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Hayley White

June 17 2015

Final Reflection
Identify ways in which dramatic exploration promotes an
appreciation of diverse cultures and traditions.

Throughout the ages; jealousy, competition and self-ego constantly

appear which makes it hard for an audience to distinguish the
appropriate time period without the help of setting and culture.
Because of this, my group and I found it difficult to portray these
themes. There were a couple disputes when entering this project
because my group and I did not portray our message as well as we
could have in the very beginning. Therefore we refreshed our minds
and took a turn on Greek mythology, story of Medusa and Athena,
with a modern twist. The main reason as to why Greek mythology
was chosen is because within different Greek gods and goddesses
each one contains a certain symbol and personality. Therefore we
picked certain gods and goddesses which suit a certain personality
and connect it to modern day high school students. My group and I
were able to make these connections because everybody is unique
and at least somebody has one certain trait to those from long ago.
People are different but similar. Furthermore the gods and goddesses
which were chosen, besides Medusa and Athena, were Dionysus,
Gaia, and Hermes. Dionysus is the God of fertility and wine; also
known for festivals. Seeing that Dionysus represents similar
characteristics to the stereotypical wild high school boy; it was
decided to create his personality as a party animal. Gaia, also known
as Gaea, was a primal Greek goddess. She is symbolized as the Earth
and the mother of everything. Through analyzing Gaia, my group and
I decided she would be considered as the modern day hippie or
someone who is spirited and connected to nature. Lastly, the Greek
God Hermes is known for being quick acting and moving swiftly. His
main job was to be the messenger and the link between mortals and
the Olympians. When looking at a modern day high school there are
many students who illustrate Hermes. These students are considered
representatives of the student council. Their job is to send important
messages from the principle or anybody on top to students and
teachers. Therefore the people on top are considered the Olympians
and teachers and students are depict as mortals. Through the
gathering and connections made with these information, my group
and I were finally able to create a proper script which, we believed at
the time, illustrated the theme and the hidden time period. However
after the performance and asking for other audiences opinion, the
Greek mythology was not easily distinguishable as we hoped it would

Hayley White
June 17 2015

be; even if we kept the characters the God and Goddesses names.
Another reason as to why some could not get the exact message is
because the story of Medusa and Athena is too broad and common. If
told in a modern day twist it could represent any other typical modern
day story making it seem that we did not modernize the story. Even
when using different modern day and Greek mythology sources it was
hard to create one trait or symbol which would make it obvious that
the modern day version surrounded Greek mythology.

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