Um and Accounting

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University of Malaya

Bachelor of Accounting
UMs Bachelor of Accounting Programme is recognized both nationally and internationally.
The programme is recognized under Schedule 1 Accountants Act 1967. Graduates of this
programme are eligible to register as members of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA),
subject to three years practical accounting experience, as stipulated in Part IV of Accountants
Act 1967.
The programme aims to equip graduates with practical and conceptual understanding of
accounting methods and techniques, skills, leadership, ethical values and an appreciation of
interdisciplinary link to accounting. The curriculum is developed with the aim of preparing them
for employment advancement in the fields of private or governmental accounting.


At the end of the program, graduates are able to:

Acquire knowledge in related accounting disciplines;

Apply concepts, principles and techniques in the related accounting


Demonstrate awareness of social responsibility;

Demonstrate awareness of business ethics in a manner consistent with the

accounting profession;

Show ability to communicate, lead and work in a team;

Solve accounting problems using scientific approach;

Become life-long self-directed learners;

Apply managerial and entrepreneurial skills.

The programme is also recognised by other international professional accounting

bodies. BAcc graduates from UM may get maximum exemptions from the following

MICPA - The Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants

ACCA - The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK)

CIMA - The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants

CPA (Australia) - Certified Practising Accountants Australia

ICAEW - Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales

Students who wish to pursue CPA (Malaysia) qualification can apply for MICPA
Students Sponsorship Programme (SSP) during their final year of study.

UM is the first university in Malaysia to be accepted in the Internal Auditing

Education Partnership (IAEP) programme by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)

Inc. USA. This programme was developed by IIA for the purpose of promoting and
assisting educators that offer internal audit education programme. The IAEP
programme prepares students with the skills and knowledge to help them
conduct basic internal audits immediately upon hire as well as provide a
foundation to begin preparing for the CIA examination. Other benefits offered
include free books, research collaboration and assistance and student internships
at members organizations.

UM and CPA (Australia) have entered into an agreement to allow fourth year
students to take selected segments of the CPA programme. They will also be
exempted from 8 foundation courses. This will allow the students to get a head
start to their professional accounting career.

UM in collaboration with ACCA and Sunway TES offers the ACCA qualification
via Structured Internship Programme. Eligible students who are selected are
exempted from 9 ACCA papers and are allowed to sit the remainder 5 papers in
the third and final year of their programme. These students will be professionally
qualified accountants upon completion of their degree.

UM in collaboration with ICAEW and Sunway TES offers the ICAEW

qualification via Structural Internship Programme. Capable students who are
selected are exempted from 8 ICAEW papers and are allowed to sit some of the
remaining papers in the third and final year of their programme.

To be an internationally renowned institution of higher learning in research, innovation,
publication and teaching.

To advance knowledge and learning through quality research and education for the nation and
for humanity.

Universiti Malaya (UM) Rankings



World University Rankings 2014 -



Historical Data



World University Rankings 2014



World University Rankings 2013



World University Rankings 2012



Social Sciences and Management



Why an Accounting Internship Anyway?

Nothing is more valuable to you or major firms than hands-on-experience. This is
why internships are slowly becoming part of the accounting college curriculum.
Over 50% of entry-level hires at the Big Four auditing firms are previous interns, with
KPMG recruiting an astounding 91% of its new employees from its intern pool.
The figures say it all internships put you at an advantage.
With countless accounting graduates competing for jobs, grades are no longer
enough to make you stand out.

The Big Four Like to Hire Interns

There are many benefits to undertaking an internship, and the most obvious one is
that they usually lead to full-time employment.

Pricewaterhouse Coopers hires as many as 92% of their interns

Ernst & Young hire around 90%

Deloitte recruits 73% of their interns for permanent positions

KPMG hires over 90% of their new employees from their interns

Landing the right internship can make getting the dream job much, MUCH easier,
provided that you make a good impression as an intern.
While there are other ways to gain experience and improve your resume, internships
are unique in that they provide a full picture of what it is like to work as an

What do You Need to Land an Internship?

Getting an internship is much like getting a job. Major companies often require a
stellar GPA to hire you as an intern, so strive for a GPA above 3.5. Make sure to
research internships that you are interested in to find out about additional
requirements such as accounting courses that you need to take.
However, it is your extra-curricular track record that will help you stand out in a crowd
of academically successful applicants. Get involved with student organizations,
network and job shadow and make sure to highlight your achievements in your
While employers do not expect interns to know everything, having some extra
experience will put you ahead of the competition and will show recruiters that you are
motivated and willing to learn.
As an auditing intern, you will perform the duties of a staff accountant, such as
preparing paperwork, checking account balances and interacting with clients. You
will travel more and benefit from excellent opportunities to network, learn and
diversify your career opportunities.

In a tax internship, you will usually have to prepare reports, perform data entry and
assemble tax returns. While this is more of an office job, youll get to perform highly
specialized work early on and can progress quickly to starting your own tax
accounting internships provide you with a sneak peek of what working as an
accountant is like complete with salary: in 2008, accounting internships paid
around $32,000 annually on average, while experienced interns earned as much as
While there are alternative means to find your way through the business world as a
graduate, the right internship could be a direct ticket to your first job.
It is much harder to send out resumes and try to impress people you dont know
while looking for a permanent position. An internship provides you with contacts,
experience and a place to start even if you dont happen to end up working for the
Define your goals as soon as you enter college and start researching internship
programs as early as possible: especially if youre aiming for a Big Four accounting
job, getting an internship with them could be your big chance!

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