Ferrari World

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Ferrari World Simulation

Ferrari world is the largest indoor and first Ferrari theme park, located on Yas Island, Abu
Dhabi, UAE, The central park is situated under a 200,000 m roof making it the largest indoor
amusement park in the world, the park operates daily from 10:30 am till 18:30 pm.
Customers arrive to the park from two main entry points the Northern Gate at a rate of every
10 minutes and the Southern Gate at the rate of 40 minutes ; observation has shown that arrival
distribution of customers are exponential.
On average for the Northern Gate 60% of customers arrives batched as follow 2 at a time, 20% 3
at a time and 20% arrives individually.
Analysis shown that 70% of arrivals from both gates will play with Formula Rossa game Which
is the fastest Roller coaster at the Ferrari park while 30% of customers prefer Scuderia challenge
game which is a racing simulator at Ferrari World , the park has three Scuderias (RED , YELLOW
, BLACK) each one has its own game flight effects.
Now customers can enter each game Roller Coaster (Formula Rossa) or Simulation (Scuderia)
one at a time, where they have to wait before in a waiting room (one waiting room for Formula
Rossa and One for roller coaster) where they receive a brief introduction into how to use each
game from game specialist (Three for Roller Coaster and Two for Scuderia) each specialist has a
break time of 55 minutes per day, at least there should be one specialist per game available
Usually 20% of Scuderias visitors will go to the RED Scuderia adventure while 45% will prefer
Yellow and the reset should use the BLACK. Also 55% of customers who used the BLACK
Scuderia they will try also The RED one while the rest will just leave the Scuderias arena.
All (RED, YELLOW, BLACK) Scuderias take a Uniform of (10, 25 min) while the Formula
Rossa has a Uniform of (15, 35 min). Ferrari world has three exists A , B and C all Formula Rossa
customers will leave through Exist A , while 50% of Red , and Yellow customers will leave from
exit B , and the other 50% will leave from exit C , for Black customers all of them will leave from
exit C

Questions [20 Marks]

1. Every Student has to build a model of the system as it exists, save the solution in a file
called Ferrari 1 Model.
2. Analyze & understand the model as you might be asked about it in the in-class test and/or
group presentation on the 26th of June.

3. Be prepared to be asked about any question regarding the contents of the lectures
delivered. Study the PowerPoint Slides (Business Simulation 1, 2, 3 and 4) for the
test. Study the above Ferrari World Case Study and be prepared to be asked about it in
the test and/or presentation. This will include specific implementation or general opinion
questions such as
a. how to put into effect a priority in a queue
b. or general improvement questions for the Ferrari world Model as queried bellow

4. Using the existing model as your starting point:

a. Try to improve throughput and resource use by changing the priorities of the
work centers. Analyze& understand this model and save your new model as
Ferrari 2 Model. Did you manage to do any improvement?

b. Suggest modifications to improve throughput and resource use for the model,
mention each change in the system and its effect to the system performance.

The above changes are about trying to obtain improvements to the process that are effectively
cost-free. Consider other possible improvements that may have a cost, such as improvements to
the capital equipment or technology. For example, could we add additional work center or game
stations ? If yes, where might it be done? What would incur cost?

How I Built The Simulation

I started on building the simulation as it was described on the simulation description and I
have added some necessary changes that I find to be more convenient to the simulations basic
model, the simulations basic model looks like this

The steps that I took to build the basic model were:

1- Northern Gate:
I added the arrival point and then I double clicked on it and edited the information so that it
matches the simulation description by:

Changing the name of the arrival point to Northern Gate and making sure that the name is
visible by going to Graphics, Title and then ticking on show title on simulation
Changing the distribution to exponential and changing the time to 10 minutes which
means the customers will arrive exponentially every 10 minutes.
I changed the batching by going to Batching, New, Change the name, Choose Probability
Profile, Delete the columns until you have only 3 by right clicking on the column and
then clicking on delete, and then I clicked on each column and then changed the
percentage and value so that it matches the information that was provided on the
I changed the way that 70% of customers go to Formula Rossa and 30% go to Scuderia
challenge by going to Routing out from Northern Gate and clicking on Percent and then
choosing the right percentage for each game queue and then clicking Ok.

2- Southern Gate
I added the arrival point and then I double clicked on it and edited the information so that it
matches the simulation description by:

Changing the name of the arrival point to Southern Gate and making sure that the name is
visible by going to Graphics, Title and then ticking on show title on simulation

Changing the distribution to exponential and changing the time to 40 minutes which
means the customers will arrive exponentially every 40 minutes.

I changed the way that 70% of customers go to Formula Rossa and 30% go to Scuderia
challenge by going to Routing out from Northern Gate and clicking on Percent and then
choosing the right percentage for each game queue and then clicking Ok.

3- Briefing Queues
Next I linked both Northern and Southern gates to the two briefing Queues that I added for each
Formula Rossa briefing room and Scuderia briefing room because not all customer will directly
go to the briefing room at once which means they have to wait for the customer ahead of them to
finish the briefing.
Both the Queues were added and then I changed their names to briefing queue for formula rossa
and queue for Scuderia and then made sure that name was visible by going to Graphics and
clicking on title and then checking on show title and also I changed the picture by going to
Graphics again, Select, choose the new image, press Ok, and then click on static image so that
your new image appears on the simulation.

4- Briefing Rooms
I added two work centers one for each game which will be the briefing room that the customers
will be briefed in about how to use the game so that they have the best experience when they use
the actual game or enter the roller coaster

I changed the name on both the work centers to Formula Rossa briefing room and the
second to Scuderia briefing room, made the title visible and changed the image on both
work centers
I changed the distribution on both briefing rooms to Average and the time to 5 minutes
because it makes sense to me that a briefing should take only 5 minutes as an average.

I changed the routing out information on Formula Rossa briefing room by going to
Routing out, chose Percent and it should say 100% to the point after it which is the Queue
for the Formula Rossa Game
I changed the routing out information on Scuderia briefing room by going to Routing out,
chose Percent and then chose 45% go to the yellow Scuderia Queue, 35% go to the black
Scuderia Queue and 20% go to the red Scuderia Queue

5- Resources
I added resources for both the briefing rooms, 3 resources for Formula Rossa and 2 for Scuderia

I created one resource for each briefing room and then I changed the quantity of the
resource as needed by double clicking on the resource and then changing the number of
resource available to 3 for Formula Rossa and 2 for Scuderia
I changed the name of the Resources for each game and added an image the same way I
did on the others
I linked the resources to the briefing rooms by going to the briefing room, resources, add,
click on the right resource for each briefing room then press ok.

6- Game Queues
I created one queue for Formula Rossa game and three for three for Scuderia game

I changed the name of each Queue to the appropriate name and changed the image the
same way that I did on the others
I linked the Formula Rossa Queue to the Formula Rossa game and I linked the three
Scuderia game Queues to the three Scuderia game centers.

7- Game Work Centers

On the simulation description it says that Formula Rossa has one work center and Scuderia has
three work centers.

I added Formula Rossa work center, changed its name, added an image and changed the
distribution to uniform then typed 15 on the lower bound and 35 on the upper bound.

I changed routing out by going to Routing Out and then I chose Percent and it should say
100% to Exit A.
I added three work centers for Scuderia as mentioned on the simulation description which
are yellow, red and black Scuderia
I added yellow Scuderia work center, changed its name, changed its image, changed the
distribution to uniform then typed 10 on the lower bound and 25 on the upper bound
I changed its routing out by going to routing out, Percent and chose 50% go to Exit B and
50% go to Exit C then clicked ok.
I added red Scuderia work center, changed its name, changed its image, changed the
distribution to uniform then typed 10 on the lower bound and 25 on the upper bound
I changed its routing out by going to routing out, Percent and chose 55% go back to red
Scuderia Queue and 45% go to Exit C as mentioned on the description.
I added black Scuderia work center, changed its name, changed its image, changed the
distribution to uniform then typed 10 on the lower bound and 25 on the upper bound
I changed its routing out by going to routing out, Percent and chose 50% go to Exit B and
50% go to Exit C then clicked ok.

8- How did I connect Scuderia black customers to Scuderia Red work center?
- First I linked Scuderia black with an arrow directed to the Queue of Scuderia Red work
- Then I double clicked on Scuderia black work center, went to label actions, clicked on
add, clicked on new, wrote the label name and ticked on the option (number) then pressed
ok and last I clicked on (set to then value) and typed 2
- I added another label for Scuderia red by doing the same steps and then typed in the value
as 1 which will give Scuderia game center the priority in the Scuderia Red Queue
- I double clicked on Scuderia red Queue and checked on prioritize which should set
Scuderia Red as priority

9- Exits
There are three Exits which are A, B and C

I added all three exits, changed their names, added a new image and made sure that
everything is visible
I linked all the appropriate work centers to the correct Exits as it was mentioned on the
simulation description.

Ferrari Model Enhancement

After completing the first part of the assignment it was required that I do an enhancement
to the basic model after understanding it, I named the new enhancement model as Ferrari Model
2 and this model should cover the enhancements that are expected to be cost free.
I noticed on the basic model that there are 278 customers that were still waiting in the Formula
Rossa Queue by the end of the simulation which is also the most obvious problem on the
simulation which is caused by the popularity of the Formula Rossa game and the over demand to
play on it.
My solution was:
1- Add an arrow from Formula Rossa briefing Room and directing it to the Scuderia Queue
2- Changing routing out information to 50% percent goes to Scuderia Briefing Queue and
50% goes to Formula Rossa game Queue which means that the Formula Rossa customers
who feel that there is a long way for them to wait in the queue ahead of them will go to
Scuderia Briefing Queue which should take them to the Scuderia Challenge briefing
Room and later to one of the three Scuderia car simulators
3- I went to Formula Rossa game center and changed the uniform lower bound to 10
minutes and upper bound to 25 minutes which should give more time to the other
customers to try out the game
4- I went to all three Scuderia challenge work centers and changed the uniform lower bound
to 10 minutes and upper bound to 20 minutes which should give more time for customers
to come from bother formula rossa from Scuderia the time to try out the game
The final result shows improvement as the customers waiting in the Formula Rossa game queue
dropped to 54 which is 224 less than the original run and there are no major problems on any
other part of the simulation.

I tried another solution which will need extra costs because in the new simulation I have added
two more Formula Rossas Roller coaster due to the huge demand on the game and by that most
of the customers will have time to play. I named this simulation as Ferrari Model 3.
1- The two extra Formula Rossa work centers are linked to the Formula Rossa Queue
2- Both of the extra work centers will be routing out on 100% to Exit A
3- I changed all three Formula Rossa game centers information to Uniform (lower bound 15,
upper bound 25)
The Final Results shows that the customers waiting dropped to only 15 and although the roller
coasters demand a lot of money I think the income generated by the customers will cover the

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