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......................................................................................................................... 3
Songbook .......................................................................................................................... 3
.............................................................................................................................. 215
.............................................................................................................................. 243
Arvut................................................................................................................................ 335



' 47......................................................................................................


' 93.................................................................

, 143......................................................................................








( ).......................................................48
(We will we will rock you) ..........................................................................50
( ) .............................52
( ) ........................................................................58
(La Shate Mi Cantare)....................................58
( )................................................58

( ) .....................................................62
( ) .................................................................62
( ).......................................64
( , ) ................................66
! ............................................................70
( ) ......................................................72
( ) ....................................................................74
, () .............................................................82

( ) ....................................................................88
, ....................................................................................94
40- ..........................................................................98
(-) ............................. 100
( ) ................................. 108
( -) ...................................110
( ) ................... 178
( ) ...................................114
( ) .................................................................116

(, .. ) .........120
! ( ) ......................................124
, (, ) ..................................126
( ) ......................130
( ) ........................................................132
(o) ...........................................................134

( ) ......................................................................................136

( ) .........................................136

(-) .......................................................138
() .......................................138
(, ) ............................................................142

............................................................................................... 148

(, ) ...............................................148
( -) ..........................150
( ) ......................................152
( / )................152
( ) .........................154

( ) ......................158
... ... () ....................................................168
..................................................................... 170

( ) .................................................................172
( -) .............................174
( ) .......................... 180
...................................................................................................................... 180


( ) ........182
() ......................................................186
, ( ..) ............................. 188
- ( ).........................................................190
( ) ................196
( ) .............................................................198
................................................................................................ 200
(O sole mio) .........................................................202
( ) .........................................................204
(L'ete indien Joe Dassin).................206
( ) ..................... 208


Songbook ........................................................................................................................13
The Shabath Songs...................................................................................................16
How friendly is your rest....................................................................................16
Lord King of the Universe ................................................................................18
My soul is thirsty....................................................................................................20
Blessed is God .........................................................................................................26
For I will observe the Shabbat.........................................................................28
Freedom shall He proclaim ..............................................................................30
Sons of the Palace .................................................................................................34
Psalm of David........................................................................................................34
Dear friend of the soul ........................................................................................36
Do not hide Yourself............................................................................................38

For the sake of my brother ...............................................................................42
Light up our eyes ...................................................................................................42
You saved my soul.................................................................................................42
Who is that man .....................................................................................................42
Hope towards God................................................................................................44
Sing to Him ..............................................................................................................44
If you encamp a camp on me .........................................................................44
Hear Israel.................................................................................................................44
The heavens will be happy.................................................................................44
This is the pleasantness of my heart .............................................................44
May I sing to the Lord........................................................................................45
And you will expound forward........................................................................45
The whole world.....................................................................................................45
My eyes will rise up ..............................................................................................45
Thus says the Lord ................................................................................................45

Fast Songs ......................................................................................................................48


Let the Pace Increase (Peace Song).............................................................48

Tomorrow ..................................................................................................................48
Come to me my friend (We will we will rock you) ..............................50
We do not care........................................................................................................52
Let it open (Song of paratrooper) .................................................................52
Thank you..................................................................................................................54
Keter and Hochma ...............................................................................................56
Sign ...............................................................................................................................56
Right line (Gingis Han)......................................................................................58
I am coming back home ....................................................................................58
We have to bond my friend
(Those were the days, my friend) ............................................................58
Let us bestow ......................................................................................................60
We bring peace to you.........................................................................................60
All of us are amazed .............................................................................................62
Commando Song ...................................................................................................62
This is our special way (Soli) ...........................................................................64
A Friend from Overseas......................................................................................66
Turn ..............................................................................................................................68
Circulation, starting the Assault......................................................................70
Its Undecided.........................................................................................................72
I Was Born Here....................................................................................................74
Kazablan ...............................................................................................................76
Ba Makom Katan (Somewhere).....................................................................80
The Point (Shahrisabz) .......................................................................................82
Everything in life ends.........................................................................................84
Mingling (Oh, Bloody) .......................................................................................86
From the Beginning..............................................................................................86
There is Nothing Greater in our Life ..........................................................88
I Crossed the Machsom......................................................................................92
Waiting for You our King..................................................................................92
Will Come and will Arrive.................................................................................96
The Creator is Good to Us All .......................................................................98
One Step Forward .............................................................................................. 100
A Black Point........................................................................................................104
Here in our group...............................................................................................106
We are Bnei Baruch .......................................................................................... 108
Lets Learn Together.........................................................................................112
The Sultan ........................................................................................................114
Among the Worlds..............................................................................................116
Lets Decide...........................................................................................................118
We Must ..................................................................................................................120


We are All One Kli ............................................................................................122

The Arvut, The Arvut .......................................................................................124
The Creator is Our Goal.................................................................................126
The Power of Arvut ...........................................................................................128
Dances with the Group....................................................................................130
Wheres the Light................................................................................................132
Well Build the World Kli Together ..........................................................134
We were in a dream...........................................................................................136
Kabbalists of Bnei Baruch .........................................................................138
The light will lead us to the group..............................................................138
I am only a man..................................................................................................140
We drink Lechaim (Traviata) .......................................................................142
The Creator is the purpose of life...............................................................142
We Will not Stop Wanting .............................................................................144

Slow Songs.................................................................................................................. 148

We dont feel there is a distance .................................................................148
This very day .........................................................................................................150
There is secret place
(There is a house of sons that defrosts)....................................................150
Love thy neighbour as thyself (Besame mucho)..................................152
You build the desire in us (The Godfather) ..........................................152
And so we turn to You.....................................................................................154
Come let us connect together .......................................................................154
What kind of group............................................................................................156
Oh Sadness you must leave............................................................................156
We Justify Your Work (Yesterday).............................................................158
Ways ..........................................................................................................................160
Oh Little point .....................................................................................................164
In our world...........................................................................................................166
A Little Bird Inside My Heart ..................................................................... 170
You and I will Change the World .............................................................. 170
Take every wish....................................................................................................172
A Thousand Wishes............................................................................................176
Divinity Among us ............................................................................................. 178
Together................................................................................................................... 180
One Law ..................................................................................................................182
We are Arevim (Rigoletto) .............................................................................184
World Kli ................................................................................................................186
The Whole World Are Friends.....................................................................190
When We Want as One....................................................................................192
Please, allow us to feel You .....................................................................196


We Are Kli Ehad ...........................................................................................198

Song about friend................................................................................................ 200
There is a brief moment ..................................................................................202
My only choice ....................................................................................................202
Life is but one quest (O sole mio)..............................................................204
The state has passed (Black eyes) ...............................................................204
End of correction (L'ete indien Joe Dassin) ...................................206
Beyond the barrier..............................................................................................206
Every attainment .................................................................................................206
He who (Michelle, ma belle Beatles) ................................................. 208
All Things come from G-d ......................................................................210
One Kli ...............................................................................................................212


The Shabath Songs

The First Meal
1.E How friendly is your rest


How friendly is your rest

the Shabbat Queen
And so we will run to meet you
Come princess bride!
dress in pleasant clothes
to light a candle with a blessing
And consume all of your works
Do not do labor



To delight in delights
quails and fish

From the eve before we order all sorts of

tasty foods
While it is still day we prepare
fattened chickens
and arrange some herbs
seasoned wine drinks
and delightful delicacies
In all three cases

To delight in delights

Jacobs estate will we inherit

without estate
And they will honor him
and they will be worthy of redemption
The Shabbat day if you keep it
shall be to you a good luck charm
Six days shall you work
and on the seventh we will rejoice

To delight in delights


Ma yedidut menuhatech


Ma yedidut menuhatech
et Shabbat ha-Malka
Vechen naruts likratech
boi Kala nesucha
Levush bigdei chamudot
lehadlik ner bebracha
Ve tachel kol ha-avodot
lo taasu melacha

Lehitaneg be taanugim
barburim ve slav ve dagim

Mi erev mazminim
kol minei matamim
Mi beod yom muchanim
tarnegolim mefutamim
Ve laaroch kama minim
shtot yainot mevusamim
Ve tafnukey maadanim
be kol shalosh paamim


Nachalat Yakov yirash

bli mitsarim nachala
Ve yechabduhu ashir va rash
ve tizku le geula
Yom Shabbat im tishmeru
ve hayitem li sgula
Sheshet yamim taavodu
u ba shviyi nagila



Your belongings are prohibited

and also to think about business
Thoughts are permitted
and to make matches for the maidens
And the babe to teach a book
to win in singing
and to ponder the sayings of Shefer
In every corner and camps

To delight in delights

Your walk will be with comfort

delight is called Shabbat
And the sleep is praisworthy
like the dat of the soul is it returned
And so my soul for you longs
and to rest in love
like roses
In it they will rest son and daughter

To delight in delights

A kind of World to Come

is the restful Shabbat
for all those that delight in it will be worthy
for the maximum happiness
The pangs of the Messiah
will be chanted widely
Our redemption will flourish
and a happy and sighful miracle

To delight in delights

2.E Lord King of the Universe


Lord King of the Universe

You King over the king of kings
Deeds of Your power and Your miracles
It is a bliss to worship before You!

Praising hymns I shall send

on mornings and evenings
To You the Holy Lord
the Creator of all souls
Of saintly angels and human sons
Of fields of beasts and skies of birds

Lord King
Great and grand Your deeds


Chafatseiha asurim
ve gam lachshov cheshbonot
Hirhurim mutarim
ve leshadech habanot
Ve tinok lelamdo sefer
lemnatseach benginot
Ve lehagot beimrei shefer
be kol pinot u machanot


Hiluchach tihye bnachat

oneg kra la Shabbat
Ve hasheina meshubachat
ke dat nefesh meshivat
Ve chen nafshi lecha arga
ve lanuach be chibat
Kashoshanim suga
bo yanuchu ben ubat


Mi ein olam aba

Yom Shabbat menucha
Kol ha-mitangim ba
izku le rov simcha
Mi chevlei Mashiach
yutsalu livraha
Peduteinu Tatsmiah
ve nas yagon ve anaha


Ya Ribbon Alam


Ya Ribon Alam ve Almaya

Ant Hu Malka Melech Malkaya
Oved Gevurtah ve Timhaya
Shfar Kadmah Leahvaya

Shvahin asader
tsafra ve ramsha
Lach Eloha Kadisha
Di vra kol nafsha
Irin Kadishin u vnei enasha
Heivat bara ve ofei shemaya

Ya Ribon
Ravrevin ovadaih ve takifin


You submit the proud ones

and uplift the humble ones
Even if man lived for thousands of years
Still he could not count the deeds
of Your might

Lord King

Lord to whom
fame and greatness belong
Save your flock
from lions mouths!
Lead Your people from the exile
The people that You chose from all the peoples

Lord King

Return to the Temple

The Creator to the Holy of Holy
To the source of joy of every soul
And they shall send to You hymns and prayers
In Jerusalem the city of Your beauty

Lord King

3.E My soul is thirsty


My soul is thirsty
for the Lord for the living God
My heart and my flesh will sing
out to the living God

For Oneness you created me

and you said Live I am
for you will not see me
man and live

My soul is thirsty

He created everything with wisdom

with counsel and with planning
hidden very much
from the eyes of all

My soul is thirsty

Aloft on high is his honour

every mouth will experience His glory
Blessed which is in his hand


Makheh remaya
ve zakif kfifin
Lu yehei gevar shnin alfin
Lo yeol Gvurtah

Ya Ribon

Eloah di Ley
Yekar u Rvuta
Pruk yat Anach
Mi-pum aryavata
Ve apek yat amach mi go galuta
Amah di vhart Mi kol umaya

Ya Ribon

Le Mikdasheh Tuv
U le Kodesh Kudshin
Atar di bei yehedun ruhin ve nafshin
Vi-zamrun Lach shirin ve rahashin
Bi Ierushalem karta de-Shufraya

Ya Ribon

Tsama Nafshi


Tsama tsama nafshi

le Elokim le El hai
libi libi u bsari
yeranenu le El hai!

El ehad barani
veamar hai ani
ki lo irani
adam va hai



Bara kol be hohma

beetsa u vemezima
meod neelama
me einei kol hai


Ram al kol kevodo

kol pe ihave odo
baruh asher beyado


soul of all living

My soul is thirsty

Separate my innocent grandchildren

rules for their instruction
which will be done by them
the living man

My soul is thirsty

Who is this who will be correct

compared to a thin dust
truth for he will not be right before you
all that is living

My soul is thirsty

In the heart is an important desire

like the image of Chemat Achshuv
and I will go to return
the living flesh

My soul is thirsty

Withdraw the mother of Avu and their

Midracham that are in it
Prior to lying down house of Moed all that is living

My soul is thirsty

For all of your admirers

every mouth will unite you
Open your hand
and satisfy all the living

My soul is thirsty

Remember the love of yester year

and make alive those that sleep
and hasten the days
that Ben Yishai lives

My soul is thirsty

See the mighty truth

maid-servant speaks out
nay for your son is dead and my living son

My soul is thirsty
I will be cautious


nefesh kol hai


Ivdil ninei tam
hukim leorotam
asher yase otam
haadam ve hai


Mi ze itstadak
nimshal le avak dak
emet ki lo itsdak
lefaneiha kol hai



Belev yezer hashuv

kidmut hamat ahshuv
veeihaha yashuv
abasar ehai



Nesogim im avu u mi darkam shavu

terem ishkavu beit moed
lekol hai



Al kol aodeha
kol pe teyahadeha
poteah et yadeha
ve masbia kol hai



Zhor ahavat kedumim

veehaye nirdamim
ve karev hayamim
asher ben ishai hai



Ree li gveret emet

shivha noemet
lo ki bneh amet u bni ehai

Ekod al api



I will distribute from my hand

the time has come for I will open my mouth
in the breath of all the living

My soul is thirsty


veefros leha kapi

et ki eftah pi
benishmat kol hai



The Second Meal

4.E Blessed is God


Blessed is God
on high who gave contentment
for our souls it is a relief
from the toil and groaning
And He seeks out Zion
the outcast city
How long must it grieve
and moan?

Whoever keeps the Shabbat

men and women
alike may they find Gods favour
like a meal-offering in a sacred pan

He who rides atop the heavens

the King of the universe
that his nation rests on the Shabbat
He made it hear with its pleasantness
with tasty foods
and every manner of delicacy
with elegant garments
and a family feast

Whoever keeps the Shabbat

Praiseworthy is everyone
who awaits a double reward
from the One Who sees all
but dwells in dense darkness
He will grant him an inheritance
in mountain and valley
a heritage and a resting place
like his upon whom the sun shone
Whoever keeps the Shabbat

Whoever safeguards the Shabbat

properly from desecration
behold worthiness
for beloved holiness is his destiny


Baruch El Elyon


Baruch El Elyon
Asher natan menuha
Le nafsheinu pidyon
Mi set va anaha
Ve hu idrosh le Tsion
Ir ha-nidaha
Ad ana tugeyon
Nefesh neenaha

Ha-Shomer Shabbat
ha-ben im ha-bat
La El ieratsu
ke-minha al mahavat

Rochev ba-aravot
Melech Olamim
Et amo lishbot
izen ba-neimim
Be-maahalei arevot
Be minei matamim
Be malbushei Kavod
Zevah mishpaha

Ha-Shomer Shabbat


Ve-Ashrei kol hohe

Le-tashlumei kefel
Me-et kol sohe
Shohen ba-arafel
Nahala lo izke
behar u ba-shefel
Nahala u-menuha
ka-shemesh lo zarha
Ha-Shomer Shabbat


Kol shomer Shabbat

Ke-dat mehalelo
Hen haksher hibat
Kodesh goralo


And if he fulfills the days obligation

praises are due him to God the Lord Who
fashioned him it is sent as a gift

Whoever keeps the Shabbat

The most beloved of days

is what my God and Rock called it
Praises are due to the wholesome ones
if it is protected
a fitting crown
is fashioned on their heads
As for the Rock of the universe
His spirit will be content with them

Whoever keeps the Shabbat

Remember the Shabbat to keep it holy

His honor will rise
like a diadem on his head
Therfore let each man give of himself
delight and also gladness
with which to exalt himself

Whoever keeps the Shabbat

She is holy to you the Shabbat Queen

within your homes to deposit blessing
In all your dwellings
do no work
your sons and daughters
slave and even maidservant

Whoever keeps the Shabbat

5.E For I will observe the Shabbat


For I will observe the Shabbat

the Lord will watch over me
a sign it is for the everlasting worlds
between Him and myself

It is forbidden to find an object

to make plans
even to speak
about daily needs
trade even the dealings of kings
Instead we will study the Torah of God
for it will make me wise


Ve im yetse hovat ha-yom ashrei lo

Le-El Adon meholelo
Minha hi shluha


Ha-Shomer Shabbat
Hemdat ha-yamim
Krao Eli Tsur
Ve-Ashrei li tmimim
Im ihye natsur
Keter hilumim
al rosham yatsur
Tsur haolamim
Ruho bam naha

Ha-Shomer Shabbat


Zahor et yom ha-Shabbat lekadsho

Karno ki gavha
nezer al rosho
Al ken yiten ha-adam le-nafsho
Oneg ve-gam simha
bahem le-mashha

Ha-Shomer Shabbat


Kodesh hi lahem Shabbat ha-Malka

El toh bateihem lehaniah braha
Be-kol moshvoteihem
lo taasu melaha
Bneihem u-vnoteihem
Eved ve gam shifha

Ha-Shomer Shabbat


Ki eshmera Shabbat


Ki eshmera Shabbat
El ishmereni
Ot hi le olmei ad
Beino u-veini

Asur metso hefets

Asot derahim
Gam mi ledaber bo
Divrei tserahim
Divrei sehora af divrei melahim
Ehege be-Torat El


For I will observe the Shabbat

In Him I will always find rest for my soul

Behold for the first generation
He gave my Holiness
An example in the giving a dual portion of
Bread on Friday
This is the way it is every Friday
That he doubles my portion

For I will observe the Shabbat

Register in the religion of God

A law for his constituents where it states
To arrange bread face-to-face
Therefore it is forbidden to torment in Him
according to His wit
Except for the day of the atonement of my sins


For I will observe the Shabbat

The Shabbat is a respectable day

It is a day of delights
Bread and good wine
Meat and fish
Those that mourn on this day
Withdraw backwards
For it is the day of happy thoughts
And it will make me happy

For I will observe the Shabbat

It is forbidden to work
Its end is to be cut off
Therefore I will launder in it
My heart
And I will pray to God
The evening and morning prayers
Also the Mussaf prayer
And also the afternoon prayers
And He will answer me

For I will observe the Shabbat

6.E Freedom shall He proclaim


Freedom shall He proclaim

For man and woman
And protect you like the pupil of the eye


Ki eshmera Shabbat


Bo emtsa tamid nofesh le nafshi

Inei le dor rishon
Natan kedoshi
Mofet betet lehem
mishne ba-shishi
Kaha be-kol shishi
Yahpil mezoni

Ki eshmera Shabbat


Rasham be-dat ha-El

Khok el seganav
Bo laaroh lehem panim befanav
Al ken lehitanot bo al pi nevonav
Asur levad
mi-Yom Kipur avoni

Ki eshmera Shabbat


Hu yom mehubad
Hu yom taanugim
Lehem ve-yain tov
Basar ve-dagim
Hamitablim bo
Ahor nesogim
Ki yom semahot hu

Ki eshmera Shabbat


Mehel Melaha bo
Sofo lehahrit
Al ken akhabes bo
Libi ke-vorit
Ve-etpalela el El
Arvit ve-shaharit
ve-gam minha
Hu yaaneni

Ki eshmera Shabbat


Deror ikra


Deror ikra
la ben im baat
veinzorchem ke-mo bavat


Pleasant will be your reputation never to cease

Rest and be content on the Shabbat day

Seek my Temple and my Hall

And show me a sign of salvation

Plant a branch within my vineyard

Turn to the outcry of my people!

Tread the press in Bozra

And also Bablyon which overpowered
Smash my foes with wrathful anger
Hear my voice on the day I call


O God let bloom on the desert-like mountain

Myrtle, acacia, cypress and box tree

To the exhorters and to the scrupulous

give peace
as flowing as a rivers waters

Crush my foes O jealous God

With melting heart and grief
May we open our mouth and fill it
Our tongue sings Your joyful song

Let your soul know Torah

Then it will be a crown on your head
Observe the precepts of your Holy One
Observe your holy Shabbat


Naim shimchem velo yushbat

Shvu venuhu be-yom Shabbat

drosh navi ve-ulami

veot yesha aase imi

Neta sorek betoch karmi

Shee shavat-at benei ami

Deroh pura betoch Bazra

Ve-gam Bavel asher gavra
netoz zarai be-af ve-evra
Shma koli beyom ekra

Elo-im ten be-midbar har

hadas shita be-rosh tidhar

Ve-la-mazhir ve-la-nizhar
Shalomim ten
ke-mei nahar

Hadoh kamai El Kana

Be-mog levav u-ve-mgina
Ve-narchiv pe u-nemalena
Leshonenu lecha rina

Dae hohma le-nafsheha

ve-hi keter lerosheha
Nezor mizvat kedosheha
Shemor Shabbat kodsheha


The Third Meal

7.E Sons of the Palace


Members of the sanctuary

Who yearn to see the glow of the Zeir Anpin

, ,

May they be here at this table

in which is inscribed the king in joy

Long to be part of this assemblage

among many winged angels

Be exultant now at this very time in which

there is favour but no anger

Approach me, see my strength

when there are no powerful judgements.

, ,

Outside let them remain,

never to arise those brazen dogs

, ,

But I invite the Atik Yomin

one at Mincha the time when they fade away

, ,

His favour
when it is revealed will negate all impure shells


, ,
, ,

8.E Psalm of David


Psalm of David.
The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want
He lays me down in lush meadows


Bnei Eihala


Bnei aihala, de hsifin,

le mehzei ziv de Zeir Anpin

, ,

Yehon aha, be hai taka,

dvei malka be gilufin.

, ,

Zvu lahda, be hai vaada,

be go irin ve kol gadfin

, ,

Hadu ashta, be hai shaata,

dvei raava ve leit zaafin

, ,

Krivu li, hezu heili,

de leit dinin de tkifin.

, ,

Le var natlin, ve lo aalin,

anei kalbin de hzifin.

, ,

Ve azmin, Atik Yomin,

laminha (lamizha) adei yehon halfin

, ,
. ()

Reu dilei, de galei lei,

levatla le kol klifin

, ,

Ishavei lon, be nukveihon,

ve itamrun be go heifin

, ,

Arei ashta, be minhata,

be hedvata de-Zeir Anpin!

, ,

Mizmor le-David


Mizmor le-David
Hashem roi lo ehsar
Binnot deshe yarbitseini



He lays me down besides tranquil waters

He restores my soul
He leads me in the paths of
righteousness for his names sake

Though I walk
through the valley overshadowed by death
I will fear no evil for you are with me

Your rod and yourstaff they comfort me

You prepare a table before me

In full view of my tormentors
You anoint my head with oil
my cup overflows


May only goodness and kindness

follow me
all the days of my life

And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord

for long days


9.E Dear friend of the soul


Beloved of the soul

Compassionate Father
Draw Your servant
to Your will
Then Your servant will hurry like a heart
To bow before Your majesty
To him Your friendship will be sweeter
Than the dripping of the honeycomb
And any taste

, !

Majestic Beautiful Radiance of the universe

My soul pines for Your love
Please O God heal her now
By showing her the pleasantness of Your radiance
Then she will be strengthened and healed
And eternal gladness will be hers




All-worthy One may Your mercy be aroused

And please take pity
on the son of Your beloved
Because it is so very long that I have
yearned intensely
To see the splendour of Your strength
Only these my heart desires


al mei menuhot enhaleni

Nafshi yeshovev
Yanheni bemaaglei tzedek
lemaan shmo

Gam ki eleh
begei tsalmavet
Lo ira ra ki ata imadi

Shivteha u mishanteha hema yenahamuni

Taaroh lefanai shulhan

neged tsorerai
Dishanta bashemen roshi
kosi revaya

Ah tov vahesed
kol yemei hayai

Ve shavti bebeit hashem leoreh yamim

Yedid nefesh


Yedid nefesh av harachaman

Mshoch avdecha
el rezonecha,
Yaruz avdecha
kemo ayal,
Yishtachave el mul hadarecha,
Yerav lo yedidutecha,
Minofet tsuf
ve kol taam.





Hador nae ziv haolam,

Nafshi holat ahavatecha,
Ana el na rfa na la,
Beharot la noam zivecha,
Az titchazek ve titrape
Ve haita la simchat olam.



Vatik yeemu na rachamecha

Vechusa na
al ben ahuvecha
Ki ze kama
nichsof nichsafti
Lirot be tiferet uzecha,
Ele hamda libi


So please take pity and do not conceal Yourself

Please be revealed
and spread upon me my Beloved
The shelter of Your peace
Illuminate the world with Your glory
That we may rejoice and be glad with You
Hasten show love for the time has come
And show us grace as in days of old



10.E Do not hide Yourself


Do not hide Yourself

under a hidden canopy
Intelligence disappears from every idea
The connection of connections are
enveloped in the crown of the above.
They will give to you O God a crown

, .

In the beginning your ancient Torah

Is registered with your blocked wisdom
From nothing you will find it and it then disappears
First there is wisdom the fear of God

, ,

The streets of the rivers flowing with faith

Deep waters will dilute a mans understanding
Its results are fifty gates of understanding
Training from God

50 ,

The great God my eyes are your objection

Much kindness is great
on Heaven is Your kindness
Lord of Abraham remember your servant
The kindness of God
I will remember the praises of God

, ,


Rise up mighty with strength and courage

Finding its light from nothing it comes
One will laugh at fear
our sentences will be enlightened
You O God are a hero forever



What other is like you

God who does such great things
Mighty is Jacob awful [good] are his praises
Spleandour of Israel who hears prayers
For God listens to the needy


O Lord let the achievements of our fathers

protect us.


Ve chusa na ve al titalem.

Higale na
ufros habibi alai
Et sukat shelomecha,
Tair erets mi kvodecha,
Nagila venismecha bach,
Maher ehov ki ba moed
Vehanenu keyemei olam.



El hamistater


El hamistater
beshafrir hevyon
Hasechel haneelam mikol rayon
Ilat hailot
muchtar beketer elyon,
Keter itnu lecha Adonay


Bereshit toratcha hakduma

Reshuma chochmatcha hastuma,
Meain timatse vehi neelma
Reshit chochma yirat Adonay


Rchovot hanahar nachlei emuna

Mayim amukim idlem ish tvuna
Totseoteiha chamishim shaarey bina
Emunim notser Adonay


Hael hagadol einey kol negdecha

Rav chesed gadol
al hashamayim chasdecha
Elohey Avraham zchor leavdecha
Chasdey Adonay
azkir tehilot Adonay


Marom needar bekoach ugvura

Motsi ora meain tmura
Pachad Itschak
mishpateinu haira
Ata gibor leolam Adonay


Mi el kamocha
ose gdolot
Abir Yakov nora tehilot
Tiferet Israel shomea tefilot
Ki shomea el evionim Adonay


YA zchut avot
yagen aleinu


Remove Israel from their troubles and redeem us

And from the pit of exile
we were diluted and raised up
To be victorious on the work of Gods house



From the right and from the left

the prophets were nurtured
Netzach and Hod from them they are found
Yachin and Boaz
in the name of those who are called
And all of your sons learn Torah



The foundation of the righteous one has

gone away
A sign of the pact it is forever
A sort of blessing the righteous is
a foundation of the world
A righteous one You are O Lord

Please re-establish the kingdoms

of David and Solomon
With beauty that his mother will adorn him with
The congress of Israel
is consumed called with pleasentness
Adorned with the glory of the hand of God

Be strong and unite as one all ten sephirot

And separate so that a thousand will not
see the lights
A shining light are all of the bright lights cut out
May my song be brought close before you
O Lord


Netsach Israel mitsaroteinu galeinu

Umibor galut
dleinu vehaaleinu
Lenetsach al melechet beit Adonay


Miyamin umismol
yenikat hanviim
Netsach vehod mihem nimtsaim
Yachin uBoaz
beshem nikraim
Vekol banaich limudey Adonay


Yesod tsadik
beshiva neelam
Ot brit hi leolam
Meain habracha tsadik
yesod olam
Tsadik ata Adonay


Na hakem malchut
David uShlomo
Baatara sheitra lo imo
Kneset Israel
kala kerua beneima
Ateret tiferet beyad Adonay


Chazak meyached keechad eser sfirot

Umafrid aluf lo
ire meorot
Safir gizratam yachad meirot
Tikarev rinati lefaneicha




11.E For the sake of my brother


For the sake of my brother and shepherd

May I speak of the peace that is within you
For the sake of the House of the Lord our God
May I request only goodness for you

12.E Light up our eyes


Light up our eyes in your Torah

Cleave our hearts to your commandments
Unite our hearts for love and fear of your name



So that we will not nor and not fail ever

13.E You saved my soul


You saved my soul from death

My eyes from tears
My legs from

14.E Who is that man


Who is that man that seeks out life

That lover of days that sees good

Restrain your tongue from evil

And your lips from speaking deceit
Remove yourself from evil do good deeds
Request peace and pursue it


Lemaan achai vereai


Lemaan achai vereai

Adabra na shalom bach
Lemaan beit hashem elokeinu
Avakesha tov lach

Ve haer eineinu betoratecha


Ve haer eineinu betoratecha

Vedavek libeinu bemitzvoteicha
Veyached levaveinu le-ahava
uleyira et shemecha

Shelo nevosh velo nichalem

Velo nichashel leolam vaed

Ki khilatzta nafshi


Ki khilatzta nafshi mimavet

Et eini min dima
Et ragli midechi

Mi haish


Mi haish hachafetz chaim

Ohev yamim lireot tov

Netzor leshoncha mira

Usfateicha midvar mirma
Sur mera vease tov
Bakesh shalom urdefehu


15.E Hope towards God


Hope towards God

May your heart be strengthened and persevere

16.E Sing to Him


Sing to Him chant to Him utter to Him in

all of His wonders
Glorify yourselves in His holy name
May the heart of Gods seekers be happy



17.E If you encamp a camp on me


If you encamp a camp on me

Ten my heart will not fear
If war will rise up upon me
With this I am certain


18.E Hear Israel


Hear Israel the Lord is our God

The Lord is One
He is our Father He is our King
And He is our Saviour
And He will hear us
With his repeated mercy
before all that is living

, - ,
- , -
- , -

19.E The heavens will be happy


The heavens will be happy

And the land will rejoice
The sea will roar along with its depths

20.E This is the pleasantness of my heart


This is the pleasantness of my heart

Protect me please
And please do not remove yourself

, , .


Kave el hashem

' .15

Kave el hashem chazak

veyeematz libeicha


Shiru lo


Shiru lo zamru lo
sichu bechol nifleotav
Hithalelu bashem kodsho
Yismach lev mevakshei hashem


Im tachne alai machne


Im tachne alai machne

Lo yir-a libi.
Im takum alai milchma
Ba-zot ani boteach

Shma Israel


Shma Yisrael ha-Shem Elokeinu

Ha-Shem echad
Hu elokeinu, hu avinu
Hu malkeinu, ve Hu yoshieinu.
Ve Hu yashmieinu
Be-rachamav shenit
Le einei kol chai


Yismechu hashamaim


Yismechu hashamaim
Ve tagel ha-aretz
Yiram hayam umloo

Ele chamda libi


Ele chamda libi

Ve chusa na
Ve al na titalem.


21.E May I sing to the Lord


May I sing to the Lord in my lifetime

May I sing to my God
Wile I still exist
May He involve on Him my conversation
I am happy with God



May sinners be eradicated from the Earth

and those who are evil shall be no more
May I bless God Halleluya


22.E And you will expound forward


And you will expound forward westward eastward

Northward and Southward

, ,

23.E The whole world


The whole world is but a narrow bridge

But what is important is not to fear at all

24.E My eyes will rise up


My eyes will rise up to the mountains

From where will my help come?
My help will come from God
He who made heaven and earth


25.E Thus says the Lord


Thus says the Lord

I remembered for your sake grace of your youth
You loved your bride
You followed after me into the desert
Into an unplanted land




Ashira leadonai bechayai

' .21

Ashira le-doinoi bechayai

Azamera le-elokai
Ye-erav alav sichi,
anochi esmach be hashem.



Yitamu chataim min ha-aretz,

Ureshaim od einam,
Barchi nafshi et haShem, Haleluya.

Ufaratzta yama


Ufaratzta yama v kedma

tzafona v negba

Kol haolam kulo


Kol ha-olam kulo gesher tzar meod,

Ve ha-ikar lo lefached klal

Esa einai


Esa einai el he-harim

Me-ain yavo ezri
Ezri me-im ha-Shem
Ose shama-im va-aretz


Ko amar hashem

' .25

Ko amar ha-Shem,
Zacharti lach chessed neuraich.
Ahavat klulotaich
Lechtech achrai bamidbar
Be-eretz lo zaruah



Fast Songs

26.E Let the Pace Increase


Let the rhythm rise

The morning darkness turn to light
Ups and downs are commonplace for us.
Do not say the light will come,
But bring the light inside,
Let the right line take control,
Bring down the left.



He whose candle has blown out,

Who feels himself so small,
Find the kitchen join the peelers
And set the table now.


So you just sing now song for peace

Get out of this descent
You better get to the barrier
With the right intent

Let sadness pass away,

Let happiness enlighten,
For we all have now been blessed
With Him in mind.

The screen renders powers

So that we can leave the world,
And maintain the right intent,
Like the Creator.

Do not say He is to blame,

And not blessed is His name,
Let the surrounding light act on your soul
And turn you right again.

" ".
" -"

So you just


27.E Tomorrow


Tomorrow perhaps we will see that the group

Functions only for influence
And on the old ideas
We will mount a screen with good intent

, ,


Tnu laketzev laalot

( ) .26

Tnu laketzev laa lot

lachoshech leha-ir
Aliyot veyeridot etzleinu ze sadir
Al tagidu or yavo
Havi-u et ha-or
Tnu le kav yamin lishlot
Toridu et ha-smol

Mi asher kava nero

Margish she hu katan
Nichnas miyad el ha-mitbach umekalef
Orech et ha-shulchan

Lachen rak shiru shir lashalom

Tetzu me ha-yerida
Mutav tagi-u kvar la machsom
Be kavana tchila

Tnu la-etzev lachalof

La osher leaz-hir
Ki zachinu li-yot
Ito bekav yashir

Ha-masach noten kochot

Latzet min ha-olam
Ve lishmor al kavanot
Kmo Boreh Olam

Al tagidu hu ashem
Velo baruch ha-shem
Titnu la-or makif lif-ol
Al ha-neshama Ulekadem otchem

Lachen rak shiru shir ha-shalom



Machar ulai nireh sheha kvutza

Poelet rak be hashpa-ah
Ve-al ha-machshavot ha-yeshanot
Narkiv masach im kavana


All of this is neither a parable nor a dream

It is as true as the sunlight at noon
All of this will come tomorrow if not today
And if not tomorrow then in two tomorrows

Tomorrow we will feel all of the worlds

In our hearts without limit
You will love the Creator and your friend
Like yourself

All of this is neither a parable


Tomorrow the ultimate happiness will come to the world

Thanks to your work
We will increase the idea behind the saying
And you shall love your friend as yourself

All of this is neither a parable


28.E Come to me my friend

(We will we will rock you)

28.R !
(We will we will rock you)

Come to me my friend and just tell me what you need

So that we connect to our common goal
Let me feel inside just how sensitive
You are and you wanna be a man and just anything

Who will save us He will, He will!

Who will save us He will, He will!


Give another toil, circulate the word,

Never stop if youre feeling up or down
Come with me and learn, to know the very one,
The special and unique and yourself as well


Who will save us He will, He will!

Who will save us He will, He will!


Let us travel through, backwards or ahead,

Never to return to the old despair
Well cry out in desire, a shout that so loud,
Deep and powerful for your presence now!



Who will save us He will, He will!

Who will save us He will, He will!



Kol ze eino mashal velo khalom

Ze nachon ka-or ba-tzohoraim
Kol ze yavo machar im lo hayom
Ve-im lo machar az mochrotaim

Machar nargish et kol ha-olamot

Balev lelo shum hagbala
Tohav et ha-Bore veha chaver
Mamash kemo et atzmecha

Kol ze eino mashal...


Machar yavo ha-osher laolam

Bizchut ha-avoda shelcha
Nigdal al habasis shel ha-imrah
Ve ahavta le re-achah

" "

Kol ze eino mashal...


Bo elai chaver
(We will we will rock you)

- .28
(We will we will rock you)

Bo elai chaver ve tagid li ma chaser

edei she-nitchaber el ha-matara
Ten li lehargish she ata meod ragish
Ve rotze liyot le ish velo le behema

Mi yatzil mi - rak hu!

Mi yatzil mi - rak hu!

! ?
! ?

Ten od yegiya ve asok be-hafatza

Tatmid ba-aliya uva yerida
Bo iti tilmad lehakir et ha-echad
Ha-yachid veha meyuchad veet atzmecha
Mi yatzil mi - rak hu!
Mi yatzil mi - rak hu!

! ?
! ?

Bo ve na-avor panim vegam achor

Af paam lo nachazor el ha-metzuka
Nikra mitoch tzhuka chazak betze-aka
Gdola ve amuka le-nochechutcha

Mi yatzil mi - rak hu!

Mi yatzil mi - rak hu!

! ?
! ?


29.E We do not care


In a dark forest
The branches quiver
When the leaves fall off
An enchanted tree



In the clearing
In the middle of the night
The rabbits chew on grass and sing

We do not care,
We do not care
We are not afraid of all the predators

We do not care,
We do not care
In hard times, we chew on grass

The trees secretly

Whisper to the night
The shadows emerged
From the cursed swamp.



The rabbits keep chewing

On that grass
And the fear
Makes them sing



We do not care


30.E Let it open

(Song of paratrooper)


We boarded the plane together and took off.

All our desires were left behind
The AHP of the upper one will bring us
Beyond all the frictions of the beast


Here, in a minute
The screen will open above me
Here, in a second
The Creator will appear before me

Let it open let it open

I will forget the entire world
When the upper one gives a screen
And the strength to sort the 620



( )


Lanu lo ichpat


Betoch ya-ar afel

Ro-adim kol ha-anafim
Kshe me-etz mechushaf
Noshrim ha-alim

Be-karachat ha-yaar
Be-emtza halayla
Loasim ha-arnavim ba-deshe ve-sharim

Lanu lo echpat
Lanu lo echpat
Lo mefachadim mi-khol ha-torfim

Lanu lo echpat
Lanu lo echpat
Be-shaa kasha deshe loasim

Ha-etzim lochashim
Ba-chashai el ha-layla
Mi-beitza mekulelet
Yotz-im ha-tzlalaim

Arnavim kotzetzim
Shuv ve-shuv oto deshe
U-biglal ha-pachad hem
Mi kol ha-lev sharim

Lanu lo echpat...


Sheyipatach alai achshav

(Shir hatzanchan)

( )

Alinu yachdav lamatos hamamri

Vechol hatzhukot nisharu meachor
AKHA"P de-elion otanu yotzi
Meever lechol dimyonot hachamor


Hinei od daka
Yipatach hamasach mealai
hinei od shniya
Yitgale habore lefanai

Sheyipatach alai she yipatach

Et haolam haze eshkach
Kshe ha-elion yiten masach
Vechoach levarer tarach



Let it be open now!

We looked below, there was a mist.

We so tried to remember every moment,
We wished to get away from the concealment
To feel the giver of the light

Here, in a minute


We flew above undisturbed

Beneath us the will to receive was spread
We held tightly to mother Bina
Until the birth ring sounded

Here, in a minute


And then it came

without prior warning
We suddenly felt a kick from behind
The time has come for the cup is now full,
With faith we then leaped into the light

Here is the Creator

When the screen opens above me
And He delights
And adds another desire before me

Let it open let it open

I will forget the entire world
When the upper one gives a screen
And the strength to sort the 620
Let it be open now!



31.E Thank you


Thank you for everything, you have created

Thank you for everything you have given me

Running together fearless

To the top of the world
Raising our glass for a friend or two
It is thanks to them that I exist.


Thank you for everything you have created

Thank you for everything you have given me

The fulfilling of the lacking light every morning,

That enables me to be a man
A group with power in the heart and in the mind
That leads the world


Sheyipatach alai achshav!

Hebatnu lematah haya arafel

Kol kach hitamatznu kol rega lizkor
Ratzinu latzet mitoch hahester
El ha-argashat hanoten shel haor

Hinei od daka...


Chalafnu meal lechol hafraa

Tachteinu nifras haratzon lekabel
Hechezaknu khazak beima bina
Ad sheh paamon haleida yetzaltzel

Hinei od daka...


Veaz ze higia
lelo hatraa
Kshe khashnu lefeta beita meachor
Higia hazman ki mala hasea
Mitoch emuna kafatznu laor

Hinei habore
Ksheniftach hamasach mealai
Vehu nehene
Umosif od ratzon lefanai

Sheipatach alai sheipatach

Et haolam haze eshkach
Kshehaelyon iten masach
Vechoach levarer tarach
Sheipatach alai achshav!


Toda al kol ma shebarata


Toda al kol ma shebarata

Toda al ma sheli natata

Larutz beyachad lelo shum pachad

El hapisga shel haolam
Osim lechaim lechaver o shnaim
Shebi zchutam ani kayam

Toda al kol ma shebarata

Toda al ma sheli natata

Milui shel hoser meor kol boker

Sheh meafsher liyot adam
Kvutza im choach belev vamoach
Shemovila et haolam


32.E Keter and Hochma


Keter and Hochma are Galgalta VeEinaim

Above the AHP
Afterwards Bina, which is built of two:
Gar and underneath the Zat.


After them comes Hesed Gevura and Tifferet

Netzah Hod Yesod the corrected Malchut
Which is just like Bina
And works only
Like vessels of bestowal

, ,



Ten Sefirot are never nine

Or eleven
All the world
Are above the nature
That you can now see

He is still
But when you find Him
You will find, as we did

That it is He and no other

Our heart is burning
To bond with Him only



33.E Sign


What have we not done yet,

Where have we not been?
Everything we tried here wasnt even near
We have made construction
But we never turned only
To you for a little sign from you.

, .

, .

Give us just a little sign

Youre a grown up not a child
Then with a correct approach
We will raise toward you MAN


We will ask of you to help

Mend the little broken boat
In it we are sailing for
Sailing for the Creator


Keter vechochma


Keter ve-chochma hen Galgalta veeinaim

Shelemala me-achap
Ve-acharkach bina she-bnuya mishnaim
Gar vemitachtav ha-zat


" "

Acharea hesed gvura vetiferet

Netzach hod yesod vemalchut ha-metukenet
Shedoma rak le-bina
Veovedet kol kula
Kemo kelim deashpaa


Eser ha-sfirot hen af paam lo tesha
Vegam lo ahat-esre
Kol ha-olamot hem
Rak meal ha-teva
Sheata achshav roe

Hu atzmo adain
Lo galuy la-ayin
Ach kshe timtza-eino
Tegale kmoteinu

Sheze hu velo acher

Etzleinu kol ha-lev boer
Rak elav lehitchaber





Ma od lo asinu
eifo lo hainu
Kol` ma shenisinu lo karov afilu
Binyanim baninu
aval` lo paninu
Rak eleicha shetiten siman katan

Ten lanu siman siman

Sheata kvar lo katan
Az im yachas metukan
Naale eleicha man


Nevakesh mimcha ezra

Letaken et hasira
Sheanachnu betocha
Mafligim lekivuncha


34.E Right line

(Gingis Han)

( )

Right Right Right line

Left, middle and back to
Right Right Right line
Left, middle and back to

, , ,
, ,
, , ,
, , .

Anyone who keeps the right line

Tastes and sees and also believes
Attains the light of mercy


35.E I am coming back home


(La Shate Mi Cantare)

(La Shate Mi Cantare)

I am coming back home

To the bond with you
I am coming back home to know you

My friends give me strength

To never forget
That the only search there is
For the bond with you

When each of them wants you

To return and receive your attributes.
They carry out the rule of
Love the neighbour as thyself

" ".

For the love of friends

Builds a bridge to the kings hall
To the asset of the complete group

I am coming home
To the bond with you
I am coming home
And see your virtue
I am coming back home
To the bond with you
I am coming back home
To know you

36.E We have to bond my friend


Many years the world has now been suffering,

Thats because we cannot contact you
We have suddenly been blessed


av yamin
(Gingis Han)

( )

Kav kav kav yamin

Smola yamina la`emtza vechazara
Le kav kav kav yamin
Smola yamina la`emtza vechazara

, ,

, ,

Kol` mi sheshomer al` kav hayamin

hu toem roe vegam maamin
Hu zoche beor hasadim

Ani chozer habaita

(La Shate Mi Cantare)

( )

Ani chozer habaita

El hachibur eleicha
Ani chozer habaita veyodea otcha

Hachaverim sheli notnim li koach

Leolam lo lishkoach
Shehachipus hayechidi bemetziut
Hu hachibur eleicha

Kshekol` echad mihem rotze eleicha

Lashuv velekabel` et tchunoteicha
Hem mevatzim az et haklal
Shel` ahavta lereecha kamocha

Ki ahavat hachaverim baderech

Bona hagesher el heichal` hamelech
El` haerech shel` hakvutza hashlema

Ani chozer habaita

El hachibur eleicha
ni chozer habaita
Veroe et tchunoteicha
Ani chozer habaita
El hachibur eleicha
Ani chozer habaita
Veyodea otcha

Tzarich lehitchaber


Haolam sovel harbe shanim kvar

Yisurim novim mehastara
Veanachnu kach pitom zachinu


With finding, Kabbalah the wisdom that is true

We have to bond my friend

ake haste and find the way to the Creator
Through our every friend.
Must run and circulate The wisdom
We must haste for if we dont
It will be then too late

Every thing that happens here around us,

Happens cause we havent got a way
Our generations sickness is a hard one,
Kabbalah will cure those gone astray

We have to bond


Mankind everywhere is crying out now,

Searching for an answer they cant find
Much too few are given an approach to,
Kabbalah the wisdom of our time



We have to bond


We are now demanded by the nations,

Seems to be a dead-end everywhere.
For the message that our people carries,
Find the Kabbalah and you are there


37.E Let us bestow


Let us bestow oh let bestow oh

Let us bestow with every intent (*2)


Let us bestow for Him, let us bestow for Him

Let us bestow for Him with every intent

Wake up, wake up brothers

Wake up with a joyful heart
Wake up with a joyful heart
Oh wake up oh wake up With a joyful heart

38.E We bring peace to you


We bring peace to you

We bring peace to you
We bring peace to you
We bring peace to you


Legilui shitat hakabala

Tzarich lehitchaber
beyachad lemaher el habore
vederech hachaver
Larutz velefazer et hachochma maher
ki im lo nizdarez
az neacher

Kol ma shekore kan misviveinu

itrachesh biglal sheein shita
Machala kasha shel kol doreinu
Hatrufa hi rak hakabala


Tzarich lehitchaber
Kol haenoshut achshav zoeket
Mechapeset ma hi hatzhuva
Meatim midai zochim lageshet
El sodot chochmat hakabala

Tzarich lehitchaber


Aamim dorshim zot meitanu

vehaderech hi lelo motza
Ki hameser shemovil otanu
Hu gilui shitat hakabala

Hava nashpia


Hava nashpia hava nashpia

Hava nashpia bekavana ( *2)


Hava nashpia lo hava nashpia lo

Hava nashpia lo bekavana (*2)


Uru achim uru achim belev sameach

Uru achim belev sameach
Uru achim belev sameach
Uru achim uru achim belev sameach

Evenu shalom aleichem


Evenu shalom aleichem

Evenu shalom aleichem
Evenu shalom aleichem
Evenu shalom aleichem


39.E All of us are amazed

(Yellow submarine)

( )

When we arrived at the gathering

In our hearts was an anxiety
That perhaps without absent mindedly
We will put our goal aside.



And now here everyone is amazed

All of us are amazed among us included
The lights are correcting the vessels
Of all the friends the children of all nations

, ,


Speaking different languages

Separated by [different] cultures
But the greatness of the objective
on all of it darkens



And now here everyone is amazed


Older and newer here

And excited together
In our hearts we feel the love of friends

And now here everyone is amazed


The prayer of each one

Is put to the side
And accepts the answer
that among us is the Creator

And now here everyone is amazed


40.E Commando Song

40.R ( )

We do not cry are not disappointed

And only shoulder-to-shoulder
in the ground do we dig
Becoming wild crazy
the Earth evolves
And only one thing in the heart matters
That the Creator should be victorious in us!
That the Creator should be victorious in us


Going to battle tense but without fear!

Leave the doubts going into the night confident
Strong commandos special
Strong commandos special



Kulam mitpaalim
(Yellow submarine)

( )

Kshe yeganu le mifgash

Blibnu kinen hashash
She ulai lelo mesim
matrateinu be zad nasim

Ve ahshav kan kulam metpaalim

Kulanu poalim beineinu nehlalim
Haorot metaknim et hakelim
Shel kol hahaverim bnei kol haamim

Medabrim safot shonot

Nevdalim be-tarbuyot
Ah gadlut hamatara
al hakol maapila


Ve ahshav kan kulam

Vatikim ve hadashim
kan be yahad metragshim
Be libeinu margishim et ahavat ahaverim


Ve ahshav kan kulam

Ha tfila shel kol ehad
Et azmo lasim betzad
Mekabelet maane
kshe beneinu haBore


Ve ahshav kan kulam

Shir Komando


Anahnu lo bochim ve lo metachzevim

Ve rak katef el a-katef
be adama hofrim
Umetparea mishtagea
kadur haarez mitgalgel
Ve rak davar ehad ba lev nogea
She yinatzeah Banu aBore!
She inatzeah Banu aBore!


Yotzim le krav matuach ach lo mefahadim!

Tashir sfekot yotzim leleil batuach
Komando hazakim miyuhadim,
Komando hazakim miyuhadim


The battle has just ended

and we have received the order
The poor postman going nuts
He is looking for us
Out in style the projectile rises upwards
Kalatch in the hand that continues to shoot
Now forward together and upwards
Praying that it will help to see!
Praying that it will help to see!



Going to battle tense


From Moscow from the Bnei Baruch

we went out to the battle
We now arrived at the gate
My brother this is the situation!
Perhaps some time they will be reminded of the gap
That we reduced in an instant
And the last thing that remained is
to break through the fence to break the dividing barrier
to break through the fence to break the dividing barrier

, !

, !
, !

Going to battle tense

41.E This is our special way


( - )

The way is tiring and magic

Its not the first time the way is revealed as confusing
Contradiction within contradiction
And there isnt here any clarification
For without attainment
You dont exist at all

This is our special way

This is the way to success
This is the society that is united
This is the way to the big objective

The way that our hearts shatters

Opens a window towards the other reality
Contradiction within contradiction
And there isnt here any clarification
For without attainment
You dont exist at all

This is our special way


Rak yistaem akrav

ve kvar kibalnu tzav
Davar misken lo metapes
otanu mechapes
Bepush ole atil lemala
Kalach be yad mamshih lirot
Ahshav kadima yachad ve lemala
Metpalelim she yaazor lirot!
Metpalelim she yaazor lerot!



Yotzim le krav matuach

Mi Moskwa mi Bnei Brak
Yatzanu el akrav
Heganu ad a-shaar ahshav
ahi ze a-mazav!
Ulai ei paam yazkiru paar
oto tzimtzamnu be kfitza
ve a-davar a-aharon nishaar
Lifrotz gader lishbor a-mehitza!
Lifrotz gader lishbor a-mehitza!



Yotzim le krav matuach


Zohi darkeinu hameyuchedet



Haderech hi meyagaat ve kosemet

Lo paam hi metgala ki mebalbelet
Stira be toh stira
ve ein po havara
Ki bli hasaga
ata klal lo kayam

Zohi darkeinu hameyuchedet

Zohi ha-derech leatzlacha
Zohi khevra shehi meyuchedet
Zohi ha-derech le matara hagdola

Haderech she et libeinu hi mashberet

Potachat halon el metziyut acheret
Stira be toch stira
ve ein po havara
Ki bli hasaga
ata klal lo kayam


Zohi darkeinu hameuhedet


42.E A Friend from Overseas

( )

We fought in fire and in water

To maintain the intent
We came together, opened the skies
Always justifying You

We read a book or two

To draw more Light of Wisdom
Throughout the world they think of You
Which is why You will help

Well all get the Arvut together

A friends from overseas
Rowing as we do
To one goal
Always sailing fearlessly on
Grab the oar and start to think,
Together in a common Kli

43.E For Those Who Are With

The Creator

( , )

Lets live by the greatness of the Creator

A friend alone and overseas
Is rowing to the same destination as all of us
But with only one goal
Forget about the personal you
Grab the paddle and intensify your effort
You in the World Kli!




We have fought in water and in flames

To hold on to Kavana
Even though we broke our teeth
We were able to justify the Creator
We have read a lot of books
In order to attract the higher light
And we only think about the Creators greatness
And He will lighten up our path!

Lets live by the greatness of the Creator



Chaver Meever Layam


Nilchamnu beesh Uvamaim

Lishmor al ota Kavana
Heganu beyachad patachnu shamaim
Tamid hetzdaknu otcha

Karanu sefer o shnaim

Kdei limshoch od maor
Bechol haolam hem choshvim rack alecha
Lichen ata taazor

Nasig arevut kulam beyachad

Chaver meever layam
Choter kamonu lesham
El matara achat
Naflig tamid bli pachad
Titfos bemashot vetatchil lehagot
Beyachad bekli meshutaf

Za tekh, kto s Tvortzom

Davayte zhit Tvortza velichyem!

Khaver za morem odin
Grebyot tuda zhe shto mi,
I esli tzel odna,
zabud o lichnom,
Veslo ukhvati I usilye vlozhi
Ti v mirovoye kli!




V vode I v ogne mi srazhalis

Shtob kavanu uderzhat
I pust nashi zubi lomalis
Smogli mi Tvortza opravdat
Nemalo mi knig prochitali
Shtob visshiy svet prityanut
I dumayem mi o velichii Tvortza lish
I On nam osvetit put!



Davayte zhit Tvortza velichyem!...



44.E Turn


We have pledged not to withdraw

To continue marching on the way
Only toward Him

The Creator is at the end of the way

It is a long and hard one
The Light will correct

He changes pictures
Turns things around
You cannot see
What else will happen here
In ups, in downs
You will not know without lines
Without experiments

The one alone on his road is hopeless

No chance to reach
Because who am I really

The Arvut is always needed

When our spirit blends
With the world Kli

He changes pictures

45.E The Turn


We gave our word to the group

Not to turn away from the path
And to feel the Creator.

On the difficult path to Him

All the egoistical desires
The Light will fully correct

Here is the new turn,

And the Creator is calling
What will He send us?
The fall or the rise,
The swamp or the passageway
And you cannot tell the difference
Until you make a turn.

, ,


( !)

(and get your own lumps)



() .44

Hitchayavnu lo laseget
Lehamshich litzod baderech
Rack bekivun elav

Habore biktze haderech

Hi kasha vemefarechet
Haor yitaken ota

Hu machlif et hatmunot
Gorem letafniyot
Lo tuchal lirot
Ma yikre po od
Gam baaliyot o bayiridot
Lo teda gvulot
bli hitnasuyot

Haboded darko noeshet

Ein lo shum sikui lageshet
Ki mi bichlal ani

Haarvut tamid nidreshet

Ksheruchenu mitkalelet
Bikli haolami

Hu machlif et hatmunot



V gruppe mi davali slovo

Ne skhodit s puti pryamogo
I oshutit Tvortza


Na puti k Nemu ternistom

Vse zhelaniya egoizma
Svet ispravit do kontza

Vot noviy povorot

I Tvoretz zovyot
Shto On nam poshlyot?
Propast ili vzlyot
Omut ili brod
I ne razberyosh
Poka ne povernyosh
Za povorot!
(I shishek ne nabyosh!)

, ,

(! )


We dont have strength by being alone

The effort needs to be made
And only in the group we are strong!

Lets become responsible for one another

And well bond in one circle
Everybody to the World Kli!

- !

Here is the new turn

46.E Circulation,
starting the Assault


Circulate, were starting the assault

To occupy the goal
In the peoples and in your heart

- !

Circulate, the life blood of the group

It vitalizes us
Without it we would freeze

- ,


We write a lot of articles

And turn them into books
We draw pictures and drawings
And put them in among the pages

We gather interesting topics

Shoot a lot of films
Translate the lessons
And broadcast to the masses

Circulate, were starting

We go out to the street

And give a ton of postcards
We lecture day and night
In halls and centers all throughout

We open groups in every place

Excite the hearts of human race
Parties and assemblies, we broadcast
On the Internet to see

Circulate, were starting

We think about the spirit of the group

And make people around happy
Wash our brains at every chance
With an article or tape


V odinochku netu sili

Sdelat nuzhnoye usiliye
Lish v gruppe mi silni!

Poruchimsya drug za druga

I solyomsya v obshem kruge
Vse v mirovoye Kli!


Vot noviy povorot

... ,

Hafaza Yotzim LeHatkafa




Hafatza yotzim lehatkafa

Lekibush hamatara
Shebaam ubelibcha

Hafaza hadam shel hakvutza

Et libeinu machye
Im hi lo tizrom nikpa

Kotvim harbe maamarim

Vemechabrim mehem sefarim
Orchim tmunot vesirtutim
Umeshabtzim bein hadapim

Osfim nosim meanyanim

Vemetzalmim harbe sratim
Et hashiur metargemim
Umeshadrim lahamonim ki

Hafatza yotisim lehatkafa

Yotzim kol yom larechovot

Umechalkim hamon gluyot
Notnim kol erev harzaot
Bematnasim veulamot

Bechol makom potchim kvutzot

Umalhitim et halevavot
Bainternet efshar lirot
Shidur knasim umesibot ki

Hafatza yotzim lehatkafa

Choshvim al ruach hachevra

Umesamchim et hasviva
Shotfim thamoach kol daka
Im maamar o haklata



We contribute every effort

To choose the best surroundings
We always circulate
The greatness of the goal, because

Circulate, were starting

47.E Its Undecided


We have been to Afula and also to New-York

We taught the Kabbalah afar and also near
Well bring to everyone this very minute, now
The truth about the goal of life

Its undecided, nothing is too late

The mood will shift tomorrow
Its possible, it can be done
As long as we are studying here
Its possible, it can be done
As long as we still circulate

Weve taught Kabbalah almost anywhere

We helped many step out of their dream
To see that the Creator is all good
In Moscow and in Tel-Aviv

Its undecided

48.E Everything is revealed to us

(Akol patuah)

( )

Weve been to New York,

Odessa and Moscow,
And far away and close to home we studied Kabbalah,
About the Purpose of creation we need to tell everyone,
Everyone must know that! (*2)

! (*2)

Everything is revealed to us surroundings is the key

Light of redemption
shines at us at all times,
Everything is open, everything is ahead
Leave your doubts behind,
Everything is open, everything is ahead
So boldly forward, my friend



, , .

In Tel Aviv theatres

and streets of Moscow,
Everywhere we talked about the truth of Kabbalah,



Tormim cochot beyegia

Kdei livchor sviva tova
Oskim tamid behafaza
Shel romemut hamatara ki

Hafatza yotzim lehatkafa

Hakol Patuach


Hayinu beAfula hayinu beNew York

Limadnu kabala karov vegam rachok
Navi lekol haam miyad mamash achshav
Hesber al matarat chayav (x2)


Hakol patuach od lo meuchar

Matzav haruach yishtane machar
Ze yitachen ze efshari
Kol od anachnu kan lomdim
Ze yitachen ze efshari
Kol od anachnu mefizim

Limadnu kabala kimat bechol makom

Azarnu lerabim latzet min hachalom
Lirot shehabore hu tov vegam meitiv
BeMoskva ubeTel Aviv (X2)


Hakol patuach od lo meuchar...

Everything is open to us



(2*) !

Bivali mi v New Yorke,

Odesse I Moskve
I blizko I daleko uchili kabbale
Pro tzel tvorenya nado miru rasskazat
Obyazan eto kazhdiy znat! (*2)



. , ,

Nam vsyo raskrito

glavnoye sreda
Svet ispravleniya
svetit nam vsegda
Otkrito vsyo, vsyo vperedi
Ostav somnenya pozadi
Otkrito vsyo, vsyo vperedi
Smelee drug vperyod idi.


V teatrakh Tel Aviva,

na ulitzakh Moskvi
Vezde mi govorili o pravde kabbali


And helped people to understand

the law of the Creator,
How to receive His light into us. (2)

. (*2)

Everything is revealed to us

49.E I Was Born Here


Here is my house, here I was born

The group is the love of my life
Here I learned from Rav
And I will circulate it now

Here I was born

Here my friends were born as well
To a new world, a good and free
And so alive world



Here the spirit of the group

Keeps me with my friends
So after thousands of years search
Therell be an end to quest

Here is my house; here I was born

Here I find the group
Here I see how far Ive come
The Creator is among my friends

Here I was born

Here is my house; here I was born

Here Im always born anew
Here I am for here I have attained
Here is real; the rest, a dream


, -

Here I was born

Here I find what Ive been looking for

Here there are both lights and vessels
From here I circulate the word
From here others too will come (*)

Here I was born

50.E Kan Beyti

(Heres my home)

( )

Heres my home, where I was born to this world

My group, you are my eternal love,

, ,
, ,


I liudyam pomogli
zakon Tvortza ponyat
Kak svet Ego v sebya prinyat. (*2)

(2*) .

Nam vsyo raskrito


Kan Noladti


Kan beiti po ani noladti

Hakvutza hi ahavat chayay
Kan et hatora merav lamadeti
Veota afiz im chaverai (x2)


Kan noladiti
an noldu gam chaverai
El olam chadash vetov
Chofshi vechai

Kan koach hakvutza

adbik oti el chaverai
Achrei shanim alpaim
Sof lenedudai

Kan beti po ani noladiti

Kan et hakvutza ani motze
Kan ani roe lean hegati
Bein hachaverim nimtza habore (x2)


Kan noladiti...


Kan beti po ani noladiti

Kan ani nolad achshav kol yom
Kan ani nimtza ki po hesagti
Kan hametziut vehashar chalom (x2)


Kan noladiti...


Kan emtza kol ma shechipasti

Kah yeshnam orot vegam kelim
Mekan et hatora lead hefazti
Kan gam yevaldu od acherim (x2)


Kan noladiti...


Here is my home

Zdes moy dom zeds na svet rodilsya ya

Gruppa ti moya lyubov navek



Here I studied Kabbalah from Rav,

So to desseminate it to everyone.


Here I was born,

and so were my friends,
To the new world of miraculous love,
where the Creator resides,
Here with my group
I attained my second self
All of my wondering came to the end.



Heres my home, where I was born to this world,

Here I found my first group,
No matter where I had been before,
All those years I was on my way home.

, ,

Here I was born...


Heres my home, where I was born to this world,

Now every single day I am reborn,
Here I found out
That here is the only place where reality
exists leaving no place for the dreams.

, ,
, .

Here I was born...


Heres my home, where I was born to this world,

Where my friends were born,
Where I shared the sacred with them,
So that the Light could fill their kli.

, ,

Here I was born...


51.E All the Respect


Four in the morning,

the heart is open
We make a dream come true
No room to rest

4 ,

When every wish

is tied to the goal
The greatness of the Creator
is so clear

They all knew very well

To whom there is always more respect
They all knew very well
To whom there is always more respect


. ,

Zdes u Rava kabbale uchilsya ya

Shtob eyo rasprastranyat na vsekh


, ""

Zdes rodilsya ya,

rodilis moi druzya
V noviy mir lyubvi chudes
gde est Tvoretz
Zdes vmeste s gruppoy ya
obryol svoyo vtoroye ya
Vsem moim skitaniyam prishol konetz
Zdes moi dom zeds rodilsya ya
Zdes vperviye gruppu ya nashyol
Gde b do toy pori ne nakhodilsya ya
Lish syuda vse eti godi shyol

Zdes rodilsya ya...


Zdes moi dom zeds na svet rodilsya ya

Kazhdiy den ya zanovo rozhdyon
Zdes odnazhdi tvyordo ubedilsya ya
Tolko tut realnost a ne son

, ,
. ,

Zdes rodilsya ya...

Zdes moy dom zdes na svet rodilsya ya

Rodilis tovarishi moi
Snimi samim vazhnim podelilsya ya
Shtob svet napolnil nashe kli.

, ,


Zdes rodilsya ya...


Kol Hakavod (Kazablan)

() .51

Bearba bavokro shel yom

Keshehakol patuach
Anachnu magshimim chalom
Veein makom lanuach

Kshekol ratzon shemitbarer

Kashur lamatara
Az gdluto shel habore
Kol kach brura

Kulam hayu yodim az tov meod

Lemi lemi yesh yoter kavod
Kulam hayu yodim az tov meod
Lemi lemi tamid lemi yesh yoter kavod


When Rav says words

As sharp as arrows
Things suddenly become
Clear to the mind and the soul,

It all happens in the thought

Coming out of the source,
If every person in the group
demands The Light of Wisdom

They all knew very well

To whom there is always more respect

Facing all the situations

we recall one thing for sure,
If theres Arvut,
the Machsom is open

Because the Creator is greater

beyond our wildest dreams
When He appears inside the group
it is no dream

They all knew very well

To whom there is always more respect

52.E Kazablan


An hour before the morning dawn,

When all the souls are open,
Him, who bestows wisdom upon us,
We are gathering to listen
We wish this wisdom manifest
Through every time of day
So never let our goal to go
To go astray

, ,



Its clear to one who studies Kabbalah,

To Whom, to Whom
he must always turn(2)

, ,
, , ,

And when the Rav gives his perush,

His words pierce us like arrows,
They strike the points in our hearts
The grip of body narrows.
And all will happen in a flash
As the Creators thought
The group ascending up and up
With Rav in front!




Kesheharav omer dvarim

Chadim kechetz shaluach
Pitom mitbaharim dvarim
Lenefesh veleruach

Hakol bemachshava tchila

Yotze min hamakor
Im kol chaver shebekvutza
doresh maor

Kulam hayu yodim az tov meod

Lemi lemi yesh yoter kavod

Mul kol migvan hamatzavim

Zochrim davar batuach
Im yesh arevut bein chaverim
Az hamachsom patuach

Keivan shegodel habore

Meal lekol dimyon
Keshekvutza hu mitgale
Ze lo chalom

Kulam hayu yodim az tov meod

Lemi lemi yesh yoter kavod


V chasi utrenney zari

Poka otkriti dushi
Togo kto mudrost vam darit
Prikhodim mi poslushat
Eyo mi voploshayem v zhizn
V chasi drugiye dnya
Za tzel pokrepche ti derzhis
Ne za menya!




I yasno vsem kto uchit Kabbalu

Komu, komu, vsegda komu
vozdavat khvalu (*2)

, ,,
(2*) ...

I esli Rav dayot perush

Ego slova kak streli
Oni doydut do nashikh dush
Do dukha I do tela
I vsyo proizoydyot tochas
Po zamislu Tvortza
Lish tolko gruppa podnyalas
Zazhglis serdtza!




Its clear to one who studies Kabbalah,

To Whom, to Whom
he must always turn(2)

, ,
, , ,
! (2)

Though we be thrown up and down

On waves of our condition
We have united in the dance
Attainments and transitions
To the one who bonded with his friends
As the Creators wish
The goal is staring in the face,
Machsom is his!




Its clear to one who studies Kabbalah,

To Whom, to Whom
he must always turn(x2)

, ,
, , ,
... (2)

53.E Ba Makom Katan



I can not tell you where, on which star,

We will fuse together!
But lets not wait and look for this star,
Everything will happen here and now.


We have bonded for the friends

and we are searching for the light,
The light which will give us all the answers,
The light to which there is no equal!

I can not tell you where, on which star,

But this world is already united.
The group there has fused as one
It is impossible to severe this bond
We are striving to the light all as one!

We have bonded

54.E We have bonded for the friends


I can not tell you where,

On which star,
We will fuse together!
But lets not wait
And look for this star,
Everything will happen here and now.

, !


We have bonded for the friends

and We are searching for the light


I yasno vsem kto uchit Kabbalu

Komu, komu, vsegda komu
vozdavat khvalu (*2)

, ,,
(2*) ...

Pust nas brosayet vverkh I vniz

Po volnam sostoyaniy
V edinoy plyaske mi slilis
Stremleniy I zhelaniy
Kto poruchilsya za druzey
Pered samim Tvortzom
Tomu vidnee stala tzel
Otkrit Makhsom!



I yasno vsem kto uchit Kabbalu

Komu, komu, vsegda komu
vozdavat khvalu (*2)

, ,,
(2*) ...

Be Makom Katan


Bemakom katan lo herchek mikan

Nitchaber kulanu yachdav
Lo nelech lesham lo natur olam
Ki matzui hu kan veachshav

Arevim ze leze
mekablim maor
Shemachzir otanu el hamakor
Vemashve bein hakli vehaor (*2)


Bemakom katan lo herchek mekan

Mitached lo kol haolam
Sham nimtzet kvutza beachdut gmura
Metapeset al hasulam

Arevim ze leze mekablim maor


Za druzey poruchivshis


Ne skazhu vam gde

Na kakoy zvezde
Mi solyomsya soyedinyas
No ne stanem zhdat
I zvezdu iskat
Vsyo sluchitzya zdes I seychas



! ,
. -

Za druzey poruchivshis
mi ischem svet


The light which will give us

All the answers,
The light to which there is no equal!

, ! (2)

I can not tell you where,

On which star,
But this world is already united.
The group there has fused as one
It is impossible to severe this bond
We are striving to the light all as one!


We have bonded for the


55.E The Point (Shahrisabz)

55.R ()

In the point in our heart

But a single wish
It grows, it pushes
To reveal the Giver

The point, the point

It wishes to be like
Bina, like Bina
Which but a power of bestowal
La la la



Let us all unite

One man, one heart
To discover the Creator
We bond into a single Kli



Only the group, only the group

The means for the goal
In the group, in the group
We will implement the choice
La la la



56.E Kabbalah, Kabbalah


56.R ,

The point in our heart

Only desires to uncover a single quality
And it strives and burns
To attain the quality of the Highest.

Kabbalah, Kabbalah
Will fill the point with the Upper Light
Kabbalah, Kabbalah
Lets us reveal the Creator.





Svet kotoriy na vse

nam dayot otvet
Svet kotoromu ravnogo net! (*2)
Ne skazhu vam gde
Na kakoy zvezde
Etot mir davno uzh edin
Gruppa tam slilas
Ne razrubish svyaz
Rvyomsya k svetu kak odin!

! -

Za druzey poruchivshis



() .55

Benukuda shebalev shelanu

Rack ratzon echad boer
Gam godelet vedochefet
Legalot et hanoten

Hanekuda hanekuda
Vehi rotza lihyot doma
Lebina lebina
Shehi rack koach hashpaa
La la la

Bou nityached kulanu

Keish echad belev echad
Legalot bore anachnu
Mitchabrim bekli echad

Rack kvutza rack kvutza

Haemtzai lamatara
Bekvutza bekvutza
Temamesh et habchira
La la la

Kabbala, Kabbala

Zhelayet nasha tochka v serdtze

Odno lish kachestvo raskrit
I stremitzya I pilayet
Svoystvo visshego dostich


Kabbala, Kabbala
Napolnit tochku visshim svetom
Kabbala, kabbala
Dayot raskrit v sebe Tvortza




We must all together

Fuse into a worldwide kli
Having entered into a mutual guarantee
We will attain the sacred goal.



Only Arvut, only Arvut

Will enable us to break free from our chains
And adhesion and adhesion
Will let me chose the right way.


57.E Everything in life ends


The group is a soul, it is not dead

It changes every minute, if not second
If Your giving stops for a minute
Its existence will vanish from your mind

- ,
c ,

Everything ends in life

And if you dont have a friend
That bonds to you,
you are alone

In the group you watch out

Checking every moment
That its Him and no other
Always with you

O, -

Your life is built of situations,

Ups and downs in the relations
Between you and your group mates
That show you your position in the group

Everything ends in life

58.E Everything is treacherous


A group of Kabbalists is a single soul

And it is varied as life itself
If you dont give all of yourself to it even for one instant
You are already not in it, it is not for you.


, .

Everything is treacherous along the way,

if you dont have a friend
When your souls are one
you are lonely



Be faithful to your friend

so that you attain the feeling
That you are side by side with him



Neobkhodimo vsem nam vmeste

Slitzya v mirovoye kli
Poruchivshis drug za druga
K zavetnoy tzeli nam pridti



Lish Arvut lish Arvut

Pozvolit virvatzya iz put
I dvekut I dvekut
Dayot mne vibrat verniy put



Bechayim Hakol Over


Hakvutza hi neshama velo gufa

Mishtane hi kol daka im lo shiya
Im lerega tipasek hashpaatcha
Tealem metziuta metfisatcha

Bechaim hakol over

Veim ein lecha chaver
Sheelcha mitchaber
ata levad

Bekvutza ata shomer

Vekol rega mevarer
Sheze hu velo acher
tamid itcha

Hachaim shelcha bnuim mimatzavim

Aliyot veyiridot beyachasim
Shebeinecha lechaverecha bekvutza
Shetamid marim lecha et matzavcha

Bechaim hakol over

Vsyo izmenchivo v puti

Gruppa kabbalistov est dusha odna

I izmenchiva kak zhizn sama ona
Ey na mig ti ne otdal vsego sebya
Ti ne v ney uzhe ona ne dlya tebya



. ,

Vsyo izmenchivo v puti

Esli druga ne nayti
Shtob dushoy s nim bit odnoy
Ti odinok!



Drugu veren bud v puti

Shtobi chuvstvo obresti
Shto eto s nim a ne s chuzhimi


and not with a stranger

You life consists of changing states

Only your goal is unchangeable
And through you friends, hating and loving them
You will perceive yourself like in a mirror

, ,

Everything is treacherous


59.E Mingling
(Oh, Bloody)


He who has the point

Straight away looks for a meaning
If he joins our group
He sees reality changing

Mingling with friends, come what may,

Until we attain
Mingling with friends, come what may,
Only the Creator here

If you want to know what will happen,

What happens now and what has happened
Come learn how the Creator is viewed
in the eyes of Kabbalah


Mingling with friends

Reality is already perfect,

only your own vessel changes
What is now concealed for you,
will soon become apparent

Mingling with friends

How do you know your own state,

how will you keep your focus always?
If you love your friend completely,
youll know it is the end of the correction

Mingling with friends

60.E From the Beginning


What are you trying to say?

Where are you Divinity?
Your world is hidden
And there is no love here


Ti bok o bok

V peremene sostoyaniy zhizn tvoya

Tolko ne menyayesh ustremleniya
I druzey to nenavidya to lyubya
V nikh kak v zerkale uvidish ti sebya


Vsyo izmenchivo v puti


Nichlalim Bechevra
(Oh, Bloody)

( )

Mi shemitoreret bo hanekuda
Tehef mehapes mashmaut
Im hu mitchaber etzlenu lechevra
Hu roe eich mishtane hamitziut

Nichlalim bechevra ma sheba ba

Ad sherochshim hasaga
Nichlalim bechevra ma sheba ba
Rack habore betocha

Im ata rotze ladaat ma yikre

Ma kore achshav vema kara
Bo tilmad keitzad roim et habore
Al yedei shitat chochmat hakabala

Nichlalim bachevra ma sheba ba...


Kol hamitziut kevar bematzav mushlam

Rack hakli shelcha od mishtane
Ma sheavurcha achshav hu neelam
Yahafoch od rega liyhot hove

Nichlalim bechevra ma sheba ba...


Eich ata yodea ma matzavcha

Eich tishmor tamid al hakivun
Im tohav lelo sayag et raacha
Az teda sheze hagmar shel hatikun

Nichlaliim bechevra ma sheba ba


Shuv Mehatchala

( ) .60

Ma at menasa lomar
Eifo at shchina
Haolam shelcha nistar
Veein kan ahava


The pieces meet

We are like strangers

You are the great Malchut

Of Atzilut
You are complete in our eyes
Youre all unity
The lights glitter
The vessels are corrected



You are the soul inside the Kli

The spirit of the group toward the goal
You radiate true bounty
The power of bestowal in the world Kli

- ,

Every moment is new

When viewed through the group
The spark of this fire
The secret of faith
Without pain, without tears
The souls unite

Well add desire to the class once more

you fill our hearts with fire
Again from the beginning opens a door
And when we enter
we will mingle in your Kli

61.E There is Nothing Greater

in our Life

( )

There is nothing greater in our life

Then discovering the Creator in our world
Here well build a common Kli for sure
To give Him only pleasure
To give Him only pleasure

La la la, La la la,
the Creators great!

- !

Internal assault is underway

To break into the Kings hall
Well realize in mind and heart
Love thy friend as thyself
Love thy friend as thyself

" "
" "

La la la, La la la,
the Creators great!

- !


Hashvarim nifgashim
Veanachnu kmo zarim

Et hamalchut hagdola
Shel haazilut
Beeinenu at shlema
Kol kulcha achdut
Haorot zoharim
Hakelim metukanim

t haneshama shbetoch hakli

Ruach hachvra bakivun hamatrati
Shuv at makrina shefa amiti
Koach hashpaa shebekli haolami

Bechol rega mitchadesh

Derech hachevra
Hanitzotz shel zo haesh
Sod haemuna
Bli keev bli dmaot
Mitachdot haneshamot

Shuv al hashiur nitzraf tzhuka

Lehargish eich at
et libeinu madlika
Shuv mehatchala delet tipatach
nitkalel bekli shelcha

Ein Davar Gadol ShebeChayeinu

Ein davar gadol shebechayenu
Megilui bore beolamenu
Kan nivna kli meshutaf batuach
Lehashpia lo rack nachat ruach
Lehashpia lo rack nachat ruach

( )

La-la-la... La-la-la
habore gadol!

-- --

Hatkafa pnimit yatza laderech

Shenifrotz el toch hechal hamelech
Nemamesh beliba ubemocha
Veahavta leraacha kamocha
Veahavta leraacha kamocha

" "
" "

La-la-la... La-la-la
habore gadol!

-- --


The Arvut forms among us

The greatness of the goal demands
That we will break the walls
between us
And Light to our perception
And Light to our perception

La la la, La la la,
the Creators great!

- -
- !

62.E There is nothing better in the world

(The Bremen Musicians)

( )

There is nothing better in the world,

Than to go towards the light.
Through a prison of huge distances,
Into the world of altruistic desires,
Into the world of altruistic desires,


La la La la
World kli!

-- !

Our way is not a garden path,

And we have no rest without the screen.
Our roof is our thoughts,
We are not scared of bouts with egotism,
Wa are not scared of bouts with egotism.


La la La la
World kli!

-- !

We will not forget our assignment,

Light and happiness we bring to people
By bringing knowledge about the Creator,
We are reducing the suffering on earth,
We are reducing the suffering on earth.


, ,

La la La la
World kli!

-- !

But there are no miracles in life,

This is something that all already know.
And the motto is work for bestowal
This is our daily task.
This is our daily task.


La la La la
World kli!

-- !


Haarevut beneinu mitgabeshet

Vegdelut hamatara doreshet
Shenishbor kol hakirot
Venavi maor letfisatenu
Venavi maor letfisatenu

La-la-la... La-la-la
habore gadol!

-- --

Nichego na svete luchshe netu

Nichego na svete luchshe netu

Chem idti vperyod navstrechu svetu
Cherez plen ogromnikh rasstoyaniy
V mir altruisticheskikh zhelaniy
V mir altruisticheskikh zhelaniy


La la La la
Mi-rovo-ye kli!

... ...

Put nash ne tzvetochnaya polyana

I pokoya net nam bez ekrana
Nasha krisha eto nashi misli
Ne strashni nayezdi egoizma
Ne strashni nayezdi egoizma


La la La la
Mi-rovo-ye kli!

... ...

Mi svoyo prizvanye ne zabudem

Svet I radost mi prinosim lyudyam
Tem shot o Tvortze nesyom mi znanye
Sokrashayem na zemle stradanya
Sokrashayem na zemle stradanya

, ,

La la La la
Mi-rovo-ye kli!

... ...

No chudes na svete ne bivayet

Eto uzhe kazhdiy ponimayet
I deviz rabota na otdachu
Nasha povsednevnaya zadacha
Nasha povsednevnaya zadacha


La la La la
Mi-rovo-ye kli!

... ...


63.E I Crossed the Machsom


I was born with my friends

To a world filled with pleasures
We were saved from a nightmare
We acquired a place through uniting our hearts

Ah ah ah Ah ah ah

I crossed the Machsom when He appeared,

Thanks to a group of unified souls
We all see His greatness
When He gives,
And then we want
To be with Him come what may

I crossed the Machsom when He appeared,

Thanks to a group of unified souls
We all acquire His attribute of bestowal,
And then experience the power of His love

Weve found a way to end the troubles

By strengthening our will against obstructions
We were liberated from enslavement
In the eternal state
we have won Arvut


Ah ah ah Ah ah ah

I crossed the Machsom

64.E Waiting for You our King

64.R ,
( )

Waiting for You our King

Open for us the lights of your city
Cleanse our souls
So that we see your goodness

We are all one man, one heart

Lets think how
with the right intent
Together we will open a source to draw Light
and attain faith

Waiting for You our King

To feel your greatness


Avarti Tmachsom

' .63
( )

Ani noladti im hachaverim

El olam amiti male taanugim
Noshanu mechalom siyut ubelahut
Kaninu makom beichud halevavot

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah


Ani avarti thamachsom kshehu hofia

Bezchut kvutza shel neshamot meuchadot
Kulam roim et gadluto
Keshe hu mashpia
Veaz rotzim bechol matzav
liyot ito


Ani avarti thamachsom kshehu hofia

Bezchut kvutza shel neshamot meuchadot
Kulam rochshim et tchunato delehashpia
Veaz chavim et kol otzmat ahavato


Matzanu pitaron lekol hametzukot

Bechizuk haratzon al pnei hahafraot
Yatzanu lechofshi shuchrarnu meavdut
Bematzav hanitzchi
zachinu learvut


Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

... '

Ani avarti thamachsom kshehu hofia

Mechakim Lecha Malkeinu


Mechakim lecha malkeinu

Petach lanu orot ircha
Tizke et neshmatainu
Shenire et kol tuvcha

Ku-la-nu ish echad lev echad

Bou nachshov keitzad
bekavana nechona
Anu niftach makor yachad limshoch maor
Ulehasig emuna (x2)



Mechakim lecha malkeinu

Lehargish et gadulatcha


Remove our pride

So that we live in Your chambers

We are all one man, one heart

Waiting for You our King

With Your mighty hand
Strengthen our desires
To always cleave to You

We are all one man, one heart

65.E Wait for You, the Lord

65.R ,

Wait for you, the Lord

The world is under the influence of emptiness
And there is only one choice
To become as You are


If we are
Together shoulder to shoulder,
The thought comes then:
As from the years of misfortunes
To discover the Upper Light
Merging with You forever (2)




Wait for you, the Lord

You are the One and You are Great!
You can correct us instantly
Lets bring this moment closer!

- !


If we are
Together shoulder to shoulder,
The thought comes then:
As from the years of misfortunes
To discover the Upper Light
Merging with You forever (2)




Wait for you, the Lord

From fear and suffering
Open the doors quite softly
To the Kingdom of peace and kindness

If we are
Together shoulder to shoulder,
The thought comes then:
As from the years of misfortunes
To discover the Upper Light




Tesalek gaavateinu
Shenadur bemedurcha

Ku-la-nu ish echad lev echad

... --

Mechakim lecha malkeinu

Beyadecha hachazaka
Tetaken retzonotenu
Lehidabek tamid becha

Ku-la-nu ish echad lev echad

... --

Zhdem tebya, Vladika

Zhdem tebya davno, Vladika,

Mir vo vlasti pustoti,
Iz nee odin lish vihod
Stat takimi je kak ti.

Esli mi
Vmeste plechom k plechu,
Stenu jeleznuyu
Misl probivaet togda:
Kak skvoz nevzgodi let
Viiti na Viscshii Svet
Slivshis s Toboi navsegda (2)



Zhdem tebya davno, Vladika

Ti Odin i Ti Velik!
Nas ispravit mojesh migom
Tak pribliz je etot mig!


Esli mi
Vmeste plechom k plechu,
Stenu zheleznuyu
Misl probivaet togda:
Kak skvoz nevzgodi let
Viiti na Viscshii Svet
Slivshis s Toboi navsegda (2)


Zhdem tebya davno, Vladika

Iz putchin trevog i zla
Priotkroii nam dveri tiho
V tzarstvo mira i dobra

Esli mi
Vmeste plechom k plechu,
Stenu zheleznuyu
Misl probivaet togda:
Kak skvoz nevzgodi let


Merging with You forever (2)


66.E Will Come and will Arrive

( )

He who wants the Creator

Seeks and finds
that he must work in a group

He utilizes every moment

And always wants
to raise the value of the group

Will come and will arrive, even if its hard,

will complete immediate response,
will find that the Creators one,
one unique and unified

Those who read articles

Join friends
And all along remember why

Those who persist in study

And support others
To make them want to feel attainment

Will come and will

Those who always think

About the value of the group
Implement the words of Rav

Those who circulate

Advertise the wisdom
In the neighborhood and all around

Will come and will

67.E 7-40


The one who always has searched for the Creator

Who was ultimately faithful,
To the secret call in his heart,
The one who has found the fighter in himself,
and in Rav - a friend and a father,
He who dreams to cross the mahsom

K ,

He will cross mahsom soon,


Viiti na Viscshii Svet

Slivshis s Toboi navsegda (2)


Yavo Vegam Yagia

( )

Mi sheshoef el habore
Mechapes vegam motze
Shetzarich laavod bekvutza

Mi shekol rega mematze

Ubechol matzav rotze
Lehagdil chashivut hachevra

Yavo vegam yagia afilu im yazia

Hu yekabel tzhuvba shlema miyad
Hu yegale shehabore echad
Echad yachid umeyuchad

Mi shekore maamarim
Mitztaref lachaverim
Vezocher kol hazman leshem ma

Mi shetamid bashiurim
Vetomech beacherim
Sheyirtzu lehargish hasaga

Yavo vegam yagia afilu im yazia


Mi shechoshev behatmada
Al haerech shel chevra
Meyasem et dvarav shel harav

Mi sheyotze lehafaza
Mefarsem et hachochma
Besviva ubekerev achav

Yavo vegam yagia afilu im yazia...



Tot kto vsegda iskal Tvortza

Kto bil veren do kontza
Zovu taynomu v serdtze svoyom
Tot kto nashel v sebe bortza
V Rave druga I otza
I mechtayet proyti za makhsom



, -

Makhsom proydyot on skoro


its clear here without a dispute,

The Creator will open the other world to him,
Love and happiness, eternity and rest,
The Creator, uniform and simple!

, ,
, !

The one who has praised Him,

the one who studies Kabbalah
Who always has improved the kvutsa (the group),
The one who calls friends to a table,
who has put a screen to the evil,
And thus is similar to the Creator



He will cross mahsom soon

The one who has heeded Ravs advices,

disseminated Kabbalah,
And who is ready to conclude Arvut,
In whom the ideal does not die away,
the one whos heart is not tired,
And the love will not take as the labor

, ,
, ,

He will cross mahsom soon

68.E The Creator is Good to Us All

68.R 40-

The Creator is good to us all

He imparts us the traits of Bina
He restricted Himself in our favor
So we dont fall into the Klipa


We thank you our Creator

Say what it is you want
So we before You bow and then receive
The full reward reward reward reward

, ,

, , .

The Creator is great that is certain

He created the will to receive
He abundantly shows us His greatness
Letting us understand and perceive

, .

We thank you our Creator

, ...

The Creator awakens within us

A desire to look for the goal
Making us want to find by ourselves
And understand what He thinks after all


We thank you our Creator

, ...


Tut yasno vsyo bez spora

Emu Tvoretz raskroyet mir inoy
Lyubov I schastye, vechnost I pokoy
Tvoretz ediniy I prostoy!


Tot kto vozdal emu khvalu

tot kto uchit kabbalu
Kto vsegda uluchshayet kvutzu
Tot kto druzey zovet k stolu
kto ekran postavil zlu
I podoben tem samim Tvortzu


Makhsom proydyot on skoro


Tot kto sovetam Rava vnyal,

kabbalu rasprastranyal
I gotov zaklyuchit Arvut
Tot v kom ne gasnet ideal
tot kto serdtzem ne ustal
I lyubov ne sochtyot za trud
Makhsom proydyot on skoro


Habore Hu Meitiv Lekulanu


(Mozartz 40th Symphony)

(40- ,)

Habore hu meitiv lekulanu

Hu noten et tchunat habina
Hu tzimtzem et atzmo avureinu
Vepatach efsharut hasaga

Node lecha malkeinu

tomar ma retzoncha
Kdei shenishtave venekabel
t kol tovcha tovcha tovcha

Habore hu gadol umashpia

Hu bara rack ratzon lekabel
Et midat gdulato hu mabia
Keshenoten lanivra levarer

Node lecha malkeinu

Habore meorer betocheinu

Giruim lechapes matara
Hu gorem shenirtze beatzmeinu
Lehasig machshavat habria

Node lecha malkeinu



69.E The Creator is Good to Us All

Mozart 40th Symphony

69.R 40-

And the Creator is good and kind

He creates kind creations
He restricts himself only in order
That it would be easier to comprehend Him


I am asking You, Creator

ppealing to You again
Reveal, in order we would have
Discovered your love in becoming equal,
Love, love, love.


, , .

And the Creator is everywhere around

He is giving without the limits
To subdue yourself to this miracle
The one who has come to this road, would reach

, , .

I am asking You, Creator

And the Creator awakens the desires

By exciting your nekuda
He reduces the suffering during the traveling
If you choose your surrounding


I am asking You, Creator

70.E One Step Forward


Sunday I had asked the Rav

the meaning of bestowal
He said go to the group
youll find it there yourself

I didnt understand and didnt want to

but stuck with the goal,
now I am a part
of the worldwide Kli

, ,

One step forward and a focused effort

There Odessa, Peterburg, Aurstralia,
Here is Golub, Tony and Gady
And there is no end to bestow

, ,

We tuned our vessels Monday

and tried to connect


Mozartz 40th Symphony

40- ,


A Tvoretz On horoshii I dobrii,

On tvorit vsem sozdanyam dobro,
Sokratil On sebya tolko chtobi,
Bilo prosche postitch nam Yego.

Molu Tebya Sozdatel,

K tebye vzivayu vnov,
Raskroisya, chtob sravnyavshis
Mi nashli Tvoyu lubov
Lubov, Lubov, Lubov.

, ,

A Tvoretz On vezde I povsyudu

Bez ostatka sebya otdayet,
Podchini sebya etomu tchudu:
Tot, kto vstal na dorogu, pridet.

Molu Tebya Sozdatel,

A Tvoretz probujdaet jelanya,

Vozbujdaya tvoyu nekudu,
On v puti sokraschaet stradanya,
Yesli ti vibiraesh sredu.

Molu Tebya Sozdatel

Tzad Kadima


Yom rishon trav shaalti

a mahut hahashpaa
Hu amar telech lachevre
Sham timtza et atzmacha

Lo hevanti lo ratziti
Ach nidbakti letachlit
Hine hitkalalti
Bekvutza haolamit

Tzaad kadima veyechud hayigia

Sham Odessa Petersburg Australia
Hine Golub, Tony VeGadi
Veein sof hashpaa

Yom sheni kelim kivanu

venisinu lechaber


A song that we composed to try to justify our friends

We struggled hard
to exit the concealment
And in the end reached the border fence

One step forward

Quarter before three

we aim for the need,
we therefore asked the Rav
how to avoid defeat
With love and with a smile he tells us rationally:
there is no other answer,
the Arvuts the only way

One step forward

Weve been preparing for a week

for the yeshivat haverim,
we hold our aim within
to fortify our vessels

We gathered
to the AHP of the Superior
together, connected
and broke down the Machsom



One step forward

71.E A step forward


Once in the morning lesson

I asked Rav a question,
How to work for bestowal,
how can we move this cart.
Smoothly, without hitch
Rav gives such an answer:
We ought to build the group,
well become a world group.


Make a step towards

and you will find the second "me",
There Are Odessa, Petersburg, Australia,
There are Golub, Toni, Gadi,
and bestow to friends...

, , ,
, ,

We were connecting vessels,

we composed songs in harmony,
We bent our heads low,


Shir katavnu hashtadalnu lehatzdik et hachaver

Hitamatznu hitchabarnu
Kdei latzeit mitoch hester
Ubesof heganu al hagvul nitzva gader


Tzaad kadima veyechud hayigia...

Reva leshalosh baboker
mekavnim lechisaron
Et harav lachen shaalnu
eich monim od kishalon
Im chiyuch veahava hu mesaper behegayon
Ein tzhuva acheret
haarevut hapitaron

Tzaad kadima veyechud hayigia...


Kvar shavua hitkonanu

Liyeshivat hahaverim
Kavana bifnim hechzaknu
Lechaber et hakelim

Uvechoach hitasafnu
Le-achap shel elion
Yachad hitchabarnu
Ve shavarnu tamachsom



Tzaad kadima veyechud hayigia

Shag navstrechu

Kak to utrom na uroke

Ravu zadal ya vopros
Kak rabotat na otdachu
ak nam sdvinut etot voz
Bez zapinki, bez zaminki
Rav dayot otvet takoy
Nado stroit gruppu
Staniem gruppoy mirovoy




Shag navstrechu
i naydyosh vtoroye ya
Tam Odessa, Peterburg, Avstraliya
Tam i Golub, Toni, Gadi
I otdacha druzyam


Mi kelim soyedinyali
sochinyali pesni v lad
Nizko golovu sklonyali



to create one kli

We merged, we merged so much,
even it was over the edge
We were close to target,
look there there is a fence.



Make a step towards...

We tried to raise hisaron

before a lesson,
We drew light amicably
to be corrected by it,
But in the end we asked Rav,
whether our work is in vain.
"There is no other way", - he said, "just one - Arvut".



, ,

Make a step towards...

All the long week we directed

and adjusted our vessel,
It was possible to incorporate
only to the gathering of the entire Earth,
The world has merged in one desire,
Everyone for another
and mashsom has not sustained!





Make a step towards

72.E A Black Point


Deep down within the heart

A tiny black and so sad little point
Requested to be told the meaning



And all the rich and famous and all the

kings and lords and all the artists in the
country who were called Stood pale and
couldnt answer what it should be told

At the very middle of the soul

A tiny black and so sad little point
Requested to be told the meaning



And all the philosophers

and every scholar too
And all the wise men
that were bold enough to show



. :

shtobi bilo kli ehad

Mi slivalis tak slivalis
dazhe vishel perebor
Bili mi u tzeli
smotrim tam stoit zabor


Shag navstrechu
Mi staralis do uroka
vozbuzhdali khisaron
Svet prityagivali druzhno
shtobi nas ispravil on
No v kontze sprosili Rava
ne naprasen li nash trud
Net puti inogo- on skazal
odin Arvut



Shag navstrechu
Vsyu nedelyu napravlyali
I nastraivali kli
Udalos soyedinitzya
Lish ksobraniyu vsey Zemli
Slilsya mir v odnom zhelnyi
I vstremlenii odnom
Kazhdiy dlya drugogo
I nie viderzhal makhsom




Shag navstrechu

Nekuda Shchora

( )

Beamkei halev behastara

Nekuda shchora atzuva vektana
Amda veshaala lama?

Vekol haomanim vekol haashirim

Vekol hashlitim vekol hamefursamim
Amdu chivrei panim velo matzu tzhuva
Bamercaz halev baneshama
Nekuda shchora atzuva vektana
Amda veshaala lama?

Vekol haphilosophim
vekol hamadanim
Vekol hachachamim
vekol harabanim


Stood pale
and couldnt answer what it should be told

Among ancient books of Kabbalah

A tiny black and so sad little point
Requested to be told the meaning

it suddenly discovered the meaning of our life

The Good and caring
to all creatures was made known
And now the meaning
of our lives is always shown

73.E Here in our group

( )

Here in our group, we focus on the goal,

Its bigger, more important than them all
Abundantly bestow, to friends the greatness of, the goal
but we dont speak about the aim

Here in our group, we focus on the goal,

its bigger, more important than them all
Still, vegetative, and animate,
among my friends,
make the speaking
open a book

Here in our group, we focus on the goal,

its bigger, more important than them all
We come out of the radish,
learn about desire,
we see the truth we also see the false

Here in our group, we focus on the goal,

its bigger, more important than them all
We open all the books,
craving to correct,
we learn of Keter from Bina and Malchut

Here in our group, we focus on the goal,

its bigger, more important than them all
We here from Rav how to embark on the battle,
together defeating the desire

Here in our group, we focus on the goal,

its bigger, more important than them all
We want that love in our group,
will make us keep in touch with Him


Amdu chivrei panim

velo matzu tzhuva

Bein dapei sifrei hakabala

Nekuda shchora atzuva vektana
Amda veshaala lama?

Lefeta hitgala la hataam bechaim

Hatov vemeitiv
lekol hanivraim
Natan gilui panim
vehi kibla tzhuva

Etzlenu Bakvutza

( )

Etzlenu bakvutza shomirim al matara

Gdola vechashuva mekol hayeter
Shofim el hachevra pirsum vehafaza
Verak hakavana tamid beseter

Etzlenu bakvutza shomirim al matara

Gdola vechashuva mekol hayeter
Domem Tzomeach Chay
bekerev haverai
Gormim lamedaber
liftoach sefer

Etzlenu bakvutza shomirim al matara

Gdola vechashuva mekol hayeter
Yotzim metoch hatznun
lomdim al haratzon
Roim et haemet veet hasheker

Etzlenu bakvutza shomirim al matara

Gdola vechashuva mekol hayeter
Potchim et hasfarim
Choshkim betikunim
Memalchut vebina lomdim al keter

Etzlenu bakvutza shomirim al matara

Gdola vechashuva mekol hayeter
Shomim mepi harav keitzad latzeit lakrav
Beyachad lenatzeach et hayetzer
Etzlenu bakvutza shomirim al matara
Gdola vechashuva mekol hayeter
Rotzim sheahava etzlenu bachevra
Tigrom lanu lishmor imo al kesher


74.E We are the world kli

( )

We are the world kli, we have come to a conclusion,

That we all should vouch for each other,
We have one common soul, its broken so all
Of us can bring it all together

, ,

We are the world kli, we have come to a conclusion,

That we all should vouch for each other,
Adam ha Rishon is our home,
And the light will cure our illness

, ,
, ,

We are the world kli, we have come to a conclusion,

That we all should vouch for each other,
Haver, the book and Rav, against all doubts
Will hasten the time of the zivug

, ,
, , , ,

75.E We are Bnei Baruch

75.R - -
( )

We are Bnei Baruch

The highest
always feels the lowest

- -


We are elected among all the nations

Go through all the pains
In order to attain the complete life

The time demands

To make many corrections
Draw of the Light of contact
nd pass it on to others

Always say
"Here is none else beside Him
And hold on to the world Kli
The Creator determines,
set your Heart on His greatness always

Remember the Arvut the Arvut the Arvut

Feel a friend and think of Him
That means adhesion

One Creator, cleave to one another

Third, the world Kli
And in the end you can say me



Mi Mirovoye Kli

( )

Mi mirovoye kli mi k vivodu prishli

Shto nado poruchitzya drug za druga
Dusha u nas odna razbitaya ona
Sobrat eyo nam vipala zasluga


Mi mirovoye kli mi k vivodu prishli

Shto nado poruchitzya drug za druga
Adam Rishon nash dom poselimsya mi v nyom
I svet osvobodit nas ot neduga

, ,
, - -

Mi mirovoye kli mi k vivodu prishli

Shto nado poruchitzya drug za druga
Tovarish, kniga, Rav somneniya prorvav
Uskoryat priblizheniye zivuga

Anachnu Bnei Baruch

( )

Anachnu Bnei-Baruch Bnei-Baruch, Bnei-Baruch

Achi gavoa hu tamid
Margish achi namuch

Anachnu kan im chaverim

Ovrim et kol hayesurim
Kdei lizkot lanetzach lechaim shlemim

Tkufa hi doreshet
Osa ha-tikunim tikunim tikunim rabim
Timshoch or hakesher
Vetaavir oto leacherim

Ein od milvado tagid kol rega

Vetitchaber chazack lekli haolami
Bore hu kovea
Al gadeluto tachshov balev tamid

Tizkor et haarevut haarevut haarevut

Targish chaver tidag alav
Veze yavi dvekut

Bore echad dvekut sheni

Shlishit hakli haolami
Verak basof ata yachol lomar ani



The time demands

In the morning learn again learn again learn again

Great joy
to be among the friends

A lot of doubts and questions too

Well ask for answers me and you
Our task is to bring Light to all the worlds

The time demands

76.E Its time to start

on a journey

( -)

We are guys of Bnei Baruh,

Bnei Baruh, Bnei Baruh,
We value body,
but the spirits even higher,
The Creators chosen us,
He scattered us everywhere,
So that His kindness
can be revealed through us:



Its time for corrections,

We follow an excellent, excellent,
excellent path,
Love all the creations,
Bring them the light through the machsom.
Let the fate
beat us harshly,
Never let the Creator
from your sight,
Therere many creations,
The Creator is one do not forget!


, !

Bestowal to your neighbor

Will build a vessel
for the light passing to a lower one,
Haver one, the book two,
and we shall heed the words of Rav:
All are in our hands and Moscow follows us.

, ,

, ,
, .

Its time for corrections...


Were studying, studying, studying at dawn,

And if the groups together
it cant go wrong,
There are countless doubts, questions,
Only intention is beyond doubt

, , ,
, ,


Tkufa hi doreshet...


Baboker shuv lomdim shuv lomdim shuv lomdim

Simcha gdola
lashevet kan bein kol hachaverim

Harbe sfekot vesheelot

Beyachad nechapes tzhuvot
Mesimateinu or ligrom leolamot

Tkufa hi doreshet


Pora ispravleniy

(Pora v put dorogu)

Mi parni Bnei Barukh,
Bnei Barukh, Bnei Barukh
Nam vazhno telo,
no dlya nas eshyo vazhnee dukh
Tvoretz nas vibral nesprosta
Rasseyal v razniye mesta
Shtob cherez nas
Ego raskrilas dobrota





Pora ispravleniy
Dorogoy dobroyu, dobroyu,
dobroyu idyom
Lyubi vse tvorenya
Im svet prityagivay cherez makhsom
Puskay sudba brosayet nas zhestoko,
Tvortza iz vida tolko ti
ne vipuskay
Tvoreniy tak mnogo
Tvoretz u nas odin ti tak I znay!
Otdacha blizhnemu, blizhnemu, blizhnemu
Postroit kli
dlya peredachi sveta nizhnemu
Tovarish raz I kniga dva
I pomnim Rava mi slova
Za vsekh v otvete mi I pozadi Moskva

, -






,- ,-
. ,

Pora ispravleniy

... -

S utra mi uchimsya, uchimsya, uchimsya

I esli gruppa soberyotzya Vsyo poluchitzya
Somneniy tma, voprosov tma
Bessporna tolko kavana




And the purpose that is unique, as before!

, - !

Its time for corrections


77.E Lets Learn Together

( )

Lets learn together

How to feel united
Lets work together
To feel Arvut

Our bodies
are remotely connected
The law is only felt before
The greatness of the Creator

The love of friends

Refines the vessels
Such great desires
Flowing in one direction

Lets learn
reality together
Lets act together
as one

Our bodies
are remotely connected
The law is only felt before
The greatness of the Creator

The love of friends

Refines the vessels
Such great desires
Flowing in one direction

78.E Let us learn together

( )

Let us learn together how to unite the hearts

Lets be true to each other till the very end
Ego is a freezing cosmos
that cuts the ties between us
We see the Creators greatness
only when we unite

He with His eternal love

purifies all our hearts


I tzel kotoraya po prezhnemu odna!

Pora ispravleniy

... -

Boou Nilmad Beyachad

( )

Boou nilmad beyachad

Eich lehargish achdut
Boou nifal beyachad
Lachvot arevut

Bein hagufim shelanu

Kesher kol kach rachok
Rack mul gadlut borenu
Banu murgash hachok

Ahavat chaverim
Mezakechet hakelim
Retzonot kol kach gdolim
Lekivun echad zormim

Boou nilmad beyachad

Et hamitziut
Boou nifal beyachad

Bein hagufim shelanu

Kesher kol kach rachok
Rack mul gdelut borenu
Banu murgash hachok

Ahavat chaverim
Mezakechet hakelim
Retzonot kol kach gdolim
Lekivun echad zormim

Budem uchitzya vmeste

Budem uchitzya vmeste soyedinyat serdza

Budem drug drugu vmeste verni do kontza
Ego kholodniy kosmos
rvyot mezh telami svyaz
Vidim Tvortza velichiye
lish obyedinyas





On lyubovyu bez konza

ochishayet nam serdza


All desires inside us joined

to unite us with Him!

Let us learn together how to bestow to Him

Strive to Him together, not as single ones.
Ego is a freezing cosmos
that cuts the ties between us
We see the Creators greatness
only when we unite

, .


He with His eternal love

purifies all our hearts
All desires inside us joined
to unite us with Him!


79.E Love Sick

( )

If we were now among the angles

Giving with one will
We would see among the friends
How we mingle in a common Kli

Love sick, thats our group

It is born in us from the Arvut

If we were now among the sages

Justifying His will to receive
We would see among the friends
How we mingle in a common Kli

Love sick, thats our group

Before Mt Sinai we shall do we shall hear

80.E The Sultan

( )

If the nature of angels was my nature too

I would always serve Him just as they do
Altruistic and good would our nature be
And we all would be part of one common kli!


The groups diagnosis: our illness is love,

Such love is a consequence of Arvut

: ,

If my wisdom exceeded that of all wise men

I would justify Him always as them
Altruistic and good would our nature be
And we all would be part of one common kli!



Vse zhelanya v nas slilis:

vmeste s Nim soyedinis!



Budem uchitzya vmeste vsyo otdavat Emu

Vmeste k nemu stremitzya, ne po odnomu
Ego kholodniy kosmos
rvyot mezh telami svyaz
Vidim Tvortza velichiye
lish obyedinyas
On lyubovyu bez konza
ochishayet nam serdza
Vse zhelanya v nas slilis:
vmeste s Nim soyedinis!



Cholat Ahava


Im hayinu achshav bein hamalachim

Im ratzon meshutaf yachad mashpiim
Az hayinu roim bein hachaverim
Eich bekli meshutaf anu nichlalim

Cholat ahava hi matzav hakvutza

Mitoch haarevut hi etzlenu nolda

Im hayinu achshav bein hachachamim

Et ratzon haelyon yachad matzdikim
Az hayinu roim bein hachaverim
Eich bekli meshutaf anu nichlalim

Cholat ahava hi matzav hakvutza

El mul har Sinai naase ve nishma

Esli b angelom ya


Esli b angelom ya s angelami bil

Ya bi s nim Tvortzu odnomu sluzhil
Bili bi mi v altruizme rastvoreni
I v ediniy sosud soyedineni!


Diagnoz gruppi lyubovyu bolna

Lyubov arvutom priobretena

, ,

Esli b ya mudretzom sredi mudrikh bil

Ya bi s nimi Tvortza opravdanyem zhil
Bili bi v altruism vse pogruzhenni
I v edinniy sosud soyedinenni!



The groups diagnosis: our illness is love,

Such love is a consequence of Arvut

81.E Among the Worlds

( )

Among the worlds with the ten Sefirot

All the souls are connected
To the force that gives all the pleasures

Among the degrees with the four phases,

All the souls are connected
To the force that causes all the feelings

We will always want the power

Want to feel only Him
Beyond the good, the bad
And all the forces

Lets bestow Lets bestow

Lets bestow Lets bestow
Lets bestow Lets bestow to the Creator


Among the feelings above the thoughts

All the souls bond
With the force that gives all the delights

Among our feelings our souls act,

Together they connect
To the force that brings all the concepts

We will always want

82.E There will be a heart!

(One way ticket to the Moon)


There, among the worlds and ten Sefirot

Our souls are merged together as one in it
The light that gives us
Life and pleasure.


By the steps of a throne in the world tzilut

Our souls are merged together as one in it,
The light that gives all
In the world feelings.


Lets fly up, my friend, to that kind force,

We shall wish to give all to It,
Behind a side of good, behind a side of evil

, , ,

( )


Diagnoz gruppi lyubovyu bolna

Lyubov arvutom priobretena

, ,

Bein HaOlamot

( )

Bein haolamot im eser hasphirot

Kol haneshamot yachdav mechubarot
El hakoach shenoten et kol hahanaot

Bein hamadregot im dalet habchinot

Kol haneshamot yachdav mechubarot
El hakoach shegorem lekol hahargashot


Nishaf tamid el ze hakoach

Nirtze lehargish rack oto
Meever latov meever lara
Meal lekol hakochot

Boou nashpia boou nashpia

Boou nashpia boou nashpia
Boou nashpia boou nashpia labore

Bein hargashot meal lamachshavot

Kol haneshamot yachdav mechubarot
El hakoach shenoten et kol hahanaot

Bein kol hatchushot shebanu poalot

Kol haneshamot yachdav mechubarot
El hakoach shemevi et kol hatovanot

Nishaf tamid el ze hakoach


Budet sertze

( )

Tam sredi mirov I desyati sfirot

Nashi dushi sliti voyedinno v nyom
V svete tom shto nam dayot
Zhizn I naslazhdenye



U stupeney trona v mire Atzilut

Nashi duzhi sliti voyedinno v nyom
V svete tom shto dayot vse
V mire oshushenya

, ,


Vzletim zhe drug k toy dobroy sile

Ey vsyo pozhelayem otdat,
Za granyu dobra, za granyu zla

, ,


There will we be like It

There will be a heart, there will be a heart,

there will be a heart, our heart,
our heart will be
the Temple for the Creator!

, ,
, ,


There, among the worlds and ten Sefiirot

Our souls are merged together in it,
The light that gives us
Life and pleasure.


Feelings are subject to a force of aspirations,

Souls we merge together in it,
In light that gives all
In the world wisdom.


Lets fly up, my friend, to that kind force,

We shall wish to give all to It,
Behind a side of good Behind a side of evil
There will we be like It

, , ,
, , .

There will be a heart, there will be a heart,

there will be a heart, our heart,
our heart will be
the Temple for the Creator!

, ,
, ,


83.E Lets Decide


All that weve received from above

In every phase
Is made to bring us
closer to His ways

All that weve received from above

According to the way
Is made to create
the desire to bestow

Lets decide now

that Divinity will be among us
Well create an environment, create a society
Let us put our forces
here and now
With a desire to bestow

Those who now become a part of the common Kli

And cleave to it
Who seek to feel as though


Tam budem mi ey pod stat

, ,
, ,


Budet serdtze, budet serdtze,

budet serdtze nashe serdtze,
nashe serdtze budet
khramom dlya Tvortza!



Tam sredi mirov I desyati sfirot

Nashi dushi sliti voyedinno v nyom
V svete tom shto nam dayot
Zhizn I naslazhdenye
Chuivstvami podvlastni sile ustremleniy
Dushi mi slivayem voyedinno v nyom
V svete tom shot dayot vse
V mire postizhenya



Vzletim zhe drug k dobroy sile

Ey vsyo pozhelayem otdat
Za granyu dobra, za granyu zla
Tam budem mi ey pod stat

, ,

Budet serdtze, budet serdtze,

budet serdtze nashe serdtze,
nashe serdtze budet
khramom dlya Tvortza!

, ,
, ,


Boou VeNachlit

( )

Kol ma shekibalnu melemala ad achshav

bechol shlav
Noad bechdei shenitkarev yoter elav
Kol ma shekibalnu melemala ad ata
Al pi shita
Noad bechdei shetivatzer hasheifa

Boou venachlit achshav

shehashchina beneinu
Nitzor sviva nivne chevra
Boou venashkia kan achshav
et kochoteinu
besheifa lehashpaa

Mi shemitkalel achshav bekli hameshutaf

Nidbak elav
Vemechapes eich lehargish kemeuhav


They are in love with its attributes

Those who want to create unity

From within the Arvut
Who want to just be with their friends
To the completeness, to Atzilut

Lets decide now that Divinity

84.E We Must


We set out to see

How the rider was leading His horse
We understood that we do not have a choice

We must we must e must we must

work in a group
We must we must e must we must
change our aim

We kept on the way, looking for perfection,

We read in a book that there is an Arvut,
We shouted together We shall do and we shall hear

We must we must e must we must

work in a group
We must we must e must we must
change our aim

Half way through we crossed the Machsom

Between right and left, Peace appeared,
We called out together to the whole world

We must we must e must we must

work in a group
We must we must e must we must
change our aim

85.E We Must

(, )

We have started the road, attempting to understand,

How the Jockey is capable to ride a horse,
Have seen at once, that there is no exit,

, ,
, :

We must, we must, we must

Must draw the upper light,
We must, we must, we must,

, , ,
, , ,



Mi shemechapes achshav keitzad litzor achdut

mitoch arevut
Rotze likfotz im chaverav el hashlemut
Boou venachlit achshav




Yatzanu laderech ratzinu lirot

Keitzad mechaven harochev et suso
Beyachad hevanu sheein shum breira

Chayavim chayavim chayavim chayavim

Laavod bekvutza
Chayavim chayavim chayavim chayavim
Leshanot kavana

Hemshachnu baderech chipasnu shlemut

Karanu besefer sheyesh kan arevut
Tzaaknu beyachad naase venishma
Chayavim chayavim chayavim chayavim
Laavod bekvutza
Chayavim chayavim chayavim chayavim
Leshanot kavana

Baemtza haderech avarnu machsom

Bein smol leyemin hitgala hashalom
Karanu beyachad lekol haolam

Chayavim chayavim chayavim chayavim

Laavod bekvutza
Chayavim chayavim chayavim chayavim
Leshanot kavana

Dolzhni mi


Mi vishli v dorogu pitayas ponyat

Kak vsadnik sposoben konyom upravlyat
Uvidlei srazu shot vikhoda net

, ,
, , ,

Dolzhni mi, dolzhni mi, dolzhni mi

Dolzhni prityanut visshiy svet.
Dolzhni mi, dolzhni mi, dolzhni mi


Must find the answer in the group!

We have rushed off further, forward,

where it is waiting for us,
And it became very clear, that we need Arvut,
Scream: we for ourselves dont exist any more!

, ,
, ,
: - !

We must, we must, we must

Must draw the upper light,
We must, we must, we must,
Must find the answer in group!

, , ,
, , ,

Aiming for our goal, we have passed the Mahsom,

Obstacles are nothing now to us,
Kabbalah enemies dont exist any more!

, , ,

We must, we must, we must

Must draw the upper light,
We must, we must, we must,
Must see the answer in group!

, , ,
, , ,

86.E We are All One Kli

86.R -
( )

Climbing the same ladder

Over the same reality
The way every one will go toward Arvut

Always holding to the end

Of the rope of aim that was thrown,
Leaving everything for the goal,
Thinking about the whole instead of ourselves

We are all one Kli

- !

We give all friends the feeling

They have someone to rely on
You can forget about your worries for yourself,

Relying on each other

Like guarantors at the bank
Leaving everything for the goal,
Thinking about the whole instead of ourselves

We are all one Kli

- !


Dolzhni videt v gruppe svet!

! :

Pomchalis mi dalshe
vperyod gde nas zhdut
I stalo nam yasno shto nuzhen arvut
Voskliknuli nas dlya sebya bolshe net
Dolzhni mi, dolzhni mi, dolzhni mi
Dolzhni prityanut visshiy svet.
Dolzhni mi, dolzhni mi, dolzhni mi
Dolzhni videt v gruppe svet!

, , ,
, , ,

Mi k tzeli stremyas proskochili makhsom

Pomekhi nam stali teper nip o chyom
Protivnikov u kabbali bilshe net!

, ,

Dolzhni mi, dolzhni mi, dolzhni mi

Dolzhni prityanut visshiy svet.
Dolzhni mi, dolzhni mi, dolzhni mi
Dolzhni videt v gruppe svet!

, , ,
, , ,

Kulanu Kli Echad


Olim bemaala oto sulam

Al pnei ota hametziut
Badrech ba yelchu kulam baderech haarevut

Ochzim tamid baktze hakavana

Bachevel shenizrak
Ozvim hakol avur hamatara
Choshvim chevra bimkom al atzmecha

Kulanu kli echad

Notnim lekol chaver et hatchusha

Sheysh tamid al mi lismoch
Hadaaga leatzmecha ata yachol limchok

Somchim tamid echad al hasheni

Kmo arevim babank
Ozvim hakol avur hamatara
choshvim chevra bimkom al atzmecha

Kulanu kli echad


87.E Anachnu Kli echad!

I am walking in Moscow

87.R !
( )

We are walking the steps upward

Above our world aspired
The Light will correct us on the way
By providing the guarantee to each other


The intention will keep us on its way

As a broken rope

We do not spare ourselves for the sake of the goal

To reveal the Creator, while loving a friend
Anachnu Kli echad!

, ,

We are giving confidence to our friend

We will become one soul
By assuring him
And Light will enter the soul

, ,

The whole world is elevating to the spirituality

And life will stabilize

We do not spare ourselves for the sake of the goal

To reveal the Creator, while loving a friend
Anachnu Kli echad!

, ,

88.E The Arvut, The Arvut


Its all so fine

and certain
When we think of each other
In the group

No more doubts,
no more loneliness
With each friend
Touching the power of Arvut

The Arvut, the Arvut

Brings freedom with it
and retains greatness

The Arvut the Arvut

Brings greatness liberates



Anakhnu kli ehad

( )

A mi shagayem po stupenyam vverkh

Nad nashim mirom vospariv
V doroge nas ispravit svet
Drug drugu poruchiv


Namerenye v puti uderzhit nas

Kak broshenniy kanat

Mi radi tzeli ne shadim sebya

Raskrit Tvortza tovarisha lyubya
Anakhnu kli ehad!

, ,

Uverennost tovarishu dayom

Mi poruchivshis za nego
Odnu vse dushu obretyom
I svet voydyot v neyo


V dukhovnoye podnimetzya ves mir

I zhizn poydyot na lad

Mi radi tzeli ne shadim sebya

Raskrit Tvortza tovarisha lyubya
Anakhnu kli ehad!




Hakol kol kach batuach

Hakol kol kach yafe
Keshekvutza shelanu
Choshvim rack ze al ze

Kevar ein safek yadua

Veein yoter bdidut
Keshekol chaver nagua
Bekoach haarevut

Ha arvut ha arvut
Mevia et hacheirut
Mechayevet hitalut
Veshomeret al gadlut

Ha arvut ha arvut
Mevia leromemut


From enslavement
And brings adhesion

It is all so certain suddenly,

so nice
From the egoism we go
Out to the Creator

o !


It was very bad,

there was a strife
Instead of reckless desires
We have won Arvut

The Arvut the Arvut

89.E The Creator is Our Goal

( )

The Creator is our goal

He is the law that works in every situation
Lets unite with our friends
In a common Kli and come to Him



The correction is the filling

And the feeling of bestowal found in love
The Arvut is the expression
Of the exit from ourselves to Him

With Arvut
Our worries fade
And we no longer feel our needs
Obstructions dont exist because
They are corrected

The Creator is always before us

And is always giving to His creatures
Lets unite our desires
And come to Him with a common Kli


The correction is the filling

90.E Kabbalist is preparing for a battle


90.R ,
(, )

Go ahead sun, splash your shine,

We are ready to break the routine,
Hey Creator! Bring us back to life,
Teach us the science of bestowal!

- , ,
, ! ,


Meshachreret meavdut
Vegoremet ledvekut

Hakol pitom patuach

Hanof kol kach yafe
Metoch haegoism
Yotzim el habore

Haya meod garua

Hayta hitmodedut
Bimkom ratzon parua
Zachinu bearevut

Ha arvut ha arvut


Habore Hu Matrateinu


Habore hu matrateinu
Hu hachok shepoel bechol matzav
Nitached im chavreinu
Ubkli meshutaf navo elav

Hatikun hu hamilui vehahargasha

Shebehashpaa shebeahava
Haarevut hi habitui shel hayetziya
Meatzmeinu elav

Im haarevut
Hadaagot kulan nemugot
Velo chashim yoter chesronot
Hahafraot kevar lo kayamot
Kayamot ki hen metukanot

Habore tamid muleinu

Hu meitiv lelo hefsek lenivrav
Neached retzonoteinu
Ubekli meshutaf navo elav

Hatikun hu hamilui


Kabbalist gotovsya k boyu


Nu ka solntze yarche brizni

Mi gotovi rutinu polomat
Ey Tvoretz Verni nas k zhizni
Nauchi nas nauke otdavat!


, !


So that body and soul

would unite again,
Unite again, unite again,
We just need a little effort,
Give us an effort, haver!

, ,
, !

The way of kindness,

The way of kindness, kindness we are going
We dont fall, we are only going up,
Were building our group, the group and Rav,
Everything is given up! Right kav! Left kav!

, , ,
, ,
, ,
! ! !

Kabbalist, get ready for the fight,

There is mahsom in front of us,
We only want to fight with you,
Our own internal enemy!

, ,

So that body and soul,

91.E The Power of Arvut

( )

we were connected,
A vessel of bestowal
But from the perspective of the Light

We broke
and scattered
Now its time
to return to our source

We have been privileged with hearing

And with acting to connect
For the entrance to the Kings hall
happens by the power of Arvut

All our friends

rush and toil
the wisdom to the world,

But the progress on the way

Comes from bonding our vessels
with intent

We have been priviliged


Shtobi telo I dusha

slilis zanovo
Slilis zanovo, slilis zanovo
Ne khvatayet lish usilya malogo
Day usilye khaver!

, ,

Putyom dobra
Putyom dobra, dobra, dobra mi idyom
U nas padeniy net lish podyom
Mi stroim gruppu, gruppa i Rav
Vsyo otdav! Praviy Kav! Leviy Kav!

, , ,
, ,
! ! !
, ,

Kabbalist gotovsya k boyu

Pered nami postavili makhsom
Tolko bitzya nam s toboyu
S nashim sobstvennom vnutrennim vragom!

Shtoby telo I dusha slilis zanovo

Koach Arevut

( )

Betchila hayinu
Bechibur beneinu
Kli delehashpia
ach metzad haor

Beshvira nishbarnu
Vegam hitpazarnu
Ach higia zeman achshav
Lachzor el hamakor

Vezachinu kevar lishmoa

Velifol behitrachvut
Ki knisa lamelech liftoach
Yesh bekoach haarevut

Kol chaver shelanu

Ratz vemityagea
Mefitzim kulanu
Leolam chochma

Ach behitkadmut
Baderech kol novea
Bechibut kelim shalanu uvekavana

Vezachinu kevar lishmoa


92.E The strength of Arvut

(A good mood)

( )

At the beginning we were

Fully united.
In the common kli of bestowal
The light was filling us up.

Smashed into smithereens

We were separated,
And now its time
To bring back that state.

It was given a chance to hear from Above

And to join in again.
To assure each other
We will find His love.

Each of our friends

Making efforts
Disseminate in the world
The knowledge of the Creator.

Every step
Towards the goal urges us
In mutual aspiration
To unite the hearts.

It was given a chance to hear from Above


93.E Dances with the Group

( )

Between Malchut and Bina

As between a child and its mother,
Between the front and behind
you exist

You awaken our hearts from above

Downward in the group you have chosen
from the entire nation

The Creator lights our hearts

He tangos with the group

T ,

The Arvut between us

Fills our hearts


Sila Poruchitelstva


Bili mi v nachale
polnostyu edini
V obshem kli otdachi
Svet nas napolnyal

Vdrebezgi razbivshis
Mi razyedinilis
No teper vernut
To sostoyanye chas nastal

Svishe dali shans uslishat

I soyedinitzya vnov
Drug za druga poruchivshis
Mi naydyom Ego lyubov

Kazhdiy nash tovarish

Sily napryagaya
V mir rasprastranyayet
Znaniye Tvortza

Kazhdiy shag navstrechu

K tzeli prizivayet
V obschem ustremlenyi
Obyedenit serdtza

Svishe dali shans uslishat

Tango Hu Roked Im HaKvutza


Bein hamalchut lebina

Kmo bein yeled leima
Bein achor lekadima
ata kayam

Et libeinu orrarta melemala lemata

Bekvutza shebachrta
mekol haam

Habore madlik et levaveinu

Tango hu roked im hakvutza

Haarevut shebeneinu
memalet levaveinu


The desire for ourselves

is restricted

When You are our goal

Before our eyes
Not thinking of ourselves
its all complete

- ,

The Creator lights our hearts

He tangos with the group

T ,

94.E Ray of light

(the suns toil)

( )

The essence of bina and malhut

From the original soul,
Suddenly losing masah
Fell into the world.

So that each heart,

In this cruel world,
The ray would shine lonesome,
And show the way.


Our separations are not for long

Soon well merge with all our soul.

The essence of bina and malhut,

From the original soul,
Suddenly losing masah
Fell into the world.

95.E Wheres the Light


Where is the Light,

Oh where is the Light
We will study your property


From the aspiration to the source

We will no longer return,
From behind we will break the
Machsom and return into the Light
Enough, we want the cure,
Together we will return from the pit
The Arvut will bring back to the source,
Together we will create


Haratzon leatzmeinu
kevar metzumtzam

Kesheata matrateinu
kol hazman mul eineinu
Bli cheshbon al atzmeinu
hakol mushlam

Habore madlik et levaveinu

Tango hu roked im hakvutza

Ray of light


Svoystva bini I malkhut

Iz dushi pervozdannoy
Vdrug lishivshis ekrana
Upali v mir



Shtobi kazhdomu serdtzu

V etom mire zhestokom
Luch svetil odinoko
Kak orientir


Rasstavanye nashe nenadolgo

Skoro mi solyomsya vsey dushoy

Svoystva bini I malkhut

Iz dushi pervozdannoy
Vdrug lishivshis ekrana
Upali v mir



Eifo Haor


Eifo haor oh, eifo haor

Ma tchunotcha anu nachkor
Min hasheifa el hamakor
Anu kevar lo nachzor

Min haachor machsom

Machsom nishbor
Nashuv el toch haor

Dai kevar lakor

Rotzim et hamazor
Yachad nachzor netze mehabor

Haarevut tasig el hamakor


From the dark well come

Out to the Light
Well ride on our donkey

96.E My soul fire (Toreodor)


Burn a fire, my souls fire

Burn a fire, burn a fire!
Know, millions of burning fires
Will lead us to the Creator
There the love waits for you, there the love waits
There the love waits for you!

, ,
, !
, ,

Burn a fire, my soul fire

Burn a fire, burn a fire!
Know, when we shall conclude the contract
To give each other love
Then well come to the Creator, well come to the Creator
Then well cross the machsom!

, ,
, !
, ,
, ,

97.E Well Build

the World Kli Together

( )

Not so long ago I was a cool guy

Discotheques, bars and friends
Suddenly a point in the heart came about
I lost the fun of an ordinary life

, , ,

Well build the world Kli together

Gather fellows from all around
So that the Creator will show them
How to tell the folks of Kabbalah

I used to roam the Internet senselessly

Walla, Google, Yahoo, without any goal
Just the other week I saw a program
Rav gave a lesson about Kabbalah

Walla, Google, Yahoo

Well build the world Kli together

There is a cow shed and a vineyard on our Kibbutz

Honey in the beehive pear on the tree
On holidays we all go along with the flow
Except for me, I go to Sitrin



Well build the world Kli together


Yachad beneinu nitzor

Min hashachor netze laor
Nirkav al hachamor.

The Fire of my soul


Gori kostyor dushi moyey ogon

Gori kostyor, gori kostyor!
Znay kostrov goryashikh million
Nas k Tvortzu privedyot
Tam zhdyot tebya lyubov, tam zhdyot lyubov
Tam zhdyot tebya lyubov!




Gori kostyor dushi moyey ogon

Gori kostyor, gori kostyor!
Znay kogda zaklyuchim dogovor
Dat drug drugu lyubov
Togda k Tvortzu pridyom, k Tvortzu pridyom
Togda proydyom makhsom!


Kli HaOlami Nivna BeYachad

( )

Lo mezman hayiti bachur al hakefak

Discotekim barim shtiya chaverim
Pitom hitgala nekuda shebalev
Neebad li taam lechayim regilim

Kli haolami nivna beyachad

Chevra naasof bechol pina
Rack shehabore yovil otanu
Lesaper leamcha al kabala

Paam bainternet histovavti bli sechel

Walla Google Yahoo bli shum matara
Rack lifnei shavua raiti tochnit sham
Rav natan shiur benose kabala

Kli haolami mi nivna beyachad


Bekibutz shelanu yesh refet vekaren

Dvash bakaveret agas baganim
Bachagim kulam nischafim im hazerem
Rack ani holech lacongress kefar sitrin

Kli haolami nivna beyachad



98.E We will build the world kli


( )

Greatly did I spend the time in the discos and bars

Enjoyed the time at the parties and cheerfully lived
Only changed
my life all of a sudden
Kabbalah has taken my whole heart away

Worldl kli we will build together

Ours will we gather from around the world
In order that Creator would let us
Tell all the people about the Kabbalah

I know all the sites and the links around

Google, Yahoo, Lycos, they are all the same
All those chats and all these forums
I have only open kabbalah dot info

, ,


Worldl kli we will build together...


And in our village the picturesque sunsets

Cows are on the meadows and catfishes in lakes
Soon there will be time to sow, my friends
But I am flying to Kabbalah Congress instead

, ,

Worldly kli we will build together...


99.E We were in a dream

( )

We travel in the dark

We reach an iron wall
Arvut is a big effort
People will come
And see that they were in a dream.

, ,
, ,

, .

What a wonder! Kabbalah!

It has made the smartest ones of us crazy
Arvut is a big effort
People will come
And see that they were in a dream.

! !
, ,


We travel in the dark

And everybodys heart on fire
What the difficult world is
People will come
And see that they were in a dream.

, ,

, .


Mirovoye kli mi vmeste postroim

Kruto ya gulyal v diskotekakh i barakh
Lazil po tusovkam i zhil veselo
Tolko izmenilas
vdrug zhin moya srazu
Kabbala zabrala vsyo serdtze moyo


Mirovoye kli mi vmeste postroim

Nashikh soberyom po vsey zemle
Shtob Tvoretz pozvolil nam s toboyu
Rasskazat narodam o Kabbale

Znayu ya vse saiti I linki na svete

Gugl, Valla, Yandeks teper vsyo odno
Tolko gde vse chati I forumi eti
U menya otkrito kabbala dot info

Mirovoye kli mi vmeste postroim...

A u nas v selenye takiye zakati

Na lugu korovi na rechke somi
Skoronam ozimiye seyat rebyati
Nu a ya lechu na congress Kabbali


Mirovoye kli mi vmeste postroim...

Mi idiom prodvigayas vo tme


Mi idiom prodvigayas vo tme

Mi k zheleznoy podkhodim stene
Nash arvut strashniy trud
No rebyata pridut
I ubedyatzya shot bili kak vo sne




Nu dela! Kabbala!
Samikh umnikh ti davno s uma svela!
Nash arvut strashniy trud
No rebyata pridut
I ubedyatzya shot bili kak vo sne
Mi ishem prodvigayas vo tme
I u kazhdogo serdtze v ogne
Nash marshrut ochen krut
No rebyata pridut
I ubedyatzya shot bili kak vo sne

! !





What a wonder! Kabbalah!

It has made the smartest ones of us crazy
Arvut is a big effort
People will come
And see that they were in a dream.

! !

, .

100.E Kabbalists of
Bnei Baruch


Were passing the same road

Saying Boker tov at dawn.
Our way in to kabbalah wasnt simple
In fact in spirituality we are still children.


Kabbalists of Bnei Baruch

Together well come towards the Creator
Only with Him the eternity uncovers
The Goal to spirituality that will lead us.


We gather in groups.
World kli forms
All of the countries have joined us. Look,
Our strength doubles every day.

. ,

Kabbalists of Bnei Baruch

Lets create our world kli
We dont need any rest anymore
Only the group can go through the machsom


Books, group and Rav ahead,

Our advancement is only by bestowal
If we walk only in the right lane
Anything can be handled.

, ,

Kabbalists of Bnei Baruch

With common kli well break through all machsoms.
Going from the fall to the rise
Well reveal the Creator on this path.



101.E The light will lead us to

the group


Life is short, days are passing by

Light in the dark we follow our heart
We are looking for an answer
To this uneasy question



It is difficult on the way, but the time already came

And as a gift to everyone of us


Nu dela! Kabbala!
Samikh umnikh ti davno s uma svela!
Nash marshrut ochen krut
No rebyata pridut
I ubedyatzya shot bili kak vo sne

Kabbalisti Bnei Barukha

! !


Mi prokhodim dorogoy odnoy

Boker Tov govorya na rassvete
V kabbalu bil nash put ne prostoy
Ved v dukhovnosti mi eshyo deti




Kabbalisti Bnei Barukha

Vmeste viydem Tvortzu mi navstrechu
Tolko s nim nam otkroyetzya vechnost
Tzel v dukhovnost nas budet vesti



Sobirayemsya gruppami mi
Obrazuyetzya kli mirovoye
K nam primknuli vse strani. Smotri
S kazhdim dnyom sili mnozhatzya vdvoye

Kabbalisti Bnei Barukha

Sozdadim nashe kli mirovoye
I ne nuzhno teper nam pokoya
Skvoz makhsom gruppoy legche proyti

Knigi, gruppa i Rav vperedi

Nami dvizhet lish tolko otdacha
V pravoy linii esli idti
Po plechu nam lyubiye zadachi

Kabbalisti Bnei Barukha

Obshim kli mi probyom vse makhsomi
I proydya ot padenya k podyomu
Mi raskroyem Tvortza na puti



I svet nas v gruppu prividyot


Zhizn korotka prokhodit den za dnyom

Slovno vo tme na oshup mi idiom
Ishem otvet
Na neprostoy vopros

Trudno v puti no vot prikhodit chas

I kak podarok kazhdomu iz nas


A ray of light
Will guide our way

The light will lead us to the group

Will show the people a new life
Will show the greatness of the Creator
Will unite the longing heart!

The one was smart who took the greatest chance

Who sacrificed himself for his friends sake
And gave himself for the purpose of the goal



He took the advise of the sage:

Give all his strength that you have to the group
And there discover the greatness of the Creator



The light will lead us to the group

Will show the people a new life
Will show the greatness of the Creator
Will unite the longing heart!

102.E I am only a man


And who am I? I am just a man

Like everyone I do work all year
And look ahead for what awaits us later
In fact only kavanah will sow the seeds

? .
, ,
, ,

Only if we understand
and come without a fear
And we shall see then- all together forever
Together we shall come, only together
We shall only come together towards the Creator
Together shall we understand, only together
Only together we shall comprehend the Creator

, ,
, ,

I do not know anything, why and what for

And what in the hearts, of yours and mine
But I am looking ahead what awaits us
In fact only kavanah will sow the seeds

, , ,
, ,

I am not yet afraid at all

But I know that is not easy my path
But I am looking ahead what awaits us
In fact only kavanah will sow the seeds

, ,
, ,

Only if we understand


Vdrug sveta luch

Zesvetit vperedi

I svet nas v gruppu priviedyot

Pokazhet noviy shag vpieryod
Raskroyet nam velichiye Tvortza
Obyedinit v sebe krichashiye sertza!

Tot bil umney kto etot shans sberyog

V gruppe druzey soboyu prenebryog
I radi tzeli vilozhitzya smog

Uslishal on soveti mudretza

Gruppe otday vse sili do kontza
I v ney raskroy velichiye Tvortza



I svet nas v gruppu priviedyot

Pokazhet noviy shag vpieryod
Raskroyet nam velichiye Tvortza
Obyedinit v sebe krichashiye sertza!

Ya vsego chelovek


A kto ya? Ya vsego chelovek

Kak I vse ya truzhus zeliy vek
I smotriu vperyod shot nas dalshe zhdyot
Tolko kavana poseet semena
Esli tolko poymyom
I bez strakha poydyom
I uvidim togda tolko vmeste vsegda
Vmeste, mi poydyom lish vmeste
Mi poydyom lish vmeste na Tvortza
Vmeste, mi poydyom lish vmeste
Mi poydyom lish vmeste na Tvortza


, ,


Ya ne znayu shto kak I pochyom

I shto v serdze moyom I tvoyom
No smotriu vperyod shto nas dalshe zhdyot
Tolko kavana poseet semena
Mne ne strashno poka shto nichut
No ya znayu nelegok moy put
I smotriu vperyod shot nas dalshe zhdyot
Tolko kavana poseet semena

, ,


Esli tolko poymyom


103.E We drink Lechaim


(, )

Lets fill a glass with an ancient drink,

There is something here
you have been searching for all your life
You have suffered by sleeplessness for long at night
The light only has one path



We drink Lechaim, Lechaim

And choose our path
We have searched for it and found it
And we shall merge Into the World KLI

Lets fill a glass with an ancient drink

Lets never stop the burning fire in our hearts
We have gathered here
to glorify the Creator
Lets drink to the bottom


We drink Lechaim

Lets fill a glass with an ancient drink

Who lies to himself he is spiritually tired
There is the celebration here today,
the unification of hearts
And the Creator triumphs among us

, ?

We drink Lechaim

104.E The Creator is the

purpose of life

104.R -

Surrounding light shines on us again,

we are disconnected from mother,
there is once again a huge abyss between us,
we do not see back or forth.

"" ""

Here there is a corporeal mist,

a dawn without any white.
In hidden ways,
all that has been written is expecting us.



, ,

Lekhaim, piyom lekhaim

( ,)

Napolnim starinnim napitkom bokal

Zdes est to shto ty v zhizni
svoyey iskal
Chem muchalsya ti dolgoy nochyu bez sna
Tolko k svetu doroga odna



Lekhaim, pyom lekhaim

i put svoy vibirayem
Ego iskali i nashli
Solyomsya zh v mirovoye kli

, ,

Napolnim starinnim napitkom bokal

Pust serdetz ne potukhnet vovek nakal
Sobralis mi zeds
shtobi slavit Tvortza
Vmeste vipyem zhe vsyo do kontza


Lekhaim, pyom lekhaim...

... ,

Napolnim starinnim napitkom bokal

Kto tam vryot pro sebya shto dushoyu ustal?
Zdes prazdnik segodnya sliyanye serdetz
I likuyet mezh nami Tvoretz!

, ,
, ,
... ,

Lekhaim, pyom lekhaim...

Bore hu matrat hachaim

() .104

Shuv meir aleinu or makif

Vemenutakim anu meima
Shuv beineinu paar anaki
Lo yodim achora ve kadima

Kan etzleinu arafel gashmi

Shacharit lelo shum lavnunita
Bedarkav lo nodaim reshmit
Lanu metzape kol ma sheita


The Creator is the purpose of life

and reward is when I labour.
A song is uniting our friends,
a society in an ideal state.


Believe me, here without any words,

there is no Bina and no body,
my friends seem so different,
I dont feel the bread of shame.

And we should only learn

how to live all for bestowal.
So that we shall see that writing of the Creator,
signs that we shall get there soon.

The Creator is the purpose

- ...

We mustnt forget
everything we learned from our teachers,
that spirituality is not a tale,
for us, it is simply the purpose of life

There is a huge abyss between us,

again the ego separates us,
and the surrounding light still shines around us,
so that we remember our goal

The Creator is the purpose

- ...

105.E We Will not Stop Wanting


We shall return from the source

And go from darkness to Light
With ups and downs we will not stop
Wanting the Creator

We will not stop wanting

We will not stop wanting

The whole world is losing hope

And the ladder is still not filled with the ascending
in Bnei Baruch we come to see
that we will never stop wanting

We will not stop wanting

Only with a group

that wants Arvut


Bore hu matrat hachaim

Vesachar ze sheyesh yagia li
Veshir ze ichud chaverim
Chevra bematzav ideali

Taamin li kan rachok mibait

Ein tzimtzum vebina ein dgufa
Niraim acheret chaverai
Lo murgash nahama dekisufa

Veanachnu rak tzrichim lilmod

Eich lichyot kulanu lehashpia
Kach shemibore nire igrot
Simanim sheod meat nagia

Bore hu matrat hachaim


Velishkoach lanu od asur

Kol ma shelamadnu mimoreinu
Sheruchaniut ze lo sipur
Lanu ze pashu matrat chaeinu

Shuv beineinu paar anaki

Shuv haego shemafrid beineinu
Vemair adain or makif
Kidei shenizacher bematrateinu

Bore hu matrat hachaim


Lo Nafsik Lirtzot

( )

Od nachzor min haanaf el hamakor

Venaavor mitoch hachoshech el haor
Im aliyot veacharehen yeridot
Anachnu lo nafsik el habore lirtzot

Lo nafsik lirtzot Lo nafsik lirtzot

Lo nafsik lirtzot Lo nafsik lirtzot


Kol haolam kevar maabed et hatikva

Vehasulam od lo male bnei aliya
Yachad im zot
be-Bnei Baruch zochim lirot
Sheleolam anachnu lo nafsik lirtzot

Lo nafsik lirtzot Lo nafsik lirtzot


Rach im chevra
shemeunyenet bearevut


Is there success in attaining spirituality

All the pleas to the one
Who enables to live is that
We will never stop wanting Him


We will not stop wanting


Yesh hatzlacha behasagat ruchaniut

Kol hapniot el ze shemeafsher lichyot
Hi sheaf paam
lo nafsik lirtzot

Lo nafsik lirtzot lo nafsik lirtzot



Slow Songs

106.E We dont feel there is a



Once we were together with Him alone

But we sinned and lost His greatness
Where Adam fell let us feel
Your greatness returns the love



In Odessa, Peterburg, Kirovograd

All the groups unite to one Kli
If from the Upper World a window opens
We dont feel there is a distance

If we succeed to cross the Machsom

And it is certain that we will attain the Upper One
Only through society and through our friends,
we will overpower the doubts and come through

107.E And we shall reach it

(, )

Once there were one family, the Creator and I

But we sinned
and the peace has been long forgotten
Where is the Creator now?
Leave the door slightly open
And we will return home sooner. (x2)



. (2)

Trust Europe and Israel and Moscow

That the Creator can only be found in the group
And in the worlds of ABYA
where He has been hiding



Lo margishim she yesh merchak

Anu hayinu paam yachad rak ito
Aval chatanu veibadnu gadluto
Eifo nafal haish ten lanu lehargish
Et gadlutcha shetashiv ahavatienu


Gam beOdessa Petersburg Kirovograd

Kol hakvutzot mityachdot lekli echad
Im meolam elyon lanu niftach chalon
Lo margishim shebeneinu yesh merchak

Im natzliach laavor et hamachsom

Veze batuach shenasig et haelyon
Rack derech hachevra ubezrat chaver
Al hasfekot nitale venitgaber

I mi doberemsya


Bili kogda to mi s Tvortzom odnoy semyoy

No pregreshili
I zabit davno pokoy.
Gde zhe Tvoretz teper,
pust priotkroet dver
I vozvratimsya bistre mi domoi (x2)



Verit Evropa i Izrail, i Moskva

Chto tolko v gruppe obnaruzhim mi Tvortza.
I v miri Abea,
gde on skrivaetzya,




Together with my friend will we come there (x2)

. (2)

And we shall reach it and certainly cross it over

The Machsom
and will bring all our friends along
We will raise the MAN together over our doubts
To the purpose of the creation
we will bring our world (x2)

, , , .


. (2)

108.E This very day


Today, this very day,

We find out how there is You
Behind every movement

Today, this very day

You are not hidden among us
We all see your greatness
We know you.

Let us see you in every situation

Let us only love your greatness
And then youll see how we will
Always take the road of giving
And go, and go, and go

Today, you are so high

Above all the obstructions
You only render
goodness and mercy to the world.

Today among the friends

You show yourself
Inside the collective vessel
You bestow, you.

Let us see you


109.E There is secret place

(There is a house of sons that defrosts)

( -)

There is secret place

deep in the heart,
it is known that through it the loving one appears

Anyone He chooses
feels it is Him he needs
And so the want awakens
the desire to awake


(2*) .

Vmeste s tovarishem mi pridem tuda. (x2)

I mi doberemsya, mi, koneshno, pereidem.
Cherez machsom
I vsekh druzei s soboi vozmem
Druzhno podnyavshi MAN, cherez somneniya
K tzeli tvoreniya
mir my privedem (x2)

, "



Hayom hayom haze mamash
nachnu megalim otcha
ich acharei kol peula ata nocheavh ata

Hayom hayom haze mamash

Ata beineinu lo nistar
Kulam roim et gadlutcha
Ata yodea ata

Ten lanu lirot otcha bechol matzav

Ten lanu rak leheov et gadlutcha
Veaz tire eich shetamid nelech
Baderech ashpaa nelech
venelech venelech venelech

Hayom ata kol kach gadol

Meal lekol haafraot
Ata mashpia leolam
Rak tov vechesed ata

Hayom bein kol hachaverim

Ata mare et atzmecha
Betoch hakli hameshutaf
Ata mashpia ata

Ten lanu lirot


Yeshno makom tzanua

(Yeshno bait benu hempshir)

( )

Yeshno makom tzanua

mok betoch halev
Darko ze kvar yadua mofia haohev

Kol mi shehu bocher bo

Margish shehu chaser
Vekach hu meorer bo
ratzon lehitorer


And then, without knowing why and how

His heart longs to touch the special light

And suddenly a book opens before him,

A book by Baal HaSulam
Through it he learns the meaning
Of the secrets of the world.

110.E Love thy neighbour as thyself

(Besame mucho)

( )

Love thy neighbour as thyself

This is the greatest rule in the Torah
Love thy neighbour as thyself
This is the greatest rule in the Torah

Where would we find independence

nd liberation from the property of reception
Without work in a group of friends
hat want to experience love

Love thy neighbour as thyself

This is the greatest rule in the Torah
Love thy neighbour as thyself
This is the greatest rule in the Torah

He who labours and sweats

Demands his reward in return
We find reward and pleasure
In the revelation of the purpose of creation

111.E You build the desire in us

(The Godfather)

( / )

Delight that come by surprise

And anguish to erase all pleasure
Build the yearning to cross the barrier
And see your greatness today

For only you build the desire in us

To always dwell in your hall

The knowledge that there are friends on the way

That every moment want you alone
Build the yearning to cross the barrier,
It is a clear reality and not a dream

For only you build the desire in us

To always dwell in your hall


Veaz mibli ladaat madua vekeitzad

Nimshach libo lagaat baor hamiyuchad

Pitom niftach lo sefer

Shel Baal hasulam
Darko musag hapesher
Shel mistarei olam

Veahavta lereecha kamocha

( )

(Besame mucho)
Veahavta lereecha kamocha
Zeu haklal hagadol hagadol betora
Veahavta lereecha kamocha
zeu haklal hagadol hagadol betora

Eifo hainu motzim atzmaut

Veshichrur mitchunat kabala
Bli avoda bekvutzat haverim
Sherotza lachavot ahava

Veahavta lereecha kamocha

Zeu haklal hagadol hagadol betora
Veahavta lereecha kamocha
Zeu haklal hagadol hagadol betora

Mi she oved ve mezia kashot

Hu doresh et shharo betmura,
Anu motzim taanug ve sahar
Begiluy shel matrat habriah

Ki rak ata bone banu ratzon



Taanugim shemagiim behaftaa

Veyesurim shemochakim kol anaa
Bonim tzhuka lachtzot machsom
Velachzot begadlutcha hayom

Ki rak ata bone banu ratzon

beeichalcha tamid lishkon

Hayedia sheyesh baderech chaverim

Shebekol rega rak eleicha shoafim
Bonim tzhuka lachtzot machsom
Zo metziut brura velo chalom

Ki rak ata bone banu ratzon

beeichalcha tamid lishkon


112.E And so we turn to You

( )

There is none except Him, so the saying goes.

All that happens comes from Him.

And so we turn to You in order

to accept Your attributes.

The strength of influence for the benefit of the body

something awful and terrible.

And so we turn to You in order

to accept Your attributes.

Every request goes up [to You] via the group,

it being the mutual vessel.

And so we turn to You in order

to accept Your attributes.

113.E Come let us connect



Come let us connect together

Moscow Kiev and Odessa
with Australia
Vilna and Phildelphia

, ,

(2 )

New York Chicago and Minnesota

(and also Minnesota)
Toronto Tel-Aviv Brazil and Litvania
(and Brazil and Litvania)


, -,

Kazhaztan Uruguay and Los Angeles

The Creator hears who is demanding
to expose him without trepidation
Among all of the groups he reveals Himself

, -


We will unify we will get excited

One heart is burning in fire
and our way together we will feel out
And then we will extract something from nothing
among all of the groups He reveals Himself




Veanachnu ponim eleicha

( )

Ein od milvado hakatuv omer

ol ma shekore ba mimcha

Veanachnu ponim eleicha

Lekabel tchunoteicha

Koach ashpaa beavur haguf

Hu davar eyom venora

Veanachnu ponim eleicha

Shetiten koach ashpaa

Kol pniya ola derech hakvutza

Hi hakli hameshutaf

Veanachnu ponim eleicha

Shetiten lehargish kvutza

Bou nithaber Kulanu yahad


Bou nithaber Kulanu yahad

Moskva Kiev Odessa
Im Kirovograd ve Gam Ostralya
Vina ve Filadelfiya (2)


New York Chicago vegam Minesotta

Ve gam Minesotta
Toronto Tel-Aviv Brazil ve Lita
Ve Brazil ve Lita

Kazakhstan Urengoy ve Los-Angeles

Ha-Bore Shomea mi doresh
Legalot Oto ve lo hoshesh
Bein kol ha-kvuzot Hu metgale

Nitkalel nitragesh
lev boher be-esh
Et darkeinu yahad negashesh
Ve notzi mi toh ha-ein yesh
Bein kol ha-kvuzot Hu mitgale


114.E What kind of group


The world still does not know why it exists

and is exhausted
In every generation someone touches
[upon it]
But except for him [that someone] there is
no other that listens
In the voice of this one that supervises



What kind of group that in it every man

is different
What kind of Creator that unites them


Until our time it was not known

How to penetrate to the depths of the
An individual person will never find it
the answer lies in the group
and it is revealed within it


What kind of group that in it every man

is different
What kind of Creator that unites them



The entire humanity did not reveal it how

to investigate from bottom to top
For the secrets of the Kabbalah
Are revealed to those that want to be one
within the group
What kind of group that in it every man
is different
What kind of Creator that unites them


115.E Oh Sadness you must



Oh Sadness you must leave at this very moment

Oh Sadness by us You are not welcome
Sadness find your way out of here
For our hearts is not available for you

All those that joins us

So connected to the objective


Eizo min kvutza


Haolam adain lo yodea lama hu kayam ve metyagea

be kol dor rak mashehu nogea
prat elav ein ish asher shomea
be kolo shel ze shemefakeah
Eizu min kvutza she baa shone kol adam
eize min Bore she meahed et kulam

Ad le tkufateinu lo nuda
eih lahdor la omek hatmuna
shum yahid af paam lo imtzaa
hatchuva nithenet le kvutza
ve hi metgala be toh toha

Eizu min kvutza she baa shone kol adam

eize min Bore she meahed et kulam

Klal haenushut lo gilta eih lahkor mimata lelemala

ki sodot hohmat hakabbala
metgalim le kol mishe ratza
lehiyot ehad mi toh kvutza

Eizu min kvutza she baa shone kol adam

eize min Bore she meahed et kulam

Etzev ata teleh mi kan od rega


Etzev ata teleh mi kan od rega

Etzev ata ezleinu lo ratzui
Etzev temtza et darkeha ahitza
Ki levaveinu ba-avurha eino panui

Kol mi she metztaref eleinu

Kol-kah dabuk le matara


Do not look for even a moment backwards

Since for us this is the Klipa

Within the relations in us

That changes every second
Never will there enter any feeling
That darkens the greatness of the objective

Oh Sadness you must leave at this very moment

Oh Sadness by us You are not welcome
Sadness find your way out of here
For our hearts is not available for you

You wander in our world

Striking down innocents
But with us you are a completely foreign
enemy of the state



What is suitable for our society

Is not found in any other society
For the Creator reveals Himself within the
joint vessel and only in happiness

116.E We Justify Your Work


( )

Only to feel a little drop of unification

To be with You always
To always feel Your desire

Through our choice in a good environment

We will maintain the intent,
Like Yours

We, justify Your work

Just before you show Your greatness to all
After you have given us your goodness
You showed what is concealment
And how to exit the world

And being with You is a great pleasure

To learn the way from You,
And let the world know
We, justify Your work
Just before you show Your greatness to all



Hu lo mabit afilu rega lehahor

Ki avurenu zu klipa

El toh ha-yahasim beineinu

She meshtanim be kol shnya
Af paam lo nihnas shum regesh
She-mashkiah et gadlut a-matara

Etzev ata teleh mi kan od rega

Etzev ata ezleinu lo ratzui
Etzev temtza et darkeha ahitza
Ki levaveinu ba-avurha eino panui

Ata sovev be ulameinu

Mepil tmemim bereishtha
Aval ezleinu ata zar lehalutin ata oyev a-medina

Ma she matim le havereinu

Eino matzui be shum hevra
Ki a-Bore Hu metgale be toh a-kli ameshutaf rak be simha

Anu matzdikim poalkha

Rak kedey leargish tipat yehud ktanah

Liyot tamid be mchitzatkha
Lachush heytev et retzonkha


Al yadei bchirateinu be-svivah tova

Nishmor tamid al kavanah
Shavah le zoh sheyesh lekha

Anu matzdikim poalkha meatt lifnei

She tare lekol gadlutcha be-reish galei
Akharei she natata lanu kol tuvcha
Gilita mahi hastara
Ve eikh latzet min ha-olam

Ve arei taanug gadol lehiot itcha

Lilmod mimha et ha-shitta
Ve lehodia le-kulam

Anu matzdikim poalkha



117.E Ways

(, )

This is our way, it is indeed tough

Only our effort will produce the feeling
We cannot know ahead results
Believe and work above reason

There is a group around to support,

Give power
He who seeks the king
Enters it!

The fire in the heart of the spiritual person

Tried to adhere to his teachers word
One knows where choice is
And he advances by strengthening society



There is a group

Friends in the worldly kli

Lets unite in the eternal unity
Our desire grows constantly
But only in the mutual prayer reveals the way

There is a group

118.E The Road


Ooh, the road

To the Kings Palace
Although there are many obstacles
They are not for nothing



You cant know

If you have long to go
With faith you will establish
Your success on the path

The treasured goal is near

and appealing to our hearts
It unites us in a group
to reach over the Maxom



Join us Haver
In our common circle
Purpose of Creation
Will suddenly be realized

, ,




Zot darkenu - he omnam kasha

Rack yigiatenu tavi hargasha
Ein ladaat merosh totzaot
Lemala mehadaat haamen veavod


Mesaviv kvutza tomachat

Cochot mechazeket
Mi shemechapes thamelech
Nichnas letocha!


Ish haruach esh betoch libo

Mishtadel lishmoa befkudat rabo
Hu yodea eifo habchira
Mitkadem baderech bechizuk chevra

Mesaviv kvutza tomachat

Chavereinu lekli ha-olami

Nityached beineinu beyechud nitzchi
Drishateinu kol hazman ola
Rak be-tfilateinu derech mitgala

Mesaviv kvutza tomachat



Ekh, doroga
Vo dvoretz Tzarya
Khot pomekh I mnogo
Vse oni ne zrya!



Znat ne mozhesh
Dolgo li idti
Veroyu prolozhish
Svoy uspekh v puti


Tzel zavetnaya vsyo blizhe

I k serdtzu vzivayet,
V gruppu nas obyedinyayet
vperyod za makhsom.



Vstan tovarish
S nami v obshiy krug
Zamisel Tvoreniya
Voplotitzya vdrug.



Listen to the voice

Of your group
Since to become a kabbalist
Is possible only within it



The treasured goal is near

and appealing to our hearts
It unites us in a group
to reach over the Maxom



If you thirst
The Upper World to discover
By all of Ravs advice
Learn to pay attention
And the freedom
Of choice is in the path
Only by strengthening the group
You can achieve


The treasured goal is near

and appealing to our hearts
It unites us in a group
to reach over the Maxom



119.E Our Road


Ooh, the road, our path to the Creator

Guards are at the doors, We cant get to the Palace.
You cant know the higher levels,
You can, only by faith over knowledge.

, , ...
, .
, .

Everything is in flames around

We shall get through it with friends
If you fall we will help you
get up ourselves


The one who is aiming straight to the Creator

He sees only the goal, Rav and the Kvutza
You made your choice - strengthen your spirit
And endure the falls with joy and courage

, ,


Everything is in flames inside

We shall get through it with friends
If you fall we will help you
get up ourselves



Slushay golos
Gruppi svoyey
Ved stat kabbalistom
Mozhno tolko s ney




Tzel zavetnaya vsyo blizhe

I k serdtzu vzivayet,
V gruppu nas obyedinyayet
vperyod za makhsom.
Esli zhazhdesh
Visshiy Mir poznat
Vsem sovetam Rava
Nauchis vnimat
I svobodu
Vibora v puti
Lish usiliv gruppu
Smozhesh obresti




Tzel zavetnaya vsyo blizhe

I k serdtzu vzivayet,
V gruppu nas obyedinyayet
vperyod za makhsom.




Ekh, doroga, nash put k Tvortzu

Strazha u poroga, ne proyti k dvortzu.
Znat ne mozhesh vishe stupen
Esli tolko smozhesh vishe znanya ver


... ,
. ,
. ,

A krugom pilayet plamya,

Prorvyomsya s druzyami,
Esli ti upal mi sami
Podnimem tebya


Kto natzelen pryamo k Tvortzu

Vidit tolko tzel on, Rava I kvutzu,
Vibor sdelan - dukhom krepchay
I padenya smeloradostyu vstrechay

, ,

A krugom pilayet plamya,

Prorvyomsya s druzyami,
Esli ti upal mi sami
Podnimem tebya



120.E Oh Little point

120.R ,
( )

Oh, little point will not give me peace

Oh, through the choice that leads to Him
Oh, black point, let us give it strength
Oh, through the group youre like a mirror to me


What is good? What comes from You

He who has your attribute
Sees You
We wont fall
if we always recall
That we will cross the Machsom
only through the group

Oh, little point,

you are not at ease,
Only through the group
Do you appear to me

Oh what is the society

Yearning for You
He who feels
it is filled
With all Your goodness

What is good?

Oh, little point,

dont let me forget,
That all delights
are realized in Your Kli

Like oil to the fire

Well make high spirits
And start a fire
That will light the world

What is good?

121.E Aboard A Small Raft


Aboard a Small Raft

Through tears, lies and troubles
By taking the sages advise
And the dream of the Creator

, ,


Oh, Nekuda Ktana


Oh, Nekuda ktana lo notenet li manoach

Oh, derech habchira at shemovila elav
Oh, nekuda shchora bo veniten la coach
Oh, derech hachevra at cmo mara klapai
Ma ze tov ma shemagia mimcha
Mi shekibel tchunatcha
Hu sheroe otcha
Lo nipol
im bechol rega nizcor
Sheet hamachsom naavor
rack derech hachevra

Oh, Nekuda ktana

Eich ein lecha shum margoa
Rack derech hachevra
At mitgale elai

Oh, mahi hachevra

Hishtokkut elecha
Mi shemargish ota
mitmale bechol tovcha

Ma ze tov ma shemagia mimcha

Oh, nekuda ktana

Lo notenet li lishkoach
Shekol hahanaot
Mitgashmot bekli shelcha

Kmo shemen lemedura

Nosif od matzav ruach
Veneorer sreifa
Shetair et haolam

Ma ze tov ma shemagia mimcha

Na malenkom plotu


Na malenkom plotu
Skvoz slyozi, lozh I bedi,
Vzyav mudretzov soveti
I o Tvortze mechtu

, ,


I will silently float away

Choosing the path with my group
Negating all the time
The I that I live with


Let it be so
Let my path be uneasy
Laziness and grief are pulling me to the bottom
The burden of past mistakes

But my raft
Is the group and everyone is ready
To lean on the paddles altogether
And it is not that bad at all

There is no rest along the way

And there is no rest for my heart
For my soul worries
How we are going to reach our Goal



And the Goal calls us to go forward

With the friends in arms
Everything we need in life
We learn along the way

Let it be so


I will tear the thread to my past

And then let whatever happen
From monotonous weekdays
I will silently float away

, .

On a small raft
The moment spirituality pierces us
A world full of new colors
I will certainly obtain

, ,

122.E In our world


Look at how without reward

The Creator brought
The wisdom of Kabbalah
Into our world

In our world, in our world

There is no body without a soul
In our world, in our world
There is no life without Kabbalah




Ya tikho uplivu
Put s gruppoy vibiraya
Vsyo vremya otmenyaya
Ya s kotorim ya zhivu


Nu I pust
Budet nelyogok moy put
Tyanut na dno len I grust
Prezhnikh oshibok gruz




No moy plot
Gruppa gde kazhdiy gotov
Druzhno nalech na veslo
Vovse ne tak uzh plokh
Net otdikha v puti,
I serdtzu net pokoya
Ved dushu bespokoit
Kak k tzeli nam pridti



A tzel zovyot vpered

S druzyami po oruzhiyu
Vse shto nam v zhizni nuzhno
Postigayetzya v puti

Nu I pust


Nit v proshloye porvu

I dalshe bud shot budet
Iz monotonnikh budney
Ya tikho uplivu


Na malenkom plotu
Lish v nas voydyot duxovnost
Mir novikh krasok polniy
Ya konechno obretu



Tire keitzad boreinu

Noten lelo tmura
Hevi leolamenu
Et chochmat hakabala

Beolamenu beolamenu
Ein guf bli neshama
Beolamenu beolamenu
Ein chaim bli kabala


The wisdom of Kabbalah

Is such an ancient system
Its always been passed
In secret from generation to generation

In our world

It is time
to take action
To run and advertise
The wisdom of Kabbalah

Every evening, every morning

We will come to learn Kabbalah
Draw Light, bring happiness
With the wisdom of Kabbalah

In our world

123.E KabbalahKabbalah


Fill the glasses, my friend

Lets drink strong wine
We will sing you this song
About the science of Kabbalah

In this world in this world

What is body without soul
In this world in this world
What is life without kabbalah

This is an ancient science

Of comprehending the Creator
It was hidden by the sages
From the people for ages

In this world in this world

Now the time has come

Humankind is waking up
Forget worries and doubts
Lets study the Kabbalah

Early morning at the lesson

When the moon shines
Our teacher opens to us
Secrets of ancient Kabbalah


Chochmat hakabala hi
Shita co atika
Medor ledore overet
Tamid behastara


Beolamenu beolamenu
Hine haet hegia
Linkot bepuula
Larutz velefarsem et
Chochmat hakabala

Bechol erev ubechol boker

Nilmad et hachochma
Nimshoch maor nigrom leosher
Im chochmat hakabala

Beolamenu beolamenu

Kabbalah Kabbalah

... ... .123


Napolnyay moy drug bokali

Vipyem krepkogo vina
Mi spoyom vam etu pesnyu
Pro nauku kabbala

V etom mire v etom mire

Shto za telo bez dushi
V etom mire v etom mire
Shto za zhizn bez kabbali



Eta drevnyaya nauka

Postizheniya Tvortza
Bila skrita mudretzami
Ot narodov naveka



V etom mire v etom mire

... ,

I teper nastalo vremya

Prosipaysya rod lyudskoy
Proch trevogi I somneniya
Zanimaytes kabbaloy!

Rannim utrom na uroke

Pod sverkaniyem luni
Raskrivayet nam uchitel
Tayni drevney kabbali


124.E A Little Bird Inside My



There is a little bird inside my heart

You might refer to it as point
It reminds that it hurts
To those without attainment

It gives me strength
In every state to want
To give to society
The greatness of the goal

La la la


There is a little bird inside my heart

Who seeks out those who love
And always give humanity another

It makes me want
To always work around the clock
In circulating Kabbalah,
Across the nation

La la la


There is a little bird inside my heart

It changes my entire life
It speaks from down deep in the heart
To all the birds of my good friends

Together they do circulate

The wisdom to the folk
With all their might they twitter
And rush the time ahead

La la la


125.E You and I will Change the World


You and I will change the world

Will go and spread the word to all
Theyve said it long before
No matter the time has come
to push the world

You and I will promote the word

Well be happy, it will all be perfect


Yesh Li Tzipor Ktana Balev


Yesh li tzipor ktana balev

Efshar kokro la Nekuda
Hi mazkira li shekoev
Lemi sheein lo hasaga

Vehi notenet li cochot

Bechol matzav tamid lirtzot
Velehashpia lachevra
Et romemut hamatara

Lay la la la la

Yesh li tzipor ktana balev

Shemechapeset mi ohev
Umaanik laenoshut
Bechol shniya od hizdamnut

Vehi notenet li ratzon

Lifol tamid sviv hashaon
Behafatzat hakabala
Bemerchavei kol haoma

Lay la la la la

Yesh li tzipor ktana balev

Hi meshana et kol chayay
Vemedaberet min halev
Im hatzipor shel chaverai

Vehen beyachad mefitzot

Et hachochma lahamonim
Bechol cochan hen metzitzot
Vemezarzot et hazmanim

Lay la la la la

Ani Veata Neshane Et Haolam


Ani veata neshane et haolam

Netze venafitz et hayeda lekulam
Amru et ze kodem lifanay
Ze lo meshane
Higia hazman lekadem et haolam

Ani veata nekadem et haolma

Yiye lanu tov vehakol yiye mushlam


Were blessed with power and a will

You and I will realize the choice

You and I will change the world

We started a few and now they all know
That there is a goal to all mankind
The end of correction
You and I, and the Creator

126.E You and I will change the world.


You and I, the two of us together, will

change this world,
The science of the Kabbalah is the elixir of life,
It doesnt matter that it was said before me,
Its our time to make this world better.

, ,

You and I, the two of us together, will

improve this world,
The kindness will come and there will be
peace in the world,
We were given the power and energy
the gift from the Heaven,
Together, the two of us, we will make the
right choice.


You and I, the two of us together, will

change this world,
We have chosen the path and the Creator
is our Guiding Light,
And the our world is not just for nothing
there is a purpose given to it,
You and I, the two of us together, will
bring Gmar Tikun closer.

127.E Take every wish


Youre made of points

That want the Creator
They pound in your heart
Aspire to be different

Every moment there are obstructions

Making you forget your own existence
But you are a group of souls
Love is your world


Take every wish


Natnu lanu koach veratzon mamash matana

Ani veata nemamesh et habchira

Ani veata neshane et haolam

Hetchalnu meat veachshav yodim kulam
Sheyesh matara laenushut gmar hatikun
Ani veata yachad im bore olam

We will change the world


S toboyu vdvoyom mi izmenim etot mir

Nauka Tvortza eto zhizni eliksir
Pust tak govorili do menya eto ne sut
Nastala pora nam uluchshit etot mir.

, -
. ,

S toboyu vdvoyom mi uluchshim etot mir

Nastupit dobro I nastanet v mire mir
Dana nam I sila I zapal podarok s nebes
S toboyu vdvoyom verniy vibor sovershim.
S toboyu vdvoyom mi izmenim etot mir
Mi vibrali put I Tvoretz nash orentir
I ves etot mir ne prosto tak dana emu tzel
S toboyu vdvoyom mi priblizim Gmar Tikun.

Kchi Lach Kol Ratzon Veratzon

, -
, -

( )

At bnuya menukudot
Sherotzot et habore
Belibcha hen mefamot
Shoafot el hashone

Bechol rega hafraot

Meshichot et kiyumcha
Aval at hi kvutzat neshamot
Ahava hi olamcha

Kechi lach kol ratzon veratzon


Turn it to a prayer
So the Creator will be in you
And turn you to a group
La la la

Your various limbs

compose the whole
The love of friends
combines them all

Youre built
of changing situations
Every member in your shade
Mingles with the others

Take every wish

128.E You are constructed out of souls

(Tapuchim ve-tmarim)


Fully constructed out of souls,

that wish to know the Creator
Your heart is seeking warmth,
in endless clear light



Disturbances attack us constantly

and not without reason
You always strive there,
where there is love and kindness



Add to your desires

the intent for the Creator
Then He will settle in them
and will fill them fully.


. (2)

Your tiny parts produce a different world

Importance of the goal, loves force,
will bring us closer.

, ,

Many different changes,

many different states
But a friend in your shadow,
is moving closer to the one goal.

Add to your desires the intent...


( -)


Tizri mehem tfila

Shehabore etzlecha yishkon
Veyaase mimcha kvutza
La la la la la

Eivarecha hashonim
Markivim et hashalem
Ahavat haverim
Hi hadevek beneihem

At holechet venivnet
Im shiui hamatzavim
Kol chaver shechose betzilcha
Mitkalel im acherim

Kechi lach kol ratzon veratzon


Ty postroena iz dush

( )

Vsia postroyena iz dush

Chto chotiat poznat Tvortza
Tvoyo sertze ishet teplo
V svete yasnom bez kontza


Nas pomehi kazhdyj mig

Atakuyut nesprosta
Ty vsegda stremishsia tuda
Gdie liubov idobrota



Dobavtie k zhelaniam svoim

Namerenie Tvortza
Togda posielitza on vnich
I-ich napolnit dokantza (2)


Chasti maliye tvoi obrazuyut mir inoi

Vazhnost tzeli sila lyubvi
Priblizhayut nas s toboi

, ,

Mnogo raznych pieriemien

Mnogo raznych sostoyanii
No tovarish v teni tvoyei
K tzeli dvizhetza odnoi



Dobavtie k zhelaniam svoim



129.E A Thousand Wishes


A thousand wishes in my group

Each, with an intent
A thousand obstacles through my soul
Correct to bestowal

Every person on earth

Who begins to feel
A point of truth in the heart
Gets a chance to work in a group
Accelerate the correction of his world

The Creator provides the group with

everything, so that we acquire His form
And we earnestly help to show His
greatness to the dark world

A thousand wishes in my group

When we want to acquire an aim,

thoughts of Bina
Questions come regarding attainment
And then we remember that there is none
else beside Him

The will to receive wants its own, and

wants to learn and to know
We remember that there is none else
beside Him, because we want to acquire

A thousand wishes in my group

130.E A thousand hearts


A thousand hearts there are in my kvutsa

And they all have one kavana
A thousand distractions there are in my soul
All will undergo tikkunim de ashpaa.


Each resident of earth,

who was able to feel
The point of truth in his heart.
Received the opportunity to work in the kvutsa,
In order to speed up the worlds elevation.
The Creator will provide our kvutsa for all,




Elef Retzonot

( )

Elef retzonot yesh bekvutzati

Kol echad mehem im kavana
Elef hafraot derech neshmati
Mekablot tikunim lehashpaa

Kol haadam baolam

Shematchil lehargish
Nekuda shel emet belibo
Mekabel hizdamnut laavod bekvutza
Lehachish et tikun olamo

Habore mesapek lakvutza et hakol

Al menat shenirchosh tzurato
Veanachnu ozrim legalot begadol
Leolam hachashuch gdeluto


Elef retzonot yesh bekvutzati

Kesheanachnu rotzim lekabel kavana

Machshavot shel tchunat habina
Az olot sheelot beinyan hasaga
Shegormot leyetzuv hatmuna

Haratzon lekabel mevakesh et shelo

Verotze lehasig yedia
Veanachnu zochrim sheein od milvado
Ki rotzim lehasig hashpaa


Elef retzonot yesh bekvutzati

Tisyacha Serdetz


Tisyacha serdetz est v moyey kvutze

I u vsekh u nikh kavana odna
Tisyacha pomekh est v moyey dushe
Vse porydut tikkunim de ashpaa



Kazhdiy zhitel zemli

kto pochuvstovat smog
Tochku istini v serdtze svoyom
Poluchayet vozmozhnost rabotat v kvutze
Shtobi mira uskorit podyom
Ved Tvoretz nadelyayet kvutzu nashu vsem




So that we would achieve His properties.

The Creators greatness we are helping to reveal,
So that there would not be darkness in the world.


A thousand hearts there are in my kvutsa

And they all have one kavana
A thousand distractions there are in my soul
All will undergo tikkunim de ashpaa.


If we all want to acquire the kavana

And those thoughts, that are in the
qualities of Bina.
Then rises in us a wave of questions,
In order to clear up the picture.
While the ratson lekabel will not release its own
It always wants to just obtain knowledge,
But we remember There is nothing
besides the Creator
And we just want to achieve ashpaa.

, .



A thousand hearts there are in my kvutsa

And they all have one kavana
A thousand distractions there are in my soul
All will undergo tikkunim de ashpaa.


131.E Divinity Among us

("the Lilac fog")


A fight lined group

Strength to carry onward
Revelation of the Creator
Demanding always


With one goal

Divinity among us
With love of fellow
Man well give to everyone

For fear of God

You created our world
Baal HaSulam explaining Kabbalah

With one goal

Divinity among us
With love of fellow
Man well give to everyone

( )


Shtob svoystv mi dostigli ego

Mi velichye Tvortza pomogayem raskrit
Shtobi ne bilo v mire temno


Tisyacha serdetz est v moyey kvutze

I u vsekh u nikh kavana odna
Tisyacha pomekh est v moyey dushe
Vse porydut tikkunim de ashpaa



Esli vse mi khotim poluchit kavanu

I te misli shot v svoystve Bina
Voznikayet togda v nas voprosov volna
Shtobi stala kartina yasna
A ratzon lekabel ne upustit svoye
Khochet znaniy dostich on vsegda
No mi pomnim Net krome Tvortza nikogo
I khotim lish dostich ashpaa

," "

Tisyacha serdetz est v moyey kvutze

I u vsekh u nikh kavana odna
Tisyacha pomekh est v moyey dushe
Vse porydut tikkunim de ashpaa



Shchina Tishre Beneinu

( )

Chevra bekav yamin

kochot liyhot baderech
Gilui shel habore
Dorshim bechol matzav

Bematra echad
shchina tashre beneinu
Beahavat zolat
nashpia lachevra

Bishvil yirat hashem

Barata olameinu
Baal HaSulam masbir
Shitat hakabala


Bematra echad
shchina tashre beneinu
Beahavat zolat
nashpia lachevra


132.E In a way forces will suffice us 132.R

( )
("the Lilac fog")
There will be enough power for us along the way,
And the group is on a rise,
And each step - entreaty:
The Creator, reveal Yourself to us!

, !

In the uniform purpose

He will be between us
And His light for everybody
nd love to a neighbour.



For trembling upon Him,

He created the world of desires,
Knowledge of Him
Was given to us by Baal a-Sulam.



In the uniform purpose

He will be between us
And His light for everybody
nd love to a neighbour



133.E Together


Together, we will only make it together

If we put our hearts together
The sound of truth without deceit
When desires are put together

A feeling of burning love

Inside the heart it tears the inhibitions
A shining sun on our lives
Opens our hearts
And there is none else beside Him

Together we will cast away the fear

If we strive harder to the goal
Sweeping to a worthwhile pay
With gratitude and through the group

A feeling of burning love


V yedinoy tzeli on

( )


V puti nam hvatit sil

I gruppa na podyome
I kazhdiy shag molba
Tvoretz raskroysya nam!



V yedinoy tzeli on
Prebudet mezhdu nami
I svet Ego dlya vsekh
I k blizhnemu lyubov (2)



Dlya trepeta pred nim

On sozdal mir zhelaniy
Nam znaniye o nyom
Dal Baal a-Sulam



V yedinoy tzeli on
Prebudet mezhdu nami
I svet Ego dlya vsekh
I k blizhnemu lyubov (2)



Yachad naavor rack yachad

Im nadbick beyachad et halevavot
Rachash shel emet bli kachash
Keshechovrim beyachad kol haretzonot

Regesh shel ahava sorefet

Betoch halev korea et kol haakevot
Shemesh zorachat al chayenu
Potachat libeinu
Veein od milvado

Yachad nemager kol pachad

Im nagbir kol dachaf el hamatara
Sachaf el tmura mutzlachat
Im toda nitzachat derech hachevra

Regesh shel ahava sorefet



134.E One Law

(, )

One law works on us

in every dimension through the group
If we march as one body
we will know the law of bestowal

Love of friends
will bring us to see
That addressing the Creator
stands above every phenomenon

Well come, well give, well decide Well

acquire a whole new will
Well come, well give
Well conquer all the obstructions

, ,


Our Arvut and our unity

Will project in one direction
To all mankind
a message of hope
Every person in the world
Will want to know about Kabbalah
One law will act,
onward to the goal
Well come, well give

- !
, ,

135.E Will come and


( )

And law is law,

and it forms a group of Kabbalists:
Only in unity
is comprehension of an Absolute Goodness



And love is love

and comprehension gives again and again:
I desire that He is closer today
than He was yesterday


Will come and comprehend

the greatness of the Creator, will see

, ,


Chock Echad

( )

Chock echad bechol meimad

Poel aleinu derech hachevra
Im nitzad keguf echad
Nakir et chok hahashpaa

Ahavat hachaverim
Tavi otanu el hahakara
She-hayachas labore
Nitzav meal kol tofaa

Nagia nashpia nachria

nirchosh ratzon chadash
Nagia nashpia nachria et hahafraot

Haarevut vehaachdut
Shelanu yachad lekivun echad
Yeshadru leenoshut
Tikva vemeser meyuchad

Kol adam shebaolam

Yirtze ladaat al hakabala
Chok echad yifal alav
Kadima al hamatara

Nagia nashpia nachria

Nirchosh ratzon chadash
Nagia nashpia nachria et hahafraot

Pridyom i postignem

( )

A zakon on est zakon

I gruppu kabalistov stroit On
Lish v edinstve
postizheniye Absoliutnogo Dobra



A lyubov ona lyubov

I soznanye darit vnov i vnov
Ya khochu shtob On segodnya
bil mne blizhe chem. Vchera


Pridyom i postignem
velichye Tvortza uvidim shto

, ,


that distractions of the unity

are signs of a good path

Faithfulness is faithfulness of the goal

and the desire to conquer
Path that everyone would walk
and would reach the perfection


Man is a man,
if he connects with Kabbalah for an eternity
The Goal of creation and a law,
that everyone reaches the goal



Will come and comprehend

the greatness of the Creator, will see
that distractions of the unity
are signs of a good path

, ,

136.E We are Arevim



The lights hang down

with the vessels
he first
didnt feel the vessels

The attribute of bestowal

needs expansion
With the other desires
to ascend

We are Arevim to our friends

We will only get Arvut with adhesion

The still, vegetative, and animate

Have the nature of the Host
They havent independence
They dont need Arvut

Only the speaking

breaks His law
What is the meaning of our lives
Without Arvut with our brothers

We are Arevim to our friends

We will only get Arvut with adhesion


Pomekhi edinstvu
est znaki dobrogo puti

Vernost eto vernost tzeli

I zhelaniyu preodolet
Put kotorim vse poydut
I sovershenstvo priobretut

, -


Chelovek on chelovek
pust s kabbaloy on svyazan ves svoy vek
Tzel tvorenya I zakon
kotorim k tzeli vse pridut

, -

Pridyom i postignem
velichye Tvortza uvidim shto
Pomekhi edinstvu
est znaki dobrogo puti

, ,


Anachnu Arevim


Haorot im hakelim
Yachdav mishtalshelim
Etzel harishonim
Lo hurgeshu kelim

Tchunat hahashpaa
Zkuka leharchava
Im shaar haretzonot
Otam lehaalot

Anachnu arevim klapei hachaverim

Rack im arevut nizke ledvekut

Domem tzomeach chay

Bateva baal habait
Ein lahem atzmaut
Hem lo tzrichim arevut

Verak hamedaber
Al retzono over
Ma hataam bechayav
Lelo arevut achav

Anachnu arevim klapei chaverim

Rack im arevut nizke ledvekut


137.E Thoughts of The Creator



Its impossible to know thoughts of the Creator

and its very difficult for us to connect with Him,
Thoughts of the friend are closer and accessible,
its a crime for us
not to communicate with him.

The Creator thought

that even though it is very difficult,
nevertheless it is possible,
for us to merge with Him,
for us to merge, for us to merge,
for us to merge with Him.

, ,

Together we are gathered,

together we are a force,
that will move the entire mountains.
And worlds will merge in the guarantee;
let all their fences shake.


The Creator...

138.E World Kli


World Kli, do allow me

To make a toast
We have gathered here
Around the same table to choose life



Every one should think what theyre living for

And with what intention
Receive a reply and run over here,
With a great desire

The method - altruistic covenant, Vach

The method - Egoistic Severance -Vach

- , ax!
- , ax!

World Kli makes a toast

To life here and now
Someone will suddenly
Feel so nice and warm

We have gathered here not to party

Our reason


Misli Sozdatelya


, ,


Misli Sozdatelya znat nevozmozhno

I ochen slozhno nam s nim svyazatzya
Misli priyatelya blizhe dostupni
Dlya nas prestupno
S nim ne obschatzya

, ,

Mislil Sozdatel
khot ochen slozhno
Vsyo zhe vozmozhno
Slitzya nam s Nim
slitzya nam, slitzya nam,
slitzya nam s Nim


Vmeste mi sobrani
vmeste mi sila
shtob svorotila zeliye gory
I v poruchitelstve miri solyutzya
pust sotryasutzya vse ih zabory


Mislil Sozdatel...

Kli Haolami

Kli haolami tarshu li limzog

Leharim lechayim!
Hitasafnu kan sviv oto shulchan
Vebochrim bechayim


Sechol echad yachshov bishvil ma hu chay

im eize kavana
Yekabel tzhuva veyarutz lekan
Im drisha lo ktana

Shita brit ha-brit haaltruistim, vach

Shita krita kritat haegoism vach

- -

Kli haolami shote lekoulchem

Kan achshav lechayim
Mishehu pitom yargish kol kach cham
Vegam kol kach naim

Hitasafnu kan lo lemesiba

Ela sibateinu


is to unite the worlds

with our love

The method - altruistic covenant, Vach

The method - Egoistic Severance -Vach

- , ax!
- , ax!

My dear,
let me tell you of a king
I asked Him, Where do you live?
Show me the way!


, ,

He said at once, look my dear

There are many such as you
Get together into a world Kli
And then I will come anyhow



The method - altruistic covenant, Vach

The method - Egoistic Severance -Vach

- , ax!
- , ax!

139.E Neatly and quickly

(Mimino, Russian movie)

139.R ,
( ..)

The world kli, lets fill our glasses

to propose lehaim
We got together here at this very table
With one desire!
So everyone could think why he lives,
With what intent!
Having got the answer
he would run here with great anticipation

, ,

Neatly and quickly well correct an egoist VAH!

Neatly and quickly youll become an altruist VAH!

, !
, !

The world kli, Ill drink

this lehaim for everyone!
Someones heart might melt all of a
sudden from these words!
We got together here
For the reason
So our hearts would unite
in the sea of love!



Neatly and quickly well correct an egoist VAH!

Neatly and quickly youll become an altruist VAH!

, !
, !

Listen, Genazvale, I will tell you

About the Creator a little
I have asked him, where are You,
my Dear, show me the way!

, ,

, ,


leached achshav kol halevavot


- -

Shita brit ha-brit haaltruistim, vach

Shita krita kritat haegoism vach
Chabibi sheli esaper lecha
ashehu al melech
Shaalti oto eifo ata kevar?
Tare et haderech!


Hu ana miyad chabibi tire

Yesh harbe kaele
Titachdu koulchem lekli haolami
Az avo memeila
Shita brit ha-brit haaltruistim, vach
Shita krita kritat haegoism vach

- -

Chisto bistro (Mimino)


Mirovoye kli pozvolte nalit

Podnyat lekhaim!
Shtob sobravhis zdes za odnim stolom
S odnim zhelanyem!
Kazhdiy podumat mog dlya chego zhivet
S kakim namerenyem
Poluchiv otvet pribezhal syuda
S bolshim neterpenyem!
Chisto bistro ispravim egoista VAKH!
Chisto bistro stanesh altruistom VAKH!
Mirovoye kli, vipyu za vsekh
etot lekhaim!
U kogo to vdrug ot etikh slov
serdtze rastayet!
Sobralis mi tut v etom krugu
Po toy prichine
Shtoby serdtza obyedinit
v liubvi puchine!



! ,
! ,





Chisto bistro ispravim egoista VAKH!

Chisto bistro stanesh altruistom VAKH!
Slushay genatzvale ya tebe skazhu
Pro Tvortza nemnogo
Ya ego sprosilgde ty daragoy
Pakazhi dorogu!

! ,
! ,


And He told me, understand, my friend,

There are so many of you here
Get all together in the world kli
I will come to help you out

, ,


Neatly and quickly well correct an egoist VAH!

Neatly and quickly youll become an altruist VAH!

, !
, !

140.E The Whole World Are


140.R e
( )

The Whole world is responsible for one another

Build the greatness of the Creator
Those who know what they want
From society will never leave

, ,

The message is carved in our heart

Only in society does wholeness come
If we are prepared to be in Arvut
Spirituality will instantly open

We turn to society
Cover our friends corporeality
If we are truly worthy
We will immediately feel the love of friends

141.E Spinning and turning

(Blue ball)

141.R -
( )

The blue globe is spinning and turning

round and round.
Our egoism is spinning and turning round
and round,
Its spinning and turning and pulling us
Spinning and turning for its sake,
You can get over it only by loving.

- ,
-, ,
- ,
, .

If the friends assure each other,

An exclusive circle would appear in the
Each of us joins the friends part in
And dont allow us to fall down into
Spinning and turning our egoism,
Spinning and turning all our life,


- ,
- ,
, ,




On otvetil mne panimayesh drug

Vas takikh tut mnogo
Soberites vse v mirovoye kli
Pridu na podmogu!

! ,
! ,

Chisto bistro ispravim egoista VAKH!

Chisto bistro stanesh altruistom VAKH!

Kol Haolam Arevim


Kol haolam arevim ze leze

Yachad bonim el gdelut habore
Mi sheyodea kevar ma hu rotze
Min hachevra leolam lo yetze

Al levaveinu hameser cheirut

Rack bachevra mitgala hashleimut
Im muchanim liyot baarevut
Techef niftachat haruchaniut

El hachevra anachnu ponim

Et gashmiut hachaver mechasim
Im niye beemet reuyim
Techef nargish ahavat chaverim

Krutitzya vertitzya

- .141

. "

Krutitzya vertitzya nash egoizm

Krutitzya vertitzya tyanet nas vniz
Krutitzya vertitzya radi sebya
Preodolet ego mozhno lyubya

Esli za druga poruchitzya drug

V gruppe poluchitzya zamknutiy krug
Kazhdiy vklyuchayet tovarisha chast
I v egoizm ne dayot nam upast



Krutitzya vertitzya nash egoizm

Krutitzya vertitzya vsyu nashu zhizn
Net u nas shansov proyti za makhsom
Esli sebya mi ne svyazhem s Tvortzom

Esli ne vibrat edinnogo vlast

Nas egoizm togda smozhet ukrast
Gde eta ulitza, gde etot dom


We dont have a chance to cross mahsom

Without connection with the Creator.
If we wont choose the power of the Lord,
Then our egoism could steal us.
Where is that street and where is that
Which will help us to connect with the

, ,
, ?
, ,
, !

Where are all those books and where is

that Rabbi
Where is the group and where is the
Here are those books and here is the
Here is the group and here is its charter.

142.E When We Want as One


When we want our Creator as one

We will ask for Arvut
Well see in every state that the unity of our group
Is the perfection

Then well feel the Creator in our hearts

in one Kli
Well see His desire in every state,
United and unique
Well love each other,
Well cleave to the Creator,
Well crave to do His wish
To bestow, which ascends
When we want our Creator as one
We will ask for Arvut
Well see in every state that the unity Of
our group is the perfection

143.E As a single heart

(Sealed with a Kiss)


If altogether like one and all


Gde nam pomogut svyazatzya s Tvortzom?

Gde eti knigi i gde etot Rav

Gde eta gruppa i gde ikh ustav?
Vot eti knigi I vot etot Rav
Vot eta gruppa i vot ikh ustav!



Keshe Nirtze KeIsh Echad

(Sealed with a kiss)

( )

Keshenirtze keish echad et boreinu

Az nevakesh arevut
Nire bechol matzav sheachdut kvutzoteinu
Zohi hashlemut

Az nargish et habore belibeinu

Yachad bekli echad
Nire bechol matzav retzono betocheinu
Yachid umeyuchad

Nohav ze et ze
Nidbak babore
Nishaf lemale
Retzono leheitiv sheole

Keshenirtze keish echad et boreinu

Az nevakesh arevut
Nire bechol matzav sheachdut nishmoteinu
Zohi hashleimut

Kak sertze odno

(Sealed with a Kiss)


Esli vmeste kak odin zakhotim mi

Tolko Tvortza odnogo


If we wish altogether like one and all

Just the Creator alone,
We all assure each other
Through Him.
He will fill our heart with Himself
Only in a common kli,
Which we were looking for a long time
And we found it at last.
As a single heart full of desires,
We aspire to Him.
We want to reveal Him
In order to delight Him.
We started our path with a small group
It seemed to us that the path would be short,
It seemed that the time is almost there
And soon we could take a rest.
But the desires are changed from Above
In order to achieve the goal.
We saw that without each other
We couldnt build the kli.



, .

As a single heart

144.E Creator save me

144.R ,
( )

There is only Simple Light in the world

But only humans feel sad
They feel lost
For lack of vessels

The lack of corrected vessels

Where the Creator is felt as eternal
The creature studied them
And cries from within

Creator save me
For you are good to all
And only You can
Save us and the world

Creator help us
Feel You and the friends
For the world Kli
Is where Divinity is


To drug za druga vse poruchimsya

Mi cherez Nego

On napolnit nashe serdtze Soboyu

Tolko v edinom kli
Kotoroye tak dolgo iskali
I nakonetz nashli

Kak sertze odno zhelanyem polno

Stremitzya k Nemu
Raskrit shtob Ego nasladit

S gruppoy maloy nachinalas doroga

Skorim kazalsya put
Kazalos shto ostalos nemnogo
I smozhem otdokhnut

No zhelanya menyayut nam sverkhu

Shtobi do tzeli doshli
Uvideli shto drug bez druga
Ne postroim kli

Kak serdtze odno

Habore tatzil oti


Baolam meir rack or pashut

Ela rack adam margish atzavut
Hu margish avud biglal
choser hakelim

Choser hakelim hametukanim

Eifo shebore murgash nitzchi
Hanivra birer otam
Vetzoek bifnim

Habore tatzil oti

Ki ata meitiv lekulam
Verack ata yachol
Lehatzil otanu ve thaolam

Habore azor lanu

Lehargish otcha ve thachevra
Ki kli haolami
Ze makom shurat shchina


Society helps climb

Do a thousand things
It relies on the verse
Love thy friend as thyself

Every friend has a burning fire within

He demands of all the friends
For the goal to be only
The greatness of the Creator

Creator save me

145.E Please, allow us to feel


( )

In the world with simple light that glows,

And Creator hides behind the wall,
There is no other joy
For the creation,

But to feel Creator in our heart,

Come back to the point where we start,
Where united we and Him
Are unified forever.

Please, allow us to feel You.

Let us feel how kind and good You are.
Like light beams in the dark,
Help us find the way through nights.

Please, allow us to feel You.

Let us rise above ourselves.
Only the common KLI
Is able to govern our destiny.

The group and friends are helping us to grow;

They give us guarantee, ARVUT to go;
And we believe that all the best
Is just awaiting us.

We have aspiration for sixth sense,

The group, the books and Rav will help us then
To find it in between our friends;
We know well find it there.

, ,

Please, allow us to feel You.



Hachevra ozeret laa lot

Levatzea elef peulot
Hi omedet al amra
Veahavta Leraacha

" "

Lekol chaver boeret esh bifnim

Hu doresh mikol hachaverim
Shehamatara tiye
Rack gdelut bore

Habore tatzil oti


Day nam oshchutit Tebya


V mire gde siyayet svet prostoy

I Tvoretz zakrit ot nas stenoy
Tolko dlya tvoreniya
Net radosti inoy

Lish bi oshutit v sebe Tvortza

Shtobi vozvratit sebya tuda
Tam gde lish Tvoretz i ti
Vmeste navsegda

Day nam oshutit Tebya

Oshutit tvoyu dobrotu
Ti kak mayak v nochi
Osveshayesh temnotu

Day nam oshutit Tebya

Shtob podnyatzya vvys nad soboy
Lish mirovoye kli
Mozhet upravlyat sudboy



Gruppa pomogayet nam rasti

I dayot uverennost v puti
Verit v to shot luchshee
Zhdyot nas vperedi

Chuvstvo mi shetoye obretyom

Gruppa, knigi, Rav pomogut v tom
Shto sredi druzey svoikh
Mi ego naydyom



Day nam oshutit Tebya


146.E We Are Kli Ehad

This is one of those puzzles.
They make people always wonder
Not for days for years, until theyre old.
We will make a song together
From the hearts who now gathered.
Itll bring The Light into this World.
Hoping to achieve His trait,
Let Him into every heart
Unite with Him one day.
We all share one dream
To reveal, discover Him,
And to ease the way
For all who join us today!
We will build a super boat
From the vessel that was broken.
Our sails well make out of faith.
Our group is our fair wind.
Time of gathering is coming.
And we keep our course
Its only Him!

( )



Let computers rest a little.

Is it morning? Is it evening?
Super-group is keeping me awake.
We will bond again together,
Guaranteeing each other.
There are so many heights to take!!!

- , -




No doubts, no more
Any splinters, any fragments:
There is a place for every one at Home.
At this very moment, icebergs
Will be melting, I assure you.
And well reach the stars, I know, we will!


In the Upper World (like here)
There are students and A Teacher.
He reminds us all about The Goal.




Mirovoye kli


Vot odin iz tekh voprosov

Na kotoriy lyudi prosyat
Uzhe ochen mnogo let otvet
Iz serdetz sobravshis vmeste
Slozhim mi takuyu pesnyu
Shto prityanet v mir ves Visshiy svet



Mirovoye kli
Svoystva Visshego nayti
Mi zhelayem vsem vokrug
Popolnit etot krug
Ved raskrit Tvortza
Nasha obshaya mechta
I korotkim sdelat put
Reshivshim k nam primknut




Iz razbitogo sosuda
Mi postroim nashe sudno
A iz veri svyazhem parusa
Gruppa nash poputniy veter
I vsyo blizhe eta vstrecha
Nam ne sbitzya s kursa na Tvortza!



Mirovoye kli


Skoro vikliuchim kompyuter

Gde to vecher, gde to utro
S gruppoyu takoy ne univat
Drug za druga poruchimsya shot opyat
Noviye visoti otkrivat!!!



Mirovoye kli


I vse verim mi shot skoro

Ne ostanetzya oskolkov
Ne nashedshikh v nashem dome mest
Ledniki v tot mig rasstayut I somneniya ostavyat
Lish bi dotyanutzya do nebes



Mirovoye kli


V mire visshem kak I v nashem

Est tam mladshiy es ti starshiy
On o zeli ne dayot zabit
Neposlushniye kak deti



But the students hardly listen,

So childish and foolish,
We dont know anything at all.

, ,




Our nature works against us.

But we are building a new City
With Desire, Happiness, and Love!
In the moment of Connection,
Itll meet our expectation.
Its the newest age of KABBALAH!!!


147.E Song about friend


If you saw a friend today

Who did not appear like yesterday
Or the day before and you suspect that again
You will not know if he is good or if he is bad

Then take a chance to the mountains

There you will recognize friends for
When with one cord are they bound
There is no room for lies


Then you will know if he is not suitable for

immediately he will sour his face from all
steps he avoids is nervous and screams


Then it is clear that he is not a friend he is

of another world His place is not in the
mountains here for him they do not sing

But if he does not despair but makes an

effort without anxiety when you slip from
the cliff he cries and holds on
If with you he is always together like a
soldier that marches to the battle then you
will all reach the peak owners of the


Mi zhivya na etom svete

Razum visshego khotim postich

Mirovoye kli


Pust protivitzya priroda

No mi postroim etot gorod
Iz zhelanya schastya i lyubvi
Zasiyayet mig sliyanya
Opravdayet ozhidanya
Novaya epokha kabbali!

Mirovoye kli


Shir Hachaver


Im raita chaver hayom

Shehu lo shuv kitmol shilshom
Vechoshesh sheshuv lo teda
Im hu tov o hu ra

Kach sikun lech el heharim

Sham takir et hachaverim
Kesheel chevel echad kshurim
Ein makom leshkarim

Az teda im hu lo matim
Ki miyad hu machmitz panim
Mikol tzaad hu mitchamek
Mitatzben vetzoek

Az barur shehu lo chaver

Hu shayach leolam acher
Mekomo hu lo beharim
Kan alav lo sharim

Aval im hu lo mityaesh
Mitametz aval lo choshesh
Kesheata min hatzuk machalik
Hu boche umachazik

Im itcha hu tamid yachdav

Kmo chayal shetzoed lakrav
Az tagiu el hapisga
Baalei hahasaga


148.E There is a brief moment


All is dark in this stormy world

There is a brief moment and you can hold on tight
There is a brief moment
between the past and the future
nd specifically this is what is called Life

Eternal tranquility in doubt the heart is heartened

Eternal tranquility is suitable to Domem (docile)
but for a star that falls now

There is a brief moment sparkling and blinding

Despite that the world progresses fast
not always in my direction


All is dark in this stormy world

There is a brief moment and you can hold on tight
There is a brief moment
between the past and the future
nd specifically this is what is called Life

149.E My only choice

(Youre my only soul )


Every person has but one choice

to complete his circle with.
Every person has but one place
that comes and throws the dice.
Like clothes to the body,
like air to breath,
and instead of the madness,
they are building a soul.

Group, you are my one and only choice,

you the environment that turns me on.
With you, I am the entire world
and with you, I am the entire universe.
Without you, I remain a beast,
without you, I am in fact nothing.


Every person with a goal

to attain the attributes of the creator,
every person has but one means
to correct the heart.
In ups and downs, in hope and despair.
From chilled water


Yesh rega kat


Hakol afel baolam hasoer haze

Yesh rega kat vetachazik bo chazak
Yesh rega kat bein avar leatid
Vedavka hu hu nikra hachaim

Shalva nitzchit besafek tesameich lev

Shalava nitzchit matima ladomem
Aval avur kochav shenofel achshav
Yesh rega kat notzetz mesanver

Lamrot shehaolam mitkadem maher

Lo tamid hu baderech sheli
Ma li chashuv uma ani misken
Rak rega kat rak rega kat

Lech teda im tizhchak o tivke machar

Yesh rega kat vetachazik bo chazak
Yesh rega kat bein avar leatid
Vedavaka hu nikra hachaim

Habchira hayechida sheli

( )

Lechol echad yesh rak bchira achat

Sheisgor ita maagal
Lechol echad yesh rak makom echad
Sheyavo veipol bagoral
Kmo begged leguf
kmo avir leneshima
Uvimkom hateruf
hem bonim neshama

Kvutza at habchira hayechida sheli

At hasviva shemadlika oti
Veitach ani kol haolam
Veitach ani kol hayekum
Biladaich ani nishar behema
Biladaich ani beetzem klum

Lechol echad sheyesh lo matara

Lehasig tchunot shel habore
Lechol echad yesh emtzai echad
Shebo hu metaken et halev
Mealiyot veyeridot miyeush hatikva
Umiyam shel krirut


they build love



150.E Life is but one quest

(O sole mio)

(O sole mio)

Life is but one quest

For the united and complete
Everyone knows it but forget
To ask what is the meaning of our lives

We search who is
The Creator of the world
He is concealed in our world
We discovered where He is
Only between us, is He found

Humanity has but one role

The entire week and on Shabbat too
To find who runs it,
And please and delight Him

We search who is the Creator...


Oh how we wanted the good fate,

So that we may love Him
What is our right way?
Only our choice of the right environment

We search who is the Creator...


151.E The state has passed

(Black eyes)

( )

The state has passed the past is past

The next thing is still unknown

What remains of that attitude toward the Creator

He reveals to us through the group

What remains of that attitude toward the Creator

He is always inside the situations


Hem bonim ahava

Kvutza at habchira

Kol hachaim rak chipus echad

(O sole mio)

( )

Kol ha-chaim hem rak hipus ehad

Shel hashalem vehameuchad
Kulam yodim zot aval shochachim
Lachakor ma hu hataam bachaim

Chakarnu mihu bore olam

Beolameinu hu neelam
Gilinu eifo hu shore
Kirak beineinu hu mitgale

La enoshut yesh rak tachlit achat

Kol hashavua vegam beshabat
Limtzo et mi shemenahel ota
Ligrom lo nachat vegan hanaa

Chakarnu mihu bore olam


Kama chashaknu bagoral hatov

Kach shenuchal oto leehov
Mahi darkeinu hanechona
Rak bechirateinu bechevra tova

Chakarnu mihu bore olam


Hamatzav avar
(Black eyes)

( )

Hamatzav avar heavar haya

Hadavar haba od lo itgala

Ma notar mize yachas labore

Derech hakvutza lanu mitgale

Ma notar mize yachas labore

Bein hamatzavim hu tamid hove


152.E End of correction (Lete

indien Joe Dassin)

(Lete indien Joe Dassin)

End of correction we are already in Atzilut

All the souls come to see His face
The group is inside the thought of creation,
to delight His creatures

There is no movement, the light is at rest,

the shades and shapes are all inside the white light
The creature wears a screen and an aim,
he is totally corrected

On Shabbat, it is a little world to come,

every one clings to the upper one with disturbance.
The society inspires one
to feel pleasure and completeness.

153.E Beyond the barrier


Beyond the barrier there is a world

without movements, without coercion and
without time
Beyond the world everyone will see how
the light corrects the vessels

For in life there is only the power of

bestowal to the other, and it is felt in
the heart and in the mind only in the
collected vessel of bestowal
Beyond the barrier you exist as a point
that is mixed with everyone
Beyond the barrier there is a group of
souls that cleave to the goal
For in life there is


154.E Every attainment


Every attainment of the day begins

when it is still night.
This is how the superior gives to the
creature from above
What is in the night?


Gmar tikun
(Lete indien Joe Dassin)

( )

Gmar tikun anachnu kvar baatzilut

Kol haneshamot zochot lehitgalut shel panav
Hakvutza betoch machshevet habria
Leheitiv lenivraav

Ein tnua haor matzui bimnucha

Hatzvaim vehatzurot betoch haor halavan
Hanivra lavush masach vekavana
Kol kulo kvar metukan

Beshabat mamash mein olam haba

Kol echad nitzmad el haelyon lelo hafraa
Hachevra notenet et hahashraa
Shel shlemut vehanaa

Meever lamachsom eshno olam


Meever lamachsom eshno olam

Bli tnua bli kfiya bli zmanim
Meever lamachsom iru kulam
Eich haor metaken et hakelim

Ki bachaim eshno rak koach

Ashpaa lezulat
Vehu murgash balev vemoach
rak bekli meshutaf shel ashpaa

Meever lamachsom ata kayam kenekuda

sheklula im kulam
Meever lamachsom eshna kvutza
Neshamot shedvukot lematara
Ki bachaim eshno rak koach


Kol asaga


Kol asaga shel hayom matchila

mebchira shebalaila
ach maanik haelion atzmaut lenivra
a yesh balaila


A vessel made of the difference between

the Creator and the creature.

What shall we learn tonight?

What shall we find tonight?
The light flows through us and into us,
tonight we will obtain attainment of the
properties of the superior
The morning begins in the night that
precedes it.
Night comes when the evening darkens
its face.
What is in the night?
Another distinction that needs to correct
its back side


What shall we learn tonight

155.E He who
(Michelle, ma belle Beatles)

( )

He who learns every day

in order to extend light,
he who only looks forward
and not back

Will taste and will see

nd will come to learn
How to love the Giver the great bestower,
he good who does good

, ,

He who mingles
in society in the collective vessel,
he who wants
to find a partner in every friend

Will taste and will see


He who clings
only to believing the sages,
he who examines
what is love of friends

Will taste and will see



Kli shenotzar mehevdel bein bore lenivra

Ma nilmad halaila
ma nimtza halaila
Hamaor zorem veover letocheinu
Halaila nirkosh hasaga
Betchunot haelion

Boker matchil mehalaila sheba lifanav

Laila magia ksheerev machshich et panav

a yesh balaila
Kli shenotzar mehevdel bein bore lenivra

Ma nilmad halaila ma nimtza halaila

Mi shelomed
(Michelle, ma belle Beatles)

( )

Mi shelomed
Bechol yom kidei limshoch maor
Mi shemabit
Rak kadima velo leachor

Yitam veyire veyagia

Yilmad eich leehov
Et hamashpia
Hanoten hagadol hameitiv vehatov

Mi shenichlal
Bachevra bekli meshutaf
Mi sherotze
Legalot bekol chaver shutaf


Yitam veyire veyagia

Mi shedavek
Rak beemunat chachamim
Mi shebodek
mahi ahavat ha-haverim

Yitam veyire veyagia


156.E All Things come from G-d

Life it is a perfect song

All things come from G-d
Whose melody can make you strong
All things come from G-d
And as we learn to sing along
All things come from G-d

So dont be fooled by the lies

All things come from G-d
The love that laughs the care that cries
All things come from G-d
Gives us hearts and give us eyes
All things come from G-d
And gives us all our own sweet lives
All things come from G-d



, ,

e e

To borrow and to borrow and to borrow

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
And you dont have to worry after sorrow
You dont have to worry, you just have to


Sends the draught brings the rain

All things come from G-d
Even doubt and even pain
All things come from G-d
Teach us how to feel again
And makes us wonder at the plan



Hear O world, O world the Lord is one

The Lord is one and were just some of
that number
Part of the world, one of the young
And life is so much better
Where ever truth is sung



Life it is a perfect song

All things come from G-d
Whose melody can make you strong
All things come from G-d
And as we learn to sing along
All things come from G-d






- :



157.E One Kli


I want to be like you

I want to see like you
I want to feel what you feel
I want to sing to you
I want to cling to you
I want to make this love real

You and me are one kli

And thats how the whole worlds going to
Every rung, everyone
Climbing the ladder to freedom



I want to walk with you

I want to talk with you
I want to know what you mean
I want to give with you
I want to live with you
I want to dream what you dream

You and me are one kli

And thats how the whole worlds going to
Every rung, everyone
Climbing the ladder with me



I want to dare with you

I want to care with you
Until we see through the dark
Please take this selfish thirst
And make this universe
Just like the point in our heart.



You and me are one kli

And thats how the whole worlds going to
Every rung, everyone
Climbing the ladder with me
Climbing the ladder to freedom
Climbing the ladder with me










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e ........................................................................................293

e e e e
e , e
e e e , ee ee, e,
e e e
e, ee .
. . , , . 54
e e, ,
e ee e : e
, e e e 70 , e e,
e e.
. . , , . 56.
e e, e e, e e
e. , e
e. e!? , e e,
e e e , e e
e .
. . , , . 60.
e e e e, e ,
ee ee e, e e
ee e e e e?
. . , , . 74.
ee, e e e e, e e,

e e.
, e e, e e ee -, e e. e ee ,
e e, e ee , ee
e, e ee e .
eee ee e e.
e , e e e
e . ee e .
. . , , . 91.
e eee, ? e
e, eee e e ?
e e e eee , e e , e ee ee.
, e e e e, e . e
e e. ee ee ee,
, e e,
e .
e ,
e e e ee, e
ee ,
e e , e.
ee e e,
, . e e e, ee e . e e e e ,
, e.
ee ee. , e e ee ee e , e . ( e,
ee )

ee e e, e ee, . ,
e ee e e, - ,
e e e eee ee. e e
e e ,
e - e .
ee e e e, e e e, e e
e e e, ee , e ee e e
e, e
, e e,
e ee e. ee ee ,
e ,
e e
e ee .
e, e ee
e. , , e e ,
e e . e
e e e , , ,
e e e e. e
e e e - e,

e e, e e e -e e .
e ee e
e, . e,
e , e ee .
e , e e e , e
e, ee e e
e- e e, .
e , e e ,
e e e,
e e .
e e ee
e ee, e e. e e ,
e e , , e e,
e e e.

: e e () ee,
, e ee, :
e? e: e , e, e
? : ee e ?
e e e,
e, e e e . e,
e : , ee . e: , e e, e . e e, e e.
e e, , e
e e eee,
, e e ,
e e, e e e
e. e ee, : e
ee? ee ee e e:
. ee ee
: ? e e?,

.e. e ee ? ee e:
e (), .e. e, e e
, e,
ee .
e , e, e
e. e, e
: e, e ee e e e ee e .
ee: . e:
e , .e. e e
. , e , e , ee
eee e. ,
e , e ee

ee e , e .
1) e .
2) e e e? e
3) e e
e e
, ,
e ee, e ee, , e,
e .
e e: e , e ee, , e ee e e e
e e . ee ,
e , e,
ee , e e, e e e, e ee .

e, e , e
, e, 10 ee, 10
ee e, e 10
e e, .. e 10 ee e
. e e e
, e e
e , e e, eee e.
e e e e e, e, e e
e, e e e
. e, ee .
e , ee e ee , e ee.
ee e e ,
e e ee e
e, e e e e. e , e e eee e
e e, , ee, e
e e .
ee ,
e , e e e e, e , e. ee
e, e e , e,
e ,
e e e e ee e e. ee e e ee e ee.
e , e. e
e ee e e
e . ee , ee e
e, e e .
e ee . ee e
e ee. e
e 10 ee, e e250

e e, e
e e.
e e e ee e , e
e . , ee
ee ee e e ee.

ee e e

: e e
e e e e e
e e, e
e ?
ee e, ee e
, e e e ee, e e,
e e .. e e e e, e e, e ?
e e, e e e
ee. ee e, e , . ee e
e, e ee, e
. ee e e e , e .
, , e e
e ee e ,
e e e. e ee e e e ee, e
ee e .

e e e.
, . ,
, , e e
, e e e. , e,
e e ee e.
, : e
ee e? , . 251

e, ee ee e
ee ee , .e. e ee e e, e e e ,
e e e.
e e eee, , e , .e. e e e
e ee ee . e e
: e , e ee. e e ee? :
e e e
(.e. e e ee ee ). e, e e
e e ,
e e, .e. e ee ee , e e e e.
e , , e
e: e, ee ee e.
ee e, e , e e
e e. e, e ,
. , .e. e e e
e , e
, e e : e, ee ee e.
, e e e , e e.
ee e e e e . e e
, e , e e e ee , , e e. , e e
e ee , e
e e, e e e
. e : e: ee e
e , e e ee . ee e.

e, e e ee ee ,
e e, e e
e. e ee , e e
ee . ee e e, e e e, e ,
e, e ee,
e : ee ee, e e e e e, e
ee e , e e
e . e ee ee
ee e ee. e
ee ee ? ee e ,
e e e , e ,
e - (e, ).
, ee ee e e, .e. e
ee e e.
, ee ee , .e. , e e e ,
ee e e e ee
e, .e. ee . , , ee -, e -
e, e , e e .
e ee e e
ee , ee
e e e e? e e e
ee. , e e
e, ee e
- , . ee e
e e e ,
ee e e .
ee e
, e e , ee, . e
e e e e
. e e ee , , e

e ,
. e, e, e
e e e, e 10
, e e.
ee e:
, e ,
, e , e . e e e e e ee .
e ee
, .e. ee e e e
. e, ee e e, e e e e. , ee ,
.e. , e e e.
, e, e , e e, ee e . e e e ee,
.e. ee , e e e
. e, ee e e , e
ee ee , e
e. e , e .
e, e 3 :
1) ee , .e.
e e e.
e , .e. e e e, e e ee
e, ,
ee e ee ee e, .e.
, ,
ee e e.
2) e ee , .e.
ee ee , , e e , e e (. e ).
3) e ee ee , .e. ee,
e e ,

e , e, e
e e, .e. .

e e
e , e e
e 612 . e e , ee 612 e e e,
e .
, e e ? e 5 , ee
e e , ee e ,
e ee e .
- e e e , ee , e , , e e
ee .
e e ee, e ee
e, e ,
e e
, e ,
e eee e e e . e
e e.
e e ee e ,
e e e 612 , , e e e.
e , e
e e ee , e e . e e
, e e e,
e e? e : e e e .
e ? e e e ,
e , e e,
e e. e e e e ee255

ee e e? , e e- e e .
e , e ee , e
e ee ee .
e, e e
. e e e e, e
e, e
e e ee , .e. e. e e e
, ee e e,
e , e ,
e e ee, , e
e e, e e
. e e e. e ee ,
e e: e e e .
e : e e
, e , e , ee e,
e e . e e, e
ee, , , e .
e e,
e e, e ee e e. e, ee e
e e , e e , ee
ee e e e e .
, e e, ee ee e?
e e 612 e, e , ee. ee,
e. e ee e , ee e

e e, e .
e , e ,
ee e, e e , e , e
e e .
e , e e. e ee e
e e e e . e
ee , e e e e
e. e ee,
e .
e , , e
1, 0, 10, .e. 10 e,
e e e e ,
100, .e. 100 e. , e e e, , ee e 10 e. e ,
e , e 100
e , e, ,
0,1 10 ee . e
e , e, e e , e e e,
0,01 e . ,
e e e ee e,
e ee .
e e, e e e e e
e, e ee e , e
e, e ee, e e
eee e e ee. e e e e ,
eee e
. e , ee e , ee e e e.

.e. e e ee e , e , ,
. e ,
e ee ee ,
e. e e e e, ee
ee , ee e e
e, . e
, e e ee.
e ee , e
e e , .e.
. ,
e eee , e e e e ,
e e . , e ee ee e e,
ee ee e, e , e e e ( ee , e e).
: e e ee , e ,
e e, e ee. e: ee, e
e , e e , e
e e.
, e e , e e e ee, e
e, e e
e. e ee , e
ee, e e ee
e, e ,
ee e ee e e .

e, e ee, e e-
ee e , e

e, e e e ,
e ,
e, ee e ee, ..
e, e e e ,
e , e e eee , .e. e
e, e e e, e . e , e e ee e ,
e e e , ..
ee , .
e e e,
.e. e e, e e
e , e e
e e ee, .. e
e e .
e ee, ,
e e e e , e e e
, , e , e, e e e , ee eee , e e, e .
e e e ee, e e e e e.
, e e ,
e e . e e e, e e ee
e .
e e e e e,
e e e . e, e e, ee e e
e e e .
e , e ee e e,
e , e e e

e , ee e
e e e, e e,
e , e .
e e e. e : e e, e ee.
ee ee, : ee ee
e. e . ,
e ee, ee ee,
.e. ee, e e e, e e e ee e ee
e .
ee e e e, e
e, .e. e, e e e . e e e e
e, e e, e e .
e , e ee
ee, , e, e ee , e e e
. e ee, e , e e e, .e. e, e
e. ee e e e ,
e e e.
e eee, , .e.
ee e ee , e
e , e , e
e ee ee, .e. .
e e : e , e .
e : e,
: e e: e ?
ee e? e,
e, e e ( ). e ee: : e
? ee e?, e , ee e e e ee e ... ee, e ee .

e , e,
ee , , e, e ee
, e e ee e
...? e, e ee
e , e e , . e, e , ,
( , ),
e ,
e, .
e ,
e e ee e ..., .e. e
e ,
. e e e, .e.
ee e e .
e e ( e,
. ee e ).
e e ,
e ee e, ee , .

ee : e e, e e , .e. . e, ee , e
ee e, e
e , e e e, .e.
e e, e e.
e, ee e e e e, e ee e, e
. e ee , e
ee e e e e ,
.e. ee e e e,
e e , e .
ee , e e , ee .

, ee, e. , e,
e e,
ee e e e.
, e e e, e ,
e ee e- e e. , , e e,
e . e e e,
e , e ,
e .
e ee e, e
e , e , e e e, .e.
e e. e e
ee e- e, e e e ,
e e e.
e e e e, , ee,
e , e ee, e
, e e.
e e , ee e, e e
e . e ee
e e e e, e e ee - , .. e e e
, e e e . e ,
e e e ,
e ee e e.
e ee e ee, e e e.
, e e,
, , ee e, e
e e e, e e? ,
ee e , e .
e e e , e
e e e , .e.
, e, e, e e
e. ee eee e 262

, e e e
e e e e, e e .
e: e eee e
. e, e, e
ee e e ee e.
e ee e . e ee - e e e,
e e
e , e ?
, e e, ee ee e e e
e. e, e ee .
e e e, e
, e e
e e e ee. e e eee
e e , e , e e ee e ee, e e e.
ee , e e e e e e e. e - e , ee,
e e , e, e e , e e ,
e e e.

e e . e,
e , ,
e , .e. e , ee e e e, e ee
e e e. e ,
e e .
, , , e ee e. e,

e - -,
. ee , ,
. e, e
ee. e , , e ee, .e. e e ee .
e , e ,
e - e.
, e ee e ee ,
e , e e e ,
ee ee e
e, , ee ee
, .e. e, e, e e e.
e , ee ee, ee ee, e e e .
e e e, .e. e e. ee e e , e ee.
e ee e . ? .e. e e e
e, e . e
, e - e ,
, e ee e.
e e e e
e e e e.
, e , ee
, e ,
e e , .
e e, .e. e ,
ee e e, eee
e , e , e
e , ee ee e e . e, e e, e e , e ee
e e, e e .
e e e e ee , .

e , ,
e e ee e
ee. e e?
e , e e. e e e, e ee
e. e e eee.
e e e . e e e e, ee, e
e e e, e .
e e e e,
e, e e ee e, ee e,
e ee e. ee
ee , .e. e e eee e.
e e .
e e, . e e, e e.
e e e e. e ee e e e e e. e
ee e.

e, ,
e e, e e .
ee e, e
e ee e e .
, e e ee, ee
e e e: ee , e ee. e:
e ee? : e e e , .e. e
ee ee .

e e ee ee ? e
e ? e e e, ee e,
e . e,
e , eee ee
e ee.
e : ,
e e e , e , e e e. e , ee ee.
ee , e e ee
e e e, .
e e e, e e
e , ee, e ee, e .
, ,
. () e e (
), .e. e e , e
, . e e?
, ee ee ee . ee
e e e, .e.
e .
, ee e e e , e e ee e ee ee e . ee , e e e e,
, ee .
e e , e ,
e. ee e ee e ee .
e, ee e e ee, e e , ee e e e, e, , e e , e e ee .

e : e e e
e, e .
e, ,
e e e . , ,
e, ee, .e. e.
e e e
e e.
, e e
e (e ), ,
e, e
, e ee e e
e , (e
) e . , ee e
e, e ee e , e e
. e , ee e ,
ee, e e e.

e ee e ee
e : e ee e ee
ee. , ,
e e e e e:
1) e ee ;
2) e ;
3) e ee .
, e ee e e e. ee e e .
e , e
e, e . e ee ee ee, e . e , ,
e. , e ee ee e ee e .
ee e e e
e, e ee. 267

, e , e.
e e e e e, e
e e. e ee ee,
e e e e e.
e e , e e e, ee - e,
e .
e e e ? e ee e e --, .e. e
e e . e e ee .
e , , e e. e e,
e e e , e , e. ee e e, e e, e , e, e e , e
e .
e e, ee
e e ee , .e.
e e e e
e e e . e ee,
.e. ee, e , ee ee
e e e.
e e ee . e
eee ee e-, e
(ee, e), ee e
e- . , e e , .e. e ee , ee e e , .e. .
e ee ee eee, ee .
, ee ee ee , .e. e
e , e ee ee
e ee , .e. ( ). e , ee e ee
, e e e,
e. e 268

e e ee
e e ee e ee , e e e e e, e ee
. ee e e ee , e e e e e,
e. e
, ee . ee e
, e e e e,
e, e ee , e
ee e e e, .e. e, ee e, e. ee
ee ee e e ee , .e. e e , e e ee. e e , e e e
e , e e , .e. .
e, ee e e .
e : , . ee, ee e, e e . e
e , e ee e e,
e ee e e e . e e
ee, e , , e
ee, , e , eee . e
e , e e , e ..,
. e e ee e e, e e ,
e, e.
ee, ee e
e ee e, e ,
e ee e e, e e .
e e e , e , e
e e e e.
e e, e ee
ee (ee , )
e e e

. e . e , e. ee e e e.
e e e? ee.
, e e, ee, e
, e . , e e ee
. , e, e
, ee
e .
e, e
: e, e, e, e e -. e
, e e. e
e , . e
e e? e ,
: e ee e.
, e e e
, e ee ee..,
e e. e e
, e ee .
-, e e e
e , e,
e ee.
e e ee
, e , ee
e e. , e e
e e .
e e ee e, ee e , e, e, e, e .
e ee e e , e
e. ee e e ee
, .. e e e, ,
e, e , e, .e. .
, ee e e e
e ee eee e, e

, e e e .
, e e e ee , .e.
ee e .
, e e e
ee e e e ,
1) e ee ;
2) e ee ;
3) e ee
e .
, , e
e e
e e. e
e .
, e e e- ee. e, e e e,
. e . e
e e ee e , e ee . e,
e e .
, .
, e e-
-, e e e e? e,
, - ee ,
, e e. , ,
e e e, .
e e ee
e ee . e e
e- e . , e e ee e,
ee ee . e
e eee. ee e,
e .
e e ee e ,
, , e e, e e

. e e ?
ee, e , e,
, ee e.
e e eee
e, e ee
. e e eee.
ee , .
e e e e ee
. ee , e e
, e , e , , e - ee .
ee e , e e e e e. , e, e e e, ee ee
e . ee , - e, e .
, e
e, . e e
. , ,
ee e, e . ee e e ee , e
ee e. e e e
e . e e, .e.
ee ee e .
, ee e e e,
e ee e e.
e e . :
e e, e e
e, e ee , ee e e. e e
ee e. e, e e e. e e
ee .

, , e e e ee. e
e e , e e ee .
, e e
e , e e.
e e .
ee , e e
e, ee e e.
e e e , e.
e e e . ,
, ee e,
e e ee e. e
ee eee e , e
e e ee , .e. e
e e , e
e , e e e e.
ee , ee, e , e e.
e, .e. e .
e ee (e e ). , ee e
e ee . e e e
e e ? e, ee
ee e e ,
e e . e e ,
e e e ? e,
e ee , , e
e e, .e. e e e.
, e ee e , e e, e
e ? e e :
ee. ee e e e e. , e
e e, e , e . ,
e ee e e ee
e .

e e, e, ee, e , ee e . eee, e, e e
e e e, . ee
e , e e
e. ee e ee ee . , ee e
(e e ) e e e.

: ee e,
ee , ee e
e :
1) e ee ;
2) e ee e e;
3) e ee , e e
e e.
: ee ee
e. e: ee.
e , , ? ee
, , e,
, , e e,
e - e, e
eee, e, ?
e , e e
ee eee, e e?
e ee e eee.
, ee ee :
1) ;
2) e.
ee ee, e e: ee e eee , e e eee ? ee e
ee? : ee
e, ee e e.
eee eee.

eee : e
ee eee .
, e ee e e , e ee ee, e
e . ee e e
e . , e
, .
ee ee , .e.
. e , ee e
- : e ee e ,
ee ee, e
. e e e. ,
ee e .
e ee .
e , ee
e e. e e , e,
.e. e e e e.
e, e e,
, e ee e, ee
e e e e , ,
e , e,
ee ee . , ee eee, . e e,
e , e e .
e e e . e , .e. ee , e
, e e e e eee,
e e, - e
. e , ,
, e, ee eee, eee, ,
e e.
e ee
e ee ,
e ee , e ee

, . e. ee e e e , e (.e. , e
ee ee). e
e , e e ee , e , ee e ee ee , e e e.
ee, e ee ,
e e , e ee e e
e , .e. e e , eee , ee e e , e e
(e), e eee
(). (e ee ). e,
e e e e,
e e, , e-. e ee
e e e ,
, e e e e .
e e, ee , e e
e ee ,
e , e - ,
e e e ee e , e e e ee , .e.
, e e e.
ee, e ee ,
ee e e .
ee , ee e , e e
e e e e, e e
ee e e e
, e . e,
e e , e
e ee .
e ee e
e ee e , .e.
e, ee ,
e ee . e,

ee e ee , e e e , ee e .
e e ,
e, e
e ee: , e, ee . , e
ee ee e ee
, e e e , e , e e ee , e ee ee e . ee, e
e ee e
ee e, , e e , , e
e, e e:
ee .
, e , e ,
e , .e.
e e.
e e e .
e , e e,
e e ,
e e eee
, e e, e e , e
e , e e e. e ,
ee e e ee, ee e, e e,
e e. e e,
ee e, e e
ee. : ee
e e .
e, e, .e.
e e- ,
e ee , , e
, e e e, e

ee, e
e , e ee
e ee e e : e ee , e e ee .
e ee
e : e ee ,
ee ee.
ee , e ee e e ee : e
ee , e , e e, e , e e,
e e ee . e ee
: e e ee ,
e ee , e
e. ee e : e,
e e e
e e
eee e , e.
, e, e ,
e. e e e, e e, e
e e e. e, e,
e , e . ee : e e
e ee, e , e
e e ?
e , ,
e e ?
e , e ,
, - e, e ee ?
e e . ,
e , e, ,

, e ee ee,
ee ee . e
e , e e
. e , , e e e , , e e
, e, e e e e,
e e
. e e
e e, e e
, e
e, e ee e , e ee e: e,
? e
e: ee ee . e ee ee
e .
- e, ee . e , e :
e .
e e : ee. e e
e e , e e
e .e. ee, e . e
, e e e, e,
. e . e,
e e ee e!? e
e .
ee e ee,
.e. e e
e , ee
ee e, e , e e e
ee , e
e. , e e e, e , ee e 279

, e e e
e , e .

e e
e e
ee e, e e ee . e.
e, e eee , e
e e . e e e
ee e e ,
, ee e.
e (e ) ,
ee e e , e e . e: ee, e . e, e , e ee e, e e, e
e, e
e . e, e , e e
, ee e e e
e .
e e ee e. e, e , e
ee e, e , ( e,
e ), e e. ,
e ee ee,
e , e, e , ee e, e ,
e , ,
, e ..
e, e e e. e ee
ee e e, e e . e e e e
eee e, e e e e. e, e , , e e ee ee, e e
e e e e , e . ee
, e e, e

, e , e e
, e e e
, e e ee e, e e ee e , e e ee, -
e e e. , ee
, e e, e , e e
e .
e: e ( , e , e . e e). e, e , ,
, ee e
, e, eee,
e e ee e,
e , , e
e e e.
, e e e e e ee, e e e e, e e
e e ee , , e e e , e e
e. ee e e e
e , e e e.
e e e, e, e , e e
e e. e, e e e.
, e e, e
e ee, eee e, e e . e eee. ee , , e e
e , e
e, e, e e e . e e
e e e e, e e ,
e e, e . ,
ee , e ee 281

, e , e e e
e , e e e.
, e ee
, ee e.
, e, e (ee )
eee, e e, e e
e, e e , , ,
e e, e e, e
e ee , e ,
. e ,
e e e e , , e
e , ee e
, ee e ee ee, e .
, e !
e e e ,
e e e , e e e , e
e, e. e,
e e, ee,
. ee e
ee , e e e: , e e e, e - e, e e, - ee , ee e ee
e, e e .. e,
, e e , e
ee e, e e e
e ee, e, -e e .
, , e e, e ee e e
ee, e e e, e,
e. e
e eee e , e e . e e e , e
ee e e? e
e e e, e e 282

e e ? e !?
e , e e, e e, e e e e , e eee
e, e e ee e.
, e e e ee e e, e e? e ee e e. e, , e ee e
e e, e , e e,
ee e. , e
e: e , e ee
e, e e ,
e ee e.
e ee e ee e, e
e , , ee, , e e
e e e . e,
e e e: , , e e- e , ,
e , , e e,
, ee e, e e , e,
e . , ee
e , e e
ee e, e e
e, e , ee
, e e e,
e e e e. e e, e e ee
, e e e. , ee, e e, , ee
e. e , e e
ee e! e e e e: e ee ee e e. e, e e e e, ee e,
e , . , e e e, e .
e, .

, ee e e
e e e , e e, e ,
, e e e.
e e e
ee , e e e . ee ee, e
e e , e
, e ee e e.
e , ee.
.e. e ,
e e e. e ee e
e e e, e - e e,
e ee e . .e. , e
ee, e ee e . e e e e, e e e e. , e, ee e e. e, e, e.
e, e e ee ee ,
.e. e e , e
, e e, e e e ee,
e e , ee e.
e e e , ee e e ,
e e e e? , e e e ee
. e ee, e
e, e e .
ee, ee ee ,
e e e, , e e
e, e e. , e ,
ee eee, e e .
e e , ee ee
e .
e e e . ee e e e e , e , e
e , eee, ee e , e e.
e e , .e.
e , e e e

, e e e,
e e, ee e .
ee ee, ,
e, ee , e eee, e
ee e. ee ee , : e , e e,
e ee e e.
, ee, ee, e , e e, .
ee e e: ee
e . ,
ee e e . e
e , e e e , e,
e , ee e .
e :
e e, e e, e e, :
ee, e
ee. : e e e
e e ee.
e e, ee,
e e. , e?
e e. .e. e ,
e e, . , e e e e
. .e. , e e:
e e e e e
e, ee , e e e.
( ) : ,
e e, e e e,
e e , . e e285

, , , ,
e e e
e. e e, e.
e , e
e , , e .
e, e ee ee
e, , e. e e , e ee e
, , e
, e e e, e
e e . , e e, e eee
, e , e e. , e ee: e e e
ee, e e.
e e ee e ee -. e e e ,
e ee e e , , e .
ee e -, , .e. e, e ee ee e,
e , e
e, e e. ee , e, , e e e e
, ee ee . e
e e ee
e e , : eee , . e,
e ee e ,
e e e.
, ee e e e e e e , e : e e , e
e e ,

e-, e e . e
e e , e .
e e, ee.
e e e .
e, ee ee : e , e
e e e
, ,
, e .
, e e eeee. e e . e , e e
e . :
e ee, e ,
e. e,
e e, e
e ee e ,
e e e.
, e e , e, e , e
e . , ee,
e ,
ee e e e, e e e e . e e,
ee e.
e e e e (e e ), ee ee, ee ee
e ee . , e ee e e
, e e, e
e, e , e e .
, e e
e. e: e ee ,

, e e . e e , .e.
, ee e .
e e e , e e
e, , e,
e e e eeee. .e., e
e, e e
e ee e ,
e e e . e - ee
e e ee e e, e e e , e, ee e e, e e,
. , e, e, e e
e e:
e : e e e, e e. e e ,
ee, ee , e
, ee.
, e
e , e , ,
e e . e e
. e, e e
, e, ,
, e: ,
e, .
e ? e e e:
1) , e , e e e, e e.
2) e e e: e, e e
. e e e e . e
, e e e.
e e e ee , e e e ,
e , e . 288

e e: e , ee,
e ee , e ,
, , e:
ee e ee . , e e
, , ee ee. ee e e , ee.
.e., , e ee e ,
e e e ee e , e
. :
1) e e ee eeee e .
2) e e ee e
e e: e e.
e e e
, e e e ee . e
e , ee
e , e. e e ee . e e e e ,
e ee ee e ee
, e e , e ee e .
e e: e ,
ee e e , e
, e e e ee e e e e ? ee e e e
e , ee e
ee, e e . ,
e ee, e e e, e e e . e
, e e , e e, e e, e e? ee: e e e,
e e e . e

e , e ,
. e e e , e , e e . , , e ,
e eeee e ?
, ee e
- e e, e ,
. e, e
e , e e , e e e e ee
e e e, e
e . ee e e e e
, e, e e
, e e e : e
e e ee.
e e e e,
ee e ee, : e-
ee e, e . e e ee , ee e, e e
ee e . e e ee.
: ee ee
, e e
. e , eee e e e e
. , e
e e ee e eee .
, ee e, eee e e e
e eee e
. e e e, e e
e? e .
e, e e e ee,
ee ee ee e, .. e
e ee eee , e
e e , ee eee ee e, e e e e 290

. e e e ee
ee e e e ee,
e ee e e , e e. e , e e .
ee, e e
e , e e
ee , e ee e .
ee ee e . e ee e e, e e
e : e, , ,
e ee e. e e ,
, e e ee
. e e , e eee,
, e ,
e , e e. ,
e , ee
e e . e e ,
- ee e. e ,
: ee, e ee
e ,
e e : e e , e , , e e
e e . e e ee, e, ee e
e e e. e e . e e e . e e ,
. , e, e .
e e e ee e
-. e, e e e , eeee. ee e
e e, .e. e e ee e, e e ee :

, , e
e, e ee ,
e e . e
e . .e.
e e e e e e
e, . ,
e, e e, ee
e, e e e
e e ee, e,
e . , e e e
, e ee e, e
e , :
e ee ( , e e e e
e e, e e), e e, e ee, .
e e e, e e e, e e e , e
e ee e.
ee e ee ee e e , e . ee , e
, e e e ,
e e e , ,
e, e e . e, e ee e
. e ee e e- e, e e e , e.


ee e,

e e, e
() .
1. e , ee
ee e e e
, ee e.
e e, e e
ee ee.
, e e 612 e e
, e e ee e
e e, e e ee ee e e e .
e e ee , e ee e ee , eee
e ee e
e e e
e ?
2. e e ee
e e
e e : e e ee
e e. e e:
ee ee, e e .
, ee 612 e e e e ee , e ee

e e, e ee
e ,
ee e e e.
e, e e e
e e, e , , e ee e e
3. ee e ,
e e ee, e,
e e e ee. e e
e ee , e eee, e e e e ee.
e ee ee e,
ee e e ee, e . e e e e e ?
e e
e .
e e ee ee.
4. e e e eee, e ee ee
, .e. e ee e -
e, e , e ee,
e ee e. .e. ee e
e e e, e e , e e.
5. e :
e , e
e ?
e e ? ,
e e . e , e e e e e , e e ee.
e ee

e e e
, e
e , e ee e , , e
e e ee ee?
e !
6. e e . e e ee e e e
e e , ee
, e , e
e e ee, e ee e ee.
ee e , ee
e e e ee. ee e e.
7. e e e ee, ? e e e?
e: e e, e ,
e e . e ee, e e ee, ,
e e ee.
8. e , e ee e, , , e e, e. e e, ee ee e e , e ee e e
. : e, e e?, e e e: ee e: e
, e e e . e
: e e e e .

eee e : ,
e eeee e e e e e.
ee : e e e ee, e e
, .. e e e e ee, e e ee ee e.
ee e e e ee.
e e ee, ee
e, .e. e, ee e
, e e eee,
ee e e e ee.
9. , , e, e - ?
e ee e
e, e, e e,
, e. ee e
e e e, e e e.
ee, :
e eee e e, , e, , e ee e
e e ;
e eee eee, ee, e, e ee e
e .
e e e e: e e e
e e, :
e eee e ee
e e ;
e, eee , e ee e, ee e e

e e e e .
e, e ee
, e ee ee
e . e, e,
e. e e
, e, .. e e
e, e.
e e e : ,
, e, .. ee e e.
10. e, e, ,
e , e, e ee,
e, , e.
11. e ee ee e e e ?
e, ee e , e ee ,
e e e e ee, eee e e, e .
, ee e
e e e,
e e e ee.
e, e e e, e
, e e ee
e .
12. , ee e e e
ee. e e ee e, e
e, e
, e . e e, e , e e , ee
e e, e . e e ee e e
e e, e .

ee ee e e . ee ee, ee
e, e e :
e e ;
e e ;
eee e e, e eee e, e e - e .
e ee e e
e e e,
e e eee
e e e eee
, e
ee ee eee, ee
e ee, ee , e e e . e e e e e ,
e ee, e, e e eee .
13. e e :
e ee ;
e ee .
e e e ee e
e e . ee ee
e e ee e, e e e e , e , e e ee
e .
e ,
e, ee ee e e, e
e eee. e ee, e ee ee e, ee e e. e e

e e, e .
, e e- ee
e e - e ee
ee e e ee.
e e e ,
e ee e ,
14. , ee e e e
e e
e ee.
ee , ee
e eee ,
ee e ee e e e
ee e e e e .
e, e ee e ee e e ee e, :
e eeee;
ee ee;
e ee ;
e e.
e e ee :
e e ee e;
ee e e e e .
15. ee e e ee, ee , e e e, e 612 e e ee e e e e e.
e e ee e e e e, e e e e e,
ee ee e , e
ee e.

.e. ee e e e
e e, , ee eee
e .
612 e e
, e e e eee e e ee ,
, ee, e ee e
e, e e e, e ee e e, e
e ee.
e ,
e e e, ee e e, :
e e e, e, ee e e e e ee
, e ee
e e e.
16. ee e, e e ee e e.
, e e (
) e:
e ee (), e
600 000 e. e 20 e;
e ;
e , e
e ;
e ee
e .
e e
ee e e e 600000 ee
ee eee e ee, e e e , e
e ee , e
e e , ee e e e e.

, , e e ,
ee, e e e , e
e, e e e ee ee e ee e
ee e e e,
e, e e e e.
17. e , e e
eee . e
ee ee, e - e,
e e e! e eee e
ee e e e ee?
, , , ee :
ee e e , e e e e e
e. .e. , e eee
, e e
e .
, e 613 e e e
e e, ee e, e e e
e e e .


(. e )

17. (.) e , e e ee e e e,
e e ee, e e eee
eee e ee,
e : ee , e
e e.
e eee
, e e . eee
e e
ee e e e,
ee, e, e e
e e e, e ee
, e e e
, e e e e e.
e, e e
, e eeee e
e ee.
e e e e ee,
e, e ,

e ee e e
e e
e , e e
e e e,
e e e .
, ee e
e ee ,
ee e ee e e eee e , e e , e ee .
e e e e ee, e , e .
18. e , e: e e e
e ee: e
ee e? e e e , e . eee e: e!
e, e, e ee.
ee ee, e, e
e e
e ee e e,
e ee, ee e
ee .
19. , , ee, e
, e ee .
e , e , e ee e ee.
e, e e e
, ee
ee, e e e
e e ,
e .

e e e , , ee
ee , e
-- ee,
ee e , ee ee e
e e . ee ee , e e e
, e ee e e e e e,
e e .
e e e
, e
e , e, , :
ee . (ee) e e .
, e
eee e, e e , e e , ee .
20. e e , e e e ee ,
e e , e:
e e e ee. e
e. e e e,
e e e .
e e e e :
e, eee ,
e e e.
e ee, e e eee
e, e ee, ee e e e .
e ee, ee
eee (ee 304

e , e e -
ee), e eee. e e e ,
ee e e e
e eee ee e.
21. , , ,
, e
e ,
e .
ee e e, e,
e e e. e, e, e, eee e .
: ee
!, e .
, ee, e , e
eee e .
e ee e e , ee eee e e e e.
, , , e ee , e eee
. e e e , e e e
ee e, e e.
22. , , e ee e e e,
ee, ee , e e e ee e, ee,
ee e.
e e e ee
, e e e , e e e- ee
e, e, e
e, e e.

e ee, e ee, eee e e eee e ee e , e, e eee, e e ,

e ee .
e ee, e e e
ee e , e ee e, e eee
. e e e e e, , ee ee
, ee. ee ee e e e , e e , e . ee e e .
23. e ee e, e e e e e ee e
e e e e, e e, e e, e e , ee eee, ee e .
e eee
e e e -
e ee e e,
e e
, e ee eee eeee e ee . e, eee eee .
e , ee e e e
e e.
ee e, e
ee, e ee e e, ee e e.
ee e , e306

e, ee e e e e.
24. , ee e e , e , , , e
ee e.
e ee, e e ee, eee.
e e eee.
e , e ee e, e
e e , e e. e e
e , ee .
25. e , e
, ee ee
e e, e e
e e e ee
, e e ee,
ee e , e e ,
e, e e ee e, e , e , e e e .
e e
e : e, e
: e , e
, ee e ,
e e. ee e . e , , :
ee e, e e!.
e ;
e ;

e ;
e e?
e e, e , e e?
e ?
e e e e ?
27. ... ee e e e e, ee , e, e
e e
eee ee e, e e, .
e e ee e e ee , e e e
e . ee ee e
e ee e ee.
e e e, e e e
, e e e e e e.
, e , e
e, e e e ee e e, e
e e e.
ee , e e e e e
ee ,
e , e e e.
ee , : ee,
, e .
e, e e .

28. , ee e
e ee e ee e ee
e , e ee. e
e , ee e , e e, .e. e
e e, , e
e, e ee e , e , e
, e , ee
, ee , e e e, e e e ee.
ee e e e , e
e e e, e ee e.
29. e e e
, e e
eeee e e e.
e e ee e ,
e e
e e ee e e e .
, e e ee , e e e e, ,
e .
e e: e eee
e e e e e
e .
e e e ee e, e e e,

e . e e
e e, ee e,
, ee e,
e, ee e
, ee e e ee.
, e
e e eee, ee e, e
, e ee.


( . ,

e e ee ee
e :
1. e e ,
. eee
e . e, ee e e ee e ee e,
e e . e e e
ee, , e e e ee, e e e, , e e e,
2. eee . (e e) e e e , e, , ee e ,
e e, e, e.
eeee ee ee ee
e, e e ,
, e, , ,
e ( e ee ), e eeee
3. , ee ee e
. ee e ee ee e e e, e
e ee e e.
ee ee e

ee e e e e ee e. e e, e, e, , e e; e, ,
, e e ee.
4. ee e . ee e ee, e e e e ee. ee, , e ee,
e , , ee, e ee. ee e e e .
e eee e e e. e e ee e
e, e e e e
e , ee e e . e,
, e, e
e e ee . e
ee, e e , e ee, eee e ee ee , e ee e
ee . e e ee e e .
1) ee e e e.
2) , ee e , ee
e e e.
3) ee e e e e ee e e e.
4) e, ee e e!
ee e e e e, eee e ee e.
ee, e e,
e e, e, e e
, e ee: e ee
e , e, , ee e e , ,

e e. e e e,
ee e
e e.

e , e eee , e
, e ee
e e, ,
, e. e e, e ee
e e eee e, e.
ee e ee, e, e e . e ee e ee , e
, , e, e e ee e
e ee ee ( e,
ee), ee e e e, ee ee ee .
, e ee ee e e e, e
e , , e ee ee,
, e, e , ee , , e e
, e e.
, e
e, e e e
e , e ee ,
e ee ee, ee
e . e
e e ee, e, ee .
e e ee, e eee e.
: e e ee, e e
e!. e e 313

e!, , ee ee !. e, e e e e e e ee, ee
e e .
e : e ee e ee . e ee
ee, e e e e ee. e e , ee,
e , e.
e e . - ee e e e .
ee , e
- e , e,
e e eee e ee, e e, , e - e e e,
e e .
e e,
- e ee
e e ee, e .

ee e ee e e , e e e, ee e e e e
ee ee - e
, e e ee e e. e, e
e, , , e,
e e, e e
ee e.

, e e e e , eee 314

e ee . e eee , e e,
e e ee e.
, ee ee, e e, e e , e , e
ee e. e
eee e eee , e
e , ee e e
e e.
, e:
ee ;
ee ee .
e e ee e e ,
e , e . e
e . e, e ee e ee, e e ee ee e .

e ee .
e e e e , , e
e e, e e e .
, , e , ee
e , e . e e e ee e, , e

e e ee ee
, e ee e
e, e e . e ee , e ee e
e , e



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, ? , , , ? .
, .

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: , , . . 321

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... ,
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, - .

, , 322

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, , , ,
, . 323

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: ,
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, ? , - .
, . , , .
, .


e e e e. e ee e: e e , e ee.
e ee, ee,
e e .
e e, e
ee, e ee. e
e e , ee e 612 e ee
e e e.
e , e
e e e, e
ee ee e e ,
, e e e ee . e e eee ee
ee ?
e e e ee eee e , ,
e e ,
e e e e.

e e,
ee , e e e ee ee. ee e
e, e ee e e , e e e . e e
e .
e e , ee
e e. e
e e ee, e.
e e e.
e e : e
e, e ee
e ee. e e
ee. e e
e e e e , e ,
e, e ee,
e. e e ee e e,
e, e e e ee e, e e
ee , e e ,
, ee.
e ee e ee e
e e e e
. e e e ee, e
e ee e
e e? e ee ee,
ee ee
e e ee, e eee, eeeee,
ee: e e .
e e, e . ee , , ee e e e , e
e e . e e ee e , 326

e. e e ( ) , ee , e . e: e e , e e, e e e
e . e e e e
e e ee e , e . ,
e ee e , , , e ee.

e e e . ee
e, e e e ee . ee , e e , e e e e.
: ee ee , e e, e . e,
e e ee e,
ee e e , ee
e e. ,
e e , e ee, , ee e e. e
, e. e : e e . e e, e
e, e e e e
, : e. ee e .
e e, : e ee,
e e . e ,
e e ee e ?
e e, , , ee
e, ee,
e e, ee. , e , e e.

ee, e e ?
e ee e, e,
ee? ee e ,
e, ee,
e e e. e , e
e . e e e
? e ee ,
e ee e?
, e e ,
ee , e e,
e e, e e e . ,
ee, , ee, e ee ee. , ee,
e: e e, e. e ee e
e . ,
e e e
e eee.
, e ee, ee e e ee ,
e e ee ee e e, e e,
ee, e, eee e e
e ee e.
e, ee ee e e. e
, e e, e : e , e , , e
e e e e eee.

e ee e : e e e e e e ee
e eee, e e
ee e ,
e e e,

e e e ee ?
e e, e, ,
(ee) e, e eee ... e eee, e e e e eeee. ,
, ee
e e.
e e e e , e ee, ee ,
e ee e , e e .
ee e, e , e e e e e .
, e ee e
ee . , e, eee e, e ee e e, ee e . , , e, e e, e e e
e , e e ee,
ee e e.
e e e, e
e, e, e e e
, e e.
e , e e . ee
ee e e . ee , e e ee
. , e ee, ee e e, e ee
e, . e ee,
ee e e e ee, ee e ee e .
e e e , e, e e e. ee ee e329

, e . e, e
, e ee.
e: e
e , - e e
e e , - ?
e e , e
e ee e e, e eee. ee e e: ee e e . e e
ee e e, e ,
e e e e. ee e e .
e e ,
e e eee eee
, e e ee,
ee e e. e
eee e, e
e . e:
e , e e
ee e e e,
e e e, e
e ee e, e ee .
e: e , e e. ee e ee e, e e e, : .

e ee : e,
e e ee ,
e, e e ee
, e , e ee
: e e, e e

ee , -e, e
e ee e, e e e. , e ee
e, , e
e ee, eee .
e e , e , , e e e, e, ee e e, ee e eee.
, e, ee e
e e. : e ee
e , e e,
ee e ee ee .
, ee, e
, , e
e, e e e . e ,
eee, e , e , e , .
...e ee e ee
e e e, e e, ee
e ee e . e e , e, ee e e, e
e e ee ,
, .
e e, , e e, e e e e
e e, e ee
ee. e e,
, e. e ee, e
ee ee e e e ee, e eee e . e e e
e e ee, e e
ee, ee
e. e e e e e
ee, e e ee. ee e. e e , e,

e ee, e e ee,
e e e,
e e ee .

e e
e ee e
, e ,
e ee : , e e e? , e e ee e, e , e e
ee e e e, e ,
e ee ee? e , : ee
, . e, e e, , e e ee e e
, e e ee , e e e e,
ee , e e ,
e , e ee, ,
e, e e e
e e, e
e e e, e e, e e e.
e ee e
e e ee e? e e e, , e e,
e e e e. e
e, e , e , e .

e e ee
e e e: e e ee
. ee , ,

e: e . e, e e ee
e . e eee ee e . e
ee ee, e e
e? e : e e e ee ee, e e ee ee, eee e.
e ,
e ee e e e, e ,
ee . ,
eeee , ee , e e e e e, e .
, e e e e ee, e e
e: e
e. e: e, e e
e. e : e ee? e : e , e e
e? e: e
. , - , eeee e ee, e ee e, e e,
e , e , e
ee e e , ee e e , e ee
e . e e e e
e, , e
e e e . :
e e e e
. ee e e ,

, e e , e ee ee.
, e ee, eee ee, e e , ee
e , e
e e. e ee, eee
ee, e e , e ee , e e, ee .

e e

e , e e
e e e
e , ee e e
e e eee: e eee
ee ee,
. e ee e , e ee e, e e
e e e .
, ee e e,
ee e e, ee e e e , e ee e e
e ee e (e) . e
e e ee e, e .
e e e . e e e e,
e, e , , eee ee , e e e e , e .


The Revelation of Godliness .........................................................................337
The Bond ................................................................................................................348
The Freedom.........................................................................................................359


(Matan Torah)

Love thy neighbour as thyself (Leviticus 19, 18)

Rabbi Akiva says: it is a great rule in the Torah
1) This statement demands explanation. Because the word
law (the word law in Hebrew also means whole - C.R.) indicates
a sum of details that when put together form the above whole. It
turns out that when he says about the mitzvah of love thy
neighbour as thyself that it is a great rule in the Torah, we must
understand that all other 612 mitzvot (precepts) in the Torah
with all their interpretations are no more and no less than the
sum of the details inserted and contained in that single mitzvah
of love thy neighbour as thyself. This is quite perplexing,
because you can say regarding precepts between a man and
man, but how can that single precept support within it all the
precepts between man and God, which are the vast majority of
the precepts?
2) And if we can still strain to find some way to reconcile
their words, there comes before us a second saying, even more
conspicuous, about a convert who came before Hillel and asked
of him: teach me the whole of the Torah when Im standing on
one leg. And he replied: anything that you hate do not do to
your friend (the Aramaic translation of love thy neighbour as
thyself), and the rest means: go study. Here before us is a clear
law (Halacha), that in all 612 precepts and all the writings in the
Torah there is none that is preferred to love thy neighbour as
thyself, because they only aim to interpret and allow us to
observe the precept of loving our neighbour unreservedly, since

he specifically says - the rest means: go study. Meaning that

the rest of the Torah is interpretations of that one precept, which
cannot be complete if not for them.
3) Before we delve into the heart of it, we must observe that
precept carefully, as we are told - love thy neighbour as thyself.
The word thyself tells us that you must love your friend in the
same measure that you love yourself, and in no manner less than
that. Meaning you must constantly stand guard to satisfy the
needs of each and everyone of the Israeli nation, just as you
stand guard to satisfy your own. That is utterly impossible, for
not many are the people who can satisfy their own needs during
the daily work, so how can you tell them to work to satisfy the
wishes of the entire nation? And we couldnt possibly think that
the Torah exaggerates, for it warns us not add or subtract, to
demonstrate that these words and laws were given with utter
4) And if this is still not enough for you, let me tell you that
the simple explanation of that precept of loving your fellow man
is even harsher - that we have to put the needs of our friends
before our own, as our sages have written regarding the verse
because he is happy with thee (Deuteronomy 15, 16), regarding the Hebrew slave: when sometimes he has but one pillow,
if he lies on it himself and does not give it to his slave, he does
not observe because he is happy with thee, for he lies on a
pillow and the slave on the ground. And if he does not lie on it
and does not give it to the slave as well, it is Sodomite rule. It
turns out that against his will he must give it to his slave, while
the master himself lies on the ground.
We also find the same instruction in the sentence about the
measure of loving our fellow man, for here too it compares the
satisfaction of the needs of his friend to the satisfaction of his
own needs, as with the example of because he is happy with
thee regarding the Hebrew slave. So here too if he has but one
chair and his friend hasnt any, there is a verdict that if he sits on
it and does not give it to his friend, he breaks the commandment
of love thy neighbour as thyself, because he does not satisfy the
needs of his friend as he satisfies his own. And if he does not sit
on it and also does not give it to his friend, it is as evil as

Sodomite rule. Therefore he must let his friend sit on it and he

should either stand or sit on the ground. It is understood that this
is the law regarding all the needs that are at his disposal and his
friend lacks. And now go and see if this precept is in any way
5) We must first understand why the Torah was given to the
Israeli nation and not to all the peoples of the world. Is there,
God forbid, nationalism involved here? Of course only an insane
person would think that. Indeed our sages have examined this
question, which is what they mean by their words: God gave it
to every nation and tongue and they did not receive it.
But what they find bewildering is why then were we called
the chosen people, as it says: the Lord thy God has chosen thee
(Deuteronomy 7, 6), since there was no other nation that
wanted it? Furthermore, can it be that the Lord came with His
Torah in His hands to negotiate with those savage peoples? Such
a thing has never been heard of and is completely unacceptable.
6) But when we fully understand the essence of the Torah
and mitzvot that were given to us and their desired purpose, as
our sages have instructed us, which is the purpose of the great
creation that is set before our eyes, then we shall understand
everything. For the first postulate is that there is no act without a
purpose. And there is no exception here apart from the lowest of
the human species or infants. Therefore it is certain that the
Creator, whose exaltedness is beyond conception, would not
act, be it a great or a small act, without a purpose.
Our sages tell us about that, that the world had not been
created but for the purpose of observing Torah and mitzvot,
meaning, as weve been taught by our sages, that the aim of the
Creator from the time He created His creation is to reveal His
Godliness to others. Because the revelation of His Godliness
reaches the creature as a pleasant bounty that is ever growing
until it reaches the desired measure. And by that the lowly rise
with true recognition and become a chariot to Him and cleave to
Him until they reach their final completion: neither has the eye
seen a God beside thee (Isaiah 64, 3). And because of the
greatness and glory of that perfection, the Torah and the prophecy also refrained from uttering a single word of exaggeration

here, as our sages said: All the prophets did not make their
prophecies, but for the days of the Messiah, but for the next
world, neither has the eye seen a God beside thee.
This perfection is expressed in the words of the Torah and
the prophecy and in the words of our sages in the simple word
adhesion. But from the common use of that word by the
masses it has lost almost all its content. But if you linger your
mind on that word for just an instant, you will be overwhelmed
by its wondrous stature, for if you picture the exaltedness of the
Creator and the lowliness of the creature, you can perceive what
adhesion of the creatures with the Creator means and why we
ascribe that word the purpose of the whole creation.
It turns out that the purpose of the whole creation is that the
lowly creatures will be able, through observing Torah and mitzvot,
rise ever upward, until they reach adhesion with their Creator.
7) But here come the Kabbalists and ask: why were we not
created in this high stature of adhesion to begin with? What
reason did He have to give us this burden and labour of creation
and the Torah and the mitzvot? And they replied: He who eats
that which is not his is afraid to look at his face, meaning that
he who eats and enjoys the labour of his friend is afraid to look at
his face, because by that he becomes more and more humiliated
until he loses all humaneness. And because that which extends
from His perfection cannot be faulty, He gave us room to earn
our own exaltedness, through our work in Torah and mitzvot.
These words are most profound and I have already explained
them in my book Panim Meirot and Masbirot to the Tree of
Life on the first branch, and in the book Talmud Eser Sefirot Inner Reflection Part 1. Here I will explain them briefly to make
them understandable for all.
8) It is much like a rich man, who takes a man from the
market and feeds him and gives him gold and silver and all
desirables every day. And each day he showers him with more
gifts than the day before. Finally the rich man asks: Do tell me,
have your wishes all been fulfilled? And the man from the
market replies, not yet, for how pleasant and wonderful it would
be if all those possessions and precious things came to me
through my own work as they came to you, and I would not be

receiving the charity of your hand. The rich man told him then:
In this case, there has never been born a person who could
satisfy your wishes.
It is a natural thing, because on the one hand he experiences
great pleasure and he enjoys them more and more as the rich
man showers them upon him, but on the other, it is hard for him
to tolerate the shame at the excessive goodness that the rich
bestows upon him. That is because there is a natural law that
the receiver feels shame and impatience upon receiving free gifts
from the giver out of compassion and pity. From here extends a
second law, that never will anyone be able to satisfy the needs of
his friend to the fullest, because ultimately he cannot give him
the nature and the shape of self-possession, that only with it the
desired perfection is attained.
But that relates only to the creatures, whereas regarding the
Creator, it is completely impossible and unacceptable. And that
is the reason He has prepared for us the toil and the trouble of
Torah and mitzvot, to produce our exaltedness by ourselves,
because then the delight and pleasure that comes to us from
Him, meaning everything that is included in the adhesion with
Him, would all be our own possessions that have come to us
through our own efforts. Then we would feel ourselves as the
owners, without which there cannot be a sensation of wholeness.
9) Indeed we need to examine the heart and source of that
natural law, and who it is who fathered the flaw of shame and
impatience that we feel upon receiving charity from anyone. It is
understood from a law, which scientists know, that each branch
bears the same nature as its root, and that all the conducts of the
root, the branch also desires, seeks and craves. And against them,
all the conducts that are not in the root, its branch distances itself
from and cannot tolerate them and is harmed by them. This law
if found between each root and branch and cannot be breached.
Now here opens before us a door to understand the source of
all the pleasures and pains that abide in this world. Since the
Lord is the root of His creations, all that abides in Him and
extends to us directly from Him we feel as pleasant and delightful, because our nature is close to our root.

Conducts that do not abide in Him, and do not extend

directly from Him, according to the polarity of creation itself,
will be against our nature and difficult for us to tolerate. For
example, we love to rest and hate to move so much, that we do
not make a single move if it is not for the attainment of rest. That
is because our root is immobile but at constant rest and no
motion exists in Him, God forbid. Therefore it is hated by us
and goes against our nature too.
By the same token we love wisdom, strength and wealth,
because all those abide in Him who is our root. And therefore we
hate their opposites, such as foolishness, weakness and poverty,
because they do not abide in Him, which makes us hate and hurt
10) That is which gives us the foul taste of shame and
impatience when we receive from others by way of charity,
because in the Creator there isnt, God forbid, anything such as
reception of favours, because from whom can He receive? And
because that element does not exist in our root, we feel it as
repulsive and loathsome. On the other hand, we feel delight and
pleasure with every bestowal we bestow upon others, since that
conduct abides in our root, which is benevolent.
11) Now we have found a way to scrutinize the purpose of
creation, which is adhesion with Him in its true appearance. This
exaltedness and adhesion, which is guaranteed to come to us
through our work in Torah and mitzvot, is no more and no less
than the equivalence of the branches with their root, from which
every gentleness and pleasure and sublimity becomes a natural
extension, as we have said above, that pleasure is only in the
equivalence of form with the Maker. And when we equalize every
conduct that is in our root we sense delight, and everything that
is not in our root becomes intolerable, disgusting or considerably
painful to us. And we naturally find that our very hope depends
on the extent of our equivalence with our root.
12) These were the words of our sages when they asked:
Why should God mind whether one slaughters at the throat or
at the neck? After all, the mitzvot were given to cleanse people,
and that cleansing means the cleansing of the murky body, which
is the purpose that emerges from the observation of the mitzvot.

A wild ass shall be turned into man (Job 11, 12), because
when he comes out of the bosom of creation he is in utter filth
and lowness, meaning a multitude of self-love that is imprinted
in him, whose every movement revolves solely around himself,
without a shred of bestowal upon others.
In that situation he is at the farthest distance from the root,
on the other end, since the root is all bestowal without a hint of
reception, whereas the newborn is all self-reception without a
hint of bestowal. Therefore his situation is regarded as the lowest
point of lowness and filth, which is in our human world.
As he grows he receives from his environment portions of
bestowal upon others depending on the values and development in his environment. And then he is initiated into Torah and
mitzvot for the purpose of self-love, for reward in this world and
in the next, called not for Her name, because he cannot be
accustomed any other way.
As he grows in years, he is told how to observe mitzvot for
Her name, which is with a special aim, solely to bring contentment to his Maker, as the RAMBAM said: women and children
should not be told of observing Torah and mitzvot for Her name,
because they cannot bear it. Only when they grow and attain
knowledge and wisdom they are taught to work for Her name.
And as our sages say: from not for Her name, one comes to for
Her name, which is defined by the aim to bring contentment to
his Maker and not for any self-love.
Through the natural remedy of the study of Torah and
mitzvot for Her name that the giver of the Torah knows, as our
sages said: the Creator said: I have created the evil inclination, I
have created the Torah as a spice, that creature develops and
marches upward in degrees of the above spoken exaltedness, until
he loses all remnants of self-love and all the mitzvot in his body
rise, and he performs all his actions only to bestow, so that even
the necessity that he receives flows in the direction of bestowal,
meaning so that he can bestow. And this is what our sages said:
The mitzvot were not given, but so as to cleanse people with.
13) There are two parts in the Torah: 1) mitzvot between
man and God, and 2) mitzvot between man and man, and they

both aim at the same thing - to bring the creature to the final
purpose of adhesion with Him.
Furthermore, even the practical side of both of them is really
one and the same, because when one performs an act for Her
name, without any mixture of self-love, meaning without finding
any benefit for himself, then a person does not feel any difference
whether he is working to love his friend or to love the Creator.
That is because it is a natural law for any being that anything
outside ones own body is regarded unreal and empty, and any
movement that a person makes to love his fellow man he performs
with a returning light and he will get some reward that will finally
return to him and serve him for his own good. Thus, such an act
cannot be considered love of a fellow man because it is judged
by its end, and it is like rent that does not finally pay off. However,
the act of renting is not considered love of a fellow man.
But making any kind of movement only as a result of love for
others, meaning without a shred of returning light and no hope
for any kind of self-gratification is completely impossible. About
such it is said in the Zohar every act of grace that they perform
is only for themselves.
That means that all the good deeds that they do, either
toward their friends or toward their God, are not because of
their love for others, but because of their love for themselves.
And that is because it is completely unnatural.
Therefore only those who observe Torah and mitzvot are
qualified for that, because by getting oneself accustomed to observe the Torah and the mitzvot in order to bring contentment to
ones Maker, one gradually departs from the bosom of the natural creation and acquires a second nature, being the above
mentioned love of another.
That is which brought the Kabbalists of the Zohar to exclude
the nations of the world from the matter of loving their fellow
man, when they said that every act of grace that they perform is
only for themselves, because they are not involved in observing
Torah and mitzvot for Her name, and the issue of their worship
of their Gods is for reward and confidence in this world and in
the next. Thus, their worship of their Gods is because of selflove, and they will never perform an action that is outside the

boundaries of their own bodies, for which they will not be able to
lift themselves even a wisp above their basic nature.
14) Thus we can clearly see that toward those who observe
Torah and mitzvot for Her name, there is no difference between
the two parts of the Torah, even on the practical side, because
before one accomplishes it, one is compelled to feel any act of
bestowal, either toward man or toward God, as emptiness
beyond conception. But through great effort one slowly rises
and attains a second nature, and then one attains the final goal,
which is adhesion with Him.
Since that is the case, it is reasonable to think that the part of
the Torah, which deals with mans relationship with his friend is
better capable of bringing one to the desired goal, because the
work in mitzvot between one and the Lord is fixed and specific
and one easily gets used to it, and everything that is done through
habit is no longer useful, whereas the mitzvot between one and
his fellow, are changing and irregular and there are constantly
new demands wherever one may turn. Therefore their virtue is
much more proficient and certain and their aim is closer.
15) Now we can understand the words of Hillel Hanasi to
the proselyte, that the essence of the Torah is: Love thy neighbour as thyself, and the remaining six hundred and twelve
mitzvot are but an interpretation of it. And even the mitzvot
between man and God are also regarded as a qualification of that
mitzvah, being the final aim of the Torah and mitzvot, as our
sages said: The Torah and mitzvot were not given, but so as to
cleanse Israel with, which is the cleansing of the body, until one
attains a second nature defined by ones love for others, meaning
the one precept of Love thy neighbour as thyself, which is the
final aim of the Torah, after which one immediately attains
adhesion with Him.
But one must not wonder why was it not defined in the words:
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart and with
all thy soul and with all thy might (Deuteronomy 6, 5). It is
because indeed, toward man, who is still inside the nature of
creation there is no difference between the love of God and the
love of his fellow man, because anything that is not him, is unreal
to him. And because that proselyte asked of Hillel Hanasi to

explain to him the desired outcome of the Torah, so that he shall

attain his goal with ease and not have to walk a long way to reach
it, as he said - teach me the whole Torah when I am standing on
one leg. Therefore he defined it for him as love of his friend,
because its aim is nearer and is revealed faster since it is mistakeproof and has demand.
16) In the above words we find a way to understand our
concept from above (items 3 and 4) about that precept of Love
thy neighbour as thyself, how the Torah compels us to do
something that cannot be done.
Indeed know, that for that reason the Torah was not given to
our holy fathers - Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but it took until the
exodus from Egypt, and until they became a nation of six hundred thousand people of twenty years of age or more. For then
each member of the nation was asked if he agreed to that exalted
work, and once they all agreed to it in heart and soul and said
we will do and we will hear (Exodus 24, 7), then it became
possible to observe the whole of the Torah, that which before was
considered impossible became possible.
Because it is certain that if six hundred thousand people
abandon their work for the satisfaction of their own needs and
worry about nothing but to stand guard that their friends will
never lack a thing, and moreover, that theyll observe it with a
mighty love in their hearts and in their souls, in the full meaning
of the precept Love thy neighbour as thyself, then it is beyond
doubt that no man of the nation will need to worry about his own
Because of that he becomes completely free of securing his
own survival and can easily observe the precept of Love thy
neighbour as thyself, obeying all the conditions given in items 3
and 4. After all, why would he worry about his own survival when
six hundred thousand loyal lovers stand by ready with great care
to make sure he lacks nothing of his needs?
Therefore, once all the members of the nation agreed, they
were immediately given the Torah, because now they were capable of observing it. But before they became a complete nation
and certainly during the era of our fathers, who were unique in
the land, they were not qualified to truly observe the Torah in its

desirable form. That is because with a small number of people it

is impossible to even begin the matter of mitzvot between man
and his friend to the extent of Love thy neighbour as thyself as
weve explained in items 3 and 4. That is why they were not given
the Torah.
17) From all the above we can understand one of the most
perplexing phrases of our sages: the phrase that all of Israel is
responsible for one another, which seems to be completely unjustified, for is it possible that if someone has sinned or committed
a felony that upsets his Maker, and has no acquaintance with
him, the Lord will collect his debt from you? It says: Fathers
shall not be put to death for children every man shall be put to
death for his own sin (Deuteronomy 24, 16), so how can you
say that even he who is a complete stranger, of whom you know
nothing or his whereabouts, you are responsible for his sins?
If that is not enough for you, our sages say: Rabbi Elazar,
the son of Rabbi Shimon says: since the world is judged by its
majority and the individual is judged by its majority, if he performed one mitzvah, he has made the whole world righteous,
and if he committed one sin, he made the whole world sinners,
as it says: one sinner destroyeth much good.
Thus Rabbi Elazar, the son of Rabbi Shimon made me
responsible for the whole world, since he thinks the entire world
is responsible for one another and each person brings merit or sin
to the whole world. That is indeed perplexing.
According to the above words, we can understand their
words quite simply, because we have shown that each of the six
hundred and thirteen mitzvot revolves around that single mitzvah
of Love thy neighbour as thyself. And we find that such a state
can only exist in a nation whose members all agree to it.


(Continued from Matan Torah)

All of Israel is responsible for one another (Sanhedrin, 27, 72)

This is to speak of the bond when all of Israel became
responsible for one another. Because the Torah was not given
to them before each of them was asked if he would take upon
himself the mitzvah (precept) of loving others in the full measure
expressed in the words: Love thy neighbour as thyself. That
means that each and every one in Israel took upon himself to
care and work for each member of the nation and satisfy their
every need; no less than the amount imprinted in him to care for
his own needs.
And once the whole nation unanimously agreed and said: we
shall do and we shall hear (Exodus 24, 7), then each member of
Israel became responsible that nothing shall be missing from any
other member of the nation, and only then did they become
worthy of receiving the Torah. With this encompassing responsibility each member of the nation became free of worrying for the
needs of his own body, and could observe the mitzvah of Love
thy neighbour as thyself in the fullest extent and give each needy
member everything he has, since he no longer cared for the existence of his own body, as he now knows that six hundred thousand
loyal lovers stand ready to provide for him.
Because of that they were not ready to receive the Torah at
the time of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but only when they came
out of Egypt and became a complete nation. Only then there was
a possibility that each would be guaranteed for his every need
without a single concern.

However, when they were still mingled with the Egyptians, a

portion of their needs was necessarily given to the hands of these
savages, permeated with self-love. Thus, the portion that is given
to the hands of the foreigners will not be secured for any individual from Israel, because his friends will not be able to provide
for those needs, as they will not be in possession of them. Consequently, as long as the individual is troubled with concern for
himself, he is unfit to even begin to keep the Mitzva of Love thy
neighbour as thyself.
And you evidently find that the giving of the Torah had to be
delayed until they came out of Egypt and became a nation on
their own, meaning until all their needs were satisfied by themselves without needing outside help, which qualified them to
receive the above responsibility. Then they were given the Torah.
It turns out that because of that, even after the reception of the
Torah, if a handful from Israel betray and return to the filth of
self-love without consideration of their friends, that same
amount of need that is put in the hands of those few would
burden Israel with the need to provide for it themselves.
Because those few will not pity the people at all and the
fulfillment of the mitzvah of loving ones neighbour is prevented
from all of Israel. Thus, those rebels cause those who observe
Torah and mitzvot to remain in their filth of self-love, for they
cannot observe the precept of Love thy neighbour as thyself,
and complete their love without their help.
Thus you see that Israel is responsible for one another, both
on the positive side and on the negative. Because on the positive
side, if they obey the bond until each cares and satisfies the needs
of his friends, they can fully observe the Torah and mitzvot,
meaning bring contentment to their Maker. And on the negative
side we see that if a part of the nation does not want to maintain
the bond, and choose to wallow in self-love, they cause the rest
of the nation to remain immersed in their filth and lowness,
without ever finding a way out of their filth.
18) Therefore the Tana (Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai) described that bond as two people on a boat, when one of them
suddenly begins to drill a hole in the boat. His friend asked:
why are you drilling? and he replied: what business is it of

yours, Im drilling under me, not under you, so the first man
told him: Fool, we shall both drown together!
From this we learn that since those rebels who wallow in
self-love, by their acts they build an iron wall that prevents the
observers of the Torah from even beginning to fully observe the
Torah and mitzvot, in the measure of Love thy neighbour as
thyself, which is the ladder for reaching adhesion with Him.
And how right were the words of the proverb that said: Fool, we
shall both drown together!
19) Rabbi Elazar, son of Rabbi Shimon, clarifies this concept even further, by saying that it is not enough that all of Israel
be responsible for one another, but that the whole world must be
included in that bond. Indeed there is no dispute here, for
everyone agrees that to begin with, it is enough to start with
one nation for the observance of the Torah and the beginning of
the correction of the world, because it is impossible to begin with
all the nations all at once, as they said that the Lord went with
the Torah to every nation and they did not want to receive it,
meaning they were immersed in self-love up to their necks, some
with adultery, some with robbery and murder and so on, until it
became impossible to conceive, in those days, to even ask if they
agreed to retire from self-love.
Therefore, the Creator did not find a nation or a tongue that
would be qualified to receive the Torah, but the sons of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose righteousness of their fathers reflected upon them, and as our sages said: The fathers observed
the whole Torah even before it was given. That means that
because of the exaltedness of their souls they had the ability to
attain all the ways of the Lord as expressed in the spirituality of
the Torah, because of their adhesion with Him, without first
needing the practical part of the Torah, which they had no
possibility of observing.
Both the physical refinement and the mental exaltedness of
our holy fathers, certainly influenced their sons and their sons
sons a great deal, and their righteousness reflected upon that
generation, whose members all accepted upon themselves the
sublime work and each and every one stated clearly, we shall do
and we shall hear. Because of that we were chosen and were

compelled to be a chosen people, a people of virtue, from among

all the nations. For only the members of the Israeli nation took
upon them the responsibility and not the other nations of the
world, because they did not participate in it. And that is the plain
reality, and how could Rabbi Elazar disagree with it?
20) But the end of the correction of the world will be by
putting all the people in the world under His work, as it says:
And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: on that day the
Lord shall be one, and his name one (Zechariah 14, 9). And it
said: on that day, and not before. And it also says: for the
earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord(Isaiah 11, 9)
and all the nations shall flow on to him (Isaiah 2, 2).
But the role of Israel toward the world resembles the role of
our holy fathers toward the Israeli nation, meaning just as the
righteousness of our fathers reflected upon us and helped us
develop and cleanse ourselves until we became worthy of receiving the Torah, that if it were not for our fathers, who observed
the Torah before it was given we would not be any better than all
other nations.
It is also upon the Israeli nation, to qualify themselves and
all the people of the world through Torah and mitzvot, to develop so that they take upon themselves that sublime work of the
love of a fellow man, which is the ladder to attain the purpose of
creation, which is adhesion with Him.
In a way that each and every precept that each individual
from Israel performs in order to bring contentment to his Maker,
and not for any self gratification, helps, to some extent, with the
development of all the people of the world, for it is not done all
at once, but by gradual development until it reaches an amount
that can bring all the world to the desired cleanness. And that is
what our sages call: shifting the balance for virtue, meaning that
the necessary refinement has been reached. And they compared
it to weighing on a scale, where the shifting of the balance is the
attainment of the desired weight.
21) Those are the words of Rabbi Elazar, son of Rabbi
Shimon, who said that the world is judged by its majority, referring to the role of the Israeli nation to qualify the world for a
certain refinement until they are worthy of taking upon themsel351

ves His work, no less than Israel were worthy at the time they
received the Torah. Our sages comment on this that they attained
the majority of their virtues, by shifting the balance away from
the fault, which is the filthy self-love.
And of course, if the side of the rights, which is the sublime
attainment of the goodness of the love of a fellow man rises over
the filthy side of the flaws, they become qualified for the agreement and the decision of We shall do and we shall hear as
Israel said. But before that, meaning before they attained the
right, self-love would certainly prevent them from agreeing to
take on that burden.
Our sages said: if he performed one mitzvah, he has made
the whole world righteous meaning that he adds his individual
particle of Israel to the general decision as he who weighs seeds
of sesame, and adds them one by one to the scale, until there are
enough to shift the balance. Certainly everyone takes part in that
shifting process, without which it would never have been completed. And therefore he says about the act of an individual from
Israel that he makes the whole world righteous. Because when
the shifting of the whole world is through, then each and every
individual will have taken part in it, or else it would never have
been completed.
Thus you find that Rabbi Elazar, son of Rabbi Shimon does
not dispute the words of our sages, that all of Israel is responsible
for one another, but Rabbi Elazar, the son of Rabbi Shimon,
speaks of the correction of the whole world at the time of the end
of correction, whereas our sages speak of the present, where only
Israel takes upon itself the burden of the Torah.
22) And that is what Rabbi Elazar, son of Rabbi Shimon
speaks of concerning the verse: One sinner destroyeth much
good. Because it has already been shown (chap 20) that the
impression that comes to a man by dealing with mitzvot between
man and his God, is completely the same as the impression he
gets from the mitzvot between man and his fellow man. Because
he is obliged to perform all the mitzvot in Her name, without any
hope for self-love, meaning that no shine or hope returns to him
through his trouble in the form of reward or honor etc. For here,

in this exalted point the love of God and the love of his fellow
unite and actually become one.
It turns out that he makes a certain degree of progress on the
ladder of loving his fellow man in all the people of the world,
because that degree, which that individual awakened in his actions, whether large or small, ultimately joins the future in shifting the balance of the world to the right, because his share is
added to the weight.
And he who commits one sin, who cannot overcome and
conquer his filthy self-love, which makes him still or do something
of the sort, shifts himself and the whole world to the wrong. Because with the revelation of the filth of self-love, the low nature of
creation reinforces and he is found to be subtracting a certain
amount of the right shift, much like a person would take back from
the scale the sesame seed he has put there, which raises the wrong
side of the scale that much upward. It turns out that he takes the
world backwards, as they said that One sinner destroyeth much
good, for because he could not overcome his petty desire, he
pushed the spirituality of the whole world backwards.
23) With these words we clearly understand what we said
above (chap 5), about the Torah being given specifically to the
Israeli nation, because it is certain and unequivocal, that the
purpose of creation lies on the shoulders of the whole human
race, whether black, white or yellow.
But because of the descent of the human nature to the lowest
degree, which is the self-love that rules over all of mankind, there
was no way to negotiate with them and persuade them to agree to
take upon themselves, even as an empty promise, the exit from
their narrow world into the wide spaces of the love of the fellow
man, all except the Israeli nation, because they were enslaved in
the savage kingdom of Egypt for four hundred terrible years.
Our sages said that: As salt sweetens meat, so agony polishes man, meaning they bring the body a great refinement, and
in addition, the refinement of their holy fathers reflected upon
them, as some of the verses of the Torah testify.
Because of these two forewords they were qualified for it,
which is why they are spoken of in singular form: and there
Israel camped before the mountain (Exodus 19, 2), which our

sages interpret - as one man and one heart. That is because each
and every person from the nation detached himself completely
from self-love and wanted only to benefit his friend, as we have
shown above (chap 16). It turns out that all the individuals in the
nation have come together and became one man and one heart,
for only then were they qualified to receive the Torah.
24) Thus, because of the above necessity, the Torah was given
solely to the Israeli nation, for it was inconceivable that any
foreigner would take part in it. Because of that the Israeli nation
had been constructed as a sort of gateway by which the sparks of
refinement shall shine upon the whole of the human race.
And these sparks multiply daily until they reach the desired
amount, meaning until they develop and come to understand the
pleasantness and tranquility that are in the core of love of a
fellow man. For then they know how to shift the balance to the
right and will place themselves under its burden, and the wrong
will be eradicated from the world.
25) There still remains a need to complete what we have said
above (chap 16), about the reason that the Torah was not given
to our fathers, because the precept of Love thy neighbour as
thyself, which is the axle around which the mitzvot revolve, so
as to clarify and interpret it, cannot be observed by an individual
but only through the consent of an entire nation.
And that is why it took until the exodus from Egypt to
become worthy of observing it, and then they were asked if each
and every one of the nation is willing to take upon himself that
mitzvah. And only once they all agreed to it they were given the
Torah. However, there still remains to see where we find in the
Torah that they all agreed to this prior to receiving the Torah.
26) Bear in mind, that these things are obvious to every
educated person in the invitation that God sent to Israel
through Moses prior to the reception of the Torah, as it says:
Now therefore, if you will obey my voice indeed, and keep my
covenant, then you shall be my own treasure from among all
peoples: for all the earth is mine: and you shall be to me a
kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words that
thou shalt speak to the children of Israel. And Moses came and
called for the elders of the people, and laid before them all these

words which the Lord had commanded him, and all the people
answered together, and said, all that the Lord has spoken we
will do. And Moses reported the word of the people to the Lord
(Exodus 19, 5).
These words do not seem to fit with their role, because common sense tells us that if a person offers his friend to do some
work, and he wants him to agree, he should give him an example
of the content of the work and how much it will pay. Only then
can his friend decide whether or not to take on this work.
But here we find neither an example of the work nor its pay,
because he says, if you will obey my voice indeed, and keep my
covenant, and he does not interpret the voice or tells us what
the covenant is about. Then he says: then you shall be my own
treasure from among all peoples: for all the earth is mine, but
we cannot see from these words whether He commands us to
work to be a remedy (Segula means remedy in Hebrew, and it
also means virtuous. Baal Hasulam uses both meanings freely.
C.R.) for all the peoples, or is this a promise for us too?
We must also understand the connection to the words: for all
the earth is mine. All the interpretations here try to correct this
sentence, and Even Ezra says, in the name of Rabbi Marinos that
the word for means although, and he interprets it as then
you shall be my own treasure from among all peoples: although all
the earth is mine. Even Ezra himself tends to agree with it, but
that interpretation does not coincide with our sages who said that
for serves for four meanings: either, lest, but, that.
And he adds a fifth interpretation: although. And then the
writing ends: and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a
holy nation. But here too it is not evident from the text if this is
a precept and one must delve in it, or a good promise. The words
a kingdom of priests are not repeated and are not explained
anywhere in the Holy Scriptures. And we should mainly focus on
defining the difference between a kingdom of priests and a
holy nation. For by the ordinary meaning of priesthood it is one
with sanctity, and it is thus obvious that a kingdom where everyone are priests must be a holy nation, so the words holy
nation seem redundant.

27) However, by all those interpretations that weve made

thus far, we learn the true meaning of these words, as they should
be seen in the form of a negotiation with an offer and a consent.
Meaning, he really does offer them by these words the whole
form and content of the work in Torah and mitzvot, and the
reward that follows it.
The work in Torah and mitzvot is expressed in the words:
and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests, meaning that all
of you, from the youngest to the oldest, are like priests. Just as
they have no possessions in this corporeal world, because the
Lord is their possession, so will the entire nation be organized so
that the whole earth and everything in it will be devoted to the
Lord. And no individual in it will work but in order to observe
the commandments of God and satisfy the needs of his fellow
man, so that no person will ever need to worry about himself.
This way, even the mundane works such as the harvest, sowing and such, are just as the work of the sacrifice that the priests
perform in the Temple, for what do I need the mitzvah of making
sacrifices to the Lord for, if I can observe the mitzvah of Love thy
neighbour as thyself? It turns out that he who harvests his field in
order to feed his fellow man, is the same as he who makes
sacrifices to the Lord. Furthermore, it seems that the mitzvah of
Love thy neighbour as thyself, is more important than he who
makes the sacrifice, as weve seen above (chapters 14, 15).
Indeed, this is not the end of it yet, because the whole of the
Torah and the mitzvot were given for the sole purpose of cleansing Israel with, which is the cleansing of the body (see chap 12),
after which he would attain the true reward which is adhesion
with Him, which is the purpose of creation. And that reward is
expressed in the words a holy nation, that through the adhesion with Him weve become sanctified, as it says: You shall be
holy for I the Lord your God am holy (Leviticus 19, 2).
And you see that the words a kingdom of priests express
the complete form of the work on the axis of Love thy neighbour as thyself, meaning a kingdom that is all priests that the
Lord is their possession, and they have no self-possession of the
mundane possessions. And we must admit that this is the only
definition through which we can understand the words: a king356

dom of priests. For you cannot interpret it with regards to the

sacrifices on the altar, for that could not have been said of the
whole nation, for who would be making the sacrifices?
And also regarding the gifts of the priesthood, who would be
the givers? And also regarding the holiness of the priests, its been
said a holy nation. Therefore, this must certainly mean that it
is not only that God is their possession, that they lack all material
possession for themselves, meaning the full sense of the words
Love thy neighbour as thyself, which encompasses the whole
of the Torah. And the words a holy nation express the full
reward, which is the adhesion.
28) Now we fully understand the previous words, for he says:
Now therefore, if you will obey my voice indeed, and keep my
covenant, meaning make a covenant on what I tell you here,
that you will become a remedy, meaning you will serve as a
remedy for me and sparks of refinement and purification of the
body shall pass through you to all the peoples and the nations of
the world, as the nations of the world are not yet ready for it, and
I need one nation that can start it and be as a remedy for all other
nations. And therefore he ends: for all the earth is mine,
meaning all the peoples of the earth belong to me and are
destined to cleave to me as you do.
But while they are still incapable of performing that task, I
need a virtuous people, and if you agree to it, to be the remedy
for all the nations, I command that you will be to me a kingdom
of priests, which is the love of man in its final form of Love thy
neighbour as thyself. And a holy nation is the reward in its
final form of adhesion with Him, which includes all the rewards
that can even be conceived.
This is how our sages interpreted the ending - These are the
words that thou shalt speak to the children of Israel: These are
the words, no more and no less. For how can you say that
Moses would add or subtract from the words of the Lord, that he
had to be warned about it? Such as that we do not find in the
whole Torah, on the contrary, the Torah says about him: for he
is the trusted one in all my house (Numbers 12, 7).
29) Now we can fully grasp the last form of the work, as
explained in the words a kingdom of priests, which is the final

definition of Love thy neighbour as thyself, that it was conceivable for Moses to hold himself back and refrain from disclosing the full outline of the work all at once, lest Israel would not
want to detach themselves from material possessions and give
away their fortune and assets.
It is much like the RAMBAM wrote, that women and small
children must not be told of the matter of the clean work, which
must be not in order to be rewarded, and wait until they grow and
become wiser and have the courage to execute it. Therefore the
Lord warned him to do no less than to offer them the true nature
of the work, as expressed in the words a kingdom of priests.
And regarding the reward that is defined in the words a holy
nation, there too Moses could have thought to elaborate further
about the pleasantness and the sublime subtleness that comes
with the adhesion, and thus persuade them to accept it and
detach themselves from the possessions of this world. Therefore
he was warned not to speak of the whole reward that is included
in the words a holy nation.
The reason for that is that if he had told them about the
wondrous things that are the essence of the reward, they would
accept His work in order to attain for themselves that wonderful
reward, which would be considered working for themselves, for
Thus we see that regarding the form of the work that is
expressed in the words a kingdom of priests he was told no
less, and about the measure of the reward, expressed in the
words a holy nation, he was told no more.


Carved (harut) on the stones. Do not pronounce it carved
(harut), but rather freedom (herut). To show that they are freed
from the angel of death.
(Midrash Shmot Raba, 41)
These words need to be clarified. Because how is the matter
of reception of the Torah related to ones freedom from death?
Furthermore, once they have attained an eternal body that cannot die, through the reception of the Torah, how did they lose it
again, can the eternal become absent?

Freedom of Will
In order to understand the sublime concept freedom
from the angel of death, we must first understand the concept,
as it is normally understood by all mankind.
It is a general view that freedom is deemed a natural law,
which applies to all that is alive. Thus we can see that animals
that fall into captivity die when their freedom is denied. And it is
a true testimony that providence does not accept the enslavement
of any creature. It is not for no good reason that humanity has
struggled for the past several hundred years, before it has attained
a certain amount of freedom for the individual.
Yet the concept, expressed in that word freedom
remains unclear. And if we delve into the heart of that word,
there will be almost nothing left. For before you seek ones
freedom, you must assume that any individual, in and of itself,
has that quality, called freedom, meaning that he can act according to his own free choice.

Pleasure and Pain

However, when we examine the acts of an individual we
shall find them compulsory. He is compelled to do them and has
no freedom of choice. In a sense, he is like a stew, cooking on a
stove; it has no choice but to cook. Providence has harnessed life
with two chains: pleasure and pain. All living creatures have no
freedom of choice between pleasure and pain, and the only
advantage man has over animals is that he can aim at a remote
target. That is he can agree to a certain amount of current pain,
out of choice of future benefit or pleasure, to be attained after
some time.
But in fact there is no more than a seemingly commercial
calculation here. Meaning that the future benefit or pleasure, seems
greater than the current pain or agony one feels at the moment.
There is only a matter of deduction here, that the pain is deducted
from the aspired pleasure, and there remains some extra.
Thus only pleasure is extended. And so it sometimes happen,
that one is tormented, because one did not find the pleasure one
attained, to be the surplus one had hoped for, compared to the
agony one suffered, and therefore one is in deficit. It is all done
as merchants do.
And when all is said and done, there is no difference here
between man and animal. And if that is the case, there is no free
choice whatsoever, but a pulling force, attracting toward any
bypassing pleasure, and rejecting from painful circumstances.
And providence leads them to every place it chooses by means
of these two forces, without asking their opinion in the matter.
Even the determination of the type of pleasure or the benefit,
are entirely out of ones own free choice, but rather follows the
desire of others. For example: I sit, I dress, I speak, I eat. I do all
these not because I want to sit that way, or talk that way, or dress
that way or eat that way. I do it because others want me to sit,
dress, talk and eat that way; it is in accordance with the desires of
society, not my own free will.
Furthermore, in most cases, I do these things against my
will. For I would feel a lot more comfortable behaving simply,

not carrying any burden. But I am chained in every movement to

the flavors and manners of others, which make up the society.
So you tell me, where is my freedom of choice? On the other
hand, if we assume that the will has no freedom, then we are all
like machines, operating and creating through external forces,
which makes it act the way it does. That means that we are all
incarcerated in the prison of providence, which, using these two
chains pleasure and pain pushes and pulls us to its will, to
where it sees fit.
It turns out that there seems to be no such thing as selfishness
in the world, since no one here is free and stands on his own two
feet. I am not the owner of the act, and I am not the performer
because I want to perform, but I am performed upon, in a compulsory manner, without consideration of my own opinion. Therefore reward and punishment become extinct.
And it is quite odd not only for the orthodox, who believe in
His providence, and can rely on Him and trust that he aims only
for the best in every act. It is even stranger for those who believe
in nature, since according to the above, we are all incarcerated
by the chains of blind nature, with no awareness or accountability. And we, the chosen species, one of mind and knowledge,
have become a toy in the hands of blind nature, leading us astray,
and who knows where?

The Law of Causality

It is worthwhile taking some time to grasp such an important thing, meaning how we exist in the world in terms of
selfishness, that each and every one of us regards himself as
a unique being, acting on its own, independent of external,
alien and unknown forces. And how is this being of selfishness revealed before us?
It is a fact that there is a general bond between all the items
of reality that abide by the law of causality, by way of cause and
effect. And as the whole, so is each and every item for itself.
Meaning each and every creature in the world, from the four
types still, vegetative, animate and speaking, abides by the law
of causality by way of cause and effect.

And furthermore, each particular form of a particular behavior, that a creature holds to while in this world, is pushed by
ancient causes, compelling it take on that specific change of
behavior and no other. And it is apparent to all who examine
the ways of nature, from a pure scientific point of view, without a
shred of biasness. Indeed we must analyze it so as to allow
ourselves to examine it from all sides.

Four Factors
Bear in mind, that every emergence, occurring in the beings
of the world, must be understood not as existence that comes out
of absence, but as existence that comes out of existence, meaning
from an actual entity that has been stripped of its former form to
take on its current one.
Therefore we must understand, that in every emergence in
the world there are four factors, that from the four of them
together, arises that emergence. They are:
1) The bed.
2) The conduct of cause and effect, related to the bed's own
attribute, which remains unchanged.
3) The internal cause and effect, that change as a result of
contact with alien forces.
4) The cause and effect of alien forces, acting on it from
And I will clarify them one by one.

The First Factor: the Bed, the First Matter

1. The bed, meaning the first matter, related to that
being. For there is nothing new under the sun, and any event
that will occur in our world, is not existence from absence, but
rather existence from existence. It is an entity that has stripped
off its former shape, and taken on another, different from the
first, and that entity is regarded the bed. In it lies the strength
destined to be revealed and determined at the end of the formation of that emergence. Therefore it is certainly regarded as
its primary cause.

The Second Factor:

the Cause and Effect that Stem from Itself
2. It is a conduct of cause and effect, that is related to the
bed's own attribute, which does not change. Take, for example, a
stalk of wheat that rots in the ground, as a result of which many
stalks of wheat grow. Thus, that rotten phase is deemed the
bed. Meaning that the essence of the wheat has stripped off
its former shape, which is the shape of wheat, and has taken on
the shape of rotten wheat, which is the seed, that we call
bed, which is now stripped of any shape. Now, after rotting in
the ground it has become worthy of dressing in another shape,
that is the shape of many stalks of wheat, destined to grow from
that bed, which is the seed.
And it is known to all, that this bed is destined to become
neither cereal, nor oats, but it can only be compared to its former
shape, which has now been stripped off it, being the single stalk
of wheat. And although it changes to a certain degree, both in
quality and quantity, for in the former shape there was just one
stalk, and now there are ten or twenty stalks, and in taste and
appearance too, but the essence of the shape of the wheat remains unchanged. Thus there is a conduct of cause and effect,
ascribed to the bed's own attribute, which never changes, that
cereal will never emerge from wheat, as weve said. That is called
the second factor.

The Third Factor: the Inner Cause and Effect

3. It is the conduct of the inner cause and effect of the bed
that change upon encountering the alien forces of its environment. Meaning, that we find that from one stalk of wheat, which
rots in the ground, emerge many stalks, sometimes larger and
better than it was prior to sowing.
Therefore, there must be additional factors involved here, that
have collaborated with the concealed force from the environment,
meaning the bed. And because of that, the additions in quality
and quantity, that were absent from the previous form of wheat,
have now become apparent. Those are the minerals and the materials in the ground, the rain and the sun. All these operate on it

by allocating from their forces and joining in with the force in the
bed itself, that through cause and effect, have produced the multiplication of quantity and quality in that emergence.
We must understand that this third factor joins in with the
internality of the bed, because the hidden force in the bed
controls them. That at long last these changes all belong to
the wheat and to no other plant. Therefore we determine them
as internal factors. However, they differ from the unchanging
second factor in every aspect, whereas the third factor changes
in both quality and quantity.

The Fourth Factor:

Cause and Effect Through Alien Forces
It is a conduct of cause and effect through alien factors that
act upon it from outside. Meaning that they do not have a direct
relation to the wheat, such as minerals, or rain or the sun, but
factors that are alien to it, such as nearby plants, or external
events such as hail, wind etc.
And you find that four factors combine to the wheat throughout its growth. And each particular situation the wheat is subject
to during that time, becomes conditioned on the four of them.
That the quality and quantity of each state is determined by
them. And as weve portrayed in the wheat, so is the rule in
every emergence in the world, even in thoughts and ideas.
If, for example, we picture to ourselves some conceptual
state in a certain individual, such as a state of a person being
religious, or non religious, or an extreme orthodox, or not so
extreme, or intermediate we will understand that that state is
determined in man by the above four factors.

Hereditary Possessions
The first factor is the bed, which is its first substance. For
man is created existence from existence, meaning from the
minds of its progenitors. It turns out, therefore, that to a certain
extent, it is like copying from book to book, meaning that almost
all the matters that were accepted and attained in the forefathers
are copied in it as well.

But the difference is that it is in an abstract form. Much like

the sowed wheat, which is deemed a seed until it has rotted and
been stripped of its former shape. So is the case with the drop of
semen, from which man is born, there is nothing in it of its
forefathers shapes, but abstract force.
For the same ideas that were concepts in his forefathers,
have turned into mere tendencies in him, called instincts or
habits, even without knowing why he does what he does. For
they are indeed concealed forces he has inherited from his ancestors, in a way that not only the material possessions come to us
through inheritance from generation to generation.
And from here surface various tendencies that we find in
people, such as: a tendency to believe, or to criticize, a tendency
to settle for material life, or a desire for ideals, despising a life of
no demand, stingy, consenting, insolent, or shy.
For all these pictures, that appear in people, are not their
own property, that theyve acquired, but mere inheritance that
had been given to them by their ancestors. It is known, that in a
mans mind there is a special place, where these tendencies
reside. It is called the medulla oblongata (the elongated brain),
or the subconscious, and all the tendencies are found there.
But because the concepts of our ancestors, acquired through
their experiences, have become mere tendencies in us, they are
regarded the same as the sowed wheat, that had taken off its
former shape and remained bare, with but potential forces, deemed to take on new forms. That in our matter these tendencies
are deemed to take on the forms of ideas, which are therefore
considered the first substance, and this is the primary factor,
called bed. In it reside all the forces of the unique tendencies
he has inherited from his progenitors, which are defined as
ancestral heritage.
Bear in mind, that some of these tendencies come in a
negative form, meaning the opposite of the ones that were in
his ancestors. That is why they said: All that is concealed in the
heart of the father becomes evident in the son.
The reason for that is that the bed takes off its former
shape in order to take on a new one. Therefore it is close to deny
the shapes of the concepts of its ancestors, as the wheat that rots

in the ground strips itself of the shape that existed in the wheat.
However, it still depends on the other three factors.

The Influence of the Environment

The second factor is a conduct of direct cause and effect,
related to the beds own attribute, which does not change. Meaning, as weve clarified with the wheat that rots in the ground,
that the environment in which the bed rests, such as soil, minerals and rain, the air and the sun, act upon sowing, as weve said,
in a long chain of cause and effect, through a long and gradual
process, step by step, until it ripens.
And the bed has retaken its former shape, meaning the shape
of wheat, but with a different quality and quantity. And their
general aspect remains completely unchanged, that no cereal or
oats will grow from it. They change in their particular aspect in
quantity that from one stalk, come out a dozen or two dozen
stalks, and in quality which are better or worse than the former
shape of the wheat.
It is the same here, that man, as a bed, is placed in the
environment, meaning in society. And he is compelled to be
influenced by it, as the wheat from its environment, for the bed is
but a raw form. Thus, out of the to and fro contact with his
surrounding and the environment, he is impressed by them
through a gradual process or a chain of situations, one by one,
as cause and effect.
At that time, the tendencies included in his bed take the
form of concepts. If, for example, one inherits from his ancestors
a tendency to stinginess, when he grows he builds for himself
concepts and ideas, that conclude decisively that it is good to be
stingy. Thus, although his father was generous, he can inherit
from him the negative tendency, that of stinginess, for the absence is just as inheritance as the presence.
Or if one inherits from his ancestors a tendency to be open
minded. He builds for himself ideas and draws from them conclusions that it is good to be open minded. But where does one
find those sentences and reasons? One takes them from his

environment, unknowingly, for they implant their opinions and

flavors in him in a process of gradual cause and effect.
And it is done so that man regards them as his own, that he
has acquired them through free thought. Here too, just as with
the wheat, there is one unchanging part of the bed and that is that
the inherited tendencies remain just as they were in his forefathers. That is the second factor.

Habit Turns to Second Nature

The third factor is a conduct of direct cause and effect,
which the bed goes through and is changed by them. For because the inherited tendencies in man have turned, because of
the environment, to concepts, they are found to work in directions that these concepts define. For example, a man of stingy
nature, that through society this tendency has turned into a
concept, and he can now understand stinginess through some
reasonable definition.
Let us assume that he defends himself through that behavior
so that he will not need others. It turns out that he has attained a
scale for stinginess, that for some time, when that fear is absent,
he will be able let go of that trait. It turns out that he has changed
for the better from the original tendency he had inherited from
his forefathers. And sometimes one manages to uproot completely a bad tendency. It is done by habit, which has the ability to
become second nature.
In that the strength of man is greater than that of a plant. For
the wheat cannot change but in its private part, whereas man has
the ability to change through the power of environmental cause
and effect, even in the general parts, that is to entirely uproot a
tendency and turn to its opposite.

External Factors
The fourth factor is a conduct of cause and effect that affect
the bed, by forces that are completely alien to it, and operate on
it from outside. Meaning that these forces are not related to the
beds growth conduct, to act directly on it, but rather operate
indirectly. For example, monetary issues, everyday burdens, or

the winds etc, that in and of themselves have a complete, slow

and gradual order of situations by way of cause and effect,
which change mans concepts for better or for worse.
Thus, I have set up the four natural factors that each of our
thoughts and ideas that come to our minds are but their products.
And should one sit and meditate the whole day long, hell not be
able to add or otherwise alter what those four factors give him.
Any addition he can add is in the quantity: whether a great mind
or a small one, but in the quality he cannot add one bit. For they
determine the character and shape of the idea and the conclusion
compellingly, without asking our opinion. Thus we are at the
hands of these four factors, as clay in the hands of a potter.

Free Choice
However, when we examine these four factors, we find that
although our strength is not enough to face the first factor, which
is the bed, we still have the ability and the free choice to
defend ourselves against the other three factors, by which the
bed changes in its individual parts. Sometimes it changes in its
general part as well, through habit, which endows him with a
second nature.

The Environment as a Factor

That protection means that we can always supplement in
the matter of choosing our environment, which are the friends,
the books, the teachers and so on. Like a person who has
inherited from his father a few stalks of wheat, that he can grow
from this small amount dozens of stalks through his choice of
the environment for his bed, which is fertile soil, with all the
necessary minerals and raw materials that nourish the wheat
abundantly. There is also the matter of the labour at improving
the environmental conditions to fit the needs of the plant and
the growth, for the wise will do well to choose the best conditions and will find blessing in his work, and the fool will take
from whatever comes before him, and will thus turn the sowing
to a curse rather than to a blessing.

Thus, all its praise and spirit depends upon the choice of the
environment in which to sow the wheat. But once it has been
sowed in the selected location, its absolute shape is determined
according to the measure that the environment is capable of
So is the case with our topic, for it is true that the will has no
freedom, but is impressed by the above four factors. And it is
compelled to think and examine as they suggest, denied of any
strength of scrutiny or change, as the wheat in its environment.
However, there is freedom for the will to initially choose
such an environment as books and such guides that bestow
upon him good concepts. And if one does not do that, but is
willing to come inside just any environment and read any book
that falls into his hands, he is bound to fall into a bad environment, or waste his time on worthless books, which are abundant
and easier to come by, which compel him to foul conceptions,
that make him sin and condemn. He will certainly be punished,
not because of his evil thoughts and deeds, which he has no
choice of, but because he did not choose the good environment,
for as weve seen, in that there is definitely a choice.
Therefore, he who strives to continuously choose a better
environment is worthy of praise and reward. But here too, not
because of his good deeds or thoughts, which come to him
without his choice, but because of his effort to acquire a good
environment, which brings him these good thoughts and deeds.
As Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Prehya said: Make a rabbi for yourself
and buy yourself a friend.

The Must in Choosing a Good Environment

Hence you can understand the words of Rabbi Yosi Ben
Kasma (Avot 86), who, in reply to an offer to live in another
persons town and be paid for it thousands of gold coins, replied:
Even if you give me all the gold and silver and jewels in the
world, I will live only in a place of Torah. These words seem too
sublime for our simple mind to grasp, for how can it be that he
has given up thousands of gold coins for such a small thing, as
living in a place where there are no disciples of Torah, whereas

he himself was a great wise who needed to learn from no one?

Indeed a great mystery.
But as weve seen, it is a simple thing that should be observed
by each and every one of us. For although everyone has his own
bed, the forces do not reveal openly but through the environment one is in, much like the wheat sowed in the ground, whose
forces do not become apparent, but through its environment,
which is the soil, the rain and the light of the sun.
Thus, Rabbi Yosi Ben Kasma correctly assumed that if he
were to leave the good environment he had chosen and fall into a
harmful environment, meaning a place with no disciples of Torah, not only would his former concepts be compromised, but all
the other forces, hidden in his bed, that he had not yet revealed
in action, would remain concealed. That is because they would
not be subject to the right environment that would activate them.
And as weve clarified above, that only in the matter of
mans choice of environment, his reign over himself is measured,
and for that he is worthy of either praise or punishment. Therefore one must not wonder at a wise man such as Rabbi Yosi Ben
Kasma for choosing the good and declining the bad and for not
been tempted into material and corporeal things, as he deduces
there: when one dies one does not take with him silver or gold,
or jewels, but only good deeds and Torah. And so our sages
warned: Make a rabbi for yourself and buy yourself a friend, as
well as the choice of books, as weve mentioned. For in that
alone can one be rebuked or praised, meaning in his choice of
environment. But once hes chosen that environment, hes at its
hands as clay in the hands of the potter.

The Control of the Mind over the Body

Some external contemporary wise men, after having meditated over the above matter, and having seen how mans mind is
but a fruit that grows out of the events of life, came to a conclusion that the mind has no control over the body, but the events of
life alone, imprinted in the physical tendons of the brain control
and activate man. And a mans mind is like a mirror that takes

the shapes before it, that although the mirror is the carrier of
these shapes, it cannot activate or move the shapes reflected in it.
So is the mind. Although the events of life, in all their cause
and effect factors, are seen and recognized by the mind, it is
utterly incapable of controlling the body, to bring it into motion,
meaning to bring it closer to the good or farther from the bad,
because the spiritual and the physical are completely remote
from one another. And there cannot be any intermediary tool
between them to enable the mind to activate and operate on the
corporeal body, as weve discussed in length.
But where they are smart, they also disrupt. For mans
imagination serves him no less than the microscope serves the
eye, without which he cannot see any harmful thing because of
its small size. But once he has seen the harmful factor through
the microscope, man distances himself from the noxious factor.
It turns out, that it is the microscope that brings man to
action, to distance himself from the harmful factor, and not the
sense, for the sense did not detect the noxious factor. And to that
extent the mind fully controls mans body to distance it from
bad, and bring it near the good. Meaning that in all those places
where the attribute of the body fails to recognize the factor as
beneficent or as harmful, it needs the wit of the mind.
Furthermore, since man knows his mind, which is a true
conclusion from the experiences of life, therefore he can take mind
and knowledge from a trusted person, and accept it as law, although
the events of his life have not yet revealed these conceptions to him.
It is like a person who asks the advice of a doctor and obeys him
even though he understands nothing with his own mind. Thus one
uses the mind of others as much as one uses ones own.
As weve clarified above, there are two ways for providence
to make sure that man comes to that good and resolute goal.
They are:
1) The path of agony.
2) The path of Torah.
All the clarity in the path of the Torah stems from that. For
these clear conceptions that were revealed and recognized after a
long chain of events in the lives of the prophets and other men of

God, there comes a man who fully utilizes them, and benefits
from them as though these concepts came from the events of his
own life. Thus you see that one is relieved of all the ordeals one
must experience before he can develop that clear mind by himself. Thus one saves both time and pain.
It can be compared to a sick man who will not obey the
doctors orders, before he understands by himself how that advice would cure him, and therefore begins to study medicine. He
could die of his illness before he learns the wisdom of medicine.
So is the path of agony, vs. the path of Torah. For he who
does not believe the concepts that the Torah and prophecy advise
him to adopt without self-understanding, must come to these
conceptions by himself. Meaning, only through ones following
the chain of cause and effect from the events of life, which are
very hastening experiences, capable of developing the sense of
recognition of evil in them, as weve seen, without ones choice,
but because one labors in acquiring a good environment that
leads to these good thoughts and acts.

The Freedom of the Individual

Now we have come to a thorough understanding of the
freedom of the individual. However, that relates only to the first
factor, being the bed, which is the first substance of every man,
meaning all the characteristics that we inherit from our forefathers, in which we all differ from one another.
For even when thousands of people share the same environment, in such a way that the other three factors act equally upon
them, you will still not find two people who will share the same
attribute. That is because each of them has his/her own unique bed.
It is like the bed of the wheat, that although it changes a great deal
by the power of the three remaining factors, it still retains the
preliminary shape of the wheat and will never take on another form.

The General Shape

of the Progenitor is Never Lost
So it is, that each bed that had taken off the preliminary
shape of the progenitor and had taken on a new shape as a result

of the three factors that were added to it, and as a result of that
has changed substantially, still retains the general shape of the
progenitor and will never adopt the shape of another person who
resembles him, just as the oat will never resemble the wheat.
Thus, each and every bed is a long chain in and of itself,
comprised of several hundred generations, and the bed includes
the conceptions of them all. But they are not revealed in him in
the same way they appeared in his ancestors, that is in the form of
ideas, but only as abstract forms. Therefore, they exist in him in
the form of abstract forces, called tendencies and instincts,
without him knowing their reason or why he does whatever he
does. Thus, there can never be two people with the same attribute.

The Necessity
of Preserving the Freedom of the Individual
Know, that this is the one true possession of the individual,
that mustnt be harmed or altered. For finally, these tendencies in
the bed will materialize and take the form of conceptions, when
that individual grows up and attains a mind of his own. And as a
result of the law of evolution that controls that chain and pushes it
ever forward. We learn further, that each and every tendency is
bound to turn into a sublime concept of immeasurable value.
It turns out that he who eradicates a tendency from an
individual and uproots it, causes the loss of that sublime and
wondrous concept from the world, destined to materialize at the
end of the chain, for that tendency will never again be in any
other body but that particular one.
Thus we understand that when a particular tendency takes
the form of a concept, it can no longer be distinguished as good
or bad. But such distinction can only exist when they are still
tendencies or immature concepts, and in no way is any of that
recognized when they take the shape of true concepts.
From the above we learn what a terrible wrong inflict those
nations that force their reign on minorities, depriving them of
freedom, of the ability to live their lives by the tendencies they
have inherited from their ancestors. They are regarded as no less
than murderers.

Even those who do not believe in religion and purposeful guidance can understand the must of preserving the freedom of the
individual, out of watching the systems of nature. For we can see that
every nation that ever fell, did not come to it but due to the oppression of minorities and individuals, which had therefore rebelled
against it and ruined it. It is therefore clear to all that peace cannot
exist in the world if we do not take into consideration the freedom of
the individual. Without it, peace can never be, and ruin shall prevail.
Thus we have clearly defined the essence of the individual
with utmost accuracy, after the deduction of all that he takes
from the general public. But we now face the question - where, at
last, is the individual himself? For all that weve said thus far, is
taken as the property of the individual, inherited from his ancestors. But where is the individual himself? Where is he who is the
heir, who demands that we guard his property?
But from all that has been said thus far, we still havent found
the point of self in man, which will place him before our eyes as an
independent unit. But finally, what do I need to do with the first
factor, which is a long chain, comprised of thousands of people, one
after the other, from generation to generation, that set the image of
the individual as an heir? And what do I need to do with the other
three factors, comprised of thousands of people, standing one against
the other in one generation? The bottom line is that each individual
is but a public machine, waiting to be used by the public, as it sees fit.
Meaning that he has become subject to two types of public:
1) From the perspective of the first factor, hes become
subject to a large public from past generations, standing
one after the other.
2) From the perspective of the other three factors, he has
become subject to his contemporary public.
And that is indeed a universal question. For that reason there
are many who oppose the above natural method, although they
recognize its validity. And they take in its place metaphysical
methods, or dualism, or transcendentalism, in order to create for
themselves a picture of some spiritual object, and how it sits within
the body or the soul. And it is that soul, which learns and which
operates the body, and that is the essence of man, his self.

And perhaps these interpretations could ease ones mind,

but the problem is that they have no scientific solution as to how
is it possible for a spiritual object, to have any kind of contact
with physical atoms, to bring them to any kind of motion. And
their wisdom did not help them find a bridge on which to cross
that wide and deep crevice that spreads between the spiritual
entity and the corporeal atom. Thus, science has gained nothing
from all these metaphysical methods.

The Will to Receive

Existence from Absence
We need only the wisdom of Kabbalah in order to move a step
forward here, in a scientific manner. For all the wisdom of the
worlds is included in the wisdom of Kabbalah. We learn, in the
matter of the spiritual lights and vessels, that the main novelty
from the point of view of creation, that He has created existence
from absence, applies to one aspect only, defined as the will to
receive. All other matters in the whole of creation, are definitely
not novelty, that they are not existence from absence, but existence
from existence. Meaning, that they are directly extracted from His
essence, as the light extends from the sun. There too, there is no
novelty, since the substance of the sun extends outwardly.
But the will to receive, however, is complete novelty. Meaning, that prior to creation, such a thing did not exist in reality,
because He has no aspect of will to receive, since He precedes
everything, so from whom would He receive? Therefore, that will
to receive, that He extracted as existence from absence is complete novelty. But all the rest hasnt any novelty to it, which can
be called creation. Thus, all the vessels and the bodies, both
from spiritual worlds and from physical ones, are deemed material or spiritual substance, of a nature to want to receive.

Two Forces in the Will to Receive:

the Rejecting Force and the Attracting Force
And you need to see further, that in that force, named the
will to receive, we distinguish two forces:
1) The attracting force.

2) The rejecting force.

The reason is, that each body, or vessel, defined by the will
to receive, is indeed limited, meaning the quality that hell receive and the quantity. Therefore, all the quantity and quality
that are out of bounds for him, appear to be going against his
nature, and therefore he rejects them. Thus, that will to receive, although it is deemed an attracting force, it is compelled to
become a rejecting force as well.

One Law for all the Worlds

Although the wisdom of Kabbalah mentions nothing of our
corporeal world, there is still only one law for all the worlds.
Therefore all the corporeal entities of our world, meaning everything within that space, be it still, vegetative, animate, a spiritual or
a corporeal object, if we want to distinguish the unique, self aspect
of each of them, how they differentiate to one another, even in the
smallest of particles, it amounts to no more than a will to receive, which is all its particular form, from the point of view of the
renewed creation, limiting it in both quantity and quality, that
induce the presence of the attracting force and the rejecting force.
But anything other than those two forces within it is deemed
the bounty from His essence. And that bounty is equal for all
creatures as there is no novelty ascribed to it by creation, being
extended existence from existence. And it cannot be ascribed to
any particular unit, but only to things that are common to all
parts of creation, small or large. That each of them receives from
that bounty according to his will to receive, and under that
limitation each individual and unit is defined.
Thus I have evidently and scientifically proven the self
(ego) of every individual in a scientific, completely criticism
proof from all sides, even with regard to the system of the fanatic
automatic materialists. From now on we do not need those crippled methods, dipped in metaphysics.
And of course it makes no difference, whether this force,
being the will to receive, is a result and a fruit of the structure that
had materialized through chemistry, or that the structure is a
result and a fruit of that force. For we know that the main thing is

that only this force, imprinted in every being and atom of the
will to receive within its boundaries, is deemed the unit, where
it is separated from its environment. And that holds true both for
a single atom or for a group of atoms, called a body.
And all other aspects, where there is some surplus of that
force, are not related in any way to that particle or that group of
particles, either from the aspect of its selfness, or just in general,
which is the bounty, extended to them from God, where it is a
common matter for all parts of creation, without distinguishing
specific created bodies.
Now we shall understand the matter of the freedom of the
individual according to the definition of the first factor, which
we called the bed, where all previous generations, which are
the ancestors of that individual, have imprinted their nature. And
as weve clarified, that the meaning of the word individual is but
the boundaries of the will to receive, imprinted in its group of
Thus you see that all the tendencies he has inherited from his
ancestors are indeed no more than boundaries of his will to
receive, either from the side of the attracting force in him, or
from the side of the rejecting force in him, that appear before us
as tendencies for stinginess or generosity, a tendency to mingle or
to stay secluded and so on.
Because of that, they really are his self (ego), fighting for its
existence. Thus, if we eradicate even a single tendency from that
particular individual, we are considered to be cutting off an
actual organ from his bones. And it is also regarded as a genuine
loss for all creation, because there is no other like it, nor will
there ever be like it in the entire world.
After we have thoroughly clarified the just right of the individual according to natural law, let us turn and see just how practical
it is, without compromising the theory of ethics and statesmanship.
And most important: how is this right applied by our holy Torah.

Take After the Collective

Our scriptures say: Take after the collective. That means
that wherever there is a dispute between the collective and the

individual, we are obliged to rule according to the will of the

collective. Thus you see that the collective has a right to expropriate the freedom of the individual.
But we are faced with a different question here, even graver
than the first, for this law seemingly regresses humanity instead
of promoting it. Because while most of mankind is as yet undeveloped, and the developed are always a small minority, it turns
out that if you follow the will of the collective, which are the
undeveloped and the ones of hasty heart, the opinions and
desires of the wise and the developed, which are always the
minority, are never taken into account. Thus you seal off humanitys fate to regression, for it will not be able to make even a
single step forward.
Although, as it says in the Essay of Peace about the obligation to caution in the laws of nature, that since we are
ordered by providence to live a social life, we have become
obligated to observe all the rules that deal with sustaining the
society. And if we underestimate their importance, even to a
small extent, nature will take its revenge in us, regardless of
whether or not we understand the reason in the law.
And we can see that there is no other arrangement to live by
within our society, but that of Take after the collective, which
sets every dispute and tribulation in society in order. Thus, this
law is the only instrument which gives society a right to exist.
Therefore it is considered one of the natural precepts of providence, and we must accept it and guard it meticulously, regardless of our understanding.
It is like all other precepts (Mitzvot) in the Torah, that are
all the laws of nature and His providence, which come to us from
above downward. And I have already described how all the
stubbornness that we detect in the conduct of nature in this
world, is only because they are extended and taken from laws
and conducts of upper, spiritual worlds.
Hence, you can also understand that the Mitzvot in the
Torah are no more than laws and conducts, set in upper worlds,
which are the roots for all of the conducts of nature in this world,
as two drops in a pond. Thus we have proven that the law of
Take after the collective is the law of providence and nature.

A Path of Torah and a Path of Pain

Yet the question about the regression that had come up as a
result of that law is as yet not settled. And that is indeed our
concern to find ways to mend that. But providence, in and of
itself, does not lack because of that, for it has already thoroughly
enveloped humankind in two ways: the Path of Torah, and the
Path of Pain. In such a way, that it is a, guarantee of humanitys continuous development and progress toward the end,
without any reservations. Indeed, obeying this law is a natural,
necessary commitment.

The Right of the Collective

to Expropriate the Freedom of the Individual
And we must ask further: for things are justified when matters revolve around issues that are between two people. That then
we can accept the law of Taking after the collective, through
the obligation of providence, which instructs us to look after the
wellbeing and happiness of my friends. But the law of Taking
after the collective is held valid by the Torah in matters that
regard disputes between man and God, although these matters
seem to be irrelevant to the existence of society.
Therefore, the question still stands: how can we justify that
law, which obligates us to accept the opinion of the majority,
which is, as weve said, undeveloped, and to reject and annul the
opinion of the developed, which are always a small minority?
But as weve shown, the Mitzvot and the Torah, were not
given but in order to purify Israel, meaning to develop in us the
sense of recognition of evil, imprinted in us at birth, which is
generally defined as our self-love. And to come to the pure good,
defined as the Love of the Fellow Man, which is the one
passage to the love of God.
And the precepts between man and God fall into that criteria, which are tools of virtue that detach man from self-love,
which is harmful for society. It is thus obvious that the topics of
dispute regarding the precepts between man and God, relate to
the problem of societys right to exist. Thus, they too fall into the
framework of Take after the collective.

Now we can understand the conduct of discriminating between Halacha (Jewish law) and Aggada (A type of Jewish literature). Because only in Halacha is there the law of individual and
collective, Halacha as a collective. And it is not so in Aggada,
because matters of Aggada stand above matters that concern the
existence of society. For they speak exactly of the matter of the
conduct of people in matters concerning man and God, in that
same part where the existence and physical happiness of society
has no consequence.
Thus, there is no justification for the collective to annul the
opinion of the individual and every man did that which was
right in his own eyes. Whereas regarding the Halachot (Jewish
ritual - laws dealing with a specific subject) that deal with observing the precepts of the Torah, they all fall under the supervision of society, since there cannot be any order, but through
the law of Taking after the collective.

Society should follow the Law of

Take after the Collective
Now we have come to a clear understanding of the sentence
of the freedom of the individual. For indeed there is a question of
where did the collective take the right to expropriate the freedom
of the individual and deny him of the most precious thing in life
freedom. Seemingly, there is no more than brute force here.
But as weve clearly explained above, it is a natural law and
the decree of providence, that because providence compels us all
to conduct social life, it is obvious that each and every person is
obligated to secure the existence and well-being of society. And
that cannot exist but through imposing the conduct of Taking
after the Collective, and ignoring the opinion of the individual.
Thus you see that this is the origin of every right and justification that the collective has to expropriate the freedom of the
individual, against his will, and to place him under its authority.
Therefore it is understood that with regard to all those matters
that do not concern the existence of the material life of the
society, there is no justification for the collective to rob and
abuse the freedom of the individual in any way. And if they do,

they are deemed robbers and thieves who prefer brute force to
any right and justice in the world, because here the obligation of
the individual to obey the will of the collective does not apply.

In Spirituality Take after the Individual

It turns out that as far as spiritual life is concerned, there is
no natural obligation on the individual to abide by the society in
any way. On the contrary, here applies a natural law over the
collective, to subdue itself to the authority of the individual. And
it is clarified in the Article of Peace, that there are two ways in
which providence has enveloped and surrounded us, in order to
bring us to the end. And they are:
1) A Path of Pain, which imposes that development upon
us, regardless of our opinion.
2) A Path of Torah, which develops us consciously, without
any agonizing or coercion.
And since the higher developed in the generation is definitely the individual, it turns out that when common people want
to relieve themselves of the terrible agony, and take upon themselves conscious development, which is the Path of Torah, they
have no choice but to subdue themselves and their physical
freedom to the discipline of the individual, and obey the orders
and remedies that he will offer them.
Thus you see that in spiritual matters the authority of the
collective is overturned, and the law of Taking after the (developed) Individual is applied. For it is plain to see, that the
developed and the educated in every society, are always a small
minority. It therefore turns out that the success and spiritual
well-being of society is bottled and sealed in the hands of few.
Therefore the collective is obliged to watch meticulously the
opinion of the few, that they will not perish from the world. For
they must know for sure, with absolute certainty, that the more
developed and true opinions, are never in the hands of the
collective in authority, but rather in the hands of the weakest,
that is to say, in the hands of an indistinguishable minority. For
every wisdom and everything that is precious, comes into the
world in small quantities. Therefore we are cautioned to preserve

the opinions of each individual, because of the collectives inability to tell wrong from right amongst them.

Criticism Brings Success,

the Lack of it Causes Degeneration
We must further add, that reality offers to our eyes extreme
contradiction between the physical matters, in the concepts and
ideas regarding the above subject. For the matter of social unity,
which can be a source of every joy and success, is practiced only
between bodies, and bodily matters in people, and the separation
between them is the source of every calamity and misfortune.
But with matters of concepts and ideas, it is the complete
opposite. That is to say, that because unity and lack of criticism is
deemed the source of all failure and the greatest obstacle to every
progress and didactic fertilization. For drawing the right conclusions depends mainly on the multiplicity of disagreements and
separation, between opinions. The more contradictions there are
between opinions and the more criticism there is, the more the
knowledge and wisdom increase and matters become more suitable for examination.
The degeneration and failure of intelligence stem only from
the lack of criticism and disagreement. For it is plain to see that
every basis for physical success is the measure of the unity of
society, and the basis for the success of intelligence and knowledge, is the separation and disagreement among them.
It therefore turns out, that when mankind succeeds in the
matter of success of the bodies, meaning by bringing them to the
degree of complete love for the fellow man, all the bodies in the
world will unite into a single body and a single heart. And only
then will all the happiness intended for humanity will be revealed
in all its glory. But against that, we must be careful not to bring
the opinions of people too close together, for that might terminate the disagreement and criticism from among the wise, for the
love of the body bring with it the love of the mind. And should
the criticism and disagreement vanish from the world, all progress in concepts and ideas will cease too, and the source of
knowledge in the world will dry out.

That is the proof of the obligation to caution with the freedom of the individual regarding concepts and ideas. For the
whole development of the wisdom is based on that freedom of
the individual. Thus, we are cautioned to preserve it very carefully, in a way that each and every form within us, which we call
the individual, that is the particular force of a single person,
generally named the will to receive.

Ancestral Heritage
All the details that this will to receive includes, which we
have defined as the bed, or the First Factor, whose meaning
includes all the tendencies and customs, inherited from his ancestors, that we picture as a long chain, consisting of thousands
of people who once were alive, and they stand one on top of the
other, that each of them is an essential drop of his ancestors. And
that drop, that each of us receives, brings with it the spiritual
possessions of his ancestors, into his medulla oblongata (the
elongated brain), also called subconscious. Thus the individual
before us takes, in his subconscious, all the thousands of spiritual
inheritances from all the individuals represented in that chain,
which are his ancestors.
Thus, just as the faces of each and every person differ, so do
their opinions. There are no two people on earth whose opinions
are identical, because each and every person has a great and
sublime possession, which he inherits from his ancestors, which
others do not even have a shred of.
Therefore, all those possessions are deemed the individuals
property, and society is cautioned to preserve its flavor and spirit,
and prevent the environment from blurring it, and preserve the
integrity of the inheritance of each individual. Then, the contradiction and difference between them will remain forever, so as to
secure the criticism and progress of the wisdom for all eternity,
which is humanitys advantage and its true eternal desires.
And after we have come to a certain amount of recognition
in mans selfness, which we have determined as a force and a
will to receive, being the essential point of the bare being, we
have also made very clear, with all its boundaries, the measure383

ment of the original possession of each body, which we have

defined as ancestral heritage. And the meaning of it is that all
the power of the tendencies and the attributes that have come
into his bed through inheritance, which is the first substance of
every man, that is the preliminary drop of semen of his forefathers. Now we shall clarify the two aspects of the will to receive.

Two Aspects: A) Potential Force B) Actual Force

To begin with, we must understand that this selfness, we have
defined as the will to receive, although it is the very essence of
man, it cannot exist in reality even for a second.
For that is what we call a Potential Force, meaning before it
has become actual, it only exists in our thought, meaning that
only the thought can define it.
But in fact, there cannot be any real force in the world that is
dormant and inactive. The force only exists in the world when it
is revealed in action. By the same token, you cannot say about an
infant that it has great strength, when it cannot lift even the
lightest weight, but you can say that you see in that infant that
when it grows up, it will have great strength.
However, we do say that that strength we find in man when
he is grown up was present in his organs and his body even when
he was an infant, but the strength had been concealed, and was
not apparent.
It is true that in our minds we could determine (the future
strength) so, because the mind asserts so. However, in the infants actual body, there certainly isnt any strength, since no
strength is revealed in its actions.
And so it is with appetite - it will not appear in the reality of a
mans body, when the organs cannot eat, meaning when he is
satiated. But, even when one is satiated, there is the force of appetite, although it is concealed within the body. After some time,
when the food had been digested, it reappears and turns from a
potential force to an actual force.
However, such a sentence, of determining a potential force,
that has not yet been revealed, belongs to the process of educated
thought. But it does not exist in reality, because when satiated,

we feel certain that the force of appetite is gone and if you search
for it, you will find it nowhere.
It turns out that we cannot display a potential force as a
subject that exists on its own, but only as a predicate. That is to
say, when an action takes place in reality, at that time the force is
revealed within the action.
And although by way of deduction, we necessarily find here
two things a subject and a predicate, that is a potential force
and an actual force, that the appetite is the subject and imagined
picture of the dish which is the predicate and the action. In
reality, however, they come as one. And it will never occur that a
person will feel an appetite without picturing the dish he wants to
eat, in a way that these are two halves of the same thing. The
force of the appetite must be dressed in that picture. We call that
action desire, meaning the force of appetite revealed in the
action of the imagination.
And so it is with our topic the general will to receive, which
is the very essence of man. It reveals and exists only through
dressing in the shapes of objects that are likely to be received.
For then it exists as the subject, and in no other way. We call that
action Life, meaning the Livelihood of Man, which means that
the force of the Will to Receive dresses and acts within the desired
objects. And that measurement of revelation is the measurement
of its life, as weve explained in the act we call Desire.

Two Creations: A) Man B) A Living Soul

From the above we can clearly understand the verse: And
the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a
living (Chayah) soul (Nefesh) (Genesis 2, 7). For here we find
two creations:
1) Man by himself,
2) The living soul by itself.
And the verse says that when man was first created, as dust of
the ground, that is a collection of particles in which resides the
essence of man, meaning his will to receive. That will to
receive is present, as weve clarified, in every particle of reality,

of which emanated the four types: still, vegetative, animate and

speaking. In that aspect man has no edge over any other part of
creation, as the verse says: dust of the ground.
But we have seen that this force, called the Will to Receive,
cannot exist without dressing and acting in a desired object, an
action called Life. And according to that we find that before man
has arrived at the human forms of reception of pleasure, which
differ from those of other animals, he is deemed a lifeless, dead
person. That is because his will to receive has no place in which to
dress and expose his actions, which are the manifestation of life.
And it says: and breathed into his nostrils the breath of
life, which is the general form of reception that is suitable for
man. The words breath of in Hebrew take the meaning of
value, and the origin of the word breath is understood from
the verse: The spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the
Almighty has given me life (Job 33, 4). The word soul (Neshama) has the same syntax structure as the words missing (Nifkad), accused (Neesham) and so on.
And the meaning of the words - and breathed into his
nostrils is that he inserted into himself a soul (Neshama) and
an appreciation of life, which is the sum total of the forms that
are worthy of reception into his Will to Receive. Then, that
force, the will to receive, which was wrapped in his particles
has found a place to dress in a shape and act, meaning in those
forms of reception that he attained from the Lord, and that
action is called Life, as weve said.
And the verse ends: and man became a living soul. That is to
say that since the will to receive has begun to act by the measures of
those forms of reception, life had instantly been revealed in it and it
became a living soul. However, prior to the attainment of those
forms of reception, although the force of the Will to Receive had
been imprinted in him, it is still regarded a lifeless body, because
there is no place for the action to come to be.
And as weve seen above, although the essence of man is
only the Will to Receive, it is still taken as half of a whole,
because it must be dressed in a reality that comes its way. For
that reason, the will to receive and the image of its possession are

actually one and the same, for otherwise it would not have the
right to exist even for a moment.
Therefore, when the machine of the body is at its peak, that
is until his middle-age, his ego stands upright in all the height
thats been imprinted in him at birth. Because of that he feels in
himself a large amount of the will to receive, meaning he wants
to attain wealth and honor and anything that comes by his way.
That is because of the perfection of mans ego, which attracts
shapes of structures and concepts that it dresses in and sustains
itself through them.
But, when half his life is through, begin the days of the
descent, which by definition are his dying days. That is because
a person does not die in an instant, just as he was brought to life in
an instant. Rather his candle, being his ego, withers and dies bit
by bit, and along with it die the images and the possessions that he
wants to receive.
For now he begins to let go of many of the possessions he
had dreamed of in his youth, and he lets go of his greatest
possessions, according to his progressing years, until in his old
days, when the shadow of death sheds over him, a person finds
himself in times of no appeal. That is because his will to receive,
which is his ego withers and dies and all that is left is a minute
spark, hidden from the eye, meaning that is not dressed in any
asset. Therefore there is no appeal and hope in those days for any
kind of reception.
Thus we have proven that the will to receive, along with the
image of the object that is expected to be received, are really
one and the same. And their revelation is equal, their stature is
equal and so is the length of their days. However, there is a
significant distinction here, in the form of yielding at the time
of the decline of life. For that yielding is not a result of satiation, but of despair. That is to say that when the ego begins to
die, during the time of decline, he feels his own weakness and
approaching death. Therefore he lets go and gives up on the
dreams and hopes of his youth.
Observe carefully the yielding due to satiation, which causes
no grief and cannot be called partial death, but as an operator
who is done operating. Indeed the relinquishment caused by

despair is full of pain and sorrow, and therefore can be called

partial death.

Freedom from the Angel of Death

And now, after all that we have learned, we find a way to
understand the words of our sages in their true meaning when they
said: Carved (harut) on the stones Do not pronounce it carved (harut), but rather freedom (herut), for theyve been freed
from the angel of death. For it has been said in the articles: The
Revelation of Godliness (Matan Torah) and The Bond
(Haarvut) that prior to the reception of the Torah, they have
taken it upon themselves to terminate any private property to the
extent that is expressed in the words a Kingdom of Priests
(Mamlechet Cohanim), and they have taken upon themselves
the purpose of creation, to cleave to Him in equal form, that as
He bestows and does not receive, so will they bestow and not
receive, which is the last degree of adhesion, expressed in the
words Holy Nation, as it says in the end of The Bond.
And I have already brought you to realize that the essence of
man, meaning his selfness, defined in the will to receive, is only
half, and cannot exist but through its dressing in some image of
an asset or a hope for an asset. For only then our matter is
complete, and can be called the Essence of Man.
It turns out, that the Sons of Israel, when they attained
complete adhesion on that holy occasion, their vessels of reception had been completely emptied of all worldly assets, and were
cleaved to Him with equal form. That means that they did not
have any desire for possessing anything for themselves, but only
to the extent that they could bestow contentment, that their
maker would delight in them.
And since their will to receive had dressed in an image of
that object, it has dressed and bonded with it to a complete
oneness. Therefore certainly they have become free from the
angel of death, for death is necessarily an aspect of absence and
negation of the existence of a certain object. But only while there
is a spark that wants to exist for its own pleasure, can it be said
that that spark does not exist but is absent and dead.

Whereas if there is no such spark in man, but all the sparks of

his essence are dressed in bestowal of contentment to their maker, then it is neither absent nor dead. For even when the body
nullifies, it only nullifies from the aspect of reception for self
gratification, in which the will to receive is dressed, and has no
right to exist but through it.
However, when he aims for the purpose of creation, and
God takes pleasure in him, that His will is done, mans essence
then dresses in His contentment and he attains total immortality,
as Him. It turns out that now he has attained freedom from the
angel of death. As the Midrash says: Freedom from the angel of
death. And in the Mishna: Carved (harut) on the stones Do
not pronounce it carved (harut), but rather freedom (herut),
for there is no free man, but he who studies the Torah.


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