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Chemistry Form 5 Definition List

1. Rate of reaction is the speed at which reactants are

converted into products in a chemical reaction.
Rate of reaction=

change in mass of reactants or products


2. Catalyst is a substance which alters the rate of a

chemical reaction but remains chemically unchanged at
the end of reation.
3. Effective collision is the collision where the total
amount of energy of the colliding (particles) is equal or
greater than the activation energy and the colliding
particles are in the correct orientation that will result in a
4. Chemical energy is the energy stored in all chemical
5. Thermochemistry is the study of changes in heat
energy in chemical reactions.
6. Energy level diagram is the diagram that shows the
amount of heat energy given out or absorbed which is
called the rate of reaction.
Symbol= H


7. Endothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that

absorbs heat from the surroundings.
8. Exothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that gives
out heat to the surroundings.
9. Heat of reaction is the change in amount of heat in a
chemical reaction.
Symbol= H

10. Heat change (Q) = mc

m:mass of solution; c:specific heat capacity(

:change in temperature


4.2J g



11. Heat of precipitation is the heat (change) when one

mole of a precipitate is formed from their ions in aqueous
12. Heat of displacement is the heat (change) when one
mole of a metal is displaced from its salt solution by a
more electropositive metal.
13. Heat of neutralisation is the heat (change) when one
mole of water is formed from the reaction between an
acid and an alkali.
14. Heat of combustion is the heat (change) when one
mole of a reactant is completely burnt in oxygen under
standard condition.
15. Fuel value is the amount of heat energy produced when
one gram of the fuel is completely burnt in excess of
oxygen. ( Unit = kJ g )
16. Soap is a sodium or potassium salt of long-chain fatty
17. Saponification process is the hydrolysis of an ester by
18. Detergent is a sodium or potassium salt of alkyl
sulphonic acid or alkylbenzene sulphonic acid.
19. Soft water is water that does not contain magnesium
ions, Mg and calcium ions, Ca .
20. Hard water is water that contains magnesium ions,
and calcium ions, Ca .
21. Food addictive is a natural or synthetic substance
added to food to prevent spoilage or to improve its
appearance, taste or texture.
22. Preservatives is a substance added to food to slow
down or prevent the growth of microorganisms.
23. Antioxidant is a substance used to slow down the
deterioration of food caused by oxygen from the air.
24. Flavouring is a substance used to improve the taste of
food and restore taste loss because of processing.
25. Thickener is a substance used to thicken foods.

26. Food dye is a substance used to add or restore the

colour in food.
27. Stabiliser is a substance which helps to prevent an
emulsion from separating out.
28. Medicine is a substance used to prevent or cure disease
or to relieve pain.
29. Analgesic is a medicine used to relieve pain without
causing numbness or affecting consciousness.
30. Antibiotic is a medicine used to kill or slow down the
growth of bacteria.
31. Antidepressant is a medicine used to calm down a
person and thus reduce tension and anxiety.
32. Antipsychotic is a medicine used to treat psychiatric
33. Stimulant is a medicine which activates the level of
activity arousal or alertness of the central nervous system
to reduce fatigue and elevate mood in most people.
34. Organic compounds are compounds that contain the
element carbon that is bonded to other elements by
covalent bonds.
35. Inorganic compounds are compounds that do not
contain the element carbon.
36. Hydrocarbon(C and H) contains only carbon and
37. Non-hydrocarbons(C,H and O,N,P,S,F,Cl,Br,I) are
compounds in which some or all of the hydrogen atoms
have been replaced by other atoms.
38. Saturated compound is a compound containing atoms
bonded together by single covalent bond.
39. Unsaturated compound is a compound containing
atoms bonded together by at least one double bond or
triple bond.
40. Saturated hydrocarbons contain only single bonds.
41. Unsaturated hydrocarbons contain at least one
multiple bonds.

42. Alkanes are a series of saturated hydrocarbon

molecules with the general formula, Cn H2n+2 .
43. Substitution reaction is a reaction in which an atom or
group of atoms replaces a hydrogen atom in the alkane
molecule.(Example: Halogenation)
44. Alkenes are a series of unsaturated hydrocarbon
molecules with the general formula, Cn H2n .
45. Addition reaction is a reaction that occurs in alkenes
when a molecule is added across the carbon-carbon
double bond.(Examples: Halogenation, hydrogenation and
46. Isomers are molecules with the same molecular
formula, but with different structural formula.
47. Alcohols are a series of organic molecules with the
hydroxyl functional group, -OH and general formula,
Cn H2n+1 OH
48. Carboxylic acid has the carboxyl group, -COOH
attached to a hydrocarbon chain to give the general
formula, Cn H2n+1 COOH .
49. Ester is a sweet smelling compound produced from a
reaction between an alcohol and a carboxylic acid.
(General formula: Cn H2n+1 COO Cm H2m+1
Functional group:
Carboxylate group)
50. Fats are esters triglycerides formed from glycerol and
fatty acids.
51. Fatty acids are long-chain carboxylic acids containing
about 16 to 18 carbon atoms.
52. Natural rubber is a polymer of isoprene.
53. Vulcanized rubber is a natural rubber that has been
treated with sulphur to improve its properties.

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