Science of Yoga

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Shri Sailesh Kumar Mishra

Today is the 1st ever historical day of International Yoga Day and will be become remembered
for ever. Therefore it is now become a golden day for India. So, I would like to use this
opportunity to introduce my book SCIENCE OF YOGA which is based on my understanding
through Studying, Listening and through Experiencing Yoga. I hope it will be able to convince
and motivate Mankind scientifically to experience Yoga, not in a religious way, to achieve their
true aim of lives and to live and enjoy a long long healthy life without having and giving pain.

This is strictly based on my personal understanding through listening,

studying and experiencing the Yoga only. 80 to 90 percent views are
based on my practical experience only.
Only follow Yoga, when you are able to understand the science behind. Don't follow
yoga just in a religious way. And after reading, if you feel this book is based on the truth
only, then please ask your friends to read this book and to experience Yoga.

Thank you.

Shri Sailesh Kumar Mishra

I am introducing this book totally free of cost, so

that every person can read and experience Yoga. Then
after those persons who are able to pay and feel
motivated after reading this book, then please pay 2
dollars or, Rs 120.00 on my account mentioned bellow.
Please do not pay if you do not feel motivated.
Account Holder :- Mr. Sailesh Kumar Mishra
Account No. :- 10087486903
State Bank of India
Branch :- Budharaja,
State:- Odisha (INDIA)


+ ?

As per my Understanding.
Yoga is the true aim of all lives, found and procedures are developed scientifically, and
the procedures are gradually extended into their present form with its constant concept, by
ancient Indian followers and Scientists called Sages, helps us to enjoy a long life in a
healthy way, without having and giving pain. The enjoyment, that is independent,
Infinitive and Endless Enjoyment. We Indian say it Satchidaananda.

Yoga Is not an art to Die earlier, but YOGA is an art of long living

+2 2nd Year 17


Find, where is the way, {the way means, the way of enjoyment without having and giving pain, and
the enjoyment that is Independent, Infinitive and endless Enjoyment (Satchidaananda). }
even if it is one in thousand.
If you will leave that one,
all others will lead you to wrong way.
Poisonous flowers are in the starting of wrong way,
those try to attract you.
Bitter medicines are in the starting of right way,
those kill your evil mentality.
If you will be attracted by poisonous flower and will go in the wrong way,
then yes, then yes, just after enjoying for a moment, you will suffer for whole life and will realise.
If you will take those bitter medicines and will go in the right way,
then yes, then yes, just after a sad moment, you will enjoy whole life, and will stay happy.
Find, where is the way,
even if it is one in thousands, millions or billions.
(I have written this poem, when I was continuing education in +2 2nd year and was of 17 Years old)


Enjoyment is divided into two parts.

Outer Enjoyment:Outer Enjoyment is the indicator of the bearing level of the brain and body, when I carry
out any work, and that enjoyment start decreasing with the increasing in the timing of that
work, and after a time period Outer Enjoyment totally finish and that work becomes painful.
Outer Enjoyment also is like starter, which helps I to start feeling Inner Enjoyment, which
later extend to Independent, Infinitive and Endless Enjoyment (Satchidaananda) without having
and giving pain. And I uses this procedure, at the time of Yoga to feel the Inner Enjoyment.
Therefore I should not work mentally and physically for the Outer Enjoyment. Same time
I always should work mentally and physically when it needs to work, within the enjoying
level, so that body and brain can complete the work comfortably.
Inner Enjoyment:The Enjoyment, that is Independent, Infinitive and Endless Enjoyment without having and
giving pain is called Inner Enjoyment. This Enjoyment keeps the I healthy, physically and
mentally. All I have felt the Outer Enjoyment, but some I only have tried Yoga and felt the
Inner Enjoyment. Inner Enjoyment Increases with the time and it has no end. Inner Enjoyment
is much more higher then all types of Outer Enjoyment, such as the Enjoyment of taking food,
Enjoyment of Physical and mental work, Enjoyment of Alcohol, Enjoyment of Physical
Relationship etc. That is only the reason, if I feels once the Inner Enjoyment, it becomes nil
interested for Outer Enjoyment, and try to feel again and again that Inner Enjoyment. Same
time Inner Enjoyment forcefully insists I to avoid wrong feeling, wrong thinking and wrong


Actually, the word Yoga means addition or plus.

All those scientific procedures, which help I to aid or plus Independent, Infinitive
and Endless Enjoyment (Satchidaananda) to its life without having and giving pain,
are called Yoga Saadhanaas. To feel that Enjoyment I require to stop thinking and to
restrict unwanted thoughts to come in its mind, so that I can fully concentrate itself
only to feel that Enjoyment.
Therefore all procedures(saadhanaas) are selected scientifically to make able the
I to be silent and thoughtless, so that I can concentrate only on the Inner
Enjoyment, which later will lead I to Independent, Infinitive and Endless Enjoyment
(Satchidaananda) without having and giving pain. And those procedures are of eight
(8) types. So those are called Astaanga yoga saadhanaa. Those are Yama, Niyama,
Aashana, Praanaayama, Pratyaahaara, Dhyaana, Dhaaranaa and Shamaadhi.
Remember, all those procedures are the ways, not the destination. Destination is
the continue feeling of Independent, Infinitive and Endless Enjoyment
(Satchidaananda). So when I will concentrate on those procedures only, it will not
be called Yoga. But when I will concentrate to feel the effect of those procedures,
which poses Enjoyment inside I, when those are followed perfectly, then only, it is
called Yoga.
So, if it will be said that in this Universe scientific, perfect, the most beautiful and
the finest art of living is Yoga, then it will not be wrong.


In Astaanga Yoga Saadhanaa, all procedures are

developed to make the I tension free, calm, cool and
thoughtless, so that I can only and only concentrate
and feel the Inner Enjoyment. Therefore, I has to
follow every procedure in three stages. Those
(a) In working stage,
(b) In thinking stage,
(c) In feeling stage.
Remember, procedures are only to achieve the target, that is Inner
Enjoyment known as
. So, I SHOULD follow all the procedures
only as per requirement, not more than that. ESPECIALLY AASHANA &

(1) Yama:-

Like we wash hand before eating to maintain hygiene, Doctor sterilize all instruments before
doing any surgery to avoid infection, in such way I must should detoxify the body to make all
parts of the body, tension free to detach itself from all feeling and thoughts, so that I can
concentrate only and only on the Inner Enjoyment.
In fact, all toxics are present in the body due to uncontrolled activities of I, which are the cause
of diseases and early painful death.
Therefore the most primary procedure in Astaanga Yoga Saadhanaa is Yama. In this procedure,
I only and only has to control on its all type of activities in three stages to detoxify the body and
mind, and to avoid diseases and early painful death. So that, I can Enjoy a long healthy life.

(a) In working stage:As it is mentioned earlier, I never should work to Enjoy, but I only should work, when it
needs to work, and at that time I should work within the Enjoying level, so that body and brain
can complete it comfortably. And I will not feel any pain to work. Enjoyment produce positive
secretion inside the body, which helps to neutralize toxic secretions those are already present in
the body, and pain produce toxic secretion in its body to reduce the pain. I should eat to live,
not live to eat. So, I should eat only vegetarian food and should avoid non-vegetarian food. Nonvegetarian foods collected by killing the lives, and as it is mentioned above, when a life dies
painfully, its body release toxic secretion to reduce the pain, which is present in its body. That is
why, the milk is vegetarian food, but flash is non-vegetarian food. Actually, there is no food is nontoxic. But the level of toxic is more or less. The high level of toxic is present in the non-vegetarian
food, low level of toxic is present in the vegetarian food and lowest level of toxic is present only in
the rip fruits, which are called SAATWIC FOOD. All ancient Indian Scientists called Sages, only were
eating Shaatwic Food. Some of vegetarian foods which produce sedation and come in the list of
drugs also are highly toxic and should be avoided.

I should control on its desire to have physical relationship any time, and
should try to make physical relationship maximum once daily or once weekly in a
fixed time (better if make physical relationship at night only), so that I can
concentrate, and can give time to carry out all other works perfectly.

(b) In thinking stage:-

no I can do any work without thinking and taking decision. Same time I can
take decision, whether to implement and work on any thought or not. So, I
should control on its thoughts, and try not to think any thing bad, to avoid doing
wrong works like fighting, quarreling, harming, producing difficulties, killing etc.
Again, 80 to 90 percents thoughts of average I are unnecessary and those
thoughts keep the I busy for whole day. So, I also should not think
Actually, negative and unnecessary thoughts are painful, and produce toxic
secretion inside, which are harmful for the body. If such type of thoughts will not
be restricted and will come in the mind again and again, then those thoughts will
every time try to insist I to implement, and finally after insisting several times
those will successful to motivate I to implement. And when those will be
implemented, the effect not only will be more harmful for that I, but it also will
be harmful for those I, who will come under the effect of that work.
Therefore, I should watch every thought coming to its mind carefully, and
restrict negative and unnecessary thought to come in its mind. Same time I
always should encourage positive thoughts to come and should try to think
positively, so that those thoughts will produce helpful secretion inside, which will
help to detoxify the body.

(c) In feeling stage:-

Actually, thoughts are not independent. In fact, there is a source of thoughts, which
pursue the I to think for. That is feeling, which possesses thoughts. A single feeling can
possesses a vast ocean of thoughts, it might be negative or positive thoughts, and can
bring a very big change, in the nature and attitude of I. That is why feelings only
determine, whether I to become a good or a bad person. Same time I has ability to
control on its feelings in early stage, only if I will be sensitive towards its feelings, in state
of directly victimize of those feelings. And through the feelings only, I can decide to keep
itself in the row of good I or bad I.
Therefore, I require to watch and deal with its feelings very cautiously and carefully.
Maximum, I is impressed or hurted from others thoughts and works, and start feeling
good or bad. So I should control on its feeling sensitively, and allow not to its feeling to
be affected from others. I always should try to have a good feeling to possesses and
support positive thoughts and positive work, and to restrict and avoid negative thoughts
and negative work.
Above mentioned are the three stages of the 1st and primary procedure Yama. When I
will follow all above mentioned stages and will stat controlling in working stage, thinking
stage and feeling stage, and after a time period I will have a 1st ever feeling of calm and
peace, which it never has felt before and will feel 1st ever different type of Enjoyment,
which it never has felt before. Actually all feelings are already present in it, then after I
was unable to feel those, due to presence of various types of toxic in its body. But when I
followed the first and primary procedure of Yoga, body started detoxifying, and I could
felt those feelings.

This is the time, I realises and thinks, why not I started practising Yoga before.

Here a question arises. The question is

Q:- Why I becomes addicted of drugs, alcohol, smoking etc., just after
taking those for a few times only?
A:- As it is mentioned earlier, when I detach itself from the body, at
that time it becomes tension free and feel the 1st ever enjoyment, which
I never has felt before, and that enjoyment force the I to feel that
enjoyment again and again. And the level of that Enjoyment is so higher in
comparison to all others present enjoyments that, I cannot refuse to
feel that enjoyment. That only is called addiction.
In such way, drugs, alcohol, smoking etc. are highly toxic and due to
toxic effect of those, the nervous system of I stop functioning partially
for a little time, and at that time I has to detach itself from its body
without will and becomes tension free for a little time and feels the 1st
ever enjoyment temporarily, that it never has felt before. When I feels
that enjoyment for few more times by taking drugs, alcohol, smoking etc.,
I becomes addicted of that enjoyment, not addicted of those drugs,
alcohol, smoking etc., but its memory memories those drugs, alcohol,
smoking etc., and I cannot leave those, unless and until I gets any
alternative to feel the same or more Enjoyment.

Attachment and Detachment of I and the Body

Attachment:The relation between consciousness and body of I is called Attachment.

Normal Attachment:- I with just body consciousness is called normal attachment.
Moderate Attachment:- When I involves in enjoying its sense of taste, smell, vision, sound or
touch (physical relationship) is called Moderate Attachment.
High Attachment:- When I involves in feeling bearable pain of its sense of taste, smell, vision,
sound or touch is called High Attachment.
Hyper Attachment:- :- When I involves in feeling unbearable pain of its sense of taste, smell,
vision, sound or touch is called Hyper Attachment, which finally makes the I unconscious.
Detachment:The cutoff in the relation between consciousness and body of I is called Detachment.
Just Detachment:- When I becomes Emotional, at that time it cannot have normal body
consciousness. It is called just detachment. It re-corrects immediately after coming out from the
Partial Detachment:- when I becomes unable to control its body properly due to toxic effect of
poison, drugs, alcohol etc., or due to high emotion it is called partial detachment. I also can feel
same and more better through Yoga, and same time it will not loose it control over its body.
Deeply Detachment:- When I is in sound sleep or in unconscious condition, it is called Deeply
Detachment. I also can feel and experience same in a conscious way through Yoga, which is very
enjoyable and I never can forget it and will be become addicted of that stage of Enjoyment.
Complete Detachment:- When I dies, it is called Complete detachment of I from the body. I
also can feel and experience that stage in a conscious way through Yoga and also can come back
again to the normal condition. That stage is called SHAMAADHI.

Q:- What is the difference between the detachment of I from its body through Yoga, and the
detachment of I from its body through drugs, alcohol, smoking etc.?
A:- Through Yoga I detoxifies, repairs and make the body disease free and tension free(relax),
so that I becomes able to detach itself from its body and feels tension free and able to feel the
1st ever enjoyment, which I never has felt before, until I wants to feel. And the level of
Enjoyment start increasing with the increasing in the time duration. That Enjoyment stop
degeneration and restore regeneration, and make able to live a long and healthy life, and that
feeling keeps the I in the right path and pursue I only to do good works as per its conscious.
When I takes drugs, alcohol, smoking etc., which are highly toxic, and due to toxic effect of
those, the nerves system stop functioning partially for a little time. At that time I has to detach
itself from its body without its will, and becomes tension free for a little time and feels the 1st
ever enjoyment temporarily, that it never has felt before. Here the feeling of Enjoyment is not
under the control of I and the time duration of that feelings depend upon the toxic effect of
drugs, alcohol, smoking etc., which reduce with the increasing in the number of time of
experiencing, due to body immunity. So the addicted I starts increasing the doses, to feel that
Enjoyment. But the Enjoyment start reducing with the increasing in the numbers of time of
experiencing. At that time I becomes disable to control on its body. And finally the toxic effects
dismental the multiple systems of the body and I has to go through a early painful death
without will.
Here I would like to confess that, when I was in Indian Army, I was highly addicted of smoking
tobacco and was partially addicted of drinking alcohol. But after doing Yoga for one and half
years, I could make myself free from both addictions, and could give more time on my Innovative
study, and now I am able to Enjoy my life, in state of suffering and realising.
. )

(2) Niyama:-

every I is holding a biological Clock inside. That Clock memories the regular works and
their timings, carried out by I, and insists I to do those work timely. That is why I
does not feel difficult to do a work in a regular basis and complete it comfortably, when I
feels uncomfortable and difficult to complete a irregular work. For example, if any I will
try to sleep in a wrong time, then its biological clock will not help and insist to sleep and
I will feel difficult to sleep and it may or may not sleep.
Therefore, I should regularise all activities it does in its day today life, and should carry
out those activities in an appropriate time only, so that biological Clock will start insisting
I for those activities, and I can do those activities perfectly and comfortably. That is
called NiYama. So, I should regularise all activities in three stages.

(a) In working stage:-

The I who wakes up in the morning at 5:00 AM regular, it does not feel difficult to wake
up at 5:00 AM. But the I who wakes up at 8:00 AM regular, that I feels difficult to wake
up at 5:00 AM. So, I should wake up regularly early in the morning in a fixed time. I
should pass stool once daily in the morning, 20 to 30 minutes after waking up, to pass the
stool comfortably and to avoid the problem like constipation. I should do Yoga regularly
in a fixed time with empty stomach in the morning and if possible in the evening, for its
best effect. I should take breakfast, lunch and dinner under limit as per requirement
timely. The most important point is that I should carry out all above mentioned work in a
medium speed within the limit of enjoyment, so that body and brain can complete the
work comfortably.

(b) In thinking stage:-

No work is possible without thinking and taking decision to do that work. So, to bring
the regularity in the work, and to do the work systematically, I has to bring regularity in
its thought process and to think about the work in its time only. Same time, I should not
think about any thing in the wrong time, so that it will not interrupt in the work.

Therefore, I should always think and remind all the procedure in details before working,
and never should think about anything else and should concentrate only on the work, at the
time of working, to complete the work perfectly. In free time I always should think positive
and should avoid unnecessary thinking. I should try and practice to stay without thinking
and to feel the silent. That will help to detoxify and to make the body totally relaxed, so that
I will feel very cool and will feel very easy to concentrate the mind.
(c) In feeling stage:As it is mentioned earlier, feelings are responsible for thoughts only. So to bring regularity
in works and thoughts, it is essential to bring regularity in the feelings, in state of victimised
by the feelings. So that, I can bring regularity in its life style, and will able to live a
developed , meaningful and successful life. It is said that every work has its won time and to
carry out the work perfectly in time, I has to poses the feeling accordingly in its time only.
The most impotent point to remember is I should avoid Negative feelings like jealousy,
revenge etc.
Initially, when I will start controlling its feeling and will try to possesses the feelings and
thinking in its time only, it will feel hard to feel so, but gradually with passing the time, I
will become habitual and its Biological Clock will start insisting, and it will be become very
easy to feel and think so. At that time I really will feel very cool and fresh in comparison to
its past.

(3) Aashana:continue changing in position(Aayaama) without halt or rest, is called exercise

(Byaayaama). Exercises are mainly effective for the muscles under Autonomous Nervous
System of the body, and exercises under limit help to keep those muscles strong and healthy.
Aashana means, staying constant in a position(Aayaama) for a time period. Aashanas are

based on to keep the body stretched for a few moment in a particular position, which deeply
effects on all thread type parts of the body such as, Nerves, Arteries, Veins, Capillaries,
Alimentary canal, Lymphatic ducts, Glandular System, Muscles under Centre Nervous System
etc., and keep those strong and healthy.
Exercises make the I tired and those have a time limit. Aashanas become easier after
practicing for several times, and then I can sit in a particular Aashana comfortable for a long
time, which will be helpful in other procedures of Yoga, those are Praanaayaam, Pratyaahaara,
Dhyaana, Dhaaranaa and Shamaadhi.
Actually, due to toxic effect for a long time period, all body systems start shrinking and
stretching place to place and stop functioning properly, and I becomes feels tensed. And even
after detoxifying, body is unable to recover. So, like after removing plaster, that part of body
require physiotherapy to function properly, in such way all body systems require physiotherapy
to come to there normal position and to function properly.
Therefore, I require to do various type of Aashanas for there various specific effects, and
I must should do some worm up exercise before Aashanas and sweat the body little, for the
better effect of Aashanas.
Note:- I should do Aashanas with peace mentality. I should not think about any thing else
during performing Aashanas, and only should concentrate on the Aashanas and there feeling
effects. I always should do the Aashanas in between enjoying level, and it should not try to
extend Aashanas up to painful condition by watching other trend persons. Automatically,
improvement will come gradually in the performance. But it will take time. Remember, I
should not involve itself deeply with Aashanas, and should not try to compete with others.
Otherwise I cannot proceed further and cannot fulfill its aim. Aashana is not the aim, but is
one of the procedure of Yoga.

(4) Praanaayama:-

Praanaayama is a procedure, helps to make breathing process easier on the cell level, to
repair and make the body healthy, tension free and cool, so that I will feel become free from
tension and will feel the 1st ever enjoyment, which it never has felt before. Praanaayama is
based on various types of breathing techniques, which directly effect on the interior part of
body cells and repair and reactivate those, so that body cells can function properly.
Actually, due to toxic effect for a long time period, all body system stop functioning
properly. So, body cells become feel difficult to maintain their metabolic activity, and
gradually various type of internal problem of body start arising. All these problems, remain in
their place even after detoxifying the body and also after doing Aashanas. So, the procedure
Praanaayama is required to repair, reactivate and maintain the body cells and their activities,
so that those can function properly again.
Therefore, I should do Praanaayama step wise to reactivate and maintain the body cells.
Praanaayama has a specialty, that is Praanaayama will increase the emotion, in which
emotion Praanaayama will be done. So, I should do Praanaayama with peace mentality. I
should not think about any thing else during performing Praanaayama, and only should
concentrate on the Praanaayama and its feeling effect. I always should do the Praanaayama
in between enjoying level, and it should not try to extend Praanaayama up to painful
condition by watching other trend persons. Automatically, improvement will come gradually
in the performance. But it will take time.
Praanaayama has ability to completely detoxify the whole body cells and to reactivate
and maintain the body cells, so that all Body Systems will start functioning properly and the
body and mind become disease free and healthy.

(5) Pratyaahaara:-

When after doing Praanaayama whole body cells will be completely detoxified and will be
reactivated and maintained, then all Body Systems will start functioning properly and the body and mind
will become disease free, stretch free and healthy.
This only is the time I will able to feel a very beautiful but unknown type enjoyment inside its body,
which it never has felt before, and that enjoyment will attract more and more, and I will become
addicted of that enjoyment and will try to feel that Enjoyment again and again and will become not
interested to do anything else. Actually that is the feeling of tension free and stress free body, after a
long long time. And this is the 1st time I will be become interested to feel the inner and will be become
uninterested to feel the outer.
That condition only is called Pratyaahaara. In fact this is not a procedure to act, this is a stage of Yoga
and I only require to feel and maintain this stage. Actually I always attracted towards those things
which it feels are enjoyable towards any of its sensation. Enjoyment not only is the Nature, but also is
the aim of I, which it is searching all over the World, but true Enjoyment is present only inside it. So, I
will not be interested to do Yoga unless and until Yoga will not be enjoyable.
Actually, Pratyaahaara is not an action I require to do, but it is a feeling and is the reaction of the
action of Yama, Niyama, Aashana and Praanaayama, which I should not ignore and should always try
to feel, whenever I is insisted to feel that feeling. ( In fact, in Yoga the initial 4 procedures are to act,
and next 4 procedures are to concentrate and feel the reaction and effect of the action of initial 4
procedures, and to maintain, which finally becomes permanent. )
That feeling has no comparison with any other feeling which I had experienced earlier, such as the
feeling of enjoyment of food, enjoyment of perfume, enjoyment of beautiful site, enjoyment of physical
relationship, enjoyment of alcohol or the feeling of enjoyment of Drugs. This is the reason, the I who is
addicted of any type of drugs, alcohol, smoking etc., can be free from addiction after coming to this stage.
After entering to the Stage of Pratyaahaara, Yoga will be become enjoyable, and "I has not to try
hard to do Yoga, but Pratyaahaara itself will start insisting I to do Yoga to maintain and to increase that
feeling of enjoyment.

Pratyaahaara also insist I to avoid wrong feelings, wrong thinking and wrong doing. Therefore, The
most beautiful specialty of Yoga is, Yoga forcefully insists all Yogies and Yoginies to live with peace,
harmony and tranquility. Otherwise they have to miss the most beautiful and enjoying moments
of their lives they are living, which nobody wants. Therefore even a harmful person also becomes
helpful , not only towards Mankind only, but also towards whole Nature, after doing Yoga.

(6) Dhyaana:I cannot detach itself partially in normal condition even after following the procedures of Yama,
Niyama, Aashana and Praanaayama. So, I require to concentrate interest fully on its body and
consciousness to make those calm and cool, to detach.
Therefore, Dhyaana is a procedure based on concentrating on the body and consciousness, helps I
to make calm and cool its body and consciousness, so that I will become able to partially detach itself
from its body in a conscious way and enjoy that stage, in which stage earlier I only was entering in
sleeping condition unconsciously and was not able to feel and enjoy that stage. But I only can enter
into that stage after entering into the stage of Pratyaahaara. And entering into the stage of Pratyaahaara
is possible only after following the procedures of Yama, Niyama, Aashana and Praanaayama.
I should not make hurry to try to enter in the stage of Dhyaana. I should enjoy and maintain the
stage of Pratyaahaara as long as possible. Then I will come to know that it is able to enjoy the stage of
Pratyaahaara even at the time of day today works and is feeling always happy and its face expression
becomes smiley and attractive with little closer eye. That is because of I becomes start feeling a
vibration on the centre of forehead between the two eyes, and I continually enjoys the feeling of
vibration even at the time of day today works also. That only is the reason, real Yogies and Yoginies
always look happy and attractive with smiley expression and with little closer eye. This only is the right
time to start entering into the stage of Dhyaana.
In Dhyaana, I sit in easy position with straight back called sukhaashana. Then in starting I stop
thinking and concentrate on its whole body in a peaceful manner, which make the body tension free
and starch free. Then I start concentrating on its throat with full control on its Emotions and thoughts.

Slowly its throat also will be starch free and loose. At that time I will start feeling again
and again a little vibration on the centre of its forehead is rising and disappearing. I
should concentrate to feel that vibration with loose throat, only when it is arising. I
should not try to follow and feel that vibration continually by force with tight throat.
Actually this procedure is quite easy, if I is doing Dhyaana after entering to the stage of
Pratyaahaara. Otherwise Dhyana is not only difficult, but also is impossible to achieve.
That vibration on the centre of forehead between the two eyes, become will be the
feeling center of I without any thinking, without any emotion and with loose body and
throat. The time period of appearing of that vibration will start increasing and will insist I
to concentrate on it continually. Therefore gradually the timing of dhyaana will start
increasing. Initially I will be able to concentrate continually for 2 to 5 minutes, which
gradually will increase and I can sit in dhyaana up to 30 to 60 minutes and onward easily.
At that time, I has not to try hard to do Dhyaana, but Dhyaana itself will insist I to do
it. At that time, if I require to come out from Dhyaana, then it has to come forcefully
back from the stage of Dhyaana.

(7) Dhaaranaa:-

As it is mentioned in Dhyaana, Initially I will able to concentrate continually for 2 to 5

minutes, which gradually will increase and I can sit in dhyaana up to 30 to 60 minutes
and onward easily. At that time I has not to try hard to do Dhyaana, but Dhyaana itself
will insist I to do it. At that time if I require to come out from Dhyaana, it has to come
forcefully back from the stage of Dhyaana, and it will minimum take 3 to 5 minutes or
more (depend upon how deep I has gone in Dhyaana) to come back to the normal
condition. That stage is called Dhaaranaa.
When I will enter to the stage of Dhaaranaa, at that time I can easily sit in Dhyaana
for hours and more and will start moving deep to deeper. At that time I can know about
its movement through Intuitions. When I will break a layer and will move deeper, at that
time I will feel a spark in its body and will be surprised. That is called Intuition. After
every Intuition I will feel some changes and increase in its knowledge.

(8) Shamaadhi:-

I cannot explain much more about Shamaadhee. Because of I have not experienced it. When I
entered to the stage of Dhaarana at that time I was free from the 20 years long addiction, and I
left smoking cigarette and taking alcohol. Then due to withdrawal syndrome especially of
tobacco, on which I had no control at all, I came out from the stage of Pratyaahaara and I could
not maintain and hold the stage of Dhyaana and dhaarana. Now again I am in the same direction
and I am hopeful that I can enter to the stage of Shamaadhi.
As per my knowledge Shamaadhi is the deepest and final stage I can enter into. There only
and only endless enjoyment is to feel with the ability to take decision, either to stay in that
condition, or to come bake, or to leave the identity and the body that I is holding. As ancient
Indian history says many ancient Indian Scientists called sages have spent not just many hours or
many days, but many many years in the stage of Shamaadhi and have come back, and again they
have entered to the stage of Shamaadhi after enjoying a long long life in a healthy way, and have
left there identity and the body voluntarily.
Therefore, if it will be said that only Yoga can help I to live a long life with enjoyment,
without having and giving pain, and also helps I to leave the body in an enjoying way and to
die voluntarily after living a long long life, then it will not be wrong.

( If even a single person will be able to understand the science of Yoga through the above explanation and
will be motivated for Yoga scientifically, not in a religious way, then I shall feel a great pleasure of my
work to convince and motivate Mankind to achieve their true aim of lives through Yoga. And my life will
become successful. )

Thank you and Namaskar.

Shri Sailesh Kumar Mishra

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