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Jrgen says:

hey, hey,,,hot surfer girl.... it is 22:42 in vienna right now

*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
I am fine and staying now at a place for a month until I find a proper place
*Sasikan says:
what do u mean?
*Sasikan says:
r u w/ your friend now?
*Sasikan says:
or already found a new place
Jrgen says:
no, no, I am just replying to your sms
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
im so tried
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
oh yeah, I moved out from the couch of my friends place to a shared apartment
for a month, 555555555
*Sasikan says:
oh sublet huh..
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
it's okie...
*Sasikan says:
what about the job?
*Sasikan says:
have you got one?
Jrgen says:
next door is a girl, I am staying at her brother's room, who is in the states
*Sasikan says:
Oh really...
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
I haven't applied yet, still relaxing
*Sasikan says:
lucky you...
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
but not as cute as you, the girl
*Sasikan says:
sweet mouth again

*Sasikan says:
i don't wanna go to Seattle tomorrow you know
*Sasikan says:
im so tried
Jrgen says:
why not, it is fun to change daily life
*Sasikan says:
i haven't unpacked the stuff from SD yet
Jrgen says:
Jrgen says:
I come with you then
*Sasikan says:
yeahhh...i just realized that i got so many works to do
Jrgen says:
what are you doing in SD and seattle
*Sasikan says:
Plus i haven't done the tax yet
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
in SD to see my best friends
*Sasikan says:
and Seattle to see my friends
*Sasikan says:
Hey it's was a dejavu tho
*Sasikan says:
last nihgt i wrote you an email
*Sasikan says:
but ahven't finished yet
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
ya ya, not received any yet
Jrgen says:
so you are just travelling, you are on holiday
*Sasikan says:
of coz i haven't clicked send
Jrgen says:
i thought for work
*Sasikan says:
not the holiday..but i just wanna take a day off
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
take a day off in california???, better come to europe
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
i wish
*Sasikan says:
actually i could go on June
*Sasikan says:
but i already promise all my friends
Jrgen says:

june is the best month

*Sasikan says:
what about u? when is your turn to the states?
*Sasikan says:
I know I told my mom, mom said go there on June
Jrgen says:
dont know yet, I will get a job first and see
Jrgen says:
go in june and oct,
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
hahahahah so i will be so poor
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
just dont go shopping so much and waste money
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
save it for europe,
*Sasikan says:
I haven't shop since i got back from BKK
*Sasikan says:
I carried 4 bags here from BKK
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
is the cost living expensive in Europe?
Jrgen says:
wow, then stay home until june and eat only rice, 5555555555
Jrgen says:
i guess in US $ it is
*Sasikan says:
ahhahahh only rice
*Sasikan says:
yeahhh...i know..
Jrgen says:
the Dollar is really low now
*Sasikan says:
I know
Jrgen says:
50-60% lower than 3 years ago
*Sasikan says:
i should exchange the money eariler
Jrgen says:
that`s a lot
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:

No time yet...
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
I-Phone is like 300 dollars more her
*Sasikan says:
i have too many activities to do
*Sasikan says:
hahahah yeah
Jrgen says:
what activities
*Sasikan says:
what about i-phone?
Jrgen says:
water&rice is enough
*Sasikan says:
i eat vegetable
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
now im eating salad
Jrgen says:
meditate, it will help, hehe
Jrgen says:
good start
*Sasikan says:
i do actually
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
too much whiskey maybe
*Sasikan says:
i do yoga and stuff too
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
very good
*Sasikan says:
I don't drink
Jrgen says:
yaya, never believe that
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
im serious
*Sasikan says:
i don't lie
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
when i lie, ppl always catch me
*Sasikan says:
so i don't lie

Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
is this picture 3 years ago?
Jrgen says:
so did you tell your ex that you kissed with another guy in BKK, and I bet he asked
Jrgen says:
yep, 3 years ago
*Sasikan says:
ahahahha, no way...i'm not telling him anything
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
i don't tell, i don't lie
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
but he asked, what did you say, when he did
Jrgen says:
this is 7 years ago
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
7 years ago
*Sasikan says:
still can't see your face
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
can't tell
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
see you lied, because you are not responding to that anymore, you are trying to
Jrgen says:
ya ya
*Sasikan says:
hhahah is that u for real??
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
i copied the picture
*Sasikan says:
and i will spread it online
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
that is just for job application
*Sasikan says:
u have to have the picture for the job application?
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
yep, you need a formal one of course

*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
this one is cute
Jrgen says:
, nice lipstick right
Jrgen says:
, no way
*Sasikan says:
were u a model or something?
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
7 years ago
Jrgen says:
in BKK, I told you
*Sasikan says:
no you didn't tell me
Jrgen says:
my friends are asking me, if this is my sister, 5555555555
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
said yeah
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
they also see the pics i am putting in here
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
Hi friends!!
*Sasikan says:
im juergen's sister
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
Jrgen says:
no, no, I meant they thought my pic with the black lipstick is my sister, just joking
Jrgen says:
because it looks so gay
Jrgen says:
you are not my sister, that would be too bad
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
hahahhhahaa...oh oh oh
*Sasikan says:
what part are you staying in Vienna?
Jrgen says:
near the centre
Jrgen says:
6th district
Jrgen says:

but just for a month

Jrgen says:
so when you come, I will be somewhere else I gues
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
i wanna watch the opera...I saw the ticket is soooo expensive
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
yeah you will be somewhere else with your girlfriend
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
no, you can get just a ticket one hour before the show starts for like 5-10
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
i saw online for like 300
*Sasikan says:
i was like...hu hu hu...no way
Jrgen says:
they fill up the seats, so once I got for 5 a seat in the front worth 65 or so
Jrgen says:
Jrgen says:
300, really? are you sure
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
i am
Jrgen says:
that was first row though
*Sasikan says:
i can't read german
*Sasikan says:
i don't know what the show name
Jrgen says:
which opera?
*Sasikan says:
show at the opera house
Jrgen says:
we will see, there will be something good and cheap
*Sasikan says:
sure, i will ask you later then..
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
too many things to plan now
*Sasikan says:
now im also planing for my best friend wedding
Jrgen says:
come in june first and then you can show your friends around in oct
*Sasikan says:
it will be in 2 more month

Jrgen says:
oh, wedding, am I invited
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
would you make it?
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
sure, sure
*Sasikan says:
be my date then
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
I am there already
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
, no I can't make it sorry, I have to look for a job, I havent worked for almost half a
year, my mum is killing me
Jrgen says:
but I would love to come
*Sasikan says:
so you worked before
*Sasikan says:
what kind of works do u do?
Jrgen says:
all kinds of
*Sasikan says:
???? specific please
Jrgen sends:

Jrgen says:
if you find me one, I will be happy,
You have successfully received C:\Documents and Settings\s_c\My Documents\My
Received Files\CV Jrgen Reder.pdf from Jrgen.
Jrgen says:
now you have all the information you need about me
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
you are smarter more than i thought
*Sasikan says:

*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
hope so
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
really you were a teacher too?
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
in BKK?
Jrgen says:
in BKK, Dalingchan
Jrgen says:
just for 6-12 year old kids
*Sasikan says:
i know that place
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
my real hair,
Jrgen says:
I had long hair before
*Sasikan says:
what about now?
Jrgen says:
you do know that place? really? it is a private school in dalingchan
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
shorter than the picture?
Jrgen says:
same as here
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
hey dont' you have to specific or write the objective on the resume?
Jrgen says:
objective? no, I write an own cover letter for each job
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
what about your pics, no dia-show?
*Sasikan says:
i do both tho
*Sasikan says:
brb in 5 min
Jrgen says:

oh really, I have never heard about that, so you write on your CV the objective of
your life?
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
i wrote the cover letter seperate, but i still wrote a brief objective on my resume
*Sasikan says:
like a sentence
*Sasikan says:
to verify the position that im looking for
*Sasikan says:
i don't know maybe..the system in Vienna and US is different
Jrgen says:
oh, so what do you write in this sentence, maybe it is a good idea, it would look
more personalised
*Sasikan says:
let me see if i have my resume on somewhere
*Sasikan says:
but mine would be different tho
*Sasikan says:
i don't explain things much..i made it short
Jrgen says:
and also some naked pics please, hehe
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
nooo..what i did on the resume..
*Sasikan says:
i made it short and put only designing feild on it
*Sasikan says:
might be different from yhour
*Sasikan says:
okie i found
*Sasikan says:
boss here
*Sasikan says:
hold on
*Sasikan sends:
Send c omplete

Transfer of "R_withreference_junior[1].pdf" is complete.

*Sasikan says:
like i said
*Sasikan says:
i made it really short and clear
Jrgen says:
cool, sounds good
*Sasikan says:
hahaha ..u know what i am talking about right?
Jrgen says:

so when I decorate my new place, you could be my personal sexy interior

*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
yeah I get the idea
*Sasikan says:
i don't know if they really wanna know if you were modeling for some companies
*Sasikan says:
except you apply for modeling job
Jrgen says:
yeah, could be, but when I applied for Jobs in China they liked the idea that I was
abroad and independent with 20
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
yeahhh..i got the idea too
*Sasikan says:
in Bangkok would love it too
Jrgen says:
but you are right, I could leave away some details from the past
*Sasikan says:
but not in the states tho
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
i didn't put that i was a lecturer or do others stuffs, except design
*Sasikan says:
ahhh, I wanan leave it open on interview
Jrgen says:
2 friends from the US corrected my CV, they said it is fine
*Sasikan says:
many design firm is looking for the strong sense of design background
Jrgen says:
yeah, but as you see, I have not a straight background, I have done a lot of
different things
*Sasikan says:
hahaha...sorry if i have a comment
Jrgen says:
that*s me, and whatever I have done in the past I have enjoyed it and I was
succesful with it
*Sasikan says:
yeahhh..i got your idea
Jrgen says:
no, it is fine, I
Jrgen says:
I am just saying that I am not a person who had a goal since I am 16 like it is usual
in the US maybe
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
and also I don't want to give anyone the impression through my CV
*Sasikan says:

i understand
*Sasikan says:
so what kind of job r u looking for now?
Jrgen says:
, no idea again, maybe consulting, maybe NGOs
Jrgen says:
maybe looking for a business idea
Jrgen says:
I will se
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
, yeah yeah, sounds weird, I know, not only to you, to everybody
*Sasikan says:
yeahh i think if you have the objective, it would help
Jrgen says:
I just don't have any real goal yet, but I will find it, I am sure,
*Sasikan says:
dont worry, it takes time
Jrgen says:
, ya ya, everybody over 50 is telling me that, 55555555555555555
Jrgen says:
my uncle in Beijing too
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
IM 27
*Sasikan says:
NOT 50
Jrgen says:
I love you too
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
If i would help you, i think you might have to gather your objective
Jrgen says:
I actually dont worry at all, but everybody around is stressing
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
Resume is the key to be success
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
ya ya, thanks so much, but how can you help me so far away
Jrgen says:
you could hire me as your stripper

Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
no worries, I just arrived 2-3 weeks ago in Austria
Jrgen says:
so actually you think my Resume is shitty or what?
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
i think it's good
*Sasikan says:
but you have to organize your thought a bit
Jrgen says:
but what are you trying to tell me,
*Sasikan says:
like make it more organize and put some objective
*Sasikan says:
you know what im saying right
*Sasikan says:
ppl read your resume at first
*Sasikan says:
they should not be confuse what are you trying to say
Jrgen says:
I am organized, I just don't know what I want yet, that's all, and I am actually fine
with that, it is normal in life to have no goals for a moment, my last goal was my
master's, and now I have my next goal, soon
*Sasikan says:
what i am seeing here is everything all over...
Jrgen says:
everything all over? what do you mean?
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
I should write my CV all over again
*Sasikan says:
i meant like you have everything
*Sasikan says:
but just no goal on it, no objective
Jrgen says:
yep, and that is me, in some jobs you need that,.... see you studied something
totally else, and you are doing something totally else as I will do,... it is different,...
I will want to work somewhere where I need everything all over, flexible,
independet, goal-oriented,...
Jrgen says:
exactly, but I have no life goal as you maybe
*Sasikan says:
nahh, don't say that..
*Sasikan says:
u are fine..don't worry about my comment

*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
my life goal is broad,,... I want to be happy and have an interesting and
challenging job
*Sasikan says:
i still don't know if i wanna work as an architect for so long
Jrgen says:
and as soon as I don*t like that job I will change it
*Sasikan says:
i get what u mean
Jrgen says:
I won't be in consulting forever once I have be in there for 3 years
Jrgen says:
I am not that kind of person
Jrgen says:
I don't think so, because Asians think very different
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
what do u mean?
*Sasikan says:
by asian think different?
Jrgen says:
Asian perceive a career in a more traditional way, I think,....
Jrgen says:
working hard and trying to set goals when you are young, when Europeans are still
thinking of travelling
*Sasikan says:
hahaa i get what u mean
*Sasikan says:
my dad was like that too
*Sasikan says:
kept travel for almost his life
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
people in Asia or in the US don't start to study at a later age as in Europe I think
*Sasikan says:
yeahhh..that why they graduated when they were yong
*Sasikan says:
well..i don't have a goal in next 5 years tho..
*Sasikan says:
all i do is doing my best on today..
*Sasikan says:
and im not sure if i wanna do an architect or not in next 5 years
*Sasikan says:
that why i ahven't gone to the graduate school yet, because i am not sure what i
wanna do
*Sasikan says:
Dad keeps putting me to go to grad school
Jrgen says:
oh, grad school is always good, maybe you can try something new there
*Sasikan says:
just he wants me to graduate master

*Sasikan says:
i know..it's good
*Sasikan says:
but i am not sure if i wanna do architect
Jrgen says:
but it gives you some time off work
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
you can do it in vienna,
*Sasikan says:
that what i though
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
you know...i didn't get into berkeley in architecture major
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
i got in chem engineer
*Sasikan says:
and i had to drop out
*Sasikan says:
because i didin't like it
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
oh, wow, thats really different
Jrgen says:
and what happened then
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
boss was here
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
oh, sorry
Jrgen says:
I understand, shit, when I wrote you, did the window pop up?
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
no worry
Jrgen says:
I think you might have to go back to work
*Sasikan says:

Jrgen says:
I dont want to disturb you
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
any naked pics for me to go to sleep?
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
it's okie
*Sasikan says:
i can talk
*Sasikan says:
but if you wanna go to sleep
Jrgen says:
why not
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
so what happened after you dropped out
*Sasikan says:
Dad kicked me out too
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
i didn't drop out from school
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
but the department drop me out
*Sasikan says:
i had to maintain 3.0
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
i couldn't
*Sasikan says:
i hate chemistry
Jrgen says:
and then
*Sasikan says:
i got only C*Sasikan says:
so i told dad that i wanna major in art
*Sasikan says:
dad didn't like it
*Sasikan says:
he stoped talking ot me for almost a year
*Sasikan says:

*Sasikan says:
im serious
Jrgen says:
wow, really that bad
*Sasikan says:
and we still live in the same house
Jrgen says:
so you changed still to art
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
that what i like
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
but im happy tho
Jrgen says:
good that you were stubborn and did what you like and not your dad
*Sasikan says:
i tried to please him many times
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
cook..do all the chor
Jrgen says:
what is actually kinky again?
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
nice girl
*Sasikan says:
hahaha how nice
*Sasikan says:
chat while im working
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
did your boss realize it
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
anyway, i become what i wanna do for now
*Sasikan says:

let the past pass

*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
so your dad is happy with you now
*Sasikan says:
hahaha not really
*Sasikan says:
i guess he loves me so much
*Sasikan says:
hahah, and i can't do many things that he asked me to do
*Sasikan says:
like going to grad school
*Sasikan says:
he wants me to marry
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
the last bf?
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
he didn't know what happened
Jrgen says:
oh, I see
*Sasikan says:
his parents and my parents know each other
*Sasikan says:
soo..typical asian style
Jrgen says:
and your mum isn't giving you these strong advices as your dad
Jrgen says:
oh, they agreed,
*Sasikan says:
Nope...mom is different
*Sasikan says:
i close to mom
Jrgen says:
arranged marriage
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
to good to be true
*Sasikan says:
what is that
*Sasikan says:
too good
*Sasikan says:

*Sasikan says:
i can't stay w/ them for sure
*Sasikan says:
they used money like water
Jrgen says:
I meant your arranged marriage, it is just funny
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
not the arranged one
*Sasikan says:
i met my bf before i goudn out that my parents know his
Jrgen says:
oh, I understand
Jrgen says:
money=water, your ex-bf
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
but money is just like water, until their is no more water left,...just drink as much
as you can... it is fine, if it keeps running ....
*Sasikan says:
that;s true
*Sasikan says:
but in the real life
*Sasikan says:
im not that kind of person
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
so hows about u
*Sasikan says:
how come you didn't get along w/ dad?
Jrgen says:
sorry, my flatmate came in my room, she wanted to go out,... too late for me
Jrgen says:
dad, oh, just didnt get along, different persons
Jrgen says:
long story to tell maybe
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
no worry
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
what about ur mom?
*Sasikan says:
is she coming to see you again?
Jrgen says:
she just called me a few hours ago, she is not in the mood for europe right now,
Jrgen says:
she came to beijing in nov

*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
what do u speak to your mom?
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
my flatmate is talking and talking, I know since 2 days, but I know her whole
lifestory already,... everything
Jrgen says:
that her brother tells her all his sexstories and she didnt like that,... etc etc
Jrgen says:
nope, english and german
Jrgen says:
no chinese
Jrgen says:
too bad i know
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
hahaahah really????
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
funny her
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
yeah, really
*Sasikan says:
that's normal for girl
Jrgen says:
she keeps talking and never stops like a waterfall
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
u r funny
*Sasikan says:
like a waterfall
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
yeah maybe, she is nice
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
I guess you are talkative too
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
yeah I am, she just came in my room again, trying to get me to go out with her
*Sasikan says:
why don't u go?

Jrgen says:
it is a boring club
Jrgen says:
not even a club, a smoky small place
Jrgen says:
and I don't know her friends
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
and she would keep talking to me, she just offered me a massage,... 55555555 it
is getting more and more intimate
Jrgen says:
crazy, hmmm?
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
r u serious?
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
I said, that I have like a little sore back from last night sleeping here, and she said
she could give me a massage tomorrow, she said she knows special techniques
for that, she did some courses or so, 5555555555
Jrgen says:
Jrgen says:
damn, too bad, it isnt you
*Sasikan says:
ahhahah you're funny
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
tell her that you would like to have it tonight
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
yeah sure
*Sasikan says:
it might disappear tomorrow
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
let's see what will she do
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
I dont want it from her though, only from you
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
too bad
Jrgen says:
very bad

*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
I would also give you a whole body massage for hours, if you were here ...hehehe
Jrgen says:
but only naked of course
Jrgen says:
what is kinky again?
*Sasikan says:
it like when u like talking about these stuffs
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
Jrgen says:
so kinky is sexual talk
Jrgen says:
why aren't you kinky at all?
*Sasikan says:
it's the slang
*Sasikan says:
like unconventional sexual preferences or behavior
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
so perverted?
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
um im a dirty daydreamer
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
think but don't talk
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
, oh I see
Jrgen says:
so write about your dreams then, if you cant talk about it, 5555555
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
u really enjoy talking about these suffs huh
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
I am horny,...all alone at night without sex since weeks
Jrgen says:
yep, I do
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:

i actually don't need to know your private horny stuffs

*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
but it's okie
*Sasikan says:
i can hear
Jrgen says:
Jrgen says:
so you dont like kinky stuff at all, sorry sorry
Jrgen says:
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
what about a hug
*Sasikan says:
no need to say sorry
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
i don't mind
Jrgen says:
I would like to hold you and kiss you now
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
.............................................and then sleep with
you............hohoho, ..........55555555555555555.................just kidding
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
i already know
*Sasikan says:
you've told me before at that night'
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
what did I tell you
*Sasikan says:
I wanna go to toilet
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
, omg, you remember wrong, I never said that
Jrgen says:
you must have misheard
*Sasikan says:

you did
Jrgen says:
and besides .......you were touching me all over and made me so horny and left
like that, that is unfair
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
i didn't
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
toilet was the only exit option, but just a joke, 55555555555555555
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
oh really
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
whatever u said
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
but right now,
*Sasikan says:
you know what u did
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
Jrgen says:
Jrgen says:
you started getting horny, not me, I just wanted a happy end,... I was the victim
Jrgen says:
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
im your victim actually
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
no, no
Jrgen says:
ok, I think I let you work now
Jrgen says:
too much kinky stuff isnt good at work
Jrgen says:

good night baby

*Sasikan says:
okie dokie
*Sasikan says:
good night honey
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
my email?
*Sasikan says:
nice to talk to you again
*Sasikan says:
what about ur email?
Jrgen says:
I am waiting......
*Sasikan says:
okie kaaaa
*Sasikan says:
i will finish tonight before i leave to Seattle
*Sasikan says:
please take care
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
have a good flight
Jrgen says:
and fun in Seattle
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
Thank you ka
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
if you missed me, you were here
Jrgen says:
*Sasikan says:
ha ha ha
*Sasikan says:
i do
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
but it's not appropricate

*Sasikan says:
to be htere now
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
yeah, I know
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
just go to sleep
Jrgen says:
but next month it is appropriate Ms. arranged girl, hehehe
*Sasikan says:
*Sasikan says:
Jrgen says:
bye bye
*Sasikan says:
bie ibe
*Sasikan says:

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