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Define weight as the force on an object due to a gravitational field:

When an object comes in the presence of a larger mass such as a planet the larger mass exerts
a force on that object
Weight force is a gravitational force exerted due to the gravitational field surrounding the object,
thus weight is the force on an object due to a gravitational field.
The mass does not change anywhere, it is the amount of matter.
The local value for weight varies due to:
the variation in thickness of earths lithosphere
W or F= Weight force (N)
W = mg
m = Mass (kg)
g = Acceleration due to gravity (ms-2)

1.2 Define gravitational potential energy as the work done to move an object from a very
large distance away to a point in a gravitational field:
Gravitational Potential Energy is the work done to move an object from infinity to a point within
a gravitational field.
At infinity the gravitational potential energy is zero and decreases as a mass gets closer to the
centre of a gravitational field
Ep = Gravitational Potential Energy (J)
G = Gravitational constant (6.67x10-11)
Ep = G m1m2
m1 = Mass of Planet (kg)
m2 = Mass of Object (kg)
r = Distance between the two masses (m)

The negative sign occurs because the Gravitational Potential Energy of a mass as it approaches
infinite distance from the Gravitational field is always negative.

Explain that a change in gravitational potential energy is related to work done:

For Gravitational Potential Energy to change the object must move closer or further away from
the centre of the gravitational field
Work must be done on the object to make this change in distance, thus a change in
Gravitational Potential energy is related to work done.
For an object of mass m at a height h above the earths surface, the gravitational potential
energy Ep is given by: Ep mgh

Describe the trajectory of an object undergoing projectile motion within the Earth's
gravitational field in terms of horizontal and vertical components:
Galileo showed the vertical and horizontal motion of a projectile could be treated independently
To find the actual position and velocity the horizontal and vertical components are added

Any object that is thrown, dropped or otherwise launched into the air
The object follows a parabolic path which, without factoring in resistance, is symmetrical
During flight the projectile experiences the force of gravity and acceleration due to

The Trajectory:
The path that a projectile follows during its flight
Can be broken down into two separate and independent motions:
Vertical Motion - affected by constant acceleration due to gravity
Horizontal Motion - experiences no acceleration

Vertical Motion:
uy = u sin
The object, subjected to acceleration due to gravity, rises up, stops momentarily then
falls down
When it hits the ground it is travelling at the same speed at which it left
vy = uy + ayt
vy2 = uy2 + 2ay y
y = uyt + ayt2
Horizontal Motion: ux = u cos
When pushed horizontally, ideally, it experiences no acceleration in its direction of
motion. Thus a projectile travels sideways in uniform motion
vx = ux
x = uxt

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