfare of women and
children, particularly in rural areas. The award honors a woman who has promoted
the advancement and empowerment of women in the fields of education, rights,
and enhanced social status; Chetna has been a leading innovator in all of these
Further awards

Kusumtai Choudhari Smruti Puraskar, 2011 by Kusumtai Choudhari

Mahila Kalyani, Mumbai
EdelGive Social Innovation Honors 2010 (Livelihood Category)
award received by Edel Give Foundation on 4th March, 2010
Rajarshi Shahu Gaorav Puraskar 2010 received by Rajarshi Shahu
Chatrapati Memorial Trust, Kolhapur
Rani Laxmiibai Puraskar on 7th March, 2009 from Cyclo Transmissions
Ltd., Satara. This award is given to the women who have done outstanding
work in various fields.
Smt. Sushiladevi Deshmukh Smruti Mahila Puraskar 2007 from
Maharashtra State Co-operative Banks Association, Mumbai
Jankidevi Bajaj Puraskar Award for Rural Entrepreneurship in January
2006. This national award honors a woman who has made an outstanding
contribution to the upliftment and welfare of women and children, particularly
in rural areas. The award honors a woman who has promoted the
advancement and empowerment of women in the fields of education, rights,
enhanced social status; Chetna has been a leading innovator in all of these
Ashoka Innovators for the Public: granted lifetime membership to
Chetna Gala Sinha. Includes funding for 3 years and lifetime assistance and
collaboration with the NGO and other Ashoka fellows.
Harvard University Bridge Builder 2003: recognized the work and

Mann Deshi Foundation

Proposal for 1000 Deshi Entrepreneurs Program


innovation of Chetna Gala Sinha and Mann Deshi Mahila Bank.

Yale University World Fellowship Program 2002-2003: selected Chetna
Gala Sinha, Chairperson and President, for the inaugural class.
Citizen Based Initiative Award 2001 of Ashoka Innovators and McKinsey &
Co. for creation of women collectives and asset building with the mobilization
of the local resources.
Shri Nanaji Deshamukh and the Rajiv Sheth Sabale Foundation Award
1999 sponsored by the Rajiv Sheth Sabale Foundation.presented for work
completed with drought-affected women.
Shri Naganath Nayakawdi and Jyotiba Phule Samajik Sanskrutik
Pratishthan Award, 1997 for work among Dalit women.
Governor of Maharashtra Shri P. C. Alexander Award 1994 for work in
development. The award was sponsored by Vasantrao Naik Krishi Sansthan va
Gramin Vikas Pratishthan.
Beti movement award received to Mann Deshi by Ninth GR8! Women
Awards, 2010 to promote & further the beti movement yet again...
Public Awards Committee of our Club has selected Mann Deshi for the Rotary
Club of Bombay's Anita Parikh Award for Empowerment of Women for
the year 2009/10.
Received the first Godfrey Phillips Bravery Amodini Award 2009 in
recognition of Mann Deshis special contribution to the benefit of women;
particularly in the poorest areas in rural India; and for having transformed the
lives of thousands of women through micro-financing and financial literacy.
Microfinance Process Excellence Award 2006, from by Planet Finance
and ABN-AMRO Bank.
Mann Deshi won first prize in social sector of the International 2005 Ashoka
Change Makers Innovation Award, which promotes market-based
strategies that benefit low-income communities. The award drew applications
from 128 institutions in 28 different countries, and popular online voting
selected the award winners from among the finalists.
Microfinance Process Excellence Award 2005 finalist: by Planet Finance

Any other information which may be relevant:

Mann Deshi : Press Links

News Source

28 December
Harsh Kabra
The Times of India
16 September Abhay Vaidya
The Indian Express
31 March 2007 Sunanda Mehta
The Economist
25 May 2007
India Education News 7 May 2007
Business Week
16 July 2007
Nandini Laxman
India Together
9 July 2007
The Economic Times 16 October 2007Shubhashish
Vineeta Rao
Bombay Business
Manjeet Kriplani manjeet_kriplani@businesswe
Some More links and Articles:
RBI working on 3 year financial inclusion plan:

Mann Deshi Foundation

Proposal for 1000 Deshi Entrepreneurs Program

A little womens bank shrinks the world:

This B-school is India Shining:

YouTube links:






Name of
the person



In Brief, role in the Organization

Female Deshi
President Foundation
of Mann Deshi Foundation
Chair, Mann Deshi Bank

Proposal for 1000 Founder,

Deshi Mann
Deshi Udyogini Program
(B-School for rural








Conducts Board Meeting
Runs Annual General Meeting
Monitor overall program of Mann Deshi Foundation
Communication with auditors, consultants
Look after Hubli branch operations
Administrative and strategic management of the
business school
Managing and monitoring future expansion goals
Monitoring finances and expenditure of the
business school
Marketing and promotion of the business school










Program Director for financial literacy curriculum

Designed curriculums for business school programs
for literacy, budgeting, insurance and
risk management, loan, and savings curriculum
Wrote annual reports and grant proposals for the
Mann Deshi Foundation (NGO)
Played a significant role in acquiring the
International Organization for Standardization for
Mann Deshi
Providing training to NGO coordinators on new
financial literacy programs and procedures
Managed the correspondence between Mann Deshi
Foundation (NGO)
Supported the Chairwomen and Chief Executive
Officer when necessary with business tasks
Provide secretarial support to Chairwoman
including scheduling appointments and meetings,
correspondence, and email support
Answered general correspondence as directed by
the Chairwomen and Chief Executive Officer

Mann Deshi Foundation

Proposal for 1000 Deshi Entrepreneurs Program

Annexure : I
The following challenges are anticipated in running Deshi Entrepreneurs and the respective solutions have planned
to address them:
Ensuring a positive working
By closely monitoring the program at its start to indentify
relationship between Mentor
any problems in the working relationship between Mentor
and Mentee
and Mentee early on, and maintaining close contact with
participants over the year, will ensure that their business
consulting needs are being met
Hiring and retaining staff to
Given Mann Deshi Mahila Groups strong presence and
manage operation of Mann
network in the community they will be able to locate
Deshi Udyogini and the
qualified individuals to fill CEO, Program Developer, M+E
implementation of there
Coordinator and Administrative Assistant positions. Salary
programs, including Deshi
resources allocated in the budget as well as Mann Deshis
reputation of maintaining a positive working environment
will help to retain skilled labor.
To monitor whether
By hiring an M+E Coordinator to implement and record
participants businesses are
results from the Baseline and Follow-Up surveys, Mann
achieving significant growth
Deshi Mahila Group will be able to understand impact and
as a result of the program
business growth on different levels: (i) tracking revenue
and loan size of participants will monitor their gradual
business growth overtime while (ii) socio-economic
questions built into in the surveys will evaluate impact on
the entrepreneurs quality of life as well as her social status
within her family and community

Mann Deshi Foundation

Proposal for 1000 Deshi Entrepreneurs Program

As Bank Branches and

Business School Centers
continue to expand together,
it will be a challenge to ensure
that the Bank continues to
support and promote the
Deshi Entrepreneur initiative
to Mann Deshi clients

By appointing branch coordinators at all bank branches,

Mann Deshi Mahila Group is building in a link between the
banks operation and the business school programs. This
will ensure that the bank is involved in marketing,
promoting and referring Mann Deshi clients to Business
School Programs, increasing student enrollment and the
success of the microloans impact on building the
businesses of rural entrepreneurs.

Competition with other local

training institutes or
government programs

The Deshi Entrepreneurs program provides a unique

combination of services to its participants, business
management training, at an affordable price, coupled with
a business mentor to address entrepreneurs specific
business growth needs. This will serve as the initiatives
competitive edge over any local training or government

Mann Deshi Foundation
Deshi Entrepreneurs Program (2011-12)





Trainer (3)


Administrator (2)


Office Material


Mann Deshi Foundation

Proposal for 1000 Deshi Entrepreneurs Program

Courses & Trainings
Training of Master Trainers

for Deshi MBA


TOT Training for staff


Print course material


Deshi MBA Program

Introductory Workshop


Working Capital Management


Supply Chain Management


Marketing Management


Closing Workshop


Design, Translate Brochure


Print Brochure




Village Visit


Telephone Monitoring


Impact Assessment




Total .


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