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Home Remedies

You have to be a doctor-detective to use herbal remedies. This page lists various home remedies that some people have said worked for them
eries. Type it into the input box and click on "Search" to find out what others have to say and then decide what is right for you. Start with small doses
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ed area with kefir whey at least once a day or soak cotton cloth in whey and leave on affected areas until cloth dries.
ical technique where you speak, then tap on meridians and do some odd appearing eye movements and humming and counting and humming and som
Not an herbal remedy but good to have on hand when trying out a new herbal remedy, just in case you have an allergic reaction to it.)
al irrigation), Vitamin C with bioflavonoids, acupuncture and ginseng tea
egar with tart cherry juice and drink, rub castor oil onto hands, spray WD-40 on hands. See arthritis
in apple cider vinegar and apply directly, tea tree oil applied directly, use hair dryer to dry feet

ine nasal irrigation), DE

quinoa, eggs (the traditional Chinese breastfeeding diet was 10-12 eggs a day), fennel, fenugreek
ompress or ointment, zinc, bone broth, nettle tea, lots of dark, leafy green vegetables, Vitamin C.
tree oil and eucalyptus oil with a carrier oil such as olive oil or grapeseed oil and apply to the bottoms of feet.
ur kombucha over burn and then cover with congleal mat (mother of kombucha matrix that forms the KT), vinegar, ice; if skin is broken, honey
eat lots of butter and animal fat, freshly ground flax seed (linseed), bentonite clay, psyllium, flaxseed oil and cottage cheese, kefir cheese, quark or pa
with minerals), clay cocktail, dandelion root, shark cartilage, turmeric, red clover, 1 teaspoon of baking soda (bicarbonate of soda, not baking powder
cot pits), hyperbaric oxygen, iodine
canker sores but will sting very painfully when first applying
mint, rub a drop of Tiger Balm under the nose, put a bandaid (sticking plaster) on navel
SO, applied topically, wipe off when it starts to sting;
) or sensitive teeth ------ don't brush so much, or with a hard toothbrush, or use toothpaste on teeth (wears down enamel). Use toothbrush and paste to
pick to clean teeth, take minerals, especially phosphorus, eat fat-soluble activators, especially lard, bone broth, fermented foods
E oil from capsule onto blisters
eficiency ------ take magnesium supplements
y ground flaxseed, cod liver oil, garlic, coQ10, vitamin C, nattokinase, MSM, Vitamin E

er, garlic, clay paste on neck, elderberry syrup, ear candling, jala neti, neti with oregano oil if you can stand it, dried mustard mixed with vinegar (soun
eine but must be taken with 3x the amount of Vitamin C (750 - 4 1/2 grams), large doses of Vitamin C, zinc, drink plenty of liquids and get plenty of
(add extra water to diet) to empty intestines, clay water, fennel tea sweetened with honey.
od liver oil
ater, clay water, ground linseed, DE (diatomaceous earth), put a step stool in front of toilet so knees press against stomach, beef bone broth gelatin
calcium or both, 1/8-1/4 teaspoon azomite in water, stop taking lipitor
rab hold of skin over painful area and pull away from body as hard as possible in several directions
ian tubes) ------ put a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide in the affected ear(s): lie on one side and allow it to drip in for a few minutes and then turn

alp, mix lemon juice and clabbered milk curd and apply to scalp, witch hazel
and cornstarch (mixed)
s fats, preferably pasture-raised animal or virgin coconut oil, cod liver oil
dered charcoal

(coconut macaroons), probiotics
e water and take magnesium. See How I Cured Vertigo
ver oil, high vitamin butter oil.
of 3% hydrogen peroxide in the ear: lie on one side and allow it to drip in for a few minutes and then turn head over to let it drain out and repeat on o
Preventative: put distilled white vinegar in each ear after showering]
% hyrdrogen peroxide in ear for a minute and then drain out
n), neem oil (applied topically)
nne pepper, dandelion leaf
ative) ------ L-arginine (500-2000 mg. a day), maca, cayenne and raw garlic, nutmeg.
ombucha, Tiger's Milk (Puree 1/3 c. yogurt, 2 tbls blueberries and 1 tsp coconut oil. Add 2 free-range, raw egg yolks and blend.), beet kvass, avoid caf
osemary tea
ground eggshell in the juice of one lemon and let stand 6-12 hours or overnight and drink juice.
ed volcanic rock jewelry, magnesium, oil pulling, raw sauerkraut
--- magnesium
fir, A&D ointment
-- raw cream and raw butter (Paracelcus), lemon juice or apple cider vinegar and olive oil, bitters, yellow dock, dandelion, milk thistle, castor oil hot p
xbiles salts
spartame, take iodine, remove amalgam fillings

stop using shampoo, use water only, add a drop of vegetable glycerine to wet hair after washing.
nts, take vitamin C with bioflavonoids every few hours, rub cedarwood oil on scalp, eat raw foods (including meat and dairy), take a teaspoon of clay
everfew, peppermint extract dotted on temples
-enzyme Q10, vitamin E
RD) ------ mix 1 teaspoon of clay in a glass of warm water and sip, 2 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before meals, meadowsweet, liquorice and m
drop of peppermint oil in water, raw sauerkraut with every meal, digestive bitters, kefir, betaine HCl, bromelain and papain. See Indigestion
n, mistletoe, hibiscus, magnesium, 2 teaspoons cream of tartar in the juice of a lemon once a day. [Note: High blood pressure itself is good for you. It
akening heart. The high blood pressure is your body's way of compensating or reacting for/to it and being able to get blood to the outlying cells and ca

is good for you. When your body's cells are under stress, your liver manufactures extra cholesterol to help defend them. Take kombucha and improve

clay daily, kefir, acidophilus and probiotic capsules with meals

paya tablets, sauerkraut, slippery elm tea
o bite and then rub French green clay onto lard, repeat; place a kombucha tea mushroom on the bite and keep replacing until bite/itch has gone.
onin, epsom salts bath before bed, hot water bottle at feet.
of lemon juice and olive oil (half and half ).
lace cabbage leaves on
y loss ------ gingko, co-enzyme Q10, rosemary
od liver oil
50-1500mg n-acetyl-cysteine but must be taken with 3x the amount of Vitamin C (750 - 4 1/2 grams). It is often better to leave them alone.
lied topically, magnesium, feverfew, remove chemicals
day, may take several weeks
lfalfa to bath
on ------ Queen Anne's Lace seeds, controlling fertility
va ursi, plant tannins and oregano
more cholesterol-rich foods such as eggs, liver, butter and shrimp (prawns), stop eating Splenda
th, add mixed minerals to diet
cramps) ------ magnesium oil massage, bath with Epsom salts
mile (use with care if you are allergic to ragweed)
ktail, clay water, rub magnesium oil on affected body part.

te, vitamin B-6 and zinc.

oves, garlic, fennel seed, DE (diatomaceous earth), Humaworm (store-bought product)
Vitamin A&D capsule into eye, black tea (steep tea bag in cup of hot water, let cool, put drops in eye).
s hot as you can stand, over the itchy area (works for a couple hours), antibiotic ointment, Rhus tox for 2-3 days, strong chamomile tea applied to skin
tion ------ soak cut in warm salt water at least once a day, more often if needed
or magnesium citrate (to determine correct dose for magnesium (start with small amount and keep increasing until a laxative effect is reached, and then
od sugar.
ey (applied to rash)
old hands) ------ take/eat kelp, stop smoking and avoid caffeine, wear warm socks to bed, don't go outside without gloves/mittens on, *keep warm*, a

l pulling (swish coconut oil through mouth, don't swallow), DE (diatomaceous earth)
sium, clay water, cayenne tincture, B-complex vitamins, parsley tea, epsom salt bath, cayenne, put a bar of soap under the bottom sheet, rub a bar of d
Vitamin B-12, not taking statins.
Metronidazole (0.75%) all over the face, borax and hydrogen peroxide mixed half and half and applied to face, rub affected area with raw bone marrow
put on skin; St. John's Wort, taken as a supplement and rubbed on skin in an ointment, iodine, apple cider vinegar (internal and external), lysine and v
otton swab on a stick) into hydrogen peroxide, insert into each nostril and sniff it up into sinus cavities, bromelain, put a slice of garlic in nostril (one

oultice made of kombucha tea and baking soda, apply household ammonia, ice if applied immediately to slow spread of poison, mud if nothing else is
round flaxseed, cod liver oil, garlic, coQ10, vitamin C, nattokinase, MSM
nose, jala neti, goldenseal extract in neti pot
nd/or mild food poisoning (often the same thing) ------ activated charcoal (preferably) mixed with water, charcoal from an organic garden fire will also
apply kombucha tea or thin kombucha matrix (mother of kombucha); if skin is broken, apply honey
oil pack

se a softer bristle brush, chew on leaves of paracress plant ("toothache plant")

kefir or yogurt in the evening before going to sleep, don't eat or brush teeth afterwards, gentian violet
diatomaceaous earth, put mud pack of French green clay on affected jaw

on, nettle and/or fennel leaf tea, 1 teaspoon of baking soda every few hours, D-mannose, 1 tablespoon diatomaceous earth (DE) in a glass of water up
ass of water with some lemon juice, drink lots of water and urinate in full bath tub if necessary to alleviate pain, colloid silver.
and red raspberry tea
e (500-2000 mg. a day), maca.
e water and take magnesium. See How I Cured Vertigo
sules a day until wart drops off, paint with clear nail polish, apply castor oil, apply grapefruitseed oil
drops of tea tree oil mixed with sugar; raw, ground pumpkin seed, garlic and cayenne; diatomaceous earth (DE), cloves, black walnut and wormwood
emu oil, plantain oil
ucha tea, both drank and applied to affected areas; vaginal -- insert garlic clove, thyme tea and vinegar douche, cultured buttermilk or yogurt with live

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