Frontpage: Convicted Monsters

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pg 8


Plan Reportedly Using July 26

Independence Celebration as Ploy

to Undermine the Regulatory Bodys
previous decision


pg 8

Liberty Party Political
Leader Declares


VOL 9 NO.84

MONDAY, JUNE 22, 2015






Rape is on the increase, callous men subjecting young girls to sexual abuse and
ending their lives but with many found guilty; a slow court process is yet to
sentence them, giving more time to these men

Gender Issues- pg. 6








FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 2015







These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of the foreign exchange market
in Monrovia and its environs. The rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the
commercials banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.
Source: Research, Policy and Planning Department, Central Bank Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia


VOL 9 NO.84


MONDAY, JUNE 22, 2015



usa Bility is pledging to clean up

world football if elected President
of the sports governing body, FIFA.
A strong pledge from a longshot
contender in a post-war nation mired in a cloud of
corruption of its own.

Bility, in an interview with AFP last Friday, said he

will clampdown on corruption by ending secret ballots
and decentralizing power.
Bility told AFP that the secret ballot system to elect
FIFA presidents was the "number one source of
corruption" in the organization, pledging to introduce
open voting if given a mandate to lead. "When you
go to Congress you represent a country. If you are
taking a position you should be... proud to say 'this
is my position'," he told AFP in an interview in the
Liberian capital Monrovia. "The secret ballot belongs
to politics. I am going to make sure that football is
Mixed Reviews Over Bility Quest
Bilitys pledge and decision to contest is drawing
mixed reactions from Liberians. While some are
welcoming Bilitys decision, others are not so sure.
Roland Mulbah, President of the Sports Writers
Association (SWAL) has backed Bilitys quest
because Africa with the highest votes deserve
representation at the highest level. As I listen to
Bility, his main intention is for an African to take
over the FIFA Presidency just as other from different
continents have done and not so much of himself so
I am in full support of his intention and I wish him
success in his endeavor.
But others disagree.
Moses Z. Jackson, a former defender for the LFA
second division side Exodus FC says Billity lacks the
leadership requires to lead Fifa.
Jackson says since Bility ascended to the LFA
Presidency, there has not been any football
development in the country. I think everybody
knows that before a person can run for position on
the international scene, he or she must have set some
good leadership record back home but with Bility
he has performed and continue to perform contrary
to the promotion of the game back home so he does
not possess the leadership ability to lead the highest
football body in the world.
Faustinus Doe, President of the Association of
Football Lovers of Liberia (AFLL) accused Bility
of making a mockery of football stakeholders in the
Doe, who once served as President of United Soccer
Ambassadors (USA) says Bilitys leadership has
dealt a major blow to the promotion of football in
the country. Under Bility leadership at the nation
football house, there has been no improvement in the
national league with all of the support coming from
Cellcom GSM Company and that has led to the poor
performances of the senior and the rest of the junior
national teams in all of the tournaments they have
participated and presently participating in so I dont
think he is capable of leading such highest position.
In August 2013, Bility came under fire when President
Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf commended the then Chairman
and members of the Special Presidential Nimba Land
Dispute Commission for the exemplary manner in
which they executed their assignment, bringing to an
end the land and property squabbles that developed
there at the end of the countrys civil war.
Ire Over EJSs Praise
Many took the President to task for praising Bility
who had been indicted by the General Auditing
Commission. Sometimes he gets all kinds of
criticisms and false accusations; but in each case, I can
say to you that the confidence we have in his carrying
out his responsibility with integrity and commitment
is strong because we believe in him, President Sirleaf
At the time, many questioned the timing of the
commendation, coming on the heels of the recent
indictment of Bility, who is also the suspended chair
of the Liberia Airport Authority.
The commendation came after the Liberian
government indicted several RIA executives including
Bility, Ellen Corkrum, former Acting Managing
Director, her fiance, Melvin Johnson as well as
the heads of the Liberia Bank for Development and
Investment (LBDI) and the First International Bank.
The indictment came a week after the watchdog
group; Transparency International rated Liberia the
most corrupt nation in the world.
Coming on the heels of Blatter who announced in
May he would step down as president after 17 years in

the job following FIFA becoming embroiled in

a series of corruption allegations, Bility himself
will undergo a lot of scrutiny not just in Liberia
but on the global stage especially in the wake of
the FIFA corruption scandal.
Bility was banned from all football activity by
the Confederation of African Football(CAF)
in May 2013 after the governing body said
he "had violated statutes relating to the use of
confidential documents". The LFA boss was
involved in a fight against Caf's rule changes to
the process that effectively allowed president
Issa Hayatou to be re-elected unopposed. He
twice took an appeal to the Court of Arbitration
for Sport but was unsuccessful. But Bility says
he and Hayatou have settled their differences.
Last month, several Fifa executives were
arrested on the eve of Blatters re-election for a
fifth term.
The officials arrested and charged include:
Eugenio Figueredo, Jack Warner, Eduardo Li,
Julio Rocha, Costas Takkas, Rafael Esquivel,
Jos Maria Marin and Nicols Leoz. A further
four defendants were the sports marketing
executives Alejandro Burzaco, Aaron Davidson,
Hugo Jinkis and Mariano Jinkis. A further
marketing executive, Jos Marguiles, was
charged as an intermediary.
The officials were charged for racketeering,
wire fraud and money laundering conspiracies,
among other offences and alleged a 24year scheme to enrich themselves through the

corruption of international soccer.

Bilitys candidacy comes as Blatter himself
has called for integrity checks on Fifa officials,
a plan which Fifa's executive committee will
discuss in Zurich on July 20, when it will also
set the date of the new presidential election.
Bility Favors Integrity Test
Blatter said "decisions on extensive changes to
the Fifa structure" will also be taken then.
The test which had previously been blocked by
European federation Uefa, is being put forward
again by Fifa executive committee member
Wolfgang Niersbach of Germany.
Blatter, who passed an integrity test in February,
said: "Confederations are meant to screen
officials but a new system would likely see
Fifa's ethics chairmen assessing them more
For Bility, the test is welcoming and one which
he believes will improve the integrity of Fifa and
the beautiful game.
The elections for the presidency -- which
normally take place in the year after a World
Cup -- are expected to be held between
December 2015 and March 2016.
Bility says that if he were elected he would
devolve powers from FIFA's executive
committee in Zurich to give member
associations across the world more say in the
running of the global game.
The body is FIFA's main decision-making body
and its president, eight vice-presidents and 15

members are elected by the congress.

Bility is also vowing to ensure the budget would
"become transparent on the internet (so) that
every member association will be able to view",
although the governing body already does this.
Bility, who has an economics degree, has been
involved in his own controversy, having been
banned briefly from football in 2013 after the
Confederation of African Football accused him
of breaking confidentiality rules.
Until another African candidate emerges, Bility
is hopeful but also realistic about his chances
as he told AFP that he does not believe that
he is "the best that the continent has", while
leaving the door open to support any other
African candidate he considered more worthy. "I
have spoken to many of my colleagues and my
decision is welcome in Africa."
The Fifa corruption scandal has spurred an
investigation by US authorities regarding more
than $150 million of bribes to top FIFA officials
while Swiss authorities are looking into the
award of the 2018 and 2022 World Cups to
Russia and Qatar respectively.
For Bility who will be going against Brazil
football legend, Zico in a quest to succeed Zico,
his five year in charge of a corruption-free
FA is a testament to his leadership. I said the
secret ballot for the election of officials and the
selection of World Cup host countries is the root
of corruption and I intend to change that if
elected, Bility told FrontPageAfrica.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Page 2 | Frontpage

Bettie Johnson,


bola, known as the

Ebola hemorrhagic
fever, was alien
to Guinea, Sierra
Leone and Liberia, until the
deadly virus struck early
2014 growing to claim global
attention with massive efforts
to control the outbreak in all
three countries. But despite
the international interventions,
Guinea and Sierra Leone are
still struggling to defeat the

In the week of June 17 there

have been a total of 27, 305
reported confirmed, probable,
and suspected cases of EVD
in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra
Leone with 11,169 reported
deaths from probable and
suspected cases.
Liberia was declared Ebola
free on May 9 by the World
Health Organization but in
Guinea and Sierra Leone
there are still couple of cases
from several districts.
Leaders of all three countries
have said the virus spread
as such rapid speed became
national emergencies due to
the lack of knowledge about
the virus.
President Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf during the outbreak in
Liberia referred to the Ebola
virus as an "unknown enemy
that descended on us during
separate interviews.
expressed that her country was
able to finally defeat the virus
after massive response from
the international community
buttressed by local efforts
putting the country on its way
to becoming the first country
amongst its neighbors to be
declared Ebola free.

The virus spread to Liberia

from neighboring Guinea
when people dwelling along
the porous borders who
normally engage in common
trade across from one point to
another transported the virus
to the country.
Liberias first case was
reported in Foyah, Lofa
County after a lady who was
said to have attended a funeral
across the border in Guinea
returned home and travelled
to Firestone via Monrovia.
Before the first case of Ebola
on Liberian soil, there was
heated public debate with
some calls for the closure of
the borders to avoid possible
spillover to the virus to the
country but others argued
that border closure could
have left the country without
consumables such as pepper,
tomatoes and others food
stuffs which are normally
imported from Guinea.
Sick Woman From Guinea:
Enemy Threatens Return
More than one year ago, the
virus which was an unknown
enemy some months ago
made itself known with the
death of about 4,000 people,
leaving many orphans and
survivors, crippling the entire
health care delivery system
which collapsed due to the
A total of 10 new confirmed
cases were reported in Guinea
and 14 in Sierra Leone in the
7 days to 14 June, meaning
that the virus is still posing
a threat to the entire West
African sub region due to
the porous nature of borders
amongst all countries.

Liberias borders with both

Sierra Leone and Guinea are
still opened with commuters
moving freely between all
three countries.
The country is now in a
panic mode after a sick lady
from neighboring Guinea
was intercepted by security
officers at a checkpoint deep
inside Liberian territory,
raising fears that the episode
of 2014 which brought Ebola
to Liberia is threatening to
Assistant Health Minister
for Curative and Preventive
Services Tolbert Nyenswah
Thursday last week sounded
a warning when he declared
that Liberia risk returning to
the dark days as the deadly
virus could return if Liberians
continue to harbor sick people
from the two neighboring
Nyenswah said the situation
was arrested at the Belefeneh
check point in Bong County
where the surveillance team
suspected that the Guinean
lady was bleeding from the
nose and the officers decided
to isolate the three riding on
the motorbike.
Said Assistant
Nyenswah said, This virus
will enter Liberia if Liberians
are not careful bringing sick
people from Guinea and Sierra
Leone. If the checkpoint did
not have the thermometers or
knew that bleeding is one of
the symptoms that lady could
have entered and if that case
was Ebola that would have
been a difficult one for us.



it appeared more troubling

when a Liberian woman
arrived from Margibi to
receive the sick woman
from Guinea to help her seek
medical treatment in Liberia.
At Border, Illegals Dodging
Preventive Measures
An official from Global
Communities, one of the
involved in the fight against
Ebola has alarmed that
Liberia is still facing large
number of illegal entrants
porous borders
which puts the country at risk
of new outbreak.
Aaron Boima a border
Surveillance Officer with
Global Communities told
FrontPageAfrica that Liberia
is facing a situation of illegal
entrants at numerous entry
Boima named Kru beach
where people leave from
Montserrado to and from
kru beach to Westpoint, and
zwenie in Grand Cape Mount
county as some of the entry
points with influx of people.
He added that though they
are carrying out normal
temeperature checks at boders
points but they have no power
over the illegal entries in the
What happen is that we are
working at all the bordering
communities and making
sure that they are checking
and those who are coming
are properly checked and we
have ambulances and there is
a referral so before you enter
into one of the communities
you have to be properly
checked at the bordering

point and you should be

healthy enough to be in the
community or we may take
you to be a suspect, Boima
The Global Communities
Survelence Officer dislcsoed
that although they are carrying
out temparture checks on
communters but people
using illegal entry points
are moving without going
through health screening.
points pose threats to Liberia
because we dont have
thorough check there, so
we try to work with Global
Communities volunteers to
look at the illegal entries
properly but it still poses
harm because the measures
here at Bo-waterside are not
Those crossing illegally,
Boima said when spoted in
some instances avoid getting
in contact with health workers
for fear of being quartratined
and some run away.
Sometimes when we are on
border patrol, I meet them
and refer them to the proper
crossing point but some
get afraid thinking that we
will have to send them back
and they run from us, said
With the virus still active in
Guinea and Sierra Leone,
there are genuine fear that
the country is still at risk but
with the enemy now known
it remains to be seen what
actions will be taken by
the Government of Liberia
to avoid another round of

On the Sierra Leonean side
of the border with Liberia at
Bo-waterside health workers
and security guards assigned
are complaining about people
breaking rules, by avoiding
heath screening.
Moses Kadii is on duty and is
the supervisor for the Sierra
Leone border post. Although
the post is run by the Sierra
Leonean government, Kadii
says they lack adequate
Our people dont care for
us; the Liberians are even
helping us with gloves and
other materials, he says. I
have 15 volunteers here, but
nobody cares about them. We
cant even get staples, and
have to get them from our
friends in Liberia. We really
need support.
Meanwhile, Dauda Massaley,
a member of Kadiis team
temperatures, is having a
tough day. Hes complaining
crossing the border without
stopping at the medical post.
Sometimes they will forcibly
pass through the checkpoint
Massaley says. Other people
stop, but they push to be
served first, and are fighting
and touching each other,
risking the spread of Ebola.
People dont care; they have
no fear of Ebola.
The Governmment of Guinea
closed its border with Sierra
Leone late March 2015 as
part of new efforts to stamp
out Ebola.
The long-running Ebola
outbreak in West Africa has
killed more than 10,300
people, mostly in Guinea,
Liberia and Sierra Leone.
Liberia has no Ebola patients
at this point, and Sierra
Leone has recently seen an
impartially fixed decline in
But the disease remains
Guineas president, Alpha
Cond, said that emergency
reinforced for 45 days in
five districts, including some
on the Sierra Leone border.
Some Liberians health and
securities personnel have
questioned the opening of the
border with the two countries
when Guinea closed its
border with Sierra Leone.
On February 23, 2015 Liberia
officially reopened its border
with Sierra Leone and lifted
nationwide curfew after
several months of closure due
to the Ebola outbreak.
With security and health
workers assigned at both sides
of the border between Liberia
and Sierra Leone complaining
about commuters avoiding
heath screening, Liberia
faces a clear danger on the
reemergence of Ebola.

Monday, June 22, 2015


Page 3





FrontPageAfrica Editor-in-Chief was
sentenced to 5,000 years in prison
over a government audit now being
LOST IN LAST WEEKS admission by Liberias Agriculture
Minister Dr. Florence Chenoweth that most of the findings contained
in audit conducted by the General Auditing Commission of Liberia
(GAC) on the operations of the Ministry of Agriculture for the
periods 2006, 2007 and 2009 were actually correct, is the fact that
an innocent journalist was paraded before cameras, humiliated and
imprisoned for 5,000 years.
Mr. Rodney D. Sieh, Editor-in-Chief of FrontPageAfrica was jailed
in August 2013 Sieh and FrontPage Africa shutdown for failing to
pay a libel verdict of $1.5m won by former Agriculture Minister
Chris Toe.
THE FORMER MINISTER sued the editor and the paper after it
published the same findings of GAC audit that his successor is not
admitting to.
ACCORDING TO Minister Chenoweth, most of the findings
contained in the report are reflective of what took place at the
Ministry and added that upon her ascendency to the position of
minister her predecessor did not turn over any record.
MINISTER CHENOWETH, speaking before a public hearing
conducted by the Legislative Public Accounts Committee,
acknowledged that upon taking over as Minister at the Agriculture
Ministry she did not receive any financial documents on the army
worm invasion. I have no record of it; I was shown a check book
by Mr. Sirleaf that said army worm. There was also one check book
that said bamboo with no justification written in the line of the check
book as to what they were used for and it did not state anything of the
amount the auditor general has put in this report.
THE MINISTER went on to say that ministry had experienced
problems with changes in financial comptrollers, thereby creating
documentation challenges. Agriculture has had problems with
comptrollers they have come and gone. We dont have attractive
budget for good comptrollers so we dont get many qualified people
applying for the position.
THE MINISTER admission comes a little too late, long after the
drama of arrest and imprisonment of a journalist who was simply
doing his job, reporting on a government report, was made to endure
weeks of intimidation and embarrassment.
THE GAC REPORT WAS CLEAR, in a report in which several
recommendations were forwarded to the National Legislature for
possible action by the body on audit conducted on the Ministry
of Agriculture for the fiscal years 2006/2007and2009, included
recommendations for former Minister Chris Toe, Peter N. Korvah
and Borkai A. M. Sirleaf, Deputy Ministers for Administration
from 2006 to 2008, and Philomena Williams Assistant Minister, as
well as Samuel B. Nah, Ernest Massaquoi and Stephen Y. Konah
Comptrollers of MOA from 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2009 be made
jointly and severally held to restitute the US$526,447.51 and
US$600,897.51 withdrawn from the special project and bamboo
accounts during the period under review at the Agriculture ministry.
THE GAC also recommended that Mr. Peter N. Korvah, Deputy
Minister for administration and Philomena Williams, Assistant
Minister, as well as Samuel B. Nah, Comptroller, provide material
justification for Ministry Of Agriculture (MOA) failure to maintain
accounts for the Agriculture Credit Account, Spinal AHI, CAADP,
Caterpillar and LD Special Project Accounts as well as the noncompilation of bank reconciliation statements for the bank accounts.
THE REPORT also recommended that Former Comptrollers Ernest
Massaquoi and Samuel B. Nah who served for 2006, 2007, 2008 and
former Minister Chris Toe, former Deputy Minister Peter Korvah and
Assistant Minister Philomena T. Williams who served as signatories
to the accounts should jointly restitute US$346,417.03 and
L$5,148,472.13 being amounts withdrawn without documentation.
Act calls for Ministries, Agencies and Public Corporations that
receive funds from the Ministry of Finance to maintain proper books
of accounts as well as complete documentation for all expenses
incurred, which shall be subject to audit on demand, something the
GAC observed was not done at the Ministry of Agriculture, exposing
the ministry to fraud.
Former Minister Chris Toe, Samuel B. Nah and Stephen Y. Konah,
who served as Minister and Comptrollers in 2007/08 and 2008/09
and Hon. Arthur Fumba, former Deputy Ministry for Expenditure
at the Ministry of Finance should give account of the US$96,324.03
and US$13,214.00 paid in excess of approved allotments.
recommended to provide substantive justification for dealing with


Samuel G. Dweh,,; Contributing Writer

On comparison of two peoples individual characters, Liberians
often say: Look at pot telling tee-kaytor (kettle) it (kettle) is
Heres the meaning of the statement above: Your character is
dirtier (black) than mine (kettle).
The reference to pot and kettle, in comparison, is to show which
of these two kitchen wares easily or quickly gets dirty (black) due
to its regular use by human being.
On pot or kettle for this article, my focus is on on the home of a
poor person or somebody in the low-income bracket. This person
often uses cook pot, as it is called by majority of Liberians,
which often contains burning charcoals to boil the fresh or
uncooked food or heat water (for bathing or tea). Im leaving out
rich people because they often use stove, which is powered by
gasoline, or microwave oven, which is powered by electricity, so
the pot or kettle cant attract any black stain as charcoal.
From observation, in Liberia, for example, the pot is used more
than the kettle. The pot has two roles in every home: 1) for
preparation of meal; and 2) for heating of hot water for tea or bath
water. The kettle has only one use: for heating of hot water for tea
or for bathing.
The example above shows that the pot is used often than the kettle.
Members of the Liberian press often consider themselves
clean (kettle), and continuously lambast officials of the current
government (of Mrs. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf), as well as prominent
leaders in the private sectors, for improper behaviors. Lets say,
each of these journalists is playing his/her watchdog role for the
benefit of the entire society.
The media practitioners are accusing the leaders on several things.
One of the complaints is that the leaders are offering jobs to
people who have no formal training or natural ability for the job.
Another complaint is that political leaders are selling out Liberias
oil, iron ore, diamond, and timber spots to foreign businessmen.
The press also accuses the leaders of offering job based on only
ethnic, religious, or fraternal (or sometime occultic) relationship.
Low salary for employees or no employment letter for absorbed
employee is another evil by leaders which members of the press
are lamenting about.
The press people are also accusing non-media leaders of Sexual
harassment for special favorhigher salary or tr
Then there is over-time (working beyond the time stated in the
employment agreement) with no incentive given for the extra
The press peoples list of complaints appears endless.
There are reports about members of the press being into activities
uglier (black) than those perpetrated by non-media leaders.
Each employer in the press (or the media) has more than three
employees working without an employment letter. I was also a
victim with one of the nations leading newspapers for six months
in 2011. And the publishers promise of salary increase (from
US$140) after the third month of a three-month probation period
was never fulfilled in spite of my outstanding work over two of
the papers three main editors then being paid between US$250
and US$500. My position was Copy Editor.
Majority of employers in the press pay their reporters less
than US$150. Some give less than US$100. They often give

governments failure to settle advert debts as excuse, but never

raise the pay after the government had settled all its debt.
Many male media owners or managers are on record for sexually
harassing female employees for special favourhigher salary, or
travel opportunities.
Most of senior female journalists (and owners of media
institutions) in the crusade against male employers or managers
special favor-related sexual harassment or abuse are giving
low amount as salary to female reporters with their entity. This
was whispered by a female reporter to me at gender workshop
organized by the Estella Nelson-headed Liberia Women Media
Action Committee (LIWOMAC) held at the PUL Headquarters in
the early part of 2015.
Another issue in the press is about lack of transparency
and accountability by the leader over money donated to the
organization, which has resulted to divisions in the body and,
ultimately, the resignation of some members of the group.
Example: The Vice President of the Reporters Association
of Liberia (RAL), a sub group of the Press Union of Liberia,
resigned his post in June (2015) over the group presidents
continuously keeping organizations money in a members
private account instead of in the organizations. (Accepting his
deputys resignation at a Press Conference, the President said the
organization had not yet opened a bank account). The president of
RAL is on record for being the most vocal person at any PULs
event about accountability, vis -a-viz better salary from each
media institution owner for each of the employers reporters on
the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) a legal document
between the employer and the employee.
Another issue is among press people relates to promotion or travel
opportunity at most media institutions, which in most cases is
based on the employees ethnic, religious or fraternal relation with
the boss, instead on outstanding performance.
Most Liberian press people are involved in character assassination
in their news stories, broadcast or Talk-Show, which is aimed at
extorting money from their subjects. Isnt this kind of journalism
similar to name-smearing campaign by public officials or business
I personally know a male publisher of a newspaper who often
speaks openly about his preference for this negative type of
reportage. He often says: Media ethics doesnt put money in a
journalists pocket in post-war Liberia. What he means is this:
money in the newspaper business in post-war Liberia comes
easily and quick from only blackmailing rich persons, rather than
from sales.
Members of the press have taken up spokespersons role (Public
Relations Officer) for foreign companies that are plundering their
country or exploiting their compatriots (Liberians). Isnt this is
similar to signing of bogus concession contract (some) officials
of national government? One example: A print journalist, who is
popular in the media circle for scheming and cheating his fellow
reporters on money given to pressmen at events, has now been
appointed as Spokesperson for a foreign concession company
based in the southeastern part of Liberia. In recent time, this onetime opportunistic blackmailer-turned defender wrote an
article (published in a local paper), criticizing a riot by a group
of angry young people against the facilities of the employer on
various human right violations and appealed to the irate youth to
pick up good character.
Please read full commentary online.

entities which were not duly registered and should restitute the
US$68,714.99 disbursed to bogus entities.
NOW THAT a Liberian president-appointed sitting Minister of
Agriculture, appearing before a legislative branch committee, also
a government entity, has acknowledged what a government audit
performed years ago uncover, what does this say about Liberias
justice system?
ACCORDING TO the 2013 U.S. Human Rights report on Liberia,
while the constitution and law provide for an independent judiciary;
however, judges, and magistrates were subject to influence and
corruption. Uneven application of the law and unequal distribution
of personnel and resources remained problems throughout the judicial
system. Trial Procedures Trials are public. Juries are used in circuit
court trials but not at the magistrate level. The pool of jurors remained
limited by the low literacy rate. Jurors also were subject to influence
and corrupt practices, which undermined their effectiveness and
SADLY, THE MINISTERS admission were also verified during trial

by an auditor from the GAC during Mr. Sieh and FrontPageAfrica

trial. But because the jurors were not of Mr. Siehs peers and did not
understand issues of liable, the verdict went against FrontPageAfrica.
MORE IMPORTANTLY, the judge ignored claims by an alternative
juror that they were paid to come out with a guilty verdict. Even more
troubling, during one of session of the trial, a member of the juror pool
was seen conversing with a lawyer for FrontPageAfricas accuser, but
this did nothing to show the judge that something sinister was in play.
IF LIBERIA IS TO MOVE forward we must not allow people to use
the justice system as a toy and take the judicial branch for granted.
TODAY, A LOT of people hold the view that the cannot get a fair
trial in Liberia because the system is corrupt and those with money
and power can muscle their way around the system to buy justice at
any price.
IT IS OUR HOPE that Chief Justice Francis Korkpor and the Supreme
Court bench will revisit how the case against FrontPageAfrica was
handled in the wake of new and revealing admission and revelations
from the current Minister of Agriculture.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Page 4 | Frontpage




After Dr. Foday Koroma was shown the door, the president's
office took over control of NOCAL. This is indicative of the
fact that Messrs. Neyor, Sirleaf, and McClain came from there
to run the oil company. Which makes sending the matter to the
Iron Lady laughable: it's John's palm oil dripping on John's rice.
So is it truth that NOCAL spent 1,620,000 for rent alone every
year? as it was reported by fpa that their land lord is calling for
the rent own for three floor and one of the floor cost 45,000 a
month. what is NOCAL BUDGET?
Jay Wion Top Commenter Works at Amtrak Washington, DC
MY TURN: O yes Mr. Oil Envoy? We need to bring back
former GAC boss CPA John Morlu, the no nonsense, leave-nostone-unturned, the undisputed most professional with integrity
ever to have worked the Sirleaf regime to debunk all the sweet
talk Robert Sirleaf is shoving down our throats. So why did he
resign so prematurely before drilling the first barrel of oil under
But shortly after his "resignation," President Sirleaf appointed
Robert Sirleaf as the country's new Oil Czar and he accompanied
his mom on a visit to oil-rich Kuwait. Why did he not mention
that appointment in his rant about leaving NOCAL in good
hands? But there is more to this national disgrace at NOCAL
than meets the eye and the whole truth will come out sooner
than later.
This is a simple and clear matter. The people of Liberia need to
arrest, indict and prosecute all those responsible for the crimes
of Property Theft, Economic Sabotage, Misappropriation of
Entrust Property, Money Laundering, and Capital Flight. No
matter how high or low the defendants are, the indictment, writ
of arrest, and subsequent prosecution must geographically cover
every official of the Johnson Sirleaf-led Government of Liberia,
irrespective of status. To ensure this, Liberia's Law on Statute of
Limitation needs to be suspended and rendered inapplicable in
all theft and related matters.
Note: Liberians have good and clearly enforceable laws on their
books, but the leadership in Liberia is guilty of abuse of those
Cllr. Frederick A.B. Jayweh
Ph: 720-278-8735
Nocal,Maritime, FDA; NPA should be able to contribute in a
meaningful way towards our broken health and educational
systems. However, over the last ten year,the Sirleaf -Boika
Team made these entities instruments of massive theft for their
relatives and friends .Now Mr. Boika wants to be rewarded for
his role in screwing up our once beautiful country. His reward.
Not happening, he can go sleep.
A true reflection of the much heralded reforms at NOCAL
is the current dismal condition of the corporation. Talk is
cheap. Bad Behavior begot bad result. You shall know them
by their fruits (Matthew 7:16). A NEW BOOK, THE MASS
MEN ONE NANO SECOND!!,that the 'beginning of the end' at


The comments expressed here are those of our online readers and
bloggers and do no represent the views of FrontPageAfrica

The Reader's Page

Send your letters and comments to:


The Editor:

Please be kind to publish the letter below in your next

publication. Thanks you.
Your reporter paid an unannounced visit to me to, among
other things, collect the truth regarding the lease agreement
between the Episcopal Church of Liberia (ECL) and the
National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL). The facts as
I told him are the following:
- NOCAL has been a tenant of the ECL since 2004. The
lease agreement started with one floor at US$20,000.00
per annum,
- The number of floors expanded to three as NOCAL's
staff improved and as the floors became available.
- NOCAL currently occupies three floors at the rate of
US$45,000.00 per annum. I repeat per annum. Your
reporter's misunderstanding of the phrase "per annum"
(and his experience with his personal monthly rental
payments) led him to misquote me as saying "per month".
- To date the Church has had no problems receiving
payments from NOCAL and this is the first year that
payments have been delayed.
My apologies to NOCAL for the misrepresentation and
the distress it caused them. Much improvement has
been made to the premises by NOCAL. There are also
implications for the Church since it gives the impression
that the ECL has "lots of money" and well-wishers might
hesitate to continue support to the Church.
For your information, the Episcopal Church of Liberia
currently operates and sustains the following in all fifteen
counties of the Republic of Liberia:
- more than 30 elementary, junior and senior high
- more than 65 active clergy serving throughout the
Diocese of Liberia
- over 116 Churches and Preaching Stations
- Several health facilities either alone or in partnership
with other institutions.

The Church is in dire need of funds to maintain the

beyond spiritual obligations to the people of Liberia.
Even so records and reports must be true so that none is
exposed to unnecessary ridicule.
Best regards.
Juanita E. Mason Neal 231.886.510.376
Chairman, Board of Trustees Episcopal Church of Liberia
Episcopal Church of Liberia Episcopal Church of Liberia



The Editor

e write, most respectfully, to provide

clarification relating to a FrontPage story
in the Tuesday, June 16, 2015 edition of
your paper regarding a lease agreement
between the Episcopal Church of Liberia and the National Oil
Company of Liberia (NOCAL) for the use of three floors of the
Episcopal Plaza building.
Contrary to your story, NOCAL entered into an agreement
with the Episcopal Church of Liberia to lease per annum,
three floors of the Plaza at the cost of US $45,000.00 (Fortyfive Thousand United States Dollars) for each floor, and not
US $45.000.00 monthly for a floor as was reported.
Under the terms of the lease agreement, NOCAL is obligated
to paying to the church a total of US $135,000.00 (Onehundred Thirty-Five Thousand United States Dollars) per
annum for the premises.
NOCAL has already made an initial payment of US $45,000.00
(Forty-five Thousand Dollars) towards the amount, and has
now processed and made payment for an additional US
$45,000.00 (Forty-Five Thousand United States Dollars).
Processing for the remaining balance of US $45,000.00
(Forty-Five Thousand United States Dollars) is in progress.
We hope this clarification will help to provide a more
accurate picture of the lease agreement entered into
between NOCAL and the Episcopal Church of Liberia for
three floors our entity is now occupying as office space, and
the efforts we continue to make to meet our obligations to
all of our partners--despite the austerity measures the global
economic meltdown has imposed on the oil company.
Thanks for the space.
Yours truly,

Cyrus Wleh Badio

Director, Public Affairs (NOCAL)

Rodney D. Sieh, Managing Editor, 0886-738-666;
Samwar S. Fallah, News Desk Chief, 0886-527
Danesius Marteh, Sports Editor, danesius., 0886236528
James-Emmanuel D. Cole, Jr, Graphics Designer
& Layout Editor,;
0886 211 390, 0777 027 030
Henry Karmo, Reporter, henry.karmo@
Bettie Johnson, Reporter, , / betty.johnson@

Al-varney Rogers, Reporter,, 0886-304498
Kennedy L. Yangian, Reporter, kennedy.yangian@ 0777296781
A. Macaulay Sombai, Sports Reporter, macaulay.sombai@, 077217428
Grand Bassa, Alpha Daffae Senkpeni, 0777432042
Bong County, Selma Lomax, selma.lomax@, 0886-484666
Kadi Coleman Porte, 0886-304-178/ 0777832753,


Monday, June 22, 2015


Monroviahe Movement for

Progressive Change
Simeon Freeman
has called on national
immediate effect relocate the
residents of the Township of
West Point.
Barlone said the party will
collaborate with the people
of West Point to ensure that
they are relocated to avoid
the continuous destruction of
Mr. Barlone said the recent
destruction of homes by sea
erosion in the township should
claim the immediate attention
of Central government.
The MPC Chairman said
there is vast land in various
areas owned by the state and
as such government must
take affirmative action as the
sea is rapidly taking over the
Speaking over the weekend
when a delegation of the party
paid a courtesy visit to identify
with the disaster victims,
Mr. Barlone described the
physical conditions of the sea
erosion victims as appalling
and called on state actors to
The MPC of Mr. Simeon
Freeman is with you in your
struggle, we do not want
you getting involved in any
violence by demonstrating
for government to relocate
you. The MPC will engage
government and call on them
to immediately relocate you
before something greater
happens here. There are
children among you that

Edwin G. Chenoway, Jr. (231886458910); FPA STAFF WRITER

need shelter, so be calm as we
engage government in your
struggle, MPC Chairman
Barlone pleaded.
Over one thousand one
hundred and sixty people have
been made homeless due to
sea erosion and fifteen homes

destroyed in the township of

West Point.
The victims have welcomed
government earlier decision
to relocate them from the
Township but noted that the
government was reneging on
its promise.

The affected residents said

they would appreciate their
relocation to another area
as their lives are constantly
threatened on a daily basis by
the Atlantic Ocean.
They lauded the MPC officials
for the visit and called on

the political institution to

help them in seeking proper
The Grebo Governor of West
Point, Alfred Brown wants the
MPC to speed up the process
of its advocacy to enable the
West Pointers relocate quickly.


Bettie Johnson /

Monroviawo individuals were

by the state based
on a report from
the Liberia Anti corruption
Commission and charged
with Economic Sabotage,
Misapplication of entrusted
property, criminal conspiracy.
Ironically, one was set free to
testify against his colleague
on behalf of the prosecution.
Mr.Jesefu Morris Keita and
David Kortie were arrested
and a bond filed individually
by their respective lawyers
in the case in with mutiple
charges levelled against them
by the state.
Mr. Keita is currently
undergoing suspension by
the Ministry of Public Works
while Flash Point David
Kortie walks freely after
accepting to serve as state
The Director of Documentation
and Communication at the
Ministry of Public Works Keita
was indicted on allegations
that on May 1, 2010, the two
defrauded the Government
by an agreement between the
Flash Point Newspaper and
the Ministry of Public Works
for the purpose of properly

engaging, sensitizing, and

consulting with the public
for better understanding of
the Ministrys programs/
The state alleged that the two
did knowingly, feloniously,
maliciously, willfully, and
intentionally steal and pilfer,
take and carry away, exercise,
unauthorized control over and
converted the total amount
of US$12,600 for use and
benefits of others under
various schemes and thereby
committed the felonious
crimes of Economic Sabotage,
Criminal Conspiracy, and
Misapplication of Entrusted
Property in total violation
of Chapter 15, sub chapter
F, section 15.80 (a),(b)(c),
section 15.81(a, b, and c) and
section 15.82 (a, b, and c)
among others.
In count 1.1 of the indictment,
the prosecution stated that
between March 2010 and
July 2010 or thereabout
the defendants Keita and
Kortie using their respective
institutions and also taking
advantage of the contract
(No. MPW-SF-0008-06/10)
executed by and between the
Ministry of Public Works


and Flash Point consultancy

connivance, and Collusion with
intent to create opportunity
for their criminal conduct
and did in fact steal, purloin,
take and carry away, retain,
exercise, unauthorized control
over and converted to their
own use and benefit and/or
the use and benefit of another
person, without the consent
and approval of the Republic of
The LACC indictment further
stated that defendant Keita
taking advantage of his
position as Communication
and Documentation Director at

the Ministry of Public Works

charged with the responsibility
to select and recommend
a qualified and competent
institution to perform media
consultancy for the Ministry, he
with criminal intent to defraud
the Government and People
of Liberia of their resources,
money and or defraud the
Government and people of
their resources.
Prosecution witness Abraham
Sheriff, an investigator of the
LACC when questioned on the
whereabout of the originality
of the local purchase order,
invoice and payment voucher,
said that Kortie, MPW, and the

MOFDP respectively are in

posseison of the documents.
Following the response,
Othello Payman of the
prosecution prayed the
court to issue a writ of
subpoena deces tecum for
the production of the original
of the documents.
He named contract number
MPW-SF-000806- 10 dated
May1, 2010 between the
Government by and thru
the MPW and Flashpoint
consultancy inc. for the
provision of public relations
service to the Ministry.
Invoice dated June 24,
2010 issued to the MPW by

Page 5

Mr. Brown said he has lost

over six houses from the sea
erosion and not willing for he
and his kids to be killed by the
sea before government takes
For me, I am tire living here,
I lost my houses and have
nowhere else to go, I cannot go
back and build to where the sea
carried my house, I need to be
relocated, he noted.
Tenneh Dolley, another victim
cried that she sleeps out with
her family and has nowhere to
go unless government helps her
out of her current condition.
My condition is bad and I
want government to help me
and my children, I have five
children and all of them are
sleeping school building, she
Titus Wilson, a father of six
children explained that the sea
water has embarrassed him and
his family, saying he has given
all of his kids to his friends
and family members while he
and his wife sleep in the video
club and take bath in the public
bathroom using friends buckets
and soap.
It is disgraceful my dear, for
a man like me to beg people
for bucket and soap for me and
my wife to bath while children
are in different people homes
putting burden on them, we
want government to please
help us because we have not
gone anywhere with the rainy
season, he pleaded.
Sea erosion is gradually taking
over the township of West
and New Kru town with the
only government run public
high school, D. Tweh is being
threatened by the ocean as

Flashpoint for the payment

of US$12,600.00 for media
consultancy services rendered
to MPW by Flashpoint.
A local purchase order
dated June 24, 2010 to
Flashpoint by the MPW
services in the total amount
of USD$12,600.00, same
to be served on Mr. Kortie
to produce the original
An official purchase and
special voucher number
June 30, 2010 in favor of
Flashpoint by MPW, same
to beserved on MOFDP to
produce the original.
The presiding judge of
Criminal Court C Peter
Gbeneweleh ordered the
clerk of the court to issue
the subpeona on the two
Governmnet agencies and
Kortie to appear tomorrow
Defendant Keita was seen in
a yellow shirt and Blue jeans
sitting on the defendants
bench as rasied his head
during the entire proceedings
on Friday.
He was represented by
Atty. Lamii Kpargoi in the
proceeding at Court C at the
Temple of Justice.


Monday, June 22, 2015

Page 6 | Frontpage



Rape is on the increase, callous men subjecting young girls to sexual

abuse and ending their lives but with many found guilty; a slow court
process is yet to sentence them, giving more time to these callous men
Henry Karmo (0886522495)

Monrovia-Since Liberia returned from years of civil war, rape

is one act that continues on the increase in despite massive
public awareness by women organizations and the Ministry
of Gender and Child Protection. Statistics on cases of rape are
so alarming that at least a case of rape is reported every month
across Liberia.
The situation has become alarming that some say it is the next
threat to the fragile peace of Liberia.
Mr. Jefferson Knight, Director of the United Methodist Human
Rights Monitor making remarks during the celebrations
of Peace with Justice Week recently in Bong County said:
Liberians cannot say they have peace when their sisters,
brothers and children are being raped
Musu Kanneh, 13-year is the latest Liberian minor to have her
life prematurely ended by marauding rapists.
Musu was accordingly gang raped to death on Sunday, June
14 at night in the Hotel Africa area with the deceased mother
blaming the Liberia National Police for not doing enough to
save the life of her daughter.
Fatu Sawyer, the late Musus mother says the police did not
intervene quickly to help the girl seek medical attention which
led to her death.
I found her naked, she came from behind the house crawling
on her kneel. So when I said Musu she said Mama. She was
only talking in her throat, she fell off that same day and we
took her to the police station. The police said we must find
place to carry her, in fact she knows what she did; so that was
how we took her to one man and the man said the case was
above him, a weeping mother told FrontPageAfrica.
Fatu noted that if the police had helped to get a vehicle or call
an ambulance to take her daughter to the hospital, she would
not have died.
I felt bad about the police because the police are the ones we
are depending on for them to help us in the community, and I
can say they caused my daughter to die because if they were
going to find car, to carry us the little girl was not going to die,
but they never did it, they never call Ambulance nothing like
that she said.
How Musu met her death
The late Musu and her mother usually sell food, fried sausages,
kala or doughnut on the main road at night not far from their
According to Fatu, it was around 9 to 10 pm when she was
asleep on the table and by the time one of her business
colleague knocked her on the shoulders to serve a customer,
she woke up and could not see her daughter.
She said when she asked, a colleague informed her that the
girl had gone to buy mineral water since the water they were
selling had sold out.

Fatu explained that she waited awhile but the girl did not
showed up, which led them to begin the search for her but they
could not find her until 2 am when she came crawling from
back of the house and was naked.
I looked through the window and saw the girl on the ground
and ran outside asking her what happened, but she was only
able to show signs by touching her throat and showing her five
fingers to me, Fatu narrated.
The mother added that they waited until 5 am before taking
the girl to the Redemption Hospital where they were requested
to wait until those responsible to look after rape issues are
available to attend to the girl.
Sadly, she said all the efforts to help her daughter did not
materialize as she gave up the ghost.
Demanding justice, Appealing for Help
Fatu is appealing to the government to help find the perpetrators
and bring them to justice.
Let the government help me to find the people who did
that thing to her, because me, I dont have money. I want the
government to find them and bring them to justice, she said.
Meanwhile, Fatu says she is concerned that there are lots of
drugs addicts in her community who when intoxicated with
drugs get involve in evil things.
She wants the government to setup structures and put in a
community leadership in order to create massive awareness
on rape.
Tussle over victims body
The family of the late Musu had gone to the Redemption
Hospital Saturday to receive their daughters body for burial,
but was later instructed not take delivery.
Fatu who was at home when she was told to inform her husband
not to take the body from the mortuary at Redemption Hospital
until further instructed told FPA via mobile phone that the man
who had gone over at their house only known as Rev. Cole
said he did not trust the report and Clearance letter shown him
by the family.
According to her she had given the letter to the man to read but
he insisted that it was not from the rightful authority and he
did not understand clearly what was indicated in the Clearance
The family had gone to collect the body to be taken to Maimu
a former displaced camp in Bong County for burial.
According to family sources the autopsy on the late Musu
was completed on Friday and the report is currently with the
Ministry of Justice.
Musus Grandmother Mahawa Kanneh who was also present
at the hospital with some cloths to dress her granddaughter to
be taken for burial was sad for not taking her granddaughters

body for burial.

Musus friends are now mourning the death of their colleague.
Princess Zayzay, 13 year is a close friend of the late Musu.
She explained to FrontPageAfrica that her late friend was a
kind and quiet going person.
We were like sisters; we used to do things together. When
used to come to my house and we will play, we eat and I go to
her place to do the same thing. Princess said.
Princess said her late friend was always in class even during
recess and she had to call on her to come and eat.
Since princess is a fifth grader she said she would usually
help her friend with her assignments and sometimes taught
her how to read some of her notes that she was unable to read.
Says Princess: Sometimes she will bring her note to me, I
will help her read it she will say she is not able to do it and
I will help her. I used to also help her do her geography and
social studies.
The Commander at the Women and Children Section at the
Hotel Africa Police Depot who spoke to FrontPageAfrica
but refused to reveal her name said no suspects have been
She requested FPA to contact the Central Police headquarters
for more details on the issue.
The late Musus ordeal is one of many acts committed by men
against young Liberian girls which in many instances result
to death.
On a monthly basis there are cases of rape reported in
Monrovia and other parts of country.
In January, Ma Musu Fofana, 12, met her untimely death after
she was allegedly attacked and brutally raped to death by a
44-year-old man in the Brewerville are.
The family of the late Musu expressed concern that they
were not getting any information about the whereabouts of
the remains of the child or the result of the autopsy that was
conducted on the body.
In February, Rachel Darling Garpu, 12, was sent to buy water
on January 14, 2015, but was lured into a nearby video club
to watch African movie. Her body was found five days later
on January 19, near the Coopers Town River in Gbarnga,

Bong County, with body beyond recognition; decomposed

with fingers, private and other body parts missing.
The suspect, Alvin Old Man Morris, 32, was arrested and
taken to court.
Several convicted for rape
While these callous men continue to commit this heinous act of
rape against girls, the Sexual Gender Based Violence Crimes
Unit at the Ministry of Justice says several individuals have



Monday, June 22, 2015

been convicted of rape pending final sentencing by the judge

of Criminal Court E at the Temple of Justice.
In a communication addressed to Gender and Child Social
Protection Minister Julia Duncan Cassell, H. Deddeh Jomah
Wilson, Acting Chief Prosecutor of the SGBV Crimes Unit
at the Ministry of Justice disclosed the identities of several
SGBV convicted prisoners.
I present my complements and herewith submit to your
honorable office the photos of some SGBV Convicted prisoners
at the Monrovia Central Prison (MCP). There are convicted
prisoners who are still awaiting final sentencing by the Judge
of Criminal Court E, her Honor Ceaineh Clinton Johnson,
stated the communication dated June 5, 2015.
In what seems a victory for the rapists the SGBV prosecutor
indicated in the communication that a number of rapists have
been granted Executive Clemency by President Ellen Johnson
Stated the communication: Others have already served their
prison terms or are on probations, whilst some have been
granted clemency by the President.
In December 2014, about five rapists were amongst several
inmates granted Executive Clemency by President Sirleaf
including Allen Rogers, James M. Dunbar, Alfred Woods,
Morris Talaweley and Momo Farally.
Harsher punishment demanded
Minister Cassell has repeatedly proposed castration for
rapists, a harsh punishment she believes will deter men from
committing such crime against minors.
In an interview with FPA in August 2014, Minister Cassell said
Even though, men are the fathers, but if they are found raping,
they should be castrated, so that it would serve as a deterrent
to other men.
She says women are caught between the scissors on harsh
punishment for men since they are the breadwinners for the
Some men said, good men dont rape, but if I am caught, cut
off my private part. But would you believe that women who

are supposed to be advocating against rape, said; because man

is the breadwinner, so he should not go to jail for life, or who
would take care of his family? So this is what we have to deal
with all the time from women, said Minister Cassell.
In Liberia rape is a non bailable offense, a law many feel would


Page 7

deter people for committing rape but that has not provided any
answer to the quest by some men to sexually abuse minors.
For many young Liberian women and young girls, the
nightmare continues.

Liberia National Bar Association President elects- Cllr. Moses Paegar and


Page 8 | Frontpage

Monday, June 22, 2015



Plan Reportedly Using July 26 Independence Celebration as

Ploy to Undermine the Regulatory Bodys previous decision


n February this year,

the regulatory body of
the telecommunications
Telecommunications Authority
shut down several towers it
said were illegally constructed
by GSM service providers
including the cellular giant

An LTA fact-finding team

which visited Toe Town and
uncovered the tower reported:
connected to the MTN West
African Network (WECA)
providing internet and data
connections to Lonestarcell/
MTN; thereby undermining
the usability of the Africa
Cost to Europe (ACE) fiber
optic cable capacity that
government spent millions
of dollars to have installed in

LTA chair Angelique Weeks

then suggested that the dish
be taken down to ensure
that pending completion of
the investigation, there is no
capacity coming from the
Ivory Coast.
in January that members
of the LTA board and some
lawmakers made the journey
to Toes Town in a bid to
bring the tower down, a move
Lonestarcell/MTN has been
greeted with dismay. We
have paid US$2.2 million
balance of license renewal
and LTA US$1 million for
frequency at the end of
the January 2015 window,
now they do this to us. This
is baffling, an executive
of Lonestarcell/MTN told
FrontPageAfrica at the time.
Lonestarcell/MTN officials
also raised questions about the
LTAs decision to take down
their tower without a court

order with some suggesting

that a legal challenge could
be in the works.
After the LTA decision
ordering that the towers be
shut down, Lonestarcell
GSM protested the decision
but the regulatory body
defended that the action was
intended to curb what seems
an economic sabotage by the
GSM service provider.
Less than four months after
the decision, FrontPageAfrica
has gathered that the Toe
Town tower is about to be
reconstructed with claims
that it is intended to boost
communication in the South
eastern region ahead of the
celebration of this years
independence in Sinoe and
Grand Kru counties.
Licensing and Regulatory
Mcritty, when contacted

Weeks or the Director of
Communications at the entity.
All efforts to get response
from Commissioner Weeks
could not materialize as she
was said to be meetings on
two occasions.
According to sources, the
reconstruction of the Tow
Town tower is an alleged
making Commissioner of
Mcritty who has avoided
several attempts to explain
why the towers were being
If reconstructed it could
credibility problem for the
LTA as the reasons provided
for ordering the shutdown
of the tower are yet to be
Inside sources hinted FPA
Day celebration is being
use as cover-up for the
reconstruction of the Tow
town tower.
Tow Town is located Grand
Gedeh County far away
from the two host counties
for this years independence
At the time or ordering the
removal of the tower, the
LTA at the time claimed that
Lonestarcell was operating a
microwave link which was
undermining the use of fiber
optic in the country.
A fact finding team in its
report indicated that after
careful assessment of the
three GSM mobile operators
sites in Grand Gedeh and
Nimba it observed that a
microwave dish was been
installed at the same height
and in the same position

microwave dish connecting

Lonestarcell/MTN to Ivory
Coast at Lonestarcell/MTN
site at the border town of Toe
The finding furthered In
Yekepa on the old mine
mined by LAMCO, Cellcom
and Lonestarcell/MTN dishes
seem to have orientation
directed away from the Ivory
Coast and Guinea.
Stated the four man fact
finding team in its reportOn August 22, 2012, the
Liberia Telecommunications
Authority (LTA) mandated
interconnection microwave
link with Ivory Coast,
specifically in Toe Town.The
interconnection microwave
link was connected to the
MTN West African Network
(WECA) providing internet
and data connection to
Lonestarcell/MTN; thereby
undermining the usability
of the Africa Cost to Europe
(ACE) fiber optic cable
capacity that stakeholders
including government spent
millions of dollars to have
installed in Liberia. Due to the
importance of this exercise,
the LTA witnessed the
decommissioning exercise.
Lonestarcell/MTN at the
time denied that it had recommissioned the dish,
stating emphatically that it
had not received broadband
data capacity from the
Ivory Coast as was recently

speculated by an incomplete
leaked LTA fact finding due
diligence report.
The report recommended that
LoneStarcell/MTN should be
requested to provide purpose
and function of the newly
-installed microwave dish at
Toes Town, the team further
recommended and also called
on the LTA to purchase
a compass to facilitate
future exercises. The LTA
and LoneStar Cell have in
the past been involved in
exchanges over compliance
with regulations.
In December 2012, the Board
of Commissioners of the LTA
reached a decision to suspend
the operating license of
Lonestar cell.
In December 2012, the
Board of Commissioners of
the LTA reached a decision
to suspend the operating
license of Lonsetar cell.
LTA Chairperson Angelique
Weeks at the time announced
that the decision was taken
as a punitive measure
resulting from failure of
theLoneStar to comply with
the LTAs directive to restore
fully interconnection with
Comium Liberia, another
GSM service provider at the
time. It remains to be seen
what action the LTA will take
against the two GSM service
providers for their actions.

in the republic, he noted.

The Liberty Party political
leader said citizens will not
go to their respective counties
of origin to work but in other
counties which he said will
enhance the unification process
of the Country.
Speaking earlier, the founding
President of the Grand Bassa
University Student Union
Vincent Willie challenged

members of the union to hold

together and advocate for the
advancement of the Union.
He said when the union
holds together and engages
its kinsmen; there will be
smooth relationship between
stakeholders of the county
and students hailing from the



Liberty Party Political Leader Declares
Edwin G. Chenoway, Jr (231886458910); FPA STAFF WRITER

Monroviahe political leader

of the opposition
Cllr. Charles W.
Brumskine has criticized the
Government of Liberia for
what he is describing as losing
vision of investing in education
and improving the standard of
living of the Liberian people.
The president says the
educational system is a mess
but government itself has
lost vision for investing in
education. Government must
promote education if they want

citizens to be wealthy, but

on the other hand everybody
needs to get involved in nation
building, he stressed.
Speaking during programs
marking the 7th anniversary
celebration of the Grand Bassa
County University Student
however said every Liberian
must also be blamed for playing
a part in the loss of what he
calls the noble countless vision
of nation building.
Cllr. Brumskine said any
good government must be
cognizant of promoting the

general welfare of its citizens

by investing in their education.
The former Bassa County
Lawmaker said it was
unfortunate that students of
Liberia would be organizing
fundraising programs for
educational purpose when
responsible for the education
of its citizens.
He recalled that while serving
as Senate pro-tempore during
the regime of former President
Charles Taylor, he initiated a
program where scholarships
were provided to every student

in Grand Bassa County.

Student Service Club Under
Liberty party
According to him under a
Liberty Party led government,
Student Service Club will
be established to provide
scholarships to every student in
the fifteen counties and be made
to serve rural communities
during vacations.
If you are from Nimba you
will go to Grand Bassa to
work so that your kids can
speak Bassa and if you from
Maryland you go to work in
Grand Cape Mount, you will be
able to speak the Vai language.
You see if this is done every
Liberian will speak every tribe


Monday, June 22, 2015


n its effort to repair and

build infrastructures that
were damaged during
the fourteen years of
civil unrest in Liberia, the
government of President
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf began
hiring local and international
construction companies to
get its infrastructures back on
track since it came to power
in January 2006.



Logan Town, Mombo Town Road Abandoned Over 2

Al-Varney Rogers 088630449

that SEK would post a
Bond in the amount of nine
hundred ninety thousand
five hundred sixty seven
united states dollars or fifty
percent of the contract price
to indemnify the Ministry
against losses due to the
contractors fault.

The road project was

intended to ease the huge
traffic congestion around the
Duala Market thus giving
commuters an alternative

A resident of Logan Town,

Prince Jugbe blamed the
district Representative and
Ministry of Public Works for
the abandonment of the road
adding that several residents
are concerned why the
promised paved road has not
been done.
It is saddened to have people
who should provide oversight
for a project in their districts
and they are not doing it,
Jugbe added.
Jugbe said, the Ivorian
company did not complete
half of the road adding that
the only thing left in the
community are equipment
that are not functioning.
Unfortunately for us the road
did not meet its completion, it
did not go half way, Jugbe
questioned our lawmaker
[and] all he told us [was]
that he will meet the Public
Works Minister, we want
the Plenary to call the Public
Works Minister to tell us

The 10-month contract was

also signed by the Ministers of
Justice and Finance Minister;
Mr. Amara Konneh signed
the contract on 1/29/13.
The date of Mr. Konnehs
signature is the only specific
date recorded in the contract.

The parties agree that nine

hundred ninety thousand five
hundred sixty seven United
States Dollars and eight cents
(US$990,567) or fifty percent
of the contract price as initial

The Logan Town to Monbo

Town road project is one of
the many road projects that
was abandoned without any
meaningful explanation of
note from the government or
the company the contract was

A visit by FrontPageAfrica
observed that the road is in
a deplorable condition, with
several pot holes.

The Ministry of Public Work

was represented by Mr.
Victor Smith who was acting
Minister at the time and
SEK was represented by its
Chairman Mamady Komah.

According to the contract,

the Ministry of Public Works
agreed to pay one million
nine hundred eighty one
thousand, one hundred thirty
four United States Dollars
and sixteen cents (US$ 1,981,
134.16) to SEK.

In no time, Liberia attracted

mainly Chinese and African
firms. The handily works of
some of these firms have left
a lot to be desired though
millions of taxpayers money
have been spent on them.

An Ivorian company SEK

was contracted to pave and
expand the Logan Town to
Monbo Town road which
never became a reality.

Page 9

what happened to this road.

At SEK Stockton Creek
Bridge site, there are old
construction equipment and
vehicles that appear to be
parked for over a year.

As you can see for yourself,

there is no sidewalk for
pedestrians to walk on, and
also, there is no drainage at

government of Liberia through the Ministry of Public Works

entered into a contract NO. MPW-0084-11/12 with SEK
Construction Company for the construction of the 2.5 mile
road from Logan Town to Mombo Town.

Deputy Minister of Technical

Services, Mr. Claude Langley
turned down an interview
to speak on the matter on
several occasions.

George Browne said the
road was abandoned by the
company nearly two years

According to a Heritage
Newspaper report of 26
January 2011, President Ellen
Johnson-Sirleaf performed
ceremony for the road which
was witnessed by Public
Works Minister, Samuel
Kofi Woods, and other
officials of Government
and development partners
including scores of Liberians
most of whom came from
the Logan Town and Mombo
Town communities.

Browne stressed that the

road was not only abandoned
saying the initial work done
was substandard.
The road was not only
abandoned, it is also
substandard, and therefore,
poses threat to residents,
there have been numerous
accidents in this area,
Browne said.
Browne added: There
have been several accidents
on this road. A woman got
killed in a car accident, and
more besides, there have
been uncountable motorbike
Browne said, there is no
drainage and side walk for
pedestrians from initial work
done by SEK adding that the
road gets flooded when it

The contract mandated that

the bond was required to be
presented at the time the first
installment was paid SEK and
that it shall remain in effect
during the life of the contract.

Till press time, the Ministry

of Public Works or the
Government of Liberia had
instituted no measure against
SEK to compel the company
to perform its obligations
under both contracts it
entered with the government.
all. Whenever it rains, the
entire place gets flooded. This
was never like this before,
Browne said.




Subsequently, the Ministry of Public Works entered into

another contract with SEK in 2012 for the expansion and
certain additional works on the Logan Town to Mombo Town

Investigation continues

Page 10 | Frontpage

Monday, June 22, 2015





(A National Technical Assistant To Support Public Sector Pay Reform)

Issuance Date: Starting From Friday, June 19, 2015, (then Monday, June 22, Wednesday, June 24, Friday, June 26;
Monday, June 29, and Wednesday, July 01, 2015, for 2 weeks).
Title: Request for expression of interest-A National Technical Assistant To Support Public Sector Pay Reform:
The Government of Liberia (GoL) through the Civil Service Agency (CSA) has received a funding envelope comprising IDA and a MultiDonor Trust Fund (USAID & SIDA) to support the strengthening of governance and public administration through the Public Sector
Modernization Project (PSMP). The Civil Service Agency intends to apply part of the proceeds of this financing to eligible payments
under the contract for recruitment of a highly organized and energized National Consultant to Provide Technical Assistance for Pay
Reform to the GoL under the Public Sector Modernization Project.

The government unveiled a new development agenda (Agenda for Transformation, 2012-2017), which places public sector
modernization at the heart of its program to achieve middle income status by 2030.The drive to clean up the payroll, rationalize the
wage bill and improve performance management has been captured under the Public Sector Modernization Project (PSMP) which
is rooted in the GOLs Civil Service Reform Strategy (CSRS) on (i) Pay and Pensions Reforms; (ii) Payroll Management; (iii) Improved
Performance; (iv) Leadership Development and (v) Capacity building for effective Programme Management. Seven (7) Ministries are
piloted for implementation alias Participating Ministries.
The Civil Service Agency is currently developing job descriptions for positions in the seven pilot ministries and classifying these
positions onto respective grades, utilizing the requirements for the jobs and the grade level description.
The Civil Service Agency now requires the services of a well-trainedand experienced, highly organized and energized Pay Reform
Advisor, with experience in Public Sector grading and pay reform implementation, to place individual civil servants in each position
onto the relevant steps within each grade and assist the CSA to implement the medium term pay reform strategy. The consultant will
work in collaboration with a donor provided Grading and Classification Advisor, as well as a team of staff from the Civil Service Agency,
Government Ministries/Agencies/Commissions(MACs) and the Liberia Institute of Public Administration.
The objective of the assignment is to assist the process of grading and place civil servants on the various steps within their relevant
grades to enable the Civil Service to operationalize the new grading structure, understand the costs and implement the pay reform
strategy across the civil service;
Enable the Government to manage compensation in a sustainable, structured and consistent manner within its national budget; and
Help the reform team implement the Pay Reform using the Pay Strategy that has already been approved by Cabinet;

The consultant will work with the Technical Working Group drawn from CSA, GC and LIPA,in collaboration with the existing donor
sponsored Grading and Classification Advisor. He/She will report to the CSA Director General through the Director, Civil Service
Reform Directorate (known as the Project Coordinator).He/She will also work with a team comprising representatives of the Civil
Service Agency, Ministry of Finance, and sectorial ministries.
The specific tasks shall include:

Drive implementation for the medium term pay reform strategy across the GOL, but specifically within the 7 pilot institutions;
Develop and agree the method for the starting placement of individual civil servants on their grade, for all civil servants;
Place each individual civil servants in all Ministries on their steps within the grades;
Based on individual placements, estimate the cost of the structure to the GOL;
Assist the CSA to make any modifications to the salary structure that may be necessary to enable the GOL to afford the placement;
Review payroll management and control system;
Develop processes and procedures necessary for effective payroll management and control;
Review previous work already done to transform the Pay Reform including the Medium-Term Pay Reform Strategy;
Review, analyze, edit and layout the Medium-Term Pay Reform Strategy and have it distributed to all Ministries, Agencies and
Commissions of Liberia;
Assist the government Project Coordinator in briefing the management of MACs on pay reform implementation the assignment, and
explaining how they will be involved and how civil servants will be affected;
Assist the Project Coordinator in providing initial training and coachingstaff analysts in grading, payroll management and control
Prepare an inception report outlining sequencing of activities, methodology to be applied, and timeline for completing the assignment.
Model the fiscal impacts of at least three possible pay scenarios, which align to each of the grading structures for civil service, health
care delivery personnel and education delivery personnel. The three scenarios will reflect high, low and base case assumptions about
progress on related reforms, including the grading and classification exercise that is currently ongoing. The scenarios will model
different size, composition and distribution of staffing, and different choices by GoL regarding pay levels for the existing grading
structure and the extent to which salary levels are benchmarked against external comparators. The approach to modeling and impacts
assessment that the Consultant will carry out will be guided by GoLs medium-term projections and targets for the wage bill, in order
to ensure that reforms are fiscally sustainable and in line with the Agenda for Transformation.
Develop a pay model, which can be used in the future when considering pay options and train identified employees at the CSA to use
the pay model.
Prepare an implementation plan that presents considerations related to sequencing. It will provide practical guidance in a flexible
manner taking into account the political economy, capacity, resource constraints, and the recommendations laid out in the MediumTerm Pay Reform Strategy Update of 2014. The plan needs to include a monitoring framework to track progress in implementing
Liaise with (a) the consultant who is responsible for designing a suitable grade-by-grade structure for the civil service (including for
education and health); and (b) the High Level Task Force on Wage Bill Management.
Survey a representative sample of civil servants to identify the key factors (both financial and non-financial) which create job
satisfaction. Propose how the findings can be used to improve the retention of critical skills;
Design a new salary structure(s) based on the results of the job evaluation and the market survey. To the extent possible, the
structure(s) should consolidate allowances with base pay
Develop an implementation plan for phasing in the new salary structure(s) based on policy priorities and wage bill constraints;
4. Deliverables:
Inception Report to include a detailed 12 month work plan implementing the medium term pay strategy, within three weeks after
commencement outlining sequencing of activities, methodology and timeline (2 weeks after commencement ;
Work with existing Job Evaluation Technical Assistants to grade Civil Servants of Participating MACs and produce Job Evaluation
Individual civil servants placed on steps within grades and handbook on placement guidelines, within four weeks after commencement
Monthly report and outputs from agreed implementation work plan to the Director General updating on progress
A report that lays out in detail the specific salaries of the new civil service pay scale and a related implementation plan
Report on New Civil Service Pay Scale (5 weeks after commencement) (ref. Task 3).
Report on modeling of fiscal impacts of at least three possible scenarios for salary structures (10 weeks after commencement) (ref.
Task 4).
Report on a Pay Model (12weeks after commencement to include status of training in the model) (ref. Task 5).
Draft Final Report:Integrated report reflecting the agreements or modifications on the Civil Service Pay Scale, the model and fiscal
impacts, with the implementation strategy, including any proposed phasing approaches (14 weeks after commencement) (ref. Task 6).
Final Report: A final report to include the final agreed civil service pay scale and any modifications to the draft final report (24 weeks
after commencement).
5. Qualification Requirements:
Minimum Master Degree in the Business Administration, Human Resources or related area;
A minimum of 9-years working experience in Job Evaluation, Classification, Pay and Grading, 5 of which must have been in the public
Detailed understanding of Public Sector Management, Reform or Governance in Developing Countries especially Africa;
Demonstrated ability to work successfully individually and in teams where training others is required;
Ability to work at senior levels of government
Proven ability to think conceptually, strategically and analytically
Exceptional oral, written and presentation communication skills
Advanced computer skills in Word and Excel software

6. Duration of Assignment:
The Consultant will be contracted for twelve (12) months, and is expected to work full time (office hours) within Monrovia, except
otherwise situation demands outside Monrovia travel on related project matters.

7. Selection method:
The consultant shall be selected based on the individual selection method of the World Banks consultant selection guidelines. Main
criteria for the selection will be relevant work experience and qualifications.
In case of travel requirement outside Monrovia within Liberia for project related assignments, the consultant shall be paid travel
expenses and hotel expenses on actual basis and suitably determined subsistence allowance to the Consultant.
Interested Consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours from 09:00 and 17:00hours, Mondays
to Fridays.
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form clearly marked: Ref: A National Technical Assistant To Support Public
Sector Pay Reform of the PSMP, at the address below in person or by mail (or by email) on or before Friday, July 03, 2015, at
The Projector Coordinator
Public Sector Modernization Project
Civil Service Agency
#63 Carey Street, Monrovia, Liberia

(Gender Mainstreaming Specialist)

Issuance Date: Starting From Friday, June 19, 2015, (then Monday, June 22,
Wednesday, June 24, Friday, June 26; Monday, June 29, and Wednesday, July 01,
2015, for 2 weeks).
Assignment Title: Request for expression of interest Gender Mainstreaming
1. Introduction:
The Government of Liberia (GoL) through the Civil Service Agency (CSA) has received a
funding envelope comprising IDA and a Multi-Donor Trust Fund (USAID & SIDA) to support the
strengthening of governance and public administration through the Public Sector Modernization
Project (PSMP). The Civil Service Agency intends to apply part of the proceeds of this financing
to eligible payments under the contract for hiring a highly organized and energized Gender
Mainstreaming Specialist, who will carry on with the Gender Mainstreaming functions under
the project and continue the capacity building of the Gender Mainstreaming officers in the
participating ministries and agencies.

2. Objectives of the Assignment:

To supplement the capacity of the CSA to manage the Gender Mainstreaming activities under the
project hereafter called the Client, including the planning and implementation and supervision of
all Gender Mainstreaming operations under the project;
To carry out an In-depth evaluation of the Gender Mainstreaming activities and work products of
the PSMP.
To have a thorough review of the Project Appraisal Document, (PAD), with a view to
strengthening Gender Mainstreaming activities,
To continue with the development of Gender Mainstreaming capacity
To facilitate activation of Gender Mainstreaming activities in participating ministries and
agencies and build their capacity to gradually take over the Gender Mainstreaming function at the
end of the consultancy period.
3. Scope of the Services:
The scope of the services to be provided by the Gender Mainstreaming Consultant is as follows:
The Gender Mainstreaming Consultant will work as part of the Project Implementing Team
under the supervision and guidance of a high-level inter-ministerial steering committee, The
Project Oversight Committee (POC); and will form part of the Technical Working Group (TWG)
which draws technicians from the three implementing Agencies, the Liberia Institute for Public
Administration (LIPA), the Governance Commission (GC), and the Civil Service Agency (CSA),
coordinated for the attainment of project's goal.

B. Capacity Building
Provide support in guidance, mentoring, and coaching the Local gender mainstreaming and other
staff in gender mainstreaming Management. The Gender Mainstreaming Consultant will be the
champion within the agency to build capacity among local gender mainstreaming staff and to
promote confidence and efficiency in their gender mainstreaming deliveries.
4. Qualifications and Competencies:
The Gender Mainstreaming Consultant shall possess the following:
1. Required Qualifications:
Minimum Master Degree with focus on gender or women studies;
At least 5 years experience in gender programme related work with Civil Society or women
Understanding of and experience in change management processes in organizations;
Understanding of global civil society issues, international and national NGO networks;
Ability to work successfully individually and in teams;
Ability to think conceptually, strategically, and analytically;

2. Competencies:
Demonstrates integrity and fairness by modeling values and ethical standards;
Minimum 5 years of relevant experience in mainstreaming gender in development and policies;
Record of participation in at least 2 assignments of similar size and degree of
complexities(consultancy services), in the area of gender mainstreaming in projects, programme
or policies;
Knowledge of analytical methods and tools for mainstreaming gender in Civil Service Reform or
related areas is considered an assets;
Sound understanding of gender and development issues;
Excellent communications, presentation, report writing, and analytical skills
The consultant will be responsible for fostering an environment conducive for learning about
gender mainstreaming and to developing concrete plans and mechanisms for internal and external
gender mainstreaming across Seven participating MACS
5. Duration of Assignment:
The Consultant will be contracted for twelve (12) months, and is expected to work full time (office
hours) within Monrovia, except otherwise situation demands outside Monrovia travel on related
project matters.
6. Selection Criteria:
The consultant shall be selected based on the Individual selection method of the World Banks
consultant selection guidelines. Main criteria for the selection will be relevant work experience
and qualifications

Interested Consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours
from 09:00 and 17:00hours, Mondays to Fridays.
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form clearly marked: Ref: Gender
Mainstreaming Specialist of the PSMP, at the address below in person or by mail (or by email) on
or before Friday, July 03, 2015, at 16:00hours.
The Project Coordinator
Public Sector Modernization Project
Civil Service Agency
#63 Carey Street, Monrovia, Liberia

Monday, June 22, 2015





(Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist)

Issuance Date: Starting From Friday, June 19, 2015, (then Monday, June 22, Wednesday, June
24, Friday, June 26; Monday, June 29, and Wednesday, July 01, 2015, for 2 weeks).
Assignment Title: Request for expression of interest Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist:
1. Introduction:
The Government of Liberia (GoL) through the Civil Service Agency (CSA) has received a funding envelope comprising IDA and a
Multi-Donor Trust Fund (USAID & SIDA) to support the strengthening of governance and public administration through the Public
Sector Modernization Project (PSMP). The Civil Service Agency intends to apply part of the proceeds of this financing to eligible
payments under the contract for hiring a highly organized and energized Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, who will carry on
with the Monitoring and Evaluation function under the project and continue the capacity building of the Monitoring and Evaluation
officers in the participating ministries and agencies.
The Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist will serve as the focal technical person for all monitoring and evaluation related activities
for the PSMP. S/he will assist and report to the Project Coordinator as regards the monitoring and evaluation of project activities
implemented by the project. The M&E Specialists responsibility is to coordinate and support implementation of monitoring
and evaluation of all the project activities to be conducted in accordance with the Results Framework, Result chain, and planned
objectives of the Project.
The Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist will work as part of the Project Implementing Team under the supervision and guidance of a
high-level inter-ministerial steering committee, The Project Oversight Committee (POC); and will form part of the Technical Working
Group (TWG) which draws technicians from the three implementing Agencies, the Liberia Institute for Public Administration (LIPA),
the Governance Commission (GC), and the Civil Service Agency (CSA), coordinated for the attainment of project's goal.
During the course of the assignment, the consultant will be required to build the capacity of staff from M&E, CSRD, and all
departments that work to achieve the reforms deliverables.

Lead the development of and oversee the review of project level Monitoring & Evaluation plan and associated work-plans for each
component/activity (as reflected in the results framework);
Help develop an M&E Manual for CSA M&E Directorate and conduct regular training during the time of contract;
Be responsible for sourcing data and information for specific M&E needs directly from the tripod, such as budgets, staff capacity
and other internal data particularly for indicators not requiring a survey.
Support technical work such as reviewing M&E methods, carrying out training needs, designing M&E tools and advising M&E
technical assistance.
Oversee and participate in evaluations and assessments.
The M&E Specialist will also serve as the evaluation team member of selected evaluations conducted under this Project.
Ensure quality control of M&E outputs (e.g surveys,etc), by contributing substantively to the design and field testing of the
monitoring methodology, review, supervising design and implementation of the survey, participatory data collection methods and
protocols, data verification techniques, and other technical evaluation and analytical tasks to be conducted by this project.
Closely cooperate and coordinate with the communication specialist for the design, quality, development and completion of all
assessments, analytical reports, case studies, and success stories.
Develop and maintain an M&E database for the project and contribute to the maintenance of the database.
Review monitoring and evaluation system/mechanism, process and procedures of the project and forms and formats for project
activities under its various components; monitor project progress through field visit, offer feedback and keep regular communication
with the participating ministries and the Technical Working Group.
Attend, participate and provide necessary inputs for preparation of and during project meeting, Workshops and trainings;
Serve as focal point for providing M &E inputs on Implementation Progress Reports(IPRs)
Prepare and submit M&E inputs as per the Results Framework to the quarter/ annual project implementation progress reports on
meeting the deadline as per the requirement of the project.
Accomplish others tasks related for preparing, monitoring, evaluation and implementing as per the need of the project assigned
by the Project Coordinator.
The consultant will report to the Director-General of the Civil Service Agency through the Director of Civil Service Reform Directorate
(referred to as Project Coordinator). In addition to the regular responsibilities, the consultant shall be accountable for providing /
preparing the following documents and reports during assigned period.
M&E implementation plan for the PSMP using the result framework and chain;
M&E inputs to Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly Project Implementation Progress Report;
Monitoring and Supervision report as per the requirement.
Prepare and submit Guidelines/Manuals of concerned fields visits/surveys as per the need of the project.
Reports and proceeding of seminars, workshops and training
Identify, report, and help manage risks associated with Project implementation
Report Updates should include:
o Highlight progress against milestones
o Explain the reasons for lack of progress, setting out corrective action either taken or intended
o Identify blockages to be addressed by the Project Oversight Committee
o Present any policy proposals for decision by the Project Oversight Committee

4. Required Qualifications:
Academic qualifications:
The consultant should have a minimum of a Master degree in Public Policy, Program Management, Economics, and other related
Social Sciences; Management, Environmental Sciences, Natural Science or related field combined with extensive experience in
similar responsible position in the Public/Civil Service is considered as equivalent.
At least 9 years of work experience in a field related to public sector reform, service delivery, and planning or project management.
At least 5 years of experience in M&E design and implementation at the project level would be preferable. Previous involvement
with, and good knowledge of, CBOs, I/NGOs and civil society is desired.
Computer literacy in Microsoft packages (MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel), GIS and SPSS is an advantage. Experiences in
creating and managing performance monitoring plans and leveraging performance monitoring data for improving ongoing project
management are under consideration.
Knowledge in designing and field testing surveys and other data collection instruments are required.
The M&E Specialist should possess excellent technical skills in research methods, Risk Analysis, program and project performance
assessment and management;
Demonstrated experience in monitoring and evaluation of Public Sector project activities especially under World Bank funded
Strong communication and facilitation skills and ability to establish good working relationships with colleagues and stakeholders
in a highly sensitive environment. S/he must be able to respond quickly to requests for information;
S/he must demonstrate strong interpersonal and motivational skills and sensitivity to the local environment as well as the ability
to work with minimal supervision;
Excellent data analytical skills and interpretation;
S/he must have ability to write clearly and concisely, and have sound quantitative skills (managing, analyzing and interpreting
Experience on planning, monitoring and evaluation of community based social projects and having good computer knowledge on
database software like; MS Excel, SPSS, GIS will be given priority;
Broad knowledge and understanding of building monitoring and evaluation system, determining baselines and setting resultsbased indicators;
The Consultant will be contracted for seven (7) months, and is expected to work full time (office hours) within Monrovia, except
otherwise situation demands outside Monrovia travel on related project matters.
The consultant shall be selected based on the Individual selection method of the World Banks consultant selection guidelines. Main
criteria for the selection will be relevant work experience and qualifications.

Interested Consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours from 09:00 and 17:00hours,
Mondays to Fridays.
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form clearly marked: Ref: Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist of the PSMP,
at the address below in person or by mail (or by email) on or before Friday, July 03, 2015, at 16:00hours.
The Project Coordinator
Public Sector Modernization Project
Civil Service Agency
#63 Carey Street, Monrovia, Liberia

Page 11

Request for Expression of Interest, (REOI)

(Hire Firm for Online HRMIS & Biometric Registration/Verification System with Offline Capabilities):
Issuance Date: Starting From Friday, June 19, 2015, (then Monday, June 22, Wednesday, June 24, Friday, June 26;
Monday, June 29, and Wednesday, July 01, 2015, for 2 weeks).
Assignment Title: Request for expression of interest Hire Firm for Online HRMIS & Biometric Registration/
Verification System with Offline Capabilities:
1. Introduction:
The Government of Liberia (GoL) through the Civil Service Agency (CSA) has received a funding envelope comprising IDA and a Multi-Donor Trust Fund (USAID &
SIDA) to support the strengthening of governance and public administration through the Public Sector Modernization Project (PSMP). The Civil Service Agency
intends to apply part of the proceeds of this financing to eligible payments under the contract for hiring a highly organized BIOMETRIC ON-LINE REGISTRATION
AND VERIFICATION CONSULTING FIRM for the Public Sector Modernization Project.
The government unveiled a new development agenda (Agenda for Transformation, 2012-2017), which places public sector modernization at the heart of its
program to achieve middle income status by 2030.The drive to clean up the payroll, rationalize the wage bill and improve performance management has been
captured under the Public Sector Modernization Project (PSMP) which is rooted in the GOLs Civil Service Reform Strategy (CSRS) on (i) Pay and Pensions Reforms;
(ii) Payroll Management; (iii) Improved Performance; (iv) Leadership Development and (v) Capacity building for effective Programme Management. Seven (7)
Ministries are piloted for implementation alias Participating Ministries.
The Civil Service Agency requires the services of a BIOMETRIC ON-LINE REGISTRATION and VERIFICATION CONSULTING FIRM who will develop, train and roll-out
an On-line HRMIS and Biometric Registration/Verification System in various regions across the country as per Implementation Plan. The consultant will work with
the project team and staff drawn from the Civil Service Agency, Governance Commission and the Liberia Institute of Public Administration.


The overall objective of the assignment is to provide an On-line HRMIS and Biometric Registration/Verification System that will be deployed in various regions
across the Country in order to capture and verify HR and Biometric data of employees of Government assigned to the Fifteen (15) Counties of Liberia. The
assignment will entail:
The development of a robust On-line HRMIS and Biometric Registration/Verification System capable of enrolling and verifying employees of Government assigned
to the leeward counties of Liberia. The firm will also include Off-line capabilities during the development of the software so as to address issues of disruptions and
down-time in the on-line connectivity.
Train the Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) and Biometrics Staff on how to use the system efficiently and effectively.
Deploy the system to regions where there exists a presence of the Civil Service Agencys Regional Offices.
The Civil Service Agency is seeking an experienced consulting firm or Consortium of firms who will develop, train and roll-out an On-line HRMIS and Biometric
Registration/Verification System in various regions across the country as per Implementation Plan. The scope of work for this assignment includes:
The main tasks of the independent verification agent:

Develop and deploy an On-line HRMIS and Biometric Registration/Verification System that will be fully compatible and interoperable with the existing Employees
Biometric Identification and Records System (EBIRS) in all respects.
Develop and deploy an On-line HRMIS and Biometric Registration/Verification System that will have an interface and functionality consistent with the existing
system so that existing skills and experiences currently possessed by CSA Biometrics Staff can be fully leveraged.
Develop and deploy an On-line HRMIS and Biometric Registration/Verification System that will be network aware such that enrolment information can be
automatically saved to a local database when the central server is inaccessible; and synchronized whenever the server is accessible from the local/decentralized
Develop and deploy an On-line HRMIS and Biometric Registration/Verification System that will have a manual override to allow the operator to elect to operate
locally or online in cases where the server is accessible but the integrity of the network may make online enrolment unreliable.
Develop and deploy an On-line HRMIS and Biometric Registration/Verification System that will be capable of registering persons who are not in the database.
Note that Biometric enrolment was originally conceived as the acquisition of fingerprints and photographs of persons already in the Government of Liberias payroll
database. However, while this remains the primary requirement of biometric enrolment, the system must also be capable of registering persons who are not in
the database.
Develop and deploy an On-line HRMIS and Biometric Registration/Verification System that will allow automatic checking of Employee/Payroll numbers at the
time of enrolment to avoid duplication.
In addition, the system should permit the biometric registration of any person with the following minimum information:
1. First Name;
2. Last Name;
3. Gender
Biometric enrolment should include the acquisition of at least one photograph and images of all ten fingers of each subject.
The system should allow the retrieval of a person's record using any one of the following:
1. Full Name;
2. Employee/Payroll Number;
3. Social Security Number; and
4. System generated Person ID (pID) number
The search shall permit use of wild cards. Where multiple search results are returned, it must give the operator the option of checking each result at will.

Decentralized Systems
The server system should have a function for loading decentralized systems with an administrator specified subset of database records according to the respective
locations in which they will be used.
Decentralized systems should be capable of connecting to the central server and synchronizing their respective databases as follows:
New enrolments in the local database that have no records on the server will be copied to the server database
Changes to records on the server will copied to and overwrite records on the local database
Decentralized systems should be capable of importing from and exporting their databases to portable media; and the central server should have a means of
synchronizing with databases on portable media.
Decentralized systems should be capable of performing fingerprint and facial identification functions on their local datasets; and should be capable of performing
identification against the entire CSA database when the biometric identification server is accessible.
Access Control
The system must include a comprehensive access control system that grants read/write access to subsets of the database by location, ministry, and position level;
and to records by type (for example biometric records, employment, compensation, etc.)
Deliverables/Reporting Obligations:
1. An brief Inception Report: Submit a first draft inception report of the project within 15 days following signing of the contract, detailing:
An analysis and review of the project and work plan
Development of system development and deployment strategy that provides clear reporting criteria and schedule, and perceived challenges;
2. A draft final report submitted to the Project Team for review and comments.
3. A final report, subject to approval by the project team and head of the CSA

The BIOMETRICS CONSULTING FIRM shall report to the Director-General of the CSA through the Director of the Civil Service Reform Director (known as the Project
Coordinator) of the Public Sector Modernization Project (PSMP).

Maintain regular communication with the PSMP Management Program team via direct meeting, audio-conference, videoconference, and email regarding all
aspects of the evaluation procedure, system development and deployment, and reporting framework etc.
Provide PSMP and World Bank with copies of its evaluation procedure work flow and its system development and deployment methodology for review.
Strictly comply with all general independence, confidentiality, and professional integrity codes. Seek advice from CSA and World Bank team when uncertain about
requirements and expectations in this regard.
Permit the World Bank representatives and PSMP team or designated entities or individuals to monitor and inspect selected components or all of the process.
Monitoring may take the form of unannounced visits to firm offices and field area.
4. QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED ( Evidence to substantiate that) :

a) Team Leader:
Masters Degree in Information Communications Technology, Management Information Systems, Biometrics and Identity Management, Public Administration,
Public Sector Management and Reform, Project Management or related field to the above with bias in IT;
Must have a minimum of ten (10) years relevant work experience;
Must have experience in strategic planning, systems analysis and design, monitoring/evaluation, CSA reform initiatives and other reform programs, especially
related to the public sector;
Must demonstrate practical and relevant experience dealing with difficult governance issues and other stakeholders participatory processes XC

b.) Key Staff (Minimum two personnel):

Masters Degree in Information Communications Technology, Management Information Systems, Biometrics and Identity Management, Public Administration,
Public Sector Management and Reform, Project Management or related field to the above with bias in IT;
He/she must have a minimum of Seven (7) years relevant work experience;
The consultant must have experience in strategic planning, systems analysis and design, monitoring/evaluation, CSA reform initiatives and other reform programs,
especially related to the public sector;
Must demonstrate practical and relevant experience dealing with difficult governance issues and other stakeholders participatory processes XC

Other Registration Requirements:

The interested firms should attach evidence of the following documents with their applications:
Documentary proof of valid legal entity of the firm i.e. Registration with Securities and
Exchange Commission or Registrar of firms;
Registration of firm/consortium with relevant professional body, if any;
Audited Statements of Accounts for last 3 years;
Undertaking that the firm has not been blacklisted or debarred by any government organization;
The firms experience in Biometrics System Development and implementation in public/private sector, if available, where it has been involved in development and
implementation of biometrics systems, and provision of services and any relevant and recent analysis or report.
Details of major works/projects completed in public/private sector during the last five years. The list must include a brief description of the project relevant to
the assignment;
A capacity statement on available IT equipment (software/hardware) requirement for evaluation process.
List of key permanent professional staff including detailed CVs of core team for the assignment, showing qualification and experience including the projects on
which they have worked; their role in the project and duration of their engagement with the project, and the name of a contact person for identification purposes.
Proof of registration, income tax and sales tax.

The duration for this assignment is Six (6) months and based on the achievement of specific milestone predetermined by the project team. The work schedule
will be determined by the project team and the consultant for the duration of the assignment. The duty station shall be Civil Service Agency Monrovia, Liberia.
However, a portion of this assignment could be undertaken away from the CSA or Monrovia.
6. Selection Criteria:.
The consultant shall be selected based on the Consultants' Qualification Selection, (CQS), method of the World Banks consultant selection guidelines. Main criteria
for the selection will be relevant work experience and qualifications of core Personnel for the Assignment.
Interested Consulting Firms may obtain further information at the address below during office hours from 09:00 and 17:00hours, Mondays to Fridays.
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form clearly marked: Ref: Hire Firm for Online HRMIS & Biometric Registration/Verification System with
Offline Capabilities for the PSMP, at the address below in person or by mail (or by email) on or before Friday, July 03, 2015, at 16:00hours.
The Project Coordinator
Public Sector Modernization Project
Civil Service Agency
#63 Carey Street, Monrovia, Liberia

Monday, June 22, 2015

Page 12 | Frontpage

Issuance Date: Starting From Friday, June 19, 2015, (then Monday, June 22, Wednesday, June 24, Friday,
June 26; Monday, June 29, and Wednesday, July 01, 2015, for 2 weeks).
1. Introduction:
The Government of Liberia (GoL) through the Civil Service Agency (CSA) has received a funding envelope comprising IDA and
a Multi-Donor Trust Fund (USAID & SIDA) to support the strengthening of governance and public administration through the
Public Sector Modernization Project (PSMP). The Civil Service Agency intends to apply part of the proceeds of this financing to
eligible payments under the contract for hiring a highly organized and energized Communications Specialist/Public Relation Officer,
who will carry on with the Communications/Public Relation function under the project and continue the capacity building of the
Monitoring and Evaluation officers in the participating ministries and agencies.

2. Objectives of the Assignment:

The objectives of the assignment are as follows :
To supplement the capacity of the CSA to manage the Communications/Public Relations activities under the project hereafter
called the Client, including the planning and implementation and supervision of all Communications/Public Relations operations
under the project;
To contract the services of a Communication/Public Relations Specialist needed to implement existing Communications strategies
and plan in order to positively highlight results of the PSMP over the project life cycle.
To carry out an In-depth evaluation of the Communications/Public Relations activities and work products of the PSMP.
To have a thorough review of the Project Appraisal Document, (PAD), with a view to strengthening/developing Communications/
Public Relations activities.
To facilitate activation of Communications/Public Relations activities in participating ministries and agencies and build their
capacity to gradually take over the Communications/Public Relations function at the end of the consultancy period.
To produce relations materials, edit and layout reports and other promotional material and assist in planning, publicizing, and
carrying out special events;
To work in concert with the PSMP project Coordinator, CSA communication/PR Officer, stakeholders, beneficiaries and donors to
develop activities that highlight and showcase donor assistance/achievements of the PSMP;
To monitor local and international press coverage and monitor effectiveness of the communications strategy, provide feedback to
inform ongoing Public Relations activities and future programs;
Assist in editing, designing structure for monthly, quarterly, and yearly project implementation progress report in close
consultation with the Director of CSRD(known as the Project Coordinator);
3. Scope of the Assignmdnt:
The scope of the services to be provided by the Communications Specialist/Public Relations Officer is as follows:
The Communications Specialist/Public Relations Officer will work as part of the Project Implementing Team under the supervision
and guidance of a high-level inter-ministerial steering committee, The Project Oversight Committee (POC); and will form part of
the Technical Working Group (TWG) which draws technicians from the three implementing Agencies, the Liberia Institute for
Public Administration (LIPA), the Governance Commission (GC), and the Civil Service Agency (CSA), coordinated for the attainment
of project's goal. Under the direct supervision of the Director of CSRD (referred to as Project Coordinator), the communication
specialist, will be responsible for carrying out the internal and external communication strategy/plan for CSA. S/He will also provide
communications support to the internal and external partners such as the GC and LIPA team. These activities are to be carried out
within a participatory context that gives importance to advising and transferring knowledge to partners and stakeholders.
The consultant is expected to disseminate information and messages from the activities of the PSMP to the wider public, influence
decision making and knowledge sharing. Also, promote and enhance the national, regional, and global visibility of the PSMP.
Specifically the consultants work is expected to:
Raise the profile of the PSMP, nationally, regionally, globally, and with identified audiences;
Ensure effective lobbying and advocacy with critical stakeholders at all levels including government and policy makers;
Support and further the effectiveness of the activities implemented by partners including LIPA, and GC in relations to the PSMP
and reforms in general;
Within the framework of the project and its objectives, utilize existing communication strategy and develop information strategy
and carry out communication activities to promote and share information about the project objectives, outputs and outcomes;
Assist PSMP team in developing appropriate branded public information documentations and events;
Assist in the preparation of schedules, briefing materials, scene setters, briefing with PSMP team;
Maintain a calendar of the PSMP events in close coordination with PSMP team and our implementing partners.
Design, develop, and disseminate all outreach materials and activities to advertize beneficiaries, products to target audience
and media, including outreach folders and fact sheets, newsletter, blog/website entries, tweets, newsletter, brochures, video, and
campaigns, for broadcast and print media;
Engage with change Agents(Internal Reform Committees) across MACs, and capture success stories for disseminations through
website , outreach folders and to media;
Design, develop, market, and maintain project social media page;

B. Capacity Building
During the course of the assignment, the consultant will work in concert with the PSMP project Coordinator, CSA communication/
PR Officer, stakeholders, beneficiaries and donors to develop activities that highlight and showcase donor assistance/achievements
of the PSMP and to communicate the reforms and achieve the deliverables.
Provide support in guidance, mentoring, and coaching the Local Communications/Public Relations officers and other staff in
Communications/Public Relations Management. The Communications Specialist/Public Relations Officer will be the champion
within the Agency to build capacity among local Communications/Public Relations staff and to promote confidence and efficiency in
their Communications/Public Relations deliveries.
Participate in and facilitate related training and workshops as appropriate;

4. Qualifications and Competencies:

The selected Communications Specialist/Public Relations Officer shall possess the following:
Required Academic Qualifications:
The Consultant shall possess a Minimum of Master degree in Development Studies, Public Policy, Communications, Media
Management, Journalism, and equivalent;
Minimum of 5 years knowledge of professional experience in policy advocacy, internet campaign, coalition building and
management and/or networking is desirable. Work experience in the Public Sector will be an advantage;
Minimum of 5 years Training and experience in development and use of information management systems and techniques;
At least 5 years of work experience in the field of Public Information and communications, preferably in a newspaper or media
Agency, at least 5 years of experience in Communications at the project level would be preferable
1. Competencies:
Training and experience in Computer aided design;
Demonstrated experience in writing articles and text for professional publications and also to a highly illiterate public;
Excellent writing skills;
Excellent knowledge and skills in computer applications of MS office, desktop publishing programs, and website design and
Sensitive to gender issues;
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills and positive attitude, towards working with local staff and government officials;
Understanding of policy Advocacy and development issues;
Initiative, adaptability, and skill in adapting policies and techniques to local circumstances;
Work in an organized and concise manner;
Work experience in development programs;
Result oriented and strengthen player;
Sound judgment, flexibility and adaptability;
5. Duration of Assignment:
The Consultant will be contracted for twelve (12) months, and is expected to work full time (office hours) within Monrovia, except
otherwise situation demands outside Monrovia travel on related project matters
6. Selection Criteria:.
The consultant shall be selected based on the Individual selection method of the World Banks consultant selection guidelines. Main
criteria for the selection will be relevant work experience and qualifications

Interested Consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours from 09:00 and 17:00hours,
Mondays to Fridays.
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form clearly marked: Ref: Communications Specialist/Public Relation Officer
of the PSMP, at the address below in person or by mail (or by email) on or before Friday, July 03, 2015, at 16:00hours.
The Projector Coordinator
Public Sector Modernization Project
Civil Service Agency
#63 Carey Street, Monrovia, Liberia

Grant Number: H991
Project ID: P152359

Request for Expression of Interest (Re-Advertised)

West Africa is currently experiencing the largest and first documented outbreak of the
Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) nearly in four decade history in terms of geography areas
already affected and others at immediate risk of further spread. Liberia, Guinea and
Sierra Leone are the three most affected countries overwhelmed by the scale of the
outbreak. The current outbreak has already exceeded the weak and under resourced
system in the countries. Liberian among the affected has experienced a risk of contagion
for health workers and has created an atmosphere of fear in healthcare settings.
Infection of healthcare workers coupled with this fear has crippled the health care
delivery system further exposing the fragility in system struggling to respond effectively
to the sudden and rapidly evolving spread of the disease. In many cases, major public and
private health facilities have closed down with health workers abandoning their posts
due to fear of contamination. As a consequence, basic and essential health services to
address other diseases have been strangulated leading to many deaths from preventable
and treatable conditions.
In response to the call from the government of Liberia and WHO, the World Bank
proposed a package of short and medium financing in emergency funding that
compliments and support a multi-partner emergency response effort lead by the
Government of Liberia and international technical agencies such as WHO and US CDC
intended to help contain the spread of the disease, assist their communities to cope
with the economic impact of the crisis, and build strengthen essential public and health
systems and service delivery platforms to enable more effective response to infectious
disease outbreak upon emergence in the future.
This support led to the design of the Ebola Emergency Response Project (EERP) that
aims to support the Strategic Operational Outbreak Response Plan and provide funding
to address key challenges in controlling the EVD. The Project objective is to contribute
in short term to the control of the EVD outbreak and the availability of the selected
essential health services, and mitigate the socio-economic impact of the EVD in the three
heavily affected countries. Project instrument for Liberia covers the an initial investment
of US$52 million and an additional financing of US$115 million. The Project became
effective in September 19, 2014, and plans to close on September 30, support
of attainment of project development objective, the Government through the Ministry
of Health deems it prudent to organize a project implementation unit (PIU) charge with
the responsibilities of managing and coordinating project implementation of EERP and
additional financing (AF).
The project implementation unit (PIU) now invites eligible individual consultants to
express their interest in providing the services of a Project Accountant. Selection will be
based on qualifications and experience stipulated below.
Excellent written and oral English;
Sound financial management and report writing skills;
Mature personality, capable of handling sensitive situations;
Ability to work under pressure and to meet strict deadlines;
Team leader and self-starter;
Proven flexibility and dedication, with disciplined work ethics.

Bachelor Degree (BSc) in Accounting or Financial Management, or similar disciplines,
Three (3) years of relevant work experiences; one of which was in Liberia;
At least one (1) demonstrated ability and experience in World Bank/Donor financed
Computer literacy.
An individual consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out
in the World Banks Guidelines: selection and employment of consultants under IBRD
Loans and IDA Credit and Grants by World Bank Borrowers dated January 2011.
Duration the duration of the assignment is 6-months but may be renewed base on
additional funding. Interest consultants may obtain further information including
detailed Terms of Reference from the PIU at the address below during office hours 8:00
to 6:00 at expressions of interest must be delivered at the address
below by land, mail, courier or before June 30th, 2015 at the 15:00 hours GMT.
All EOIs must be marked MOH/REO/002/2015 and drop in the Tender Box opposite
the elevators or email to
Procurement Unit-Ground Floor-Room #140
Director of Procurement
Ministry of Health
Oldest Congo Town-Tubman Boulevard
Tel: + 231(0)886515565
Signed ---------------------------Approved-----------------

Monday, June 22, 2015

Key Responsibilities

Support the MNCH Project Account

Prepare & Submit Accounts and all other financial report timely

Ensure Tax payment timely

Prepare and deliver monthly payroll for all staff on a timely basis

Check monthly Bank Statement & Bank Reconciliation

Ensure a system of accurate vouchers are put in place for all procurements

Ensure Financial Transparency

Manage all Financial reporting, accounting and donor compliance issues related
to project implementation

Monitor Budget vs. Expenditures, manage cash flow

Manage personnel files, track vacation, sick and other leave of all staff

Ensure HR files are complete and up to date

Serve as a catalyst for building financial capacity strategies for the project and
facility improvement

Liaise with the Ministry of Health Office of Financial Management (OFM) and
Health Partners when necessary.

M.Com/MBA in Finance or Accounts or any relevant subject from any reputed

Minimum five (5) years experience in Finance, Accounting, or other relevant

Excellent written and oral communication skills

High level of proficiency in Microsoft Office, particularly in Exce Yl,
PowerPoint and Word
Compensation and Benefits
Competitive Basic Salary with medical coverage benefits.
Transportation to and from work as well as for work - related activities will be
Deadline: June 29, 2015
Project Manager
Key responsibilities

Oversee and manage MNCH project staff

Facilitate timely processing of compliance and reporting documentation

Ensure that targets are met on a monthly and quarterly basis.

Liaise with the Benson Hospital staff and the Hospital top Administration/
Management team

Secure additional partnership and funding from partners such as academic
institutions, bilateral donors, NGOs, private sector and Government of Liberia entities
to support the project.

Oversee the development and execution of robust quantitative and qualitative
analyses to both. Identify priority interventions and then assess their impact.

Bachelors Degree in Business Management /Business Administration or
equivalent plus 5 years management experience; Or Advanced Degree (MBA) plus
three years management experience

Proven experience in managing and leading teams to deliver high-impact

Exceptional problem-solving and critical thinking skills

Exceptional relationship building skills

Exceptional strategy development skills

Ability to work in unstructured and fast-paced environments

Exceptional general management, financial management and communication
(written and oral) skills including the ability to communicate effectively with people of
varied professional and cultural backgrounds.

Ability to develop objectives and turn them into sound proposals for possible

Entrepreneurial mindset, including the ability to work independently, selfmotivated; ability to propose and implement new initiatives.

Ability to be effective in high-pressure situations; handle multiple tasks
simultaneously, and set priorities.

Ability to work with humility and achieve results

Proven ability to diffuse high stress situations.

High level of proficiency in Microsoft Office, particularly in Excel, PowerPoint
and Word
Compensation and Benefits

Competitive Basic Salary with medical coverage benefits.

Transportation to and from work as well as for work - related activities will be
Deadline: June 29, 2015
Family Doctor General Practitioner with Pediatrics Experience
Clinical Responsibilities


Page 13

Provide direct Neonatal and Pediatrics care to all in need of such to contribute
to neonatal and child morbidity and morbidity reduction in Liberia.

Train, mentor and supervise mid-level health workers for Pediatrics care

Provide health education to mothers on caring for their neonates and

Engage in continuous clinical care bringing best practice on board for the
MNCH project at Benson Hospital

Provide on-care support as needed

Diagnose neonatal abnormal defects and refer to specialized facility for

Organize and conduct seminars on evidence-based interventions

Participate in formal evaluation of mid-level health workers.

Assist in development and/or enhancement of clinical guidelines and
therapeutic/diagnostic approaches for neonates and pediatric patients using the WHO.
Integrated management of Neonatal and child illness (MNCI) protocols.

Represent Benson Hospital at professional academic fora.

Certified, currently licensed practitioner in the field of Pediatrics and/or general
medicine with 5+ years of work experience

Excellent clinical skills and ability to impact knowledge

Emotional intelligence and personal maturity, competence, and passion for
improving health care delivery

Professional experience in developing related proposals for possible funding.

Should have good skill in ultra sound.
Compensation and Benefits
Competitive Basic Salary with medical coverage benefits.
Transportation to and from work as well as for work - related activities will be
Deadline: June 29, 2015
Number of positions: 3
Scope of work

Work within the rules and regulations of nursing and midwifery board to
provide excellent care for all patients at outpatients and in-patients levels.

At least 3+ years experience working with county or national hospital wi9th
professional license by the Liberia Nursing and midwifery board.

A proven track record as a caring, Compassionate nurse with bed-side nursing

A B.SN degree or registered Nurse certificate with 3-5 years of experience. A
combined RN and Midwife qualification is an added advantage.

The candidate should be professional, compassionate and confident

Working style should be inclusive, friendly and collaborative

Board certified and registered by the Liberia Nursing and Midwife Board.
Compensation and Benefits

Competitive Basic Salary with medical coverage benefits.
Deadline: 29, June 2015
Number of positions: 4
Scope of work

The midwife shall provide round the clock care and continuous monitoring of
the labor patients irrespective of social status.

The midwife must be able to independently monitor the fetal heart rate, use
the pantograph to monitor the progress of the labor and assess the stages of labor till
delivery of life healthy baby.

The midwife will alert the doctor immediate for any abnormal signs or changes
in the patients condition for immediate action.

Excellent written and oral communication skills.

Commitment to the goals of Liberias Ministry of Health and Benson Hospital

Midwifery certificate from a recognized reputable Nursing School with at least
3-5 years of working experience with county or National HOSPITALS OR Health

. A combined Nursing Certificate (RN)/degree (BSN) after Midwifery is an
added advantage.

Board certified and registered by the Liberia Nursing and Midwife Board.
Compensation and Benefits

Competitive Basic Salary with medical coverage benefits.
Deadline: 29, June 2015
The Administrator
Benson Hospital
Paynesville, Liberia.

Page 14 | Frontpage





Monday, June 22, 2015




t the Saudi Embassy in Tehran, diplomats talked
about airing the grievances of disenchanted
local youth using Facebook and Twitter. At the
embassy in Khartoum, they reported anxiously
on Iran's military aid to Sudan.
Meanwhile the Saudi mission in Geneva was stuck dealing
with a multi-million dollar limo bill racked up by a Saudi
princess and her entourage.
The diplomatic documents published by WikiLeaks Friday
are only the first batch of what the transparency group says
will be a much larger release, but they've already provided
an unusual level of insight into the day-to-day of Saudi
diplomacy giving a snapshot of the lavish spending habits
of senior royals and the political intrigue percolating across
the Middle East



BANGKOK (Reuters) total of 175 people were exposed to Thailand's

only case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
(MERS) and the patient's condition has improved,
the health ministry said on Saturday.
In a statement, the ministry said it had been in touch with all
175 and had instructed them to stay away from public spaces
and for medical personnel to monitor their health.
In South Korea, the health ministry said that no new cases of
the disease had been recorded in the country for the first time
in 16 days. Health authorities said on Friday the outbreak first
reported on May 20 seemed to have leveled off.



racist manifesto and a collection of photos

suspected to have been written and posted by
alleged Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof
was discovered by activists online.
The white man who faces nine counts of murder for allegedly
opening fire in a historically African-American church in
South Carolina on Wednesday apparently left a screed of his
racist beliefs and dozens of photos of himself posing with
the Confederate flag and symbols tied to white supremacist
groups.In one image, the suspected gunman is posed on
the beach wearing the same clothes he is seen wearing on
surveillance footage as he entered the church on Wednesday.
It is unclear if this image was taken the same day as the
shooting, but if so, it would show that Roof took time to visit
the beach, inscribe the racist symbol 1488 in the sand and
photograph himself before allegedly traveling to Charleston.

n his opening remarks

at the African Union
summit this past
weekend, chairperson
and Zimbabwe president
Robert Mugabe questioned
why African leaders should
have term limits. He
likened the two-term limit
to a rope around the neck
for African leaders, adding
that European leaders do
not face the same term
limits yet are considered
full democracies.
It is ironic that the
in his seventh term as
president (but his first
new constitution which
restricts him to two). Some
dismiss his comments as
the confused ramblings
of a man out of touch
with reality after all,
in the same opening
remarks he poked fun
at Burundian president
bid for a third term in
office. His comments
are equally ironic given
that Zimbabwes new
Constitution imposes a
two-term limit, a provision
Mugabe himself endorsed.
He may not be the most
credible authority on the
question of term limits
but if we set that aside
for a minute, could he
have a point? After all, as
Mugabe rightly points out,
having term limits does not
necessarily make a country
Democracy is understood
to be synonymous with
government and term
limits are a convenient way
to make that happen. But
what if the people want the
president back for a third
term? Isnt it undemocratic
to prevent the people from
expressing this preference

because of term limits? At its core, that is what Mugabes

comments were about. Are term limits truly not a rope
around the neck of leaders whose people want them to
continue serving?
*Correction: This chart has been corrected to reflect full
terms in power.



San Francisco (AFP) S President Barack Obama will in late July

become the first sitting American leader
to visit Ethiopia and the headquarters of
the African Union, the White House said
Friday.Obama's trip to Addis Ababa will come directly
after an already announced trip to Kenya, his first as
president to his father's homeland, press secretary
Josh Earnest announced.Obama will meet both the
Ethiopian government and AU leaders, for talks on how
to "accelerate economic growth, strengthen democratic
institutions and improve security."The election of the
United States' first black president -- and the first with an
African parent -- raised high hopes on the continent, but
Obama has been a cautious friend.In August last year,
the White House hosted a huge Washington summit of
African leaders and the upcoming July trip is intended to
build on progress towards closer economic ties.
A presidential visit to Kenya had been put on ice while
President Uhuru Kenyatta faced charges of crimes
against humanity for his role in 2007-2008 post-election
violence.The International Criminal Court has since
suspended that prosecution, citing a lack of evidence and
Kenya's failure to cooperate.
Human rights groups have questioned the visit to Kenya,
but are also asking why Obama is visiting Ethiopia so
soon after a contested election.
Africa's second most populous nation held a vote in May
that was described by many independent observers as
The governing party, which has ruled for over two
decades, won a landslide, amid opposition allegations of
intimidation and vote rigging.
"The decision by President Obama to travel to Ethiopia,
which has seen three opposition party members murdered
this week alone, is very troubling," Jeffrey Smith of the
Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights
told AFP.

divided on this. There are
those who argue that term
limits rob a country of
an experienced group of
career politicians. Using
term limits to force regular
changes in government
means that we loose the
valuable experience that
the old guard has acquired
strongest argument often
advanced is that term limits
are unnecessary because if
politicians are not doing a
good job, nothing prevents
them from being voted out
of office. Voters can simply
vote for someone else.
The problem with these
arguments is that they
miss the point of why
term limits are necessary.
It was Lord Acton the
English Catholic historian,
politician and writer who
famously said that power
tends to corrupt and
absolute power corrupts
absolutely. The early
pioneers of democracy
always held the belief
that people, when given
power, will eventually
be corrupted by it. Term
limits are therefore not
only desirable but are
an essential part of the
because it ensures that
candidates would have
to leave office before
corruption dominates their
presidents are among
the most powerful in
the world. Here, what
the president wants, the
president gets. Just look
at Rwanda although the
constitution allows only
two terms, when president
Kagame wanted a third
term in office all he had
to do was just ask. And
now its almost guaranteed
he will be a candidate
in the next elections.
may be simmering with
tensions over president
Nkurunzizas bid for a
third term in office but that
doesnt faze him one bit.
Why? Apparently his first
term in office simply didnt
count. If even Mugabe
finds this laughable, you
get the sense of the how
much power the average
African president wields.

Monday, June 22, 2015





The Atletico Madrid boss, who made 100 appearances for Argentina
as a player, says the Barca star stands alone as the game's No.1

international Diego
Lionel Messi stands
alone as the worlds best,
insisting nobody else even
comes close to the four-time
Ballon d'Or winner.
Messi scored from the
penalty spot as he captained
the Albiceleste
disappointing 2-2 draw in
their Copa America opener
against Paraguay last week
before helping his side to a
1-0 victory over Uruguay
which has seen them qualify
for the knockout stage.
Argentina face Jamaica in
their final group game on
Saturday hoping to secure
top spot and Simeone
believes Messi is the man to
lead Argentina to their first
major title in 22 years.
"Messi is the No.1; no player
today can even come close,
Simeone told Tyc.
Lionel can hopefully lead
to Argentina to win the Copa
America and then the World
Simeone went on to add
that he considers any
Messi and Diego Maradona
are futile.
Comparisons always serve
only the controversy, to set
one of them aside is not fair,"



verbally abused
referee Enrique Osses in the
aftermath of his side's 1-0
Copa America defeat versus
Colombia on Wednesday.
The Barcelona attacker was
shown a straight red card
after an altercation with
Jeison Murillo and Carlos
Bacca after the final whistle
and then waited for Osses
in the tunnel to voice his
dismay with the decision.
Neymar insulted the referee
more than once as he lost
his temper following his
keeping his calm and
putting up an extra finger
for each time the 23-yearold verbally assaulted him.


he added.
"Maradona and Messi played in
different times and in different
positions. Messi is much more
a striker, Diego was all over the

entire pitch.
They are two extraordinary
players. Messi has won four
Champions Leagues you
cannot compare these two

great players.
Simeone played 106 times for
Argentina, lifting the Copa
America in 1991 and 1993.

Messi, who is yet to win a title

with Argentina at senior level,
will make his 100th appearance
for his country against Jamaica.


Atletico Bilbao Star Inaki Williams Still Uncertain About Allegiance To Mothers Homeland Or Ghana

Surprisingly Inaki did not

talk about his Ghanaian roots
despite the interest shown by
the Ghana Football Association
to cap him at international

hana might be
keeping tabs on
Williams over a possible
nationality switch but the
21-year-old has hinted he
could favour West African
neighbours Liberia.

Inaki enjoyed a fine season with

Athletic Club and scored in
every competition he featured
this season including the Uefa
Europa League, Spanish La
Liga and the Spanish Cup.

Ghana might be keeping

tabs on Athletic Clubs Inaki
Dannis Williams over a
possible nationality switch
but the 21-year-old has hinted
he could favour West African
neighbours Liberia.
Inaki, who currently plays for
the Spanish U21 side, is being
hotly pursued by Ghanas
Football Association to commit
his international future with the
Black Stars as his father hails
from the West African country.

Page 15

But the forward also owns part of his heritage

to Ghanas border neighbours Liberia. And, the
talented youngster had expressed his desire to
travel to Liberia to establish a bond with his
mothers country.

I want to travel to the Liberia to be with them

and let them feel proud for all the support they
have shown me, he said in an interview.

I am mentally strong. I wanted

to check and saw that the goals
were not coming. In high
competition, it is harder to
get because the opponents are
more over and let you think,
but it could not lower the arms
and I had to continue to grow
and try to help the team with
my game or giving passes, he

Monaco midfielder Geoffrey

Kondogbia has agreed to
join Italian giants Inter after
snubbing city rivals AC Milan,
Goal understands.
Both Milanese clubs have
been in negotiations for the
22-year-old midfielder, with
Milan originally seen as the
favourites to buy him.
Galliani, who travelled to
Monte Carlo to meet with
the player on Thursday,
complained that Kondogbia
would cost upwards of 35
million and bemoaned the
player's wage demands.


anchester City
are prepared
to make a final
take-it-orleave-it offer of 45 million
wantaway forward Raheem
Sterling, Goal understands.
City have so far seen initial
package offers of 30m
(42m) and 35m (49m)
dismissed, but
an offer comprising a
larger up-front payment of
40m (56m) plus add-ons
amounting to around 5m
(7m) could get the deal done.

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