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The Toad- came- home!

When-the-Toad-came-home There was panic in the parlours and howling in the halls,
There was crying in the cow-sheds and shrieking in the stalls,
When the Toad- came- home!
When the Toad- came- home!
There was smashing in of window and crashing in of door,
There was chivvying of weasels that fainted on the floor,
When the Toad-came home!
Bang! go the drums!
The trumpeters are tooting and the soldiers are saluting,
And the cannon they are shooting and the motor-cars are hooting,
As the- Hero- comes!
Shout- Hoo-ray!
And let each one of the crowd try and shout it very loud,
In honour of an animal of whom youre justly proud,
For its Toads- great- day!
This is Toad's final bow as he has finally resolved to change his conceited ways.
Badger, sometimes referred to as Mr. Badger, commands great respect as well as
fear among the animals. Rat is the first to mention him: Dear old Badger!
Nobody interferes withhim. Theyd better not. By the end of the novel, he is
especially feared by the Weasels, who quiet their infants by telling them that if
they didnt hush them and not fret them, the terrible gray Badger would up and
get them. Toad is able to humble himself and apologize for his reckless behavior
with automobiles when Badger has him alone in a room

Character Analysis : The Wind in the Willows by Nisha Lakhiani

Mr Badger - He is a kind but lonely figure who simply hates society and crowds. He
has a big black and white head and is strong. Mr Badger is seen as the wise one who
always advises and guides the other characters. He is friendly and hospitable as he
takes care of those who come to house. He is the quiet , steady friend who prefers
his own company but will also come and help if you need him. He is a good planner
as he plans the attack to get back the Toad Hall from the Wild Wooders.
Mr Toad - He is the richest character and the owner of Toad Hall. Although he is
good natured, he is impatient and likes adventure. He is always trying something new
and gets bored quickly. He never learns from his mistakes. He is crazy about cars
and wants to drive forever even though he does not want to take lessons. He is a
reckless driver and has been twice to the hospital and atleast three to four times has
been arrested for dangerous driving. His interest develops from housboats to

caravans to motorcars. He drives like a madman, is rude to the police and is caught
for stealing. He escapes from prison dressed as a washerwoman. His friends finally
reform him and win back Toad Hall from the Wild Wooders. The toad is good hearted
but thick headed. He is boastful,strong and fearless but once he changes his ways,
he becomes more humble , more sensible, more thrifty (spends less money) and
soon forgets about cars.
Ratty - He is hardworking, relaxed, kind and friendly. He loves the river and teaches
the Mole many things about he riverside. He teaches the Mole how to swim and row.
Ratty enjoys the simple pleasures of food and gossip. He has a brown little face with
whiskers, bright eyes, small ears and thick shiny hair. The Rat knows a lot about the
river and many stories of life on the river which shows how knowledgeable he is. He
even plans a picnic with the Mole and warns him about the Wild wood. The rat likes
to sing songs and knows how to row a boat.
The Mole - The Mole is a mild mannered , home loving animal. He is shy,
hardworking and enjoys sunshine and loves the river. He is keen to swim and wans
to learn hw to row a boat. The rat teaches it a few things of the river. The Mole is
happy and eager and readily learns how to swim and row a boat.
More About : The Wind in the Willows

Character List
Templeton is the rat that lives under Wilbur's trough. Before Wilbur meets
Charlotte, he passes his time talking to Templeton and although it is 'not the most
interesting occupation in the world it [is] better than nothing.'
Templeton describes himself as 'a glutton but not a merrymaker'. Crafty and
selfish, he collects and stores bizarre odds and ends and is happy to dig a tunnel
to Wilbur's trough and eat his food but never offers to give anything in return.
Asked to go to the dump to look for new words that Charlotte can write in her
web, Templeton responds "Let him die...I should worry." He is completely selfish
and cares not a bit for Wilbur's well-being - sadly for him, he has no idea about
friendship. He is persuaded to find words only with the promise of food - he is
reminded by the sheep that if Wilbur dies, there will be no slops for him to steal.
Similarly at the fair, he is persuaded to retrieve Charlotte's egg sac on the
promise that he will be given first choice of the slops forever after.
Nevertheless, Templeton plays a crucial role in the story by finding the words and
retrieving the egg sac. Although he does so reluctantly, he has a large impact on
what happens to Wilbur in the end.
The young and insensitive lamb refuses to play with Wilbur when he's lonely
saying "Certainly not...In the first place, I cannot get into your pen, as I am not
old enough to jump over the fence. In the second place, I am not interested in
pigs. Pigs mean less than nothing to me."

Completely sure of himself, the lamb thinks he knows better than Wilbur and
attempts to humiliate him by telling him how little he thinks of him. Little does he
realize how this betrays his immaturity because his comment doesn't really make
much sense - as Wilbur points out, nothing can be less than nothing otherwise
nothing would be something.
This stuttering goose likes giving instructions and is a bit of a trouble maker. The
goose encourages Wilbur to escape and then gives him directions to run when
Lurvy, Mr Zuckerman and the spaniel try to catch him.
She is an attentive mother however and is keen to protect her eggs from the
harsh weather. She is suspicious of Templeton and worried that he will try and
harm her young but she allows him to take her dud egg to keep among his
collection of junk.
Lurvy is the Zuckerman's hired man who works very hard and is completely
hands on. He feeds Wilbur and helps to catch him when he escapes. Lurvy is the
first person to see the words in Charlotte's web and when Wilbur becomes
famous, he obediently shifts his focus from the usual garden chores to looking
after Wilbur. Additionally, Lurvy is sensitive to Wilbur and tells Mr Zuckerman
when Wilbur doesn't eat his food. He then feeds Wilbur his medicine when Mr
Zuckerman instructs him to. As a point of character, Lurvy is also quite clumsy
and at the fair accidentally tips the water, meant to rouse Wilbur from his faint,
onto Mr Zuckerman and Avery.
Mr Homer Zuckerman
Mr Zuckerman is Avery and Fern's uncle and the owner of a large farm down the
road from the Arable's. Mr Zuckerman raises pigs and buys Wilbur for six dollars.
He knows how to handle his animals and when Wilbur runs off, he tempts him
with slops to catch him. When Mr Zuckerman sees the writing in the web, he is
shocked and immediately believes what he reads (that he has got 'some pig'
living on his barn), despite his wife's more sensible suggestion that it is actually
the spider that is extraordinary. Mr Zuckerman benefits hugely from Wilbur's
fame and does everything he can to capitalize on it. He is much more attentive to
Wilbur as a result and enters him into a competition at the County Fair. There he
wins $25 when Wilbur is awarded with a special prize, the best moment of his life.
Mr Arable
Fern's father. Mr Arable's decision to go out and slaughter the runt is what starts
the process in motion for the whole story. His disregard for the piglet is what
brings Fern to stand up for it and to fight for its life. He does let Fern keep the
piglet and is touched by her protestations but is firm when he decides to sell
Wilbur at five weeks old.
Moreover, he is a practical man who has lost any sentimental feelings for the
animals he keeps but he seems more in touch with his daughter than his wife is:
he is not so quick to dismiss Fern's claims that the animals talk. Mr. Arable is
ultimately happy to let his children go off by themselves at the fair and gives
them money to spend because "the fair only comes once a year."
Fern is completely loving and, at the beginning of the novel, totally innocent. She
is a moralist who saves Wilbur's life by arguing with her father that a small piglet
has just as much right to live a large piglet. She subsequently looks after him as

a mother would and when he is sent to live with her uncle, she still visits him.
She has a big heart and a motherly nature.
Fern is enchanted by life at the Zuckerman's barn and enjoys listening to
Charlotte's stories and spending time with the animals there.
As we progress through the novel, Fern grows up and starts to move away from
the barn and from the exciting world of imaginative possibilities. She becomes far
more interested in Henry Fussy than Wilbur and this is treated with obvious
distain by the narrator. Dr Dorian says 'I would say, offhand, that spiders and pigs
were fully as interesting as Henry Fussy. Yet I predict the day will come when
even Henry will drop some chance remark that catches Fern's attention.'
Avery is Fern's elder brother: he is ten years old and he is boisterous and
aggressive. When Fern is given the piglet, Avery - late out of bed - demands that
he is given one too. His mother describes him to Dr Dorian as a typical out of
doors boy - adventurous and carefree.
Avery is destructive and wants to dominate nature and has nothing like the
sensitivity his sister has for nature and animals. When he first sees Charlotte he
is so impressed by her size that he tries to knock her out of her web and into his
box but he slips and falls, breaking the dud egg. The smell is so bad that he is
forced to leave.
Even when they go to the fair, Avery wants to go to the stall where he can steer a
jet plane and make it bump into another one. He is also a bit of a performer and
while everyone is looking at him when he is drenched by Lurvy on the bandstand,
he clowns to capitalize on the attention he is getting from the audience. He does
work hard though and is "the busiest helper of all" when Mr Zuckerman is trying
to lift Wilbur's crate to get him to the bandstand.
Sensitive and vulnerable, Wilbur is born a runt and saved from an untimely death
by Fern who subsequently looks after him until he is five weeks old. He is
pampered and babied by her and is completely content when he is surrounded by
Fern's love: he is wheeled around in her pram and he joins her and Avery when
they go swimming and wallows in the nearby mud. When he is then taken from
her, he is very lonely until he finds love when he meets Charlotte.
In the barn, Wilbur meets Charlotte. When he first meets her, he worries about
the bloodthirsty way in which she catches and eats her prey but he soon realizes
that she has no choice but to catch insects for her own survival and that she is
really very caring and kind. Wilbur is keen to learn from Charlottes knowledge
and wisdom and the first time they speak to each other Charlotte teaches him a
new word. Salutations! she says and, when Wilbur asks what that means, she
goes on to tell him: Salutations are greetings.
When Wilbur tries to learn how to spin a web he is persistent and tries hard to get
the technique right but soon realizes that he is not equipped to build such a thing.
Wilbur spends the bulk of the novel worried about his livelihood. For that reason,
he is often insecure and relies on Charlotte a lot: at the fair he hopes Charlotte
will be able to help him one last time by weaving her web. He is very polite and
considerate and apologizes to the other animals for waking them when he is
calling out in search of his new friend.
Wilbur experiences a whole range of emotions on his journey through the novel
and his life is saved twice by two devoted friends. He is forever grateful to

Charlottes kindness in particular and does the only thing he can think of to repay
her he looks after her egg sac.
Like his partner, the gander stutters. At the beginning of his childrens' life, he is
very protective and worries about Templeton being near them. He is brave and
strong and threatens violence if Templeton goes near the goslings.
Charlotte is cool and collected. She is practical, beautiful, skilled and
unsentimental. She can't bear Wilbur crying, saying that she can't stand
'hysterics'. She is clever and loyal to her friends - she is the first to comfort
Wilbur by assuring him she will save him when he finds out that he is to be killed
at Christmastime.
She is the artist of the novel and through her creativity manages to manipulate
the events that take place. Her love for Wilbur pushes her to save his life and she
manages to produce a miracle she singlehandedly manages to make the
humans see in Wilbur what she sees: a terrific and radiant humble pig.
Throughout the tale she mothers Wilbur and looks after him as if he were her
own. She works tirelessly to save him and even though she is dying at the end of
the novel, she motivates herself to write the word that will secure his safety.
Mrs Arable
Mrs Arable is portrayed as rather neurotic. She can't understand how her
daughter thinks that animals talk and is so concerned that she speaks to Dr
Dorian about it.
She is bound by convention and tries to persuade Fern to spend time with boys
and girls of her own age, rather than spending all her time with the animals at
the farm. Both her husband and Dr Dorian feel that she is overreacting.
Mrs Edith Zuckerman
Until they journey to the fair, Mrs Zuckerman is mostly depicted as being in the
kitchen. She is in the kitchen when she notices Wilbur escape and when Fern and
Avery come over to play and she offers them blueberry pie. She is also unusual in
thinking that the writing in the web points to a special spider and not a special
pig. However, she is quietened by her husband who dismisses her comment
outright. Overall, her domestic life encapsulates what life was like for women in
the 50s.
The Minister
The minister is the first person Mr Zuckerman tells about the writing in the web
and the minister immediately assumes that Wilbur must be unusual. Despite the
fact that, as a religious man, he should be good at interpreting miracles, it is
significant that he interprets the message in the web incorrectly. He doesn't even
consider that it is the spider that is unusual.
Joy, Aranea and Nellie
These three are Charlotte's children who stay with Wilbur in the barn after their
siblings leave to find homes elsewhere. Although Wilbur loves them dearly and
they become great friends, no one can replace Charlotte in his heart.
Henry Fussy
We only ever hear about Henry through other people. Fern's friend to start with,
the novel suggests that he may be her first boyfriend by the end of the novel -- a
conventional and boring boy who perhaps represents what Fern has in store for
her. Specifically, this would be a typical married life, shut off from the joys of
imaginative creativity, just like Mrs Zuckerman's life, characterized by the

moment when she suggests that it is Charlotte who is the miracle animal and not
Dr Dorian
Although Dr Dorian appears in only one chapter in the book, he plays a significant
role. He is a doctor and therefore carries serious scientific clout and so when he
says that Fern may well be right about the animals speaking and that doctors
have things they don't understand, he lends credibility to the whole story. Dr
Dorian is clearly a sensible man that the Arables trust and when he suggests that
there are things in the world that no one could explain, he opens up imaginative
possibilities for each reader. Dr Dorian also points out that it is a miracle that
spiders know how to build webs in the first place and points out how wondrous
nature really is.
Uncle is the large spring pig that lives next to Wilbur at the Fair. He is described
by Charlotte as 'too familiar, too noisy' and she tells Wilbur that 'he cracks weak
Uncle receives the medal that he deserves because and should win the prize on
account of his size; and yet according to Charlotte there is nothing interesting
about him. Thus it is no surprise that Wilbur is eventually recognized above him
when he is awarded the special prize on the bandstand
Lion king
Tricked into thinking he killed his father, a guilt ridden lion cub flees into exile and
abandons his identity as the future King.

Poor little Simba

Tricked into thinking that he killed his father
Cit cit (shaking heads)
Whose fault is it 2X
Its scar. Scar, his uncle
His uncle? How can that be?
Arent they suppose to be family?

We like Wilbur, learn many new words for Charlotte

Such as salutations!
Salutations are greeting.

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