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Abutment (btmnt )a structure built to support the lateral pressure of an arch or

span, e.g., at the ends of a bridge.. (Mbeshtetse e ures: nj struktur e ndrtuar pr t

mbshtetur presionin ansore t nj harku ose hapsir, p.sh., n skajet e nj ure.).
Aluminum ( ljmnm )
a lightweight chemical element (Al); the most abundant metallic element in the Earth's
crust. (Alumini: nj element i leht kimik (Al);elementi m i bollshm metalik n koren e
Anchorage (ak()rd ):a secure fixing, usually made of reinforced concrete to
which the cables are fastened.(Vend ankorimi:nje montim I sigurt I nje themeli,bere nga
betoni I armuar me armature te lidhur)
Aqueduct ( akwdkt )
a bridge or channel for conveying water, usually over long distances.(Kanal:Nje ure
apo kanla per bartjen e ujit,kryesisht ne distance te gjata)
Arch Bridge ( :t brd )
a curved structure that converts the downward force of its own weight, and of any
weight pressing down on top of it, into an outward force along its sides and base.(Ure
harkore:Nje structure harkore qe e shenderron peshen e saj dhe cdo peshe qe qendron
mbi te ne nje fuqi te jashtme ne anet dhe themelin e saj.).
Arch Dam ( :t dm )A dam with an arched shape that resists the force of water
pressure; requires less material than a gravity dam for the same distance.(Dige harkore:
nj dig me nj form t harkuar q i reziston forcn e presionit t ujit; krkon m pak
material sesa nj dige gravitetit pr t njjtn distance.).
Architect ( ;ktkt )
a person who designs all kinds of structures; must also have the ability to conceptualize
and communicate ideas effectively -- both in words and on paper -- to clients,
engineers, government officials, and construction crews.(Arkitekt:Nje person i cili
dizajnon te gjitha llojet e strukturave,I cili ka edhe aftesine te perceptoj dhe te
kumonikoj idet ne menyre efektive-te dyjat me fjale dhe me leter-klienteve te
tij,inxhiniereve, udheheqesve zyrtare dhe ekipeve ndertuese.)
Beam-( bim ) a rigid, usually horizontal, structural element. (Tra:I ngurte ,zakonisht
horizontal,element ndertues.).
Beam Bridge ( bim brd )
a simple type of bridge, composed of horizontal beams supported by vertical posts. (Tra
ure: nj tip i thjesht i urs, i prbr nga trarve horizontale mbshtetur nga traret
Bedrock ( bdrk ) the solid rock layer beneath sand or silt . (shtresa t ngurta
shkmb nn rr apo balt.).
Bend ( bnd )
(v.) to curve; bending occurs when a straight material becomes curved; one side
squeezes together in compression, and the other side stretches apart in tension.
(Perkulje:lakim;kerrysja shkaktohet kur nje material i drejte lakohet;njera ane
ndrydhet ne shtypje kurse ana tjeter zgjatet ne tension.).

Brittle ( brtl )
characteristic of a material that fails without warning; brittle materials do not stretch or
shorten before failing. (I Brishte:Karakteristike e nje materiali I cili mund te thyhet pa
paralajmrim,materialet e brishta nuk zgjaten apo tkurren para thyerjes.).
Cable ( kebl )
a structural element formed from steel wire bound in strands; the suspending element in
a bridge; the supporting element in some dome roofs. (Kablo: nj element strukturor i
formuar nga tela eliku t mbyllur n fillesat;qe mbajne pezull elementet n nj
ur;element mbshtets n disa kulme.).
Cable-Stayed Bridge ( kebl- ste brd )
a bridge in which the roadway deck is suspended from cables anchored to one or more
towers.(Kabllot mbajtese te urave:nje ure ku rruga mbahet prej kabllove qe jan te
vendosura ne shume shtylla mbajtese.).
Cast Iron ( ks- an )
a brittle alloy with high carbon content; iron that has been melted, then poured into a
form and cooled; can be made into any shape desired.(Gize:nj aliazh i brisht me
prmbajtje t lart t karbonit; hekuri q sht shkrir, pastaj derdhur n nj form e
ftohur; mund t bhen n do form t dshiruar)
Civil Engineer ( svl ndn )
an engineer who plans, designs, and supervises the construction of facilities essential to
modern life.(Ingjinier:Nje inxhinier qe planifikon,dizajnon dhe mbikqyre ndertimin e
objekteve te domosdoshmene jeten moderne.)
Cement ( sment )
a binding material, or glue, that helps concrete harden. (Nje material I
nevojshem,ngjites qe ndihmon ngurtesimin e shpejte dhe kalitjen.)
Cofferdam ( kfdm )
a temporary dam built to divert a river around a construction site so the dam can be
built on dry ground. (Dige e perkohshme e ndertuar per tia ndryshuar rrjedhen e lumit
ashtuqe diga mund te ndertohet ne toke te thate.)
Column ( klm )
a vertical, structural element, strong in compression. (Shtylle:nje element
vertical,ndertues,I forte ne shtypje.).
Compression ( kmprn )
a pressing force that squeezes a material together.(Shtypje:nje force shtypese qe tkurr
Concrete ( knkrit )
a mixture of water, sand, small stones, and a gray powder called cement. (Beton:Nje
perzirje e ujit me rere,-imento.)
Construction Manager ( knstrkn mnd )
a person who coordinates the entire construction process -- from initial planning and
foundation work through the structure's completion.(Menaxher I konstruksionit:Nje

menaxher I cili e koordinon te gjithe procesin e ndertimit prej planeve me te thjeshta

dhe puneve themelore deri tek strukturat e medha.).
Cut and Cover ( kt kv )
a method of tunnel construction that involves digging a trench, building a tunnel, and
then covering it with fill. (Grryrje dhe Mbushje: Eshte nje metode e ndertimit te
tuneleve qe perfshin germimin e nje hendeku,ndertimin e nje tuneli, dhe me pastaj
mbushjen e tij.).
Deform ( dfm )
to change shape . (Deformim:per tia ndryshuarformen)
Diversion Channel ( davn tnl )
a bypass created to divert water around a dam so that construction can take place.
(Kanal devijues I ujit: Perdoret per te ndryshuar rrjedhjen e perkohshme te ujit ne
menyre te ndertimit te nje dige.).
Downstream Face ( danstrim fes )
the side of the dam that is not against the water.(Pjesa e diges ne drejtim te rrjedhjes se
Dynamite ( danmat )
a blasting explosive, based on nitroglycerin, but much safer to handle than nitroglycerin
alone.(Dinamiti:Nje explosiv shperthyes,por shume me I sigurt per te trajtuar se sa nje
nitroglycerine e vetme.).
Electrical Engineer ( lktrkl ndn )
an engineer concerned with electrical devices and systems and with the use of electrical
energy.(Inxhinier elektrike:nje inxhinier elektrike I cili punon me pajisje dhe sisteme
elektrike dhe me perdorimin e energjise elektrike.)
Embankment Dam ( mbkmnt ) dam a dam composed of a mound of earth and
rock; the simplest type of gravity dam.(Argjinature e Diges: Dige e ndertuar nga mjete
te thjeshta si gure, dhe shkembinje.).
Engineering ( ndnr ) a profession in which a knowledge of math and natural
science is applied to develop ways to utilize the materials and forces of nature for the
benefit of all human being.(Inxhinieria:nje profesion ne te cilin njohja e
matematikesdhe shkencave natyrore aplikohet per te zhvilluar menyra per te
shfrytezuar materialet apo forcat per te mire te gjithe njerezimit.).
Environmental Engineer ( nvarnmnt endnr )
an engineer who designs and operates systems to provide safe drinking water and to
prevent and control pollution in water, in the air, and on the land.( Inxhinier mjedisit
-Nj inxhinier i cili harton dhe vepron sisteme pr t siguruar uj t pijshm dhe pr t
parandaluar dhe ndotjen e kontrollit n uj, n ajr, dhe n tok.).
Fire-Setting ( fa - st ) an ancient tunneling technique in which rock is heated with
fire and then doused with cold water, causing the rock to fracture.(Nje metode per e
vjeter teknike per hapjen e tuneleve ku me ane te nxemjes se shkembit me zjarr dhe
pastaj lagijes se tij me uje te ftohet shkembi pelcet.).
Force ( fs )

any action that tends to maintain or alter the position of a structure.(Forca:Cdo veprim I
cili tenton qe nje obijekt ta zhvendos nga nje pozite ne tjetren.).
Geodesic Dome ( didsk dm )
a dome composed of short, straight pieces joined to form triangles; invented by
Buckminster Fuller.( Nj kube e ndrtuar me pjese te drejta te bashkuara ne forme
trekendshi e ndertuar nga B.Fulleri-strukture ne Bruksel.).
Geotechnical Engineer ( gtktkl ndn )
an engineer who evaluates and stabilizes foundations for buildings, roads, and other
structures.(Ingjinjer I Gjeoteknikes : Ingjinjer qe ben matjet rreth stabilitetit te themelit
te ndertesave,rrugeve dhe ndertimeve te tjera.).
Gravity Dam ( rvt dm )
a dam constructed so that its great weight resists the force of water pressure.( Dige nen
ndikimin e gravitetit: Dige e ndertuar qe nga pasha e saj ti bej rezistenc presionit te
Gunpowder ( npad )
any of several low-explosive mixtures used as a blasting agent in mining and tunneling;
the first such explosive was black powder, which consists of a mixture of potassium
nitrate, sulfur, and charcoal.( Barut: Perzirje e ulet shperthyese e cila perdoret si mjet
per hapjen e tuneleve,minjerave,pluhur I zi I perbere nga nitrat-kaliumi,squfuri dhe
qymyri I drurit.).
Iron ( an )
A chemical element (Fe); one of the cheapest and most used metals.
( Hekuri: Element kimik me symbol Fe nje nder metalet me te lira dhe me te

Joint ( dnt )
a device connecting two or more adjacent parts of a structure; a roller joint allows
adjacent parts to move controllably past one another; a rigid joint prevents adjacent
parts from moving or rotating past one another.( Lidhese: Nje paisje qe perdoret ne
ndertimtari qe lidh dy a me shume pjese te nje strukture.).
Load ( ld )
weight distribution throughout a structure; loads caused by wind, earthquakes, and
gravity, for example, affect how weight is distributed throughout a structure.
( Ngarkese:Ben shperndarjen e ngarkeses se nje structure ne te gjitha anet ku ngarkesa
mund te shkaktohet nga era, termeti dhe nga graviteti).
Masonry ( mesnr )
a building material such as stone, clay, brick, or concrete.( Muri : Pjese e nderteses e
cila mund te jete nga guri, tullat,balta ose betony.).
Mechanical Engineer ( mknkl ndn )
an engineer who applies the principles of mechanics and energy to the design of
machines and devices.(Ingjinjer Mekanik : Nj inxhinier i cili zbaton parimet e
mekaniks dhe t energjis n projektimin e makinave dhe pajisjeve.).
Movable Bridge ( muvbl brd )

a bridge in which the deck moves to clear a navigation channel; a swing bridge has a
deck that rotates around a center point; a drawbridge has a deck that can be raised and
lowered.(Ure e Levizshme: Ure e ndertuar zakonisht ne kanale lundrimi, e pajisur me
kuverte levizese.).
Nitroglycerin ( natrlsrin )
an explosive compound made from a mixture of glycerol and concentrated nitric and
sulfuric acids, and an important ingredient of most forms of dynamite .( Nitroglicerin :
nj likuid eksploziv verdh br nga nitrating glicerin, e prdorur n eksplozivve, si
dinamit. Ajo prdoret gjithashtu n mjeksi si nje vasodilator ne trajtimin e angina
Perimeter ( prmt )
the distance around the outside of a shape. (Distanca ose Perimetri :Distanca e jashtme
perreth nje objekti.).
Pendentive ( pndntv )
a triangular shape that adapts the circular ring of a dome to fit onto a flat supporting
Plastic ( plstk )
a synthetic material made from long chains of molecules; has the capability of being
molded or shaped, usually by the application of heat and pressure .(Plastika: Nj
material sintetike t bra nga zinxhirt e gjat t molekulave; ka aftsin pr t qen t
formohem ose form, zakonisht me aplikimin e nxehtsis dhe presionit.)
Pressure ( pr )
a force applied or distributed over an area .(Presion : Force e cila shperndahet ne nje
Reinforced Concrete ( rinfs knkrit )
concrete with steel bars or mesh embedded in it for increased strength in tension.(Beton
I perfurcuar :Beton me shufra eliku ose rrjet ngulitur n t pr t rritur forcn e
Richter Scale ( rkt skel )
used to measure the magnitude of an earthquake; introduced in 1935 by the
seismologists Beno Gutenberg and Charles Francis Richter.(Shkalla Rigter: Prdorur
pr t matur madhsin e nj trmeti; prezantua n 1935 nga Sizmologt Beno
Gutenberg dhe Charles Francis Richter.)
Rigid ( rdd ) The measure of a structure's ability not to change shape when
subjected to a load.(Ngurtesim: Masa e aftsis s nj strukture pr t mos ndryshuar
form kur nnshtruar nj ngarkes .)
Rock Tunnel ( rk tnl )
a passage constructed through solid rock.(Tunel me shkembinj: Nje hapje e krijuar
mbrenda shkembinjeve.)
Shear ( )
a force that causes parts of a material to slide past one another in opposite directions.
(Ferkim: Force e cila shkakton rezistenc gjate ferkimit mes dy shtresave.)

Silt ( slt )
sediment particles ranging from 0.004 to 0.06 mm (0.00016 to 0.0024 inch) in
diameter.( Balt: Grimcat e sedimenteve duke filluar,004-,06 mm (0,00016-,0024 in)
n diameter.)
Soft-Ground Tunnels ( sft - rand tnl ) a passage constructed through loose,
unstable, or wet ground, requiring supports to keep the walls from collapsing
Stable ( stebl )
(adj.) ability to resist collapse and deformation.(Qendrushmeri: aftsin pr t'i rezistuar
kolapsi dhe deformimi.)
Steel ( stil )
an alloy of iron and carbon that is hard, strong, and malleable .( elik : Nj aliazh i
hekurit dhe karbonit q sht i vshtir, i fort, dhe i lakueshm).
Story ( str )
floor of a skyscraper.(Kat: Kati I dyshemese.)
Strong ( str ) Ability to carry a realistic load; strength the measure of a structure's
ability to carry a realistic load.(Fortesi: Aftesia per te mbajtur nje ngarkese ose peshe.)
Structural Engineer ( strktrl ndn ) an engineer who investigates the
behavior and design of all kinds of structures, including dams, domes, tunnels, bridges,
and skyscrapers, to make sure they are safe and sound for human use.(Ingjinier i
ndertimtarise I cili merret me sjelljen dhe dizajnin e te gjitha strukturave,duke perfshi
pendat,tunelet,urat dhe rrokaqiejy,per tu siguruar qe jane te sigurta per perdorimin e
Tension ( tenn ) a stretching force that pulls on a material.(Tension: Force e cila
ushtron terheqje dhe shtrirje ten je materiali.)
Torsion ( tn )
an action that twists a material.(Perdredhje: Nje force qe ben perdredhjen e nje
Tower ( ta )
the vertical structure in a suspension bridge or cable-stayed bridge from which cables
are hung; also used loosely as a synonym for the term skyscraper.(Kulle:Nje structure
vertikele e ndertuar ne mese te ures ku kapen kabllot mbajtese ose ndryshe sinonim I
Unstable ( nstebl )
characteristic of a structure that collapses or deforms under a realistic load .
(Paqendrushmeri: Karakteristike e nje structure qe bie ose deformophet ne nje peshe te
Upstream Face ( pstrim fes )
the side of a dam that is against the water ( Ane e diges: Ane e nje dige qe eshte kunder
rrjedhjes se ujit.)
Wood ( wd )

a common natural material strong in both compression and tension.( Dru: Nj material
i zakonshm natyror i fort n t dy presion dhe tensioni.)
Wrought Iron ( rt an )
an iron alloy that is less brittle than cast iron.( Hekuri i farketuar: Nj aliazh hekuri q
sht m pak i brisht se giza.)

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