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Mobile Telephone Reimbursement Policy

The general policy of the College is not to reimburse employees for mobile telephone expenses.
However, there may be exceptions to the general policy, as defined below.
1. Eligibility for Reimbursement: Employees with a direct reporting line to the president who are
expected to be available for contact during off hours to address a business crisis/pressing issue that
concerns finances, public relations, fundraising, or functioning of operations are eligible for subsidies.
Beyond this organizational level, senior staff may also determine that other employees within their
respective departments who have a frequent business need for mobile phone use i.e., immediate
notification regarding security and/or structural facilities concerns, system outage, etc., may also be
eligible for the subsidy. As a general rule, eligibility should not include non-exempt employees.
2. Individual Mobile Calls: Almost all mobile plans include prepaid minutes for a flat monthly fee, and it
therefore may be difficult to ascribe a specific amount to a particular call. If all calls fall within an
employees personal flat fee plan, then the College will not reimburse for individual calls. If the
employee can show that individual calls were for College business and resulted in specific additional
charges (such as long distance), then the College will reimburse for specific calls provided that they
are reasonable, properly documented, approved by the employees budget manager, and the areas
senior-most management.
3. Required Mobile Phone Accessibility: At its sole discretion, the College may determine that certain
employees are expected to be available to be contacted by mobile phone both during and outside of
regular working hours. In such cases, the College may reimburse either actual charges or provide an
allowance of up to $45 per month. The College may also reimburse either actual charges or an
allowance of up to $85 for a Smartphone plan for employees whose jobs require access to both phone
and email. Employees approved for a Smartphone plan will receive an allowance of up to $200 for
equipment once per two year Smartphone contract. Since it is neither reasonable nor customary to
expect mobile or Smartphone to be used solely for business purposes, employees may also use
mobile phones for their personal use for any legal purpose. In either case, the charges/plan must be
properly documented and approved by the employees budget manager and the Chief Financial
Officer or his/her designee
4. Internet Access and Fax Machines: The College will not reimburse employees for internet access, fax
machines, or other home office telephonic equipment or access.
5. No Direct Billing: Under no circumstances shall the College be established as the direct billing party for
mobile telephone, Smartphone, internet or other telephone expenses. Any mobile or other telephone
billing must be billed directly to the responsible employee.
6. Employee Responsibility: In all cases, the employee is entirely responsible for selecting the
employees mobile plan, mobile phone, and any related repairs, maintenance, loss, or subscriber
problems. The College is not responsible for any such issues.
This policy is effective for all mobile and smartphone bills received for service periods ending on or after
1 April 2010. Questions regarding this policy may be directed to Bob Depino, ph: (626) 396-2328.

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