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Midweek Bulletin

February , 12

My dear ones in Christ,

he most contemporary issue facing today is morality.

There are many discussions
going on in and outside the
circle of Christian community to face the challenge.
However, one thing is very
sure that literal belief in
Christianity has declined,
that modern society has
become more immoral.
Homosexuality, relativism,
values clarification, and
"ethical cleansing" are wiping the minds of the youth
clear of Christian values.
The children sit and listen
while we go to church and

Important Notice:

talk about hymnals, the

organ, and the color of carpet. May God have mercy
on us.
What should we do?
We need to recognize that
we must be united to be
strong. But we must do
this without compromising
the gospel of truth . The
enemy wants us frag-

mented, not God. Are we

being fishers of men or
keepers of the aquarium?
Are we being obedient or
Have a wonderful Weekend ahead!
Shine Achen

Bible Influence

once told of sitting
in a nice restaurant. As he ate he kept
noticing a rather angry
looking man across the
dining room who scowled
at him every time he

looked his way. Finally

Spurgeon decided to go
over and speak to the
man to see what his problem was. However, as he
stood he realized that
what he had been seeing
was his own reflection in

mirrors that lined the walls

across the room. We may
not always like what we
see in the mirror of Gods
Word but what we see
there is always the truth
and always the best!

Babu Philip Uncle and

auntie are travelling to
India. They will be back
after two weeks. Please
remember them in your

As we discussed, all the

fellowship groups including Sunday school will
meet after the service.
All are requested to stay
back for the same.
Aloneness can lead to
loneliness. Gods preventative for loneliness
is intimacy meaningful, open, sharing relationships with one another. In Christ we have
the capacity for the fulfiling sense of belonging which comes from
intimate fellowship with
God and with other believers.

PRAYER on Saturday

from 7 8pm. All are encouraged to attend this

Midweek Bulletin

Page 2

Theme: Sabbath as the Culmination of Creation

Choir Practice and Preparation at 8.45

Holy Communion in English at 9.30 am

Christian Education at 11.30 am

Womens Fellowship at 11.30

1st Lesson

Isa. 65: 17-25

Jubel Koshy


Micah Lukose

2nd Lesson

Heb. 4: 2-13

Sophia S Mathew

Gospel :

Mark 2: 23-28

16, 2014

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon
you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you
and give you peace. Nub. 6: 24-26

February 10

Krystle Thomas

February 15

Cherian Kandappallil

Wedding Anniversaries
February 14 Annie & Nikhs Prabha

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