Bahan Try Out Bahasa Inggris 1 Unas

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TRY OUT 2 (sumber aguswuryanto.wordpress.

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
: Sabtu, 23 Pebruari 2008
A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d or e
Text 1

Long long ago, mosquitoes didnt buzz, they talked and

One day, Mosquito was talking to Iguana, telling her

about his vacation, about every minute of his vacation. Mosquito
would not let Iguana say one word. Iguana was so annoyed that
she walked away, leaving Mosquito still talking. Iguana grumbled
and waved her tail.
She was still grumbling when she passed her friend
Snake, and forgot all about saying hello. Snake was feeling hurt.
He let so sad that he slithered down a rabbits hole.
Help ! yelled Rabbit as she scurried out hole, terrified
of Snake.
Whats wrong? cawed Crow as he saw Rabbit racing.
Danger must be near, Run for your lives ! cawed Crow.
Monkey heard Crows warning and took off through the
tree post, leaping branch to branch. When monkey landed on
Owls branch, high up in a leafy tree. Owls nest tipped of the
branch and fell to the ground, breaking Owls eggs. Owl was
heartbroken, so much that she didnt hoot for the sun to come up.
The whole jungle was mad at Mosquito. Finally Owl
hooted for the sun to come up and when it did, Mosquito lost his
voice. All he could do was buzzing in everyones ears.
Zzzzzzzzzz ! Is everyone still mad at me ?
01. What did the Monkey do to the Owls eggs ?
a. Monkey broke the Owls eggs when he was on the
b. Monkey climbed on Owls tree when he heard Crows
c. Monkey damaged the Owls nest when he climbed the
d. Monkey fell on the Owls eggs when he climbed the tree
e. Monkey made the Owls nest fall when he landed on
Owls branch
02. The purpose of this text is .
a. to describe a place.
b. To entertain or amuse.
c. To explain a place.
d. To give a view of an art work.
e. To inform
03. Why did Iguana grumble ?
Because .... .
a. Mosquito told him about his vacation
b. Iguana was annoyed so he walked away
c. Mosquito wouldnt allowed him to say a word.
d. Mosquito talked and talked
e. Iguana waved her tail
04. She was still grumbling when she passed the Snake.
The underlined refers to ... .
a. the Snake
d. Iguana
b. the Owl
e. Rabbit
c. The Mosquito
05. Finally, Owl hooted for the sun to come up and when it did,
Mosquito lost his voice. ( Pr. 7 )
The underlined means .... .
a. the Owl hooted
d. the Crow cawed
b. Mosquito lost his voice
e. the sun came up
c. The Snake hissing
Text 2

Buying Glasses
An old lady who lived in a village went into town one

After she had bought fruits and vegetables in the
market for herself and for a friend who was ill, she went to a shop
which sold glasses. She tried one pair of glasses and the another
pair and another, but none of them seemed to be right.
The shopkeeper was very patient man, and after
sometime he said to the old lady, "Now, don't worry madam.
Everything will be all right in the end. It isnt easy to get just the
right glasses, you know.
No, It isnt , answered the old lady , And it is even
more difficult when you are shopping for a friend.
06. Ais
: What kind of text is it?
: It is . Text.
a. Recount
c. song
e. procedure
b. Spoof
d. narrative
07. Ais
: What is the purpose of this kind of text?
Fathur : As our teacher said the purpose is
a. to retell events for the purpose of informing or
b. to present two points of view about an issue


to amuse or entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious

experience in different ways
d. to describe how something accomplished trough a
sequence of steps
e. to retell a peculiar or funny real experience or moment
with unpredicted ending
08. Ais
: How is the generic structure of the kind of text?
Fathur : As our teacher explained the generic structure are.
a. goal, events, reorientation
b. twist, events, orientation
c. orientation, events, reorientation
d. orientation, steps, goal
e. orientation, events, twist
09. Ais
: Who is the main participant of the story?
: .
a. young lady
c. the shop keeper
e. writer
b. her friend
d. an old lady
10. Ais
: Where is the setting of the story?
: It is in
a. a village
c. a glasses shop
e. jewelry shop
b. a market
d. a supermarket
Text 3

Cars should be banned in the city. As well all we know ,

cars causes pollution, and killed a lot of road users and other
Cars, as we all know, contribute to most of the pollution
in the world. Cars emit a deadly gas that causes illness such as
bronchitis, lung cancers and triggers of asthma Some of these
illness are so bad that people can die from them.
The city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere
and cars commonly hit pedestrians in the city, which causes them
to die. Cars today are our roads biggest killers.
Cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it
is difficult to sleep at night, or do on your homework, and
especially talk to someone.
Cars should be banned from the city for the reasons
listed above.
11. The purpose of the text is ... .
a. to persuade readers that something is in the case
b. to introduce readers that here are many problems.
c. to make readers know about cars in the city
d. to evaluate the necessity of cars in the city
e. to describe something that happens
12. According to the writer, what is the biggest road killers today ?
They are .... .
a. motor cycles
d. ships
b. trains
e. cars
c. buses
13. Cars should be banned in the city. ( Paragraph 1)
The synonym of the underlined word is ... .
a. prohibited
d. permitted
b. given a chance
e. let to drive
c. allowed
14. What does the writer express in the last paragraph ?
a. The cars should banned in the cities.
b. The conclusion why cars should be banned in cities.
c. The first reason why cars should be banned in cities
d. The second reason why cars should be banned in cities.
e. The third reason why cars should be banned in cities
Text 4

To improve comfort and cleanliness at our school, a

number of dust bins should be increased.
When we look at classroom, school corridor and school
yard, there papers, mineral water cups, straws, and napkins here
and there. The condition of uncleanliness and discomfort really
hinders learning and teaching environment. Litters thrown
carelessly cause disease, especially empty plastic cups or
glasses. They can be filled out with water coming from the rain.
This can be placed for dangue mosquitoes to spread out.
Besides, these rubbish can deteriorate the scene. Well wainted
wall and green school yard do not mean anything if litters and
scattered everywhere.
Anyway I notice that most of the students in our schol
have responsibilities for their school environment. They put their
litters on the proper places. But some are not diligent enough to
find the dust bins. The numbers of dusts bins in our schols are not
enough. More dust bins should be put beside each of steps,
outside of the classrooms, and some more along the corridors.
Probably one dust bin should be in every ten meters. So when
students want to throw away their litters, they can find the dust
bins easily. When school is equipped with sufficient dust bins, we
do not have problems of filth and discomfort any more. Our school
will be very clean and become a nice place to study.

15. What is the writer intention ? To ... readers to do something

a. Inform
d. entertain
b. Explain
e. persuade
c. describe
16. According to the writer, more dust bins .... in every ten meters.
a. should be decorated
d. are unnecessary
b. should be painted e. are not required
c. should be placed
17. What is the writers argument on a sufficient number of dust
bins ?
a. They can prevent litters
b. They can save janitors energy
c. Students are asked to clean them
d. They make school environment neat
e. Students can throw garbage away easily
18. What is the writers suggestion ?
a. To buy more dustbins
b. To hire more gardeners
c. To use dustbins efficiently
d. To ask parents to give more dustbins
e. To ask students to clean the school yard
Text 5

Whale are sea-living mammals. They, therefore, breathe
air but cannot survive on land. Some species are very large
indeed and the blue whale, which can exceed 30 metres length ,
is the largest animal to have lived on earth. Superficially, the
whale looks rather like a fish, but there are important differences
in its external structure. Its tail consists of a pair of broad, flat
horizontal paddles, compared with the tail of fish that is vertical. It
has a single nostril on top of its large, broad head. The skin is
smooth and shiny and beneath it lies of fat. This is up to 30 cm in
thickness and serves to conserve heat and body fluid.
19. Sandy
: The genre of the text above belongs to.
: .
a. narrative
b. recount
c. report
d. news item
e. spoof
20. Beni : What is the purpose of the text above ?
: It is to ..
a. entertain people
b. amuse people
c. describe of natural or social phenomena
d. give step by step understanding about natural
e. entertain people about natural phenomena
21. Hartono
: What makes whale different from the other
sea creatures?
: it is
a. reptile
b. amphibian
c. bird
d. mammal
e. fish
22. Dani
: What is the biggest mammals on earth?
Sari : it is ..
a. black whale
b. blue whale
c. white whale
d. green while
e. red whale
23. Dr. Lazaruz : What is the biggest difference between whale
and fish?
Dr. Nanung : In their .
a. external structure
b. internal structure
c. abdominal structure
d. fat layer
e. Horizontal and vertical


Fasten your seatbelt

while seated
Where do you usually find this banner of instruction?
a. In the truck
b. In the cart
c. In the bus
d. In the ship
e. In the plane



What does the banner mean?

a. You are not supposed to put the garbage in the dustbin
b. You are not allowed to put the garbage properly
c. You are not allowed to throw garbage everywhere
d. You are not supposed to clean the garbage in the class
e. You must drop the garbage into the class
26. Soni : . Dana. From the bottom of my heart.
: Are you? Me too.
a. I hate you
d. I disappointed with you
b. I am crazy
e. I hate you but I miss you
c. I really love you.
27. Doni : Dina! .Look at you. You look awful today. Whats up?
Dina : ., I broke with Angga.
a. I am anxious
c. I feel so great in
my heart
e. I feel that I love you
b. I feel so pain in my heart d. Its really fantastic
28. Shandy
: Budi, Sorry , I have dropped your glasses
Budi : What a fool
From the dialogue Budi expresses his.
a. anger
b. anxiety
c. embarrassment
d. love
e. disappointment
Text 6.

A frightening Experience
Hadi felt happy and excited on the day of his first
mountain-climbing trip. His friends had told him that it would be
easy, and this was true enough at the (29). There were steps
to help them. Then, the climb became more difficult; and, to
worsen things, it began to drizzle. The rocks were now slippery,
and Hadi had to go extra carefully.
Suddenly, the stones under his feet loosened and began
(30). Hadi lost his foothold and screamed as he slipped
downwards. He managed to grab a bush to stop his fall, and was
hanging there .(31).
His friends quickly came down to help him. Luckily, Hadi
was not hurt much except for (32) bruises on his legs.
However, the experience had given him a great fright. After a
short discussion, the boys decided to stop climbing and go home
immediately.(Darwis, et all, 2005)
29. a. begin
b. to begin

c. begins
d. beginly

e. beginning

30. a. rolling up
b. rolling door

c. rolling away
d. rolling over

e. rolling forward

31. a. dangerously
b. dangerous

c. danger
d. to danger

e. endanger

32. a. much
b. many

c. a little
d. a few


a great number of

Text 7
With our user friendly financial software package, you can
anticipate your :

Next income for the coming year

Optimal deduction claim
Tax bracket
Health insurance costs
Saving potential

Available now in your local bookstores
33. According to this advertisement, what can the buyer expect to
a. better understanding of ones income
b. Lower health insurance costs
c. Additional tax shelters
d. Fewer deductions
e. debt
34. What is implied in this ad?
a. raises are predictable
b. Most people dont claim finance deductions
c. Personal finances are complex
d. Saving money takes time
e. Using financial software is not easy
35. Where is the source of the advertisement above?

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