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Your score: 4 out of 7 (57%)

Quiz Attempts:

Your Responses:

1. A design pattern ______

[1 pts.]

Gives examples of code that used the pattern.

Contains a description of all patterns.
Can be useful describing how a software problem was solved by a
Is a always reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem
without a given context in software design
Both a and c
All of a-d

2. The Dependency Inversion Principle ______

[1 pts.]

Helps make changing an object easier.

Requires that methods that are present in base classes must also
be present in the derived classes.
Helps ensure that objects are easy to extend without requiring
change to the original object.
Requires that object interfaces only include methods that will be
needed by most implementers.
Helps ensure that objects are highly reusable.

3. The Open-Close Principle _________

[1 pts.]

Helps ensure that objects are highly reusable.

Helps ensure that objects are easy to extend without requiring
change to the original object.
Requires that methods that are present in base classes must also
be present in the derived classes.
Requires that object interfaces only include methods that will be
needed by most implementers.
Helps make changing an object easier.

4. Liskovs Substitution Principle _________.

[1 pts.]

Helps ensure that objects are highly reusable.

Helps ensure that objects are easy to extend without requiring
change to the original object.
Requires that methods that are present in base classes must also
be present in the derived classes.
Requires that object interfaces only include methods that will be
needed by most implementers.
Helps make changing an object easier.

5. The Single Responsibility Principle _______

Helps ensure that objects are highly reusable.
Helps ensure that objects are easy to extend without requiring
change to the original object.
Requires that methods that are present in base classes must also
be present in the derived classes.
Requires that object interfaces only include methods that will be
needed by most implementers.
Helps make changing an object easier.

[1 pts.]

6. The Interface Segregation Principle _________

[1 pts.]

Helps ensure that objects are highly reusable.

Helps ensure that objects are easy to extend without requiring
change to the original object.
Requires that methods that are present in base classes must also
be present in the derived classes.
Helps ensure that objects are easy to extend without requiring
change to the original object.
Helps make changing an object easier.
Requires that object interfaces only include methods that will be
needed by most implementers.

basic categorizations of software design patterns are Creational,

7. Three
Structural, and ________

[1 pts.]

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