World Geography Syllabus

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World Geography Syllabus

Mrs. Creech 2015-2016

Course Outline
1st Quarter:
Unit 1: The Geographers World (ch. 1 -6)
Unit 2: The United States and Canada (ch. 7-9)
Unit 3: Middle and South America (Ch. 10-12)

2nd Quarter:
Unit 4: Europe (ch. 13-16)
Unit 5: Russia and Northern Eurasia (ch. 17 & 18)
Unit 6: Southwest Asia (ch. 19 & 20)
Unit 7: Africa (ch. 21- 24)

All students are expected to:
1.) Arrive to class on time.
2.) Bring all necessary supplies to class.
3.) Show respect towards Mrs. Creech and other students.
4.) Make an effort to do well.

Generally, you will have time at the end of class to complete assignments. If
homework is assigned, it will be minimal. This means that there is NO EXCUSE for
assignments that are incomplete. If you are not using your assigned homework time in
class wisely, there will be points deducted from your assignments. Make it easy, finish
your homework at school so you can spend your night doing things you want to do, not
things you HAVE to do.


Throughout the year you will have a few projects assigned. Although the content of
these projects will vary, the requirements and expectations will be similar:
Each project will require you to think deeper about one or more of the topics that we
have covered in class.
Each project will serve as a large percentage of your overall course grade.
You will have some opportunity within the projects to choose the direction of your
assignment ( this could mean choosing your own topic, choosing the style you present
your information, etc.).
You will have plenty of time in class to work on these projects, so do not stress about
finding time at home to complete them.

Academic Honesty
Please make sure that all of the work you turn in to me is your own. If you are caught
copying assignments from other students, you will receive zeros on those assignments.
If you are caught plagiarizing sources from the internet, you will receive a zero on the
assignment. NOTE: This is pretty lenient, if you are caught plagiarizing in COLLEGE,
you will not only receive zeros but may also be removed from school and have LEGAL
action brought against you. Save yourself the time and learn to do it the right way now!

Grading Policy
I will be using a very simple grading scale:


My grade book will be based on points. Projects, quizzes, and tests will be worth more points
than your everyday assignments. You will also receive participation points for taking and
keeping your notes.
If you disagree with a grade that you receive on an assignment, project, or test you have the
right to question this grade. I do, however, require that you take this right seriously. All grade
concerns need to be submitted to Mrs. Creech IN WRITING within 48 hours of receiving the
grade in question. Complaints not submitted in writing will not be eligible for review.

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