Statement of The Problem and Questionaire

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Pacencia H. Gamino
Dean, College of Business and Accountancy
Republic Central Colleges
Angeles City

Dear Maam
We are the 4th year CBA students currently enrolled in Feasibility Study. We are
required to prepare feasibility as partial requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of
Science in Business Administration Major in Financial and Management Accounting.
In view of the above, we are proposing the production of water Hyacinth (water lily)
products such as paperbags
Approval of our proposal will be highly appreciated so that we can start our study.
Very truly yours,
Names and signature of members
Juan Cruz
Pedro Antonio
Approved by:
Pacencia H. Gamino, CPA, MBA
Dean, College of Business and Accountancy


Angeles City, Philippines
We, the 4th year Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Financial and
Management Accounting students of Republic Central Colleges are conducting Feasibility Study
regarding the production ____________________________.
We are asking for your cooperation and participation by answering the following
Respondents Name: _______________________________________________
Position or Designation: ____________________________________________
Name of Business Establishment: ____________________________________
Business Address: _________________________________________________
Instruction: Mark the appropriate answer with a check () in the space provided for each number.

Organizational and Management Aspect

1. What form of business organization do you adopt?
___ Sole Proprietorship
___ Partnership
___ Corporation
___ Cooperatives
2. What type of organizational structure is being used?
___ Line Type
___ Functional Type
___ Line and Staff Type
3. What are legal requirements needed in order to start your business?
___ DTI Permit
___ Fire and Safety Certificate
___ Mayors Permit
___ Inspection Certificate
___ BIR Permit
___ Others (pls. specify)
___ Municipal License


4. What are your employee qualifications?

Rank and File (office staff/selling personnel)
Working Experience and Skills
Educational Attainment
___ below 1 year
___ High School Graduate
___ 1 to 2 year
___ College Level
___ 3 to 5 years
___ College Graduate
___ 6 years and above
___ Others (pls. specify)



Production Personnel (direct labor/indirect labor)

Working Experience and Skills
___ below 1 year
___ 1 to 2 year
___ 3 to 5 years
___ 6 years and above
Working Experience and Skills
___ below 1 year
___ 1 to 2 year
___ 3 to 5 years
___ 6 years and above

Educational Attainment
___ High School Graduate
___ College Level
___ College Graduate
___ Others (pls. specify)
Educational Attainment
___ High School Graduate
___ College Level
___ College Graduate
___ Others (pls. specify)

5. How many employees do you have?

A. Rank and File (office staff/selling personnel)
___ 1-5
___ 11-Above
___ 6-10
B. Production Personnel (direct labor/indirect labor)
___ 1-5
___ 11-Above
___ 6-10
C. Managerial/Supervisory
___ 1-5
___ 6-10

___ 11-Above

6. How do you compensate your employees?

A. Rank and File (office staff/selling personnel)
___ Daily
___ Weekly
___ P 300 below
___ P 1,800 below
___ P 300 P 400
___ P 1,800 P 2,400
___ P 401 P 500
___ P 2,401 P 3,000
___ P 501 above
___ P 3,000 above
___ Semi-monthly
___ Monthly
___ P 3,600 below
___ P 7,200 below
___ P 3,600 P 4,800
___ P 7,200 P 9,600
___ P 4,801 P 6,000
___ P 9,601 P 12,000
___ P 6,001 above
___ P 12,001 above
___ Others (pls. specify) __________________

B. Production Personnel (direct labor/indirect labor)

___ Daily
___ Weekly
___ P 300 below
___ P 1,800 below
___ P 300 P 400
___ P 1,800 P 2,400
___ P 401 P 500
___ P 2,401 P 3,000
___ P 501 above
___ P 3,000 above
___ Semi-monthly
___ Monthly
___ P 3,600 below
___ P 7,200 below
___ P 3,600 P 4,800
___ P 7,200 P 9,600
___ P 4,801 P 6,000
___ P 9,601 P 12,000
___ P 6,001 above
___ P 12,001 above
___ Others (pls. specify) _________________
C. Managerial/Supervisory
___ Daily
___ P 300 below
___ P 300 P 400
___ P 401 P 500
___ P 501 above

___ Weekly
___ P 1,800 below
___ P 1,800 P 2,400
___ P 2,401 P 3,000
___ P 3,000 above

___ Semi-monthly
___ Monthly
___ P 3,600 below
___ P 7,200 below
___ P 3,600 P 4,800
___ P 7,200 P 9,600
___ P 4,801 P 6,000
___ P 9,601 P 12,000
___ P 6,001 above
___ P 12,001 above
___ Others (pls. specify) __________________
7. How did you hire employees?
___ Through Friends
___ Through Advertisement
___ Others (pls. specify) ____________

___ Through Agencies

___ Through Present Work

8. What additional benefits/incentives do you give to your employees?

___ Commissions
___ Uniform Allowance
___ Meal Allowance
___ Transportation Allowance
___ Christmas Bonus
___ Free Board and Lodging
___ Vacation Leave
___ Maternity Leave
___ Paternity Leave
___ Others (pls. specify) _________
9. How do you measure the efficiency of your employees?
___ By Performance
___ By Output
___ By Working Attitude
___ Others (pls. specify) _____________

10. What are usual problems you encounter with your employees?
___ Tardiness
___ Inefficiency
___ Lack of concentration
___ Health deficiency
___ Absenteeism
___ Others (pls. specify)_________________
11. What do you think the reasons that lead to this/these problems?
___ Calamities
___ Educational Deficiency
___ Personal Problem
___ Morale
___ Family
___ Others (pls. specify)
12. How do you solve rising conflicts between the management and employees or a
conflict between your employee and other employee?
___ Re-orientation
___ Seminar
___ Open Forum
___ Recollection
___ Others (pls. specify) _____________

Marketing Aspect
1. Who are your target markets?
___ Department Stores
___ Supermarket
___ Public Market
___ General Public
___ Others (pls. specify) _________________________
2. What is the present supply and demand situation of your business?
___ Increased
___ Decreased
___ Retained
3. What pricing method do you use?
___ Full Manufacturing Cost plus Mark-up
___ Market Price
___ Others (pls. specify) ___________________
4. How do you promote your product?
___ Telephone Direct
___ Television/Radio
___ Exhibits
___ Billboard/Leaflets
___ Newspaper
___ Others (pls. specify)_________
5. What are the problems/difficulties you encounter in marketing your product?
___ Defectives
___ Location
___ Sales Return
___ Others (pls. specify)_________

6. Do you encounter problems with your competitors?

___ YES
___ NO
7. If yes, what are those problems?
___ Pricing
___ Production Quality
___ Services
___ Location
___ Others (pls. specify) ___________
8. How do you distribute your product?
___ By Retail
___ By Wholesale and Retail
___ By Wholesale
___ Others (pls. specify) _________
9. What are the competitive advantages of the product?
___ Durable
___ Eco-friendly
___ Economical
___ Others (pls. specify) ______________

Production and Technical Aspect


What are the factors you consider in choosing location?

___ Nearby police and fire station, market, etc.
___ Accessibility in transportation
___ Environment
___ Utilities (water, electricity, telephone, etc.)
___ Others (pls. specify) ___________________


What tools and equipment do you use in your production?

___ Pliers
___ Bead Stopper
___ Tweezers
___ Reamer
___ Cutters
___ Scissors
___ Needles
___ Others (pls. specify) _________


What raw materials do you use in your production?

___ Beads
___ Nylons
___ Pendants
___ Wires
___ Woods
___ Elastics / Rubber bands
___ Others (pls. specify) ______________


What are the productions process involved?

___ Chains
___ Metals
___ Papers
___ Gems
___ Stones
___ Strings

___ Melting
___ Rinsing
___ Pulling
___ Heating
___ Cutting
___ Coloring
___ Shaping
___ Others (pls. specify) ________________

Do you encounter difficulties in the production process?

___ YES
___ NO


If yes, what are these difficulties?

___ Weather
___ Environment
___ Lack of supply
___ Others (pls. specify) _____________

___ Breaking of tools

___ Personnels performance


Where do you purchase your raw materials?

___ Manufacturer
___ Supplier
___ Groceries
___ Others (pls. specify) _____________


How often do you purchase raw materials?

___ Daily
___ Monthly
___ Weekly
___ Semi-monthly
___ Others (pls. specify) _______________


What measure do you apply in maintaining the quality of your product?

___ Integrated quality management program
___ Selecting good raw materials
___ Training of employees/Personnel
___ Following strict product measurements
___ Establishing benchmarks for product quality
___ Performing a product inspection after every process
___ Ensuring the package quality
___ Others (pls. specify) ______________


What waste disposal methods are being implemented?

___ Garbage or trash
___ Recycle scrap materials
___ Compost pit
___ Others (pls. specify)___________________


Financial Aspect
1. What are your sources of capital?

___ Loan from government institution

___ Loan from private institution
___ Investors
___ Personal Savings
___ Others (pls. specify) _______________________
2. How much is the working capital of the company?
___ P 50,000 below
___ P 50, 001 to 100, 000
___ P 100, 001 above
3. What type of procurement and payment of raw materials do you use?
___ Cash Basis
___ Package deal
___ Installment
___ Others (pls. specify) _______________________
4. How much is your average sales per week?
___ Less than P10, 000
___ 20, 000 29, 999
___ 30, 000 39, 999
___ 40, 000 49, 999
___ More than 50, 000
5. How much is your average operating expenses per week?
___ P5, 000 9, 999
___ P10, 000 19, 999
___ P20, 000 29, 999
___ P30, 000 39, 999
___ P40, 000 above
6. How long is the payback period?
___ 1 to 3 years
___ 4 to 5 years
___ 6 years and above

Thank you very much and the Lord bless you.
Note: this Questionnaire for the consumer is subject for revision which will depend on the
product or service of your feasibility study. This is a sample only


Angeles City, Philippines
We, the 4th year Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Financial and
Management Accounting students of Republic Central Colleges are conducting Feasibility Study
regarding the production ___________________________.
We are asking for your cooperation and participation by answering the following
Name: ________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________
Age: __________
Instruction: Mark the appropriate answer with a check () in the space provided for each number.
1. Do you buy accessories?
___ YES
2. If yes, why do you buy it?
___ For personal use
___ For gift
3. What kind of accessories do you have?
Hair accessories
___ Earrings
___ Headbands
___ Bracelets
___ Clips/Pins
___ Necklaces
___ Clamps
___ Rings
___ Elastics
___ Anklets
___ Tiaras
___ Ponytails
4. How often do you buy your accessories?
___ Everyday
___ Every week
___ Others (pls. specify) _______________
5. In buying accessories, how much do you spend?
___ P 20 below

___ NO
___ For collection
___ Others (pls. specify)
___ Belts
___ Lanyards
___ Key chains
___ Others (pls.
specify) _______

___ Every Month

___ Every other week

___ P 51 - 90

___ P 20 - 50

___ P 91 above

6. Where do you buy your accessories?

___ Malls
___ Boutiques
___ Others (pls. specify) __________________
7. Do you have accessories made up of beads?
___ YES
8. If yes, what were your beads made up?
___ Plastics
___ Wood
___ Others (pls. specify) __________________
9. What accessories made from beads do you have?
Hair accessories
___ Earrings
___ Headbands
___ Bracelets
___ Clips/Pins
___ Necklaces
___ Clamps
___ Rings
___ Tiaras
___ Anklets
___ Ponytails

___ Stalls
___ Tiangge

___ NO
___ Stones
___ Papers

___ Belts
___ Lanyards
___ Key chains
___ Others (pls.
specify) __________

10. Do you want to try an accessory made up of seed beads?

___ YES
___ NO
11. How much is your average monthly family income?
___ P 10,000 below
___ P 20,001 40,000
___ P 10,000 20,000
___ P 40,001 above


Thank you very much and the Lord bless you.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the feasibility and viability of____________. Specifically,
this sought to answer the following questions:
1. How may the Organization and Management Aspect of the business be described in terms
1.1 Form of business organization
1.2 Type of organizational structure
1.3 Legal requirements needed to establish the business
1.4 Number of employees hired by the company
1.5 Qualifications, duties and responsibilities of the employees
1.6 Compensation package for the employees
1.7 Method of hiring employees
1.8 Benefits/incentives received by the employees
1.9 Efficiency measurement of the employees

Usual problems and conflicts arising between the management and


Possible solutions to solve the conflicts between the management and

employees or their co-employees


How Marketing Aspect may be described in terms of:

2.1 Target market
2.2 Pricing method
2.3 Advertisement to promote the product
2.4 Difficulties in marketing the product

2.5 Problems with the business competitors

2.6 Distribution techniques
2.7 Competitive advantages of the product
2.8 Supply and demand situation
2.9 Number of participants who buys accessories

Consumer participants reason in buying accessories


Number of accessories the participants has


Consumer participants frequency of buying accessories


Money spent by the participants in buying accessories


Consumer participants preferred places in buying accessories


Number of participants having beads accessories


Consumer participants accessories made up of beads


Number of participants who wants to try fashion accessories made up seed


Consumer participants average family monthly income

3. How Production and Technical Aspect may be described in terms of:

3.1 Factors considered in choosing location
3.2 Required tools and equipment used in the production
3.3 Required raw materials used in the production
3.4 Production process
3.5 Difficulties in production process
3.6 Supplier of raw materials
3.7 Duration of purchasing raw materials

3.8 Quality control of the business

3.9 Waste management
4. How Financial Aspect may be described in terms of:
4.1 Sources of financing
4.2 Required working capital
4.3 Procurement and payment for raw materials
4.4 Measuring average sales
4.5 Measuring average operating expenses
4.6 Measuring payback period

What is the proposal of the business of ________________________according to:

5.1 Organization and Management Aspect
5.2 Marketing Aspect
5.3 Production and Technical Aspect
5.4 Financial Aspect

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