Cartas de Amor de Personajes Famosos

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- Monserrath Snchez M.


Second IB



FROM Jean Paul Sartre TO Simone de Beauvoir

"Try to understand me: I love while paying attention to the things that happen. In
Toulouse you simply wanted. This evening I want you in a spring afternoon. I love you
with the window open. You are mine and things are mine and my love alters things
around me and things around me alter my love ".
FROM Honor de Balzac TO Eveline Hanska
"I'm pretty crazy about you as much as one can be mad: I can not join two ideas you
without you interpose between them. I can not think of anything but yourself. "
FROM Franz Kafka TO Milena Jesensk.
"Last night I dreamed you. What happened can not remember in detail, all I know is that
we join each other. I was you, you were me. Finely for some reason ravished fire. "
FROM Oscar Wilde
My child,
Your sonnet is lovely, and it is wonderful that those thine own lips as red as rose petals
are made for both the madness of music and songs to the madness of kissing. Your slim
gilt soul walks in the midst of passion and poetry. I know Jacinto, whom Apollo loved
her so crazy, was you in times of Greece. Why are you alone in London, and when you
go to Salisbury? Go there to cool your hands in the gray twilight of Gothic things, and
come here anytime. It is the only missing you lovely place; but go to Salisbury first.
Always, with undying love, yours. "
FROM Goethe

"I can not help but love you more than is good for me. I feel happy until I see you again.
I am aware of my closeness to you always, your presence never leaves me. Goodbye to
you, whom I love a thousand times."
FROM Ludwig van Beethoven TO his love
Good morning on July 7 Though still in bed, my thoughts go out to you, my Immortal Beloved, first
cheerfully, then sadly, waiting to hear whether or not fate will hear us. I just can totally live with you and
if not, do not want anything. Yes, I am resolved to wander around, as far away from you until I can fly to
your arms and say I really am home with you, and I can send my soul wrapped in thee into the land of
spirits. Yes, unfortunately that must be it. Will you be more restrained and cautious since you know my
fidelity to you? A no more will possess my heart, never, never.Oh God! Why does one have to be
separated from someone you love so much ?, and also my life is now a wretched life. Your love makes
me at once the happiest and the unhappiest of men. At my age I need a peaceful and stable life that can
exist in our relationship? My angel, just told me that the car
mail goes every day, I close the letter once, so you can already receive. Calm down, only by a calm
consideration of our existence can achieve our purpose to live together. Calm down, love me, today,
yesterday, what tears longing for you, you, you, my life, my everything, goodbye. Continue to love me,
never misjudge the faithful heart of your beloved. Forever Yours Forever Mine always our

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