Conjugation Verbs Tener Ir Haber

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Conjugation verb tener



yo tengo

yo tengo cuarenta (40) aos

(I have)

(I am 40 years old)

t tienes

t tienes un pantaln amarillo

(you have) informal

(you have yellow pants)

ella tiene

ella tiene una blusa roja

(she has)

(she has a red blouse)

l tiene

l tiene una camisa azul

(he has)

(he has a blue shirt)

usted tiene

usted tiene un traje negro

(you have) formal

(you have a black suit)

nosotros tenemos

nosotros tenemos hambre

(we have)

(we are hungry)

ustedes tienen

ustedes tienen sed

(you (all) have)

(you are thirsty)

ellos tienen

ellos tienen fro

(they have)

(they are cold)

ellas tienen

ellas tienen calor

(they have)

(they are hot)

Conjugation of the verb haber




hay fro

(there is)

(it is cold)

hay calor
(it is hot)

hay una escuela aqu cerca

(there is a school near here)

hay un hotel muy bueno en la esquina

(there is a very good hotel on the corner)

hay un muchacho nuevo en la clase

(there is a new boy in the class)

hay mucha gente aqu

(there are many people here)

Numbers are sometimes used with

hay una escuela

the verb hay (there is or there are) to

indicate the number of items / people /

(there is a school)

places present or available. Hay, from

the infinitive haber, is an archaic verb
and is invariable in form.

hay dos escuelas

(there are two schools)

hay tres hospitales

(there are three hospitals)

hay cuatro hospitales

(there are four hospitals)

hay cinco personas

(there are five persons)

hay seis nios

(there are six boys)

hay siete nias

(there are seven girls)

hay ocho mujeres

(there are eight women)

hay nueve hombres

(there are nine men)

hay diez doctores

(there are ten physicians)

hay once profesores

(there are eleven teachers)

hay doce enfermeras

(there are twelve nurses)

hay trece trabajadores

(there are thirteen workers)

hay catorce bomberos

(there are fourteen firefighters)

hay quince estudiantes

(there are fifteen students)

hay deicisis recepcionistas

(there are sixteen receptionists)

hay diecisiete maleteros

(there are seventeen bellboys)

hay dieciocho siclogos

(there are eighteen psychologists)

hay diecinueve ayudantes

(there are nineteen assistants)

hay veinte ingenieros

(there are twenty engineers)

Conjugation of the verb ir



yo voy

yo voy a la playa

(I go)

(I go to the beach)

t vas

t vas a la escuela

(you go) informal

(you go the school)

l va

l va al hospital

(he goes)

(he goes to the hospital)

ella va

ella va a las clases de baile

(she goes)

(she goes to the dance lessons)

usted va

usted va a venir temprano

(you go) formal

(you are going to come early)

nosotros vamos

nosotros vamos a salir est noche

(we go)

(we are going to go out tonight)

ustedes van

ustedes van quedarse en casa

(you (all) go)

(you are going to stay at home)

ellos van

ellos van a la fiesta

(they go)

(they go to the party)

ellas van

ellas van al cine

(they go)

(they go to the cinema)

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