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Bella Melinda Octora


Intan Widya Anugrah


Nadia Antonita C


Rizkita Cahya Henviana


Rila Apriyanti


Effective Communication for Public Speaking

Communication is about more than just exchanging information. It's about

understanding the emotion and intentions behind the information. Effective communication is
how you convey a message so that it is received and understood by someone in exactly the
way you intended. An effective communication is needed for public speaking because we
have to convey our information successfully. Public speaking is the process of speaking to a
group of people in the structure in a way intended to inform, influence or entertain listeners.
There are some way to make an effective communication for public speaking, such as prepare
the content, find out the purpose, identify the audience, and know the technique.
First of all, this essay will discuss about one preparation to make an effective
communication. That is knowing the content. There are two steps to know the content. First,
we have to know and understand the topic. We not only memorize the topic but we also have
to understand or know the topic well. We have to prepare material of the topic. It is important
to make audience believe that we are the expert of the topic. Second, we have to know
additional knowledges about the topic. We have to develop our knowledges about the topic. It
is important too in order to prepare the answer of the audiences questions.
Next its about the purpose, the general purpose of public speaking are to inform, to
pesuade, and to entertain audience. The first general purpose that some people have for
giving speeches is to inform. Simply put, this is about helping audience members acquire
information that they do not already possess. Audience members can then use this
information to understand something or to perform a new task or improve their skills.
The most important characteristic of informative topics is that the goal is to gain
knowledge. Notice that the goal is not to encourage people to use that knowledge in any
specific way. When a speaker starts encouraging people to use knowledge in a specific
way, he or she is no longer informing but is persuading. So, we can inform and share
information with listeners by defining, describing, or explaining a thing, person, place,
concept, process, or function. The public speaking usually used to pesuade audience to
change or reinforce a listener's attitude, belief, value, or behavior. With the public speaking
too someone can make a entertain from body language, etc. And its all to help listeners have
a good time by getting them to relax, smile, and laugh.

Another purpose in Public speaking are to educate and to inspire audience. A wellprepared public speaker can help anyone of any age learn new ideas, concepts and skills. In
formal settings such as schools, a good speaker moves students beyond "Do I have learn
this?" to "I cant believe I learned so much!" Outside of learning institutions, there are many
places for anyone to give great educational speeches such as community organizations and
health-care institutions. Smart people of any age always want to learn and there is a place for
you to teach with public speaking.
The specific purpose requires two steps are identify a behavioral objective and
formulate the specific purpose. What do you want your audience to do after your speech and
then a goal statement that focuses your speech on the audience. To preparing your specific
purpose you must and use words that refer to observable or measurable behavior, limit the
specific purpose to a single idea, and reflect the needs, interests, expectations, and level of
knowledge of your audience
In addition, after find out the purpose to do a public speaking, we should prepare who
is the audience by identify them. Because when we know who is the audience we can prepare
the content that we want to say, how to deliver the information, and how to be interesting so
aundience will be excited. To prepare who is audience, we should know about ages of the
audience, the background of them, and how much the audience know about the subject. It can
help us to do a public speaking easly, because how to deliver what we want to say, it
depended by the audience background and ages, so the audience will be understand what we
told, and interesting when we did a public speaking.
Finally, we have to know the techniques in creating effective communication to
support our public speaking skills. The first is language, the language used must be easily
understood by the audience, we need to understand beforehand about who are the audience.
The second is speed, dont talk too fast or too slow because if too fast audience will hard to
understand what we are talking about, but if we talk too slow, the audience will be bored to
listen what we are talking about. The third is face expression, speak with face expressions
will make the conversation more interesting because if we do we speak without facial
expressions audience would not be interested in listening to what we are talking about. And
then is the hand gesture, hand gesture able to eliminate the impression of rigid and able to
return the attention of the audience. And the last one is the tone, the tone is very important
because if we are talking to the wrong tone meaning arrested by the audience may be
different to what we mean. Furthermore, eye contact is also very important to control the
value of the audience, eye contact can be done by section.
In conclusion, by learn to know an effective communication through prepare the
content, find out the purpose, identify the audience, and know the technique, leads us to be an
excellent public speakers. After all steps to make an effective communication for public
speaking we have done, the important thing in to do is about practicing hard. By preparing
and practicing hard we can be confident in any situation and be a professional public

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