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TreatSoft 2.5
IBM PC/486 or higher computer
32MB RAM or more
40MB hard drive disk space
Microsoft Windows 9X/2000/NT/XP

Start Microsoft Windows. Run AcuHerb.exe and follow the

instructions displayed on the window.
Acuherb TreatSoft Ver 2.5 is locked in advanced for copy
protection. The user will need to unlock it.
Once Acuherb TreatSoft Ver 2.5 is installed, user will need to
contact the distributor or salesman ( for one
Register Code to fully activate the program.
How to accomplish this procedure:
1) Start up Acuherb TreatSoft Ver 2.5.
2) Click Already Purchased in main menu if you have paid license
fee of the program.
3) The User Name and Serial Number will be shown in the screen.
If you pay the license fee of the program, please supply User
Name and Serial Number to the distributor by email (by clicking
Mail key then mail to The distributor will send
you a Register Code. Enter Register Code to Register Code bar and
click Register Key to completely unlock the program.
Please keep the Register Code in safe place. It is useful when
reinstall Acuherb TreatSoft Ver 2.5 in the same computer. It is not
suitable to other computers.

1.1 Setup Currency Unit
The default currency unit is USD. You can change it to any other.
1.2 Set Password
You can input your password according to the screen suggestion to
prevent usage by unauthorized individuals.
1.3 No Password
By choosing this option, the dialog box for the password will not be

shown the next time.

1.4 Set Latin herb in reports/Set Pin Yin herb in reports
By clicking this key, the two sentences will be displayed
alternatively. If it is displayed as "Set Latin herb in reports", it
means that in all of the reports and in some interfaces, the Latin
name of the herb will be shown in the herbal prescription. If "Set
Pin Yin herb in reports" is displayed, the Pin Yin name will be
1.5 Add Disease to Database
Click on Disease Class to determine the category under which the
new disease should be added. Then enter the name of the disease.
Click on the >> key, and a list of body acupoints, ear points or
Chinese herbs will come up on the screen. Click on each item you
want to add to your treatment list. Your choices will be highlighted
and added. When you are done, click the OK button. The selected
prescription will come up in the prescription window. In the
Chinese herb window, herbs are arranged alphabetically from A to
Z. Whether the names displayed in the prescription window are in
Latin or in Pin Yin depends on the Latin/Pin Yin button. Click this
button to shift between the list of Latin names of herbs and the list
of Pin Yin names of herbs.
1) At least one acupuncture point prescription must be input in
order to allow the disease to be added to the database.
2) If the entered name of disease already exists in the database, a
window appears with the choice "Overwrite it?". If "Yes" is clicked,
the newly input information will replace that which already exists.
3) The disease name you add will immediately appear in the list of
diseases in the treatment window.
4) The maximum allowable number of acupoints for a point
prescription is 60. The maximum allowable number of ear points
for an ear prescription is 20. The maximum allowable number of
herbs for an herbal prescription is 40.
1.6 Add Herb to Database
All of the items have to be filled in. If the Latin or Pin Yin name of
herb is not available to you, enter anything that is recognizable to
1.7 Edit Prescription
You can edit the points prescription as well as the herbal
prescription in the database according to your own experience.
Click (Add/Delete), to display the edit window. When you select a
disease from the disease list, the prescriptions for this disease will
be shown. Click the add key to add points or herbs. To remove
points or herbs, highlight them by clicking on them. Then click on
"delete" to delete them. If the disease is divided into various
types, select the prescription to be modified from the prescription
list. Click on "OK". The changes will be saved in the database.
1) When the delete key is used, you can not delete all of the points
or herbs, which means the prescription can not be left blank.
2) If the user adds a disease without adding any points or herbal
prescriptions along with them, ear points or Chinese herbal

prescriptions for that disease can not be edited.

1.8 Backup Data File
Backs up patient file to specified location, or one or more
This is the same as the "Save as" order in all Windows programs.
The suffix of the backup file will be displayed as *.acu file. Please
don't change this suffix, otherwise it will not be recognized when
the system is restored.
When the backup file is made on a floppy disk, if the data is bigger
than the disk capacity, several floppy disks will be needed for
making the backup. The suffix of the file in first disk will still be
*.acu, while the suffixes of disks from the second one will be *.1,
the third will be *.2, etc. Please clearly label the time and serial
number on the disk label so that they will be restored in the
proper order.
1.9 Restore Data File
Restores backup patient file.
This is the same as the "Open file" order in Windows programs.
1) When this order is used, the backup database will replace the
existing database. Please make a backup of the present database
before this order is used.
2) If the backup is spread over several disks, please insert the
disks in the correct order. Otherwise, there will be unpredictable
1.10 Exit
Quit this system.

Divided into First Diagnosis (for the first visit) and Second
Diagnosis (for subsequent visits).
2.1 First Diagnosis
2.1.1 Entering information
When you enter patient information, the system provides you with
a case number.
The birthdate must be in the same format as your computer date
format. The Telephone bar will only accept numbers. Past case
conditions and tests results can be entered on the Remark Bar.
The Remark Bar will accept a maximum of 63000 characters.
Print Key: Print patient information.
2.1.2 Diagnosing
The list of diseases are divided into different types, on the left, and
listed alphabetically on the right side. Double click on a disease to
enter it into the diagnosis space. You can only choose one disease
at a time. The right side of the Diagnosis Bar shows other
corresponding diseases that are treated similarly. Problems that
have no similar diseases, will have this section empty.
If you know the disease code, you can just enter it in the proper

blank. Press the OK Key to enter the treatment window.

2.1.3 Selecting prescription
Points are shown by name, function and location. Select the points
by clicking on the left bar or on the points code bar. Deselect them
by clicking on them again.Click on the Add Key to add more points.
Double click on the point to display its anatomical location and
general information.
The functions of other menu choices:
-- Ear Key: To offer an auricular prescription. When clicking on Ear
Key, auricular points will be included in the points selection. The
operation of selecting and adding is the same as before.
-- Herb Key: To offer an herbal prescription, click on Herb Key. If
there is only one type of disease that you diagnose, the program
will show its herbal prescription. Otherwise select a corresponding
prescription according to the screen suggestion. Herbal
prescriptions include the Latin name, Chinese name, function and
range of dosage. Click on each choice to highlight it. When you are
through making your selections, click Add. Latin/Pin Yin key
changes the display of herbal list in order of Latin names or Pin Yin
names of herbs. When checking the herb, click on Dosage Key or
Dosage Bar and input dosage of each herb you choose. Under the
dosage window, the dosage of herbs as well as the names of herbs
(the ones marked by the user with "**") should be entered. When
the dosage has been entered, click the Enter key or the Next key,
to show the next herb. Follow the same procedure until you have
entered the dosage of all herbs marked with "**".
(1) The dosage of all herbs marked by "**" should be entered.
(2) The maximum amount of herbal dosage is 9999g.
Print the herbal prescription in the screen by clicking Print Key.
-- Expert Key: To offer an expert system for the differentiation of
symptoms. (Explanation follows later)
-- Print Key: Print the list of points in the screen.
1) The maximum number of acupoints for a point prescription is
60. The maximum number of ear points for an ear prescription is
20. The maximum number of herbs for an herbal prescription is
2)The tables of the point prescription, ear prescription and herbal
prescription can be enlarged or reduced in width. If you put the
cursor on the line between the two bars of item name, the cursor
will change. Then move the cursor to the left or right until the
width of the table is of a suitable size.
To confirm prescription selection, click on OK Key to enter Result
2.1.4 Result
The Program shows you diagnosis and prescription. Input doses of
herbal prescription to Doses Bar if you select herbal prescription.
You can designate a number for the prescription by using the Mark
Bar. You must input the treatment fee that is used in making the
-- Print Result Key: Print the results of treatment.

-- Point Prescription Graph Key: Show the position of point

prescription on a picture.
-- Ear Prescription Graph Key: Show the position of ear
prescription points on an ear.
Clicking on OK Key, all treatment information save to database
named His_Case.MDB.
Expert System for Differentiation of Symptoms
After confirming diagnoses, click on Expert Key, showing treatment
principle, prescription principle, treatment method and points
selection immediately if there is one type in the disease;
otherwise, the "List of symptoms" Window opens. On the left side,
the syndrome and symptoms are arranged in the order of
"Symptoms, Tongue, Pulse" that you can choose in detail. On the
right part, syndrome and symptoms are in alphabetical order.
The symptoms shown on this window are not all possible
symptoms of the disease. They are the signs most likely to help
your differentiation.
Clicking on the symptom will put it into the Symptoms Bar. If you
take care to select accurately and comprehensively, expert system
can help you best. On the right of the Symptoms Bar is a Delete
Key to modify the symptom list. After choosing all the symptoms,
click on the OK Key. The system will process it. If it is satisfied
with your choices, you will see the Treatment Menu that shows the
acupuncture points selection; otherwise, please follow the system
According to the symptoms you input, if there are two or more
types of this disease, the window will ask"What is more
important". Please make a choice.
On the Treatment Menu of Expert System for Differentiation of
Symptoms you can also modify the points selection. The other
functional keys are the same as 2.1.3. After confirming the
prescription selection, click on the OK Key, to enter 2.1.4. Quit this
system, enters 2.1.3.
2.2 Second Diagnosis
After selecting the patient name, the program offers you the
patient condition and the last diagnosis. Operation is the same as
introduction of First Diagnosis Menu.
If the diagnosis is the same as the Last Diagnosis, click the Last
Diag Key to enter the Prescription Menu. The previous treatments
will be listed in the window. By selecting a previous treatment time
in the Prescription Menu, the old prescription you made will be
shown with "**" in the first column of the prescription grid.
By clicking on Old Records Key, you can list all of the case records.
The menu on the right side of the screen shows the dates of
treatment. Click on the required date, then the treatment record
will appear.

This menu is to look up the basic theories of the Yin-Yang, Five
Elements, Differentiation of symptoms (Eight Principles) and Bone-

length Measurement (measuring in cun), Observation of the

Tongue and Pulse Diagnosis.

This menu is to look up information and illustrations of the Chong,
Dai, Yinwei, Yangwei, Yinqiao and Yangqiao Meridians, and Fifteen

This menu is to display circulation of the fourteen main meridians.
Speed of the display can be regulated by the Speed Key. Put the
cursor on a specific point to show its name. Click on it to show its
illustration and information.
If you move the cursor to a specific name in the "list of points" and
click, the point in the picture will change from red to white. Double
click on it to show its illustration and information.
You also can click Graph Key for information.

This menu is to look up information of the Extra points, Auricular
points, Specific points and Method to select points.

There are five menus: Inquiry, Mark Statistics, General Statistics,
Output and Clear Records.
7.1 Inquiry
Inquire cases record according to patient''s name, CaseID, name
of disease and the treatment effect.
To choose the search method, click on the drop down box. In the
list, choose the patient name, case ID, disease and mark. If you
choose patient name and case ID, the disease card will be
displayed immediately. If you choose to search according to the
disease and mark, a list of patients which fit the inquiry will be
shown the table on the right side of the window. Click the patient's
case ID to read through the case record . The other way to do this
is to enter the case ID in the drop down box on the upper corner
of the table, then click the Search key. This will also display the
case record.
7.2 Mark Statistics
Input the beginning and ending date (date format according to
your computer date format) and choosing one search method
(statistic based on total patients or total times of treatment) to list
the percentage statistics of the mark.
7.3 General Statistics
Input the beginning and ending date (date format according to
your computer date format) to get the statistics of the number of
patients and treatment times. In the Diseases Bar, click on a
disease, and the amount of male, female patients, average age
and average treatment times and so on will be shown.

7.4 Output
After choosing a patient and inputting the beginning and ending
date (date format according to your computer date format), you
can output specific medical records of this patient to printer or file.
7.5 Clear Records
If you do not need the case records, use this command to delete
the all case records. At this moment, the count of the case ID will
return to 0. We recommend that you backup the data before you
use this command.

8 Management
8.1 Invoice
Manage and print invoice
After inputting the beginning and ending date (date format
according to your computer date format) and clicking the Find Key,
choose the patient in the combo list. The invoice information of
this patient will be shown in following grid.
In the grid, fields Diagnose, Treatment Methods, Invoice, Full Paid,
Part Paid can be edited.
Double clicking on the field Invoice, yes or no will be shown. yes
means that the invoice was made.
Double clicking on the Full Paid field, yes or no will be shown. yes
means that the patient paid treatment fee completely. If Full Paid
field is no, you can input amount of payment into Part Paid field.
The system calculates the Balance.
Function key
Print Unpaid: Displays and prints the list of unpaid (When Full Paid
field is no).
Priint Invoice: Displays and prints the invoice (When Invoice field
is no).
Next Patient: Shows next patient information.
Clicking on OK Key, all invoice information is saved to database.
8.2 Income Statistics
Select start year for income statistics. Month income amount and
total income amount will be shown.
8.3 Doctor Information
Input the doctor's personal information to the database as aheader
file that is used in making the invoice.
The database can store information on only one doctor.
8.4 Inquire Patient information
Inquire patient personal information.

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