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An attorney or lawyer. The rendition of advice and guidance concerning a legal matter, contemplated form
of argument, claim, or action.The terms counsel and advise are frequentlyemployed as synonyms for the t
erm aid and abet to describe a person who, while not actually performing a criminal act, induced its perfor
mance or contributed to it.
The term junior counsel refers to the younger member of the team of attorneys retained on the same side
of a case, or the one lower in the hierarchy of the firm, or one who isassigned to the preparation or trial of
less significant aspects of the case.
The term of counsel refers to the description given to an attorney who is not the principal lawyer in charge
of a case but who merely contributes his advice on the way it should behandled.
Where of counsel follows an attorney's name on a letterhead or office sign, this designation indicates that
the person is employed by the firm primarily as a consultant on specializedmatters, not as a full-time partn
er or associate.
West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

1) n. a lawyer, attorney, attorney-at-law, counsellor, counsellor-at-law, solicitor, barrister, advocate or proct
or (a lawyer in admiralty court), licensed to practice law. In the UnitedStates they all mean the same thing.
2) v. to give legal advice. 3) v. in some jurisdictions, to urge someone to commit a crime, which in itself is
a crime. (See: attorney)
Copyright 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill. All Right reserved.

noun adviser, advocate, attorney, barrister, consilium, counselor, counselor-at-law, jurisconsult, jur
ist, lawyer, legal adviser, legal practitioner, legist,member of the bar, member of the legal
profession, officer of court, pleader, solicitor
Associated concepts: advice of
counsel, aid of counsel, assigned counsel, assistance of counsel, attorney's fees, bennfit of counsel, cou
nsel in a cause, counsel of record, denialof counsel, effective counsel, Escobedo Rule, of
counsel, opposing counsel, sixth amendment, waiver of counsel

Foreign phrases: Consilia multorum quaeruntur in magnis.The advice of many is required in great affairs
. Praepropera consilia raro sunt prospera. Rash counsels are rarelyprosserous.

verb advise, advocate, caution, coach, commend, confer, consult, direct, discuss, dissuade, enco
urage, exchange observations, expostulate, forewarn,give a reccmmendation, give advice, give
suggestions to, guide, offer an opinion
to, opine, persuade, prescribe, prompt, propose, reason with, recommend, seek advice,seek to
persuade, submit, suggest, suggest a proposed claim, suggest a proposed contention, urge, warn

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