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Beharra Springs SIS Upgrade

Short Form Business Case




Jan 2015

Document owner

Andrew Lange

Review date


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Beharra Springs SIS Upgrade

[Business Case]


Executive Summary........................................................................................................ 3

Background..................................................................................................................... 3

Project Objectives...........................................................................................................3

Business Benefits............................................................................................................4

Technical Overview Approach and Scope....................................................................4


Installation of SIS PLC to replace relay logic and ESD override...............................4


Re-location of existing ESD + PCS control...............................................................5


Merging separated safety functions into new SIS PLC.............................................5


Separation of looped functions.................................................................................5


Upgrade switch elements to transmitters.................................................................5


Visibility, control and management of SIS bypasses................................................6

HSE................................................................................................................................. 6

Commercial Overview.....................................................................................................6

Timing............................................................................................................................. 6

Risks & Opportunities......................................................................................................7


Project Cost & Budget.................................................................................................8




Attachment project scope of works...........................................................................9


Document Control......................................................................................................10

Appendix A

Project Implementation Schedule

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Beharra Springs SIS Upgrade

[Business Case]

1 Executive Summary
Capital funding approval of $498,000 is requested from the L11 Joint Venture in order to
upgrade site Safety Instrumented System (SIS) installation. This funding will supplement and
incorporate existing budgets allocated for partial upgrades to the existing SIS infrastructure,
and expand scope of upgrade to include integration with all major site SIS systems. It will
also includinge the expansion of existing EER#2 in order to accommodate to house the new
SIS PLC control panel under same building.
This project aims to improve the site will bring the site SIS safety performance, reliability,
maintainability and provide future provisions for improvement and expansion.
compliance with all applicable standards and regulations. It will remove the majority of
legacy architectural constraints on the site and make future upgrades significantly simpler.
The project would be due for commencement in January 2014.

2 Background
The L11 permit is operated by Origin Energy (67%) in a Joint Venture partnership with AWE
(33%). The BSGP was commissioned in 1992 and has been in successful operation for
almost 20 years.
The plant has operated over the past 20 years, undergoing a number of small and large
control system upgrades. Existing safety system relies on relay based series connected
individual trip initiating elements (instruments) making it difficult to isolate and troubleshoot
individual instruments. Due to hardwired nature of the trip circuits, maintenance overrides
can be applied only by installation of temporary physical bridges in SIS system which is not
an authorised standard industry practice and are more exposed to SIS failures caused due
to system breach by unauthorised changes. Existing master override switch bypass the
entire safety system functionality and therefore is an unconventional application of the
maintenance overside/system forces. SIS requires routine validation of the individual safety
instrument functions a per the site SRS documentation. Safety function validation and
instrument calibration can only be carryout only by applying maintenance override. The
existing SIS architecture has greater inherent risk while carrying out maintenance activities.
Over this time safety system technology and standards have changed, but the facility has
failed to keep up with these changes. The bulk of existing control system/safety system
Additionally, the bulk of the control system architecture is now is located in the plant area
which , effectively making it strandeding from the original site shutdown and control systems
(in the old office/accommodation building). The existing safety system/control system
architecture and components of these systems doesnt ont provide adequate provisions for
lend themselves to easy maintenance, troubleshooting and installation of additional
instruments integration ,with the rest of the site.
In 2013 a project was initiated to upgrade the office ESD panel, however these funds were
not utilised as the scope of the project was identified as being insufficient to suitably meet
the site requirements.

3 Project Objectives
This e objective of the project aims is to install new to upgrade and relocate the site SIS
infrastructure for improving the system safety and reliability and of Beharra Springs gas plant

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[Business Case]

thereby to making it complyliance with relevant Australian Standards (AS61508/AS61511)

and Origin Energys integrity management plans for functional safety instrument systems.
This project will facilitate confinement of the plant process control system and safety system
to one physical location thereby improving the intercommunication and function coordination
between the systems. This project will considerably reduce the risk of system failures due to
inter communication and system linkage issues. The new system architecture shall have
provision for maintenance override switches on individual safety functions for carrying out
maintenance activities on these items while plant is in operation. This will enable site to
organise for SIS function validation as per frequency specified SRS and Origin asset
integrity management plan. The new system will provide the flexibility for any future SIS
logic configuration change that may arise while carrying out HAZOP study, SIL assessment
and modification to process which may be required over the period of operation of the plant.
Additionally the upgrade will make future upgrades and improvements significantly easier.

Purchase and install new SIS PLC in dedicated control panel

Relocate all office/accommodation based control equipment to plant switchroom

Integrate new SIS PLC with maximum number of plant sub-systems to implement
plant cause & effect logic effectively

Utilise upcoming LTS replacement shutdown as opportunity to cut-over to new SIS

system, while making maximum amount of preparation prior to shutdown.

All work to be completed safely, on schedule, within budget and in accordance with
Origin HSE management, contracts management and permit to work processes.

4 Business Benefits
The project is expected to provide significant improvements to the safety, reliability,
availability and maintainability of the plant. will deliver a number of benefits. These are
initially mostly related to compliance and integrity rather than financial, however significant
savings will be possible during future projects due to the works performed during this project.
The improvements delivered by this project are:
Additional benefits will be realised by making the future upgrades and improvements
significantly easier.

Provide Improvements to overall plant safety by implementing safety integrity level

appropriated for each safety instrumented functions.

Enhance communication and operational coordination between safety system and

process control to improve the plant availability and reliability.

Implement MOC functionality for individual safety instrument functions so as to carry

out the maintenance /validation of SIF while plant is in operation so as to achieve
required safety compliance as per origin AIMPs directive and AS61508/AS61511.

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[Business Case]

Consolidate the process control and safety system to single physical location at the
plant thereby avoid complexity in troubleshooting to enable quicker restoration of
plant production.

Reduced maintenance requirements on SIS equipment (increased proof test

intervals) as result of improved monitoring of SIS elements

Compliance with all applicable national integrity standards relating to functional

safety (eg: AS 61508/11)

A single safety instrumented control system for 90% of plant safety loops

Reduced maintenance requirements on SIS equipment (increased proof test

intervals) as result of improved monitoring of SIS elements

Improved visibility of process via safety instrumented loops, resulting in operator

ability to pre-empt issues prior to plant interruption

Reduced nuisance tripping of unrelated systems caused by legacy architecture

Ability to bypass functions on a loop-by-loop basis with automated monitoring of

active bypasses compliant with Origin integrity management plan for functional safety

Significantly reduced complexity of SIS and PCS systems and field wiring, including a
full set of drawings to be available subsequent to project (unlike existing system with
poor and missing drawings) making maintenance quicker and more efficient.

. These are initially mostly related to compliance and integrity rather than financial, however
significant savings will be possible during future projects due to the works performed during
this project. The improvements delivered by this project are:

5 Technical Overview Approach and Scope

The project is expected to be carried out in for different phases listed below

Design development and review


The major aspects of the upgrade are discussed below. The approach has the advantage
the most of the work can be implemented prior to the shutdown around which it is centered.
Additionally, parcels of work can be deferred for later implementation if it is felt this is
Purchase and install new SIS PLC in dedicated control panel

Relocate all office/accommodation based control equipment to plant switchroom

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[Business Case]

Integrate new SIS PLC with maximum number of plant sub-systems to implement
plant cause & effect logic effectively

Utilise upcoming LTS replacement shutdown as opportunity to cut-over to new SIS

system, while making maximum amount of preparation prior to shutdown.

All work to be completed safely, on schedule, within budget and in accordance with
Origin HSE management, contracts management and permit to work processes.

The approach has the advantage the most of the work can be implemented prior to the
shutdown around which it is centered. Additionally, parcels of work can be deferred for later
implementation if it is felt this is necessary.

Installation of SIS PLC to replace relay logic and ESD override

The plant safety loops are currently all relay-based. This has a number of distinct issues, but
of greatest concern is the single override used to defeat complete plant ESD function when
maintenance is required (eg critical function testing),
A SIS PLC will be installed to manage plant SIS functions and allow loop-by-loop defeat
when required for maintenance and testing, in accordance with AS-61511.

Re-location of existing ESD + PCS control

The original plant control system was located in the accommodation/office block, however all
subsequent upgrades focused control on newer infrastructure located in the plant. As a
result the main plant ESD function, and some original control loops are still located outside
the plant, away from the bulk of control infrastructure. This project will re-locate all SIS and
PCS control functions into the plant. This will be achieved by:
1) Installing a new SIS PLC control panel within an existing switchroom (extended)
2) Incorporating PCS loops into an existing PLC with significant spare capacity. One
PCS PLC to be made redundant
3) Replacing a number of multi-core cables to field function boxes to re-direct I/O
including segregation of PCS and SIS cabling
The result of this change will be a single central control centre for all plant functions,
significantly reduced complexity to the field wiring.

Merging separated safety functions into new SIS PLC

The plant has a number of cascading safety shutdowns that are all managed in different
parts of the plant, many by isolated sub-systems. The new SIS-PLC will act as a central
controller for 90% of SIS functions in the plant, including fire & gas system and the sales gas
This will also address some cause & effect disconnects, eg that the fire & gas system is
unable to trip the whole plant, only sections thereof.
A major headache for the site operations has always been unrelated cause & effects as part
of the compressor area ESD, results of poorly thought out modifications in the past. An
example is the fact that a high compressor suction pressure results in fuel gas trip to

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Beharra Springs SIS Upgrade

[Business Case]

generation units and methanol pumps. With the new SIS PLC in place these issues can be
corrected easily.

Separation of looped functions

Because of space restraints in field wiring a number of functions are looped in the field.
Examples are:

Emergency stop pushbuttons for 4 different areas are reported together, making it
difficult to identify cause of ESD

The fusible loop system has 6 initiating areas, but these are all joined in the field,
again making it impossible to quickly know which area has reported a fire

These functions will be separated to provide detail.


Upgrade switch elements to transmitters

In the past, switches were used for SIS functions. This was typically related to the relaybased nature of ESD systems. Current best practise for plant integrity is to utilise
transmitters for SIS functions, allowing continuous measurement of process variable,
resulting in easier analysis of process upset causes and improved maintenance intervals.
Approximately 10 transmitters will be upgraded from switch to transmitter based. Future
upgrades from switch to transmitter easily achieved.

Visibility, control and management of SIS bypasses

All SIS elements will be made available on Citect. Authorisation will require use of a
keyswitch, and application of Citect based Maintenance Override. Monitoring of SIS override
time will be automated and compliance with Origin SIS integrity management plan ensured.

There are several factors relating to HSE on any works performed on a remote site such as
BHSGP. Primarily the personnel utilised must be appropriately skilled for the works and
trained in Origins mandatory HSE modules. This will be controlled partly by using approved
(pre-qualified) contractors. A detailed risk assessment and JHA will be completed for each
activity in the proposed installation and commissioning works with this being supported by
further on-the-job assessments based on the use of the 3 Whats HSE tools.
The execution of all tasks will be covered under the existing site Permit to Work processes
using trained personnel who are experienced in the tasks being performed.

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[Business Case]

7 Commercial Overview
The project has no commercial drivers that act as an incentive to implement, other than the
associated financial implications of a failure of the existing system.
The project will be planned for installation during the upcoming 12-day shutdown for vessel
internal inspections, and LTS installation. For this reason no special shutdowns are expected
to be required for the relocation and implementation of the new system, and thus no
commercial impact.

8 Timing
The project is being planned for implementation during the plant shutdown scheduled for
early-mid 2015. This shutdown is due to run for approximately 12 days to allow for internal
vessel inspections and the LTS replacement. This window provides sufficient time to perform
the necessary cut-across to the new system and testing of all systems
Missing the 2015 shutdown may result in up to a 2-year wait until the next opportunity to
implement this upgrade.
Refer to appendix A

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[Business Case]

9 Risks & Opportunities

The SIS upgrade gives rise to a number of key risks and opportunities. These are
manageable and the extent to which we choose to mitigate will depend on the cost v benefit
of each.


Impact to production during preinstallation works

Highly experienced installation team to be utilised

for work. Very familiar with site systems. No work
on any operational SIS components during preinstallation phase, only

Significant changes to control

system may result in in-intended
trips to the plant post-restart.

All new code will be fully tested and QAd prior to

implementation. Project team will remain on
standby on site to support restart.

Implementation of upgrade may

result in delays to re-start
subsequent to shutdown.

The work will be rolled out in stages during the

shutdown, allowing certain sections of the
upgrade to be held back for later implementation
if completion timeframes are at risk.



Reduced complexity of installed

plant equipment will make future
upgrades simpler and quicker.

Spare capacity to be ensured during upgrade.

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[Business Case]

10 Project Cost & Budget

The costs for the project have been budgeted as follows:

Cost ($A)

Origin project, instrument + control engineer (3months)


I&E Construction supervisor & designer (contract) (4months)


Control Systems Engineer - SIS (1month)


Additional engineer hours, (PHA, management, review)




EER#2 extension (including installation)


Supply & construction of SIS-101


Supply & construction of SIS-102


Multicore cables and all misc materials


Instrument upgrades (7x analog instruments)


I&E Installation
Cable tray and installing multicore cables (3men 12days)


Multicore termination into new SIS-101 and PLC-101 (3men 12days)


Shutdown works (4men, 12days)


Expenses based on historical per person per diem of $150 (x140)


Contingency @ 10%




Minus existing budget (ESD panel replacement = $147,000)



An existing ESD upgrade project with a budget of $147k exists thus the required additional
funds come to a total of $498,000. This budget will come from existing budgeted items that
will not be utilised this financial year:
1) Plant PLC & SIS Switch Room (part of this project)
2) Accommodation upgrade (reduced)
3) APA GC Upgrade C9+ (cancelled)
4) Minor Capital

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[Business Case]

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[Business Case]

11 Recommendation
It is recommended that funding approval be granted for capital expenditure to complete this
project and utilise the upcoming Beharra shutdown. This will cost $498,000

12 Attachment project scope of works

Attachment Draft Project Scoping Report W-4100-70-SW-009 rev B

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[Business Case]

13 Document Control
Note: All relevant business unit and functional parties to sign-off the Business Case.
Delegate of Authority to sign-off the CEA, which the Business Case supports



Andrew Lange

Beharra IC&E Engineer








Name & Position

Geo Thaliath

Senior Projects Engineer

Steve Allan

Lead ICE Integrity Engineer




Gary Rooks

WA Operations Manager

* Other functions to review and sign-off as required - consider Technical, HSE, Legal, Risk,
Tax, Accounting, People & Culture, Insurance, Treasury
** BU Commercial sign-off is required on all business case documents

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[Business Case]

Appendix A Implementation Schedule

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