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Physical Design for Standard Cells | asic back-end

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Physical Design for Standard Cells

October 25, 2012 by arunodayanjohn


CTS (Clock Tree Synthesis)
Clock Routing Algorithms

Libraries are the most critical parts of complete ASIC design

because the measure of accuracy of these libraries has great

Blockages and Halos

impact on both success and failure of ASIC design. Three types

of cells to be placed in physical design stage are

Physical Design for Standard Cells

1) standard cells
2) macro cells

ASIC Floor Planning


3) I/O pads
Among these Standard cell library and I/O pad library are

December 2012

typically used in ASIC physical design. The second cell to be

placed will be in the form of GDS (Graphical Data Stream) or
hard IPs. The macro cells all violations regarding timing and

October 2012

physical are already xed and there is no need to touch the

internal part of the cell.Macros are the outcome of block level
Standard cell is a specic design for each gate. Special care
need to be taken during the process of physical design of such
libraries in-order to achieve optimum die size and performance.
Optimum area can be achieved by minimizing the routing area
rather than minimizing the number of transistors. This is
because of ASICs complexity due to shrinking and scaling.
Routing within standard cells have to be minimized because of
most of the ASICs routing is done automatically by tool itself.
So optimized design can be achieved by making the standard
cells routing as optimized. Main parameters to be considered in
standard cell library designing is
1) spacing rules
2) height of the cell
3) I/O ports location

November 2012

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1) Spacing Rules
Basic step in spacing rules begins with horizontal and vertical
wire track determination. Wire tracks are nothing but horizontal
and vertical lines drawn on the layout area. Wire tracks acts like
guidelines for making the interconnections. Spacing, width are
xed to avoid spacing related issues in the further stages. In
three ways wire track spacing is done as mentioned below
i) lint to line > d1
ii) via to line (or) line to via > d2
iii) via to via > d3
The spacing is as mentioned below in gure-1.


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Monday 15 June 2015 12:29 PM

Physical Design for Standard Cells | asic back-end

g-1: Three ways of spacing

Among the three ways, choosing the appropriate one and xing
it as common spacing throughout the library is the challenge.
Choosing one appropriate spacing for the library will be
eective only if the condition d3> d2> d1 is followed.
Fixing the via to via (d3) spacing distance for all designs in a
library leads to more spacing and as a result of this routing will
not be optimum. xing line to line (d1) spacing distance for all
designs in a library leads to less spacing between metals and
logic and as a result of this routing will face DRC violations.
Therefore xing via to line (d2) for all design within a library
satises both line to line and via to via spacing constraints.
Routing will be optimum by using via to line (d2) for all
conducting layer spacing rules and compact routing can be
achieved. Since most of the ASICs routing is carried out
automatically by software tool itself, optimized routing will be
achieved by eective routing of interconnects of standard cell.
2) Height of the cell
unit tile: It is a minimum height and width of the cell to be
placed. These measures are available in the technology library.
Unit tile is also known as site.

g-2: unit tile

From the unit tile it is clear that the height of the standard cells
to be placed should be the same, because these cells are to be
placed on the placement rows in block-level or chip-level
designs. Generally height of the standard cell is equal to the
height of placement rows.. various width of the cell is available
according to functionality and the drive strength of the cell and
the width of the standard cell should be the multiple of width of
the unit tile.
A Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) design
has a height equal to the sum of Vdds width, pmos channel
width, diusion spacing between pull-up and pull-down
transistors, nmos channel width and the width of Vss metal
layer. Clear picture of this is shown below in gure-3.


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Monday 15 June 2015 12:29 PM

Physical Design for Standard Cells | asic back-end

g-3: height of cell

Once wire tracks and height of the cell are determined it is

given to the standard cell layout in the form of wire track
template. This wire track template is laid on the layout (g-4) to
ensure whether it meets all requirements of software tool or
not. Width of the Vdd and Vss should be considerably stable
in-order to provide proper current ow capability. Less width of
Vdd and Vss will provide degraded 1 and 0 to power and ground
respectively which in turn aects the overall performance of the
design and relatively more width will aect the standard cells
height. Width should be stable enough to provide strong 1 and 0
to vdd and vss respectively. High resistance in Vdd and Vss
metal leads to latch-up phenomena.
Todays EDA tool provide high exibility in choosing the metal
layer such as rst metal traverse in vertical direction and
second metal traverse in horizontal direction. This is an added
advantage in standard cell physical design. Internal node
capacitance need to be kept minimum, especially with nodes
close to Vdd and Vss in-order avoid body eect.
3) Fixing I/O Pin or Ports
Another factor in standard cell physical design need to be taken
care is xing the physical location of I/O ports. It is advisable to
use M1 for routing between the transistors.Placing the ports
where exactly horizontal and vertical wire tracks cross each
other yields better results because of reduce in routing
complexity. This is called Port accessibility. This improves
execution time during routing and produces better quality
results. Pictorial representation of port accessibility is shown
below in gure-4.

g-4: port accessibility and port location

If routing is done with the help of wire track

lines geometrical regularities withing same type of cells will be
the same. Maintaining the geometrical regularities among the
standard cells of same type has two main advantages.
allows size reduction to another process node or another set
of DRC rules
common electrical characteristics helps in deciding the pmos
and nmos channel width within the library.
Placing nmos transistors near Vss and placing pmos transistors
near Vdd will also reduce the routing resources considerably


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Monday 15 June 2015 12:29 PM

Physical Design for Standard Cells | asic back-end

because of CMOS designs nature.

g-5: Abstract view of a cell

The nal outcome of standard cell physical design is available in

the form of lef(Layout Exchange Format). It is a very popular
format for abstract view of library. Otherwise called as physical

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