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Law of Inertia

One example of inertia would be when you're riding in a car and you aren't wearing
a seat belt so when the car stops abruptly you fly forward. The meaning of inertia is
that when an object is in motion its resistance wants to stay in motion, and when
an object is at rest it stays at rest. The seat belt stops you from flying through the
windshield. If not, then the windshield is the outside force slowing you down. That's
the most obvious one.
Think of a ball and a bat, or a boulder rolling down a hill.
When a car accelerates and you feel like you are pushed back into the chair.
A ball rolling down a slippery slope onto a flat surface will keep going until it hits
something or reaches the height it started from.
In a car going round a corner, you feel pushed to the opposite side. This is usually
called the centrifugal force, but no such force exists, this is inertia trying to keep
you going in a straight line whilst the car turns into you.

Law of acceleration

A good example that illustrates the law of acceleration is a car's increasing velocity. When a person pushes
down the gas pedal, the car has positive acceleration. When the brakes are applied over a period of time, the
vehicle accelerates in the negative direction. Another example is throwing a football. It travels in the direction of the
line of action of a throws force at a speed thats inversely proportional to the footballs mass and directly
proportional to the force.
If you push a book with your hand, it acceleration.
Moving car
pulling a crate along a concrete floor
Riding a Roller Coaster

Law of interaction
An example of the law of interaction is a fish swimming through the water. Other examples are a rocket launching, a bat hitting a
baseball, and a bowling ball hitting a pin. A foot kicking a ball would be another example of the law of interaction.

baseball bat hitting a baseball

blowing a balloon
baseball hits a glove
bowling ball hits pin

Law of acceleration
A gun shooting out a bullet
A ball dropped from a building rooftop
An airplane taking off (involves a directional change on liftoff)
A baseball as it leaves the pitcher's hand
A shark closing in on its prey

Law of interaction
a foot hits a football

Law of Inertia

One example of the law of inertia is that a package thrown from a plane will move
as fast as the plane in the same direction. The law of gravity affects the package, and
while the horizontal axis speed is the same as the plane, the vertical axis speed

Band-aid / leucoplast is easily removed when peeled offfast When the leucoplast
is peeled off slowly it gets time to bind to skin layer firmly and cause pain If it is
done fast the skin remains in the rest due to inertia and the force just pulls the
leucoplast off.
When a knife is sharpened on a rotating grinding wheel the fiery particles move
tangent to the wheel This happens because of inertia of direction whereby a
particle coming out of the knife tends to move in the direction of tangent to the
surface of the wheel and cannot change its direction to move along the wheel.
Athread is snapped easily in ajerk then when pulled slowly lfthe thread is pulled
slowly it transfers the force to the sides pulling it lfthe thread is pulled fast in ajerk
the thread remains at rest and all of the force acts on it that makes it snap.
A cardboard is placed over a glass with a ball on its top The ball falls into the
glass if the cardboard is moved fast This happens because when the cardboard
is slide fast the ball stays at rest due to the inertia of rest

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