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Supporting Bible translation in Papua New Guinea

February 2015
Shift to Pennsylvania
Ive been living in PA for almost a month and am busy completing the final assignments in my graduate
program. Ive been enjoying my time in the US and am making plans to return to Papua New Guinea (PNG)
in May. Please pray that my remaining financial needs will be met so I can return on schedule.
Ive been encouraged by Gillians story (below) and thought that I would share it with you. In the midst of a
year of transitional stress, I was reminded of the life-changing impact of Bible translation and Gods plan in
financing and staffing His work. As always, thank you for your interest and support!
Transformed by Translation
In 2004 Gillian, from New Ireland Province, PNG,
translators to a translation course. His community
had been helping with translation efforts of the Tiaang gathered money for his travel to the training course
language for five years, but now he was uncertain the collected amount was 300 kina.
was he still supposed to be involved?
When I saw this, I realized that my dream had finally
Years before Gillian had dreamed that he stood
come to passNow I was certain that God wanted
before 50 Sunday School teachers, gathered for the
me to go to this school and come back and share
final day of a Tiaang
Gods Word in my own
translation and training
workshop. I dreamed I
But soon, Gillian found that the
got up from my house
work of Bible translation would
and went to the beach
not just impact his
where the [village] elders
communityit would impact
were gathered in a meethim. I found, when I was
ing. When they saw me,
translating, the Bible
[one man] got up and,
translated me, showing me I
shouted, Brother! You
needed to understand better
come over here! We want
how God wanted me to
to talk to you! When I
when I was translating, the Bible translated me
read His Word and
approached, another
stood and said, We are going to gather money
translate it. If I just translate carelessly, and I myself
together, 300 kina total, so that we can send you to
havent been transformed, then its nothing, because
learn about Gods Word and then you can come back Gods Word must change me first, and only then will I
and teach us. And then I woke up.
be able to translate accurately and men will be able to
Now the SIL couple working as linguistic advisors on
the project wanted to send Gillian and his two fellow

(The PNG Experience

Financial UpdateAlmost There!

Remaining need:

Im thankful for both new and consistent financial partners! Only $200.00 in monthly
commitments is still needed to reach 100% of my ministry budget. Please consider
joining my financial partnership team to support Bible translation in PNG. Wycliffe
will not release me to return to PNG until I have received commitments for 100% of
my monthly ministry budget.


Wycliffe Bible Translators
P.O. Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862-8200

12421 Bittinger Road
Grantsville, MD 21536

Wycliffe accepts tax-deductible contributions by mail or at If by mail, please include a

separate note indicating, Preference for the Wycliffe ministry of Rachel Stanton, Account # 219508.

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