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be proposed systematically as a basic reference to deal with this issue in any Bankfinanced project.

Dredging Activities: capital and maintenance dredging may have several impacts on
the marine environments. Estuaries are particularly sensitive areas, where any
artificial deepening may result in lasting modifications in the natural ecological
balance. Salt intrusion is the single most important impact: increased salt penetration
in a river estuary may pose a threat to neighbouring fresh water tables and
corresponding agricultural areas; and following salted waters, a new fauna may
develop in the estuary and modify the existing fauna and flora equilibriums. Finally,
disposal of dredged materials must be handled with due consideration given to any
possible contamination. The London Dumping Convention spells out the maximum
acceptable levels in connection with specific disposal options.

Accidental Pollution: Oil spills are the most common threat, and in accordance with
the MARPOL convention, ports handling oil products must be equipped with
appropriate equipment to fight and contain any accidental spill within the port area.
Countries signatories to the MARPOL convention--and to the OPRC treaty on oil
pollution preparedness, response, and co-operation--must also maintain adequate
response capacity to an oil spill emergency, and have a national oil emergency plan
spelling out the ways and means to tackle any accidental oil pollution. Regional
emergency plans are in fact highly advisable: beside ensuring regional consistency in
addressing pollution emergencies, they would also allow for shared equipment and
resources pool, all the more important that availability of concessional financing will
generally be limited on a country basis.

Specific attention must also be paid to arrangements made to safely handle
hazardous cargoes on land, and in particular on the port areas. This can entail
establishment of appropriately protected confinement areas, and preparation of adequate
regulation to ensure proper handling and transit of such shipments.
Finally, care should be taken to include the management of port environmental
issues within the broader scope of an integrated coastal zone management approach
(ICZM), which would encompass all aspects and uses of coastal areas, and help devise the
best strategies to minimize the environmental hazards linked to maritime transport and port

Implementing Reform: Risks, Benefits and Beneficiaries

Today, there is practically no such thing as purely public infrastructure projects any
more in countries organized under liberal market economy principles. In most cases, so
called public projects include a strong dose of private intervention. For instance,
private contractors build infrastructure; operational equipment is furnished or sold by
private firms. Symmetrically, purely private projects are still constrained, controlled,
regulated by public organizations or entities, which retain the rights of approving lay-outs,

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